EQ - PILOT - Canadian Health Survey on Children and Youth, Youth version
For Information onlyThis is an electronic survey example for information purposes only. This is not a working questionnaire.
Table of Contents
- General health (GEN)
- Happiness (HAP)
- Perceptions of height and weight (PHW)
- School (SCH)
- School attachment (SAT)
- Breakfast, lunch and dinner (BLD)
- Food behaviours (FDB)
- Eating behaviours (EAB)
- Homework (HWK)
- Reading (RDG)
- Electronic devices (EDV)
- Work (WRK)
- Formal volunteering (FVL)
- Helping Others (HOT)
- Travel to school (TTS)
- Physical education classes (PEC)
- Organized sports and clubs (OSC)
- Other Physical Activity (OPA)
- Physical Activity Intensity (PAI)
- Physical Activity Enjoyment (PAE)
- Friends (FND)
- Sleep (SLP)
- Aches and sleeping difficulties (ASD)
- Children's intrinsic needs (CIN)
- Bullying (BUL)
- Youth alcohol consumption (YAL)
- Youth smoking (YSK)
- Youth marijuana consumption (YMC)
- Tobacco alternatives (TAL)
- Exposure to smoking (ESM)
- Injury (IJY)
- Accessing health care (AHC)
- Children's rights (CHR)
- Suicide - Only asked of 15-17 year olds (SUI)
- Sexual development - Only asked of 15-17 year olds (SXD)
- Sexual attraction - Only asked of 15-17 year olds (SXA)
- Youth behaviour (YBH)
- Communication with parents (CWP)
- Language (LAN)
- Pedometer (PDM)
- Administration information (ADM)
- School name (SCN)
General health (GEN)
General health (GEN) - Question identifier:GEN_R045
The following questions are about your health. By health, we mean not only the absence of disease or injury but also physical, mental and social well-being.
General health (GEN) - Question identifier:GEN_Q045
In general, would you say your health is?
- 1: Excellent
- 2: Very good
- 3: Good
- 4: Fair
- 5: Poor
General health (GEN) - Question identifier:GEN_Q050
In general, would you say your mental health is?
- 1: Excellent
- 2: Very good
- 3: Good
- 4: Fair
- 5: Poor
General health (GEN) - Question identifier:GEN_Q055
Using a scale of 0 to 10, how do you feel about your life as a whole right now?
- 01: 0 Very dissatisfied
- 02: 1
- 03: 2
- 04: 3
- 05: 4
- 06: 5
- 07: 6
- 08: 7
- 09: 8
- 10: 9
- 11: 10 Very satisfied
General health (GEN) - Question identifier:GEN_Q060
Thinking about the amount of stress in your life, would you say that most of your days are?
- 1: Not at all stressful
- 2: Not very stressful
- 3: A bit stressful
- 4: Quite a bit stressful
- 5: Extremely stressful
Happiness (HAP)
Happiness (HAP) - Question identifier:HAP_Q005
Would you describe yourself as being usually...?
- 1: Happy and interested in life
- 2: Somewhat happy
- 3: Somewhat unhappy
- 4: Unhappy with little interest in life
- 5: So unhappy, that life is not worthwhile
Perceptions of height and weight (PHW)
Perceptions of height and weight (PHW) - Question identifier:PHW_Q005
How often are you satisfied with your weight?
- 1: Never
- 2: Rarely
- 3: Sometimes
- 4: Often
- 5: Always
Perceptions of height and weight (PHW) - Question identifier:PHW_Q010
Do you consider yourself?
- 1: Overweight
- 2: Underweight
- 3: Just about right
Perceptions of height and weight (PHW) - Question identifier:PHW_Q015
Do you consider yourself?
- 1: Tall for your age
- 2: Short for your age
- 3: About average
School (SCH)
School (SCH) - Question identifier:SCH_R001
The following questions are about your school experiences.
School (SCH) - Question identifier:SCH_Q005
Are you currently enrolled in school?
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
School (SCH) - Question identifier:SCH_Q010
Have you ever attended school?
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
School (SCH) - Question identifier:SCH_Q015
What is the main reason that you are not currently enrolled in school?
- 1: Illness
- 2: Dropped out
- 3: Graduated from high school
- 4: Other reason - specify:
School (SCH) - Question identifier:SCH_Q020
Why have you never attended school?
- 1: Too young for school
- 2: Physical, mental, emotional or behavioural problem
- 3: Other reason - specify:
School (SCH) - Question identifier:SCH_Q025
Do you expect that you may someday attend school?
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
School (SCH) - Question identifier:SCH_Q030
In what grade are you currently enrolled?
- 01: Junior kindergarten for 4 year-olds (generally 2 years before Grade 1)
- 02: Kindergarten or Grade Primary (Nova Scotia) for 5 year-olds (generally 1 year before Grade 1)
- 03: Grade 1
- 04: Grade 2
- 05: Grade 3
- 06: Grade 4
- 07: Grade 5
- 08: Grade 6
- 09: Grade 7 or Secondary 1 (Quebec)
- 10: Grade 8 or Secondary 2 (Quebec)
- 11: Grade 9 or Secondary 3 (Quebec) or Senior 1 (Manitoba)
- 12: Grade 10 or Secondary 4 (Quebec) or Senior 2 (Manitoba) or Level I (Newfoundland and Labrador)
- 13: Grade 11 or Secondary 5 (Quebec) or Senior 3 (Manitoba) or Level II (Newfoundland and Labrador)
- 14: Grade 12 or Senior 4 (Manitoba) or Level III (Newfoundland and Labrador)
- 15: Apprenticeship, technical institute, trade or vocational school (any year)
- 16: CEGEP technical program (any year)
- 17: CEGEP academic program (any year)
- 18: College, community college (any year)
- 19: University college (any year)
- 20: University (any year)
- 21: Private business school or private training institute (any year)
- 22: Other grade - specify:
School (SCH) - Question identifier:SCH_Q035
Did you attend Kindergarten for 5 year-olds (generally 1 year before grade 1)?
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
School (SCH) - Question identifier:SCH_Q040
Did you attend Kindergarten for 4 year-olds (generally 2 years before Grade 1)?
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
School (SCH) - Question identifier:SCH_Q045
What is your approximate overall mark this year?
- 1: 80% - 100% (mainly A)
- 2: 70% - 79% (mainly B)
- 3: 60% - 69% (mainly C)
- 4: Below 60% (mainly D, E, F or R)
School (SCH) - Question identifier:SCH_Q050
At your school, do you have an Individual Education Plan (IEP), Special Education Plan (SEP) or Inclusion and Intervention Plan (IIP)?
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
- 3: Don't know
School (SCH) - Question identifier:SCH_Q055
Which of the following learning exceptionalities or special education needs is your IEP, SEP or IIP for?
- 1: A permanent physical disability e.g., blind or low vision, deaf or hard of hearing, etc.
- 2: A cognitive, behavioural or emotional disability e.g., autism/Asperger's disorder, Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), learning disability, etc.
- 3: Gifted
- 4: Other needs - specify:
School (SCH) - Question identifier:SCH_R060
What is the school start time at your school?
School (SCH) - Question identifier:SCH_Q060A
Min = 1; Max = 24
School (SCH) - Question identifier:SCH_Q060B
Min = 0; Max = 55
School (SCH) - Question identifier:SCH_R065
What is the school end time at your school?
School (SCH) - Question identifier:SCH_Q065A
Min = 1; Max = 24
School (SCH) - Question identifier:SCH_Q065B
Min = 0; Max = 55
School (SCH) - Question identifier:SCH_Q070
In the past 7 days, that is, from last ^DAYOFINTERVIEW to yesterday, how many days did you attend school, even if for only part of the day?
- 1: 5 days or more
- 2: 4 days
- 3: 3 days
- 4: 2 days
- 5: 1 day
- 6: None
School (SCH) - Question identifier:SCH_Q075
How far do you hope that you will go in school?
- 01: Less than high school diploma or its equivalent
- 02: High school diploma or graduation equivalency
- 03: Learn a trade (apprenticeship, technical institute, trade or vocational school)
- 04: College, CEGEP or other non-university certificate or diploma (other than trades certificates or diplomas)
- 05: University
- 06: Private business school or private training institute
- 07: Postsecondary - level unknown
- 08: Other level specify:
School attachment (SAT)
School attachment (SAT) - Question identifier:SAT_Q005
How often do you look forward to going to school?
- 1: Never
- 2: Sometimes
- 3: Often
- 4: Always
School attachment (SAT) - Question identifier:SAT_Q010
In the past 12 months, about how many times have you skipped a day of school without permission?
- 1: Never
- 2: 1 or 2 times
- 3: 3 or 4 times
- 4: 5 or more times
Breakfast, lunch and dinner (BLD)
Breakfast, lunch and dinner (BLD) - Question identifier:BLD_Q005
In the past 7 days, that is from last ^DAYOFINTERVIEW to yesterday, how many days did you eat breakfast?
Min = 0; Max = 7
Breakfast, lunch and dinner (BLD) - Question identifier:BLD_Q010
How many of those days were school days?
