Classification of Instructional Programs (CIP) Canada 2021 Version 1.0


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51.0502 - Advanced general dentistry (Cert., MS, MSc, PhD)

This instructional program class comprises any program that focuses on the advanced study of dental clinical techniques and dental practice issues. These programs include courses in subjects such as the history of dentistry; advanced dental practice management; dental ethics and jurisprudence; social and behavioural science studies of dentistry; advanced restorative dentistry; oral medicine; oral radiology; advanced clinical procedures and technology; and others.

  • Illustrative example(s)

    • advanced education in general dentistry program
    • advanced general dentistry
    • AEGD

    All examples

  • Exclusion(s)

    • dental/oral surgery specialty - residency(60.0101)
    • dentistry(51.0401)
    • geriatric dentistry (Cert., MS, MSc, PhD)(51.0513)
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