North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) Canada 2022 Version 1.0


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721310 - Rooming and boarding housesUS

All examples - 721310 - Rooming and boarding housesUS

  • boarding houses
  • boarding houses, fraternity and sorority
  • camp, residential, for farm or other workers
  • dormitories, commercially operated
  • lodging houses operated by organizations for members only
  • lodging houses, private
  • providing complementary services, such as housekeeping, meals and laundry services
  • providing temporary or longer-term accommodation, which, for the period of occupancy, may serve as a principal residence
  • rental of furnished rooms
  • residence clubs operated by organizations for members only
  • residence, college or university (if separate establishment from college or university)
  • residential clubs
  • rooming houses
  • rooming houses operated by organizations for members only
  • sorority houses
  • sorority or fraternity residential houses
  • student residence
  • teaching residence
  • workers' camp or hostel (at work site)
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