Min = 0; Max = 5
Breakfast, lunch and dinner (BLD) - Question identifier:BLD_Q015
In the past 7 days, how many days did you eat lunch?
Min = 0; Max = 7
Breakfast, lunch and dinner (BLD) - Question identifier:BLD_Q020
In the past 7 days, how many days did you eat the evening meal?
Min = 0; Max = 7
Breakfast, lunch and dinner (BLD) - Question identifier:BLD_Q025
In the past 7 days, how many days did you eat the evening meal with your family sitting at the dinner table together?
Min = 0; Max = 7
Breakfast, lunch and dinner (BLD) - Question identifier:BLD_Q030
Are you or other family members allowed to use electronic devices while eating the evening meal together?
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
- 3: Family does not eat evening meal together
Food behaviours (FDB)
Food behaviours (FDB) - Question identifier:FDB_R001
Now some questions about eating habits.
Food behaviours (FDB) - Question identifier:FDB_R005
During the past 7 days, how many times did you:
Food behaviours (FDB) - Question identifier:FDB_Q005A
Eat food from school cafeterias or school canteens?
Min = 0; Max = 93
Food behaviours (FDB) - Question identifier:FDB_Q005B
Eat food from convenience stores?
Min = 0; Max = 93
Food behaviours (FDB) - Question identifier:FDB_Q005C
Eat food from 'fast food' restaurants, cafés or food trucks?
Min = 0; Max = 93
Food behaviours (FDB) - Question identifier:FDB_Q005D
Eat food from a sit down restaurant with waitresses or waiters?
Min = 0; Max = 93
Food behaviours (FDB) - Question identifier:FDB_Q005E
Eat meals while watching television, playing video games or while using other electronic devices?
Min = 0; Max = 93
Food behaviours (FDB) - Question identifier:FDB_Q005F
Eat snacks while watching television, playing video games or while using other electronic devices?
Min = 0; Max = 93
Eating behaviours (EAB)
Eating behaviours (EAB) - Question identifier:EAB_R001
The following questions are about your eating behaviours.
Eating behaviours (EAB) - Question identifier:EAB_R005
How often in the past 12 months have you:
Eating behaviours (EAB) - Question identifier:EAB_Q005A
Been preoccupied with a desire to be thinner?
- 1: Never
- 2: A few times
- 3: Monthly
- 4: Weekly
- 5: Daily
Eating behaviours (EAB) - Question identifier:EAB_Q005B
Vomited to lose weight?
- 1: Never
- 2: A few times
- 3: Monthly
- 4: Weekly
- 5: Daily
Eating behaviours (EAB) - Question identifier:EAB_Q005C
Changed your eating habits in order to manage your weight?
- 1: Never
- 2: A few times
- 3: Monthly
- 4: Weekly
- 5: Daily
Homework (HWK)
Homework (HWK) - Question identifier:HWK_R001
The next question is about homework.
Homework (HWK) - Question identifier:HWK_Q005
In the past 7 days, that is from last ^DAYOFINTERVIEW to yesterday, how much time did you spend doing homework outside of class?
- 1: No time
- 2: Less than 1 hour
- 3: 1 hour to less than 3 hours
- 4: 3 hours to less than 7 hours
- 5: 7 hours to less than 14 hours
- 6: 14 hours or more
Reading (RDG)
Reading (RDG) - Question identifier:RDG_Q010
In the past 7 days, how much time did you spend reading books, stories or articles for enjoyment?
- 1: No time
- 2: Less than 1 hour
- 3: 1 hour to less than 3 hours
- 4: 3 hours to less than 7 hours
- 5: 7 hours to less than 14 hours
- 6: 14 hours or more
Electronic devices (EDV)
Electronic devices (EDV) - Question identifier:EDV_R001
The following questions ask about the use of electronic devices such as tablets, mobile devices, game consoles, desktop or portable computers and televisions.
Electronic devices (EDV) - Question identifier:EDV_R005
How often do you use the following social network sites?
Electronic devices (EDV) - Question identifier:EDV_Q005
- 1: Constantly
- 2: Several times a day
- 3: Once a day
- 4: Weekly
- 5: Less than weekly
- 6: Do not have an account
Electronic devices (EDV) - Question identifier:EDV_Q010
- 1: Constantly
- 2: Several times a day
- 3: Once a day
- 4: Weekly
- 5: Less than weekly
- 6: Do not have an account
Electronic devices (EDV) - Question identifier:EDV_Q015
- 1: Constantly
- 2: Several times a day
- 3: Once a day
- 4: Weekly
- 5: Less than weekly
- 6: Do not have an account
Electronic devices (EDV) - Question identifier:EDV_Q020
- 1: Constantly
- 2: Several times a day
- 3: Once a day
- 4: Weekly
- 5: Less than weekly
- 6: Do not have an account
Electronic devices (EDV) - Question identifier:EDV_Q025
- 1: Constantly
- 2: Several times a day
- 3: Once a day
- 4: Weekly
- 5: Less than weekly
- 6: Do not have an account
Electronic devices (EDV) - Question identifier:EDV_Q030
Do you use any other social network sites on a regular basis?
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
Electronic devices (EDV) - Question identifier:EDV_Q035
What other social network sites do you use on a regular basis?
Long Answer Length = 80
Electronic devices (EDV) - Question identifier:EDV_R040A
The following questions ask about the use of electronic devices such as tablets, mobile devices, game consoles, desktop or portable computers and televisions.
Electronic devices (EDV) - Question identifier:EDV_R040B
In the past 7 days, how much time did you spend:
Electronic devices (EDV) - Question identifier:EDV_Q040
Watching movies, videos, YouTube or television programs?
- 1: No time
- 2: Less than 3 hours
- 3: 3 hours to less than 7 hours
- 4: 7 hours to less than 14 hours
- 5: 14 hours to less than 21 hours
- 6: 21 hours or more
Electronic devices (EDV) - Question identifier:EDV_Q045
Playing video games using any console or electronic device?
- 1: No time
- 2: Less than 3 hours
- 3: 3 hours to less than 7 hours
- 4: 7 hours to less than 14 hours
- 5: 14 hours to less than 21 hours
- 6: 21 hours or more
Electronic devices (EDV) - Question identifier:EDV_R050
For the next question, think about all the time you used any electronic device in your free time.
Electronic devices (EDV) - Question identifier:EDV_Q050
In the past 7 days, how much time in total did you spend using any electronic device such as a mobile device, computer, tablet, video game console or television while you were sitting or lying down?
- 1: No time
- 2: Less than 3 hours
- 3: 3 hours to less than 7 hours
- 4: 7 hours to less than 14 hours
- 5: 14 hours to less than 21 hours
- 6: 21 hours or more
Electronic devices (EDV) - Question identifier:EDV_Q055
In the past 7 days, did you use an electronic device in your bedroom before falling asleep?
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
Work (WRK)
Work (WRK) - Question identifier:WRK_R001
The next few questions are about paid and unpaid work during the past 12 months, including part-time, summer and odd jobs.
Work (WRK) - Question identifier:WRK_R005
In the past 12 months, have you worked:
Work (WRK) - Question identifier:WRK_Q005
For pay for an employer such as at a store or restaurant?
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
Work (WRK) - Question identifier:WRK_Q010
For pay at an odd job such as babysitting or mowing a neighbour's lawn?
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
Work (WRK) - Question identifier:WRK_Q015
On your family's farm or in your family's business with or without pay?
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
Work (WRK) - Question identifier:WRK_Q020
In the past 7 days, that is from last ^DAYOFINTERVIEW to yesterday, did you spend time working at any of these jobs?
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
Work (WRK) - Question identifier:WRK_R025
In the past 7 days, how much time did you spend working at any of these jobs?
Work (WRK) - Question identifier:WRK_Q025A
Min = 0; Max = 168
Work (WRK) - Question identifier:WRK_Q025B
Min = 0; Max = 55
Formal volunteering (FVL)
Formal volunteering (FVL) - Question identifier:FVL_R001
The following questions are about any activities that you did without pay on behalf of a group or an organization in the past 12 months.
Formal volunteering (FVL) - Question identifier:FVL_Q005
In the past 12 months, did you do unpaid volunteer activities for any organization?
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
Formal volunteering (FVL) - Question identifier:FVL_Q010
In the past 12 months, for how many different groups or organizations did you do unpaid volunteer activities?
Min = 1; Max = 20
Formal volunteering (FVL) - Question identifier:FVL_Q015
In the past 7 days, that is, from last ^DAYOFINTERVIEW to yesterday, did you do any unpaid volunteer activities?
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
Formal volunteering (FVL) - Question identifier:FVL_R020
In the past 7 days, how much time did you spend doing these unpaid volunteer activities?
Formal volunteering (FVL) - Question identifier:FVL_Q020A
Min = 0; Max = 168
Formal volunteering (FVL) - Question identifier:FVL_Q020B
Min = 0; Max = 55
Helping Others (HOT)
Helping Others (HOT) - Question identifier:HOT_R001
The following questions are about help you provided to people, on your own, not on behalf of an organization. Examples include household responsibilities like cooking, cleaning, yard work, errands and taking care of someone.
