North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) Canada 2022 Version 1.0


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213118 - Services to oil and gas extractionCAN

All examples - 213118 - Services to oil and gas extractionCAN

  • acidizing wells, on a contract basis
  • bailing wells, on a contract basis
  • cementing oil and gas well casings, on a contract basis
  • chemically treating wells, on a contract basis
  • cleaning lease tanks, oil and gas field, on a contract basis
  • cleaning out (e.g., bailing out, steam and swabbing) oil and gas wells, on a contract basis
  • clearing and servicing of oil leases
  • contract battery operators, oil field
  • cutting casings, tubes and rods, oil field
  • dismantling of oil well rigs (oil field service), on a contract basis
  • drilling water intake wells, on a contract basis
  • erecting lease tank, oil and gas field, on a contract basis
  • excavating slush pits and cellars, on a contract basis
  • fishing for tools, oil and gas field, on a contract basis
  • gas compressing (natural gas) at the fields, on a contract basis
  • gas well surveying, contract services (except seismographic), in combination with exploration
  • oil and gas exploration on a contract or fee basis
  • oil and gas exploration on a contract or fee basis (except geophysical)
  • oil and gas field fire fighting services
  • oil rig hauling with rigging up and rigging down
  • oil well fire control services
  • oil well logging, on a contract basis
  • oil well surveying, contract services (except seismographic)
  • perforating well casings, on a contract basis
  • pipe testing service, oil and gas field, on a contract basis
  • plugging and abandoning wells, on a contract basis
  • removal of condensate gasoline from field (gathering) lines, contract
  • rig building, repairing and dismantling, on a contract basis
  • roustabout mining services, on a contract basis
  • salt water impounding in connection with petroleum products
  • seismographic exploration (except surveying), oil and gas on a contract basis
  • services to oil and gas extraction
  • servicing oil and gas wells, on a contract basis
  • shooting wells, on a contract basis
  • shot-hole drilling service, oil and gas field, on a contract basis
  • slush pits and cellars, excavation of, on a contract basis
  • specialized services to contract oil and gas well drillers
  • swabbing wells, on a contract basis
  • thawing and cleaning wellheads in oil fields
  • well foundation building, at oil and gas wells, on a contract basis
  • well plugging and abandoning, oil and gas wells, on a contract basis
  • well pumping, oil and gas, on a contract basis
  • wells, cleaning out, bailing, swabbing, oil field
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