General Social Survey - Canadians at Work and Home
For Information onlyThis is an electronic survey example for information purposes only. This is not a working questionnaire.
Table of Contents
- Age without Confirmation - EQ (ANCQ)
- Marital Status (MSNC)
- Relationship to Selected Respondent (RSR)
- Place of Birth (BPR)
- Landed Immigrant Programs (LIP)
- Main Activity of Respondent (MAR)
- Work History (REW)
- Employment Type (WET)
- Most Recent Employment (WLY)
- Hours Worked (WHW)
- Work activities - Telework Information (WTI)
- Retired Life (RET)
- Looking for Paid Work (LPW)
- Self-Employed (SEM)
- Students (ETU)
- Work Ethic (WER)
- Job Satisfaction (JSR)
- Work Intensity (WIR)
- Work Distribution (WDR)
- Skills, Training and Job Security (STJ)
- Compensation and Employment Benefits (CAB)
- Social Fulfillment at Work (SFC)
- Intercultural Workplace Relations (IWR)
- Discrimination, Bullying and Harassment (DBH)
- Sub-Block: Bullying (DB2)
- Outdoor Activities (ODA)
- Sports Participation (SPA)
- Sub-block: Sports participation details (SP2)
- Sport Participation of Spouse/Partner (SPP)
- Sports Participation of Household Children (SPC)
- Sub block: Sports Participation of Household Children (SC2)
- Cultural Participation (LCA)
- Cultural Activities (LCD)
- Use of Technology (IUR)
- Eating Habits (HEH)
- Nutrition and Health (GHT)
- Drinking (DRR)
- Smoking (SMK)
- Self Rated Health (SRH)
- Family Activity Time (FAM)
- Division of chores (COM)
- Time Management (TMG)
- Stress Management (SMG)
- Domain Satisfaction (DOS)
- Subjective well-being minimum (SLM)
- Life Opportunities (OPP)
- Outlook (LAS)
- Resilience (RES)
- Perceived Social Class (PSC)
- Dwelling of Respondent (DOR)
- Length of time Respondent has lived in Dwelling (LRD)
- Disability Screening Questions - Short Version (CATI) (DSQ)
- Disability Screening Questions - Short Version (EQ) (DSQ2)
- HC: Education Sublock School attendance "currently" - ESC1
- HC: Education extended - EDE
- Education Highest Degree Block v.3 (EHG3)
- Education of Respondent's Spouse/Partner (EOP)
- Birthplace of spouse/Partner (BPP)
- Religion (REE)
- Importance of Religion (RLR)
- Aboriginal Minimum (AMB)
- Aboriginal Identity of spouse/Partner (AIP)
- PG block Driver (PGD)
- Population Group (PG)
- Visible Minority status of respondent's spouse/Partner (VMP)
- Sexual Orientation (SOR)
- Language Minimum (LAN)
Age without Confirmation - EQ (ANCQ)
Age without Confirmation - EQ (ANCQ) - Question identifier:ANCQ_Q01
What is your date of birth?
Age without Confirmation - EQ (ANCQ) - Question identifier:ANCQ_Q01_DAY
Min = 1; Max = 31
Age without Confirmation - EQ (ANCQ) - Question identifier:ANCQ_Q01_MONTH
- 01: January
- 02: February
- 03: March
- 04: April
- 05: May
- 06: June
- 07: July
- 08: August
- 09: September
- 10: October
- 11: November
- 12: December
- 98: RF
- 99: DK
Age without Confirmation - EQ (ANCQ) - Question identifier:ANCQ_Q01_YEAR
Min = 1890; Max = 2017
Age without Confirmation - EQ (ANCQ) - Question identifier:ANCQ_Q02
Is that correct?
- 1: Yes
- 2: No, return and correct date of birth
- 3: No, collect age
Age without Confirmation - EQ (ANCQ) - Question identifier:ANCQ_Q03
What is your age?
Min = 0; Max = 121
Marital Status (MSNC)
Marital Status (MSNC) - Question identifier:MSNC_Q01
What is your marital status?
Are you...?
- 1: Married
- 2: Living common-law
- 3: Widowed
- 4: Separated
- 5: Divorced
- 6: Single, never married
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
Relationship to Selected Respondent (RSR)
Relationship to Selected Respondent (RSR) - Question identifier:RSR_Q1
What is the relationship...
to you?
- 01: [Husband/Wife]
- 02: Common-law partner
- 03: [Father/Mother]
- 04: [Son/Daughter] (birth, adopted or step)
- 05: [Brother/Sister]
- 06: Foster [father/mother]
- 07: Foster [son/daughter]
- 08: [Grandfather/Grandmother]
- 09: [Grandson/Granddaughter]
- 10: In-law
- 11: Other relative
- 12: Unrelated - Specify
- 98: RF
- 99: DK
Place of Birth (BPR)
Place of Birth (BPR) - Question identifier:BPR_Q02
In which province or territory were you born?
- 10: Newfoundland and Labrador
- 11: Prince Edward Island
- 12: Nova Scotia
- 13: New Brunswick
- 24: Quebec
- 35: Ontario
- 46: Manitoba
- 47: Saskatchewan
- 48: Alberta
- 59: British Columbia
- 60: Yukon
- 61: Northwest Territories
- 62: Nunavut
- 98: RF
- 99: DK
Place of Birth (BPR) - Question identifier:BPR_Q15
In what year did you first come to Canada to live?
Min = 1871; Max = 2100
Place of Birth (BPR) - Question identifier:BPR_Q16
Are you now, or have you ever been a landed immigrant in Canada?
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
Place of Birth (BPR) - Question identifier:BPR_Q17
In what year did you first become a landed immigrant in Canada?
Min = 1871; Max = 2100
Landed Immigrant Programs (LIP)
Landed Immigrant Programs (LIP) - Question identifier:LIP_Q10
Under which of the following broad immigration programs did you become a landed immigrant in Canada?
- 1: The refugee program
- 2: The program of re-unification with a family member already in Canada
- 3: The points system (skilled workers and professionals, investors, entrepreneurs and self-employed persons)
- 4: Other - Specify
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
Landed Immigrant Programs (LIP) - Question identifier:LIP_Q15
Was it you or another family member who applied under the points system?
- 1: Respondent
- 2: Family member of respondent
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
Main Activity of Respondent (MAR)
Main Activity of Respondent (MAR) - Question identifier:MAR_Q110
During the past 12 months, what was your main activity?
- 01: Working at a paid job or self-employed
- 02: Looking for paid work
- 03: Going to school
- 04: Caring for children
- 05: Household work
- 06: Retired
- 07: Maternity/paternity or parental leave
- 08: Long term illness
- 09: Volunteering or care-giving other than for children
- 10: Other - Specify
- 98: RF
- 99: DK
Main Activity of Respondent (MAR) - Question identifier:MAR_Q133
Did you have a paid job or were you self-employed last week?
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
Main Activity of Respondent (MAR) - Question identifier:MAR_Q134
In the last four weeks, did you look for a job?
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
Main Activity of Respondent (MAR) - Question identifier:MAR_Q135
Did you have a paid job or were you self-employed at any time during the past 12 months?
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
Main Activity of Respondent (MAR) - Question identifier:MAR_Q137
Are you currently retired?
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
Work History (REW)
Work History (REW) - Question identifier:REW_Q10
Have you ever worked at a paid job or at your own business?
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
Work History (REW) - Question identifier:REW_Q20
In what year did you last do any paid work?
Min = 1900; Max = 2017
Work History (REW) - Question identifier:REW_Q30
How old were you when you last did any paid work?
Min = 10; Max = 95
Work History (REW) - Question identifier:REW_Q40
Have you ever retired from a paid job or your own business?
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
Employment Type (WET)
Employment Type (WET) - Question identifier:WET_Q110
For how many weeks during the past 12 months were you employed?
Min = 1; Max = 52
Employment Type (WET) - Question identifier:WET_Q120
Were you mainly a paid worker, self-employed or an unpaid family worker?
- 1: A paid worker
- 2: Self-employed
- 3: An unpaid family worker
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
Most Recent Employment (WLY)
Most Recent Employment (WLY) - Question identifier:WLY_Q110
[What is the name of your business?/What was the name of your business?/For whom did you work last week?/For whom did you work the longest time during the past 12 months?]
Long Answer Length = 80
Most Recent Employment (WLY) - Question identifier:WLY_Q120
What kind of business, industry or service [is/was] this?
Long Answer Length = 80
Most Recent Employment (WLY) - Question identifier:WLY_Q130
What [is/was] your job or occupation?
Long Answer Length = 80
Most Recent Employment (WLY) - Question identifier:WLY_Q140
What [are/were] your most important activities or duties?
Long Answer Length = 80
Most Recent Employment (WLY) - Question identifier:WLY_Q145
During the past 12 months, for how many weeks did you work at this job?
Min = 1; Max = 52
Most Recent Employment (WLY) - Question identifier:WLY_Q147
About how many persons are employed at the location where you [work/worked]?
- 1: Less than 5
- 2: Between 5 and 19
- 3: Between 20 and 49
- 4: Between 50 and 99
- 5: Between 100 and 500
- 6: Over 500
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
Most Recent Employment (WLY) - Question identifier:WLY_Q150
Which of the following best describes your terms of employment in this job?
- 1: Regular employee
- 2: Seasonal employee
- 3: Term employee
- 4: Casual or on-call employee
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
Most Recent Employment (WLY) - Question identifier:WLY_Q160
[Are/Were] you a union member or covered by a union contract or collective agreement in this job?
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
Hours Worked (WHW)
Hours Worked (WHW) - Question identifier:WHW_Q120
How many hours a week [do/did] you usually work at this job?
Min = 0.1; Max = 168.0
Hours Worked (WHW) - Question identifier:WHW_Q230
Which of the following best describes your usual work schedule at your[last/BLANK] job?
- 01: A regular daytime schedule or shift
- 02: A regular evening shift
- 03: A regular night shift
- 04: A rotating shift
- 05: A split shift
- 06: A compressed work week
- 07: On call or casual
- 08: An irregular schedule
- 09: Other - Specify
- 98: RF
- 99: DK
Hours Worked (WHW) - Question identifier:WHW_Q240
Would you rather [work/have worked] a regular shift or schedule if you [could/could have]?
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
Work activities - Telework Information (WTI)
Work activities - Telework Information (WTI) - Question identifier:WTI_Q110
Excluding overtime, [do/did] you usually work any of your scheduled hours at home?
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
- 3: Your job cannot be done at home
- 4: Your job can only be done at home
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
Work activities - Telework Information (WTI) - Question identifier:WTI_Q120
How many paid hours per week [do/did] you usually work at home?
Min = 1; Max = 168
Retired Life (RET)
Retired Life (RET) - Question identifier:RET_R01
Now, some questions about your retirement and your life since you have retired.
Retired Life (RET) - Question identifier:RET_Q01
Have you retired more than once?
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
Retired Life (RET) - Question identifier:RET_Q02
How many times have you retired?
Min = 2; Max = 15
Retired Life (RET) - Question identifier:RET_Q03
In which year did you[most recently/BLANK] retire?
Min = 1915; Max = 2017
Retired Life (RET) - Question identifier:RET_Q04
Was[your most recent/BLANK] retirement voluntary - that is did you want to retire?
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
Retired Life (RET) - Question identifier:RET_Q06
Did you work at a paid job or business at any time after[your most recent/BLANK] retirement?
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
Retired Life (RET) - Question identifier:RET_Q07
What is the main reason why you returned to the labour force after[your most recent/BLANK] retirement?
- 1: Financial reasons
- 2: Feeling bored
- 3: Too young to retire permanently
- 4: To help a family member financially
- 5: Other - Specify
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
Retired Life (RET) - Question identifier:RET_Q08
In which year did you start working after you[most recently/BLANK] retired?
Min = 1915; Max = 2017
Retired Life (RET) - Question identifier:RET_Q09
How old were you when you started working after you[most recently/BLANK] retired?
Min = 15; Max = 120
Retired Life (RET) - Question identifier:RET_Q10
Did you work mostly full time or part time in this job?
- 1: Full-time
- 2: Part-time
- 3: Other - Specify
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
Retired Life (RET) - Question identifier:RET_Q11
Were you mainly a paid worker, self-employed or an unpaid family worker?
- 1: A paid worker
- 2: Self-employed
- 3: An unpaid family worker
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
Retired Life (RET) - Question identifier:RET_Q12
Do you receive a pension or retirement benefits from any of your former employers?
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
Retired Life (RET) - Question identifier:RET_Q13
How many years of pensionable service did you have prior to your retirement?
Min = 0; Max = 60
Retired Life (RET) - Question identifier:RET_Q15
Compared to the year before you[most recently/BLANK] retired, do you now enjoy life more, less, or about the same?
- 1: More
- 2: Less
- 3: About the same
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
Retired Life (RET) - Question identifier:RET_Q17
What is the main reason that you enjoy life less?
- 1: Your health
- 2: A decreased income
- 3: Less contact with people
- 4: Other - Specify
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
Retired Life (RET) - Question identifier:RET_Q18
Compared to your expectations before you[most recently/BLANK] retired, how would you describe your financial standard of living?
- 1: Better than expected
- 2: As expected
- 3: Worse than expected
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
Retired Life (RET) - Question identifier:RET_Q19
Is your retirement income sufficient to comfortably cover your monthly expenses?
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
Looking for Paid Work (LPW)
Looking for Paid Work (LPW) - Question identifier:LPW_R01
Now, some questions about your recent experiences looking for paid work.
Looking for Paid Work (LPW) - Question identifier:LPW_Q01
As of last week, how many weeks have you been looking for work?
Min = 0; Max = 999
Looking for Paid Work (LPW) - Question identifier:LPW_Q02
Were you mainly looking for a full-time or a part-time job?
