Variant of NAICS 2017 Version 3.0 - Durable / non-durable manufacturing industries

113311 - Logging (except contract)CAN

All examples - 113311 - Logging (except contract)CAN

  • bolts, wood (e.g., handle, heading, shingle, stave), cutting
  • booming, bunching, rafting, driving logs
  • burls, wood, cutting
  • chipping logs (in the forest)
  • Christmas tree cutting
  • crossties, hewn, producing
  • cutting and transporting timber on an own-account basis
  • cutting cordwood, in the forest
  • fence posts, cutting
  • fuelwood cutting
  • log barking, rossing and peeling on contract
  • log cutting (forest trees)
  • log decking
  • log grading, scaling, sorting
  • log or timber driving
  • logging (except contract)
  • logging camp
  • logging, logs for lumber
  • logging, pulpwood logs
  • logs and bolts, logging
  • mine timbers, cutting
  • peeler logs, cutting
  • pickets and paling, round or split, cutting
  • pitprops, wooden, untreated, cutting
  • poles and pilings, wooden, untreated, cutting
  • posts, wood, hewn, round or split, producing
  • pulpwood camps
  • pulpwood logs, cutting
  • railroad ties, hewn, cutting
  • rails, fence, round or split, cutting
  • sawlogs, cutting
  • shingle bolts, cutting
  • tie bolts, cutting
  • ties, railroad, hewn, producing
  • timber (product of logging camps)
  • timber pole cutting (e.g., telephone poles)
  • timbers, mine, hewn, producing
  • timbers, round mine, cutting
  • tree felling, bucking, cutting
  • veneer logs, logging
  • wood chips produced in the forest
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