General Social Survey - Victimization (Canadians' Safety - Territories), 2014
For Information onlyThis is an electronic survey example for information purposes only. This is not a working questionnaire.
Table of Contents
- Relationship to Selected Respondent (RSR)
- Previous Marriage or Common-law relationship (PMC)
- Ownership of Dwelling by Respondent (ODR)
- Length of time Respondent has lived in Dwelling (LRD)
- Length of time Respondent has lived in Neighbourhood (LRN)
- Length of time Respondent has lived in city or local Community (LRC)
- Residential Mobility (MOB)
- Questions about the Immediate Neighbourhood of respondent (QIN)
- Live in a Welcoming Community (LWC)
- Social Disorder Questions (SDQ)
- Sense of Belonging (SBL)
- Isolation (ISL)
- Likelihood Neighbours would Call the Police (NCP)
- Trust In People (TIP)
- Neighbourhood Safety and Crime (NSC)
- Public Transportation in respondent's city/local community and Safety (PTS)
- Alone at Home in the Evening or at night (AHE)
- Perceptions: Evenings Out (PEO)
- Satisfaction with Personal Safety from crime (SPS)
- Protection From Crime (PFC)
- Safer From Crime (SFC)
- Perceptions: the RCMP detachment (PLP)
- Confidence In the Police (CIP)
- Perceptions: Criminal Courts (PCC)
- Contact With the police (CWP)
- Criminal Victimization Screening: Property (VSP)
- Criminal Victimization Screening: Vehicle (VSV)
- Criminal Victimization Screening: Assault (VSA)
- Criminal Victimization Screening: Total (VST)
- Number of Years with spouse/Partner (YWP)
- Emotional and Financial abuse by spouse/Partner (EFP)
- Physical and Sexual violence by spouse/Partner (PSP)
- Violence Towards others by current spouse/Partner (VTP)
- Number of incidents of physical and sexual Violence with current spouse/Partner (NVP)
- Unwanted Sexual activity by current spouse/Partner (USP)
- Most Recent incident of physical or sexual violence with current spouse/Partner (MRP)
- Information about incident that Happened in the past 5 years with current spouse/Partner (IHP)
- Contact in the past 5 years with a Previous spouse/partner (CFP)
- Children With EX-spouse/ex-partner who had contact with respondent in the last 5 years (CWX)
- Emotional and Financial abuse by EX-spouse/ex-partner (EFX)
- Physical and Sexual Violence by EX-spouse/ex-partner (PSX)
- Violence Towards others by EX-spouse/ex-partner (VTX)
- Number of incidents of physical and sexual Violence by an EX-spouse/ex-partner (NVX)
- Unwanted Sexual activity by EX-spouse/ex-partner (USX)
- Most Recent incident of physical or sexual violence with EX-spouse/ex-partner (MRX)
- Information about incident that Happened in the past 5 years with EX-spouse/ex-partner (IHX)
- Spouse/partner Abuse Injuries (SAI)
- Spouse/partner abuse injuries - Medical Attention (SMA)
- Spouse/partner abuse injuries - Time Off due to injuries (STO)
- Spouse/partner abuse injuries - Other persons Harmed (SOH)
- Spouse/partner abuse injuries - Other information (SOI)
- Spouse/partner abuse violence - Police Learned about violence (SPL)
- Spousal/partner abuse - Report to Police (SRP)
- Spousal/partner abuse - Action Taken by police (SAT)
- Spousal/partner abuse - Restraining Order or protective order against current spouse/partner (SRO)
- Spousal/partner abuse - Satisfaction with Actions taken by police (SSA)
- Spousal/partner abuse - Threatening Behaviour from spouse/partner after police involvement (STB)
- Spousal/partner abuse - Reasons Not Reporting (SRN)
- Spousal/partner abuse - Talk to Anyone about the violence (STA)
- Spousal/partner abuse - Contact with Services (SCS)
- Spousal/partner abuse - Impact on respondent (SEA)
- EX-spousal/ex-partner Abuse Injuries (XAI)
- EX-spousal/ex-partner abuse injuries - Medical Attention (XMA)
- EX-spousal/ex-partner abuse injuries - Time Off due to injuries (XTO)
- EX-spousal/ex-partner abuse injuries - Other persons Harmed (XOH)
- EX-spousal/ex-partner abuse injuries - Other information (XOI)
- EX-spousal/ex-partner abuse - Police Learned about violence (XPL)
- EX-spousal/ex-partner abuse - Report to Police (XRP)
- EX-spousal/ex-partner abuse - Action Taken by police (XAT)
- EX-spousal/ex-partner abuse - Restraining Order or protective order against current ex-spouse/ex-partner (XRO)
- EX-spousal/ex-partner abuse - Satisfaction with actions taken by police (XSA)
- EX-spousal/ex-partner abuse - Threatening Behaviour from ex-spouse/ex-partner after police involvement (XTB)
- EX-spousal/ex-partner abuse - Reasons for Not contacting the police (XRN)
- EX-spousal/ex-partner abuse - Talk to Anyone about the incident (XTA)
- EX-spousal/ex-partner abuse - Contact with Services (XCS)
- EX-spousal/ex-partner abuse - Impact on respondent (XEA)
- Incident report tables (IRT)
- Main Routing Module: Crime Incident Report (CIR)
- CIR Sub-module: Where incident took place (WHR)
- CIR Sub-module: Person(s) who Committed the Act of violence or crime (PCA)
- CIR Sub-module: How respondent Was Threatened (HWT)
- CIR Sub-module: Who was present during the incident (WHO)
- CIR Sub-module: Multiple People Present during the incident (MPP)
- CIR Sub-module: Persons Involved (PIV)
- CIR Sub-module: Stolen Property (STP)
- CIR Sub-module: Property Damage (PDM)
- CIR Sub-module: Obtain Compensation through Insurance (OCI)
- CIR Sub-module: Obtain Compensation through the Courts (OCC)
- CIR Sub-module: Police Found Out about the incident (PFO)
- CIR Sub-module: Reasons for reporting Incidents to the Police (RIP)
- CIR Sub-module: Action Police Took (APT)
- CIR Sub-module: Satisfaction of respondent with actions taken by police (SAP)
- CIR Sub-module: Reasons for Not contacting the Police (RNP)
- CIR Sub-module: Talk to anyone about the incident (TTA)
- CIR Sub-module: Victims Services in respondent's Community (VSC)
- CIR Sub-module: General victimization - Impact on respondent (GIR)
- CIR Sub-module: Case Went to Court (CWC)
- Childhood Experiences (CEX)
- Respondent was once the Legal Responsibility of the Government (LRG)
- Acts that may have been Committed by Someone other than a current or previous spouse/partner (ACS)
- Acts that may have been committed by a dating partner (ADP)
- Stalking - Communication (STK)
- Stalking - Following (FBS)
- Stalking - Watching (WBS)
- Stalking - Threatening Behaviours (TBS)
- Stalking - Within Past Year (SPY)
- Stalking - Most Recent Abuser (MRA)
- Stalking - Most Recent stalking Experience (MRE)
- Stalking - Reasons Not Reporting to Police (RNS)
- Stalking - Talking to someone (SHS)
- Stalking - Charges Laid (SCL)
- Stalking - Restraining Order (ROS)
- Stalking - Impact on Respondent (IOR)
- Cyber Bullying Respondent (CBU)
- Main Activity of Respondent (MAR)
- Respondent Ever Worked (REW)
- Work activities - Employment Type (WET)
- Work activities - Telework Information (WTI)
- Work activities - Last Year employer information (WLY)
- Work activities - Hours Worked (WHW)
- Main Activity of respondent's spouse/Partner (MAP)
- Education Extended Block (EOR)
- HC: Education Sublock School attendance "currently" - ESC1
- Education Highest Degree Block v.3 (EHG3)
- Education Of respondent's Partner (EOP)
- Education Of respondent's Mother (EOM)
- Education Of respondent's Father (EOF)
- Self Related Health (SRH)
- Disability Screening Questions - Minimum Block (DSQ)
- Subjective Well-being Minimum Block (SLM)
- Medication of Respondent (MED)
- Drinking of Respondent (DRR)
- Drinking of spouse/Partner (DRP)
- Drug Use of Respondent (DUR)
- Drug Use of spouse/Partner (DUP)
- Homeless (HOM)
- Immigration extended block (BPR)
- Birthplace of spouse/Partner (BPP)
- Aboriginal Minimum (AMB)
- Aboriginal Identity of spouse/Partner (AIP)
- Population Group (PG)
- Visible Minority status of respondent's spouse/Partner (VMP)
- Discrimination (DIS)
- Discrimination - Types of Situations experienced by respondent (DTS)
- Religion Extended (REE)
- Importance of Religion (RLR)
- Religion of spouse/Partner (ROP)
- Language Minimum (LAN)
- Sexual Orientation of Respondent (SOR)
- Formal Volunteering (FV)
- Financial Giving to Charitable Organizations (FG)
- Personal and household income (INR)
- Record Linkage Statement (RLS)
Relationship to Selected Respondent (RSR)
Relationship to Selected Respondent (RSR) - Question identifier:RSR_Q1
What is the relationship...
to you?
- 02: Common-law partner
- 04: ^DT_SON_DAUGHTER_C (birth, adopted or step)
- 06: Foster ^DT_FATHER_MOTHER
- 07: Foster ^DT_SON_DAUGHTER
- 10: In-law
- 11: Other related - Specify
- 12: Unrelated - Specify
- 98: RF
- 99: DK
Previous Marriage or Common-law relationship (PMC)
Previous Marriage or Common-law relationship (PMC) - Question identifier:PMC_Q10
Have you ever been [married or in a common-law relationship/in a previous marriage or common-law relationship]?
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
Ownership of Dwelling by Respondent (ODR)
Ownership of Dwelling by Respondent (ODR) - Question identifier:ODR_Q10
Is the dwelling you are living in...?
- 1: Owned by you or a member of your household, (even if it is still being paid for)
- 2: Rented, even if no cash rent is paid
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
Length of time Respondent has lived in Dwelling (LRD)
Length of time Respondent has lived in Dwelling (LRD) - Question identifier:LRD_Q10
How long have you lived in this dwelling?
- 1: Less than 6 months
- 2: 6 months to less than 1 year
- 3: 1 year to less than 3 years
- 4: 3 years to less than 5 years
- 5: 5 years to less than 10 years
- 6: 10 years and over
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
Length of time Respondent has lived in Neighbourhood (LRN)
Length of time Respondent has lived in Neighbourhood (LRN) - Question identifier:LRN_Q10
How long have you lived in this neighbourhood?
- 1: Less than 6 months
- 2: 6 months to less than 1 year
- 3: 1 year to less than 3 years
- 4: 3 years to less than 5 years
- 5: 5 years to less than 10 years
- 6: 10 years and over
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
Length of time Respondent has lived in city or local Community (LRC)
Length of time Respondent has lived in city or local Community (LRC) - Question identifier:LRC_Q20
How long have you lived in this city or local community?
- 1: Less than 6 months
- 2: 6 months to less than 1 year
- 3: 1 year to less than 3 years
- 4: 3 years to less than 5 years
- 5: 5 years to less than 10 years
- 6: 10 years and over
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
Residential Mobility (MOB)
Residential Mobility (MOB) - Question identifier:MOB_Q010
In the last 5 years, how many times have you moved? Include all moves from one residence to another, even moves within the same city, town or community.
Min = 0; Max = 25
Questions about the Immediate Neighbourhood of respondent (QIN)
Questions about the Immediate Neighbourhood of respondent (QIN) - Question identifier:QIN_Q10
Would you say that you know...?
- 1: Most of the people in your neighbourhood
- 2: Many of the people (in your neighbourhood)
- 3: A few of the people (in your neighbourhood)
- 4: None of the people in your neighbourhood
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
Questions about the Immediate Neighbourhood of respondent (QIN) - Question identifier:QIN_Q20
Would you say this neighbourhood is a place where neighbours help each other?
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
Live in a Welcoming Community (LWC)
Live in a Welcoming Community (LWC) - Question identifier:LWC_Q10
In general, would you say that you live in a welcoming community?
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
Social Disorder Questions (SDQ)
Social Disorder Questions (SDQ) - Question identifier:SDQ_Q110
In your neighbourhood, how much of a problem are:
noisy neighbours or loud parties?
- 1: A big problem
- 2: A moderate problem
- 3: A small problem
- 4: Not a problem at all
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
Social Disorder Questions (SDQ) - Question identifier:SDQ_Q120
(In your neighbourhood, how much of a problem are:)
people hanging around on the streets?
- 1: A big problem
- 2: A moderate problem
- 3: A small problem
- 4: Not a problem at all
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
Social Disorder Questions (SDQ) - Question identifier:SDQ_Q140
(In your neighbourhood, how much of a problem is:)
garbage or litter lying around?
- 1: A big problem
- 2: A moderate problem
- 3: A small problem
- 4: Not a problem at all
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
Social Disorder Questions (SDQ) - Question identifier:SDQ_Q150
(In your neighbourhood, how much of a problem is:)
vandalism, graffiti and other deliberate damage to property or vehicles?
- 1: A big problem
- 2: A moderate problem
- 3: A small problem
- 4: Not a problem at all
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
Social Disorder Questions (SDQ) - Question identifier:SDQ_Q160
(In your neighbourhood, how much of a problem are:)
people being attacked or harassed because of their skin colour, ethnic origin or religion?
- 1: A big problem
- 2: A moderate problem
- 3: A small problem
- 4: Not a problem at all
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
Social Disorder Questions (SDQ) - Question identifier:SDQ_Q170
(In your neighbourhood, how much of a problem are:)
people using or dealing drugs?
- 1: A big problem
- 2: A moderate problem
- 3: A small problem
- 4: Not a problem at all
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
Social Disorder Questions (SDQ) - Question identifier:SDQ_Q180
(In your neighbourhood, how much of a problem are:)
people being drunk or rowdy in public places?
- 1: A big problem
- 2: A moderate problem
- 3: A small problem
- 4: Not a problem at all
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
Sense of Belonging (SBL)
Sense of Belonging (SBL) - Question identifier:SBL_Q100
How would you describe your sense of belonging to your local community? Is it...?
- 1: Very strong
- 2: Somewhat strong
- 3: Somewhat weak
- 4: Very weak
- 5: No opinion
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
Isolation (ISL)
Isolation (ISL) - Question identifier:ISL_Q100
How many relatives and friends do you have who you feel close to, that is, who you feel at ease with, can talk to about what is on your mind, or call on for help? [Do not include those who live with you./EMPTY].
Min = 0; Max = 200
Likelihood Neighbours would Call the Police (NCP)
Likelihood Neighbours would Call the Police (NCP) - Question identifier:NCP_Q10
How likely do you think it is that your neighbours would call the police:
if they heard or witnessed what seemed like criminal behaviour in your neighbourhood? Is it...?
- 1: Very likely
- 2: Somewhat likely
- 3: Somewhat unlikely
- 4: Not at all likely
- 5: Just moved into the area
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
Likelihood Neighbours would Call the Police (NCP) - Question identifier:NCP_Q20
(How likely do you think it is that your neighbours would call the police:)
if they heard or witnessed family violence occurring in your home?
- 1: Very likely
- 2: Somewhat likely
- 3: Somewhat unlikely
- 4: Not at all likely
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
Trust In People (TIP)
Trust In People (TIP) - Question identifier:TIP_Q10
Using a scale of 1 to 5 where 1 means 'Cannot be trusted at all' and 5 means 'Can be trusted a lot', how much do you trust each of the following groups of people:
people in your family?
- 1: Cannot be trusted at all
- 2: ...
- 3: ...
- 4: ...
- 5: Can be trusted a lot
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
Trust In People (TIP) - Question identifier:TIP_Q15
(Using a scale of 1 to 5 where 1 means 'Cannot be trusted at all' and 5 means 'Can be trusted a lot', how much do you trust each of the following groups of people:)
people in your neighbourhood?
- 1: Cannot be trusted at all
- 2: ...
- 3: ...
- 4: ...
- 5: Can be trusted a lot
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
Trust In People (TIP) - Question identifier:TIP_Q20
(Using a scale of 1 to 5 where 1 means 'Cannot be trusted at all' and 5 means 'Can be trusted a lot', how much do you trust each of the following groups of people:)
people you work with or go to school with?
- 1: Cannot be trusted at all
- 2: ...
- 3: ...
- 4: ...
- 5: Can be trusted a lot
- 6: Does not go to school nor works
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
Trust In People (TIP) - Question identifier:TIP_Q25
(Using a scale of 1 to 5 where 1 means 'Cannot be trusted at all' and 5 means 'Can be trusted a lot', how much do you trust each of the following groups of people:)
- 1: Cannot be trusted at all
- 2: ...
- 3: ...
- 4: ...
- 5: Can be trusted a lot
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
Neighbourhood Safety and Crime (NSC)
Neighbourhood Safety and Crime (NSC) - Question identifier:NSC_R10
Now, some general questions on crime and safety.
Neighbourhood Safety and Crime (NSC) - Question identifier:NSC_Q10
Compared to other areas in Canada, do you think your neighbourhood has a higher amount of crime, about the same or a lower amount of crime?
- 1: Higher
- 2: About the same
- 3: Lower
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
Neighbourhood Safety and Crime (NSC) - Question identifier:NSC_Q20
During the last 5 years, do you think that crime in your neighbourhood has increased, decreased or remained about the same?
- 1: Increased
- 2: Decreased
- 3: About the same
- 4: Just moved into the area / has not lived in neighbourhood long enough
- 8: RF
Neighbourhood Safety and Crime (NSC) - Question identifier:NSC_Q30
How safe do you feel from crime walking alone in your area after dark? Do you feel...?
- 1: Very safe
- 2: Reasonably safe
- 3: Somewhat unsafe
- 4: Very unsafe
- 5: Do not walk alone
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
Public Transportation in respondent's city/local community and Safety (PTS)
Public Transportation in respondent's city/local community and Safety (PTS) - Question identifier:PTS_Q10
Is there public transportation in your city or local community?
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
Public Transportation in respondent's city/local community and Safety (PTS) - Question identifier:PTS_Q30
While waiting for or using public transportation alone after dark, do you feel...?
- 1: Very worried
- 2: Somewhat worried
- 3: Not at all worried about your safety from crime
- 4: Never use public transportation (after dark)
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
Alone at Home in the Evening or at night (AHE)
Alone at Home in the Evening or at night (AHE) - Question identifier:AHE_Q10
When alone in your home in the evening or at night, do you feel...?
- 1: Very worried
- 2: Somewhat worried
- 3: Not at all worried about your safety from crime
- 4: Never alone
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
Perceptions: Evenings Out (PEO)
Perceptions: Evenings Out (PEO) - Question identifier:PEO_Q110
On average, how many times a month do you go out during the evening:
to work, attend night classes, go to meetings or do volunteer work?
Min = 0; Max = 95
Perceptions: Evenings Out (PEO) - Question identifier:PEO_Q130
(On average, how many times a month do you go out during the evening:)
to go to bars, clubs or pubs?
Min = 0; Max = 95
Perceptions: Evenings Out (PEO) - Question identifier:PEO_Q180
(On average, how many times a month do you go out during the evening:)
to do other activities (such as go to restaurants, shop, practice sports or visit relatives or friends or anything that gets you to leave the house)?
Min = 0; Max = 95
Satisfaction with Personal Safety from crime (SPS)
Satisfaction with Personal Safety from crime (SPS) - Question identifier:SPS_Q10
In general, how satisfied are you with your personal safety from crime?
- 1: Very satisfied
- 2: Satisfied
- 3: Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied
- 4: Dissatisfied
- 5: Very dissatisfied
- 6: No opinion
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
Protection From Crime (PFC)
Protection From Crime (PFC) - Question identifier:PFC_Q110
Have you ever done any of the following things to protect yourself or your property from crime? Have you ever:
changed your routine, activities, or avoided certain people or places?