- 1: Full-time
- 2: Part-time
- 3: Both
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
Looking for Paid Work (LPW) - Question identifier:LPW_Q03
In your opinion, what are the chances that you will find a job in the next six months?
- 1: Excellent
- 2: Very good
- 3: Good
- 4: Fair
- 5: Poor
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
Looking for Paid Work (LPW) - Question identifier:LPW_Q04
In the past 12 months, approximately how many jobs have you applied for?
- 1: None (Go to LPW_Q09)
- 2: Less than 25
- 3: Between 25 and 49
- 4: Between 50 and 99
- 5: 100 and over
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
Looking for Paid Work (LPW) - Question identifier:LPW_Q05
How many of these, if any, resulted in an interview or follow-up?
Min = 0; Max = 999
Looking for Paid Work (LPW) - Question identifier:LPW_R06
Next, we are interested in knowing if you have experienced unfair treatment or discrimination while applying or interviewing for jobs because of your gender, race, age, physical appearance or anything else.
Looking for Paid Work (LPW) - Question identifier:LPW_Q06
In the past 12 months, when applying or interviewing for these jobs, do you believe you were treated unfairly or discriminated against?
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
Looking for Paid Work (LPW) - Question identifier:LPW_Q07
What do you think this unfair treatment or discrimination was based on?
- 11: Age
- 12: Sex
- 13: Race or colour
- 14: Nationality or immigration status
- 15: Ethnicity or culture
- 16: Physical appearance other than skin colour
- 17: Religion
- 18: A physical or mental disability
- 19: Sexual orientation
- 20: Language
- 21: Gender identity
- 22: Other - Specify
- 98: RF
- 99: DK
Looking for Paid Work (LPW) - Question identifier:LPW_Q08
In what ways do you think you were unfairly treated or discriminated against?
- 11: You were not called for an interview
- 12: You were offered a lower salary than position was posted for
- 13: You were tested differently compared to other applicants
- 14: You were not accommodated for your disability
- 15: Other - Specify
- 98: RF
- 99: DK
Looking for Paid Work (LPW) - Question identifier:LPW_Q09
Why have you not applied for any jobs?
- 1: You have not seen any jobs that fit your qualifications
- 2: You have not seen any jobs you are interested in applying for
- 3: You are discouraged from applying for jobs
- 4: You are waiting on a specific job
- 5: You have been networking
- 6: Other - Specify
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
Looking for Paid Work (LPW) - Question identifier:LPW_Q10
Since you have been looking for work have you:
experienced financial hardship, such as having to sell things you own, borrow money or take a loan?
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
Looking for Paid Work (LPW) - Question identifier:LPW_Q11
(Since you have been looking for work have you:)
had more difficulties than normal in relationships with your friends or family members?
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
Looking for Paid Work (LPW) - Question identifier:LPW_R12
Now, some questions about moving in order to find a job.
Looking for Paid Work (LPW) - Question identifier:LPW_Q12
If you were offered a job in another city in your province, would there be anything standing in your way of accepting that job offer?
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
Looking for Paid Work (LPW) - Question identifier:LPW_Q13
What would be the main reason why you would not move?
- 1: To stay close to family and friends
- 2: To take care of relative
- 3: Your spouse or children would not want to move
- 4: Moving would be too demanding
- 5: Housing is too expensive elsewhere
- 6: Moving would not be feasible for financial reasons
- 7: Other - Specify
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
Looking for Paid Work (LPW) - Question identifier:LPW_Q14
If you were offered a job in another province, would there be anything standing in your way of accepting that job offer?
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
Looking for Paid Work (LPW) - Question identifier:LPW_Q15
What would be the main reason why you would not move?
- 01: To stay close to family and friends
- 02: To take care of relative
- 03: Your spouse or children would not want to move
- 04: Moving would be too demanding
- 05: Housing is too expensive elsewhere
- 06: Moving would not be feasible for financial reasons
- 07: Your credentials are not recognized outside your province
- 08: Other - Specify
- 98: RF
- 99: DK
Self-Employed (SEM)
Self-Employed (SEM) - Question identifier:SEM_R01
Now, some questions about being self-employed.
Self-Employed (SEM) - Question identifier:SEM_Q01
Do you own your own business?
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
Self-Employed (SEM) - Question identifier:SEM_Q04
In what year did you start your business?
Min = 1900; Max = 2017
Self-Employed (SEM) - Question identifier:SEM_Q07
In what year did you become self-employed?
Min = 1900; Max = 2017
Self-Employed (SEM) - Question identifier:SEM_Q08
Excluding yourself, do you have any paid employees?
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
Self-Employed (SEM) - Question identifier:SEM_Q09
How many employees do you have?
Min = 1; Max = 25000
Self-Employed (SEM) - Question identifier:SEM_Q11
Where do you work most of the time?
- 1: At home
- 2: Outside home, in owned or rented space
- 3: In various client locations
- 4: Other - Specify
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
Self-Employed (SEM) - Question identifier:SEM_Q12
Do you usually work on a written contract basis?
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
Self-Employed (SEM) - Question identifier:SEM_Q13
Have you purchased any of the following insurance plans?
A health care plan, other than provincial medicare
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
Self-Employed (SEM) - Question identifier:SEM_Q14
(Have you purchased any of the following insurance plans?)
A dental plan, other than basic provincial coverage
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
Self-Employed (SEM) - Question identifier:SEM_Q15
(Have you purchased any of the following insurance plans?)
Disability insurance
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
Self-Employed (SEM) - Question identifier:SEM_Q17
Think back to your decision to become self-employed. Did you become self-employed because you could not find suitable paid employment?
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
Self-Employed (SEM) - Question identifier:SEM_Q18
What is the main reason you became self-employed?
- 1: Better work-life balance
- 2: Freedom to be your own boss
- 3: More earning potential
- 4: Less stress
- 5: Nature of the job
- 6: Joined or took over family business
- 7: Other - Specify
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
Self-Employed (SEM) - Question identifier:SEM_Q21
Have you ever experienced personal financial difficulties as a result of being self-employed?
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
Students (ETU)
Students (ETU) - Question identifier:ETU_R01
The next questions ask about your plans for your future education and work.
Students (ETU) - Question identifier:ETU_Q01
What is the highest level of education you think you will get?
- 01: High school diploma or graduation equivalency
- 02: Private business school or commercial school - certificate or diploma
- 03: College or CEGEP
- 04: Non-college trade certificate or registered apprenticeship
- 05: University bachelor's degree
- 06: University first professional degree, such as medicine, dentistry, veterinary medicine, law, optometry or divinity
- 07: University Master's degree
- 08: Ph.D. (university-earned doctorate)
- 09: Other - Specify
- 98: RF
- 99: DK
Students (ETU) - Question identifier:ETU_Q02
What is the highest level of education you would like to get?
- 01: High school diploma or graduation equivalency
- 02: Private business school or commercial school - certificate or diploma
- 03: College or CEGEP
- 04: Non-college trade certificate or registered apprenticeship
- 05: University bachelor's degree
- 06: University first professional degree, such as medicine, dentistry, veterinary medicine, law, optometry or divinity
- 07: University Master's degree
- 08: Ph.D. (university-earned doctorate)
- 09: Other - Specify
- 98: RF
- 99: DK
Students (ETU) - Question identifier:ETU_Q03
Is there anything standing in your way of going as far in school as you would like to go?
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
Students (ETU) - Question identifier:ETU_Q04
What is the main reason standing in your way?
- 1: Financial situation
- 2: Not able to get into program
- 3: Takes too long
- 4: Caring for own children
- 5: Personal health
- 6: Other - Specify
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
Students (ETU) - Question identifier:ETU_Q05
When you completely finish your education, what do you expect your main activity will be?
- 1: Full-time paid employment
- 2: Part-time paid employment
- 3: Own business or self-employment
- 4: Full-time homemaker
- 5: Undecided
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
Students (ETU) - Question identifier:ETU_Q08
How confident are you that you will find a job that matches your education level when you finish school completely?
- 1: Very confident
- 2: Somewhat confident
- 3: Not very confident
- 4: Not at all confident
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
Students (ETU) - Question identifier:ETU_Q09
To what extent would you say that cultural differences enrich your place of study?
- 1: Completely
- 2: Mostly
- 3: Somewhat
- 4: Mostly not
- 5: Not at all
- 6: No cultural differences in your place of study
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
Students (ETU) - Question identifier:ETU_Q10
To what extent do you feel that cultural differences are respected in your place of study?
- 1: Completely
- 2: Mostly
- 3: Somewhat
- 4: Mostly not
- 5: Not at all
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
Work Ethic (WER)
Work Ethic (WER) - Question identifier:WER_R01
Now, a few questions on how you feel about work in general.
Work Ethic (WER) - Question identifier:WER_Q01
On a scale from 0 to 10, where 0 being 'completely disagree' and 10 being 'completely agree', how do you feel about the following statements?
I am happiest when I work hard.
- 00: Completely disagree
- 01: I
- 02: I
- 03: I
- 04: I
- 05: I
- 06: I
- 07: I
- 08: I
- 09: I
- 10: Completely agree
- 98: RF
- 99: DK
Work Ethic (WER) - Question identifier:WER_Q03
(On a scale from 0 to 10, where 0 being 'completely disagree' and 10 being 'completely agree', how do you feel about the following statements?)
I cannot wait to leave work at the end of the day.
- 00: Completely disagree
- 01: I
- 02: I
- 03: I
- 04: I
- 05: I
- 06: I
- 07: I
- 08: I
- 09: I
- 10: Completely agree
- 98: RF
- 99: DK
Work Ethic (WER) - Question identifier:WER_Q04
(On a scale from 0 to 10, where 0 being 'completely disagree' and 10 being 'completely agree', how do you feel about the following statements?)
I am willing to put in the extra effort to get the job done, even if I am not rewarded for it.
- 00: Completely disagree
- 01: I
- 02: I
- 03: I
- 04: I
- 05: I
- 06: I
- 07: I
- 08: I
- 09: I
- 10: Completely agree
- 98: RF
- 99: DK
Work Ethic (WER) - Question identifier:WER_Q05
(On a scale from 0 to 10, where 0 being 'completely disagree' and 10 being 'completely agree', how do you feel about the following statements?)
I take pride in the work that I do.
- 00: Completely disagree
- 01: I
- 02: I
- 03: I
- 04: I
- 05: I
- 06: I
- 07: I
- 08: I
- 09: I
- 10: Completely agree
- 98: RF
- 99: DK
Work Ethic (WER) - Question identifier:WER_Q06
(On a scale from 0 to 10, where 0 being 'completely disagree' and 10 being 'completely agree', how do you feel about the following statements?)
I would be happiest if I never had to work again in my life.
- 00: Completely disagree
- 01: I
- 02: I
- 03: I
- 04: I
- 05: I
- 06: I
- 07: I
- 08: I
- 09: I
- 10: Completely agree
- 98: RF
- 99: DK
Work Ethic (WER) - Question identifier:WER_Q07
(On a scale from 0 to 10, where 0 being 'completely disagree' and 10 being 'completely agree', how do you feel about the following statements?)
Working drains my energy from more important things in life.
- 00: Completely disagree
- 01: I
- 02: I
- 03: I
- 04: I
- 05: I
- 06: I
- 07: I
- 08: I
- 09: I
- 10: Completely agree
- 98: RF
- 99: DK
Work Ethic (WER) - Question identifier:WER_Q08
(On a scale from 0 to 10, where 0 being 'completely disagree' and 10 being 'completely agree', how do you feel about the following statements?)
The best reward from working is a sense of accomplishment.
- 00: Completely disagree
- 01: I
- 02: I
- 03: I
- 04: I
- 05: I
- 06: I
- 07: I
- 08: I
- 09: I
- 10: Completely agree
- 98: RF
- 99: DK
Work Ethic (WER) - Question identifier:WER_Q09
(On a scale from 0 to 10, where 0 being 'completely disagree' and 10 being 'completely agree', how do you feel about the following statements?)
I admire those who work hard.
- 00: Completely disagree
- 01: I
- 02: I
- 03: I
- 04: I
- 05: I
- 06: I
- 07: I
- 08: I
- 09: I
- 10: Completely agree
- 98: RF
- 99: DK
Job Satisfaction (JSR)
Job Satisfaction (JSR) - Question identifier:JSR_R01
Now, a few additional questions about how satisfied you are with being self-employed.
Job Satisfaction (JSR) - Question identifier:JSR_Q01
In general, do you enjoy being your own boss?
- 1: Always
- 2: Often
- 3: Sometimes
- 4: Rarely
- 5: Never
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
Job Satisfaction (JSR) - Question identifier:JSR_Q02
In general, how satisfied are you with your job?
- 1: Very satisfied
- 2: Satisfied
- 3: Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied
- 4: Dissatisfied
- 5: Very dissatisfied
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
Job Satisfaction (JSR) - Question identifier:JSR_Q03
What is the main reason you are not satisfied with your job?
- 1: Pay is too low
- 2: Not enough hours
- 3: No or not enough benefits
- 4: You do not like the work environment
- 5: No opportunities for advancement
- 6: Other - Specify
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
Job Satisfaction (JSR) - Question identifier:JSR_Q04
In the next 12 months, are you planning on leaving your current job?
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
Job Satisfaction (JSR) - Question identifier:JSR_Q05
What is the main reason you are planning on leaving your current job?
- 1: To change career
- 2: Pay is too low
- 3: To retire
- 4: Workload is too heavy
- 5: Other - Specify
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
Job Satisfaction (JSR) - Question identifier:JSR_Q06
If working conditions improved, would you delay leaving your position?
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
- 3: Uncertain at this time
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
Job Satisfaction (JSR) - Question identifier:JSR_Q07
To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements?
I feel like I belong in the organization I work for.
- 1: Strongly agree
- 2: Agree
- 3: Neither agree nor disagree
- 4: Disagree
- 5: Strongly disagree
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
Job Satisfaction (JSR) - Question identifier:JSR_Q08
(To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements?)
