Variant of NAICS 2017 Version 3.0 - Durable / non-durable manufacturing industries

115110 - Support activities for crop productionCAN

All examples - 115110 - Support activities for crop productionCAN

  • aerial crop dusting service using specialized aircraft
  • agricultural product sterilization service
  • artificial nucleation (cloud seeding)
  • bracing and pruning of orchard trees and vines
  • brush killing service, chemical
  • chemical dusting and spraying service, crops and plants
  • chemical treatment of seed and soil for crops
  • chopping and silo filling
  • citrus grove, orchard and vineyard management and maintenance, with or without crop services
  • cleaning service, grain
  • combining service, agricultural crop
  • compressing cotton and other plants, contract
  • corn detasseling service
  • corn shelling service
  • cotton ginning
  • crop dusting and spraying service, with or without fertilizing
  • crop gathering service
  • crop harvesting service
  • crop planting or seeding services
  • crop, orchard and vineyard cultivation services
  • custom farming (planting and cultivating), contract services
  • disease control for crops
  • drying of corn, rice, hay, fruits and vegetables
  • entomological service, agricultural
  • farm labour contractors
  • farm labour pool (supplies help to farmers)
  • farm management service (crop production)
  • farm produce (e.g., fruit, vegetable) packing service
  • farm product (crop) sorting, grading or packing service (for the grower)
  • fertilizer application service
  • flax decorticating and retting service
  • fruit and vegetable drying service
  • fruit and vegetable vacuum cooling service
  • fruit or vegetable precooling
  • fruit picking service, hand (e.g., apple, strawberry, blueberry, cherry)
  • grain drying service
  • grain fumigation service
  • hay mowing, raking, baling and chopping
  • hulling and shelling of almonds, filberts, nuts, peanuts, pecans and walnuts
  • insecticide and weed spraying service, crops and plants
  • inspection and grading of agricultural products (crop)
  • irradiation of fruits and vegetables
  • lime spreading service, agricultural
  • machine harvesting of crops, including grains, fruits and vegetables
  • moss ginning service
  • orchard cultivation services (e.g., bracing, planting, pruning, removal, spraying, surgery)
  • orchard fruit picking, hand
  • orchard spraying and dusting service
  • packaging service, fresh or farm, dried fruits and vegetables
  • pollinating service
  • potato curing service
  • seed bed preparation service
  • seed cleaning service, agricultural
  • seed drilling service, agricultural
  • seed processing for propagation
  • seed treating service, chemical
  • soil preparation services (e.g., hoeing, ploughing, rototilling, weeding), agricultural
  • sorting farm products (for the grower)
  • support activities for crop production
  • surgery on orchard trees and vines
  • thinning of crops, mechanical and chemical
  • threshing service, agricultural crop and plant
  • tobacco grading service
  • tobacco picking service
  • tree planting (except forestry services)
  • weed control service, chemical, agriculture
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