Helping Others (HOT) - Question identifier:HOT_Q005
In the past 7 days, did you help anyone in your household?
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
Helping Others (HOT) - Question identifier:HOT_Q010
In the past 7 days, did you help friends, neighbours or relatives not living in your household?
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
Travel to school (TTS)
Travel to school (TTS) - Question identifier:TTS_R001
The next few questions are about your travel to school.
Travel to school (TTS) - Question identifier:TTS_Q005
In the past 7 days, that is from last ^DAYOFINTERVIEW to yesterday, which of the following types of transportation did you use to get to school?
- 1: Car, truck or van
- 2: School bus
- 3: Public bus, subway, street car or LRT
- 4: Walking
- 5: Bicycle
- 6: Other active way
- 7: Other inactive way
Travel to school (TTS) - Question identifier:TTS_Q005A
- 08: Home schooled or taught at home
Travel to school (TTS) - Question identifier:TTS_R010
In the past 7 days, on how many days did you use the following types of transportation to get to school?
Travel to school (TTS) - Question identifier:TTS_Q010A
Car, truck or van
Min = 1; Max = 7
Travel to school (TTS) - Question identifier:TTS_Q010B
School bus
Min = 1; Max = 7
Travel to school (TTS) - Question identifier:TTS_Q010C
Public bus, subway, street car or LRT
Min = 1; Max = 7
Travel to school (TTS) - Question identifier:TTS_Q010D
Min = 1; Max = 7
Travel to school (TTS) - Question identifier:TTS_Q010E
Min = 1; Max = 7
Travel to school (TTS) - Question identifier:TTS_Q010F
Other active way
Min = 1; Max = 7
Travel to school (TTS) - Question identifier:TTS_Q010G
Other inactive way
Min = 1; Max = 7
Travel to school (TTS) - Question identifier:TTS_R015
How long did it usually take you to travel to school using the following types of transportation?
Travel to school (TTS) - Question identifier:TTS_R015A
Car, truck or van
Travel to school (TTS) - Question identifier:TTS_Q015AA
Min = 0; Max = 24
Travel to school (TTS) - Question identifier:TTS_Q015AB
Min = 0; Max = 55
Travel to school (TTS) - Question identifier:TTS_R015B
School bus
Travel to school (TTS) - Question identifier:TTS_Q015BA
Min = 0; Max = 24
Travel to school (TTS) - Question identifier:TTS_Q015BB
Min = 0; Max = 55
Travel to school (TTS) - Question identifier:TTS_R015C
Public bus, subway, street car or LRT
Travel to school (TTS) - Question identifier:TTS_Q015CA
Min = 0; Max = 24
Travel to school (TTS) - Question identifier:TTS_Q015CB
Min = 0; Max = 55
Travel to school (TTS) - Question identifier:TTS_R015D
Travel to school (TTS) - Question identifier:TTS_Q015DA
Min = 0; Max = 24
Travel to school (TTS) - Question identifier:TTS_Q015DB
Min = 0; Max = 55
Travel to school (TTS) - Question identifier:TTS_R015E
Travel to school (TTS) - Question identifier:TTS_Q015EA
Min = 0; Max = 24
Travel to school (TTS) - Question identifier:TTS_Q015EB
Min = 0; Max = 55
Travel to school (TTS) - Question identifier:TTS_R015F
Other active way
Travel to school (TTS) - Question identifier:TTS_Q015FA
Min = 0; Max = 24
Travel to school (TTS) - Question identifier:TTS_Q015FB
Min = 0; Max = 55
Travel to school (TTS) - Question identifier:TTS_R015G
Other inactive way
Travel to school (TTS) - Question identifier:TTS_Q015GA
Min = 0; Max = 24
Travel to school (TTS) - Question identifier:TTS_Q015GB
Min = 0; Max = 55
Travel to school (TTS) - Question identifier:TTS_Q020
In the past 7 days, did you usually use the same type of transportation to get to and from school?
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
Physical education classes (PEC)
Physical education classes (PEC) - Question identifier:PEC_Q005
Are you currently taking a physical education (PE) class at your school?
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
Organized sports and clubs (OSC)
Organized sports and clubs (OSC) - Question identifier:OSC_R001
The next few questions are about organized sports, clubs or activities that you participated in during the past 12 months.
Organized sports and clubs (OSC) - Question identifier:OSC_Q005
In the past 12 months, have you participated in a sport or physical activity with a coach or instructor?
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
Organized sports and clubs (OSC) - Question identifier:OSC_R010
In which sports or physical activities with a coach or instructor did you participate?
Organized sports and clubs (OSC) - Question identifier:OSC_Q010A
Sport 1
Long Answer Length = 80
Organized sports and clubs (OSC) - Question identifier:OSC_Q010B
Sport 2
Long Answer Length = 80
Organized sports and clubs (OSC) - Question identifier:OSC_Q010C
Sport 3
Long Answer Length = 80
Organized sports and clubs (OSC) - Question identifier:OSC_Q010D
Sport 4
Long Answer Length = 80
Organized sports and clubs (OSC) - Question identifier:OSC_Q010E
Sport 5
Long Answer Length = 80
Organized sports and clubs (OSC) - Question identifier:OSC_Q010F
Sport 6
Long Answer Length = 80
Organized sports and clubs (OSC) - Question identifier:OSC_Q010G
Sport 7
Long Answer Length = 80
Organized sports and clubs (OSC) - Question identifier:OSC_Q010H
Sport 8
Long Answer Length = 80
Organized sports and clubs (OSC) - Question identifier:OSC_Q010I
Sport 9
Long Answer Length = 80
Organized sports and clubs (OSC) - Question identifier:OSC_Q010J
Sport 10
Long Answer Length = 80
Organized sports and clubs (OSC) - Question identifier:OSC_R015
In the past 7 days, that is, from last ^DAYOFINTERVIEW to yesterday, how much time in total did you spend participating in these sports or physical activities?
Organized sports and clubs (OSC) - Question identifier:OSC_Q015A
Min = 0; Max = 168
Organized sports and clubs (OSC) - Question identifier:OSC_Q015B
Min = 0; Max = 55
Organized sports and clubs (OSC) - Question identifier:OSC_Q015C
- 1: Did not participate in the past 7 days
Organized sports and clubs (OSC) - Question identifier:OSC_Q020
In the past 7 days, would you say that you did organized sports or physical activities with a coach or instructor for:
- 1: Less than 1 hour
- 2: 1 hour to less than 3 hours
- 3: 3 hours to less than 5 hours
- 4: 5 hours to less than 7 hours
- 5: 7 hours to less than 10 hours
- 6: 10 hours or more
Organized sports and clubs (OSC) - Question identifier:OSC_Q025
In the past 12 months, have you participated in music, drama or art clubs or lessons?
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
Organized sports and clubs (OSC) - Question identifier:OSC_R030
In the past 7 days, how much time did you spend participating in music, drama or art clubs or lessons?
Organized sports and clubs (OSC) - Question identifier:OSC_Q030A
Min = 0; Max = 168
Organized sports and clubs (OSC) - Question identifier:OSC_Q030B
Min = 0; Max = 55
Organized sports and clubs (OSC) - Question identifier:OSC_Q030C
- 1: Did not participate in the past 7 days
Organized sports and clubs (OSC) - Question identifier:OSC_Q035
In the past 7 days, would you say that you participated in music, drama or art clubs or lessons for:
- 1: Less than 1 hour
- 2: 1 hour to less than 3 hours
- 3: 3 hours to less than 5 hours
- 4: 5 hours to less than 7 hours
- 5: 7 hours to less than 10 hours
- 6: 10 hours or more
Organized sports and clubs (OSC) - Question identifier:OSC_Q040
In the past 12 months, have you participated in other types of organized clubs, groups or recreational programs, such as Scouts, Guides or church groups?
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
Organized sports and clubs (OSC) - Question identifier:OSC_R045
In the past 7 days, how much time did you spend participating in these organized clubs, groups or recreational activities?
Organized sports and clubs (OSC) - Question identifier:OSC_Q045A
Min = 0; Max = 168
Organized sports and clubs (OSC) - Question identifier:OSC_Q045B
Min = 0; Max = 55
Organized sports and clubs (OSC) - Question identifier:OSC_Q045C
- 1: Did not participate in the past 7 days
Organized sports and clubs (OSC) - Question identifier:OSC_Q050
In the past 7 days, would you say that you participated in these organized clubs, groups or recreational activities for:
- 1: Less than 1 hour
- 2: 1 hour to less than 3 hours
- 3: 3 hours to less than 5 hours
- 4: 5 hours to less than 7 hours
- 5: 7 hours to less than 10 hours
- 6: 10 hours or more
Other Physical Activity (OPA)
Other Physical Activity (OPA) - Question identifier:OPA_R015
The next few questions are about other physical activities you did in your free time in the past 7 days.
Exclude organized physical activities you have already reported.
Other Physical Activity (OPA) - Question identifier:OPA_Q015
In the past 7 days, did you participate in any outdoor physical activities in your free time, such as biking, skating, gardening, playing ball or sledding?
