North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) Canada 2022 Version 1.0


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332118 - StampingCAN

All examples - 332118 - StampingCAN

  • bottle caps and tops, metal, stamping
  • chassis, radio and television, unfinished metal, stamping
  • closures, metal, stamping
  • crowns (e.g., bottle, can), metal, stamping
  • custom roll forming of metal products
  • electronic enclosures, unfinished metal, stamping
  • fuel tank ends, unfinished metal, stamping
  • gutters and down spouts, sheet metal, roll formed, manufacturing
  • housings for business machines, unfinished metal, stamping
  • lids, jar, metal, stamping
  • metal pressings (i.e., stampings) (except automotive, cans, coins), manufacturing
  • metal stampings (except automotive, cans, coins), unfinished, manufacturing
  • powder metallurgy products, manufactured on a job or order basis
  • roll forming of metal products
  • spinning unfinished metal products
  • stampings (except automotive, cans, coins), metal, unfinished, manufacturing
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