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
Protection From Crime (PFC) - Question identifier:PFC_Q120
(Have you ever done any of the following things to protect yourself or your property from crime? Have you ever:)
installed new locks or security bars?
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
Protection From Crime (PFC) - Question identifier:PFC_Q130
(Have you ever done any of the following things to protect yourself or your property from crime? Have you ever:)
installed burglar alarms, motion detector lights or a video surveillance system?
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
Protection From Crime (PFC) - Question identifier:PFC_Q140
(Have you ever done any of the following things to protect yourself or your property from crime? Have you ever:)
taken a self-defence course?
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
Protection From Crime (PFC) - Question identifier:PFC_Q160
(Have you ever done any of the following things to protect yourself or your property from crime? Have you ever:)
obtained a dog?
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
Protection From Crime (PFC) - Question identifier:PFC_Q180
(Have you ever done any of the following things to protect yourself or your property from crime? Have you ever:)
changed residence or moved?
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
Protection From Crime (PFC) - Question identifier:PFC_Q185
[Did you do this/Have you done any of these things] to protect yourself or your property from crime in the last 12 months?
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
Protection From Crime (PFC) - Question identifier:PFC_Q190
Which ones?
- 1: Changed your routine, activities, or avoided certain people or places
- 2: Installed new locks or security bars
- 3: Installed burglar alarms or motion detector lights or a video surveillance system
- 4: Taken a self-defence course
- 5: Obtained a dog
- 6: Changed residence or moved
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
Safer From Crime (SFC)
Safer From Crime (SFC) - Question identifier:SFC_Q10
Do you do any of the following things to make yourself safer from crime? Do you routinely:
carry something to defend yourself or to alert other people?
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
Safer From Crime (SFC) - Question identifier:SFC_Q20
(Do you do any of the following things to make yourself safer from crime? Do you routinely:)
when alone and returning to a parked car, check the back seat for intruders before getting into the car?
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
Safer From Crime (SFC) - Question identifier:SFC_Q30
(Do you do any of the following things to make yourself safer from crime? Do you routinely:)
plan your route with safety in mind?
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
Safer From Crime (SFC) - Question identifier:SFC_Q40
(Do you do any of the following things to make yourself safer from crime? Do you routinely:)
stay at home at night because you are afraid to go out alone?
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
Safer From Crime (SFC) - Question identifier:SFC_Q50
(Do you do any of the following things to make yourself safer from crime? Do you routinely:)
lock windows and doors at home?
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
Safer From Crime (SFC) - Question identifier:SFC_Q60
(Do you do any of the following things to make yourself safer from crime? Do you routinely:)
rather than walk, use your car, a taxi or public transportation for your personal safety?
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
Perceptions: the RCMP detachment (PLP)
Perceptions: the RCMP detachment (PLP) - Question identifier:PLP_R110
The next questions deal with your perceptions about the work of the criminal justice system.
Perceptions: the RCMP detachment (PLP) - Question identifier:PLP_Q110
Do you think the RCMP detachment in your community does a good job, an average job or a poor job:
of enforcing the laws?
- 1: Good job
- 2: Average job
- 3: Poor job
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
Perceptions: the RCMP detachment (PLP) - Question identifier:PLP_Q120
(Do you think the RCMP detachment in your community does a good job, an average job or a poor job:)
of promptly responding to calls?
- 1: Good job
- 2: Average job
- 3: Poor job
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
Perceptions: the RCMP detachment (PLP) - Question identifier:PLP_Q130
(Do you think the RCMP detachment in your community does a good job, an average job or a poor job:)
of being approachable and easy to talk to?
- 1: Good job
- 2: Average job
- 3: Poor job
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
Perceptions: the RCMP detachment (PLP) - Question identifier:PLP_Q140
(Do you think the RCMP detachment in your community does a good job, an average job or a poor job:)
of supplying information to the public on ways to prevent crime?
- 1: Good job
- 2: Average job
- 3: Poor job
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
Perceptions: the RCMP detachment (PLP) - Question identifier:PLP_Q150
(Do you think the RCMP detachment in your community does a good job, an average job or a poor job:)
of ensuring the safety of the citizens in your area?
- 1: Good job
- 2: Average job
- 3: Poor job
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
Perceptions: the RCMP detachment (PLP) - Question identifier:PLP_Q160
(Do you think the RCMP detachment in your community does a good job, an average job or a poor job:)
of treating people fairly?
- 1: Good job
- 2: Average job
- 3: Poor job
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
Confidence In the Police (CIP)
Confidence In the Police (CIP) - Question identifier:CIP_Q10
How much confidence do you have in the police?
Is it...?
- 1: A great deal of confidence
- 2: Some confidence
- 3: Not very much confidence
- 4: No confidence at all
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
Perceptions: Criminal Courts (PCC)
Perceptions: Criminal Courts (PCC) - Question identifier:PCC_Q145
How much confidence do you have in the Canadian Criminal courts?
Is it ...?
- 1: A great deal of confidence
- 2: Some confidence
- 3: Not very much confidence
- 4: No confidence at all
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
Perceptions: Criminal Courts (PCC) - Question identifier:PCC_Q160
Have you ever had contact with the Canadian Criminal courts?
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
Contact With the police (CWP)
Contact With the police (CWP) - Question identifier:CWP_Q110
During the past 12 months, did you come into contact with the police:
for a public information session?
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
Contact With the police (CWP) - Question identifier:CWP_Q120
(During the past 12 months, did you come into contact with the police:)
for a traffic violation?
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
Contact With the police (CWP) - Question identifier:CWP_Q140
(During the past 12 months, did you come into contact with the police:)
as a witness to a crime?
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
Contact With the police (CWP) - Question identifier:CWP_Q150
(During the past 12 months, did you come into contact with the police:)
by being arrested?
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
Contact With the police (CWP) - Question identifier:CWP_Q160
(During the past 12 months, did you come into contact with the police:)
because of problems with your emotions, mental health or alcohol or drug use?
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
Contact With the police (CWP) - Question identifier:CWP_Q170
(During the past 12 months, did you come into contact with the police:)
because of a family member's emotional problems, mental health or alcohol or drug use?
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
Contact With the police (CWP) - Question identifier:CWP_Q180
(During the past 12 months, did you come into contact with the police:)
for any other reason?
- 1: Yes - Specify
- 2: No
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
Criminal Victimization Screening: Property (VSP)
Criminal Victimization Screening: Property (VSP) - Question identifier:VSP_R110A
The next questions ask about incidents which may have happened to you in Canada during the past 12 months.
Criminal Victimization Screening: Property (VSP) - Question identifier:VSP_R110B
Please include acts committed by both family and non-family members whether or not they were reported to the police.
Criminal Victimization Screening: Property (VSP) - Question identifier:VSP_Q110
During the past 12 months, did anyone deliberately damage or destroy any property belonging to you or anyone in your household, such as a window or a fence?
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
Criminal Victimization Screening: Property (VSP) - Question identifier:VSP_Q115
How many times did this happen during the past 12 months?
Min = 0; Max = 95
Criminal Victimization Screening: Property (VSP) - Question identifier:VSP_Q120
[Excluding incidents already mentioned, did/Did] anyone take or try to take something from you by force or threat of force?
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
Criminal Victimization Screening: Property (VSP) - Question identifier:VSP_Q125
How many times did this happen during the past 12 months?
Min = 0; Max = 95
Criminal Victimization Screening: Property (VSP) - Question identifier:VSP_Q130
[Excluding incidents already mentioned, did/Did] anyone illegally break into or attempt to break into your residence or any other building on your property?
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
Criminal Victimization Screening: Property (VSP) - Question identifier:VSP_Q135
How many times did this happen during the past 12 months?
Min = 0; Max = 95
Criminal Victimization Screening: Property (VSP) - Question identifier:VSP_Q140
[Excluding incidents already mentioned, was/Was] anything of yours stolen from outside your home, such as yard furniture?
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
Criminal Victimization Screening: Property (VSP) - Question identifier:VSP_Q145
How many times did this happen during the past 12 month?
Min = 0; Max = 95
Criminal Victimization Screening: Property (VSP) - Question identifier:VSP_Q150
[Excluding incidents already mentioned, was/Was] anything of yours stolen from your place of work, from school or from a public place, such as a restaurant?
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
Criminal Victimization Screening: Property (VSP) - Question identifier:VSP_Q155
How many times did this happen during the past 12 months?
Min = 0; Max = 95
Criminal Victimization Screening: Property (VSP) - Question identifier:VSP_Q160
[Excluding incidents already mentioned, was/Was] anything of yours stolen from a hotel, vacation home, cottage, car, truck or while travelling in Canada?
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
Criminal Victimization Screening: Property (VSP) - Question identifier:VSP_Q165
How many times did this happen during the past 12 months?
Min = 0; Max = 95
Criminal Victimization Screening: Vehicle (VSV)
Criminal Victimization Screening: Vehicle (VSV) - Question identifier:VSV_Q100
During the past 12 months, did you or anyone in your household have a motor vehicle, such as a car, truck or motorcycle?
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
Criminal Victimization Screening: Vehicle (VSV) - Question identifier:VSV_Q110
[Excluding incidents already mentioned, did/Did] anyone steal or try to steal one of these vehicles or a part of one of them, such as a battery, hubcap or radio?
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
Criminal Victimization Screening: Vehicle (VSV) - Question identifier:VSV_Q115
How many times did this happen during the past 12 months?
Min = 0; Max = 95
Criminal Victimization Screening: Vehicle (VSV) - Question identifier:VSV_Q120
[Excluding incidents already mentioned, did/Did] anyone deliberately damage one of these vehicles, such as slashing tires?
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
Criminal Victimization Screening: Vehicle (VSV) - Question identifier:VSV_Q125
How many times did this happen during the past 12 months?
Min = 0; Max = 95
Criminal Victimization Screening: Vehicle (VSV) - Question identifier:VSV_Q130
[Excluding incidents already mentioned, did/Did] anyone steal or try to steal something else that belonged to you?
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
Criminal Victimization Screening: Vehicle (VSV) - Question identifier:VSV_Q135
How many times did this happen during the past 12 months?
Min = 0; Max = 95
Criminal Victimization Screening: Assault (VSA)
Criminal Victimization Screening: Assault (VSA) - Question identifier:VSA_R110
An attack can be anything from being threatened, hit, slapped, pushed or grabbed, to being shot or beaten.
Criminal Victimization Screening: Assault (VSA) - Question identifier:VSA_Q110
[Excluding incidents already mentioned, were/Were] you attacked by anyone in the past 12 months?
Please exclude acts that may have been committed by a current or previous spouse or partner.
Remember that your answers are strictly confidential.
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
Criminal Victimization Screening: Assault (VSA) - Question identifier:VSA_Q115
How many times did this happen during the past 12 months?
Min = 0; Max = 95
Criminal Victimization Screening: Assault (VSA) - Question identifier:VSA_Q120
[Excluding incidents already mentioned, did/Did] anyone threaten to hit or attack you, or threaten you with a weapon?
(Please exclude acts that may have been committed by a current or previous spouse or partner.
Remember that your answers are strictly confidential.)
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
Criminal Victimization Screening: Assault (VSA) - Question identifier:VSA_Q125
How many times did this happen during the past 12 months?
Min = 0; Max = 95
Criminal Victimization Screening: Assault (VSA) - Question identifier:VSA_Q130
[Excluding incidents already mentioned, has/Has] anyone forced you or attempted to force you into any unwanted sexual activity, by threatening you, holding you down or hurting you in some way?
This includes acts by family and non-family but excludes acts that could involve current or previous spouses or common-law partners.
Remember that your answers are strictly confidential.
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
Criminal Victimization Screening: Assault (VSA) - Question identifier:VSA_Q135
How many times did this happen during the past 12 months?
Min = 0; Max = 95
Criminal Victimization Screening: Assault (VSA) - Question identifier:VSA_Q140
[Excluding incidents already mentioned, has/Has] anyone ever touched you against your will in any sexual way? By this I mean anything from unwanted touching or grabbing, to kissing or fondling.
(Please exclude acts that may have been committed by a current or previous spouse or partner.)
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
Criminal Victimization Screening: Assault (VSA) - Question identifier:VSA_Q145
How many times did this happen during the past 12 months?
Min = 0; Max = 95
Criminal Victimization Screening: Assault (VSA) - Question identifier:VSA_Q150
[Excluding incidents already mentioned, has/Has] anyone subjected you to a sexual activity to which you were not able to consent. By this I mean were you drugged, intoxicated, manipulated or forced in other ways than physically?
(Please exclude acts that may have been committed by a current or previous spouse or partner.
Remember that your answers are strictly confidential.)
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
Criminal Victimization Screening: Assault (VSA) - Question identifier:VSA_Q155
How many times did this happen during the past 12 months?
Min = 0; Max = 95
Criminal Victimization Screening: Total (VST)
Criminal Victimization Screening: Total (VST) - Question identifier:VST_Q110
[Apart from what you have told me, were/Were] there any other crimes that happened to you during the past 12 months? ^DT_EXCLUDE_EInclude acts which may or may not have been reported to the police.
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
Criminal Victimization Screening: Total (VST) - Question identifier:VST_Q115
How many times did this happen?
Min = 1; Max = 95
Criminal Victimization Screening: Total (VST) - Question identifier:VST_Q200
I would like to confirm the crimes that you reported and that occurred on different occasions over the past 12 months. You said you were a victim of:
- 1: Confirmed: Number of crime incidents is correct
- 2: Incorrect
Criminal Victimization Screening: Total (VST) - Question identifier:VST_Q205
I need to confirm that you have NOT been a victim of a crime [by someone other than a current or previous spouse or common-law partner/BLANK]in the past 12 months.
- 1: Confirmed: No crime incidents in the past 12 months
- 2: Incorrect
Number of Years with spouse/Partner (YWP)
Number of Years with spouse/Partner (YWP) - Question identifier:YWP_R10
Now, some questions concerning your [spouse/partner].
Number of Years with spouse/Partner (YWP) - Question identifier:YWP_Q10
In what year did you start living together?
Min = 1921; Max = 2014
Number of Years with spouse/Partner (YWP) - Question identifier:YWP_Q15
In what month?
- 01: January
- 02: February
- 03: March
- 04: April
- 05: May
- 06: June
- 07: July
- 08: August
- 09: September
- 10: October
- 11: November
- 12: December
- 98: RF
- 99: DK
Emotional and Financial abuse by spouse/Partner (EFP)
Emotional and Financial abuse by spouse/Partner (EFP) - Question identifier:EFP_Q210
I'm going to read a list of statements that some people have used to describe their [spouse/partner]. I'd like you to tell me whether or not each statement describes your [spouse/partner]. Please remember that all information provided is strictly confidential. [He/She/He or she]:
tries to limit your contact with family or friends.
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
Emotional and Financial abuse by spouse/Partner (EFP) - Question identifier:EFP_Q220
(I'm going to read a list of statements that some people have used to describe their [spouse/partner]. I'd like you to tell me whether or not each statement describes your [spouse/partner]. Please remember that all information provided is strictly confidential. [He/She/He or she]:)
puts you down or calls you names to make you feel bad.
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
Emotional and Financial abuse by spouse/Partner (EFP) - Question identifier:EFP_Q230
(I'm going to read a list of statements that some people have used to describe their [spouse/partner]. I'd like you to tell me whether or not each statement describes your [spouse/partner]. Please remember that all information provided is strictly confidential. [He/She/He or she]:)
is jealous and doesn't want you to talk to other men or women.
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
Emotional and Financial abuse by spouse/Partner (EFP) - Question identifier:EFP_Q240
(I'm going to read a list of statements that some people have used to describe their [spouse/partner]. I'd like you to tell me whether or not each statement describes your [spouse/partner]. Please remember that all information provided is strictly confidential. [He/She/He or she]:)
harms, or threatens to harm, someone close to you.
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
Emotional and Financial abuse by spouse/Partner (EFP) - Question identifier:EFP_Q245
(I'm going to read a list of statements that some people have used to describe their [spouse/partner]. I'd like you to tell me whether or not each statement describes your [spouse/partner]. Please remember that all information provided is strictly confidential. [He/She/He or she]:)
harms or threatens to harm your pet(s).
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
- 3: Not applicable
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
Emotional and Financial abuse by spouse/Partner (EFP) - Question identifier:EFP_Q250
(I'm going to read a list of statements that some people have used to describe their [spouse/partner]. I'd like you to tell me whether or not each statement describes your [spouse/partner]. Please remember that all information provided is strictly confidential. [He/She/He or she]:)
demands to know who you are with and where you are at all times.
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
Emotional and Financial abuse by spouse/Partner (EFP) - Question identifier:EFP_Q260
(I'm going to read a list of statements that some people have used to describe their [spouse/partner]. I'd like you to tell me whether or not each statement describes your [spouse/partner]. Please remember that all information provided is strictly confidential. [He/She/He or she]:)
damages or destroys your possessions or property.
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
Emotional and Financial abuse by spouse/Partner (EFP) - Question identifier:EFP_Q270
(I'm going to read a list of statements that some people have used to describe their [spouse/partner]. I'd like you to tell me whether or not each statement describes your [spouse/partner]. Please remember that all information provided is strictly confidential. [He/She/He or she]:)
prevents you from knowing about or having access to the family income, even if you ask.
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
Emotional and Financial abuse by spouse/Partner (EFP) - Question identifier:EFP_Q280
(I'm going to read a list of statements that some people have used to describe their [spouse/partner]. I'd like you to tell me whether or not each statement describes your [spouse/partner]. Please remember that all information provided is strictly confidential. [He/She/He or she]:)
forces you to give [him/her/him or her] your money, possessions or property.
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
Physical and Sexual violence by spouse/Partner (PSP)
Physical and Sexual violence by spouse/Partner (PSP) - Question identifier:PSP_R110
I'm going to ask you some questions concerning the serious problem of violence in the home. I'd like you to tell me if, in the past 5 years, your current [spouse/partner] has done any of the following to you. Your responses are important whether or not you have had any of these experiences. Remember that all information provided is strictly confidential.
Physical and Sexual violence by spouse/Partner (PSP) - Question identifier:PSP_Q110
During the past 5 years has your current [spouse/partner]:
threatened to hit you with [his/her/his or her] fist or anything else that could have hurt you?
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
Physical and Sexual violence by spouse/Partner (PSP) - Question identifier:PSP_Q120
(During the past 5 years has [he/she/he or she]:)
thrown anything at you that could have hurt you?
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
Physical and Sexual violence by spouse/Partner (PSP) - Question identifier:PSP_Q130
(During the past 5 years has [he/she/he or she]:)
pushed, grabbed or shoved you in a way that could have hurt you?
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
Physical and Sexual violence by spouse/Partner (PSP) - Question identifier:PSP_Q140
(During the past 5 years has [he/she/he or she]:)
slapped you?
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
Physical and Sexual violence by spouse/Partner (PSP) - Question identifier:PSP_Q150
(During the past 5 years has [he/she/he or she]:)
kicked you, bit you, or hit you with [his/her/his or her] fist?
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
Physical and Sexual violence by spouse/Partner (PSP) - Question identifier:PSP_Q160
(During the past 5 years has [he/she/he or she]:)
hit you with something that could have hurt you?
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
Physical and Sexual violence by spouse/Partner (PSP) - Question identifier:PSP_Q170
(During the past 5 years has [he/she/he or she]:)
beaten you?
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
Physical and Sexual violence by spouse/Partner (PSP) - Question identifier:PSP_Q180
(During the past 5 years has [he/she/he or she]:)
choked you?
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
Physical and Sexual violence by spouse/Partner (PSP) - Question identifier:PSP_Q190
(During the past 5 years has [he/she/he or she]:)
used or threatened to use a gun or knife on you?
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
Physical and Sexual violence by spouse/Partner (PSP) - Question identifier:PSP_Q200
(During the past 5 years has [he/she/he or she]:)
forced you into any unwanted sexual activity, by threatening you, holding you down, or hurting you in some way?
