Variant of NAICS 2012 - Energy sector

444220 - Nursery stores and garden centresUS

All examples - 444220 - Nursery stores and garden centresUS

  • agricultural seeds, retail
  • agricultural supplies stores selling primarily to other business but also selling to household consumers
  • bedding plants, retail
  • farm supplies (primarily feed, seeds and chemical), retail store
  • fertilizers, retail
  • flower bulbs, retail
  • garden centre, retail, flowers and plants
  • garden supplies and tools, retail
  • greenhouse accessories, retail
  • insecticides and weed killers, retail
  • lawn and garden ornaments and supplies, retail
  • nursery and garden centres selling primarily to other businesses but also selling to household consumers
  • nursery stock, seeds and bulbs, retail
  • nursery stores and garden centres
  • potting soil, retail
  • shrubs and trees, ornamental, retail (except nurseries)
  • sod, retail
  • soil, top, retail
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