North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) Canada 2017 Version 3.0


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562110 - Waste collectionCAN

All examples - 562110 - Waste collectionCAN

  • ashes, collection
  • brush removal
  • collecting and hauling medical waste
  • dead stock removal services
  • dump trucking of non-hazardous construction rubble, with collection or disposal
  • garbage collection
  • garbage pick-up
  • hazardous garbage collection with specialized equipment
  • hazardous waste collection
  • hazardous waste transfer station
  • non hazardous recyclable material, collection
  • recyclable empty bottles, collection
  • recyclable material (e.g., glass, metal, oils, paper), collection
  • recyclable material, collection, hazardous
  • refuse collection service
  • rubbish collection
  • trash collection
  • treating and packaging hazardous waste for transport
  • waste collection
  • waste collection, solid
  • waste transfer stations
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