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
Physical and Sexual violence by spouse/Partner (PSP) - Question identifier:PSP_Q210
(During the past 5 years has [he/she/he or she]:)
subjected you to a sexual activity to which you were not able to consent. By this I mean were you drugged, intoxicated, manipulated or forced in other ways than physically?
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
Violence Towards others by current spouse/Partner (VTP)
Violence Towards others by current spouse/Partner (VTP) - Question identifier:VTP_Q10
In the past 5 years, has your current [spouse/partner] ever been physically or sexually violent:
towards anyone [else/BLANK] in the family?
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
Violence Towards others by current spouse/Partner (VTP) - Question identifier:VTP_Q20
In the past 5 years, has your current [spouse/partner] ever been physically or sexually violent:
towards anyone outside of the family?
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
Number of incidents of physical and sexual Violence with current spouse/Partner (NVP)
Number of incidents of physical and sexual Violence with current spouse/Partner (NVP) - Question identifier:NVP_Q10
You said yes to at least one of the previous questions concerning physical and sexual violence. During the past 5 years, has [he/she/he or she] been violent to you on more than 1 occasion?
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
Number of incidents of physical and sexual Violence with current spouse/Partner (NVP) - Question identifier:NVP_Q20
How many different times did these things happen during the past 5 years?
- 02: Two
- 03: Three
- 04: Four
- 05: Five
- 06: Six
- 07: Seven
- 08: Eight
- 09: Nine
- 10: Ten
- 11: More than ten
- 98: RF
- 99: DK
Number of incidents of physical and sexual Violence with current spouse/Partner (NVP) - Question identifier:NVP_Q30
In what year did these incidents start to happen?
Min = 1921; Max = 2014
Number of incidents of physical and sexual Violence with current spouse/Partner (NVP) - Question identifier:NVP_Q40
How many of these incidents were in the past 12 months?
Min = 0; Max = 995
Unwanted Sexual activity by current spouse/Partner (USP)
Unwanted Sexual activity by current spouse/Partner (USP) - Question identifier:USP_Q10
In how many of these ^NVP_Q40 incidents (during the past 12 months), did [he/she/he or she] force you into any unwanted sexual activity, by threatening you, holding you down or hurting you in some way?
Min = 0; Max = 995
Unwanted Sexual activity by current spouse/Partner (USP) - Question identifier:USP_Q20
During this incident (in the past 12 months), did [he/she/he or she] force you into any unwanted sexual activity, by threatening you, holding you down or hurting you in some way?
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
Unwanted Sexual activity by current spouse/Partner (USP) - Question identifier:USP_Q30
In how many of these ^NVP_Q40 incidents (during the past 12 months), did [he/she/he or she] subject you to sexual activity to which you were not able to consent?
Min = 0; Max = 100
Unwanted Sexual activity by current spouse/Partner (USP) - Question identifier:USP_Q40
During this incident (in the past 12 months), did [he/she/he or she] subject you to a sexual activity to which you were not able to consent?
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
Most Recent incident of physical or sexual violence with current spouse/Partner (MRP)
Most Recent incident of physical or sexual violence with current spouse/Partner (MRP) - Question identifier:MRP_Q10
During what year and month did [this/the most recent] incident of physical or sexual violence happen?
Min = 2009; Max = 2014
Most Recent incident of physical or sexual violence with current spouse/Partner (MRP) - Question identifier:MRP_Q20
(During what year and month did [this/the most recent] incident of physical or sexual violence happen?)
- 01: January
- 02: February
- 03: March
- 04: April
- 05: May
- 06: June
- 07: July
- 08: August
- 09: September
- 10: October
- 11: November
- 12: December
- 98: RF
- 99: DK
Information about incident that Happened in the past 5 years with current spouse/Partner (IHP)
Information about incident that Happened in the past 5 years with current spouse/Partner (IHP) - Question identifier:IHP_Q10
Did [this incident/any of these incidents] (in the past 5 years) happen before you were married or living common-law?
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
Information about incident that Happened in the past 5 years with current spouse/Partner (IHP) - Question identifier:IHP_Q20
Did [this incident/any of these incidents] (in the past 5 years) happen while you were married or living common-law?
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
Information about incident that Happened in the past 5 years with current spouse/Partner (IHP) - Question identifier:IHP_Q30
Did [this incident/any of these incidents] (in the past 5 years) happen while you were temporarily separated?
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
- 3: No, never separated
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
Information about incident that Happened in the past 5 years with current spouse/Partner (IHP) - Question identifier:IHP_Q40
Did [this incident/any of these incidents] (in the past 5 years) happen while you were pregnant?
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
Information about incident that Happened in the past 5 years with current spouse/Partner (IHP) - Question identifier:IHP_Q50
Did [this incident/any of these incidents] begin while you were pregnant?
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
Contact in the past 5 years with a Previous spouse/partner (CFP)
Contact in the past 5 years with a Previous spouse/partner (CFP) - Question identifier:CFP_Q10
In the past 5 years, have you had any contact with a previous spouse or common-law partner?
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
Children With EX-spouse/ex-partner who had contact with respondent in the last 5 years (CWX)
Children With EX-spouse/ex-partner who had contact with respondent in the last 5 years (CWX) - Question identifier:CWX_Q10
Did you and your ex-spouse(s) or ex-common-law partner(s) have any children together who are presently under the age of 18?
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
Children With EX-spouse/ex-partner who had contact with respondent in the last 5 years (CWX) - Question identifier:CWX_Q20
How many children did you have (with your ex-spouse(s) or ex-common-law partner(s)), who are presently under the age of 18?
Min = 1; Max = 19
Children With EX-spouse/ex-partner who had contact with respondent in the last 5 years (CWX) - Question identifier:CWX_Q30
What is [this child's/the children's] principal residence?
- 11: Respondent's home
- 12: Ex-spouse/ex-common-law partner's home
- 13: About the same amount of time at both parent's homes
- 14: Somewhere else
- 98: RF
- 99: DK
Children With EX-spouse/ex-partner who had contact with respondent in the last 5 years (CWX) - Question identifier:CWX_Q40
How often does your ex-spouse(s)/ex-common-law partner(s) see [this child/these children]?
- 11: At least once a week
- 12: At least once every 2 weeks
- 13: At least once a month
- 14: A few times a year
- 15: At least once a year
- 16: Doesn't see the child but calls and/or sends letters, cards, gifts, etc.
- 17: Has no contact with the child
- 98: RF
- 99: DK
Children With EX-spouse/ex-partner who had contact with respondent in the last 5 years (CWX) - Question identifier:CWX_Q50
How often do you see [this child/these children]?
- 11: At least once a week
- 12: At least once every 2 weeks
- 13: At least once a month
- 14: A few times a year
- 15: At least once a year
- 16: Doesn't see the child but calls and/or sends letters, cards, gifts, etc.
- 17: Has no contact with the child
- 98: RF
- 99: DK
Emotional and Financial abuse by EX-spouse/ex-partner (EFX)
Emotional and Financial abuse by EX-spouse/ex-partner (EFX) - Question identifier:EFX_R210A
Now a list of statements that some people have used to describe their previous spouse or partner.
Emotional and Financial abuse by EX-spouse/ex-partner (EFX) - Question identifier:EFX_R210B
Now a list of statements that may apply to your previous spouse or partner.
Emotional and Financial abuse by EX-spouse/ex-partner (EFX) - Question identifier:EFX_Q210
I'd like you to tell me whether or not each statement describes your ex-spouse or ex-partner. Please remember that all information provided is strictly confidential. He or she:
tried to limit your contact with family or friends.
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
Emotional and Financial abuse by EX-spouse/ex-partner (EFX) - Question identifier:EFX_Q220
(I'd like you to tell me whether or not each statement describes your ex-spouse or ex-partner. Please remember that all information provided is strictly confidential. He or she:)
put you down or called you names to make you feel bad.
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
Emotional and Financial abuse by EX-spouse/ex-partner (EFX) - Question identifier:EFX_Q230
(I'd like you to tell me whether or not each statement describes your ex-spouse or ex-partner. Please remember that all information provided is strictly confidential. He or she:)
was jealous and didn't want you to talk to other men or women.
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
Emotional and Financial abuse by EX-spouse/ex-partner (EFX) - Question identifier:EFX_Q240
(I'd like you to tell me whether or not each statement describes your ex-spouse or ex-partner. Please remember that all information provided is strictly confidential. He or she:)
harmed, or threatened to harm, someone close to you.
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
Emotional and Financial abuse by EX-spouse/ex-partner (EFX) - Question identifier:EFX_Q245
(I'd like you to tell me whether or not each statement describes your ex-spouse or ex-partner. Please remember that all information provided is strictly confidential. He or she:)
harmed or threatened to harm your pet(s).
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
- 3: Not applicable
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
Emotional and Financial abuse by EX-spouse/ex-partner (EFX) - Question identifier:EFX_Q250
(I'd like you to tell me whether or not each statement describes your ex-spouse or ex-partner. Please remember that all information provided is strictly confidential. He or she:)
demanded to know who you were with and where you were at all times.
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
Emotional and Financial abuse by EX-spouse/ex-partner (EFX) - Question identifier:EFX_Q260
(I'd like you to tell me whether or not each statement describes your ex-spouse or ex-partner. Please remember that all information provided is strictly confidential. He or she:)
damaged or destroyed your possessions or property.
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
Emotional and Financial abuse by EX-spouse/ex-partner (EFX) - Question identifier:EFX_Q270
(I'd like you to tell me whether or not each statement describes your ex-spouse or ex-partner. Please remember that all information provided is strictly confidential. He or she:)
prevented you from knowing about or having access to the family income, even if you asked.
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
Emotional and Financial abuse by EX-spouse/ex-partner (EFX) - Question identifier:EFX_Q280
(I'd like you to tell me whether or not each statement describes your ex-spouse or ex-partner. Please remember that all information provided is strictly confidential. He or she:)
forced you to give him or her your money, possessions or property.
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
Physical and Sexual Violence by EX-spouse/ex-partner (PSX)
Physical and Sexual Violence by EX-spouse/ex-partner (PSX) - Question identifier:PSX_R110A
It is important to hear from people themselves if we are to understand the serious problem of violence in the home. I'm going to ask you some questions and I'd like you to tell me if, in the past 5 years, your previous spouse or partner did any of the following to you. Your responses are important whether or not you have had any of these experiences. Please remember that all information provided is strictly confidential.
Physical and Sexual Violence by EX-spouse/ex-partner (PSX) - Question identifier:PSX_R110B
The following questions refer to your previous spouse or partner. I'd like you to tell me if, in the past 5 years, your previous spouse or partner did any of the following to you. Again, your responses are important whether or not you have had any of these experiences. Please remember that all information provided is strictly confidential.
Physical and Sexual Violence by EX-spouse/ex-partner (PSX) - Question identifier:PSX_Q110
During the past 5 years did your previous spouse or partner:
threaten to hit you with his (her) fist or anything else that could have hurt you?
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
Physical and Sexual Violence by EX-spouse/ex-partner (PSX) - Question identifier:PSX_Q120
(During the past 5 years did he or she:)
throw anything at you that could have hurt you?
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
Physical and Sexual Violence by EX-spouse/ex-partner (PSX) - Question identifier:PSX_Q130
(During the past 5 years did he or she:)
push, grab or shove you in a way that could have hurt you?
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
Physical and Sexual Violence by EX-spouse/ex-partner (PSX) - Question identifier:PSX_Q140
(During the past 5 years did he or she:)
slap you?
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
Physical and Sexual Violence by EX-spouse/ex-partner (PSX) - Question identifier:PSX_Q150
(During the past 5 years did he or she:)
kick you, bite you or hit you with his (her) fist?
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
Physical and Sexual Violence by EX-spouse/ex-partner (PSX) - Question identifier:PSX_Q160
(During the past 5 years did he or she:)
hit you with something that could have hurt you?
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
Physical and Sexual Violence by EX-spouse/ex-partner (PSX) - Question identifier:PSX_Q170
(During the past 5 years did he or she:)
beat you?
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
Physical and Sexual Violence by EX-spouse/ex-partner (PSX) - Question identifier:PSX_Q180
(During the past 5 years did he or she:)
choke you?
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
Physical and Sexual Violence by EX-spouse/ex-partner (PSX) - Question identifier:PSX_Q190
(During the past 5 years did he or she:)
use or threaten to use a gun or knife on you?
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
Physical and Sexual Violence by EX-spouse/ex-partner (PSX) - Question identifier:PSX_Q200
(During the past 5 years did he or she:)
force you into any unwanted sexual activity, by threatening you, holding you down or hurting you in some way?
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
Physical and Sexual Violence by EX-spouse/ex-partner (PSX) - Question identifier:PSX_Q210
(During the past 5 years did he or she:)
subject you to a sexual activity to which you were not able to consent. By this I mean were you drugged, intoxicated, manipulated or forced in other ways than physically?
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
Violence Towards others by EX-spouse/ex-partner (VTX)
Violence Towards others by EX-spouse/ex-partner (VTX) - Question identifier:VTX_Q10
In the past 5 years, has your ex-spouse/partner ever been physically or sexually violent:
towards anyone [else/BLANK] in the family?
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
Violence Towards others by EX-spouse/ex-partner (VTX) - Question identifier:VTX_Q20
In the past 5 years, has he(she) ever been physically or sexually violent:
towards anyone outside of the family?
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
Number of incidents of physical and sexual Violence by an EX-spouse/ex-partner (NVX)
Number of incidents of physical and sexual Violence by an EX-spouse/ex-partner (NVX) - Question identifier:NVX_Q10
You said yes to at least one of the previous questions concerning physical and sexual violence. During the past 5 years, has he (she) been violent to you on more than 1 occasion?
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
Number of incidents of physical and sexual Violence by an EX-spouse/ex-partner (NVX) - Question identifier:NVX_Q20
How many different times did these things happen during the past 5 years?
- 02: Two
- 03: Three
- 04: Four
- 05: Five
- 06: Six
- 07: Seven
- 08: Eight
- 09: Nine
- 10: Ten
- 11: More than ten
- 98: RF
- 99: DK
Number of incidents of physical and sexual Violence by an EX-spouse/ex-partner (NVX) - Question identifier:NVX_Q30
In what year did these incidents start to happen?
Min = 1921; Max = 2014
Number of incidents of physical and sexual Violence by an EX-spouse/ex-partner (NVX) - Question identifier:NVX_Q40
How many of these were in the past 12 months?
Min = 0; Max = 995
Unwanted Sexual activity by EX-spouse/ex-partner (USX)
Unwanted Sexual activity by EX-spouse/ex-partner (USX) - Question identifier:USX_Q10
In how many of these ^NVX_Q40 incidents (during the past 12 months), did he (she) force you into any unwanted sexual activity, by threatening you, holding you down or hurting you in some way?
Min = 0; Max = 995
Unwanted Sexual activity by EX-spouse/ex-partner (USX) - Question identifier:USX_Q20
During this incident (in the past 12 months), did he (she) force you into any unwanted sexual activity, by threatening you, holding you down or hurting you in some way?
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
Unwanted Sexual activity by EX-spouse/ex-partner (USX) - Question identifier:USX_Q30
In how many of these ^NVX_Q40 incidents (during the past 12 months), did he (she) subject you to a sexual activity to which you were not able to consent?
Min = 0; Max = 100
Unwanted Sexual activity by EX-spouse/ex-partner (USX) - Question identifier:USX_Q40
During this incident (in the past 12 months), did he (she) subject you to a sexual activity to which you were not able to consent?
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
Most Recent incident of physical or sexual violence with EX-spouse/ex-partner (MRX)
Most Recent incident of physical or sexual violence with EX-spouse/ex-partner (MRX) - Question identifier:MRX_Q10
During what year and month did [this/the most recent] incident of physical or sexual violence happen?
Min = 2009; Max = 2014
Most Recent incident of physical or sexual violence with EX-spouse/ex-partner (MRX) - Question identifier:MRX_Q20
(During what year and month did [this/the most recent] incident of physical or sexual violence happen?)
- 01: January
- 02: February
- 03: March
- 04: April
- 05: May
- 06: June
- 07: July
- 08: August
- 09: September
- 10: October
- 11: November
- 12: December
- 98: RF
- 99: DK
Information about incident that Happened in the past 5 years with EX-spouse/ex-partner (IHX)
Information about incident that Happened in the past 5 years with EX-spouse/ex-partner (IHX) - Question identifier:IHX_Q10
Did [this incident/any of these incidents] (in the past 5 years) happen while you were living together?
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
Information about incident that Happened in the past 5 years with EX-spouse/ex-partner (IHX) - Question identifier:IHX_Q20
Did [this incident/any of these incidents] (in the past 5 years) happen while you were pregnant?
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
Information about incident that Happened in the past 5 years with EX-spouse/ex-partner (IHX) - Question identifier:IHX_Q30
Did these incidents begin while you were pregnant?
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
Information about incident that Happened in the past 5 years with EX-spouse/ex-partner (IHX) - Question identifier:IHX_Q40
Did [this incident/any of these incidents] (in the past 5 years) happen after you split up?
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
Information about incident that Happened in the past 5 years with EX-spouse/ex-partner (IHX) - Question identifier:IHX_Q45
Of [these ^piNVX_Q20 incidents/these incidents], how many happened after you split up?
Min = 1; Max = 100
Information about incident that Happened in the past 5 years with EX-spouse/ex-partner (IHX) - Question identifier:IHX_Q50
How long were you separated when the violence occurred?
- 1: Less than 1 week
- 2: 1 week to less than 1 month
- 3: 1 to 6 months
- 4: More than 6 months
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
Information about incident that Happened in the past 5 years with EX-spouse/ex-partner (IHX) - Question identifier:IHX_Q60
Do you think it increased after you split up (in frequency or intensity)?
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
Spouse/partner Abuse Injuries (SAI)
Spouse/partner Abuse Injuries (SAI) - Question identifier:SAI_R110A
You said that during the past 5 years your current [spouse/partner] was violent.
Spouse/partner Abuse Injuries (SAI) - Question identifier:SAI_R110B
We will now return to some questions concerning the violence you experienced during the past 5 years by your current [spouse/partner].
Spouse/partner Abuse Injuries (SAI) - Question identifier:SAI_Q110
During [EMPTY/any of] [this incident/these incidents], were you ever physically injured in any way, for example bruises, cuts, broken bones or other types of injury?
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
Spouse/partner Abuse Injuries (SAI) - Question identifier:SAI_Q111
What were your injuries? Were they:
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
Spouse/partner Abuse Injuries (SAI) - Question identifier:SAI_Q112
(What were your injuries? Were they:)
cuts, scratches or burns?
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
Spouse/partner Abuse Injuries (SAI) - Question identifier:SAI_Q117
(What were your injuries? Were they:)
any other type of injury?
- 1: Yes - Specify
- 2: No
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
Spouse/partner Abuse Injuries (SAI) - Question identifier:SAI_Q120
Did any of the incidents in which you were injured happen in the past 12 months?
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
Spouse/partner Abuse Injuries (SAI) - Question identifier:SAI_Q125
During [this incident/these incidents] was your [spouse/partner] drinking?
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
- 3: Does not drink
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
Spouse/partner abuse injuries - Medical Attention (SMA)
Spouse/partner abuse injuries - Medical Attention (SMA) - Question identifier:SMA_Q10
During the past 5 years, did you ever receive any medical attention from a doctor or a nurse for your injuries?
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
Spouse/partner abuse injuries - Time Off due to injuries (STO)
Spouse/partner abuse injuries - Time Off due to injuries (STO) - Question identifier:STO_Q10
As a result of the violence and excluding any time you may have spent in a hospital or a health center did you, during the past 5 years, ever have to stay in bed for all or most of the day?
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
Spouse/partner abuse injuries - Time Off due to injuries (STO) - Question identifier:STO_Q15
For how many days in total?
Min = 1; Max = 995
Spouse/partner abuse injuries - Time Off due to injuries (STO) - Question identifier:STO_Q20
During the past 5 years, did you ever have to take time off from your everyday activities because of what happened to you other than the time you may have spent in a hospital or a health center or in bed?