The organization I work for motivates me to perform at my best.
- 1: Strongly agree
- 2: Agree
- 3: Neither agree nor disagree
- 4: Disagree
- 5: Strongly disagree
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
Job Satisfaction (JSR) - Question identifier:JSR_Q09
Does your job give you a sense of accomplishment?
- 1: Always
- 2: Often
- 3: Sometimes
- 4: Rarely
- 5: Never
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
Job Satisfaction (JSR) - Question identifier:JSR_Q10
Do you feel you are doing useful work?
- 1: Always
- 2: Often
- 3: Sometimes
- 4: Rarely
- 5: Never
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
Work Intensity (WIR)
Work Intensity (WIR) - Question identifier:WIR_R01
Now, some questions about your workload.
Work Intensity (WIR) - Question identifier:WIR_Q01
How often do you consider your workload manageable?
- 1: Always
- 2: Often
- 3: Sometimes
- 4: Rarely
- 5: Never
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
Work Intensity (WIR) - Question identifier:WIR_Q02
How often can you choose the sequence of your tasks?
- 1: Always
- 2: Often
- 3: Sometimes
- 4: Rarely
- 5: Never
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
Work Intensity (WIR) - Question identifier:WIR_Q03
How often do you have to quickly switch from one task to another at your work?
- 1: Always
- 2: Often
- 3: Sometimes
- 4: Rarely
- 5: Never
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
Work Intensity (WIR) - Question identifier:WIR_Q04
How often can you complete your assigned workload during your regular working hours?
- 1: Always
- 2: Often
- 3: Sometimes
- 4: Rarely
- 5: Never
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
Work Intensity (WIR) - Question identifier:WIR_Q05
How often do you have periods of 'down time', when you have very little or no work to do?
- 1: Always
- 2: Often
- 3: Sometimes
- 4: Rarely
- 5: Never
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
Work Intensity (WIR) - Question identifier:WIR_Q06
Does your job have fixed deadlines you have to meet?
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
Work Intensity (WIR) - Question identifier:WIR_Q07
If asked, would you take on more work outside of your main job responsibilities without additional compensation?
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
Work Distribution (WDR)
Work Distribution (WDR) - Question identifier:WDR_Q01
Do you work as part of a team?
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
Work Distribution (WDR) - Question identifier:WDR_Q02
How often would you say your team works well together?
- 1: Always
- 2: Often
- 3: Sometimes
- 4: Rarely
- 5: Never
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
Work Distribution (WDR) - Question identifier:WDR_Q03
Who mainly determines which team member does what tasks?
- 1: Supervisor or team leader
- 2: Person with most skill or seniority
- 3: You decide collectively
- 4: Varies from task to task
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
Work Distribution (WDR) - Question identifier:WDR_Q04
How often in the last month did your colleagues try to give you work that you believed was their responsibility?
- 1: Daily
- 2: At least once a week
- 3: At least once a month
- 4: Not in the past month
- 5: Never
- 6: Do not work with colleagues
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
Work Distribution (WDR) - Question identifier:WDR_Q05
How often in the last month have your colleagues tried to take credit for work that you completed?
- 1: Daily
- 2: At least once a week
- 3: At least once a month
- 4: Not in the past month
- 5: Never
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
Work Distribution (WDR) - Question identifier:WDR_Q06
How often do your colleagues help and support you?
- 1: Always
- 2: Often
- 3: Sometimes
- 4: Rarely
- 5: Never
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
Work Distribution (WDR) - Question identifier:WDR_Q07
How often does your manager or supervisor help and support you?
- 1: Always
- 2: Often
- 3: Sometimes
- 4: Rarely
- 5: Never
- 6: Do not have a supervisor or manager
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
Work Distribution (WDR) - Question identifier:WDR_Q08
To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements?
Others in my workplace work as hard as I do.
- 1: Strongly agree
- 2: Agree
- 3: Neither agree nor disagree
- 4: Disagree
- 5: Strongly disagree
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
Work Distribution (WDR) - Question identifier:WDR_Q09
(To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements?)
Work is distributed fairly in my workplace.
- 1: Strongly agree
- 2: Agree
- 3: Neither agree nor disagree
- 4: Disagree
- 5: Strongly disagree
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
Work Distribution (WDR) - Question identifier:WDR_Q10
(To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements?)
I have opportunities to provide input into decisions that affect my work.
- 1: Strongly agree
- 2: Agree
- 3: Neither agree nor disagree
- 4: Disagree
- 5: Strongly disagree
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
Skills, Training and Job Security (STJ)
Skills, Training and Job Security (STJ) - Question identifier:STJ_Q01
To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements?
You might lose your job in the next 6 months.
- 1: Strongly agree
- 2: Agree
- 3: Neither agree nor disagree
- 4: Disagree
- 5: Strongly disagree
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
Skills, Training and Job Security (STJ) - Question identifier:STJ_Q02
(To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements?)
If you were to lose or quit your current job, it would be easy for you to find a job of similar salary.
- 1: Strongly agree
- 2: Agree
- 3: Neither agree nor disagree
- 4: Disagree
- 5: Strongly disagree
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
Skills, Training and Job Security (STJ) - Question identifier:STJ_Q03
(To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements?)
Your job offers good prospects for career advancement.
- 1: Strongly agree
- 2: Agree
- 3: Neither agree nor disagree
- 4: Disagree
- 5: Strongly disagree
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
Skills, Training and Job Security (STJ) - Question identifier:STJ_Q04
Which of the following best describes your skills in your current job?
- 1: You need further training to cope well with your duties
- 2: Your skills are a good match for your job
- 3: You have the skills to cope with more demanding duties
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
Skills, Training and Job Security (STJ) - Question identifier:STJ_Q05
To what extent is your current job related to your field of education or training?
- 1: Completely
- 2: Mostly
- 3: Somewhat
- 4: Mostly not
- 5: Not at all
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
Skills, Training and Job Security (STJ) - Question identifier:STJ_Q06
What is the main reason you are not working in a job related to your field of education or training?
- 1: No jobs available in my field
- 2: Chose to work in a different type of job
- 3: Have not been able to find a job that matches my education, training or experience
- 4: Other - Specify
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
Skills, Training and Job Security (STJ) - Question identifier:STJ_Q07
What is the main reason you are not working in a job related to your field of education or training?
- 1: Chose to work in a different type of job
- 2: Credentials and qualifications have not been recognized
- 3: Do not have Canadian work experience
- 4: Have not been able to find a job that matches your education, training or experience
- 5: Other - Specify
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
Skills, Training and Job Security (STJ) - Question identifier:STJ_Q08
Considering your education, training and experience, do you feel that you are over-qualified, adequately qualified or under-qualified for your job?
- 1: Over-qualified for your job
- 2: Adequately qualified for your job
- 3: Under-qualified for your job
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
Skills, Training and Job Security (STJ) - Question identifier:STJ_Q09
In the past 12 months, have you had formal training paid for by your employer?
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
Skills, Training and Job Security (STJ) - Question identifier:STJ_Q10
In the past 12 months, have you had formal training paid for by yourself?
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
Skills, Training and Job Security (STJ) - Question identifier:STJ_Q11
In the past 12 months, have you had informal or on-the-job training from co-workers or supervisors?
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
Skills, Training and Job Security (STJ) - Question identifier:STJ_Q12
Did any of this formal or informal training help improve the way you work?
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
Skills, Training and Job Security (STJ) - Question identifier:STJ_Q13
Do you feel that your job is more secure because of your training?
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
Skills, Training and Job Security (STJ) - Question identifier:STJ_Q14
Do you feel that your prospects for future employment are better because of your training?
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
Compensation and Employment Benefits (CAB)
Compensation and Employment Benefits (CAB) - Question identifier:CAB_Q01
Which of the following employment benefits do you have access to as part of your employment?
- 11: Workplace pension plan
- 12: Paid sick leave
- 13: Paid vacation leave
- 14: Disability insurance
- 15: Supplemental medical or dental care
- 16: Worker's compensation
- 17: Maternity, parental or layoff benefits
- 18: Other - Specify
- 19: None of these
- 98: RF
- 99: DK
Compensation and Employment Benefits (CAB) - Question identifier:CAB_Q02
Have you ever had a formal job performance assessment at your current job?
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
Compensation and Employment Benefits (CAB) - Question identifier:CAB_Q03
When was the last time you had a formal job performance assessment at your current job?
- 1: In the past year
- 2: More than 1 year ago
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
Compensation and Employment Benefits (CAB) - Question identifier:CAB_Q04
Do you have a flexible schedule that allows you to choose the time you begin and end your work day?
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
Compensation and Employment Benefits (CAB) - Question identifier:CAB_Q05
How important is your flexible schedule to you?
- 1: Very important
- 2: Somewhat important
- 3: Not very important
- 4: Not at all important
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
Compensation and Employment Benefits (CAB) - Question identifier:CAB_Q06
How easy is it for you to take an hour or two off for personal or family matters during working hours?
- 1: Very easy
- 2: Easy
- 3: Difficult
- 4: Very difficult
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
Social Fulfillment at Work (SFC)
Social Fulfillment at Work (SFC) - Question identifier:SFC_Q01
How many good friends do you have at work?
- 1: Many
- 2: A few
- 3: One or two
- 4: None (Go to SFC_Q03)
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
Social Fulfillment at Work (SFC) - Question identifier:SFC_Q02
How often do you see your work friends outside of working hours?
- 1: Daily
- 2: At least once a week
- 3: At least once a month
- 4: Less than once a month
- 5: Never
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
Social Fulfillment at Work (SFC) - Question identifier:SFC_Q03
Do you feel isolated at work?
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
Social Fulfillment at Work (SFC) - Question identifier:SFC_Q04
What is the main reason you feel isolated at work?
- 1: Colleagues aren't friendly
- 2: Physical work location is far from others
- 3: Accessibility barriers
- 4: Discrimination
- 5: Other - Specify
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
Social Fulfillment at Work (SFC) - Question identifier:SFC_Q05
In the past 12 months, how often do you feel you have been competing with your colleague(s)?
- 1: Always
- 2: Often
- 3: Sometimes
- 4: Rarely
- 5: Never
- 6: Do not have any colleagues
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
Social Fulfillment at Work (SFC) - Question identifier:SFC_Q06
Has this competition had a positive, negative or no effect on your work?
- 1: A positive effect
- 2: A negative effect
- 3: It hasn't had any effect
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
Social Fulfillment at Work (SFC) - Question identifier:SFC_Q07
During the past 12 months, how often have you had conflicts at work with:
your managers or supervisors?
- 1: Always
- 2: Often
- 3: Sometimes
- 4: Rarely
- 5: Never
- 6: Do not have a supervisor or manager
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
Social Fulfillment at Work (SFC) - Question identifier:SFC_Q08
(During the past 12 months, how often have you had conflicts at work with:)
your colleagues or co-workers?
- 1: Always
- 2: Often
- 3: Sometimes
- 4: Rarely
- 5: Never
- 6: Do not have any colleagues
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
Social Fulfillment at Work (SFC) - Question identifier:SFC_Q09
(During the past 12 months, how often have you had conflicts at work with:)
your employee(s) or subordinate(s)?
- 1: Always
- 2: Often
- 3: Sometimes
- 4: Rarely
- 5: Never
- 6: Do not have employees or subordinates
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
Intercultural Workplace Relations (IWR)
Intercultural Workplace Relations (IWR) - Question identifier:IWR_R01
For the next questions, please think about the people you work with on a regular basis.
Intercultural Workplace Relations (IWR) - Question identifier:IWR_Q07
To what extent would you say that cultural differences enrich your workplace?
- 1: Completely
- 2: Mostly
- 3: Somewhat
- 4: Mostly not
- 5: Not at all
- 6: No cultural differences in your workplace
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
Intercultural Workplace Relations (IWR) - Question identifier:IWR_Q08
To what extent do you feel that cultural differences are respected in your workplace?
- 1: Completely
- 2: Mostly
- 3: Somewhat
- 4: Mostly not
- 5: Not at all
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
Discrimination, Bullying and Harassment (DBH)
Discrimination, Bullying and Harassment (DBH) - Question identifier:DBH_R01
Now, we are interested in knowing if you have experienced unfair treatment or discrimination at work because of your gender, race, age, physical appearance or for any other reason.
Discrimination, Bullying and Harassment (DBH) - Question identifier:DBH_Q01
In the past 12 months, have you experienced unfair treatment or discrimination while at work?
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
Discrimination, Bullying and Harassment (DBH) - Question identifier:DBH_Q02
In the past 12 months, how often have you experienced this unfair treatment or discrimination?
- 1: Once
- 2: Occasionally
- 3: Often
- 4: Daily or almost daily
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
Discrimination, Bullying and Harassment (DBH) - Question identifier:DBH_Q03
What was this unfair treatment or discrimination based on?
- 11: Age
- 12: Sex
- 13: Race or colour
- 14: Nationality or immigration status
- 15: Ethnicity or culture
- 16: Physical appearance other than skin colour
- 17: Religion
- 18: A physical or mental disability
- 19: Sexual orientation
- 20: Language
- 21: Gender identity
- 22: Other - Specify
- 98: RF
- 99: DK
Discrimination, Bullying and Harassment (DBH) - Question identifier:DBH_Q04
Remember, think about unfair treatment or discrimination that happened while at work.
In which of the following ways were you discriminated against?
- 11: Ignored by others
- 12: Made to feel uncomfortable
- 13: People talked behind your back
- 14: Promotion or training was denied
- 15: Were given too much work
- 16: Were given less challenging or interesting work
- 17: Other - Specify
- 98: RF
- 99: DK
Discrimination, Bullying and Harassment (DBH) - Question identifier:DBH_Q05
In the past 12 months, have you been subjected to:
verbal abuse while at work?