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
Other Physical Activity (OPA) - Question identifier:OPA_Q020
In the past 7 days, how much time did you spend participating in these outdoor physical activities in your free time?
- 1: Less than 1 hour
- 2: 1 hour to less than 3 hours
- 3: 3 hours to less than 7 hours
- 4: 7 hours to less than 14 hours
- 5: 14 hours or more
Other Physical Activity (OPA) - Question identifier:OPA_Q025
In the past 7 days, did you participate in any indoor physical activities in your free time, such as playing at an indoor play centre or working out at home or at a gym?
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
Other Physical Activity (OPA) - Question identifier:OPA_Q030
In the past 7 days, how much time did you spend participating in these indoor physical activities?
- 1: Less than 1 hour
- 2: 1 hour to less than 3 hours
- 3: 3 hours to less than 7 hours
- 4: 7 hours to less than 14 hours
- 5: 14 hours or more
Physical Activity Intensity (PAI)
Physical Activity Intensity (PAI) - Question identifier:PAI_R005
For the following questions, think about all the physical activity you did in the past 7 days.
Physical Activity Intensity (PAI) - Question identifier:PAI_Q005
In the past 7 days, that is from last ^DAYOFINTERVIEW to yesterday, did you participate in any physical activities in which you were sweating at least a little or breathing harder?
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
Physical Activity Intensity (PAI) - Question identifier:PAI_R045
Did you participate in physical activities in which you were sweating at least a little or breathing harder on any of the following days?
Physical Activity Intensity (PAI) - Question identifier:PAI_Q045B
Participated yesterday?
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
Physical Activity Intensity (PAI) - Question identifier:PAI_Q045C
Total activity time
- 01: No time
- 02: 15 minutes or less
- 03: 30 minutes
- 04: 45 minutes
- 05: 1 hour
- 06: 1 hour 15 minutes
- 07: 1 hour 30 minutes
- 08: 1 hour 45 minutes
- 09: 2 hours
- 10: 2 hours 15 minutes
- 11: 2 hours 30 minutes
- 12: 2 hours 45 minutes
- 13: 3 hours
- 14: 3 hours 15 minutes
- 15: 3 hours 30 minutes
- 16: 3 hours 45 minutes
- 17: 4 hours
- 18: 4 hours 15 minutes
- 19: 4 hours 30 minutes
- 20: 4 hours 45 minutes
- 21: 5 hours
- 22: 5 hours 15 minutes
- 23: 5 hours 30 minutes
- 24: 5 hours 45 minutes
- 25: 6 hours
- 26: 6 hours 15 minutes
- 27: 6 hours 30 minutes
- 28: 6 hours 45 minutes
- 29: 7 hours or more
Physical Activity Intensity (PAI) - Question identifier:PAI_Q045D
Time sweating or breathing harder
- 01: No time
- 02: 15 minutes or less
- 03: 30 minutes
- 04: 45 minutes
- 05: 1 hour
- 06: 1 hour 15 minutes
- 07: 1 hour 30 minutes
- 08: 1 hour 45 minutes
- 09: 2 hours
- 10: 2 hours 15 minutes
- 11: 2 hours 30 minutes
- 12: 2 hours 45 minutes
- 13: 3 hours
- 14: 3 hours 15 minutes
- 15: 3 hours 30 minutes
- 16: 3 hours 45 minutes
- 17: 4 hours
- 18: 4 hours 15 minutes
- 19: 4 hours 30 minutes
- 20: 4 hours 45 minutes
- 21: 5 hours
- 22: 5 hours 15 minutes
- 23: 5 hours 30 minutes
- 24: 5 hours 45 minutes
- 25: 6 hours
- 26: 6 hours 15 minutes
- 27: 6 hours 30 minutes
- 28: 6 hours 45 minutes
- 29: 7 hours or more
Physical Activity Intensity (PAI) - Question identifier:PAI_Q050B
Participated [Saturday/Sunday/Monday/Tuesday/Wednesday/Thursday/Friday]?
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
Physical Activity Intensity (PAI) - Question identifier:PAI_Q050C
Total activity time
- 01: No time
- 02: 15 minutes or less
- 03: 30 minutes
- 04: 45 minutes
- 05: 1 hour
- 06: 1 hour 15 minutes
- 07: 1 hour 30 minutes
- 08: 1 hour 45 minutes
- 09: 2 hours
- 10: 2 hours 15 minutes
- 11: 2 hours 30 minutes
- 12: 2 hours 45 minutes
- 13: 3 hours
- 14: 3 hours 15 minutes
- 15: 3 hours 30 minutes
- 16: 3 hours 45 minutes
- 17: 4 hours
- 18: 4 hours 15 minutes
- 19: 4 hours 30 minutes
- 20: 4 hours 45 minutes
- 21: 5 hours
- 22: 5 hours 15 minutes
- 23: 5 hours 30 minutes
- 24: 5 hours 45 minutes
- 25: 6 hours
- 26: 6 hours 15 minutes
- 27: 6 hours 30 minutes
- 28: 6 hours 45 minutes
- 29: 7 hours or more
Physical Activity Intensity (PAI) - Question identifier:PAI_Q050D
Time sweating or breathing harder
- 01: No time
- 02: 15 minutes or less
- 03: 30 minutes
- 04: 45 minutes
- 05: 1 hour
- 06: 1 hour 15 minutes
- 07: 1 hour 30 minutes
- 08: 1 hour 45 minutes
- 09: 2 hours
- 10: 2 hours 15 minutes
- 11: 2 hours 30 minutes
- 12: 2 hours 45 minutes
- 13: 3 hours
- 14: 3 hours 15 minutes
- 15: 3 hours 30 minutes
- 16: 3 hours 45 minutes
- 17: 4 hours
- 18: 4 hours 15 minutes
- 19: 4 hours 30 minutes
- 20: 4 hours 45 minutes
- 21: 5 hours
- 22: 5 hours 15 minutes
- 23: 5 hours 30 minutes
- 24: 5 hours 45 minutes
- 25: 6 hours
- 26: 6 hours 15 minutes
- 27: 6 hours 30 minutes
- 28: 6 hours 45 minutes
- 29: 7 hours or more
Physical Activity Intensity (PAI) - Question identifier:PAI_Q055B
Participated [Friday/Saturday/Sunday/Monday/Tuesday/Wednesday/Thursday]?
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
Physical Activity Intensity (PAI) - Question identifier:PAI_Q055C
Total activity time
- 01: No time
- 02: 15 minutes or less
- 03: 30 minutes
- 04: 45 minutes
- 05: 1 hour
- 06: 1 hour 15 minutes
- 07: 1 hour 30 minutes
- 08: 1 hour 45 minutes
- 09: 2 hours
- 10: 2 hours 15 minutes
- 11: 2 hours 30 minutes
- 12: 2 hours 45 minutes
- 13: 3 hours
- 14: 3 hours 15 minutes
- 15: 3 hours 30 minutes
- 16: 3 hours 45 minutes
- 17: 4 hours
- 18: 4 hours 15 minutes
- 19: 4 hours 30 minutes
- 20: 4 hours 45 minutes
- 21: 5 hours
- 22: 5 hours 15 minutes
- 23: 5 hours 30 minutes
- 24: 5 hours 45 minutes
- 25: 6 hours
- 26: 6 hours 15 minutes
- 27: 6 hours 30 minutes
- 28: 6 hours 45 minutes
- 29: 7 hours or more
Physical Activity Intensity (PAI) - Question identifier:PAI_Q055D
Time sweating or breathing harder
- 01: No time
- 02: 15 minutes or less
- 03: 30 minutes
- 04: 45 minutes
- 05: 1 hour
- 06: 1 hour 15 minutes
- 07: 1 hour 30 minutes
- 08: 1 hour 45 minutes
- 09: 2 hours
- 10: 2 hours 15 minutes
- 11: 2 hours 30 minutes
- 12: 2 hours 45 minutes
- 13: 3 hours
- 14: 3 hours 15 minutes
- 15: 3 hours 30 minutes
- 16: 3 hours 45 minutes
- 17: 4 hours
- 18: 4 hours 15 minutes
- 19: 4 hours 30 minutes
- 20: 4 hours 45 minutes
- 21: 5 hours
- 22: 5 hours 15 minutes
- 23: 5 hours 30 minutes
- 24: 5 hours 45 minutes
- 25: 6 hours
- 26: 6 hours 15 minutes
- 27: 6 hours 30 minutes
- 28: 6 hours 45 minutes
- 29: 7 hours or more
Physical Activity Intensity (PAI) - Question identifier:PAI_Q060B
Participated [Thursday/Friday/Saturday/Sunday/Monday/Tuesday/Wednesday]?