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
Spouse/partner abuse injuries - Time Off due to injuries (STO) - Question identifier:STO_Q25
In total, how many days did you take off?
Min = 1; Max = 995
Spouse/partner abuse injuries - Other persons Harmed (SOH)
Spouse/partner abuse injuries - Other persons Harmed (SOH) - Question identifier:SOH_Q10
During the past 5 years, was anyone else ever harmed or threatened during [this incident/these incidents]?
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
Spouse/partner abuse injuries - Other persons Harmed (SOH) - Question identifier:SOH_Q15
How many persons?
Min = 1; Max = 95
Spouse/partner abuse injuries - Other persons Harmed (SOH) - Question identifier:SOH_Q20
[Was this person/Were any of these people] (harmed or threatened) under 15 years of age?
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
Spouse/partner abuse injuries - Other persons Harmed (SOH) - Question identifier:SOH_Q25
How many persons?
Min = 1; Max = 95
Spouse/partner abuse injuries - Other information (SOI)
Spouse/partner abuse injuries - Other information (SOI) - Question identifier:SOI_Q10
During the past 5 years, did any of the children in your household see or hear [this incident/any of these incidents]?
- 1: Yes/think so
- 2: No/don't think so
- 3: No children at the time
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
Spouse/partner abuse injuries - Other information (SOI) - Question identifier:SOI_Q15
Were child protective services involved?
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
Spouse/partner abuse injuries - Other information (SOI) - Question identifier:SOI_Q20
During the past 5 years, did you ever fear that your life was in danger because of your [spouse/partner]'s violent or threatening behaviour?
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
Spouse/partner abuse injuries - Other information (SOI) - Question identifier:SOI_Q25
(During the past 5 years), were you ever separated because of your [spouse/partner]'s violent or threatening behaviour?
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
Spouse/partner abuse injuries - Other information (SOI) - Question identifier:SOI_Q27
How many times?
Min = 1; Max = 90
Spouse/partner abuse violence - Police Learned about violence (SPL)
Spouse/partner abuse violence - Police Learned about violence (SPL) - Question identifier:SPL_Q10
Did the police ever find out about the violence (in any way)?
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
Spouse/partner abuse violence - Police Learned about violence (SPL) - Question identifier:SPL_Q20
Did they find out about it in the past 12 months?
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
Spouse/partner abuse violence - Police Learned about violence (SPL) - Question identifier:SPL_Q30
How did they learn about it? Was it from you or some other way?
- 1: Respondent
- 2: Some other way
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
Spouse/partner abuse violence - Police Learned about violence (SPL) - Question identifier:SPL_Q40
How many times was [he/she/he or she] violent toward you before the police learned about it?
Min = 1; Max = 100
Spousal/partner abuse - Report to Police (SRP)
Spousal/partner abuse - Report to Police (SRP) - Question identifier:SRP_Q110
Did you report the violence to the police for any of the following reasons:
to stop it or receive protection[ for yourself and for your child/ for yourself and for your children/EMPTY]?
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
Spousal/partner abuse - Report to Police (SRP) - Question identifier:SRP_Q120
(Did you report the violence to the police for any of the following reasons:)
to arrest and punish your [spouse/partner]?
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
Spousal/partner abuse - Report to Police (SRP) - Question identifier:SRP_Q130
(Did you report the violence to the police for any of the following reasons:)
because you felt it was your duty to notify police?
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
Spousal/partner abuse - Report to Police (SRP) - Question identifier:SRP_Q140
(Did you report the violence to the police for any of the following reasons:)
on the recommendation of someone else?
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
Spousal/partner abuse - Action Taken by police (SAT)
Spousal/partner abuse - Action Taken by police (SAT) - Question identifier:SAT_Q10
What action did the police take? Did they:
visit the scene?
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
Spousal/partner abuse - Action Taken by police (SAT) - Question identifier:SAT_Q20
(What action did the police take? Did they:)
make a report or conduct an investigation?
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
Spousal/partner abuse - Action Taken by police (SAT) - Question identifier:SAT_Q30
(What action did the police take? Did they:)
give a warning to your [spouse/partner]?
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
Spousal/partner abuse - Action Taken by police (SAT) - Question identifier:SAT_Q40
(What action did the police take? Did they:)
arrest or take your [spouse/partner] away?
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
Spousal/partner abuse - Action Taken by police (SAT) - Question identifier:SAT_Q45
(What action did the police take? Did they:)
arrest or take you away?
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
Spousal/partner abuse - Action Taken by police (SAT) - Question identifier:SAT_Q50
(What action did the police take? Did they:)
lay charges against your [spouse/partner]?
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
Spousal/partner abuse - Action Taken by police (SAT) - Question identifier:SAT_Q55
(What action did the police take? Did they:)
lay charges against you?
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
Spousal/partner abuse - Action Taken by police (SAT) - Question identifier:SAT_Q60
(What action did the police take? Did they:)
take any other action?
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
Spousal/partner abuse - Restraining Order or protective order against current spouse/partner (SRO)
Spousal/partner abuse - Restraining Order or protective order against current spouse/partner (SRO) - Question identifier:SRO_Q10
Was there ever any kind of restraining, protective or no contact order against your [spouse/partner]?
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
Spousal/partner abuse - Satisfaction with Actions taken by police (SSA)
Spousal/partner abuse - Satisfaction with Actions taken by police (SSA) - Question identifier:SSA_Q10
Overall, how satisfied were you with the actions that the police took? Were you...?
- 1: Very satisfied
- 2: Somewhat satisfied
- 3: Somewhat dissatisfied
- 4: Very dissatisfied
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
Spousal/partner abuse - Satisfaction with Actions taken by police (SSA) - Question identifier:SSA_Q20
Is there anything (else) they should have done to help you?
- 11: Remove spouse/ partner from the house
- 12: Arrest spouse/partner
- 13: Charge spouse/ partner
- 14: Respond more quickly
- 15: Refer/take you to a support service
- 16: Relocate you
- 17: Take you to hospital
- 18: Be more supportive/sympathetic
- 19: Other - Specify
- 95: No/nothing
- 98: RF
- 99: DK
Spousal/partner abuse - Threatening Behaviour from spouse/partner after police involvement (STB)
Spousal/partner abuse - Threatening Behaviour from spouse/partner after police involvement (STB) - Question identifier:STB_Q10
After the police were involved, did your [spouse/partner]'s violent or threatening behaviour towards you...?
- 1: Increase
- 2: Decrease or stop
- 3: Stay the same
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
Spousal/partner abuse - Reasons Not Reporting (SRN)
Spousal/partner abuse - Reasons Not Reporting (SRN) - Question identifier:SRN_Q10
I'm going to read a list of reasons why some people choose not to contact the police. Please tell me which ones apply to your experience. Was it:
because of fear of revenge by your [spouse/partner]?
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
Spousal/partner abuse - Reasons Not Reporting (SRN) - Question identifier:SRN_Q15
(I'm going to read a list of reasons why some people choose not to contact the police. Please tell me which ones apply to your experience. Was it:)
because you were afraid child protection / child welfare agencies would take your [children/child] away from you?
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
Spousal/partner abuse - Reasons Not Reporting (SRN) - Question identifier:SRN_Q20
(I'm going to read a list of reasons why some people choose not to contact the police. Please tell me which ones apply to your experience. Was it:)
because there was a lack of evidence?
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
Spousal/partner abuse - Reasons Not Reporting (SRN) - Question identifier:SRN_Q25
(I'm going to read a list of reasons why some people choose not to contact the police. Please tell me which ones apply to your experience. Was it:)
because the police would not have considered the incident important enough?
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
Spousal/partner abuse - Reasons Not Reporting (SRN) - Question identifier:SRN_Q30
(I'm going to read a list of reasons why some people choose not to contact the police. Please tell me which ones apply to your experience. Was it:)
because the police would not have been efficient or effective?
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
Spousal/partner abuse - Reasons Not Reporting (SRN) - Question identifier:SRN_Q35
(I'm going to read a list of reasons why some people choose not to contact the police. Please tell me which ones apply to your experience. Was it:)
because you received unsatisfactory service in the past?
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
Spousal/partner abuse - Reasons Not Reporting (SRN) - Question identifier:SRN_Q45
(I'm going to read a list of reasons why some people choose not to contact the police. Please tell me which ones apply to your experience. Was it:)
because dealing with the police could have caused you trouble with the law?
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
Spousal/partner abuse - Reasons Not Reporting (SRN) - Question identifier:SRN_Q50
(I'm going to read a list of reasons why some people choose not to contact the police. Please tell me which ones apply to your experience. Was it:)
because you did not want to get your [spouse/partner] in trouble with the law?
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
Spousal/partner abuse - Reasons Not Reporting (SRN) - Question identifier:SRN_Q55
(I'm going to read a list of reasons why some people choose not to contact the police. Please tell me which ones apply to your experience. Was it:)
because you did not want the hassle of dealing with the police?
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
Spousal/partner abuse - Reasons Not Reporting (SRN) - Question identifier:SRN_Q60
(I'm going to read a list of reasons why some people choose not to contact the police. Please tell me which ones apply to your experience. Was it:)
because you were afraid reporting it to the police would bring shame and dishonour to the family?
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
Spousal/partner abuse - Reasons Not Reporting (SRN) - Question identifier:SRN_Q65
(I'm going to read a list of reasons why some people choose not to contact the police. Please tell me which ones apply to your experience. Was it:)
because your family prevented you from contacting the police?
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
Spousal/partner abuse - Reasons Not Reporting (SRN) - Question identifier:SRN_Q70
(I'm going to read a list of reasons why some people choose not to contact the police. Please tell me which ones apply to your experience. Was it:)
because you considered the incident a private or personal matter and handled it informally?
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
Spousal/partner abuse - Reasons Not Reporting (SRN) - Question identifier:SRN_Q75
(I'm going to read a list of reasons why some people choose not to contact the police. Please tell me which ones apply to your experience. Was it:)
because you did not want others to find out about the victimization (including didn't want publicity or news coverage)?
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
Spousal/partner abuse - Reasons Not Reporting (SRN) - Question identifier:SRN_Q80
(I'm going to read a list of reasons why some people choose not to contact the police. Please tell me which ones apply to your experience. Was it:)
because the crime was minor and not worth taking the time to report?
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
Spousal/partner abuse - Reasons Not Reporting (SRN) - Question identifier:SRN_Q85
(I'm going to read a list of reasons why some people choose not to contact the police. Please tell me which ones apply to your experience. Was it:)
because no one was harmed?
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
Spousal/partner abuse - Reasons Not Reporting (SRN) - Question identifier:SRN_Q90
(I'm going to read a list of reasons why some people choose not to contact the police. Please tell me which ones apply to your experience. Was it:)
because no harm was intended?
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
Spousal/partner abuse - Reasons Not Reporting (SRN) - Question identifier:SRN_Q95
(I'm going to read a list of reasons why some people choose not to contact the police. Please tell me which ones apply to your experience. Was it:)
because you didn't think your [spouse/partner] would be convicted or adequately punished?
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
Spousal/partner abuse - Reasons Not Reporting (SRN) - Question identifier:SRN_Q100
(I'm going to read a list of reasons why some people choose not to contact the police. Please tell me which ones apply to your experience. Was it:)
because you feared or did not want the hassle of dealing with the court process?
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
Spousal/partner abuse - Reasons Not Reporting (SRN) - Question identifier:SRN_Q105
(I'm going to read a list of reasons why some people choose not to contact the police. Please tell me which ones apply to your experience. Was it:)
because the police would be biased?
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
Spousal/partner abuse - Reasons Not Reporting (SRN) - Question identifier:SRN_Q110
(I'm going to read a list of reasons why some people choose not to contact the police. Please tell me which ones apply to your experience. Was it:)
because it was reported to another official?
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
Spousal/partner abuse - Reasons Not Reporting (SRN) - Question identifier:SRN_Q115
(I'm going to read a list of reasons why some people choose not to contact the police. Please tell me which ones apply to your experience. Was it:)
for some other reason, not already mentionned?
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
Spousal/partner abuse - Reasons Not Reporting (SRN) - Question identifier:SRN_Q120
What was the main reason why you didn't contact the police?
- 01: Fear of revenge by ^DT_MSTATUS_E
- 02: Afraid child protection/welfare agencies would take away children
- 03: Lack of evidence
- 04: Police would not consider incident important enough
- 05: Police would not be efficient/effective
- 06: Police service unsatisfactory in the past
- 07: Would cause trouble with the law for respondent
- 08: Don't want ^DT_MSTATUS_E to be in trouble with the law
- 09: Did not want hassle of dealing with police
- 10: Would cause shame or dishonour to family
- 11: Prevented by family
- 12: Incident a private or personal matter. Handled informally
- 13: Do not want others to find out (publicity / news coverage)
- 14: Crime minor, not important enough to respondent
- 15: No one harmed
- 16: No harm intended
- 17: Didn't think ^DT_MSTATUS_E would be convicted or adequately punished
- 18: Fear of court process
- 19: Thought police would be biased
- 20: Reported to other official
- 21: ^SRN_S115
- 98: RF
- 99: DK
Spousal/partner abuse - Talk to Anyone about the violence (STA)
Spousal/partner abuse - Talk to Anyone about the violence (STA) - Question identifier:STA_Q110
Other than to the police, did you ever talk to anyone else about [this incident/these incidents], such as:
a family member?
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
Spousal/partner abuse - Talk to Anyone about the violence (STA) - Question identifier:STA_Q120
(Other than to the police, did you ever talk to anyone else about [this incident/these incidents], such as:)
a friend or neighbour?
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
Spousal/partner abuse - Talk to Anyone about the violence (STA) - Question identifier:STA_Q130
(Other than to the police, did you ever talk to anyone else about [this incident/these incidents], such as:)
a co-worker?
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
Spousal/partner abuse - Talk to Anyone about the violence (STA) - Question identifier:STA_Q140
(Other than to the police, did you ever talk to anyone else about [this incident/these incidents], such as:)
a doctor or nurse?
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
Spousal/partner abuse - Talk to Anyone about the violence (STA) - Question identifier:STA_Q150
(Other than to the police, did you ever talk to anyone else about [this incident/these incidents], such as:)
a lawyer?
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
Spousal/partner abuse - Talk to Anyone about the violence (STA) - Question identifier:STA_Q160
(Other than to the police, did you ever talk to anyone else about [this incident/these incidents], such as:)
a priest, rabbi, imam, elder or another spiritual advisor?
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
Spousal/partner abuse - Talk to Anyone about the violence (STA) - Question identifier:STA_Q180
Did the police or anyone else provide you with information about services for victims in your community?
- 1: Yes, the police
- 2: Yes, someone else
- 3: No
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
Spousal/partner abuse - Contact with Services (SCS)
Spousal/partner abuse - Contact with Services (SCS) - Question identifier:SCS_Q110
During the past 5 years, did you ever contact or use any of the following services for help because of the violence, such as:
a crisis centre or crisis line, a victim service or a victim witness assistance program, a counsellor, a psychologist or a social worker, a community, family, ethnic or cultural centre, a shelter or transition house, a [women's/men's] centre[, a seniors' centre/EMPTY] or support group?
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
Spousal/partner abuse - Contact with Services (SCS) - Question identifier:SCS_Q170B
Did you contact any of these services in the past 12 months?
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
Spousal/partner abuse - Contact with Services (SCS) - Question identifier:SCS_Q180
Is there any reason why you didn't use any of these services?
- 11: Didn't know of any services
- 12: None available
- 13: Waiting list
- 14: Too minor
- 15: Shame/embarrassment
- 16: Wouldn't be believed
- 17: Spouse/ partner prevented me
- 18: Distance from service
- 19: Fear of losing financial support
- 20: Fear of losing the children
- 21: Didn't want relationship to end
- 22: Didn't want/need help
- 23: Other - Specify
- 98: RF
- 99: DK
Spousal/partner abuse - Impact on respondent (SEA)
Spousal/partner abuse - Impact on respondent (SEA) - Question identifier:SEA_Q10
At the time of [this incident/these incidents], how did [this experience/these experiences] affect you emotionally?
- 11: Not at all
- 12: Not much
- 13: Angry
- 14: Upset, confused, frustrated
- 15: Fearful
- 16: More cautious/aware
- 17: Shock/disbelief
- 18: Hurt/disappointment
- 19: Victimized
- 20: Sleeping problems
- 21: Depression/anxiety attacks
- 22: Ashamed/guilty
- 23: Afraid for children
- 24: Annoyed
- 25: Lowered self esteem
- 26: Increased self-reliance
- 27: Problems relating to men/women
- 28: Other - Specify
- 98: RF
- 99: DK
Spousal/partner abuse - Impact on respondent (SEA) - Question identifier:SEA_Q20
Now some questions about longer term effects of the violence you experienced. In the past month, have you:
had nightmares about it or thought about it when you did not want to?
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
Spousal/partner abuse - Impact on respondent (SEA) - Question identifier:SEA_Q30
(Now some questions about longer term effects of the violence you experienced. In the past month, have you:)
tried hard not to think about it or went out of your way to avoid situations that reminded you of it?
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
Spousal/partner abuse - Impact on respondent (SEA) - Question identifier:SEA_Q40
(Now some questions about longer term effects of the violence you experienced. In the past month, have you:)
felt constantly on guard, watchful, or easily startled?
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
Spousal/partner abuse - Impact on respondent (SEA) - Question identifier:SEA_Q50
(Now some questions about longer term effects of the violence you experienced. In the past month, have you:)
felt numb or detached from others, activities, or your surroundings?
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
EX-spousal/ex-partner Abuse Injuries (XAI)
EX-spousal/ex-partner Abuse Injuries (XAI) - Question identifier:XAI_R110
You said that during the past 5 years your ex-spouse or ex-partner was violent.
EX-spousal/ex-partner Abuse Injuries (XAI) - Question identifier:XAI_Q110
During [BLANK/any of] [this incident/these incidents] were you ever physically injured in any way, for example bruises, cuts, broken bones or other types of injury?
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
EX-spousal/ex-partner Abuse Injuries (XAI) - Question identifier:XAI_Q111
What were your injuries? Were they:
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
EX-spousal/ex-partner Abuse Injuries (XAI) - Question identifier:XAI_Q112
(What were your injuries? Were they:)
cuts, scratches or burns?
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
EX-spousal/ex-partner Abuse Injuries (XAI) - Question identifier:XAI_Q117
(What were your injuries? Were they:)
any other type of injury?
- 1: Yes - Specify
- 2: No
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
EX-spousal/ex-partner Abuse Injuries (XAI) - Question identifier:XAI_Q119
Did [this incident/these incidents] in which you were injured happen before or after the separation?
- 1: Before
- 2: After
- 3: Before and after
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
EX-spousal/ex-partner Abuse Injuries (XAI) - Question identifier:XAI_Q120
Did any of these incidents in which you were injured happen in the past 12 months?
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
EX-spousal/ex-partner Abuse Injuries (XAI) - Question identifier:XAI_Q125
During [this incident/these incidents] was your ex-spouse or ex-partner drinking?
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
- 3: Does not drink
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
EX-spousal/ex-partner abuse injuries - Medical Attention (XMA)
EX-spousal/ex-partner abuse injuries - Medical Attention (XMA) - Question identifier:XMA_Q10
During the past 5 years, did you ever receive any medical attention from a doctor or a nurse for your injuries?
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
EX-spousal/ex-partner abuse injuries - Time Off due to injuries (XTO)
EX-spousal/ex-partner abuse injuries - Time Off due to injuries (XTO) - Question identifier:XTO_Q10
As a result of the violence and excluding any time you may have spent in a hospital or a health center did you, during the past 5 years, ever have to stay in bed for all or most of the day?
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
EX-spousal/ex-partner abuse injuries - Time Off due to injuries (XTO) - Question identifier:XTO_Q15
For how many days in total?
Min = 1; Max = 995
EX-spousal/ex-partner abuse injuries - Time Off due to injuries (XTO) - Question identifier:XTO_Q20
During the past 5 years, did you ever have to take time off from your everyday activities because of what happened to you other than the time you may have spent in a hospital or a health center or in bed??