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
Discrimination, Bullying and Harassment (DBH) - Question identifier:DBH_Q07
(In the past 12 months, have you been subjected to:)
unwanted sexual attention or sexual harassment while at work?
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
Discrimination, Bullying and Harassment (DBH) - Question identifier:DBH_Q09
(In the past 12 months, have you been subjected to:)
threats to your person while at work?
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
Discrimination, Bullying and Harassment (DBH) - Question identifier:DBH_Q11
(In the past 12 months, have you been subjected to:)
humiliating behaviour while at work?
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
Discrimination, Bullying and Harassment (DBH) - Question identifier:DBH_Q13
(In the past 12 months, have you been subjected to:)
physical violence while at work?
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
Sub-Block: Bullying (DB2)
Sub-Block: Bullying (DB2) - Question identifier:DB2_Q01
About how many times has this happened in the past 12 months?
- 1: Once
- 2: 2 to 5 times
- 3: 6 to 10 times
- 4: 11 to 25 times
- 5: 26 to 50 times
- 6: More than 50 times
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
Sub-Block: Bullying (DB2) - Question identifier:DB2_Q02
From whom did you experience this?
- 11: Supervisor or manager
- 12: Colleague or peer
- 13: Your employee
- 14: Client or customer
- 15: Board member or shareholder
- 16: Other - Specify
- 98: RF
- 99: DK
Sub-Block: Bullying (DB2) - Question identifier:DB2_Q03
After this happened, did you try to address the situation?
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
Sub-Block: Bullying (DB2) - Question identifier:DB2_Q04
What did you do?
- 11: Confronted the person directly
- 12: Talked about it with someone else at work
- 13: Reported it to a manager or supervisor
- 14: Filed a grievance
- 15: Other - Specify
- 98: RF
- 99: DK
Sub-Block: Bullying (DB2) - Question identifier:DB2_Q05
Did this help the situation?
- 1: Completely
- 2: Mostly
- 3: Somewhat
- 4: Mostly not
- 5: Not at all
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
Outdoor Activities (ODA)
Outdoor Activities (ODA) - Question identifier:ODA_R01
Changing topics, now some questions about your outdoor or wilderness activities.
Outdoor Activities (ODA) - Question identifier:ODA_Q01
In the past 12 months, which of the following outdoor or wilderness activities have you participated in?
- 11: Fishing
- 12: Hunting or trapping
- 13: Foraging for food such as berries or mushrooms
- 14: Snowmobiling, ATV or other off-road vehicle use
- 15: Tent camping
- 16: Canoeing/Kayaking
- 17: Hiking or backpacking
- 18: Snowshoeing or cross-country skiing
- 19: Wildlife viewing or photography, outside the home
- 20: Mountain biking
- 21: Motor-boating or jet skiing
- 22: Other - Specify
- 23: Did not participate in outdoor or wilderness activities
- 98: RF
- 99: DK
Sports Participation (SPA)
Sports Participation (SPA) - Question identifier:SPA_R01
Now some questions about your participation in sports. For the purposes of this section, sport is defined as activities which involve training and competition with some level of physical intensity or organization.
Sports Participation (SPA) - Question identifier:SPA_Q01
Did you regularly participate in any sports during the past 12 months?
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
Sports Participation (SPA) - Question identifier:SPA_Q50
How important is sport in providing you with:
physical health and fitness?
- 1: Very important
- 2: Somewhat important
- 3: Not very important
- 4: Not at all important
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
Sports Participation (SPA) - Question identifier:SPA_Q51
(How important is sport in providing you with:)
family activity?
- 1: Very important
- 2: Somewhat important
- 3: Not very important
- 4: Not at all important
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
Sports Participation (SPA) - Question identifier:SPA_Q52
(How important is sport in providing you with:)
new friends and acquaintances?
- 1: Very important
- 2: Somewhat important
- 3: Not very important
- 4: Not at all important
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
Sports Participation (SPA) - Question identifier:SPA_Q53
(How important is sport in providing you with)
fun, recreation and relaxation?
- 1: Very important
- 2: Somewhat important
- 3: Not very important
- 4: Not at all important
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
Sports Participation (SPA) - Question identifier:SPA_Q54
(How important is sport in providing you with:)
a sense of achievement and skill development?
- 1: Very important
- 2: Somewhat important
- 3: Not very important
- 4: Not at all important
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
Sports Participation (SPA) - Question identifier:SPA_Q60
Are there any particular reasons why you did not regularly participate in sports?
- 11: No particular reason
- 12: Do not have the time
- 13: Injury or health concerns
- 14: Age
- 15: Disability
- 16: Programs or facilities not available in the community
- 17: Too expensive
- 18: Lack of religious accommodation
- 19: Participated in physical activity other than sports
- 20: Other - Specify
- 98: RF
- 99: DK
Sports Participation (SPA) - Question identifier:SPA_Q61
In the past 5 years, have you stopped participating in a sport due to a negative experience you had?
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
- 3: Did not play sports in past 5 years
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
Sports Participation (SPA) - Question identifier:SPA_Q62
Which sport?
- 1: Search
- 2: No
- 3: Other - Specify
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
Sports Participation (SPA) - Question identifier:SPA_Q63
What were the negative experiences that made you stop participating?
- 11: Health or safety concerns
- 12: Unsportsmanlike conduct by other players
- 13: Unfair rules or procedures
- 14: Unfair treatment or discrimination
- 15: Bullying or harassment
- 16: Other - Specify
- 98: RF
- 99: DK
Sports Participation (SPA) - Question identifier:SPA_Q70
During the past 12 months, have you been involved in amateur sports as a:
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
Sports Participation (SPA) - Question identifier:SPA_Q71
(During the past 12 months, have you been involved in amateur sports as a:)
referee, official or umpire?
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
Sports Participation (SPA) - Question identifier:SPA_Q72
(During the past 12 months, have you been involved in amateur sports as a:)
helper or administrator?
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
Sports Participation (SPA) - Question identifier:SPA_Q73
(During the past 12 months, have you been involved in amateur sports as a:)
spectator at amateur sports competitions?
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
Sub-block: Sports participation details (SP2)
Sub-block: Sports participation details (SP2) - Question identifier:SP2_Q01
- 1: Search
- 3: Other - Specify
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
Sub-block: Sports participation details (SP2) - Question identifier:SP2_Q02
How often (in season) did you participate in ^SP2_Q01?
- 1: 2 to 3 times a month
- 2: 1 to 2 times a week
- 3: 3 or more times per week
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
Sub-block: Sports participation details (SP2) - Question identifier:SP2_Q03
Do you participate in this sport primarily for competition or recreation?
- 1: Competition
- 2: Recreation
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
Sub-block: Sports participation details (SP2) - Question identifier:SP2_Q04
Did you participate in any competitions or tournaments in the past 12 months?
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
Sub-block: Sports participation details (SP2) - Question identifier:SP2_Q05
Was it at the local, regional, provincial or national level?
- 11: Local
- 12: Regional
- 13: Provincial
- 14: National
- 15: Other - Specify
- 98: RF
- 99: DK
Sub-block: Sports participation details (SP2) - Question identifier:SP2_Q06
Do you have a coach?
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
Sub-block: Sports participation details (SP2) - Question identifier:SP2_Q07
Do you belong to a sport club, local community league or other local or regional amateur sports organization for ^SP2_Q01?
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
Sub-block: Sports participation details (SP2) - Question identifier:SP2_Q08
Did you participate in another sport?
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
Sport Participation of Spouse/Partner (SPP)
Sport Participation of Spouse/Partner (SPP) - Question identifier:SPP_Q01
During the past 12 months, has your [spouse/partner] been involved in amateur sport as a participant, coach, referee/umpire, administrator/helper or spectator?
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
Sports Participation of Household Children (SPC)
Sports Participation of Household Children (SPC) - Question identifier:SPC_R01
Now, some questions about the sports participation of children aged 5 to 14 in your household.
Sub block: Sports Participation of Household Children (SC2)
Sub block: Sports Participation of Household Children (SC2) - Question identifier:SC2_Q01
Are you responsible for raising ^piChildName?
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
Sub block: Sports Participation of Household Children (SC2) - Question identifier:SC2_Q02
Did ^piChildName regularly participate in sports during the past 12 months?
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
Sub block: Sports Participation of Household Children (SC2) - Question identifier:SC2_Q03
In which sport did ^piChildName participate?
- 1: Search
- 3: Other - Specify
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
Sub block: Sports Participation of Household Children (SC2) - Question identifier:SC2_Q04
Did ^piChildName participate in another sport?
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
Sub block: Sports Participation of Household Children (SC2) - Question identifier:SC2_Q05
In which sport did ^piChildName participate?
- 1: Search
- 3: Other - Specify
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
Sub block: Sports Participation of Household Children (SC2) - Question identifier:SC2_Q06
Did ^piChildName participate in another sport?
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
Sub block: Sports Participation of Household Children (SC2) - Question identifier:SC2_Q07
In which sport did ^piChildName participate?
- 1: Search
- 3: Other - Specify
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
Sub block: Sports Participation of Household Children (SC2) - Question identifier:SC2_Q08
Did ^piChildName participate in another sport?
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
Sub block: Sports Participation of Household Children (SC2) - Question identifier:SC2_Q09
In which sport did ^piChildName participate?
- 1: Search
- 3: Other - Specify
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
Sub block: Sports Participation of Household Children (SC2) - Question identifier:SC2_Q15
Has ^piChildName ever stopped participating in a sport due to a negative experience?
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
Sub block: Sports Participation of Household Children (SC2) - Question identifier:SC2_Q16
Which sport?
- 1: Search
- 3: Other - Specify
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
Sub block: Sports Participation of Household Children (SC2) - Question identifier:SC2_Q17
What were the reasons ^piChildName stopped participating in this sport?
- 11: Health or safety concerns
- 12: Unsportsmanlike conduct by other players
- 13: Unfair rules or procedures
- 14: Unfair treatment or discrimination
- 15: Bullying or harassment
- 16: Other - Specify
- 98: RF
- 99: DK
Cultural Participation (LCA)
Cultural Participation (LCA) - Question identifier:LCA_R01
Now, some questions about your leisure activities in the past 12 months.
Cultural Participation (LCA) - Question identifier:LCA_Q01
During the past 12 months, how many books did you read in hard copy or print form?
- 1: At least one book a week
- 2: At least one book a month
- 3: At least one book every 3 months
- 4: At least one book every 6 months
- 5: At least one book a year
- 6: None
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
Cultural Participation (LCA) - Question identifier:LCA_Q02
During the past 12 months, how many e-books did you read?
- 1: At least one book a week
- 2: At least one book a month
- 3: At least one book every 3 months
- 4: At least one book every 6 months
- 5: At least one book a year
- 6: None
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
Cultural Participation (LCA) - Question identifier:LCA_Q03
During the past 12 months, how often did you read or scan the news online?
- 1: Daily
- 2: At least once a week
- 3: At least once a month
- 4: Less than once a month
- 5: Not in the past 12 months
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
Cultural Participation (LCA) - Question identifier:LCA_Q04
During the past 12 months, how often did you read a print copy of a newspaper?
- 1: Daily
- 2: At least once a week
- 3: At least once a month
- 4: Less than once a month
- 5: Not in the past 12 months
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
Cultural Participation (LCA) - Question identifier:LCA_Q05
During the past 12 months, how often did you read a magazine online?
- 1: Daily
- 2: At least once a week
- 3: At least once a month
- 4: Less than once a month
- 5: Not in the past 12 months
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
Cultural Participation (LCA) - Question identifier:LCA_Q06
During the past 12 months, how often did you read a print copy of a magazine?
- 1: Daily
- 2: At least once a week
- 3: At least once a month
- 4: Less than once a month
- 5: Not in the past 12 months
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
Cultural Participation (LCA) - Question identifier:LCA_Q07
During the past 12 months, how often did you listen to music on your computer, mobile device, tablet or MP3 player?
- 1: Daily
- 2: At least once a week
- 3: At least once a month
- 4: Less than once a month
- 5: Not in the past 12 months
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
Cultural Participation (LCA) - Question identifier:LCA_Q08
During the past 12 months, how often did you listen to music on a CD, cassette, or vinyl record?
- 1: Daily
- 2: At least once a week
- 3: At least once a month
- 4: Less than once a month
- 5: Not in the past 12 months
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
Cultural Participation (LCA) - Question identifier:LCA_Q09
During the past 12 months, how often did you:
attend a performance of popular music, excluding at festivals?
- 1: 1 to 4 times a year
- 2: 5 to 11 times a year
- 3: At least once a month
- 4: Not in the past 12 months
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
Cultural Participation (LCA) - Question identifier:LCA_Q10
(During the past 12 months how often did you:)
attend a performance of symphonic or classical music, excluding at festivals?
- 1: 1 to 4 times a year
- 2: 5 to 11 times a year
- 3: At least once a month
- 4: Not in the past 12 months
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
Cultural Participation (LCA) - Question identifier:LCA_Q11
(During the past 12 months, how often did you:)
attend a live performance, such as a drama, musical theatre, dinner theatre or comedy, excluding at festivals?
- 1: 1 to 4 times a year
- 2: 5 to 11 times a year
- 3: At least once a month
- 4: Not in the past 12 months
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
Cultural Participation (LCA) - Question identifier:LCA_Q12
During the past 12 months, how often did you:
attend a cultural or artistic festival, such as film, jazz, folk or comedy?
- 1: 1 to 4 times a year
- 2: 5 to 11 times a year
- 3: At least once a month
- 4: Not in the past 12 months
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
Cultural Participation (LCA) - Question identifier:LCA_Q13
(During the past 12 months, how often did you:)
attend a performance of heritage or ethnic dance, theatre or music, for example, Aboriginal peoples, Chinese or Ukrainian?
