North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) Canada 2022 Version 1.0


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332410 - Power boiler and heat exchanger manufacturing

All examples - 332410 - Power boiler and heat exchanger manufacturing

  • aftercoolers (i.e., heat exchangers), manufacturing
  • air preheaters for boilers, manufacturing
  • barometric condensers, manufacturing
  • boiler casings, manufacturing
  • condenser boxes, metal, manufacturing
  • economizers (i.e., power boiler apparatus), manufacturing
  • heat exchangers, manufacturing
  • intercooler shells, manufacturing
  • marine power boilers, manufacturing
  • nuclear bundles and control rods, made from purchased fuel
  • nuclear reactor control rod drive mechanisms, manufacturing
  • nuclear reactor steam supply systems, manufacturing
  • nuclear reactors, manufacturing
  • power boiler and heat exchanger fabrication and installation
  • power boiler and heat exchanger manufacturing
  • power boilers, manufacturing
  • steam condensers, manufacturing
  • superheaters for boilers, manufacturing
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