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
Physical Activity Intensity (PAI) - Question identifier:PAI_Q060C
Total activity time
- 01: No time
- 02: 15 minutes or less
- 03: 30 minutes
- 04: 45 minutes
- 05: 1 hour
- 06: 1 hour 15 minutes
- 07: 1 hour 30 minutes
- 08: 1 hour 45 minutes
- 09: 2 hours
- 10: 2 hours 15 minutes
- 11: 2 hours 30 minutes
- 12: 2 hours 45 minutes
- 13: 3 hours
- 14: 3 hours 15 minutes
- 15: 3 hours 30 minutes
- 16: 3 hours 45 minutes
- 17: 4 hours
- 18: 4 hours 15 minutes
- 19: 4 hours 30 minutes
- 20: 4 hours 45 minutes
- 21: 5 hours
- 22: 5 hours 15 minutes
- 23: 5 hours 30 minutes
- 24: 5 hours 45 minutes
- 25: 6 hours
- 26: 6 hours 15 minutes
- 27: 6 hours 30 minutes
- 28: 6 hours 45 minutes
- 29: 7 hours or more
Physical Activity Intensity (PAI) - Question identifier:PAI_Q060D
Time sweating or breathing harder
- 01: No time
- 02: 15 minutes or less
- 03: 30 minutes
- 04: 45 minutes
- 05: 1 hour
- 06: 1 hour 15 minutes
- 07: 1 hour 30 minutes
- 08: 1 hour 45 minutes
- 09: 2 hours
- 10: 2 hours 15 minutes
- 11: 2 hours 30 minutes
- 12: 2 hours 45 minutes
- 13: 3 hours
- 14: 3 hours 15 minutes
- 15: 3 hours 30 minutes
- 16: 3 hours 45 minutes
- 17: 4 hours
- 18: 4 hours 15 minutes
- 19: 4 hours 30 minutes
- 20: 4 hours 45 minutes
- 21: 5 hours
- 22: 5 hours 15 minutes
- 23: 5 hours 30 minutes
- 24: 5 hours 45 minutes
- 25: 6 hours
- 26: 6 hours 15 minutes
- 27: 6 hours 30 minutes
- 28: 6 hours 45 minutes
- 29: 7 hours or more
Physical Activity Intensity (PAI) - Question identifier:PAI_Q065B
Participated [Wednesday/Thursday/Friday/Saturday/Sunday/Monday/Tuesday]?
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
Physical Activity Intensity (PAI) - Question identifier:PAI_Q065C
Total activity time
- 01: No time
- 02: 15 minutes or less
- 03: 30 minutes
- 04: 45 minutes
- 05: 1 hour
- 06: 1 hour 15 minutes
- 07: 1 hour 30 minutes
- 08: 1 hour 45 minutes
- 09: 2 hours
- 10: 2 hours 15 minutes
- 11: 2 hours 30 minutes
- 12: 2 hours 45 minutes
- 13: 3 hours
- 14: 3 hours 15 minutes
- 15: 3 hours 30 minutes
- 16: 3 hours 45 minutes
- 17: 4 hours
- 18: 4 hours 15 minutes
- 19: 4 hours 30 minutes
- 20: 4 hours 45 minutes
- 21: 5 hours
- 22: 5 hours 15 minutes
- 23: 5 hours 30 minutes
- 24: 5 hours 45 minutes
- 25: 6 hours
- 26: 6 hours 15 minutes
- 27: 6 hours 30 minutes
- 28: 6 hours 45 minutes
- 29: 7 hours or more
Physical Activity Intensity (PAI) - Question identifier:PAI_Q065D
Time sweating or breathing harder
- 01: No time
- 02: 15 minutes or less
- 03: 30 minutes
- 04: 45 minutes
- 05: 1 hour
- 06: 1 hour 15 minutes
- 07: 1 hour 30 minutes
- 08: 1 hour 45 minutes
- 09: 2 hours
- 10: 2 hours 15 minutes
- 11: 2 hours 30 minutes
- 12: 2 hours 45 minutes
- 13: 3 hours
- 14: 3 hours 15 minutes
- 15: 3 hours 30 minutes
- 16: 3 hours 45 minutes
- 17: 4 hours
- 18: 4 hours 15 minutes
- 19: 4 hours 30 minutes
- 20: 4 hours 45 minutes
- 21: 5 hours
- 22: 5 hours 15 minutes
- 23: 5 hours 30 minutes
- 24: 5 hours 45 minutes
- 25: 6 hours
- 26: 6 hours 15 minutes
- 27: 6 hours 30 minutes
- 28: 6 hours 45 minutes
- 29: 7 hours or more
Physical Activity Intensity (PAI) - Question identifier:PAI_Q070B
Participated [Tuesday/Wednesday/Thursday/Friday/Saturday/Sunday/Monday]?
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
Physical Activity Intensity (PAI) - Question identifier:PAI_Q070C
Total activity time
- 01: No time
- 02: 15 minutes or less
- 03: 30 minutes
- 04: 45 minutes
- 05: 1 hour
- 06: 1 hour 15 minutes
- 07: 1 hour 30 minutes
- 08: 1 hour 45 minutes
- 09: 2 hours
- 10: 2 hours 15 minutes
- 11: 2 hours 30 minutes
- 12: 2 hours 45 minutes
- 13: 3 hours
- 14: 3 hours 15 minutes
- 15: 3 hours 30 minutes
- 16: 3 hours 45 minutes
- 17: 4 hours
- 18: 4 hours 15 minutes
- 19: 4 hours 30 minutes
- 20: 4 hours 45 minutes
- 21: 5 hours
- 22: 5 hours 15 minutes
- 23: 5 hours 30 minutes
- 24: 5 hours 45 minutes
- 25: 6 hours
- 26: 6 hours 15 minutes
- 27: 6 hours 30 minutes
- 28: 6 hours 45 minutes
- 29: 7 hours or more
Physical Activity Intensity (PAI) - Question identifier:PAI_Q070D
Time sweating or breathing harder
- 01: No time
- 02: 15 minutes or less
- 03: 30 minutes
- 04: 45 minutes
- 05: 1 hour
- 06: 1 hour 15 minutes
- 07: 1 hour 30 minutes
- 08: 1 hour 45 minutes
- 09: 2 hours
- 10: 2 hours 15 minutes
- 11: 2 hours 30 minutes
- 12: 2 hours 45 minutes
- 13: 3 hours
- 14: 3 hours 15 minutes
- 15: 3 hours 30 minutes
- 16: 3 hours 45 minutes
- 17: 4 hours
- 18: 4 hours 15 minutes
- 19: 4 hours 30 minutes
- 20: 4 hours 45 minutes
- 21: 5 hours
- 22: 5 hours 15 minutes
- 23: 5 hours 30 minutes
- 24: 5 hours 45 minutes
- 25: 6 hours
- 26: 6 hours 15 minutes
- 27: 6 hours 30 minutes
- 28: 6 hours 45 minutes
- 29: 7 hours or more
Physical Activity Intensity (PAI) - Question identifier:PAI_Q075B
Participated [Monday/Tuesday/Wednesday/Thursday/Friday/Saturday/Sunday]?
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
Physical Activity Intensity (PAI) - Question identifier:PAI_Q075C
Total activity time
- 01: No time
- 02: 15 minutes or less
- 03: 30 minutes
- 04: 45 minutes
- 05: 1 hour
- 06: 1 hour 15 minutes
- 07: 1 hour 30 minutes
- 08: 1 hour 45 minutes
- 09: 2 hours
- 10: 2 hours 15 minutes
- 11: 2 hours 30 minutes
- 12: 2 hours 45 minutes
- 13: 3 hours
- 14: 3 hours 15 minutes
- 15: 3 hours 30 minutes
- 16: 3 hours 45 minutes
- 17: 4 hours
- 18: 4 hours 15 minutes
- 19: 4 hours 30 minutes
- 20: 4 hours 45 minutes
- 21: 5 hours
- 22: 5 hours 15 minutes
- 23: 5 hours 30 minutes
- 24: 5 hours 45 minutes
- 25: 6 hours
- 26: 6 hours 15 minutes
- 27: 6 hours 30 minutes
- 28: 6 hours 45 minutes
- 29: 7 hours or more
Physical Activity Intensity (PAI) - Question identifier:PAI_Q075D
Time sweating or breathing harder
- 01: No time
- 02: 15 minutes or less
- 03: 30 minutes
- 04: 45 minutes
- 05: 1 hour
- 06: 1 hour 15 minutes
- 07: 1 hour 30 minutes
- 08: 1 hour 45 minutes
- 09: 2 hours
- 10: 2 hours 15 minutes
- 11: 2 hours 30 minutes
- 12: 2 hours 45 minutes
- 13: 3 hours
- 14: 3 hours 15 minutes
- 15: 3 hours 30 minutes
- 16: 3 hours 45 minutes
- 17: 4 hours
- 18: 4 hours 15 minutes
- 19: 4 hours 30 minutes
- 20: 4 hours 45 minutes
- 21: 5 hours
- 22: 5 hours 15 minutes
- 23: 5 hours 30 minutes
- 24: 5 hours 45 minutes
- 25: 6 hours
- 26: 6 hours 15 minutes
- 27: 6 hours 30 minutes
- 28: 6 hours 45 minutes
- 29: 7 hours or more
Physical Activity Enjoyment (PAE)
Physical Activity Enjoyment (PAE) - Question identifier:PAE_R001
Thinking about being physically active, how much do you agree or disagree with the following statements?