- 1: 1 to 4 times a year
- 2: 5 to 11 times a year
- 3: At least once a month
- 4: Not in the past 12 months
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
Cultural Participation (LCA) - Question identifier:LCA_Q14
(During the past 12 months, how often did you:)
attend any other kind or type of cultural performance not already described?
- 1: 1 to 4 times a year
- 2: 5 to 11 times a year
- 3: At least once a month
- 4: Not in the past 12 months
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
Cultural Participation (LCA) - Question identifier:LCA_Q15
(During the past 12 months, how often did you:)
visit a public art gallery or art museum, including special art exhibits?
- 1: 1 to 4 times a year
- 2: 5 to 11 times a year
- 3: At least once a month
- 4: Not in the past 12 months
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
Cultural Participation (LCA) - Question identifier:LCA_Q16
During the past 12 months, how often did you:
visit museums other than public art galleries or art museums?
- 1: 1 to 4 times a year
- 2: 5 to 11 times a year
- 3: At least once a month
- 4: Not in the past 12 months
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
Cultural Participation (LCA) - Question identifier:LCA_Q17
(During the past 12 months, how often did you:)
visit a historic site?
- 1: 1 to 4 times a year
- 2: 5 to 11 times a year
- 3: At least once a month
- 4: Not in the past 12 months
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
Cultural Participation (LCA) - Question identifier:LCA_Q18
(During the past 12 months, how often did you:)
visit a zoo, aquarium, botanical garden, planetarium or observatory?
- 1: 1 to 4 times a year
- 2: 5 to 11 times a year
- 3: At least once a month
- 4: Not in the past 12 months
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
Cultural Participation (LCA) - Question identifier:LCA_Q19
During the past 12 months, how often did you:
visit a conservation area or nature park?
- 1: 1 to 4 times a year
- 2: 5 to 11 times a year
- 3: At least once a month
- 4: Not in the past 12 months
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
Cultural Participation (LCA) - Question identifier:LCA_Q20
During the past 12 months, how often did you go to a movie theatre?
- 1: At least once a week
- 2: At least once a month
- 3: 5 to 11 times a year
- 4: 1 to 4 times a year
- 5: Not in the past 12 months
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
Cultural Participation (LCA) - Question identifier:LCA_Q21
During the past 12 months, how often did you watch a movie or film viewed from a DVD, Blu-ray disc, online or any other source?
- 1: At least once a day
- 2: At least once a week
- 3: At least once a month
- 4: 5 to 11 times a year
- 5: 1 to 4 times a year
- 6: Not in the past 12 months
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
Cultural Participation (LCA) - Question identifier:LCA_Q22
During the past week, how many hours did you spend listening to the radio on any device?
Min = 0.00; Max = 95.00
Cultural Participation (LCA) - Question identifier:LCA_Q23
Of these, how many hours did you spend streaming online radio through any device?
Min = 0.00; Max = 95.00
Cultural Participation (LCA) - Question identifier:LCA_R24
These days, people watch television in many different ways, including on smart phones or tablets, and through the Internet as well as through conventional broadcasters such as cable or satellite.
Cultural Participation (LCA) - Question identifier:LCA_Q25
During the past week, how many hours did you spend watching conventional television on cable, satellite, IPTV or over-the-air?
Min = 0.00; Max = 95.00
Cultural Participation (LCA) - Question identifier:LCA_Q26
How many hours do you spend watching television online, through some device other than a television set?
Min = 0.00; Max = 95.00
Cultural Participation (LCA) - Question identifier:LCA_Q27
Which of the following paid services do you currently subscribe to?
- 1: Conventional cable or satellite package
- 2: Netflix
- 3: Shomi
- 4: CraveTV
- 5: Other - Specify
- 6: No paid television or video subscriptions
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
Cultural Activities (LCD)
Cultural Activities (LCD) - Question identifier:LCD_R01
Now, some questions about cultural activities or hobbies you are involved in.
Cultural Activities (LCD) - Question identifier:LCD_Q01
In the past 12 months, which of the following have you actively participated in?
- 11: Making music (e.g., singing, playing an instrument or remixing music)
- 12: Theatre (e.g., acting, storytelling or comedy)
- 13: Audio-Visual and Interactive Media (e.g., making films, animation or videos)
- 14: Dance (e.g., socially, in a performance or choreography)
- 15: Visual arts ( e.g., painting, photography, sculpture or drawing)
- 16: Craft (e.g., needlework, scrapbooking, woodwork, metalwork or pottery)
- 17: Writing (e.g., poetry, plays, stories, editorials and reviews)
- 18: Other - Specify
- 19: Do not participate in cultural activities or hobbies
- 98: RF
- 99: DK
Use of Technology (IUR)
Use of Technology (IUR) - Question identifier:IUR_R01
Now, some questions about your use of technology.
Use of Technology (IUR) - Question identifier:IUR_Q01
In the past month, how often have you used the Internet?
- 1: Daily
- 2: A few times a week
- 3: Once a week
- 4: A few times a month
- 5: Did not use in the past month
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
Use of Technology (IUR) - Question identifier:IUR_Q05
Which of the following devices do you own?
- 11: Desktop computer
- 12: Laptop or netbook
- 13: Tablet or e-Reader (Kobo or other brand)
- 14: Video game console such as Xbox, Playstation or Nintendo
- 15: Internet-enabled thermostat, alarm system or other smart appliance
- 16: GPS device (Standalone/portable or dash-mounted)
- 17: Smart phone such as iPhone, Blackberry, Android
- 18: Non-smart cellular phone
- 19: Digital video camera or camera other than smart phone
- 20: Internet-enabled smart televison
- 21: Set-top or USB device for accessing the Internet from your television such as Roku, AppleTV, Chromecast
- 22: Wearable digital device such as a smart watch or activity tracker
- 23: None of these
- 98: RF
- 99: DK
Use of Technology (IUR) - Question identifier:IUR_Q09
Overall, how often does your use of technology:
help you to communicate with other people?
- 1: Always
- 2: Often
- 3: Sometimes
- 4: Rarely
- 5: Never
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
Use of Technology (IUR) - Question identifier:IUR_Q10
(Overall, how often does your use of technology:)
save you time?
- 1: Always
- 2: Often
- 3: Sometimes
- 4: Rarely
- 5: Never
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
Use of Technology (IUR) - Question identifier:IUR_Q11
(Overall, how often does your use of technology:)
interfere with other things in your life?
- 1: Always
- 2: Often
- 3: Sometimes
- 4: Rarely
- 5: Never
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
Use of Technology (IUR) - Question identifier:IUR_Q12
(Overall, how often does your use of technology:)
help you to be more creative?
- 1: Always
- 2: Often
- 3: Sometimes
- 4: Rarely
- 5: Never
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
Use of Technology (IUR) - Question identifier:IUR_Q13
(Overall, how often does your use of technology:)
help you to make more informed decisions?
- 1: Always
- 2: Often
- 3: Sometimes
- 4: Rarely
- 5: Never
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
Use of Technology (IUR) - Question identifier:IUR_Q14
Overall, would you say that your life is better, about the same or worse as a result of your technology use?
- 1: Better
- 2: About the same
- 3: Worse
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
Eating Habits (HEH)
Eating Habits (HEH) - Question identifier:HEH_R01
Now, some questions about eating habits including eating outside of the home.
Eating Habits (HEH) - Question identifier:HEH_Q01
In general, would you say that your eating habits are...?
- 1: Excellent
- 2: Very good
- 3: Good
- 4: Fair
- 5: Poor
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
Eating Habits (HEH) - Question identifier:HEH_Q02
During the past month, how often did you eat out or purchase take out dishes or snacks?
- 1: Daily
- 2: A few times a week
- 3: Once a week
- 4: A few times a month
- 5: Once a month
- 6: Not in the past month
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
Eating Habits (HEH) - Question identifier:HEH_Q03
Which meal or snack did you eat out or take out most often?
- 1: Breakfast
- 2: Morning snack
- 3: Lunch
- 4: Afternoon snack
- 5: Dinner
- 6: Late night snack
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
Eating Habits (HEH) - Question identifier:HEH_Q04
What is the main reason you tend to eat out?
- 1: No time to cook or for convenience
- 2: Do not like or know how to cook
- 3: As a treat, or for a special occasion or celebration
- 4: To socialize with friends or family
- 5: For business or professional reasons
- 6: Other - Specify
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
Eating Habits (HEH) - Question identifier:HEH_Q09
During the past month, how many times did you purchase take out dishes from grocery stores?
Min = 0; Max = 93
Eating Habits (HEH) - Question identifier:HEH_Q10
When eating out, how often is nutritional information available with the menu or on a menu board?
- 1: Always
- 2: Often
- 3: Sometimes
- 4: Rarely
- 5: Never
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
Eating Habits (HEH) - Question identifier:HEH_Q11
When available, how often does this nutritional information change what you order or purchase?
- 1: Always
- 2: Often
- 3: Sometimes
- 4: Rarely
- 5: Never
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
Nutrition and Health (GHT)
Nutrition and Health (GHT) - Question identifier:GHT_Q01
When purchasing a food product, how often do you consult the nutritional information on the packaging?
- 1: Always
- 2: Often
- 3: Sometimes
- 4: Rarely
- 5: Never
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
Nutrition and Health (GHT) - Question identifier:GHT_Q02
Which nutritional information on the packaging do you consult most often when purchasing a food product?
- 1: Front-of-package nutritional information
- 2: Nutrition Facts table
- 3: List of ingredients
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
Nutrition and Health (GHT) - Question identifier:GHT_Q03
Is there any reason you do not?
- 1: Do not need to
- 2: Do not care
- 3: Do not know how to interpret nutritional information
- 4: Do not know what to believe or trust
- 5: Nutritional information not available
- 6: Other - Specify
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
Nutrition and Health (GHT) - Question identifier:GHT_Q04
In the past 12 months, have you changed your eating habits in order to manage your weight?
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
Drinking (DRR)
Drinking (DRR) - Question identifier:DRR_Q110
In the past month, how often did you drink alcoholic beverages? Was it...?
- 1: Every day
- 2: 4-6 times a week
- 3: 2-3 times a week
- 4: Once a week
- 5: Once or twice in the past month
- 6: Not in the past month
- 7: Never had a drink
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
Smoking (SMK)
Smoking (SMK) - Question identifier:SMK_Q05
At the present time, do you smoke cigarettes daily, occasionally or not at all?
- 1: Daily
- 2: Occasionally
- 3: Not at all
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
Self Rated Health (SRH)
Self Rated Health (SRH) - Question identifier:SRH_R110
The following set of questions asks about your day-to-day health.
Self Rated Health (SRH) - Question identifier:SRH_Q110
In general, would you say your health is...?
- 1: Excellent
- 2: Very good
- 3: Good
- 4: Fair
- 5: Poor
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
Self Rated Health (SRH) - Question identifier:SRH_Q115
In general, would you say your mental health is...?
- 1: Excellent
- 2: Very good
- 3: Good
- 4: Fair
- 5: Poor
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
Family Activity Time (FAM)
Family Activity Time (FAM) - Question identifier:FAM_R01
Now, some questions about the time you spend together as a family
Family Activity Time (FAM) - Question identifier:FAM_Q03
Overall, how satisfied are you with the amount of time you spend as a family?
- 1: Very satisfied
- 2: Satisfied
- 3: Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied
- 4: Dissatisfied
- 5: Very dissatisfied
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
Family Activity Time (FAM) - Question identifier:FAM_Q04
Overall how satisfied are you with the quality of time you spend as a family?
- 1: Very satisfied
- 2: Satisfied
- 3: Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied
- 4: Dissatisfied
- 5: Very dissatisfied
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
Division of chores (COM)
Division of chores (COM) - Question identifier:COM_R01
Now, some questions about the organization of different tasks and responsibilities in your household in everyday life.
Division of chores (COM) - Question identifier:COM_Q01
Who in your household mainly takes care of:
meal preparation and meal cleanup?
- 1: Mostly you
- 2: Mostly your [spouse/partner/spouse or partner]
- 3: Mostly another household member
- 4: Shared equally
- 5: Someone outside the household
- 6: Task is not done in the household
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
Division of chores (COM) - Question identifier:COM_Q02
(Who in your household mainly takes care of:)
housework, such as vacuuming, laundry or ironing?
- 1: Mostly you
- 2: Mostly your [spouse/partner/spouse or partner]
- 3: Mostly another household member
- 4: Shared equally
- 5: Someone outside the household
- 6: Task is not done in the household
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
Division of chores (COM) - Question identifier:COM_Q03
(Who in your household mainly takes care of:)
grocery shopping?
- 1: Mostly you
- 2: Mostly your [spouse/partner/spouse or partner]
- 3: Mostly another household member
- 4: Shared equally
- 5: Someone outside the household
- 6: Task is not done in the household
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
Division of chores (COM) - Question identifier:COM_Q04
(Who in your household mainly takes care of:)
house maintenance or repairs?
- 1: Mostly you
- 2: Mostly your [spouse/partner/spouse or partner]
- 3: Mostly another household member
- 4: Shared equally
- 5: Someone outside the household
- 6: Task is not done in the household
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
Division of chores (COM) - Question identifier:COM_Q05
(Who in your household mostly takes care of:)
outdoor work or gardening?
- 1: Mostly you
- 2: Mostly your [spouse/partner/spouse or partner]
- 3: Mostly another household member
- 4: Shared equally
- 5: Someone outside the household
- 6: Task is not done in the household
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
Division of chores (COM) - Question identifier:COM_Q06
(Who in your household mainly takes care of:)
organizing the household's social life?
- 1: Mostly you
- 2: Mostly your [spouse/partner/spouse or partner]
- 3: Mostly another household member
- 4: Shared equally
- 5: Someone outside the household
- 6: Task is not done in the household
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
Division of chores (COM) - Question identifier:COM_Q07
(Who in your household mainly takes care of:)
the household finances and paying the bills?
