North American Product Classification System (NAPCS) Canada 2012 Version 1.2

1142213 - Fresh leaf and stem type vegetables

All examples - 1142213 - Fresh leaf and stem type vegetables

  • chilled asparagus
  • chilled Brussels sprouts
  • chilled cabbage
  • chilled celery
  • chilled celery cabbage
  • chilled endives
  • chilled fiddleheads
  • chilled fine herbs
  • chilled head lettuce
  • chilled leaf lettuce
  • chilled lettuce
  • chilled parsley
  • chilled rapini
  • chilled spinach
  • chilled watercress
  • fresh asparagus
  • fresh Brussels sprouts
  • fresh cabbage
  • fresh celery
  • fresh celery cabbage
  • fresh endives
  • fresh fiddleheads
  • fresh fine herbs
  • fresh head lettuce
  • fresh leaf and stem type vegetables
  • fresh lettuce
  • fresh parsley
  • fresh rapini
  • fresh rhubarb
  • fresh spinach
  • fresh watercress
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