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
EX-spousal/ex-partner abuse injuries - Time Off due to injuries (XTO) - Question identifier:XTO_Q25
In total, how many days did you take off?
Min = 1; Max = 995
EX-spousal/ex-partner abuse injuries - Other persons Harmed (XOH)
EX-spousal/ex-partner abuse injuries - Other persons Harmed (XOH) - Question identifier:XOH_Q10
During the past 5 years, was anyone else ever harmed or threatened during [this incident/these incidents]?
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
EX-spousal/ex-partner abuse injuries - Other persons Harmed (XOH) - Question identifier:XOH_Q15
How many persons?
Min = 1; Max = 95
EX-spousal/ex-partner abuse injuries - Other persons Harmed (XOH) - Question identifier:XOH_Q20
[Was this person/Were any of these people] (harmed or threatened) under 15 years of age?
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
EX-spousal/ex-partner abuse injuries - Other persons Harmed (XOH) - Question identifier:XOH_Q25
How many persons?
Min = 1; Max = 95
EX-spousal/ex-partner abuse injuries - Other information (XOI)
EX-spousal/ex-partner abuse injuries - Other information (XOI) - Question identifier:XOI_Q10
During the past 5 years, did any of the children in your household see or hear [this incident/any of these incidents]?
- 1: Yes/think so
- 2: No/don't think so
- 3: No children at the time
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
EX-spousal/ex-partner abuse injuries - Other information (XOI) - Question identifier:XOI_Q15
Were ^DT_DPJCPS involved?
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
EX-spousal/ex-partner abuse injuries - Other information (XOI) - Question identifier:XOI_Q20
(During the past 5 years), did you ever fear that your life was in danger because of your ex-spouse or ex-partner's violent or threatening behaviour?
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
EX-spousal/ex-partner abuse - Police Learned about violence (XPL)
EX-spousal/ex-partner abuse - Police Learned about violence (XPL) - Question identifier:XPL_Q10
Did the police ever find out about the violence (in any way)?
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
EX-spousal/ex-partner abuse - Police Learned about violence (XPL) - Question identifier:XPL_Q20
Did they find out about it in the past 12 months?
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
EX-spousal/ex-partner abuse - Police Learned about violence (XPL) - Question identifier:XPL_Q30
How did they learn about it? Was it from you or some other way?
- 1: Respondent
- 2: Some other way
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
EX-spousal/ex-partner abuse - Police Learned about violence (XPL) - Question identifier:XPL_Q40
How many times was he (she) violent toward you before the police learned about it?
Min = 1; Max = 100
EX-spousal/ex-partner abuse - Police Learned about violence (XPL) - Question identifier:XPL_Q50
Had the police been made aware of incidents that have occurred after the separation?
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
EX-spousal/ex-partner abuse - Police Learned about violence (XPL) - Question identifier:XPL_Q60
Has the police been contacted for incidents that had happened before the separation?
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
EX-spousal/ex-partner abuse - Report to Police (XRP)
EX-spousal/ex-partner abuse - Report to Police (XRP) - Question identifier:XRP_Q110
Did you report the violence to the police for any of the following reasons:
to stop it or receive protection[ for yourself and for your child/ for yourself and for your children/EMPTY]?
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
EX-spousal/ex-partner abuse - Report to Police (XRP) - Question identifier:XRP_Q120
(Did you report the violence to the police for any of the following reasons:)
to arrest and punish your ex-spouse or ex-partner?
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
EX-spousal/ex-partner abuse - Report to Police (XRP) - Question identifier:XRP_Q130
(Did you report the violence to the police for any of the following reasons:)
because you felt it was your duty to notify police?
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
EX-spousal/ex-partner abuse - Report to Police (XRP) - Question identifier:XRP_Q140
(Did you report the violence to the police for any of the following reasons:)
on the recommendation of someone else?
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
EX-spousal/ex-partner abuse - Action Taken by police (XAT)
EX-spousal/ex-partner abuse - Action Taken by police (XAT) - Question identifier:XAT_Q10
What action did the police take? Did they:
visit the scene?
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
EX-spousal/ex-partner abuse - Action Taken by police (XAT) - Question identifier:XAT_Q20
(What action did the police take? Did they:)
make a report or conduct an investigation?
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
EX-spousal/ex-partner abuse - Action Taken by police (XAT) - Question identifier:XAT_Q30
(What action did the police take? Did they:)
give a warning to your ex-spouse or ex-partner?
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
EX-spousal/ex-partner abuse - Action Taken by police (XAT) - Question identifier:XAT_Q40
(What action did the police take? Did they:)
arrest or take your ex-spouse or ex-partner away?
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
EX-spousal/ex-partner abuse - Action Taken by police (XAT) - Question identifier:XAT_Q45
(What action did the police take? Did they:)
arrest or take you away?
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
EX-spousal/ex-partner abuse - Action Taken by police (XAT) - Question identifier:XAT_Q50
(What action did the police take? Did they:)
lay charges against your ex-spouse or ex-partner?
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
EX-spousal/ex-partner abuse - Action Taken by police (XAT) - Question identifier:XAT_Q55
(What action did the police take? Did they:)
lay charges against you?
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
EX-spousal/ex-partner abuse - Action Taken by police (XAT) - Question identifier:XAT_Q60
(What action did the police take? Did they:)
take any other action?
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
EX-spousal/ex-partner abuse - Restraining Order or protective order against current ex-spouse/ex-partner (XRO)
EX-spousal/ex-partner abuse - Restraining Order or protective order against current ex-spouse/ex-partner (XRO) - Question identifier:XRO_Q10
Was there ever any kind of restraining order, protective or no contact order against him(her)?
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
EX-spousal/ex-partner abuse - Satisfaction with actions taken by police (XSA)
EX-spousal/ex-partner abuse - Satisfaction with actions taken by police (XSA) - Question identifier:XSA_Q10
Overall, how satisfied were you with the actions that the police took? Were you...?
- 1: Very satisfied
- 2: Somewhat satisfied
- 3: Somewhat dissatisfied
- 4: Very dissatisfied
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
EX-spousal/ex-partner abuse - Satisfaction with actions taken by police (XSA) - Question identifier:XSA_Q20
Is there anything (else) they should have done to help you?
- 11: Remove ex-spouse/ex-partner from the house
- 12: Arrest ex-spouse/ex-partner
- 13: Charge ex-spouse/ex-partner
- 14: Respond more quickly
- 15: Refer/take you to a support service
- 16: Relocate you
- 17: Take you to hospital
- 18: Be more supportive/sympathetic
- 19: Other - Specify
- 95: No/nothing
- 98: RF
- 99: DK
EX-spousal/ex-partner abuse - Threatening Behaviour from ex-spouse/ex-partner after police involvement (XTB)
EX-spousal/ex-partner abuse - Threatening Behaviour from ex-spouse/ex-partner after police involvement (XTB) - Question identifier:XTB_Q10
After the police were involved, did your ex-spouse or ex-partner's violent or threatening behaviour towards you...?
- 1: Increase
- 2: Decrease or stop
- 3: Stay the same
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
EX-spousal/ex-partner abuse - Reasons for Not contacting the police (XRN)
EX-spousal/ex-partner abuse - Reasons for Not contacting the police (XRN) - Question identifier:XRN_Q10
I'm going to read a list of reasons why some people choose not to contact the police. Please tell me which ones apply to your experience. Was it:
because of fear of revenge by your ex-spouse/ex-partner?
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
EX-spousal/ex-partner abuse - Reasons for Not contacting the police (XRN) - Question identifier:XRN_Q15
(I'm going to read a list of reasons why some people choose not to contact the police. Please tell me which ones apply to your experience. Was it:)
because you were afraid child protection / child welfare agencies would take your [children/child] away from you?
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
EX-spousal/ex-partner abuse - Reasons for Not contacting the police (XRN) - Question identifier:XRN_Q20
(I'm going to read a list of reasons why some people choose not to contact the police. Please tell me which ones apply to your experience. Was it:)
because there was a lack of evidence?
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
EX-spousal/ex-partner abuse - Reasons for Not contacting the police (XRN) - Question identifier:XRN_Q25
(I'm going to read a list of reasons why some people choose not to contact the police. Please tell me which ones apply to your experience. Was it:)
because the police would not have considered the incident important enough?
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
EX-spousal/ex-partner abuse - Reasons for Not contacting the police (XRN) - Question identifier:XRN_Q30
(I'm going to read a list of reasons why some people choose not to contact the police. Please tell me which ones apply to your experience. Was it:)
because the police would not have been efficient or effective?
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
EX-spousal/ex-partner abuse - Reasons for Not contacting the police (XRN) - Question identifier:XRN_Q35
(I'm going to read a list of reasons why some people choose not to contact the police. Please tell me which ones apply to your experience. Was it:)
because you received unsatisfactory service in the past?
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
EX-spousal/ex-partner abuse - Reasons for Not contacting the police (XRN) - Question identifier:XRN_Q45
(I'm going to read a list of reasons why some people choose not to contact the police. Please tell me which ones apply to your experience. Was it:)
because dealing with the police could have caused you trouble with the law?
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
EX-spousal/ex-partner abuse - Reasons for Not contacting the police (XRN) - Question identifier:XRN_Q50
(I'm going to read a list of reasons why some people choose not to contact the police. Please tell me which ones apply to your experience. Was it:)
because you did not want to get your ex-spouse or ex-partner in trouble with the law?
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
EX-spousal/ex-partner abuse - Reasons for Not contacting the police (XRN) - Question identifier:XRN_Q55
(I'm going to read a list of reasons why some people choose not to contact the police. Please tell me which ones apply to your experience. Was it:)
because you did not want the hassle of dealing with the police?
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
EX-spousal/ex-partner abuse - Reasons for Not contacting the police (XRN) - Question identifier:XRN_Q60
(I'm going to read a list of reasons why some people choose not to contact the police. Please tell me which ones apply to your experience. Was it:)
because you were afraid reporting it to the police would bring shame and dishonour to the family?
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
EX-spousal/ex-partner abuse - Reasons for Not contacting the police (XRN) - Question identifier:XRN_Q65
(I'm going to read a list of reasons why some people choose not to contact the police. Please tell me which ones apply to your experience. Was it:)
because your family prevented you from contacting the police?
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
EX-spousal/ex-partner abuse - Reasons for Not contacting the police (XRN) - Question identifier:XRN_Q70
(I'm going to read a list of reasons why some people choose not to contact the police. Please tell me which ones apply to your experience. Was it:)
because you considered the incident a private or personal matter and handled it informally?
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
EX-spousal/ex-partner abuse - Reasons for Not contacting the police (XRN) - Question identifier:XRN_Q75
(I'm going to read a list of reasons why some people choose not to contact the police. Please tell me which ones apply to your experience. Was it:)
because you did not want others to find out about the victimization (including didn't want publicity or news coverage)?
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
EX-spousal/ex-partner abuse - Reasons for Not contacting the police (XRN) - Question identifier:XRN_Q80
(I'm going to read a list of reasons why some people choose not to contact the police. Please tell me which ones apply to your experience. Was it:)
because the crime was minor and not worth taking the time to report?
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
EX-spousal/ex-partner abuse - Reasons for Not contacting the police (XRN) - Question identifier:XRN_Q85
(I'm going to read a list of reasons why some people choose not to contact the police. Please tell me which ones apply to your experience. Was it:)
because no one was harmed?
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
EX-spousal/ex-partner abuse - Reasons for Not contacting the police (XRN) - Question identifier:XRN_Q90
(I'm going to read a list of reasons why some people choose not to contact the police. Please tell me which ones apply to your experience. Was it:)
because no harm was intended?
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
EX-spousal/ex-partner abuse - Reasons for Not contacting the police (XRN) - Question identifier:XRN_Q95
(I'm going to read a list of reasons why some people choose not to contact the police. Please tell me which ones apply to your experience. Was it:)
because you didn't think your ex-spouse/ex-partner would be convicted or adequately punished?
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
EX-spousal/ex-partner abuse - Reasons for Not contacting the police (XRN) - Question identifier:XRN_Q100
(I'm going to read a list of reasons why some people choose not to contact the police. Please tell me which ones apply to your experience. Was it:)
because you feared or did not want the hassle of dealing with the court process?
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
EX-spousal/ex-partner abuse - Reasons for Not contacting the police (XRN) - Question identifier:XRN_Q105
(I'm going to read a list of reasons why some people choose not to contact the police. Please tell me which ones apply to your experience. Was it:)
because the police would be biased?
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
EX-spousal/ex-partner abuse - Reasons for Not contacting the police (XRN) - Question identifier:XRN_Q110
(I'm going to read a list of reasons why some people choose not to contact the police. Please tell me which ones apply to your experience. Was it:)
because it was reported to another official?
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
EX-spousal/ex-partner abuse - Reasons for Not contacting the police (XRN) - Question identifier:XRN_Q115
(I'm going to read a list of reasons why some people choose not to contact the police. Please tell me which ones apply to your experience. Was it:)
for some other reason, not already mentioned?
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
EX-spousal/ex-partner abuse - Reasons for Not contacting the police (XRN) - Question identifier:XRN_Q120
What was the main reason why you didn't contact the police?
- 01: Fear of revenge by ex-spouse/ex-partner
- 02: Afraid child protection/ welfare agencies would take away children
- 03: Lack of evidence
- 04: Police would not consider incident important enough
- 05: Police would not be efficient/effective
- 06: Police service unsatisfactory in the past
- 07: Would cause trouble with the law for respondent
- 08: Don't want ex-partner/ex-spouse to be in trouble with the law
- 09: Did not want hassle of dealing with police
- 10: Would cause shame or dishonour to family
- 11: Prevented by family
- 12: Incident a private or personal matter. Handled informally
- 13: Do not want others to find out (publicity / news coverage)
- 14: Crime minor, not important enough to respondent
- 15: No one harmed
- 16: No harm intended
- 17: Didn't think ex-spouse/ex-partner would be convicted or adequately punished
- 18: Fear of court process
- 19: Thought police would be biased
- 20: Reported to other official
- 21: ^XRN_S115
- 98: RF
- 99: DK
EX-spousal/ex-partner abuse - Talk to Anyone about the incident (XTA)
EX-spousal/ex-partner abuse - Talk to Anyone about the incident (XTA) - Question identifier:XTA_Q110
Other than to the police, did you ever talk to anyone else about [this incident/these incidents], such as:
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
EX-spousal/ex-partner abuse - Talk to Anyone about the incident (XTA) - Question identifier:XTA_Q120
(Other than to the police, did you ever talk to anyone else about [this incident/these incidents], such as:)
a friend or neighbour?
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
EX-spousal/ex-partner abuse - Talk to Anyone about the incident (XTA) - Question identifier:XTA_Q130
(Other than to the police, did you ever talk to anyone else about [this incident/these incidents], such as:)
a co-worker?
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
EX-spousal/ex-partner abuse - Talk to Anyone about the incident (XTA) - Question identifier:XTA_Q140
(Other than to the police, did you ever talk to anyone else about [this incident/these incidents], such as:)
a doctor or nurse?
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
EX-spousal/ex-partner abuse - Talk to Anyone about the incident (XTA) - Question identifier:XTA_Q150
(Other than to the police, did you ever talk to anyone else about [this incident/these incidents], such as:)
a lawyer?
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
EX-spousal/ex-partner abuse - Talk to Anyone about the incident (XTA) - Question identifier:XTA_Q160
(Other than to the police, did you ever talk to anyone else about [this incident/these incidents], such as:)
a priest, rabbi, imam, elder or another spiritual advisor?
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
EX-spousal/ex-partner abuse - Talk to Anyone about the incident (XTA) - Question identifier:XTA_Q180
Did the police or anyone else provide you with information about services for victims in your community?
- 1: Yes, the police
- 2: Yes, someone else
- 3: No
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
EX-spousal/ex-partner abuse - Contact with Services (XCS)
EX-spousal/ex-partner abuse - Contact with Services (XCS) - Question identifier:XCS_Q110
During the past 5 years, did you ever contact or use any of the following services for help because of the violence, such as:
a crisis centre or crisis line, a victim service or a victim witness assistance program, a counsellor, a psychologist or a social worker, a community, family, ethnic or cultural centre, a shelter or transition house, a [women's/men's] centre[, a seniors' centre/EMPTY] or support group?
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
EX-spousal/ex-partner abuse - Contact with Services (XCS) - Question identifier:XCS_Q170B
Did you contact any of these services in the past 12 months?
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
EX-spousal/ex-partner abuse - Contact with Services (XCS) - Question identifier:XCS_Q180
Is there any reason why you didn't use any of these services?
- 11: Didn't know of any services
- 12: None available
- 13: Waiting list
- 14: Too minor
- 15: Shame/embarrassment
- 16: Wouldn't be believed
- 17: Spouse/ partner prevented me
- 18: Distance from service
- 19: Fear of losing financial support
- 20: Fear of losing the children
- 21: Didn't want relationship to end
- 22: Didn't want/need help
- 23: Other - Specify
- 98: RF
- 99: DK
EX-spousal/ex-partner abuse - Impact on respondent (XEA)
EX-spousal/ex-partner abuse - Impact on respondent (XEA) - Question identifier:XEA_Q10
At the time of [this incident/these incidents], how did [this experience/these experiences] affect you emotionally?
- 11: Not at all
- 12: Not much
- 13: Angry
- 14: Upset, confused, frustrated
- 15: Fearful
- 16: More cautious/aware
- 17: Shock/disbelief
- 18: Hurt/disappointment
- 19: Victimized
- 20: Sleeping problems
- 21: Depression/anxiety attacks
- 22: Ashamed/guilty
- 23: Afraid for children
- 24: Annoyed
- 25: Lowered self esteem
- 26: Increased self-reliance
- 27: Problems relating to men/women
- 28: Other - Specify
- 98: RF
- 99: DK
EX-spousal/ex-partner abuse - Impact on respondent (XEA) - Question identifier:XEA_Q20
Now some questions about longer term effects of the violence you experienced. In the past month, have you:
had nightmares about it or thought about it when you did not want to?
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
EX-spousal/ex-partner abuse - Impact on respondent (XEA) - Question identifier:XEA_Q30
(Now some questions about longer term effects of the violence you experienced. In the past month, have you:)
tried hard not to think about it or went out of your way to avoid situations that reminded you of it?
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
EX-spousal/ex-partner abuse - Impact on respondent (XEA) - Question identifier:XEA_Q40
(Now some questions about longer term effects of the violence you experienced. In the past month, have you:)
felt constantly on guard, watchful, or easily startled?
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
EX-spousal/ex-partner abuse - Impact on respondent (XEA) - Question identifier:XEA_Q50
(Now some questions about longer term effects of the violence you experienced. In the past month, have you:)
felt numb or detached from others, activities, or your surroundings?
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
Incident report tables (IRT)
Incident report tables (IRT) - Question identifier:IRT_R100
Now some questions to collect more information on this crime/all of these crimes. Some of these questions may not apply to you, but we need to ask the same questions of everyone.
Incident report tables (IRT) - Question identifier:IRT_Q100
You mentioned earlier that, in the past 12 months, you were the victim of:
Now some questions to collect more information on this crime/all of these crimes. Some of these questions may not apply to you, but we need to ask the same questions of everyone.
- 1: Confirmed: Number of crime incidents is correct
- 2: Incorrect
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
Main Routing Module: Crime Incident Report (CIR)
Main Routing Module: Crime Incident Report (CIR) - Question identifier:CIR_R010
We will now be collecting information on another crime.
Main Routing Module: Crime Incident Report (CIR) - Question identifier:CIR_Q010
In what month were you the victim of ^DT_CIR_D010_E?
- 00: Not in the past 12 months
- 01: January
- 02: February
- 03: March
- 04: April
- 05: May
- 06: June
- 07: July
- 08: August
- 09: September
- 10: October
- 11: November
- 12: December
- 95: Duplicate of incident already reported
- 98: RF
- 99: DK
Main Routing Module: Crime Incident Report (CIR) - Question identifier:CIR_Q015
Did this happen in the past 12 months?