- 1: Mostly you
- 2: Mostly your [spouse/partner/spouse or partner]
- 3: Mostly another household member
- 4: Shared equally
- 5: Someone outside the household
- 6: Task is not done in the household
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
Division of chores (COM) - Question identifier:COM_Q08
(Who in your household mainly takes care of:)
supervising the children?
- 1: Mostly you
- 2: Mostly your [spouse/partner/spouse or partner]
- 3: Mostly another household member
- 4: Shared equally
- 5: Someone outside the household
- 6: Task is not done in the household
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
Division of chores (COM) - Question identifier:COM_Q09
(Who in your household mainly takes care of:)
taking the children to activities?
- 1: Mostly you
- 2: Mostly your [spouse/partner/spouse or partner]
- 3: Mostly another household member
- 4: Shared equally
- 5: Someone outside the household
- 6: Task is not done in the household
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
Division of chores (COM) - Question identifier:COM_Q10
(Who in your household mainly takes care of:)
the children's bed time activities (bathing, hygiene, preparing for bed)?
- 1: Mostly you
- 2: Mostly your [spouse/partner/spouse or partner]
- 3: Mostly another household member
- 4: Shared equally
- 5: Someone outside the household
- 6: Task is not done in the household
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
Division of chores (COM) - Question identifier:COM_Q11
(Who in your household mainly takes care of:)
helping the children with homework?
- 1: Mostly you
- 2: Mostly your [spouse/partner/spouse or partner]
- 3: Mostly another household member
- 4: Shared equally
- 5: Someone outside the household
- 6: Task is not done in the household
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
Division of chores (COM) - Question identifier:COM_Q12
How satisfied are you with the way chores are divided in your household?
- 1: Very satisfied
- 2: Satisfied
- 3: Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied
- 4: Dissatisfied
- 5: Very dissatisfied
- 6: Does not apply to my situation
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
Time Management (TMG)
Time Management (TMG) - Question identifier:TMG_Q01
In the past 12 months, how often has it been difficult to fulfill family responsibilities because of the amount of time you spent on your job?
- 1: Always
- 2: Often
- 3: Sometimes
- 4: Rarely
- 5: Never
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
Time Management (TMG) - Question identifier:TMG_Q02
In the past 12 months, how often has it been difficult to concentrate or fulfill your work responsibilities because of your family responsibilities?
- 1: Always
- 2: Often
- 3: Sometimes
- 4: Rarely
- 5: Never
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
Time Management (TMG) - Question identifier:TMG_Q03
How satisfied [are/were] you with the balance between your job and home life?
- 1: Very satisfied
- 2: Satisfied
- 3: Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied
- 4: Dissatisfied
- 5: Very dissatisfied
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
Stress Management (SMG)
Stress Management (SMG) - Question identifier:SMG_Q01
Thinking of the amount of stress in your life, would you say that most days are...?
- 1: Not at all stressful
- 2: Not very stressful
- 3: A bit stressful
- 4: Quite a bit stressful
- 5: Extremely stressful
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
Stress Management (SMG) - Question identifier:SMG_Q02
What is your main source of stress?
- 1: Work
- 2: Financial concerns
- 3: Family
- 4: School work
- 5: Not enough time
- 6: Own health
- 7: Other - Specify
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
Domain Satisfaction (DOS)
Domain Satisfaction (DOS) - Question identifier:DOS_R01
The following questions ask how satisfied you feel about specific aspects of your life.
On a scale from 0 to 10, where 0 means you feel "Not at all satisfied" and 10 means you are "Completely satisfied":
Domain Satisfaction (DOS) - Question identifier:DOS_Q01
(On a scale from 0 to 10, where 0 means you feel "Not at all satisfied" and 10 means you are "Completely satisfied":)
How satisfied are you with your standard of living?
- 00: Not at all satisfied
- 01: |
- 02: |
- 03: |
- 04: |
- 05: |
- 06: |
- 07: |
- 08: |
- 09: |
- 10: Completely satisfied
- 98: RF
- 99: DK
Domain Satisfaction (DOS) - Question identifier:DOS_Q02
(On a scale from 0 to 10, where 0 means you feel "Not at all satisfied" and 10 means you are "Completely satisfied":)
How satisfied are you with your health?
- 00: Not at all satisfied
- 01: |
- 02: |
- 03: |
- 04: |
- 05: |
- 06: |
- 07: |
- 08: |
- 09: |
- 10: Completely satisfied
- 98: RF
- 99: DK
Domain Satisfaction (DOS) - Question identifier:DOS_Q03
(On a scale from 0 to 10, where 0 means you feel "Not at all satisfied" and 10 means you are "Completely satisfied":)
How satisfied are you with what you are achieving in life?
- 00: Not at all satisfied
- 01: |
- 02: |
- 03: |
- 04: |
- 05: |
- 06: |
- 07: |
- 08: |
- 09: |
- 10: Completely satisfied
- 98: RF
- 99: DK
Domain Satisfaction (DOS) - Question identifier:DOS_Q04
(On a scale from 0 to 10, where 0 means you feel "Not at all satisfied" and 10 means you are "Completely satisfied":)
How satisfied are you with your personal relationships?
- 00: Not at all satisfied
- 01: |
- 02: |
- 03: |
- 04: |
- 05: |
- 06: |
- 07: |
- 08: |
- 09: |
- 10: Completely satisfied
- 98: RF
- 99: DK
Domain Satisfaction (DOS) - Question identifier:DOS_Q05
(On a scale from 0 to 10, where 0 means you feel "Not at all satisfied" and 10 means you are "Completely satisfied":)
How satisfied are you with your personal appearance, such as your weight, height, or features?
- 00: Not at all satisfied
- 01: |
- 02: |
- 03: |
- 04: |
- 05: |
- 06: |
- 07: |
- 08: |
- 09: |
- 10: Completely satisfied
- 98: RF
- 99: DK
Domain Satisfaction (DOS) - Question identifier:DOS_Q06
(On a scale from 0 to 10, where 0 means you feel "Not at all satisfied" and 10 means you are "Completely satisfied":)
How satisfied are you with how safe you feel?
- 00: Not at all satisfied
- 01: |
- 02: |
- 03: |
- 04: |
- 05: |
- 06: |
- 07: |
- 08: |
- 09: |
- 10: Completely satisfied
- 98: RF
- 99: DK
Domain Satisfaction (DOS) - Question identifier:DOS_Q07
(On a scale from 0 to 10, where 0 means you feel "Not at all satisfied" and 10 means you are "Completely satisfied":)
How satisfied are you with feeling part of your community?
- 00: Not at all satisfied
- 01: |
- 02: |
- 03: |
- 04: |
- 05: |
- 06: |
- 07: |
- 08: |
- 09: |
- 10: Completely satisfied
- 98: RF
- 99: DK
Domain Satisfaction (DOS) - Question identifier:DOS_Q08
(On a scale from 0 to 10, where 0 means you feel "Not at all satisfied" and 10 means you are "Completely satisfied":)
How satisfied are you with the amount of time you have to do the things that you like doing?
- 00: Not at all satisfied
- 01: |
- 02: |
- 03: |
- 04: |
- 05: |
- 06: |
- 07: |
- 08: |
- 09: |
- 10: Completely satisfied
- 98: RF
- 99: DK
Domain Satisfaction (DOS) - Question identifier:DOS_Q09
(On a scale from 0 to 10, where 0 means you feel "Not at all satisfied" and 10 means you are "Completely satisfied":)
How satisfied are you with the quality of your local environment such as access to green space, and air or water quality?
- 00: Not at all satisfied
- 01: |
- 02: |
- 03: |
- 04: |
- 05: |
- 06: |
- 07: |
- 08: |
- 09: |
- 10: Completely satisfied
- 98: RF
- 99: DK
Domain Satisfaction (DOS) - Question identifier:DOS_Q10
(On a scale from 0 to 10, where 0 means you feel "Not at all satisfied" and 10 means you are "Completely satisfied":)
How satisfied are you with your life in Canada?
- 00: Not at all satisfied
- 01: |
- 02: |
- 03: |
- 04: |
- 05: ¿
- 06: |
- 07: |
- 08: |
- 09: |
- 10: Completely satisfied
- 98: RF
- 99: DK
Domain Satisfaction (DOS) - Question identifier:DOS_Q11
As a whole, how would you describe your experience in Canada so far?
- 1: Much better than expected
- 2: Somewhat better than expected
- 3: About what you expected
- 4: Somewhat worse than expected
- 5: Much worse than expected
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
Subjective well-being minimum (SLM)
Subjective well-being minimum (SLM) - Question identifier:SLM_Q01
Using a scale of 0 to 10, where 0 means "Very dissatisfied" and 10 means "Very satisfied", how do you feel about your life as a whole right now?
0 Very dissatisfied
1 I
2 I
3 I
4 I
5 I
6 I
7 I
8 I
9 V
10 Very satisfied
Min = 0; Max = 10
Life Opportunities (OPP)
Life Opportunities (OPP) - Question identifier:OPP_R01
Now, some questions about your life opportunities.
Life Opportunities (OPP) - Question identifier:OPP_Q01
How does the standard of living in your current household compare with that of the household in which you were raised?
- 1: Better
- 2: About the same
- 3: Lower
- 4: Still live in the household where I was raised
- 5: Was not raised in a household
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
Life Opportunities (OPP) - Question identifier:OPP_Q02
Would you say that you have had better, about the same or worse educational opportunities than those that your parents or people who raised you had?
- 1: Better
- 2: About the same
- 3: Worse
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
Life Opportunities (OPP) - Question identifier:OPP_Q03
Would you say that you have had better, about the same or worse employment opportunities in Canada than your parents or those who raised you had?
- 1: Better
- 2: About the same
- 3: Worse
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
Life Opportunities (OPP) - Question identifier:OPP_Q04
Would you say that you have had better, about the same or worse opportunities to acquire assets, such as a house, business or land, than your parents or those who raised you had?
- 1: Better
- 2: About the same
- 3: Worse
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
Life Opportunities (OPP) - Question identifier:OPP_Q05
Would you say that you have had better, about the same or worse opportunities for leisure and recreation than your parents or those who raised you had?
- 1: Better
- 2: About the same
- 3: Worse
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
Life Opportunities (OPP) - Question identifier:OPP_Q06
Overall, do you think that your life opportunities will improve, worsen or stay the same in the next 5 years?
- 1: Improve
- 2: Worsen
- 3: Stay the same
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
Outlook (LAS)
Outlook (LAS) - Question identifier:LAS_Q01
Thinking about the future, do you think your life will be easier, harder or about the same in 1 year?
- 1: Easier
- 2: Harder
- 3: About the same
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
Outlook (LAS) - Question identifier:LAS_Q02
What do you think will most affect how much [easier/harder/easier or harder] your life will be in 1 year?
- 1: Working conditions
- 2: Own health
- 3: Financial situation
- 4: Family or personal situation
- 5: The government
- 6: Local issues
- 7: Other - Specify
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
Outlook (LAS) - Question identifier:LAS_Q03
Do you think your financial situation will be better, about the same or worse in 1 year?
- 1: Better
- 2: About the same
- 3: Worse
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
Outlook (LAS) - Question identifier:LAS_Q04
What do you think will most affect your financial situation in the next year?
- 1: Income
- 2: Investments
- 3: Housing
- 4: Health
- 5: Family
- 6: Taxes or other public policies
- 7: Other - Specify
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
Resilience (RES)
Resilience (RES) - Question identifier:RES_Q01
Thinking about your life in general, how often would you say you:
have enough energy to meet life's challenges?
- 1: Always
- 2: Often
- 3: Sometimes
- 4: Rarely
- 5: Never
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
Resilience (RES) - Question identifier:RES_Q02
(How often would you say you:)
have a hopeful view of the future?
- 1: Always
- 2: Often
- 3: Sometimes
- 4: Rarely
- 5: Never
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
Resilience (RES) - Question identifier:RES_Q03
(How often would you say you:)
are confident in your abilities, even when faced with challenges?
- 1: Always
- 2: Often
- 3: Sometimes
- 4: Rarely
- 5: Never
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
Resilience (RES) - Question identifier:RES_Q04
(How often would you say you:)
are able to admit when you have done something wrong?
- 1: Always
- 2: Often
- 3: Sometimes
- 4: Rarely
- 5: Never
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
Resilience (RES) - Question identifier:RES_Q05
(How often would you say you:)
have something to look forward to in life?
- 1: Always
- 2: Often
- 3: Sometimes
- 4: Rarely
- 5: Never
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
Resilience (RES) - Question identifier:RES_Q06
(How often would you say you:)
have people you can depend on to help you when you really need it?
- 1: Always
- 2: Often
- 3: Sometimes
- 4: Rarely
- 5: Never
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
Resilience (RES) - Question identifier:RES_Q07
(How often would you say you:)
are able to bounce back quickly after hard times?
- 1: Always
- 2: Often
- 3: Sometimes
- 4: Rarely
- 5: Never
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
Resilience (RES) - Question identifier:RES_Q08
When difficult things have happened in your life, how often would you say you:
learned something from those experiences?
- 1: Always
- 2: Often
- 3: Sometimes
- 4: Rarely
- 5: Never
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
Resilience (RES) - Question identifier:RES_Q09
(When difficult things have happened in your life, how often would you say you:)
had a hard time accepting those difficulties and moving on with your life?
- 1: Always
- 2: Often
- 3: Sometimes
- 4: Rarely
- 5: Never
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
Resilience (RES) - Question identifier:RES_Q10
(When difficult things have happened in your life, how often would you say you:)
were able to continue going about your life the way you normally do?
- 1: Always
- 2: Often
- 3: Sometimes
- 4: Rarely
- 5: Never
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
Perceived Social Class (PSC)
Perceived Social Class (PSC) - Question identifier:PSC_Q01
People sometimes describe themselves as belonging to a particular social class. Which class would you describe yourself as belonging to?
