Trucking Commodity Origin and Destination - Profiles
For Information onlyThis is an electronic survey example for information purposes only. This is not a working questionnaire.
The purpose of the Freight Trucking Statistics Program (FTS) is to measure commodity movements done by Canadian road carriers.
Additional Information
INTERVIEWER: The following questions are going to collect data based on a typical (average) shipment. Each set of questions will be asked for each shipment type. For each type of shipment, the following will be asked: origin, destination, commodity, average weight or average quantity per shipment, average revenue per shipment or percentage of revenue, and number of shipments or percentage of total number of shipments.
In which city and province (or state) is this shipment typically picked up?
In which city and province (or state) is this shipment typically dropped off?
What commodity does this typical shipment mostly consist of?
What is the average weight of this typical shipment?
What is the unit of measure of the average weight?
1 Kilograms 2 Pounds 3 Metric Tonnes 4 Imperial Tons
What is the average quantity of this typical shipment?
Interviewer: When a unit of measure other than weight is used to indicate the quantity of the commodity, enter the number of units here. The next question will ask for the unit of measure (for example litres, truckload, cartons, etc).
What is the unit of measure of the average quantity?
Trigram search
What is the average revenue earned from this typical shipment?
Included in Average Revenue: ferry charges, tolls, surcharges for fuel, broker's fees, travelling time charges, surcharges for heated or refrigerated vans, other revenues for any service necessary for the transportation of the commodity as part of the service expected by the customer. Not included in Average Revenue: storage revenues, handling or packing charges, waiting time, C.O.D. or C.O.D. charges, G.S.T., extra and subsidiary insurance, commission on the sale of a commodity, other revenue received for services not related to the transportation of the commodity.
Is this in Canadian or American currency?
1 Canadian 2 American
What percentage of the total transportation revenues earned is represented by this typical shipment?
What is the total number of shipments transported from ^InsertBeginningOfReferencePeriod to ^Insert EndOfReferencePeriod for this typical shipment?
These shipments represent what percentage of your total shipments?
Are there any other types of typical shipments?
- 1.: Yes
- 3.: No
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