North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) Canada 2022 Version 1.0


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532120 - Truck, utility trailer and recreational vehicle (RV) rental and leasingUS

All examples - 532120 - Truck, utility trailer and recreational vehicle (RV) rental and leasingUS

  • ambulances and vans up to 3.5 tonnes, rental
  • bus rental, without driver
  • campers, recreational vehicles (RVs), rental
  • house trailer and popup camper rental
  • motor home rental
  • recreational vehicle (RV) rental
  • rent trailers boats
  • rental of portable or modular buildings (e.g., forest, oil site)
  • rental of travel, camping, or recreational trailers
  • tractor rental (truck), without drivers
  • trailers, rental and leasing
  • truck finance leasing
  • truck rental (except industrial), without drivers
  • truck, utility trailer and recreational vehicles (RVs) rental and leasing
  • utility trailer rental
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