- 1: Upper class
- 2: Upper-middle class
- 3: Middle class
- 4: Lower-middle class
- 5: Lower class
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
Dwelling of Respondent (DOR)
Dwelling of Respondent (DOR) - Question identifier:DOR_R110
The following questions are about your housing and neighbourhood characteristics.
Dwelling of Respondent (DOR) - Question identifier:DOR_Q110
In what type of dwelling are you now living?
- 01: Single detached house
- 02: Semi-detached or double (side by side)
- 03: Garden home, town-house or row house
- 04: Duplex (one above the other)
- 05: Low-rise apartment (less than 5 stories)
- 06: High-rise apartment (5 or more stories)
- 07: Mobile home or trailer
- 08: Other - Specify
- 98: RF
- 99: DK
Dwelling of Respondent (DOR) - Question identifier:DOR_Q120
Do you, or another member of your household, own or rent this dwelling?
- 1: Owned, even if not fully paid for
- 2: Rented, even if no cash rent is paid
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
Length of time Respondent has lived in Dwelling (LRD)
Length of time Respondent has lived in Dwelling (LRD) - Question identifier:LRD_Q10
How long have you lived in this dwelling?
- 1: Less than 6 months
- 2: 6 months to less than 1 year
- 3: 1 year to less than 3 years
- 4: 3 years to less than 5 years
- 5: 5 years to less than 10 years
- 6: 10 years and over
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
Disability Screening Questions - Short Version (CATI) (DSQ)
Disability Screening Questions - Short Version (CATI) (DSQ) - Question identifier:DSQ_R01
The following questions are about difficulties you may have doing certain activities. Please tell me only about difficulties or long-term conditions that have lasted or are expected to last for six months or more.
Disability Screening Questions - Short Version (CATI) (DSQ) - Question identifier:DSQ_Q01
Do you have any difficulty seeing?
- 1: No
- 2: Sometimes
- 3: Often
- 4: Always
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
Disability Screening Questions - Short Version (CATI) (DSQ) - Question identifier:DSQ_Q02
Do you wear glasses or contact lenses to improve your vision?
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
Disability Screening Questions - Short Version (CATI) (DSQ) - Question identifier:DSQ_Q03
[With your glasses or contact lenses, which/Which] of the following best describes your ability to see? [You/He/She]... ?
- 1: Have no difficulty seeing
- 2: Have some difficulty (seeing)
- 3: Have a lot of difficulty (seeing)
- 4: Are legally blind
- 5: Are blind
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
Disability Screening Questions - Short Version (CATI) (DSQ) - Question identifier:DSQ_Q04
How often does this [difficulty/condition] limit your daily activities?
- 1: Never
- 2: Rarely
- 3: Sometimes
- 4: Often
- 5: Always
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
Disability Screening Questions - Short Version (CATI) (DSQ) - Question identifier:DSQ_Q05
Do you have any difficulty hearing?
- 1: No
- 2: Sometimes
- 3: Often
- 4: Always
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
Disability Screening Questions - Short Version (CATI) (DSQ) - Question identifier:DSQ_Q06
Do you use a hearing aid or cochlear implant?
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
Disability Screening Questions - Short Version (CATI) (DSQ) - Question identifier:DSQ_Q07
[With your hearing aid or cochlear implant, which/Which] of the following best describes your ability to hear? [You/He/She]... ?
- 1: Have no difficulty hearing
- 2: Have some difficulty (hearing)
- 3: Have a lot of difficulty (hearing)
- 4: Cannot hear at all
- 5: Are Deaf
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
Disability Screening Questions - Short Version (CATI) (DSQ) - Question identifier:DSQ_Q08
How often does this [difficulty/condition] limit your daily activities?
- 1: Never
- 2: Rarely
- 3: Sometimes
- 4: Often
- 5: Always
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
Disability Screening Questions - Short Version (CATI) (DSQ) - Question identifier:DSQ_Q09
Do you have any difficulty walking, using stairs, using your hands or fingers or doing other physical activities?
- 1: No
- 2: Sometimes
- 3: Often
- 4: Always
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
Disability Screening Questions - Short Version (CATI) (DSQ) - Question identifier:DSQ_R10
The following questions are about your ability to move around, even when using an aid such as a cane.
Disability Screening Questions - Short Version (CATI) (DSQ) - Question identifier:DSQ_Q10
How much difficulty do you have walking on a flat surface for 15 minutes without resting?
- 1: No difficulty
- 2: Some (difficulty)
- 3: A lot (of difficulty)
- 4: [You/He/She] cannot do at all
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
Disability Screening Questions - Short Version (CATI) (DSQ) - Question identifier:DSQ_Q11
How much difficulty do you have walking up or down a flight of stairs, about 12 steps without resting?
- 1: No difficulty
- 2: Some (difficulty)
- 3: A lot (of difficulty)
- 4: [You/He/She] cannot do at all
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
Disability Screening Questions - Short Version (CATI) (DSQ) - Question identifier:DSQ_Q12
How often [does this difficulty walking limit/does this difficulty using stairs limit/do these difficulties limit] your daily activities?
- 1: Never
- 2: Rarely
- 3: Sometimes
- 4: Often
- 5: Always
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
Disability Screening Questions - Short Version (CATI) (DSQ) - Question identifier:DSQ_Q13
How much difficulty do you have bending down and picking up an object from the floor?
- 1: No difficulty
- 2: Some (difficulty)
- 3: A lot (of difficulty)
- 4: [You/He/She] cannot do at all
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
Disability Screening Questions - Short Version (CATI) (DSQ) - Question identifier:DSQ_Q14
How much difficulty do you have reaching in any direction, for example, above your head?
- 1: No difficulty
- 2: Some (difficulty)
- 3: A lot (of difficulty)
- 4: [You/He/She] cannot do at all
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
Disability Screening Questions - Short Version (CATI) (DSQ) - Question identifier:DSQ_Q15
How often [does this difficulty bending down and picking up an object limit/does this difficulty reaching limit/do these difficulties limit] your daily activities?
- 1: Never
- 2: Rarely
- 3: Sometimes
- 4: Often
- 5: Always
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
Disability Screening Questions - Short Version (CATI) (DSQ) - Question identifier:DSQ_Q16
How much difficulty do you have using your fingers to grasp small objects like a pencil or scissors?
- 1: No difficulty
- 2: Some (difficulty)
- 3: A lot (of difficulty)
- 4: [You/He/She] cannot do at all
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
Disability Screening Questions - Short Version (CATI) (DSQ) - Question identifier:DSQ_Q17
How often does this difficulty using your fingers limit your daily activities?
- 1: Never
- 2: Rarely
- 3: Sometimes
- 4: Often
- 5: Always
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
Disability Screening Questions - Short Version (CATI) (DSQ) - Question identifier:DSQ_R18
Please answer for difficulties or long-term conditions that have lasted or are expected to last for six months or more.
Disability Screening Questions - Short Version (CATI) (DSQ) - Question identifier:DSQ_Q18
Do you have any difficulty learning, remembering or concentrating?
- 1: No
- 2: Sometimes
- 3: Often
- 4: Always
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
Disability Screening Questions - Short Version (CATI) (DSQ) - Question identifier:DSQ_Q19
Do you think you have a condition that makes it difficult in general for you to learn? This may include learning disabilities such as dyslexia, hyperactivity, attention problems, etc..
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
Disability Screening Questions - Short Version (CATI) (DSQ) - Question identifier:DSQ_Q20
Has a teacher, doctor or other health care professional ever said that you had a learning disability?
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
Disability Screening Questions - Short Version (CATI) (DSQ) - Question identifier:DSQ_Q21
How often are your daily activities limited by this condition?
- 1: Never
- 2: Rarely
- 3: Sometimes
- 4: Often
- 5: Always
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
Disability Screening Questions - Short Version (CATI) (DSQ) - Question identifier:DSQ_Q22
Has a doctor, psychologist or other health care professional ever said that you had a developmental disability or disorder? This may include Down syndrome, autism, Asperger syndrome, mental impairment due to lack of oxygen at birth, etc..
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
Disability Screening Questions - Short Version (CATI) (DSQ) - Question identifier:DSQ_Q23
Do you have any ongoing memory problems or periods of confusion? Please exclude occasional forgetfulness such as not remembering where you put your keys.
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
Disability Screening Questions - Short Version (CATI) (DSQ) - Question identifier:DSQ_Q24
How often are your daily activities limited by this problem?
- 1: Never
- 2: Rarely
- 3: Sometimes
- 4: Often
- 5: Always
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
Disability Screening Questions - Short Version (CATI) (DSQ) - Question identifier:DSQ_Q25
Please remember that your answers will be kept strictly confidential.
Do you have any emotional, psychological or mental health conditions? These may include anxiety, depression, bipolar disorder, substance abuse, anorexia, etc..
- 1: No
- 2: Sometimes
- 3: Often
- 4: Always
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
Disability Screening Questions - Short Version (CATI) (DSQ) - Question identifier:DSQ_Q26
How often are your daily activities limited by this condition?
- 1: Never
- 2: Rarely
- 3: Sometimes
- 4: Often
- 5: Always
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
Disability Screening Questions - Short Version (CATI) (DSQ) - Question identifier:DSQ_Q27
Do you have any other health problem or long-term condition that has lasted or is expected to last for six months or more?
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
Disability Screening Questions - Short Version (CATI) (DSQ) - Question identifier:DSQ_Q28
How often does this health problem or long-term condition limit your daily activities?
- 1: Never
- 2: Rarely
- 3: Sometimes
- 4: Often
- 5: Always
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
Disability Screening Questions - Short Version (CATI) (DSQ) - Question identifier:DSQ_R29
The following questions are about pain due to a long-term condition that has lasted or is expected to last for six months or more.
Disability Screening Questions - Short Version (CATI) (DSQ) - Question identifier:DSQ_Q29
Do you have pain that is always present?
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
Disability Screening Questions - Short Version (CATI) (DSQ) - Question identifier:DSQ_Q30
Do you [also/null/blank] have periods of pain that reoccur from time to time?
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
Disability Screening Questions - Short Version (CATI) (DSQ) - Question identifier:DSQ_Q31
How often does this pain limit your daily activities?
- 1: Never
- 2: Rarely
- 3: Sometimes
- 4: Often
- 5: Always
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
Disability Screening Questions - Short Version (EQ) (DSQ2)
Disability Screening Questions - Short Version (EQ) (DSQ2) - Question identifier:DSQ2_R01
Disability Screening Questions - Short Version (EQ) (DSQ2) - Question identifier:DSQ2_Q01
The following questions are about difficulties you may have doing certain activities. Please report only difficulties or long-term conditions that have lasted or are expected to last for six months or more.
Do you have any difficulty seeing?
- 1: No
- 2: Sometimes
- 3: Often
- 4: Always
- 9: DK
Disability Screening Questions - Short Version (EQ) (DSQ2) - Question identifier:DSQ2_Q02
Do you wear glasses or contact lenses to improve your vision?
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
- 9: DK
Disability Screening Questions - Short Version (EQ) (DSQ2) - Question identifier:DSQ2_Q03
[With your glasses or contact lenses, which/Which] of the following best describes your ability to see? [You/He/She]... ?
- 1: Have no difficulty seeing
- 2: Have some difficulty seeing
- 3: Have a lot of difficulty seeing
- 4: Are legally blind
- 5: Are blind
- 9: DK
Disability Screening Questions - Short Version (EQ) (DSQ2) - Question identifier:DSQ2_Q04
How often does this [difficulty/condition] limit your daily activities?
- 1: Never
- 2: Rarely
- 3: Sometimes
- 4: Often
- 5: Always
- 9: DK
Disability Screening Questions - Short Version (EQ) (DSQ2) - Question identifier:DSQ2_Q05
Do you have any difficulty hearing?
- 1: No
- 2: Sometimes
- 3: Often
- 4: Always
- 9: DK
Disability Screening Questions - Short Version (EQ) (DSQ2) - Question identifier:DSQ2_Q06
Do you use a hearing aid or cochlear implant?
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
- 9: DK
Disability Screening Questions - Short Version (EQ) (DSQ2) - Question identifier:DSQ2_Q07
[With your hearing aid or cochlear implant, which/Which] of the following best describes your ability to hear? [You/He/She]... ?
- 1: Have no difficulty hearing
- 2: Have some difficulty hearing
- 3: Have a lot of difficulty hearing
- 4: Cannot hear at all
- 5: Are Deaf
- 9: DK
Disability Screening Questions - Short Version (EQ) (DSQ2) - Question identifier:DSQ2_Q08
How often does this [difficulty/condition] limit your daily activities?
- 1: Never
- 2: Rarely
- 3: Sometimes
- 4: Often
- 5: Always
- 9: DK
Disability Screening Questions - Short Version (EQ) (DSQ2) - Question identifier:DSQ2_Q09
Do you have any difficulty walking, using stairs, using your hands or fingers, or doing other physical activities?
- 1: No
- 2: Sometimes
- 3: Often
- 4: Always
- 9: DK
Disability Screening Questions - Short Version (EQ) (DSQ2) - Question identifier:DSQ2_R10
Disability Screening Questions - Short Version (EQ) (DSQ2) - Question identifier:DSQ2_Q10
The following questions are about your ability to move around, even when using an aid such as a cane.
How much difficulty do you have walking on a flat surface for 15 minutes without resting?
- 1: No difficulty
- 2: Some difficulty
- 3: A lot of difficulty
- 4: [You/He/She] cannot do at all
- 9: DK
Disability Screening Questions - Short Version (EQ) (DSQ2) - Question identifier:DSQ2_Q11
How much difficulty do you have walking up or down a flight of stairs, about 12 steps without resting?
- 1: No difficulty
- 2: Some difficulty
- 3: A lot of difficulty
- 4: [You/He/She] cannot do at all
- 9: DK
Disability Screening Questions - Short Version (EQ) (DSQ2) - Question identifier:DSQ2_Q12
How often [does this difficulty walking limit/does this difficulty using stairs limit/do these difficulties limit] your daily activities?
