Variant of NAICS 2017 Version 3.0 - Industrial production (based on the 2008 International Recommendations for Industrial Statistics)

911910 - Other federal government public administrationCAN

All examples - 911910 - Other federal government public administrationCAN

  • Aboriginal affairs program, federal government
  • administration of space programs and of space program research and development funds
  • agricultural extension services, federal government
  • air transport program, federal government
  • aircraft inspection, government
  • amateur sports program, federal government
  • atomic energy commission (except inspection and defence)
  • atomic energy inspection and regulation offices
  • auditor general's office, federal government
  • audits, federal administration
  • cancer detection program administration, federal
  • cash funds management, federal administration
  • categorical health program administration, federal
  • cinema film grants, federal administration
  • civil aviation, regulation, federal administration
  • civil rights commissions, federal government
  • civil service commissions, federal government
  • coast guard
  • commissioner of official languages, federal government
  • communications facility licensing, federal
  • communications policy planning, federal government
  • conservation and stabilization agencies, federal government
  • conservation authority, federal government
  • consolidated revenue funds management, federal
  • consumer and corporate affairs, federal government
  • consumer protection offices, federal-government
  • councils of economic advisers
  • criminal justice statistics centres, federal government
  • cultural and arts development support program administration, federal government
  • customs bureaus
  • customs tariff, federal government
  • damage or accident claims (non-commercial), federal
  • duty/tax collection on goods, federal government
  • economic and fiscal policy, federal government
  • economic development agencies, federal government
  • economic research programs to improve performance and competitiveness, federal government
  • education programs for Aboriginal people, federal government
  • education statistics centres (federal government)
  • electoral offices, federal government
  • employment insurance service
  • energy programs, federal administration
  • enterprise development assistance programs, federal administration
  • environment programs, federal government
  • environmental hazards researching, federal
  • environmental pollution control programs, federal
  • executive advisory commissions
  • export development programs, federal government
  • family allowance program, federal administration
  • federal aviation administration (including control)
  • federal communications commission
  • federal-provincial relations, federal government
  • financial affairs, federal government
  • fiscal policies and measures, planning, development, federal administration
  • foreign cultural activities, sponsoring, federal administration
  • geological survey service, federal
  • government administration services
  • governor general's office
  • grants and incentives programs, industrial
  • health and medical care programs, federal government
  • health promotion programs, federal administration
  • health protection program, federal administration
  • health standard services, federal
  • house of commons
  • housing programs, federal government
  • human rights commission, federal government
  • immigration and border police
  • income security programs, federal administration
  • income tax collection, federal administration
  • industrial development programs, federal administration
  • infectious diseases quarantine enforcement, federal administration
  • liability insurance service (non-commercial), federal administration
  • national aeronautics and space administration
  • national science foundation
  • natural resource conservation programs, federal government
  • old age security program, federal government
  • parliament, federal government
  • pension payments, social insurance, federal
  • port authorities and districts, nonoperating
  • prime minister's office, federal government
  • privy council office
  • procurement services, federal
  • public debt management, federal administration
  • public property management service, federal
  • public service commission, federal government
  • public service staff relations board, federal government
  • public welfare promotion, federal administration
  • public works programs, federal government
  • railroad and warehouse commissions
  • recreation policy and planning, federal government
  • recreational programs, federal
  • regional economic expansion program, federal
  • regional industrial development programs, federal government
  • regional planning and development programs, federal administration
  • research grants, health sciences, distribution, federal administration
  • research support programs, federal administration (except economic and space)
  • revenue ministry, federal government
  • sales and excise taxes, collection, federal
  • senate
  • social assistance, cost-sharing, federal
  • social development services, federal government
  • social service programs, federal administration
  • space research and development, federal government
  • special retraining programs, federal
  • statistical agency, federal government
  • tariff board
  • tax sharing arrangements, federal administration
  • tax violation investigation, federal
  • taxation, federal government
  • tourism promotion programs, federal government
  • transportation and communication research, federal
  • transportation and communications standards
  • transportation licensing, federal administration
  • transportation of freight using government space vehicles and systems
  • treasury board secretariat, federal government
  • veterans' benefits program, federal government
  • wildlife conservation programs, federal
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