- 1: Yes (will continue with incident report)
- 2: No
- 3: Yes, but refuses to talk about incident
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
Main Routing Module: Crime Incident Report (CIR) - Question identifier:CIR_Q090
Were you present at any time during the incident?
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
Main Routing Module: Crime Incident Report (CIR) - Question identifier:CIR_Q100
Did the person(s) who committed the act have a weapon, such as a gun or knife or something he/she was using as a weapon, such as a rock or bottle?
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
Main Routing Module: Crime Incident Report (CIR) - Question identifier:CIR_Q110
An assault can be anything from being hit, slapped, grabbed or knocked down, to being shot, or beaten. This can also include forced sexual activity and unwanted sexual touching or grabbing. In this incident, were you assaulted in any physical or sexual way?
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
Main Routing Module: Crime Incident Report (CIR) - Question identifier:CIR_Q120
Did the person(s) threaten you with physical harm in any way?
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
Main Routing Module: Crime Incident Report (CIR) - Question identifier:CIR_Q150
How were you assaulted?
- 11: Forced or attempted forced sexual assault by being threatened, held down or hurt in some way
- 12: Unwanted sexual touching, grabbing, kissing or fondling
- 13: Shot, knifed or hit with object held in hand
- 14: Hit, kicked, slapped, knocked down
- 15: Grabbed, held, tripped, jumped, pushed
- 16: Other - Specify
- 95: Not attacked/assaulted
- 98: RF
- 99: DK
Main Routing Module: Crime Incident Report (CIR) - Question identifier:CIR_Q160
Were you physically injured in any way (for example, bruises, cuts, broken bones)?
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
Main Routing Module: Crime Incident Report (CIR) - Question identifier:CIR_Q170
Did you ever receive any medical attention from a doctor or a nurse for your injuries?
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
Main Routing Module: Crime Incident Report (CIR) - Question identifier:CIR_Q190
Excluding any time you may have spent in a hospital or health center, did you ever have to stay in bed for all or most of the day, as a result of the incident?
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
Main Routing Module: Crime Incident Report (CIR) - Question identifier:CIR_Q195
For how many days in total?
Min = 1; Max = 995
Main Routing Module: Crime Incident Report (CIR) - Question identifier:CIR_Q335
Was anyone[ else/EMPTY] harmed or threatened during this incident?
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
Main Routing Module: Crime Incident Report (CIR) - Question identifier:CIR_Q336
How many people?
Min = 1; Max = 95
Main Routing Module: Crime Incident Report (CIR) - Question identifier:CIR_N645
"Yes" - the respondent confuses details of this incident from other similar incidents and is unable to report it separately.
"No" - the respondent remembers any important details that allow him/ her to distinguish the incidents (incidents should be reported separately).
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
Main Routing Module: Crime Incident Report (CIR) - Question identifier:CIR_Q650
Of the remaining incidents during the past 12 months for ^DT_CIR_D010_E, how many have details similar to this one? Exclude incidents you have already told me about.
Min = 0; Max = 95
CIR Sub-module: Where incident took place (WHR)
CIR Sub-module: Where incident took place (WHR) - Question identifier:WHR_Q100
Where did this incident take place? (For example, was it at home, on the street, at work or at school?) Please exclude incidents that have happened outside Canada.
- 1: Respondent's home and surrounding area
- 2: Other private residences or other farms
- 3: Commercial or institutional establishment
- 4: Street or other public place
- 5: Other - Specify
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
CIR Sub-module: Where incident took place (WHR) - Question identifier:WHR_Q110
(Where did this incident take place? (Respondent's home and surrounding area))
- 1: Inside respondent's own home/apartment
- 2: Inside a vacation property (includes surrounding areas)
- 3: Inside garage or other building on respondent's property
- 4: Outside respondent's home, apartment, including yard, farm field, driveway, parking lot or in shared areas related to home such as apartment hallway or laundry room
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
CIR Sub-module: Where incident took place (WHR) - Question identifier:WHR_Q112
Was that the same dwelling that you are living in now?
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
CIR Sub-module: Where incident took place (WHR) - Question identifier:WHR_Q115
What type of dwelling were you living in at the time of this incident? Was it a...?
- 01: Single detached house
- 02: Semi-detached or double (side by side)
- 03: Garden home, town-house or row house
- 04: Duplex (one above the other)
- 05: Low-rise apartment (less than 5 stories)
- 06: High-rise apartment (5 or more stories)
- 07: Mobile home or trailer
- 08: Other - Specify
- 98: RF
- 99: DK
CIR Sub-module: Where incident took place (WHR) - Question identifier:WHR_Q120
(Where did this incident take place? (Other private residences or other farms))
- 1: Offender's home (in or around)
- 2: Other Private Residence or Farm (in or around)
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
CIR Sub-module: Where incident took place (WHR) - Question identifier:WHR_Q130
(Where did this incident take place? (Commercial or institutional establishment))
- 1: In a restaurant or bar
- 2: Inside school or on school grounds
- 3: In a commercial or office building, a factory, a store, or a shopping mall
- 4: In a hospital, prison or rehabilitation centre
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
CIR Sub-module: Where incident took place (WHR) - Question identifier:WHR_Q140
(Where did this incident take place? (Street or other public place))
- 1: On public transportation
- 2: In a parking garage or parking lot other than the respondent's
- 3: On sidewalk/street/highway in respondent's neighbourhood
- 4: On any other sidewalk/street/highway
- 5: In a rural area or park (include national, provincial or local park, or conservation area)
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
CIR Sub-module: Where incident took place (WHR) - Question identifier:WHR_Q150
Was this your place of work?
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
CIR Sub-module: Person(s) who Committed the Act of violence or crime (PCA)
CIR Sub-module: Person(s) who Committed the Act of violence or crime (PCA) - Question identifier:PCA_Q10
At the time of the incident, did the person(s) who committed the act live with you?
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
CIR Sub-module: Person(s) who Committed the Act of violence or crime (PCA) - Question identifier:PCA_Q20
Did the person(s) who committed the act actually get [into the residence/into the vacation property/inside the garage or building] or just try to get in?
- 1: Actually got in
- 2: Tried to get in
- 3: Threat received by telephone, mail, or e-mail
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
CIR Sub-module: Person(s) who Committed the Act of violence or crime (PCA) - Question identifier:PCA_Q30
Did someone let them in?
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
CIR Sub-module: Person(s) who Committed the Act of violence or crime (PCA) - Question identifier:PCA_Q40
Was there any evidence that they [forced/tried to force] their way in, such as a broken lock or window?
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
CIR Sub-module: Person(s) who Committed the Act of violence or crime (PCA) - Question identifier:PCA_Q45
What was the evidence?
- 1: Broken lock or forced door
- 2: Broken or forced window
- 3: Other - Specify
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
CIR Sub-module: How respondent Was Threatened (HWT)
CIR Sub-module: How respondent Was Threatened (HWT) - Question identifier:HWT_Q110
How were you threatened? Was it:
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
CIR Sub-module: How respondent Was Threatened (HWT) - Question identifier:HWT_Q120
^DT_POEHow were you threatened? Was it:[BLANK/)]
by mail?
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
CIR Sub-module: How respondent Was Threatened (HWT) - Question identifier:HWT_Q130
(How were you threatened? Was it:)
by e-mail or on the Internet?
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
CIR Sub-module: How respondent Was Threatened (HWT) - Question identifier:HWT_Q140
(How were you threatened? Was it:)
over the telephone?
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
CIR Sub-module: How respondent Was Threatened (HWT) - Question identifier:HWT_Q150
(How were you threatened? Was it:)
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
CIR Sub-module: How respondent Was Threatened (HWT) - Question identifier:HWT_Q170
Did you think the threat was going to be carried out?
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
CIR Sub-module: Who was present during the incident (WHO)
CIR Sub-module: Who was present during the incident (WHO) - Question identifier:WHO_Q120
In your opinion, was this incident related to the person's alcohol or drug use?
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
CIR Sub-module: Who was present during the incident (WHO) - Question identifier:WHO_Q210
Was only one person involved in committing the act?
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
- 3: Don't know
- 8: RF
CIR Sub-module: Who was present during the incident (WHO) - Question identifier:WHO_Q220
Was the person male or female?
- 1: Male
- 2: Female
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
CIR Sub-module: Who was present during the incident (WHO) - Question identifier:WHO_Q230
How old would you say the person was?
Min = 1; Max = 95
CIR Sub-module: Who was present during the incident (WHO) - Question identifier:WHO_Q240
What was the person's relationship to you?
- 01: Mother
- 02: Father
- 03: Mother-in-law
- 04: Father-in-law
- 05: Step-mother
- 06: Step-father
- 07: Son
- 08: Daughter
- 09: Son-in-law
- 10: Daughter-in-law
- 11: Brother
- 12: Sister
- 13: Spouse/partner
- 14: Ex-spouse/ex-partner
- 15: Other family member
- 16: Boyfriend/girlfriend
- 17: Ex-boyfriend/ex-girlfriend
- 18: Neighbour
- 19: Friend
- 20: Acquaintance
- 21: Internet friend
- 22: Teacher/ professor
- 23: Supervisor, manager, boss
- 24: Co-worker
- 25: Classmate
- 26: Known by sight only
- 27: Stranger
- 28: Other - Specify
- 98: RF
- 99: DK
CIR Sub-module: Multiple People Present during the incident (MPP)
CIR Sub-module: Multiple People Present during the incident (MPP) - Question identifier:MPP_Q10
How many people were involved in this incident?
Min = 2; Max = 95
CIR Sub-module: Multiple People Present during the incident (MPP) - Question identifier:MPP_Q20
Were they male or female?
- 1: All male
- 2: All female
- 3: Both male and female
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
CIR Sub-module: Multiple People Present during the incident (MPP) - Question identifier:MPP_Q30
Were they mostly male or mostly female?
- 1: Mostly male
- 2: Mostly female
- 3: Evenly divided
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
CIR Sub-module: Multiple People Present during the incident (MPP) - Question identifier:MPP_Q40
How old would you say the youngest was?
Min = 1; Max = 95
CIR Sub-module: Multiple People Present during the incident (MPP) - Question identifier:MPP_Q50
How old would you say the oldest was?
Min = 1; Max = 95
CIR Sub-module: Persons Involved (PIV)
CIR Sub-module: Persons Involved (PIV) - Question identifier:PIV_Q110
What was the relationship of the [first/second/third/fourth/fifth/sixth/seventh/eighth/nineth/tenth] offender to you?
- 01: Mother
- 02: Father
- 03: Mother-in-law
- 04: Father-in-law
- 05: Step-mother
- 06: Step-father
- 07: Son
- 08: Daughter
- 09: Son-in-law
- 10: Daughter-in-law
- 11: Brother
- 12: Sister
- 13: Spouse/partner
- 14: Ex-spouse/ex-partner
- 15: Other family member
- 16: Boyfriend/girlfriend
- 17: Ex-boyfriend/ex-girlfriend
- 18: Neighbour
- 19: Friend
- 20: Acquaintance
- 21: Internet friend
- 22: Teacher/ professor
- 23: Supervisor, manager, boss
- 24: Co-worker
- 25: Classmate
- 26: Known by sight only
- 27: Stranger
- 28: Other - Specify
- 98: RF
- 99: DK
CIR Sub-module: Stolen Property (STP)
CIR Sub-module: Stolen Property (STP) - Question identifier:STP_Q10
Excluding property belonging to a business, was anything that belonged to you or your household stolen during this incident?
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
CIR Sub-module: Stolen Property (STP) - Question identifier:STP_Q20
What was stolen during the incident? Anything else?
- 11: Cash
- 12: Purse, wallet, credit cards, cheques, personal cards or papers
- 13: Clothing, jewellery
- 14: Other personal property
- 15: Personal property of someone else
- 16: Car
- 17: Truck or van
- 18: Motorcycle or moped
- 19: Other motor vehicle
- 20: Part of a motor vehicle (for example battery, hubcap, radio, etc.)
- 21: Food, drink, liquor
- 22: Electronic equipment, including T.V. stereo, video recorder, CD's
- 23: Household articles, including tools, appliances, furniture, carpets
- 24: Boat
- 25: Bicycle
- 26: Other household property
- 95: Nothing
- 98: RF
- 99: DK
CIR Sub-module: Stolen Property (STP) - Question identifier:STP_Q30
What is your best estimate of the value of all property or cash stolen in this incident?
Min = 0; Max = 999995
CIR Sub-module: Stolen Property (STP) - Question identifier:STP_Q40
Was any of the stolen money or property recovered, not counting anything received from insurance?
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
CIR Sub-module: Stolen Property (STP) - Question identifier:STP_Q45
Was everything recovered?
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
CIR Sub-module: Stolen Property (STP) - Question identifier:STP_Q50
Excluding property belonging to a business, did the person(s) attempt to take anything that belonged to you or your household?
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
CIR Sub-module: Stolen Property (STP) - Question identifier:STP_Q60
What did they attempt to steal during this incident?
- 11: Cash
- 12: Respondent's personal property
- 13: Personal property of someone else
- 14: Motor vehicle
- 15: Part of a motor vehicle (for example, battery, hubcap, radio, etc.)
- 16: Household property
- 95: Nothing
- 98: RF
- 99: DK
CIR Sub-module: Property Damage (PDM)
CIR Sub-module: Property Damage (PDM) - Question identifier:PDM_Q10
Was anything that belonged to you or a member of your household damaged but not taken in this incident?
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
CIR Sub-module: Property Damage (PDM) - Question identifier:PDM_Q20
What was damaged?
- 11: Respondent's personal property
- 12: Personal property of someone else
- 13: Motor vehicle or part of a motor vehicle
- 14: Dwelling or other building on property
- 15: Household property
- 95: Nothing
- 98: RF
- 99: DK
CIR Sub-module: Property Damage (PDM) - Question identifier:PDM_Q30
What is your estimate of the value of all damage done in this incident?
Min = 0; Max = 999995
CIR Sub-module: Property Damage (PDM) - Question identifier:PDM_Q40
Have any of the damaged items been repaired or replaced?
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
CIR Sub-module: Property Damage (PDM) - Question identifier:PDM_Q45
Will they be repaired or replaced?
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
CIR Sub-module: Obtain Compensation through Insurance (OCI)
CIR Sub-module: Obtain Compensation through Insurance (OCI) - Question identifier:OCI_Q10
At the time of the incident, did you have any insurance?
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
CIR Sub-module: Obtain Compensation through Insurance (OCI) - Question identifier:OCI_Q20
Did you attempt to obtain compensation for this incident through an insurance company?
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
CIR Sub-module: Obtain Compensation through Insurance (OCI) - Question identifier:OCI_Q25
Did you obtain any compensation?
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
- 3: Not yet resolved
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
CIR Sub-module: Obtain Compensation through the Courts (OCC)
CIR Sub-module: Obtain Compensation through the Courts (OCC) - Question identifier:OCC_Q20
For this incident, what is your best estimate of your out-of-pocket expenses, that is, expenses for which you do not expect to be reimbursed?
Min = 0; Max = 99995
CIR Sub-module: Obtain Compensation through the Courts (OCC) - Question identifier:OCC_Q30
During the week of the incident, was your main activity working at a paid job or business, looking for paid work, going to school, caring for children, household work, retired, on vacation or something else?
- 01: Working at a paid job or business
- 02: On vacation
- 03: Looking for paid work
- 04: Going to school
- 05: Caring for children
- 06: Household work
- 07: Retired
- 08: Maternity/paternity leave
- 09: Long term illness
- 10: Volunteering or care-giving other than for children
- 11: Other - Specify
- 98: RF
- 99: DK
CIR Sub-module: Obtain Compensation through the Courts (OCC) - Question identifier:OCC_Q40
As a result of this incident, did you find it difficult or impossible to carry out your everyday activities for all or most of a day? (Reasons could range from requiring medical treatment to emotional or psychological distress, to having to replace or repair property or visit insurance agents.)
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
CIR Sub-module: Obtain Compensation through the Courts (OCC) - Question identifier:OCC_Q50
For how many days?
Min = 1; Max = 995
CIR Sub-module: Police Found Out about the incident (PFO)
CIR Sub-module: Police Found Out about the incident (PFO) - Question identifier:PFO_Q100
Did the police find out about this incident in any way?
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
CIR Sub-module: Police Found Out about the incident (PFO) - Question identifier:PFO_Q105
How did they learn about it? Was it from you or some other way?
- 1: Respondent
- 2: Some other way
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
CIR Sub-module: Reasons for reporting Incidents to the Police (RIP)
CIR Sub-module: Reasons for reporting Incidents to the Police (RIP) - Question identifier:RIP_Q10
People have different reasons for reporting incidents to the police. Did any of the following have anything to do with why you reported this incident? Was it:
to stop the incident or receive protection?
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
CIR Sub-module: Reasons for reporting Incidents to the Police (RIP) - Question identifier:RIP_Q20
(People have different reasons for reporting incidents to the police. Did any of the following have anything to do with why you reported this incident? Was it:)
to arrest and punish the offender?
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
CIR Sub-module: Reasons for reporting Incidents to the Police (RIP) - Question identifier:RIP_Q30
(People have different reasons for reporting incidents to the police. Did any of the following have anything to do with why you reported this incident? Was it:)
to file a report to claim compensation or insurance?
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
CIR Sub-module: Reasons for reporting Incidents to the Police (RIP) - Question identifier:RIP_Q40
(People have different reasons for reporting incidents to the police. Did any of the following have anything to do with why you reported this incident? Was it:)
because you felt it was your duty to notify police?
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
CIR Sub-module: Reasons for reporting Incidents to the Police (RIP) - Question identifier:RIP_Q50
(People have different reasons for reporting incidents to the police. Did any of the following have anything to do with why you reported this incident? Was it:)
on the recommendation of someone else?
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
CIR Sub-module: Action Police Took (APT)
CIR Sub-module: Action Police Took (APT) - Question identifier:APT_Q10
What action did the police take? Did they:
visit the scene?
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
CIR Sub-module: Action Police Took (APT) - Question identifier:APT_Q20
(What action did the police take? Did they:)
make a report or conduct an investigation?
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
CIR Sub-module: Action Police Took (APT) - Question identifier:APT_Q30
(What action did the police take? Did they:)
give a warning to the offender?
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
- 3: Offender not known
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
CIR Sub-module: Action Police Took (APT) - Question identifier:APT_Q40
(What action did the police take? Did they:)
arrest or take the offender away?
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
CIR Sub-module: Action Police Took (APT) - Question identifier:APT_Q50
(What action did the police take? Did they:)
lay charges against the offender?
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
CIR Sub-module: Action Police Took (APT) - Question identifier:APT_Q60
(What action did the police take? Did they:)
take any other action?
- 1: Yes - Specify
- 2: No
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
CIR Sub-module: Satisfaction of respondent with actions taken by police (SAP)
CIR Sub-module: Satisfaction of respondent with actions taken by police (SAP) - Question identifier:SAP_Q10
How satisfied were you with the actions that the police took? Were you ...?
- 1: Very satisfied
- 2: Somewhat satisfied
- 3: Somewhat dissatisfied
- 4: Very dissatisfied
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
CIR Sub-module: Satisfaction of respondent with actions taken by police (SAP) - Question identifier:SAP_Q20
Is there anything (else) they should have done to help you?
- 11: Take the person out of the house
- 12: Charge the person
- 13: Arrest the person
- 14: Respond more quickly
- 15: Refer/take you to a support service
- 16: Relocate you
- 17: Take you to hospital
- 18: Be more supportive/sympathetic
- 19: Other - Specify
- 95: No/nothing
- 98: RF
- 99: DK
CIR Sub-module: Reasons for Not contacting the Police (RNP)
CIR Sub-module: Reasons for Not contacting the Police (RNP) - Question identifier:RNP_Q120
I'm going to read a list of reasons why some people choose not to contact the police. Please tell me which ones apply to this incident. Was it:
because of fear of revenge by the offender or others?