- 1: Never
- 2: Rarely
- 3: Sometimes
- 4: Often
- 5: Always
- 9: DK
Disability Screening Questions - Short Version (EQ) (DSQ2) - Question identifier:DSQ2_Q13
How much difficulty do you have bending down and picking up an object from the floor?
- 1: No difficulty
- 2: Some difficulty
- 3: A lot of difficulty
- 4: [You/He/She] cannot do at all
- 9: DK
Disability Screening Questions - Short Version (EQ) (DSQ2) - Question identifier:DSQ2_Q14
How much difficulty do you have reaching in any direction, for example, above your head?
- 1: No difficulty
- 2: Some difficulty
- 3: A lot of difficulty
- 4: [You/He/She] cannot do at all
- 9: DK
Disability Screening Questions - Short Version (EQ) (DSQ2) - Question identifier:DSQ2_Q15
How often [does this difficulty bending and picking up an object limit/does this difficulty reaching limit/do these difficulties limit] your daily activities?
- 1: Never
- 2: Rarely
- 3: Sometimes
- 4: Often
- 5: Always
- 9: DK
Disability Screening Questions - Short Version (EQ) (DSQ2) - Question identifier:DSQ2_Q16
How much difficulty do you have using your fingers to grasp small objects like a pencil or scissors?
- 1: No difficulty
- 2: Some difficulty
- 3: A lot of difficulty
- 4: [You/He/She] cannot do at all
- 9: DK
Disability Screening Questions - Short Version (EQ) (DSQ2) - Question identifier:DSQ2_Q17
How often does this difficulty using your fingers limit your daily activities?
- 1: Never
- 2: Rarely
- 3: Sometimes
- 4: Often
- 5: Always
- 9: DK
Disability Screening Questions - Short Version (EQ) (DSQ2) - Question identifier:DSQ2_R18
Disability Screening Questions - Short Version (EQ) (DSQ2) - Question identifier:DSQ2_Q18
Please answer for difficulties or long-term conditions that have lasted or are expected to last for six months or more.
Do you have any difficulty learning, remembering or concentrating?
- 1: No
- 2: Sometimes
- 3: Often
- 4: Always
- 9: DK
Disability Screening Questions - Short Version (EQ) (DSQ2) - Question identifier:DSQ2_Q19
Do you think you have a condition that makes it difficult in general for you to learn? This may include learning disabilities such as dyslexia, hyperactivity, attention problems, etc..
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
- 9: DK
Disability Screening Questions - Short Version (EQ) (DSQ2) - Question identifier:DSQ2_Q20
Has a teacher, doctor or other health care professional ever said that you had a learning disability?
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
- 9: DK
Disability Screening Questions - Short Version (EQ) (DSQ2) - Question identifier:DSQ2_Q21
How often are your daily activities limited by this condition?
- 1: Never
- 2: Rarely
- 3: Sometimes
- 4: Often
- 5: Always
- 9: DK
Disability Screening Questions - Short Version (EQ) (DSQ2) - Question identifier:DSQ2_Q22
Has a doctor, psychologist or other health care professional ever said that you had a developmental disability or disorder? This may include Down syndrome, autism, Asperger syndrome, mental impairment due to lack of oxygen at birth, etc..
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
- 9: DK
Disability Screening Questions - Short Version (EQ) (DSQ2) - Question identifier:DSQ2_Q23
Do you have any ongoing memory problems or periods of confusion? Please exclude occasional forgetfulness such as not remembering where you put your keys.
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
- 9: DK
Disability Screening Questions - Short Version (EQ) (DSQ2) - Question identifier:DSQ2_Q24
How often are your daily activities limited by this problem?
- 1: Never
- 2: Rarely
- 3: Sometimes
- 4: Often
- 5: Always
- 9: DK
Disability Screening Questions - Short Version (EQ) (DSQ2) - Question identifier:DSQ2_Q25
Please remember that your answers will be kept strictly confidential.
Do you have any emotional, psychological or mental health conditions? These may include anxiety, depression, bipolar disorder, substance abuse, anorexia, <abbr title= "et cetera">etc.</abbr>
- 1: No
- 2: Sometimes
- 3: Often
- 4: Always
- 9: DK
Disability Screening Questions - Short Version (EQ) (DSQ2) - Question identifier:DSQ2_Q26
How often are your daily activities limited by this condition?
- 1: Never
- 2: Rarely
- 3: Sometimes
- 4: Often
- 5: Always
- 9: DK
Disability Screening Questions - Short Version (EQ) (DSQ2) - Question identifier:DSQ2_Q27
Do you have any other health problem or long-term condition that has lasted or is expected to last for six months or more?
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
- 9: DK
Disability Screening Questions - Short Version (EQ) (DSQ2) - Question identifier:DSQ2_Q28
How often does this health problem or long-term condition limit your daily activities?
- 1: Never
- 2: Rarely
- 3: Sometimes
- 4: Often
- 5: Always
- 9: DK
Disability Screening Questions - Short Version (EQ) (DSQ2) - Question identifier:DSQ2_Q29
The following questions are about pain due to a long-term condition that has lasted or is expected to last for six months or more.
Do you have pain that is always present?
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
- 9: DK
Disability Screening Questions - Short Version (EQ) (DSQ2) - Question identifier:DSQ2_Q30
Do you [also/null/blank] have periods of pain that reoccur from time to time?
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
- 9: DK
Disability Screening Questions - Short Version (EQ) (DSQ2) - Question identifier:DSQ2_Q31
How often does this pain limit your daily activities?
- 1: Never
- 2: Rarely
- 3: Sometimes
- 4: Often
- 5: Always
- 9: DK
HC: Education Sublock School attendance "currently" - ESC1
HC: Education Sublock School attendance "currently" - ESC1 - Question identifier:ESC1_Q01
Are you currently attending school, college, CEGEP or university?
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
- 9: Don't know
- 8: Refusal
HC: Education extended - EDE
HC: Education extended - EDE - Question identifier:EDE_Q01
What type of educational institution [are you attending / did you attend]?
- 1: Elementary, junior high school or high school
- 2: Trade school, college, CEGEP, or other non-university institution
- 3: University
- 9: Don't know
- 5: Refusal
HC: Education extended - EDE - Question identifier:EDE_Q02
Were you enrolled as... ?
- 1: A full-time student
- 2: A part-time student
- 3: Both full-time and part-time student
- 9: Don't know
- 8: Refusal
HC: Education extended - EDE - Question identifier:EDE_Q03
In what country was the institution that granted your highest certificate, diploma or degree located?
- 1: Search (Open list of countries file)
- 2: Other country - Specify
- 9: Don't know
- 8: Refusal
HC: Education extended - EDE - Question identifier:EDE_Q05
In what province or territory?
- 10: Newfoundland and Labrador
- 11: Prince Edward Island
- 12: Nova Scotia
- 13: New Brunswick
- 24: Quebec
- 35: Ontario
- 46: Manitoba
- 47: Saskatchewan
- 48: Alberta
- 59: British Columbia
- 60: Yukon
- 61: Northwest Territories
- 62: Nunavut
- 99: Don't know
- 98: Refusal
HC: Education extended - EDE - Question identifier:EDE_Q06
In what year did you complete your highest certificate, diploma or degree?
- 1: Min: 1900 Max: 2100
- 9999: Don't know
- 9998: Refusal
HC: Education extended - EDE - Question identifier:EDE_Q07
What was the major field of study of the highest certificate, diploma or degree you completed?
- 1: 80 spaces
- 9: Don't know
- 8: Refusal
Education Highest Degree Block v.3 (EHG3)
Education Highest Degree Block v.3 (EHG3) - Question identifier:EHG3_Q01
What is the highest certificate, diploma or degree that you have completed?
- 1: Less than high school diploma or its equivalent
- 2: High school diploma or a high school
equivalency certificate - 3: Trade certificate or diploma
- 4: College, CEGEP or other non-university
certificate or diploma (other than trades
certificates or diplomas) - 5: University certificate or diploma below the
bachelor's level - 6: Bachelor's degree (e.g. B.A., B.Sc., LL.B.)
- 7: University certificate, diploma or degree above the
bachelor's level - 8: RF
- 9: DK
Education Highest Degree Block v.3 (EHG3) - Question identifier:EHG3_Q02
Was that a... ?
- 1: High school graduation diploma
- 2: High school equivalency certificate (such as General Educational Development (GED) or Adult Basic Education (ABE))
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
Education Highest Degree Block v.3 (EHG3) - Question identifier:EHG3_Q03
Was that a... ?
- 1: Registered Apprenticeship certificate (including Certificate of Qualification, Journeyperson's designation)
- 2: Other trades certificate or diploma from a trade school or a professional training center
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
Education Highest Degree Block v.3 (EHG3) - Question identifier:EHG3_Q04
Was that a certificate or diploma from a program of... ?
- 1: Less than 3 months
- 2: 3 months to less than 1 year
- 3: 1 year to 2 years
- 4: More than 2 years
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
Education Highest Degree Block v.3 (EHG3) - Question identifier:EHG3_Q05
Was that a... ?
- 1: University certificate or diploma above the bachelor's level
- 2: Degree in medicine, dentistry, veterinary medicine or optometry
- 3: Master's degree
- 4: Earned doctorate
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
Education of Respondent's Spouse/Partner (EOP)
Education of Respondent's Spouse/Partner (EOP) - Question identifier:EOP_R200
The next question refers to your [spouse/partner]'s education.
Education of Respondent's Spouse/Partner (EOP) - Question identifier:EOP_Q200
What is the highest level of education that your [spouse/partner] has attained?
- 1: Less than high school diploma or its equivalent
- 2: High school diploma or a high school
equivalency certificate - 3: Trade certificate or diploma
- 4: College, CEGEP or other non-university
certificate or diploma (other than trades
certificates or diplomas) - 5: University certificate or diploma below the
bachelor's level - 6: Bachelor's degree (e.g. B.A., B.Sc., LL.B.)
- 7: University certificate, diploma, degree above the
bachelor's level - 8: RF
- 9: DK
Birthplace of spouse/Partner (BPP)
Birthplace of spouse/Partner (BPP) - Question identifier:BPP_Q10
In what country was your ^DT_MSTATUS_E born?
- 1: Search
- 2: Other - Specify
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
Religion (REE)
Religion (REE) - Question identifier:REE_Q01
What is your religion?
Specify one denomination or religion only, even if you are not currently a practicing member of that group.
- 1: Search
- 2: Other - Specify
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
Importance of Religion (RLR)
Importance of Religion (RLR) - Question identifier:RLR_Q110
How important are your religious or spiritual beliefs to the way you live your life?
- 1: Very important
- 2: Somewhat important
- 3: Not very important
- 4: Not at all important
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
Aboriginal Minimum (AMB)
Aboriginal Minimum (AMB) - Question identifier:AMB_Q01
Are you an Aboriginal person, that is, First Nations, Métis or Inuk (Inuit)? First Nations includes Status and Non-Status Indians.
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
Aboriginal Minimum (AMB) - Question identifier:AMB_Q02
Are you First Nations, Métis or Inuk (Inuit)?
- 11: First Nations (North American Indian)
- 12: Métis
- 13: Inuk (Inuit)
- 98: RF
- 99: DK
Aboriginal Identity of spouse/Partner (AIP)
Aboriginal Identity of spouse/Partner (AIP) - Question identifier:AIP_Q01
Is your [spouse/partner] an Aboriginal person (that is, First Nations, Métis or Inuk [Inuit])?
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
Aboriginal Identity of spouse/Partner (AIP) - Question identifier:AIP_Q02
Is your [spouse/partner] First Nations, Métis or Inuk (Inuit)?
- 11: First Nations (North American Indian)
- 12: Métis
- 13: Inuk (Inuit)
- 98: RF
- 99: DK
PG block Driver (PGD)
Population Group (PG)
Population Group (PG) - Question identifier:PG_Q01
You may belong to one or more racial or cultural groups on the following list.
Are you...?
- 01: White
- 02: South Asian (e.g., East Indian, Pakistani, Sri Lankan)
- 03: Chinese
- 04: Black
- 05: Filipino
- 06: Latin American
- 07: Arab
- 08: Southeast Asian (e.g., Vietnamese, Cambodian,
Malaysian, Laotian) - 09: West Asian (e.g., Iranian, Afghan)
- 10: Korean
- 11: Japanese
- 12: Other - Specify
- 98: RF
- 99: DK
Visible Minority status of respondent's spouse/Partner (VMP)
Visible Minority status of respondent's spouse/Partner (VMP) - Question identifier:VMP_Q110
Is your [spouse/partner]...?
- 11: White
- 12: South Asian (e.g., East Indian, Pakistani, Sri Lankan)
- 13: Chinese
- 14: Black
- 15: Filipino
- 16: Latin American
- 17: Arab
- 18: Southeast Asian (e.g., Vietnamese, Cambodian,
Malaysian, Laotian) - 19: West Asian (e.g., Iranian, Afghan)
- 20: Korean
- 21: Japanese
- 22: Other - Specify
- 98: RF
- 99: DK
Sexual Orientation (SOR)
Sexual Orientation (SOR) - Question identifier:SOR_R110
The following question asks about sexual orientation.
Sexual Orientation (SOR) - Question identifier:SOR_Q110
Do you consider yourself to be...?
- 1: Heterosexual (sexual relations with people of the opposite sex)
- 2: Homosexual, that is lesbian or gay (sexual relations with people of your own sex)
- 3: Bisexual (sexual relations with people of both sexes)
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
Language Minimum (LAN)
Language Minimum (LAN) - Question identifier:LAN_Q01
Of English or French, which language(s) do you speak well enough to conduct a conversation? Is it...?
- 1: English only
- 2: French only
- 3: Both English and French
- 4: Neither English nor French
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
- Date modified: