Variant of NOC 2011 - Highly aggregated data

3232 - Practitioners of natural healing

All examples - 3232 - Practitioners of natural healing

  • acupressure therapist
  • acupuncture, doctor of
  • acupuncturist
  • aromatherapist
  • auriculotherapist
  • ayurvedic practitioner
  • certified iridologist
  • certified reflexologist
  • certified rolfer
  • certified rolfing movement teacher
  • chartered herbalist
  • Chinese medicine doctor (CMD)
  • Chinese medicine practitioner
  • clinical hypnotherapist
  • CMD (Chinese medicine doctor)
  • doctor of acupuncture
  • doctor of Chinese medicine
  • doctor of homeopathic therapeutics
  • doctor of homeopathy
  • doctor of Oriental medicine
  • herb practitioner
  • herbal practitioner
  • herbal specialist
  • herbalist
  • herbologist
  • herbology practitioner
  • herborist
  • holistic practitioner
  • homeopath
  • homeopathic physician
  • homeopathic practitioner
  • homeopathist
  • hypnotherapist
  • iridologist
  • medical Qi gong pactitioner
  • Oriental medical practitioner
  • osteopathic manual practitioner
  • physician, homeopathic
  • practitioner, Chinese medicine
  • practitioner, herb
  • practitioner, herbal
  • practitioner, herbology
  • practitioner, holistic
  • practitioner, homeopathic
  • reflexologist
  • registered acupuncture practicioner
  • remedial herbalist
  • remedial herbologist
  • rolfer
  • rolfing movement teacher
  • shaman
  • shiatsu therapist
  • teacher, rolfing movement
  • therapist, shiatsu
  • traditional Chinese medicine practitioner
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