North American Product Classification System (NAPCS) Canada 2017 Version 2.0


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1731211 - Butter and butter products

All examples - 1731211 - Butter and butter products

  • butter (minimum 80% milk fat by weight)
  • butterfat, in bulk
  • calorie-reduced butter (maximum 39% milk fat by weight; maximum 50% of calories of butter)
  • creamery butter
  • cultured butter
  • dairy spreads of 39% to 80% milk fat by weight (milk fat being the only fat in the product)
  • flavoured butter
  • hypocaloric butter
  • light butter or lite butter (minimum 39% milk fat by weight; maximum 60% milk fat by weight)
  • low fat dairy spreads (with lower than 39% milk fat content and milk fat being the only fat in the product)
  • packaged butterfat
  • reworked butter
  • whey butter (minimum 80% milk fat, recovered from whey, by weight)
  • whipped butter
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