Physical Activity Enjoyment (PAE) - Question identifier:PAE_Q005
When I am physically active, I enjoy it.
- 1: Strongly agree
- 2: Agree
- 3: Disagree
- 4: Strongly disagree
Physical Activity Enjoyment (PAE) - Question identifier:PAE_Q010
I feel confident that I have the ability to be physically active.
- 1: Strongly agree
- 2: Agree
- 3: Disagree
- 4: Strongly disagree
Friends (FND)
Friends (FND) - Question identifier:FND_R001
The following questions are about your friends.
Friends (FND) - Question identifier:FND_R005
In the past 7 days, that is from last ^DAYOFINTERVIEW to yesterday, how much free time did you spend hanging out or playing with friends? .
Friends (FND) - Question identifier:FND_Q005A
Min = 0; Max = 168
Friends (FND) - Question identifier:FND_Q005B
Min = 0; Max = 55
Friends (FND) - Question identifier:FND_Q010
About how many close friends do you have?
Min = 0; Max = 999
Friends (FND) - Question identifier:FND_R015
Thinking about your close friends, how many of these friends:
Friends (FND) - Question identifier:FND_Q015
Have a reputation for causing trouble?
- 1: None of them
- 2: Some of them
- 3: Most of them
- 4: All of them
Friends (FND) - Question identifier:FND_Q020
Think it's okay to work hard at school?
- 1: None of them
- 2: Some of them
- 3: Most of them
- 4: All of them
Friends (FND) - Question identifier:FND_Q025
Play sports or are involved in physical activity on a regular basis?
- 1: None of them
- 2: Some of them
- 3: Most of them
- 4: All of them
Friends (FND) - Question identifier:FND_Q030
Cut or skipped a day at school without permission?
- 1: None of them
- 2: Some of them
- 3: Most of them
- 4: All of them
Friends (FND) - Question identifier:FND_Q035
Drink alcohol?
- 1: None of them
- 2: Some of them
- 3: Most of them
- 4: All of them
Sleep (SLP)
Sleep (SLP) - Question identifier:SLP_R001
The next few questions are about your sleep in the past 7 days.
Sleep (SLP) - Question identifier:SLP_R005
On school nights, at what time did you usually fall asleep?
Sleep (SLP) - Question identifier:SLP_Q005A
Min = 1; Max = 24
Sleep (SLP) - Question identifier:SLP_Q005B
Min = 00; Max = 55
Sleep (SLP) - Question identifier:SLP_R010
On school days, at what time did you usually wake up?
Sleep (SLP) - Question identifier:SLP_Q010A
Min = 1; Max = 24
Sleep (SLP) - Question identifier:SLP_Q010B
Min = 00; Max = 55
Sleep (SLP) - Question identifier:SLP_R015
On the weekend, at what time did you usually fall asleep?
Sleep (SLP) - Question identifier:SLP_Q015A
Min = 1; Max = 24
Sleep (SLP) - Question identifier:SLP_Q015B
Min = 00; Max = 55
Sleep (SLP) - Question identifier:SLP_R020
On the weekend, at what time did you usually wake up?
Sleep (SLP) - Question identifier:SLP_Q020A
Min = 1; Max = 24
Sleep (SLP) - Question identifier:SLP_Q020B
Min = 00; Max = 59
Aches and sleeping difficulties (ASD)
Aches and sleeping difficulties (ASD) - Question identifier:ASD_R005
During the past 6 months, how often have you had the following?
Aches and sleeping difficulties (ASD) - Question identifier:ASD_Q005A
- 1: Rarely or never
- 2: About once a month
- 3: About once a week
- 4: More than once a week
- 5: Most days
Aches and sleeping difficulties (ASD) - Question identifier:ASD_Q005B
Stomach ache
- 1: Rarely or never
- 2: About once a month
- 3: About once a week
- 4: More than once a week
- 5: Most days
Aches and sleeping difficulties (ASD) - Question identifier:ASD_Q005C
- 1: Rarely or never
- 2: About once a month
- 3: About once a week
- 4: More than once a week
- 5: Most days
Aches and sleeping difficulties (ASD) - Question identifier:ASD_Q005D
Difficulties in getting to sleep
- 1: Rarely or never
- 2: About once a month
- 3: About once a week
- 4: More than once a week
- 5: Most days
Children's intrinsic needs (CIN)
Children's intrinsic needs (CIN) - Question identifier:CIN_R001
We are interested in how you feel about yourself and how you think other people see you. For each of the following statements, please use "really false for me, sort of false for me, sort of true for me, really true for me" to describe your feelings and ideas in the past week.
Children's intrinsic needs (CIN) - Question identifier:CIN_Q005
I feel I do things well at school.
- 1: Really false for me
- 2: Sort of false for me
- 3: Sort of true for me
- 4: Really true for me
Children's intrinsic needs (CIN) - Question identifier:CIN_Q010
My teachers like me and care about me.
- 1: Really false for me
- 2: Sort of false for me
- 3: Sort of true for me
- 4: Really true for me
Children's intrinsic needs (CIN) - Question identifier:CIN_Q015
I feel free to express myself at home.
- 1: Really false for me
- 2: Sort of false for me
- 3: Sort of true for me
- 4: Really true for me
Children's intrinsic needs (CIN) - Question identifier:CIN_Q020
I feel my teachers think I am good at things.
- 1: Really false for me
- 2: Sort of false for me
- 3: Sort of true for me
- 4: Really true for me
Children's intrinsic needs (CIN) - Question identifier:CIN_Q025
I like to spend time with my parents.
- 1: Really false for me
- 2: Sort of false for me
- 3: Sort of true for me
- 4: Really true for me
Children's intrinsic needs (CIN) - Question identifier:CIN_Q030
I feel free to express myself with my friends.
- 1: Really false for me
- 2: Sort of false for me
- 3: Sort of true for me
- 4: Really true for me
Children's intrinsic needs (CIN) - Question identifier:CIN_Q035
I feel I do things well at home.
- 1: Really false for me
- 2: Sort of false for me
- 3: Sort of true for me
- 4: Really true for me
Children's intrinsic needs (CIN) - Question identifier:CIN_Q040
My parents like me and care about me.
- 1: Really false for me
- 2: Sort of false for me
- 3: Sort of true for me
- 4: Really true for me
Children's intrinsic needs (CIN) - Question identifier:CIN_Q045
I feel I have a choice about when and how to do my school work.
- 1: Really false for me
- 2: Sort of false for me
- 3: Sort of true for me
- 4: Really true for me
Children's intrinsic needs (CIN) - Question identifier:CIN_Q050
I feel my parents think that I am good at things.
- 1: Really false for me
- 2: Sort of false for me
- 3: Sort of true for me
- 4: Really true for me
Children's intrinsic needs (CIN) - Question identifier:CIN_Q055
I like to be with my teachers.
- 1: Really false for me
- 2: Sort of false for me
- 3: Sort of true for me
- 4: Really true for me
Children's intrinsic needs (CIN) - Question identifier:CIN_Q060
I feel I have a choice about which activities to do with my friends.
- 1: Really false for me
- 2: Sort of false for me
- 3: Sort of true for me
- 4: Really true for me
Children's intrinsic needs (CIN) - Question identifier:CIN_Q065
I feel I do things well when I am with my friends.
- 1: Really false for me
- 2: Sort of false for me
- 3: Sort of true for me
- 4: Really true for me
Children's intrinsic needs (CIN) - Question identifier:CIN_Q070
My friends like me and care about me.
- 1: Really false for me
- 2: Sort of false for me
- 3: Sort of true for me
- 4: Really true for me
Children's intrinsic needs (CIN) - Question identifier:CIN_Q075
I feel free to express myself at school.
- 1: Really false for me
- 2: Sort of false for me
- 3: Sort of true for me
- 4: Really true for me
Children's intrinsic needs (CIN) - Question identifier:CIN_Q080
I feel my friends think I am good at things.
- 1: Really false for me
- 2: Sort of false for me
- 3: Sort of true for me
- 4: Really true for me
Children's intrinsic needs (CIN) - Question identifier:CIN_Q085
I like to spend time with my friends.
- 1: Really false for me
- 2: Sort of false for me
- 3: Sort of true for me
- 4: Really true for me
Children's intrinsic needs (CIN) - Question identifier:CIN_Q090
I feel like I have a choice about when and how to do my household chores.
- 1: Really false for me
- 2: Sort of false for me
- 3: Sort of true for me
- 4: Really true for me
Bullying (BUL)
Bullying (BUL) - Question identifier:BUL_Q005
During the past 12 months, how many times has anyone:
made fun of you, called you names or insulted you?
- 1: Never
- 2: A few times a year
- 3: Monthly
- 4: Weekly
- 5: Daily
Bullying (BUL) - Question identifier:BUL_Q010
During the past 12 months, how many times has anyone:
spread rumours about you?
- 1: Never
- 2: A few times a year
- 3: Monthly
- 4: Weekly
- 5: Daily
Bullying (BUL) - Question identifier:BUL_Q015
During the past 12 months, how many times has anyone:
threatened you with harm?