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
CIR Sub-module: Reasons for Not contacting the Police (RNP) - Question identifier:RNP_Q130
(I'm going to read a list of reasons why some people choose not to contact the police. Please tell me which ones apply to this incident. Was it:)
because the police would not have been able to find or identify DT_PROPOFF?
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
CIR Sub-module: Reasons for Not contacting the Police (RNP) - Question identifier:RNP_Q140
(I'm going to read a list of reasons why some people choose not to contact the police. Please tell me which ones apply to this incident. Was it:)
because there was a lack of evidence?
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
CIR Sub-module: Reasons for Not contacting the Police (RNP) - Question identifier:RNP_Q150
(I'm going to read a list of reasons why some people choose not to contact the police. Please tell me which ones apply to this incident. Was it:)
because the police would not have considered the incident important enough?
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
CIR Sub-module: Reasons for Not contacting the Police (RNP) - Question identifier:RNP_Q160
(I'm going to read a list of reasons why some people choose not to contact the police. Please tell me which ones apply to this incident. Was it:)
because the police would not have been efficient or effective?
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
CIR Sub-module: Reasons for Not contacting the Police (RNP) - Question identifier:RNP_Q170
(I'm going to read a list of reasons why some people choose not to contact the police. Please tell me which ones apply to this incident. Was it:)
because you received unsatisfactory service in the past?
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
CIR Sub-module: Reasons for Not contacting the Police (RNP) - Question identifier:RNP_Q180
(I'm going to read a list of reasons why some people choose not to contact the police. Please tell me which ones apply to this incident. Was it:)
because you tried to report but could not get through (includes waited too long on the phone; lack of confidence with the initial contact)?
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
CIR Sub-module: Reasons for Not contacting the Police (RNP) - Question identifier:RNP_Q190
(I'm going to read a list of reasons why some people choose not to contact the police. Please tell me which ones apply to this incident. Was it:)
because dealing with the police could have caused you trouble with the law?
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
CIR Sub-module: Reasons for Not contacting the Police (RNP) - Question identifier:RNP_Q200
(I'm going to read a list of reasons why some people choose not to contact the police. Please tell me which ones apply to this incident. Was it:)
because you did not want to get the offender in trouble with the law?
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
CIR Sub-module: Reasons for Not contacting the Police (RNP) - Question identifier:RNP_Q220
(I'm going to read a list of reasons why some people choose not to contact the police. Please tell me which ones apply to this incident. Was it:)
because you did not want the hassle of dealing with the police?
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
CIR Sub-module: Reasons for Not contacting the Police (RNP) - Question identifier:RNP_Q225
(I'm going to read a list of reasons why some people choose not to contact the police. Please tell me which ones apply to this incident. Was it:)
because you were afraid reporting it to the police would bring shame and dishonour to the family?
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
CIR Sub-module: Reasons for Not contacting the Police (RNP) - Question identifier:RNP_Q240
(I'm going to read a list of reasons why some people choose not to contact the police. Please tell me which ones apply to your experience. Was it:)
because your family prevented you from contacting the police?
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
CIR Sub-module: Reasons for Not contacting the Police (RNP) - Question identifier:RNP_Q245
(I'm going to read a list of reasons why some people choose not to contact the police. Please tell me which ones apply to this incident. Was it:)
because you considered the incident a private or personal matter and handled it informally?
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
CIR Sub-module: Reasons for Not contacting the Police (RNP) - Question identifier:RNP_Q250
(I'm going to read a list of reasons why some people choose not to contact the police. Please tell me which ones apply to this incident. Was it:)
because you did not want others to find out about the victimization (including didn't want publicity or news coverage)?
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
CIR Sub-module: Reasons for Not contacting the Police (RNP) - Question identifier:RNP_Q260
(I'm going to read a list of reasons why some people choose not to contact the police. Please tell me which ones apply to this incident. Was it:)
because the crime was minor and not worth taking the time to report?
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
CIR Sub-module: Reasons for Not contacting the Police (RNP) - Question identifier:RNP_Q270
(I'm going to read a list of reasons why some people choose not to contact the police. Please tell me which ones apply to this incident. Was it:)
because no one was harmed or there was no financial loss?
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
CIR Sub-module: Reasons for Not contacting the Police (RNP) - Question identifier:RNP_Q280
(I'm going to read a list of reasons why some people choose not to contact the police. Please tell me which ones apply to this incident. Was it:)
because no harm was intended?
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
CIR Sub-module: Reasons for Not contacting the Police (RNP) - Question identifier:RNP_Q290
(I'm going to read a list of reasons why some people choose not to contact the police. Please tell me which ones apply to this incident. Was it:)
because you didn't think the offender would be convicted or adequately punished?
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
CIR Sub-module: Reasons for Not contacting the Police (RNP) - Question identifier:RNP_Q300
(I'm going to read a list of reasons why some people choose not to contact the police. Please tell me which ones apply to this incident. Was it:)
because you feared or did not want the hassle of dealing with the court process?
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
CIR Sub-module: Reasons for Not contacting the Police (RNP) - Question identifier:RNP_Q310
(I'm going to read a list of reasons why some people choose not to contact the police. Please tell me which ones apply to this incident. Was it:)
because the police would be biased?
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
CIR Sub-module: Reasons for Not contacting the Police (RNP) - Question identifier:RNP_Q320
(I'm going to read a list of reasons why some people choose not to contact the police. Please tell me which ones apply to this incident. Was it:)
because the insurance wouldn't cover it?
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
CIR Sub-module: Reasons for Not contacting the Police (RNP) - Question identifier:RNP_Q330
(I'm going to read a list of reasons why some people choose not to contact the police. Please tell me which ones apply to this incident. Was it:)
because you did not need a police report to file a claim?
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
CIR Sub-module: Reasons for Not contacting the Police (RNP) - Question identifier:RNP_Q340
(I'm going to read a list of reasons why some people choose not to contact the police. Please tell me which ones apply to this incident. Was it:)
because nothing was taken or the items were recovered?
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
CIR Sub-module: Reasons for Not contacting the Police (RNP) - Question identifier:RNP_Q350
(I'm going to read a list of reasons why some people choose not to contact the police. Please tell me which ones apply to this incident. Was it: )
because it was reported to another official?
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
CIR Sub-module: Reasons for Not contacting the Police (RNP) - Question identifier:RNP_Q355
(I'm going to read a list of reasons why some people choose not to contact the police. Please tell me which ones apply to your experience. Was it:)
for some other reason, not already mentioned?
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
CIR Sub-module: Reasons for Not contacting the Police (RNP) - Question identifier:RNP_Q360
What was the main reason for not reporting to the police?
- 01: Fear of revenge by the offender or others
- 02: Police could not find/identify property or offender
- 03: Lack of evidence
- 04: Police would not have considered incident important enough
- 05: Police would not have been efficient or effective
- 06: Unsatisfactory service in the past
- 07: Tried to report but didn't succeed at it
- 08: Dealing with the police could have caused you trouble with the law
- 09: Did not want the offender in trouble with the law
- 10: Did not want the hassle of dealing with police or courts
- 11: Afraid reporting would bring shame to the family
- 12: Prevented by family
- 13: Incident private and handled it informally
- 14: You did not want others to find out (including publicity or news coverage)
- 15: Crime was minor and not worth time to report
- 16: No one was harmed /no financial loss
- 17: No harm was intended
- 18: Didn't think offender will be convicted or adequately punished
- 19: Fear of court process / did not want the hassle
- 20: Police would be biased
- 21: Insurance won't cover it
- 22: Did not need a police report to file a claim
- 23: Nothing was taken or the items were recovered
- 24: It was reported to another official
- 25: ^RNP_S355
- 98: RF
- 99: DK
CIR Sub-module: Talk to anyone about the incident (TTA)
CIR Sub-module: Talk to anyone about the incident (TTA) - Question identifier:TTA_Q110
Other than to the police, did you ever talk to anyone about what happened, such as:
a family member?
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
CIR Sub-module: Talk to anyone about the incident (TTA) - Question identifier:TTA_Q120
(Other than to the police, did you ever talk to anyone about what happened, such as:)
a friend or neighbour?
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
CIR Sub-module: Talk to anyone about the incident (TTA) - Question identifier:TTA_Q130
(Other than to the police, did you ever talk to anyone about what happened, such as:)
a co-worker?
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
CIR Sub-module: Talk to anyone about the incident (TTA) - Question identifier:TTA_Q140
(Other than to the police, did you ever talk to anyone about what happened, such as:)
a doctor or nurse?
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
CIR Sub-module: Talk to anyone about the incident (TTA) - Question identifier:TTA_Q150
(Other than to the police, did you ever talk to anyone about what happened, such as:)
a lawyer?
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
CIR Sub-module: Talk to anyone about the incident (TTA) - Question identifier:TTA_Q160
(Other than to the police, did you ever talk to anyone about what happened, such as:)
a priest, rabbi, imam, elder or another spiritual advisor?
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
CIR Sub-module: Victims Services in respondent's Community (VSC)
CIR Sub-module: Victims Services in respondent's Community (VSC) - Question identifier:VSC_Q10
Did the police or anyone else provide you with information about services for victims in your community?
- 1: Yes, the police
- 2: Yes, someone else
- 3: No
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
CIR Sub-module: Victims Services in respondent's Community (VSC) - Question identifier:VSC_Q20
Did you ever contact or use any of the following services for help because of this incident, such as:
a crisis centre or crisis line, a victim service or a victim witness assistance program, a counsellor, a psychologist or a social worker, a community, family, ethnic or cultural centre, a shelter or transition house, a [women's/men's] centre[, a seniors' centre/EMPTY] or support group?
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
CIR Sub-module: Victims Services in respondent's Community (VSC) - Question identifier:VSC_Q90
Is there any reason why you didn't use any of these services?
- 11: Didn't know of any services
- 12: None available
- 13: Waiting list
- 14: Too minor
- 15: Shame/embarrassment
- 16: Wouldn't be believed
- 17: Offender prevented me
- 18: Distance from service
- 19: Fear of losing financial support
- 20: Fear of losing the children
- 21: Didn't want relationship to end
- 22: Didn't want/need help
- 23: Language barrier
- 24: Other - Specify
- 98: RF
- 99: DK
CIR Sub-module: General victimization - Impact on respondent (GIR)
CIR Sub-module: General victimization - Impact on respondent (GIR) - Question identifier:GIR_Q10
At the time of the incident, how did this experience affect you emotionally?
- 11: Not at all
- 12: Not much
- 13: Angry
- 14: Upset, confused, frustrated
- 15: Fearful
- 16: More cautious/aware
- 17: Shock/disbelief
- 18: Hurt/disappointment
- 19: Victimized
- 20: Sleeping problems
- 21: Depression/anxiety attacks
- 22: Ashamed/guilty
- 23: Afraid for children
- 24: Annoyed
- 25: Lowered self esteem
- 26: Increased self-reliance
- 27: Problems relating to men/women
- 28: Other - Specify
- 98: RF
- 99: DK
CIR Sub-module: General victimization - Impact on respondent (GIR) - Question identifier:GIR_Q20
Now some questions about longer term effects of the incident you experienced. In the past month, have you:
had nightmares about it or thought about it when you did not want to?
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
CIR Sub-module: General victimization - Impact on respondent (GIR) - Question identifier:GIR_Q30
(Now some questions about longer term effects of the incident you experienced. In the past month, have you: )
tried hard not to think about it or went out of your way to avoid situations that reminded you of it?
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
CIR Sub-module: General victimization - Impact on respondent (GIR) - Question identifier:GIR_Q40
(Now some questions about longer term effects of the incident you experienced. In the past month, have you: )
felt constantly on guard, watchful, or easily startled?
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
CIR Sub-module: General victimization - Impact on respondent (GIR) - Question identifier:GIR_Q50
(Now some questions about longer term effects of the incident you experienced. In the past month, have you: )
felt numb or detached from others, activities, or your surroundings?
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
CIR Sub-module: Case Went to Court (CWC)
CIR Sub-module: Case Went to Court (CWC) - Question identifier:CWC_Q10
Did the case go to court?
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
- 3: Case pending or awaiting trial
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
Childhood Experiences (CEX)
Childhood Experiences (CEX) - Question identifier:CEX_R010
The next few questions are about events that may have happened before you were 15. Remember that all information provided is strictly confidential.
Childhood Experiences (CEX) - Question identifier:CEX_Q010
Before age 15, how many times did an adult slap you on the face, head or ears, or hit you with something hard to hurt you? By adult, I mean anyone 18 years and over.
- 1: Never
- 2: 1 or 2 times
- 3: 3 to 5 times
- 4: 6 to 10 times
- 5: More than 10 times
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
Childhood Experiences (CEX) - Question identifier:CEX_Q020
Before age 15, how many times did an adult push, grab, shove or throw something at you to hurt you?
- 1: Never
- 2: 1 or 2 times
- 3: 3 to 5 times
- 4: 6 to 10 times
- 5: More than 10 times
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
Childhood Experiences (CEX) - Question identifier:CEX_Q030
Before age 15, how many times did an adult kick, bite, punch, choke, burn you, or physically attack you in some way?
- 1: Never
- 2: 1 or 2 times
- 3: 3 to 5 times
- 4: 6 to 10 times
- 5: More than 10 times
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
Childhood Experiences (CEX) - Question identifier:CEX_Q040
Thinking about the most serious incident, what was the adult's relationship to you?
- 01: Mother
- 02: Father
- 03: Step-mother
- 04: Step-father
- 05: Grandmother
- 06: Grandfather
- 07: Brother
- 08: Sister
- 09: Other family member
- 10: Boyfriend/girlfriend
- 11: Ex-boyfriend/ex-girlfriend
- 12: Neighbour
- 13: Friend
- 14: Acquaintance
- 15: Teacher/ professor/ tutor
- 16: Baby-sitter/ Nanny
- 17: Classmate
- 18: Known by sight only
- 19: Stranger
- 20: Other - Specify
- 98: RF
- 99: DK
Childhood Experiences (CEX) - Question identifier:CEX_Q050
Before age 15, how many times did an adult force you or attempt to force you into any unwanted sexual activity, by threatening you, holding you down or hurting you in some way?
- 1: Never
- 2: 1 or 2 times
- 3: 3 to 5 times
- 4: 6 to 10 times
- 5: More than 10 times
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
Childhood Experiences (CEX) - Question identifier:CEX_Q060
Before age 15, how many times did an adult touch you against your will in any sexual way? By this, I mean anything from unwanted touching or grabbing, to kissing or fondling.
- 1: Never
- 2: 1 or 2 times
- 3: 3 to 5 times
- 4: 6 to 10 times
- 5: More than 10 times
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
Childhood Experiences (CEX) - Question identifier:CEX_Q065
Thinking about the (most serious) incident of a sexual nature, what was that adult's relationship to you?
- 01: Mother
- 02: Father
- 03: Step-mother
- 04: Step-father
- 05: Grandmother
- 06: Grandfather
- 07: Brother
- 08: Sister
- 09: Other family member
- 10: Boyfriend/girlfriend
- 11: Ex-boyfriend/ex-girlfriend
- 12: Neighbour
- 13: Friend
- 14: Acquaintance
- 15: Teacher/ professor/ tutor
- 16: Baby-sitter/ Nanny
- 17: Classmate
- 18: Known by sight only
- 19: Stranger
- 20: Other - Specify
- 98: RF
- 99: DK
Childhood Experiences (CEX) - Question identifier:CEX_Q075
Before age 15, did you ever talk to anyone about any of the incidents you mentioned?
- 01: Family member
- 02: Friend
- 03: Neighbour
- 04: Doctor or nurse
- 05: Priest, rabbi, imam, elder or another spiritual advisor
- 06: Teacher
- 07: No, never spoke to anyone else
- 08: Other - Specify
- 98: RF
- 99: DK
Childhood Experiences (CEX) - Question identifier:CEX_Q080
Before age 15, how many times did you see or hear any one of your parents, step-parents or guardians hit each other or another adult?
- 1: Never
- 2: 1 or 2 times
- 3: 3 to 5 times
- 4: 6 to 10 times
- 5: More than 10 times
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
Respondent was once the Legal Responsibility of the Government (LRG)
Respondent was once the Legal Responsibility of the Government (LRG) - Question identifier:LRG_Q10
As a child, were you ever under the legal responsibility of the government?
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
Acts that may have been Committed by Someone other than a current or previous spouse/partner (ACS)
Acts that may have been Committed by Someone other than a current or previous spouse/partner (ACS) - Question identifier:ACS_R10
The following questions are about acts that may have been committed by someone other than a current or previous spouse or partner or someone you were dating.
Acts that may have been Committed by Someone other than a current or previous spouse/partner (ACS) - Question identifier:ACS_Q10
In the past 5 years, has a child, relative, friend or caregiver:
tried to limit your contact with family or friends, called you names to make you feel bad, or threatened to harm you or someone close to you?
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
Acts that may have been Committed by Someone other than a current or previous spouse/partner (ACS) - Question identifier:ACS_Q20
(In the past 5 years, has a child, relative, friend or caregiver:)
tried to prevent you from knowing about or having access to your income, forced you to relinquish control over your finances or give up something of value?
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
Acts that may have been committed by a dating partner (ADP)
Acts that may have been committed by a dating partner (ADP) - Question identifier:ADP_Q010
In the past 5 years, has anyone you were dating tried to limit your contact with family or friends, called you names to make you feel bad, or threatened to harm you or someone close to you?
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
- 3: Did not date in the past 5 years
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
Acts that may have been committed by a dating partner (ADP) - Question identifier:ADP_Q020
In the past 5 years, have you experienced physical violence by someone you were dating?
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
Acts that may have been committed by a dating partner (ADP) - Question identifier:ADP_Q030
In the past 5 years, have you experienced sexual violence by someone you were dating?
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
Stalking - Communication (STK)
Stalking - Communication (STK) - Question identifier:STK_R10
People may sometimes be stalked or harassed, either by someone they know or by a stranger.
Stalking - Communication (STK) - Question identifier:STK_Q10
In the past 5 years, have you been the subject of repeated and unwanted attention that caused you to fear for your safety or the safety of someone known to you? By that I mean:
has anyone phoned you repeatedly or made silent or obscene phone calls?
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
Stalking - Communication (STK) - Question identifier:STK_Q15
Did you fear for your safety or the safety of someone known to you?
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
Stalking - Communication (STK) - Question identifier:STK_Q20
(In the past 5 years, have you been the subject of repeated and unwanted attention that caused you to fear for your safety or the safety of someone known to you? By that I mean:)
has anyone sent you unwanted messages through e-mail, text, Facebook or any other social media?
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
Stalking - Communication (STK) - Question identifier:STK_Q25
Did you fear for your safety or the safety of someone known to you?
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
Stalking - Communication (STK) - Question identifier:STK_Q30
(In the past 5 years, have you been the subject of repeated and unwanted attention that caused you to fear for your safety or the safety of someone known to you? By that I mean:)
has anyone sent you unwanted gifts, letters, or cards?
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
Stalking - Communication (STK) - Question identifier:STK_Q35
Did you fear for your safety or the safety of someone known to you?
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
Stalking - Communication (STK) - Question identifier:STK_Q40
(In the past 5 years, have you been the subject of repeated and unwanted attention that caused you to fear for your safety or the safety of someone known to you? By that I mean:)
has anyone tried to communicate with you against your will in any other way?
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
Stalking - Communication (STK) - Question identifier:STK_Q45
Did you fear for your safety or the safety of someone known to you?
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
Stalking - Following (FBS)
Stalking - Following (FBS) - Question identifier:FBS_Q10
(In the past 5 years, have you been the subject of repeated and unwanted attention that caused you to fear for your safety or the safety of someone known to you? By that I mean:)
has anyone followed you or spied on you either in person or through an electronic tracking device (such as a GPS)?
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
- 3: Not sure
- 8: RF
Stalking - Following (FBS) - Question identifier:FBS_Q15
Did you fear for your safety or the safety of someone known to you?
