National Occupational Classification (NOC) 2011


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9472 - Camera, platemaking and other prepress occupations

All examples - 9472 - Camera, platemaking and other prepress occupations

  • alignment examiner - printing
  • assembler, flexographic printing cylinders
  • assistant newspaper make-up man/womanassistant newspaper make-up man, assistant newspaper make-up woman
  • automated letterer-engraver
  • bright type processor
  • camera operator - graphic arts
  • camera operator - printing
  • camera operator, colour separation - printing
  • camera operator, photogravure - printing
  • carbon tissue cylinder preparer - printing
  • clamper - camera and platemaking
  • colour correction scanning machine operator
  • colour edition preparer - printing
  • colour printer-technician - photographic processing
  • colour scanner operator - printing
  • colour separation assistant - scanning
  • colour separation camera operator
  • colour separation camera operator - printing
  • colour separation electronic scanning machine operator
  • colour separation operator
  • colour-editing terminal operator - printing
  • computer-assisted letterer-engraver
  • contact printer
  • copper engraver - camera and platemaking
  • copper photoengraver
  • copperplate photoengraver
  • cylinder engraver, printing
  • cylinder painter - printing
  • cylinder preparer - printing
  • cylinder preparer, carbon tissue - printing
  • cylinder-impresser operator
  • digital printing technician
  • dot etcher
  • dot etcher - printing
  • electronic engraver
  • electronic prepress technician
  • electronic scanning machine operator, colour separation
  • electroplating tank tender
  • electrostatic camera operator
  • electrotyper - printing
  • electrotyper and platemaker
  • engraver, pictures - printing
  • engraver, printing cylinders
  • engraver, printing plates
  • engraver, templates
  • engraver-letterer
  • engraver-transferrer
  • etcher - printing
  • etcher, photoengraving - printing
  • etcher, platemaking
  • etching corrector
  • file preparation operator
  • film assembler
  • film sizer
  • film stripper
  • film stripper and layout specialist - printing
  • film stripper specialist - printing
  • film stripper-assembler
  • film stripper-assembler - printing
  • flexible plate engraver
  • flexible printing plate mounter
  • flexible-plate hand engraver
  • flexographic mounter-proofer
  • flexographic printing cylinder assembler
  • graphic arts camera operator
  • gravure printer - prepress
  • halftone camera operator - printing
  • image processing operator
  • image reproduction machine operator
  • image setter operator
  • image-processing system operator
  • laser beam colour scanner operator
  • lineup examiner - printing
  • lithographic plate preparer
  • lithographic platemaker
  • monochrome plate film stripper
  • negative merger
  • negative spotter - printing
  • offset plate preparer
  • offset platemaker
  • offset printing plate preparer
  • opticopy keypunch operator - printing
  • opticopy machine operator - printing
  • opticopy offline programmer - printing
  • opticopy program tape preparer - printing
  • pantograph setter
  • pantographer - printing
  • paper-plate maker
  • photoengraver - printing
  • photoengraving etcher - printing
  • photoengraving finisher
  • photoengraving platemaker
  • photoengraving retoucher - printing
  • photogravure camera operator - printing
  • photopolymer platemaker
  • picture engraver - printing
  • plate finisher - printing
  • plate grainer - printing
  • plate processor - printing
  • plate processor operator - printing
  • plate-graining machine tender
  • platemaker
  • platemaker - printing
  • platemaking etcher
  • pre-flight operator - printing
  • prepress technician
  • preprint-coating machine tender
  • print roller repairerprint roller repairman, print roller repairwoman
  • print transferrer - printing
  • printing cylinder engraver
  • printing plate engraver
  • printing plate moulder
  • printing plate presensitizer tender
  • process camera operator
  • processor - printing
  • proofmaker
  • proofmaker - printing
  • retoucher, photoengraving - printing
  • roller engraver - printing
  • rotogravure cylinder technician
  • rotogravure press technician
  • scanner operator - printing
  • scanning machine operator, colour corrections
  • screenmaker
  • siderographer - printing
  • silkscreen assembler - printing
  • stager - printing
  • stencil preparer
  • step and repeat camera operator
  • stereotyper
  • stripper - printing
  • stripper-assembler, film - printing
  • stripper-image assembler - printing
  • stripper-layout specialist - printing
  • studio-image-processing system operator
  • template engraver
  • tracer-transferrer
  • transferrer
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