- 1: Never
- 2: A few times a year
- 3: Monthly
- 4: Weekly
- 5: Daily
Bullying (BUL) - Question identifier:BUL_Q020
During the past 12 months, how many times has anyone
pushed you, shoved you, tripped you, or spit on you?
- 1: Never
- 2: A few times a year
- 3: Monthly
- 4: Weekly
- 5: Daily
Bullying (BUL) - Question identifier:BUL_Q025
During the past 12 months, how many times has anyone:
tried to make you do things you did not want to do?
- 1: Never
- 2: A few times a year
- 3: Monthly
- 4: Weekly
- 5: Daily
Bullying (BUL) - Question identifier:BUL_Q030
During the past 12 months, how many times has anyone:
excluded you from activities on purpose?
- 1: Never
- 2: A few times a year
- 3: Monthly
- 4: Weekly
- 5: Daily
Bullying (BUL) - Question identifier:BUL_Q035
During the past 12 months, how many times has anyone:
destroyed your property on purpose?
- 1: Never
- 2: A few times a year
- 3: Monthly
- 4: Weekly
- 5: Daily
Bullying (BUL) - Question identifier:BUL_Q040
During the past 12 months, how many times has anyone:
posted hurtful information about you on the Internet?
- 1: Never
- 2: A few times a year
- 3: Monthly
- 4: Weekly
- 5: Daily
Bullying (BUL) - Question identifier:BUL_Q045
During the past 12 months, how many times has anyone:
threatened or insulted you through email, instant messaging, text messaging, or an online game?
- 1: Never
- 2: A few times a year
- 3: Monthly
- 4: Weekly
- 5: Daily
Bullying (BUL) - Question identifier:BUL_Q050
During the past 12 months, how many times has anyone:
purposefully excluded you from an online community?
- 1: Never
- 2: A few times a year
- 3: Monthly
- 4: Weekly
- 5: Daily
Bullying (BUL) - Question identifier:BUL_Q055
During the past 12 months, how many times has anyone called you an insulting or bad name having to do with:
your race, religion, ethnic background or national origin?
- 1: Never
- 2: A few times a year
- 3: Monthly
- 4: Weekly
- 5: Daily
Bullying (BUL) - Question identifier:BUL_Q060
During the past 12 months, how many times has anyone called you an insulting or bad name having to do with:
any disability you may have?
- 1: Never
- 2: A few times a year
- 3: Monthly
- 4: Weekly
- 5: Daily
Bullying (BUL) - Question identifier:BUL_Q065
During the past 12 months, how many times has anyone called you an insulting or bad name having to do with:
your physical appearance?
- 1: Never
- 2: A few times a year
- 3: Monthly
- 4: Weekly
- 5: Daily
Bullying (BUL) - Question identifier:BUL_Q070
During the past 12 months, how many times has anyone called you an insulting or bad name having to do with:
your gender?
- 1: Never
- 2: A few times a year
- 3: Monthly
- 4: Weekly
- 5: Daily
Bullying (BUL) - Question identifier:BUL_Q075
(Note: Only asked of 15-17 year olds) During the past 12 months, how many times has anyone called you an insulting or bad name having to do with:
your sexual orientation?
- 1: Never
- 2: A few times a year
- 3: Monthly
- 4: Weekly
- 5: Daily
Youth alcohol consumption (YAL)
Youth alcohol consumption (YAL) - Question identifier:YAL_Q005
Not counting small sips, have you ever had a drink of alcohol?
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
Youth alcohol consumption (YAL) - Question identifier:YAL_R010
Not counting small sips, how old were you when you had your first drink of alcohol?
Youth alcohol consumption (YAL) - Question identifier:YAL_Q010
Min = 1; Max = 121
Youth alcohol consumption (YAL) - Question identifier:YAL_Q015
In the past 12 months, how often did you drink alcohol - liquor (rum, whisky, etc.), wine, beer, or coolers?
- 1: Never
- 2: Once a month or less
- 3: 2 to 3 times a month
- 4: At least once a week
Youth alcohol consumption (YAL) - Question identifier:YAL_Q020
How many times in the past 30 days have you had (5 for males / 4 for females) or more drinks of alcohol on the same occasion?
- 1: Never
- 2: Once
- 3: 2 times
- 4: 3 times
- 5: 4 times
- 6: 5 or more times
Youth smoking (YSK)
Youth smoking (YSK) - Question identifier:YSK_R001
The following questions are about your experiences with smoking.
Youth smoking (YSK) - Question identifier:YSK_Q005
Have you ever smoked a whole cigarette?
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
Youth smoking (YSK) - Question identifier:YSK_R010
How old were you the first time you smoked a whole cigarette?
Youth smoking (YSK) - Question identifier:YSK_Q010
Min = 1; Max = 121
Youth smoking (YSK) - Question identifier:YSK_Q015
In your lifetime, have you smoked a total of 100 or more cigarettes (about 4 packs)?
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
Youth smoking (YSK) - Question identifier:YSK_Q020
In the past 30 days, how often did you smoke cigarettes?
- 1: Did not smoke in the past 30 days
- 2: Smoked, but not every day
- 3: Smoked every day
Youth smoking (YSK) - Question identifier:YSK_Q025
Did you ever smoke cigarettes every day for a month or longer?
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
Youth marijuana consumption (YMC)
Youth marijuana consumption (YMC) - Question identifier:YMC_Q005
Have you ever used or tried marijuana, also known as hash, weed, or pot?
- 1: Yes, just once
- 2: Yes, more than once
- 3: No
Youth marijuana consumption (YMC) - Question identifier:YMC_R010
How old were you when you first tried marijuana?
Youth marijuana consumption (YMC) - Question identifier:YMC_Q010
Min = 1; Max = 121
Youth marijuana consumption (YMC) - Question identifier:YMC_R015
How old were you when you first tried marijuana?
Youth marijuana consumption (YMC) - Question identifier:YMC_Q015
Min = 1; Max = 121
Youth marijuana consumption (YMC) - Question identifier:YMC_Q020
In the past 12 months, how often did you use marijuana?
- 1: Never
- 2: Once or twice
- 3: 1-3 times per month
- 4: Weekly
- 5: Daily or almost daily
Youth marijuana consumption (YMC) - Question identifier:YMC_Q025
In the past 3 months, how often did you use marijuana?
- 1: Never
- 2: Once or twice
- 3: 1-3 times per month
- 4: Weekly
- 5: Daily or almost daily
Tobacco alternatives (TAL)
Tobacco alternatives (TAL) - Question identifier:TAL_R001
The following questions are about your use of tobacco other than cigarettes.
Tobacco alternatives (TAL) - Question identifier:TAL_R005
In the past 30 days, did you:
Tobacco alternatives (TAL) - Question identifier:TAL_Q005
Smoke any cigars, little cigars or cigarillos (plain or flavoured)?
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
Tobacco alternatives (TAL) - Question identifier:TAL_Q010
Use a water-pipe, also known as a hookah, sheesha, narg-eelay, hubble-bubble, or gouza, to smoke tobacco?
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
Tobacco alternatives (TAL) - Question identifier:TAL_Q015
Use an electronic cigarette also known as an e-cigarette?
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
Tobacco alternatives (TAL) - Question identifier:TAL_Q020
In the past 30 days, how often did you use electronic cigarettes also known as e-cigarettes?
- 1: Less than once per week
- 2: 1 to 2 times per week
- 3: 3 to 5 times per week
- 4: Daily or almost every day
Exposure to smoking (ESM)
Exposure to smoking (ESM) - Question identifier:ESM_Q005
Do any members of your family smoke cigarettes, cigars or pipe tobacco?
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
Exposure to smoking (ESM) - Question identifier:ESM_Q010
Which of the following members of your family smoke cigarettes, cigars or pipe tobacco?
- 1: your mother
- 2: your father
- 3: your step-mother
- 4: your step-father
- 5: your brother or sister (include step siblings)
- 6: Other family member - specify:
Exposure to smoking (ESM) - Question identifier:ESM_Q015
Does anyone smoke inside your house?
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
Exposure to smoking (ESM) - Question identifier:ESM_Q020
Would you say someone smokes in your house:
- 1: Every day
- 2: A few days a week
- 3: Occasionally
Exposure to smoking (ESM) - Question identifier:ESM_Q025
How many of your closest friends smoke cigarettes?
- 1: None
- 2: A few
- 3: Some
- 4: Most
- 5: All
Exposure to smoking (ESM) - Question identifier:ESM_Q030
Does anyone smoke tobacco in a vehicle that you travel in?
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
Exposure to smoking (ESM) - Question identifier:ESM_Q035
Would you say someone smokes in a vehicle that you travel in every day, a few days a week or occasionally?
- 1: Every day
- 2: A few days a week
- 3: Occasionally
Injury (IJY)
Injury (IJY) - Question identifier:IJY_R095
The following questions are about head injuries or concussions you may have had during the past 12 months.
Injury (IJY) - Question identifier:IJY_Q095
During the past 12 months have you had a head injury or concussion?
