National Occupational Classification (NOC) 2016 Version 1.3


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3111 - Specialist physicians

All examples - 3111 - Specialist physicians

  • acute care specialist
  • allergist
  • allergologist
  • anatomical pathologist
  • anatomopathologist
  • anesthesiologist
  • anesthetist
  • anesthetist-resuscitator
  • autopsy pathologist
  • cardiac surgeon
  • cardiologist
  • cardiology specialist
  • cardiothoracic surgeon
  • cardiovascular and thoracic surgeon
  • cardiovascular and thoracic surgery specialist
  • cardiovascular surgeon
  • child specialist
  • clinical immunologist
  • clinical immunologist-allergist
  • clinical immunology and allergy specialist
  • clinical pathologist
  • clinical pharmacologist
  • community health physician
  • community medicine physician
  • community medicine specialist
  • cosmetic surgeon
  • critical care medicine physician
  • critical care medicine specialist
  • dermatologist
  • diagnostic radiologist
  • diagnostic radiology specialist
  • ear specialist
  • emergency medicine physician
  • emergency medicine specialist
  • emergency physician
  • emergentologist
  • endocrinologist
  • environmental medicine specialist
  • esthetic surgeon
  • eye specialist
  • forensic pathologist
  • gastroenterologist
  • general pathologist
  • general surgeon
  • geneticist - medical specialist
  • geriatric medicine specialist
  • geriatrician
  • geriatrics specialist
  • geriatrist
  • gynecologist
  • heart specialist
  • hematological-pathologist
  • hematologist
  • hematopathologist
  • hematopathology specialist
  • histopathologist - medical specialist
  • hyperbaric physician
  • immunologist and allergologist
  • infectious disease physician
  • infectious disease specialist
  • infertility specialist
  • inpatient physician
  • internal medicine specialist
  • internist
  • laryngologist
  • lung specialist
  • medical bacteriologist
  • medical biochemist - physician
  • medical examiner
  • medical geneticist
  • medical genetics specialist
  • medical microbiologist
  • medical oncologist
  • medical oncology specialist
  • medical parasitologist
  • medical pathologist
  • medical physiologist
  • medical specialist
  • neonatologist
  • nephrologist
  • nerve specialist
  • neurological surgeon
  • neurologist
  • neuropathologist
  • neuropsychiatrist
  • neurosurgeon
  • nose specialist
  • nuclear medicine physician
  • nuclear medicine specialist
  • nuclear physician
  • obstetrician
  • obstetrician-gynecologist
  • occupational health physician (OHP)
  • occupational medicine specialist
  • occupational physician
  • oculist
  • oncologist
  • ophthalmologist
  • orthopedic surgeon
  • orthopedics specialist
  • orthopedist
  • otolaryngologist
  • otologist
  • otorhinolaryngologist
  • otorhinolaryngology specialist
  • pathologist - medical
  • pathologist-hematologist
  • pediatric oncologist
  • pediatric surgeon
  • pediatrician
  • phoniatrician
  • phoniatrist
  • physiatrist
  • physical medicine and rehabilitation specialist
  • plastic surgeon
  • plastic surgery specialist
  • pneumologist
  • police surgeon
  • preventive medicine physician
  • preventive medicine specialist
  • proctologist
  • psychiatrist
  • psychopharmacologist
  • pulmonary disease specialist
  • pulmonary medicine physician
  • pulmonary medicine specialist
  • pulmonologist
  • radiation oncologist
  • radiologist
  • radio-oncologist
  • radio-oncology specialist
  • rehabilitation specialist
  • respiratory disease specialist
  • respirologist
  • rheumatologist
  • rhinologist
  • skin disease specialist
  • skin specialist
  • specialist doctor
  • specialist in cardiology
  • specialist in cardiovascular and thoracic surgery
  • specialist in community medicine
  • specialist in critical care medicine
  • specialist in emergency medicine
  • specialist in environmental medicine
  • specialist in epidemiology and community medicine
  • specialist in geriatric medicine
  • specialist in hematopathology
  • specialist in infectious diseases
  • specialist in infertility
  • specialist in internal medicine
  • specialist in medical oncology
  • specialist in nuclear medicine
  • specialist in physical medicine and rehabilitation
  • specialist in plastic surgery
  • specialist in preventive medicine
  • specialist in pulmonary disease
  • specialist in spinal injuries
  • specialist in sports medicine
  • specialist in vascular surgery
  • specialist physician
  • spinal injury specialist
  • sports medicine physician
  • sports medicine specialist
  • surgeon
  • surgical pathologist
  • surgical physician
  • surgical resident
  • thoracic surgeon
  • throat specialist
  • tropical medicine physician
  • urologist
  • vascular surgeon
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