North American Product Classification System (NAPCS) Canada 2017 Version 2.0


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7234131 - Pay-per-view services (except online streaming)

All examples - 7234131 - Pay-per-view services (except online streaming)

  • home pay-per-view programs provided by analogue cable television operators or licencees
  • home pay-per-view programs provided by digital cable television operators or licencees (except online streaming)
  • home pay-per-view programs provided by satellite television operators or licencees (except online streaming)
  • home pay-per-view programs provided by wireless cable television operators or licencees (except online streaming)
  • home pay-per-view television programs provided by MDS or MMDS operators or licencees
  • home pay-per-view television programs provided by multipoint distribution service (MDS) or multichannel multipoint distribution service (MMDS) operators or licencees
  • movie on pay-per-view, via cable or satellite (except online streaming)
  • music concert on pay-per-view, via cable or satellite (except online streaming)
  • pay-per-view services on cable or satellite, bundled with pay-per-view streamed online, on fixed or mobile devices
  • sporting events on pay-per-view, via cable or satellite (except online streaming)
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