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
Injury (IJY) - Question identifier:IJY_Q100
Was a health care professional consulted for your head injury or concussion?
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
Injury (IJY) - Question identifier:IJY_Q105
What were you doing when you were injured?
- 1: Riding a bike
- 2: Sports or physical activity other than riding a bike
- 3: Household chores, outdoor yard maintenance, paid or unpaid work
- 4: Riding or driving an off-road motor vehicle, such as a boat, an ATV, a snowmobile or a tractor
- 5: Riding or driving a road motor vehicle, such as a car, a motorcycle or a truck
- 6: Playing
- 7: Other activity specify:
Accessing health care (AHC)
Accessing health care (AHC) - Question identifier:AHC_Q005
In the past 12 months, have you contacted a crisis or distress line such as Kids Help Phone, either by telephone or live chat on the Internet?
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
Children's rights (CHR)
Children's rights (CHR) - Question identifier:CHR_Q005
Do you have any knowledge about children's rights in Canada?
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
Children's rights (CHR) - Question identifier:CHR_Q010
Where did you hear about children's rights?
- 1: At home
- 2: At school
- 3: Online - from a government website
- 4: Online - from another website
- 5: Other
Children's rights (CHR) - Question identifier:CHR_Q015
Have you heard of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC)?
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
Suicide - Only asked of 15-17 year olds (SUI)
Suicide - Only asked of 15-17 year olds (SUI) - Question identifier:SUI_R001
The next questions ask about sad feelings and attempted suicide. Sometimes people feel so depressed about the future that they may consider attempting suicide, that is, taking some action to end their own life.
Suicide - Only asked of 15-17 year olds (SUI) - Question identifier:SUI_Q005
During the past 12 months, did you ever feel so sad or hopeless almost every day for two weeks or more in a row that you stopped doing some usual activities?
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
Suicide - Only asked of 15-17 year olds (SUI) - Question identifier:SUI_Q010
In the past 12 months, did you ever seriously consider attempting suicide or taking your own life?
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
Suicide - Only asked of 15-17 year olds (SUI) - Question identifier:SUI_Q015
Have you ever attempted suicide or tried taking your own life?
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
Sexual development - Only asked of 15-17 year olds (SXD)
Sexual development - Only asked of 15-17 year olds (SXD) - Question identifier:SXD_Q005
If you had a question or concern about puberty, your sexual development or sexual health, is there an adult that you could talk with to get help or advice?
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
Sexual development - Only asked of 15-17 year olds (SXD) - Question identifier:SXD_Q010
Where do you typically go to get sexual health information?
- 01: School
- 02: Parent/caregiver
- 03: Friends
- 04: Printed books or pamphlets
- 05: Internet
- 06: Health care professional such as doctor or nurse
- 07: Nowhere
- 08: Other source specify:
Sexual attraction - Only asked of 15-17 year olds (SXA)
Sexual attraction - Only asked of 15-17 year olds (SXA) - Question identifier:SXA_Q005
People are different in their sexual attraction to other people. Which best describes your feelings?
- 1: Only attracted to males
- 2: Mostly attracted to males
- 3: Equally attracted to females and males
- 4: Mostly attracted to females
- 5: Only attracted to females
- 6: Not sure
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
Youth behaviour (YBH)
Youth behaviour (YBH) - Question identifier:YBH_R005
In the past 12 months:
Youth behaviour (YBH) - Question identifier:YBH_Q005A
How often have you lost your temper?
- 1: Never
- 2: Rarely
- 3: Sometimes
- 4: Often
- 5: Most of the time
Youth behaviour (YBH) - Question identifier:YBH_Q005B
How often have you yelled at your parents, sworn at them, or called them names?
- 1: Never
- 2: Rarely
- 3: Sometimes
- 4: Often
- 5: Most of the time
Youth behaviour (YBH) - Question identifier:YBH_Q005C
How often have you talked to your parents about what you actually did during the day?
- 1: Never
- 2: Rarely
- 3: Sometimes
- 4: Often
- 5: Most of the time
Youth behaviour (YBH) - Question identifier:YBH_Q005D
Have your parents known who you were with when you were away from home?
- 1: Never
- 2: Rarely
- 3: Sometimes
- 4: Often
- 5: Most of the time
Youth behaviour (YBH) - Question identifier:YBH_Q010
Do you trust the police in supporting you and your community?
- 1: No
- 2: Somewhat
- 3: Yes
Communication with parents (CWP)
Communication with parents (CWP) - Question identifier:CWP_R005
The following questions are about things you may do with your parents.
How often do you:
Communication with parents (CWP) - Question identifier:CWP_Q005A
Discuss how well you are doing at school with your parents?
- 1: Daily
- 2: Weekly
- 3: Monthly
- 4: A few times a year
- 5: Never
Communication with parents (CWP) - Question identifier:CWP_Q005B
Discuss political or social issues with your parents?
- 1: Daily
- 2: Weekly
- 3: Monthly
- 4: A few times a year
- 5: Never
Communication with parents (CWP) - Question identifier:CWP_Q005C
Discuss books, films or television programs with your parents?
- 1: Daily
- 2: Weekly
- 3: Monthly
- 4: A few times a year
- 5: Never
Communication with parents (CWP) - Question identifier:CWP_Q005D
Spend time just talking with your parents?
- 1: Daily
- 2: Weekly
- 3: Monthly
- 4: A few times a year
- 5: Never
Communication with parents (CWP) - Question identifier:CWP_Q005E
Do something with your parents like playing sports or going for a walk or a hike?
- 1: Daily
- 2: Weekly
- 3: Monthly
- 4: A few times a year
- 5: Never
Language (LAN)
Language (LAN) - Question identifier:LAN_R01
Can you speak English or French well enough to conduct a conversation?
Language (LAN) - Question identifier:LAN_Q01A
- 1: English only
- 2: French only
- 3: Both English and French
- 4: Neither English nor French
Language (LAN) - Question identifier:LAN_R02
What language do you speak most often at home?
Language (LAN) - Question identifier:LAN_Q02A
- 1: English
- 2: French
- 3: Other language specify:
Pedometer (PDM)
Pedometer (PDM) - Question identifier:PDM_R001
A pedometer is a small device worn on a belt or waistband near the front of the hipbone. A pedometer counts the steps a person takes throughout the day. You have been selected to wear a pedometer to supplement the information provided in this survey.
Pedometer (PDM) - Question identifier:PDM_R002
Statistics Canada would like to mail a pedometer for you to wear for 7 days in a row.
Pedometer (PDM) - Question identifier:PDM_Q005
Do you agree to wearing a pedometer for a 7-day period?
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
Pedometer (PDM) - Question identifier:PDM_Q010
Please indicate why you do not want to wear a pedometer.
Long Answer Length = 80
Pedometer (PDM) - Question identifier:PDM_R003
A description of how the pedometer works will be provided to you when you receive the pedometer. Should you have any questions or concerns, you will find a toll-free number in the package.
Administration information (ADM)
Administration information (ADM) - Question identifier:ADM_R040
[Statistics Canada and your [territorial/provincial] ministry of health and the 'Institut de la Statistique du Québec'/Statistics Canada and your [territorial/provincial] ministry of health] may combine your responses with information from other survey or administrative sources. This may include information on past and continuing use of health services such as visits to hospitals, clinics and doctor's offices.
Administration information (ADM) - Question identifier:ADM_R045A
To avoid duplication of surveys, Statistics Canada has signed agreements with provincial and territorial ministries of health, Health Canada and the Public Health Agency of Canada to share the information that you provided on this survey. The personal identifiers (names, addresses, telephone numbers and health numbers) will not be provided to Health Canada or the Public Health Agency of Canada.
Provincial ministries of health may make this information available to local health authorities, but no identifiable information such as [names, addresses, telephone numbers and health numbers will be provided/names, addresses and telephone numbers will be provided].
Administration information (ADM) - Question identifier:ADM_R045B
To avoid duplication of surveys, Statistics Canada has signed agreements with provincial and territorial ministries of health, the 'Institut de la Statistique du Québec', Health Canada and the Public Health Agency of Canada to share the information that you provided on this survey. The personal identifiers (names, addresses, telephone numbers and health numbers) will not be provided to Health Canada or the Public Health Agency of Canada.
The 'Institut de la Statistique du Québec' and provincial ministries of health may make this information available to local health authorities, but no identifiable information such as [names, addresses, telephone numbers and health numbers will be provided/names, addresses and telephone numbers will be provided].
Administration information (ADM) - Question identifier:ADM_Q045
These organizations have agreed to keep your information confidential and use it only for statistical purposes.
Do you agree to share the information provided?
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
Administration information (ADM) - Question identifier:ADM_Q050
Long Answer Length = 500
School name (SCN)
School name (SCN) - Question identifier:SCN_R001B
Future research studies may be interested in combining information from your school to the answers you provided to this survey. To help combine these data, please provide the following information for the school that you attend.
School name (SCN) - Question identifier:SCN_Q005A
School name
Long Answer Length = 80
School name (SCN) - Question identifier:SCN_Q005B
City, town, village or municipality
Long Answer Length = 80
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