North American Product Classification System (NAPCS) Canada 2017 Version 1.0


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4821311 - General application software (except game software and commercial use licences), on physical media

All examples - 4821311 - General application software (except game software and commercial use licences), on physical media

  • anti-virus software (except commercial use licences), on physical media
  • application software packages (except commercial use licences), on physical media
  • compression programs software publishing, on physical media
  • cross-industry application software publishing, on physical media
  • customer relations management software (except commercial use licences), on physical media
  • file viewers software publishing, on physical media
  • font software publishing, on physical media
  • general application software (except game software and commercial use licences), on physical media
  • general application software (except game software and commercial use licences), ordered online from the publisher
  • general business productivity application software publishing, on physical media
  • general business productivity, home use, and other application software (except commercial use licences), on physical media
  • geographic information system software publishing, on physical media
  • home education application software (except commercial use licences), on physical media
  • home reference application software (except commercial use licences), on physical media
  • human resource management publishing, on physical media
  • licences for the end use of application software, on physical media
  • office suite applications software (except commercial use licences), on physical media
  • professional accounting software (except commercial use licences), on physical media
  • search engines software (except commercial use licences), on physical media
  • utilities software (except commercial use licences), on physical media
  • utilities software publishing, on physical media
  • vertical market application software publishing, on physical media
  • voice recognition software (except commercial use licences), on physical media
  • website design software (except commercial use licences), on physical media
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