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
Stalking - Watching (WBS)
Stalking - Watching (WBS) - Question identifier:WBS_Q10
(In the past 5 years, have you been the subject of repeated and unwanted attention that caused you to fear for your safety or the safety of someone known to you? By that I mean:)
has anyone waited outside your home?
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
Stalking - Watching (WBS) - Question identifier:WBS_Q15
Did you fear for your safety or the safety of someone known to you?
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
Stalking - Watching (WBS) - Question identifier:WBS_Q20
(In the past 5 years, have you been the subject of repeated and unwanted attention that caused you to fear for your safety or the safety of someone known to you? By that I mean:)
has anyone waited outside your place of work or school or other places you were, when they had no business being there?
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
Stalking - Watching (WBS) - Question identifier:WBS_Q25
Did you fear for your safety or the safety of someone known to you?
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
Stalking - Threatening Behaviours (TBS)
Stalking - Threatening Behaviours (TBS) - Question identifier:TBS_Q10
(In the past 5 years, have you been the subject of repeated and unwanted attention that caused you to fear for your safety or the safety of someone known to you? By that I mean:)
has anyone persistently asked you for a date and refused to take no for an answer?
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
Stalking - Threatening Behaviours (TBS) - Question identifier:TBS_Q15
Did you fear for your safety or the safety of someone known to you?
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
Stalking - Threatening Behaviours (TBS) - Question identifier:TBS_Q20
(In the past 5 years, have you been the subject of repeated and unwanted attention that caused you to fear for your safety or the safety of someone known to you? By that I mean:)
has anyone posted inappropriate, unwanted or personal information about you or pictures on a social media site?
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
Stalking - Threatening Behaviours (TBS) - Question identifier:TBS_Q25
Did you fear for your safety or the safety of someone known to you?
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
Stalking - Threatening Behaviours (TBS) - Question identifier:TBS_Q30
In the past 5 years, has anyone attempted to intimidate or threaten you by threatening or intimidating someone else?
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
Stalking - Threatening Behaviours (TBS) - Question identifier:TBS_Q40
In the past 5 years, has anyone attempted to intimidate or threaten you by hurting your pet(s)?
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
- 3: Does not have pets
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
Stalking - Threatening Behaviours (TBS) - Question identifier:TBS_Q50
In the past 5 years, has anyone attempted to intimidate or threaten you by damaging your property?
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
Stalking - Within Past Year (SPY)
Stalking - Within Past Year (SPY) - Question identifier:SPY_R10
You said you were stalked or harassed in a way that caused you to fear for your safety or the safety of someone known to you in the past 5 years.
Stalking - Within Past Year (SPY) - Question identifier:SPY_Q10
Did [this incident/any of these incidents] occur in the past 12 months?
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
Stalking - Most Recent Abuser (MRA)
Stalking - Most Recent Abuser (MRA) - Question identifier:MRA_Q10
Was there more than one person who stalked or harassed you in the past 5 years?
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
Stalking - Most Recent Abuser (MRA) - Question identifier:MRA_Q20
[Is this person male or female?/Thinking about the person who has done this most recently, is this person male or female?]
- 1: Male
- 2: Female
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
Stalking - Most Recent Abuser (MRA) - Question identifier:MRA_Q30
What is the person's relationship to you?
- 01: Stranger
- 02: Spouse/common-law partner
- 03: Ex-spouse / Ex common-law partner
- 04: Boyfriend/girlfriend
- 05: Ex-boyfriend/girlfriend
- 06: Other relative
- 07: Neighbour
- 08: Friend/Casual acquaintance
- 09: Co-worker/ Classmate
- 10: Known by sight only
- 98: RF
- 99: DK
Stalking - Most Recent stalking Experience (MRE)
Stalking - Most Recent stalking Experience (MRE) - Question identifier:MRE_Q05
Do you believe that the harassment from this person has ended?
- 1: Ended
- 2: Still going on
- 3: Not sure
- 8: RF
Stalking - Most Recent stalking Experience (MRE) - Question identifier:MRE_Q10
For how long [has this person been stalking or harassing you/did this person stalk or harass you]?
- 1: 1 week or less
- 2: 1 to 4 weeks
- 3: 1 to 6 months
- 4: 6 to 12 months
- 5: More than one year
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
Stalking - Most Recent stalking Experience (MRE) - Question identifier:MRE_Q20A
During this time, did this person ever physically intimidate you or threaten you with violence?
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
Stalking - Most Recent stalking Experience (MRE) - Question identifier:MRE_Q30
(During this time,) did this person ever grab or attack you in any way?
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
Stalking - Most Recent stalking Experience (MRE) - Question identifier:MRE_Q50
(During this time,) did you ever fear that your life was in danger from this person?
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
Stalking - Reasons Not Reporting to Police (RNS)
Stalking - Reasons Not Reporting to Police (RNS) - Question identifier:RNS_Q10
[Was this incident/Were these incidents] ever reported to the police?
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
Stalking - Reasons Not Reporting to Police (RNS) - Question identifier:RNS_Q100
I'm going to read a list of reasons why some people choose not to contact the police. Please tell me which ones apply to your experience. Was it:
because of fear of revenge by the stalker or by others?
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
Stalking - Reasons Not Reporting to Police (RNS) - Question identifier:RNS_Q130
(I'm going to read a list of reasons why some people choose not to contact the police. Please tell me which ones apply to your experience. Was it:)
because the police would not have been able to find or identify the stalker?
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
Stalking - Reasons Not Reporting to Police (RNS) - Question identifier:RNS_Q140
(I'm going to read a list of reasons why some people choose not to contact the police. Please tell me which ones apply to your experience. Was it:)
because there was a lack of evidence?
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
Stalking - Reasons Not Reporting to Police (RNS) - Question identifier:RNS_Q150
(I'm going to read a list of reasons why some people choose not to contact the police. Please tell me which ones apply to your experience. Was it:)
because the police would not have considered the incident important enough?
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
Stalking - Reasons Not Reporting to Police (RNS) - Question identifier:RNS_Q160
(I'm going to read a list of reasons why some people choose not to contact the police. Please tell me which ones apply to your experience. Was it:)
because the police would not have been efficient or effective?
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
Stalking - Reasons Not Reporting to Police (RNS) - Question identifier:RNS_Q170
(I'm going to read a list of reasons why some people choose not to contact the police. Please tell me which ones apply to your experience. Was it:)
because you received unsatisfactory service in the past?
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
Stalking - Reasons Not Reporting to Police (RNS) - Question identifier:RNS_Q180
(I'm going to read a list of reasons why some people choose not to contact the police. Please tell me which ones apply to your experience. Was it:)
because you tried to report, but you could not get through (includes waited too long on the phone; lack of confidence with initial contact)?
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
Stalking - Reasons Not Reporting to Police (RNS) - Question identifier:RNS_Q190
(I'm going to read a list of reasons why some people choose not to contact the police. Please tell me which ones apply to your experience. Was it:)
because dealing with police could have caused you trouble with the law?
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
Stalking - Reasons Not Reporting to Police (RNS) - Question identifier:RNS_Q200
(I'm going to read a list of reasons why some people choose not to contact the police. Please tell me which ones apply to your experience. Was it:)
because you did not want to get the stalker in trouble with the law?
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
Stalking - Reasons Not Reporting to Police (RNS) - Question identifier:RNS_Q220
(I'm going to read a list of reasons why some people choose not to contact the police. Please tell me which ones apply to your experience. Was it:)
because you did not want the hassle of dealing with the police?
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
Stalking - Reasons Not Reporting to Police (RNS) - Question identifier:RNS_Q230
(I'm going to read a list of reasons why some people choose not to contact the police. Please tell me which ones apply to your experience. Was it:)
because you considered the incident a private or personal matter and handled it informally?
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
Stalking - Reasons Not Reporting to Police (RNS) - Question identifier:RNS_Q250
(I'm going to read a list of reasons why some people choose not to contact the police. Please tell me which ones apply to your experience. Was it:)
because you did not want others to find out about the victimization (including didn't want publicity or news coverage)?
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
Stalking - Reasons Not Reporting to Police (RNS) - Question identifier:RNS_Q260
(I'm going to read a list of reasons why some people choose not to contact the police. Please tell me which ones apply to your experience. Was it:)
because the crime was minor and not worth taking the time to report?
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
Stalking - Reasons Not Reporting to Police (RNS) - Question identifier:RNS_Q270
(I'm going to read a list of reasons why some people choose not to contact the police. Please tell me which ones apply to your experience. Was it:)
because no one was harmed or there was no financial loss?
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
Stalking - Reasons Not Reporting to Police (RNS) - Question identifier:RNS_Q280
(I'm going to read a list of reasons why some people choose not to contact the police. Please tell me which ones apply to your experience. Was it:)
because no harm was intended?
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
Stalking - Reasons Not Reporting to Police (RNS) - Question identifier:RNS_Q290
(I'm going to read a list of reasons why some people choose not to contact the police. Please tell me which ones apply to your experience. Was it:)
because you didn't think the stalker would be convicted or adequately punished?
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
Stalking - Reasons Not Reporting to Police (RNS) - Question identifier:RNS_Q300
(I'm going to read a list of reasons why some people choose not to contact the police. Please tell me which ones apply to your experience. Was it:)
because you feared or did not want the hassle of dealing with the court process?
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
Stalking - Reasons Not Reporting to Police (RNS) - Question identifier:RNS_Q310
(I'm going to read a list of reasons why some people choose not to contact the police. Please tell me which ones apply to your experience. Was it:)
because the police would be biased?
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
Stalking - Reasons Not Reporting to Police (RNS) - Question identifier:RNS_Q350
(I'm going to read a list of reasons why some people choose not to contact the police. Please tell me which ones apply to your experience. Was it:)
because it was reported to another official?
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
Stalking - Reasons Not Reporting to Police (RNS) - Question identifier:RNS_Q360
(I'm going to read a list of reasons why some people choose not to contact the police. Please tell me which ones apply to your experience. Was it:)
for some other reason, not already mentioned?
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
Stalking - Reasons Not Reporting to Police (RNS) - Question identifier:RNS_Q370
What was the main reason why you didn't contact the police?
- 01: Fear of revenge by the stalker or others
- 02: Police could not find/identify the stalker
- 03: Lack of evidence
- 04: Police would not have considered incident important enough
- 05: Police would not have been efficient or effective
- 06: Unsatisfactory service in the past
- 07: Tried to report but didn't succeed at it
- 08: Dealing with the police could have caused you trouble with the law
- 09: Did not want the stalker in trouble with the law
- 10: Did not want the hassle of dealing with police
- 11: Incident private and handled it informally
- 12: You did not want others to find out (including publicity or news coverage)
- 13: Crime was minor and not worth time to report
- 14: No one was harmed /no financial loss
- 15: No harm was intended
- 16: Didn't think stalker will be convicted or adequately punished
- 17: Fear of court process / did not want the hassle
- 18: Police would be biased
- 19: It was reported to another official
- 20: ^RNS_S360
- 98: RF
- 99: DK
Stalking - Talking to someone (SHS)
Stalking - Talking to someone (SHS) - Question identifier:SHS_Q10
[Other than the police, did/Did] you ever talk to anyone about what happened?
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
Stalking - Talking to someone (SHS) - Question identifier:SHS_Q20
Who did you talk to (about what happened)?
- 01: Family member
- 02: Friend or neighbour
- 03: Co-worker
- 04: Doctor or nurse
- 05: Lawyer
- 06: Priest, rabbi, imam, elder or another spiritual advisor
- 07: Counsellor or psychologist
- 08: Someone else
- 98: RF
- 99: DK
Stalking - Charges Laid (SCL)
Stalking - Charges Laid (SCL) - Question identifier:SCL_Q10
[Were/Thinking about the person who has done this most recently were] charges laid against this person?
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
Stalking - Charges Laid (SCL) - Question identifier:SCL_Q20
What kind of charges were they?
- 1: Stalking or criminal harassment
- 2: Assault
- 3: Uttering threats
- 4: Mischief
- 5: Other types of charges
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
Stalking - Restraining Order (ROS)
Stalking - Restraining Order (ROS) - Question identifier:ROS_Q10
[Was/Thinking about the person who has done this most recently was] there ever a restraining, protective or a no contact order against this person?
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
Stalking - Impact on Respondent (IOR)
Stalking - Impact on Respondent (IOR) - Question identifier:IOR_Q10
At the time of [the incident/these incidents], how did [this experience/these experiences] affect you emotionally?
- 11: Not at all
- 12: Not much
- 13: Angry
- 14: Upset, confused, frustrated
- 15: Fearful
- 16: More cautious/aware
- 17: Shock/disbelief
- 18: Hurt/disappointment
- 19: Victimized
- 20: Sleeping problems
- 21: Depression/anxiety attacks
- 22: Ashamed/guilty
- 23: Afraid for children
- 24: Annoyed
- 25: Lowered self esteem
- 26: Increased self-reliance
- 27: Problems relating to men/women
- 28: Other - Specify
- 98: RF
- 99: DK
Cyber Bullying Respondent (CBU)
Cyber Bullying Respondent (CBU) - Question identifier:CBU_R100
The following questions are about cyber-stalking and cyber-bullying, which is the use of the Internet to embarrass, intimidate or threaten someone.
Cyber Bullying Respondent (CBU) - Question identifier:CBU_Q100
During the past 5 years, how often have you typically used the Internet?
- 01: Daily
- 02: A few times a week
- 03: Once a week
- 04: A few times a month
- 05: Once a month
- 06: Less than once a month
- 07: Rarely
- 08: Never
- 98: RF
- 99: DK
Cyber Bullying Respondent (CBU) - Question identifier:CBU_Q110
In the past 5 years, :
have you ever received threatening or aggressive e-mails or instant messages where you were the only recipient?
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
Cyber Bullying Respondent (CBU) - Question identifier:CBU_Q120
(In the past 5 years,:)
have you ever been the target of threatening or aggressive comments spread through group e-mails, instant messages or postings on Internet sites?
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
Cyber Bullying Respondent (CBU) - Question identifier:CBU_Q125
(In the past 5 years,)
has anyone ever sent out or posted pictures that embarrassed you or made you feel threatened?
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
Cyber Bullying Respondent (CBU) - Question identifier:CBU_Q130
(In the past 5 years,)
has anyone ever used your identity to send out or post embarrassing or threatening information?
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
Cyber Bullying Respondent (CBU) - Question identifier:CBU_Q140
(In the past 5 years,:)
have you ever been the target of any other kind of cyber stalking/bullying (which is the use of the Internet to embarrass, intimidate or threaten someone), not already mentioned?
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
Cyber Bullying Respondent (CBU) - Question identifier:CBU_R150
You said you were intimidated, embarrassed or threatened by someone over the Internet in the past 5 years.
Cyber Bullying Respondent (CBU) - Question identifier:CBU_Q150
Did any of these experiences occur in the past 12 months?
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
Main Activity of Respondent (MAR)
Main Activity of Respondent (MAR) - Question identifier:MAR_Q110
During the past 12 months, was your main activity working at a paid job or business, looking for paid work, going to school, caring for children, household work, retired or something else?
- 01: Working at a paid job or business
- 02: Looking for paid work
- 03: Going to school
- 04: Caring for children
- 05: Household work
- 06: Retired
- 07: Maternity/paternity or parental leave
- 08: Long term illness
- 09: Volunteering or care-giving other than for children
- 10: Other - Specify
- 98: RF
- 99: DK
Main Activity of Respondent (MAR) - Question identifier:MAR_Q133
Did you have a job or were you self-employed at any time last week?
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
Main Activity of Respondent (MAR) - Question identifier:MAR_Q134
In the last four weeks, did you look for a job?
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
Main Activity of Respondent (MAR) - Question identifier:MAR_Q135
Did you have a job or were you self-employed at any time during the past 12 months?
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
Respondent Ever Worked (REW)
Respondent Ever Worked (REW) - Question identifier:REW_Q10
Have you ever worked at a job or business?
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
Respondent Ever Worked (REW) - Question identifier:REW_Q20
In what year did you last do any paid work?
Min = 1900; Max = 2014
Respondent Ever Worked (REW) - Question identifier:REW_Q30
How old were you when you last did any paid work?
Min = 10; Max = 95
Work activities - Employment Type (WET)
Work activities - Employment Type (WET) - Question identifier:WET_Q110
For how many weeks during the past 12 months were you employed?
Min = 1; Max = 52
Work activities - Employment Type (WET) - Question identifier:WET_Q120
Were you mainly ...?
- 1: A paid worker
- 2: Self-employed
- 3: An unpaid family worker
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
Work activities - Telework Information (WTI)
Work activities - Telework Information (WTI) - Question identifier:WTI_Q110
Excluding overtime, [do/did] you usually work any of your scheduled hours at home?
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
- 3: Not applicable
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
Work activities - Telework Information (WTI) - Question identifier:WTI_Q120
How many paid hours per week [do/did] you usually work at home?
Min = 1; Max = 168
Work activities - Last Year employer information (WLY)
Work activities - Last Year employer information (WLY) - Question identifier:WLY_Q110
[What is the name of your business?/What was the name of your business?/For whom did you work the longest time during the past 12 months?]
Long Answer Length = 80
Work activities - Last Year employer information (WLY) - Question identifier:WLY_Q120
What kind of business, industry or service [is/was] this?
Long Answer Length = 80
Work activities - Last Year employer information (WLY) - Question identifier:WLY_Q130
What kind of work [are/were] you doing?
Long Answer Length = 80
Work activities - Last Year employer information (WLY) - Question identifier:WLY_Q140
What [are/were] your most important activities or duties?
Long Answer Length = 80
Work activities - Last Year employer information (WLY) - Question identifier:WLY_Q145
Are you still working [for this employer/at this business]?
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
Work activities - Last Year employer information (WLY) - Question identifier:WLY_Q150
Which of the following best describes your terms of employment in this job? [Are/Were] you a...?
- 1: Regular employee (no contractual or anticipated termination date)
- 2: Seasonal employee (employment on this job is intermittent according to the seasons of the year)
- 3: Term employee (term of employment has a set termination date)
- 4: Casual or on-call employee
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
Work activities - Hours Worked (WHW)
Work activities - Hours Worked (WHW) - Question identifier:WHW_Q120
How many hours a week [do/did] you usually work at your job?
Min = 0.1; Max = 168.0
Work activities - Hours Worked (WHW) - Question identifier:WHW_Q230
Which of the following best describes your usual work schedule at your job? [Is/Was] it ...?
- 01: A regular daytime schedule or shift
- 02: A regular evening shift
- 03: A regular night shift
- 04: A rotating shift (one that changes periodically from days to evenings or to nights)
- 05: A split shift (one consisting of two or more distinct periods each day)
- 06: A compressed work week
- 07: On call or casual
- 08: An irregular schedule
- 09: Other - Specify
- 98: RF
- 99: DK
Main Activity of respondent's spouse/Partner (MAP)
Main Activity of respondent's spouse/Partner (MAP) - Question identifier:MAP_Q110
During the past 12 months, was your [spouse/partner]'s main activity working at a paid job or business, looking for paid work, going to school, caring for children, household work, retired or something else?
- 01: Working at a paid job or business
- 02: Looking for paid work
- 03: Going to school
- 04: Caring for children
- 05: Household work
- 06: Retired
- 07: Maternity/paternity or parental leave
- 08: Long term illness
- 09: Volunteering or care-giving other than for children
- 10: Other - Specify
- 98: RF
- 99: DK
Main Activity of respondent's spouse/Partner (MAP) - Question identifier:MAP_Q120
Was [he/she/he/she] enrolled as...?
- 1: Full-time student
- 2: Part-time student
- 3: Both full-time and part-time student
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
Main Activity of respondent's spouse/Partner (MAP) - Question identifier:MAP_Q130
Did [he/she/he/she] have a job or was [he/she/he/she] self-employed at any time during the past 12 months?
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
Education Extended Block (EOR)
Education Extended Block (EOR) - Question identifier:EOR_Q01
What type of educational institution [are you attending/did you attend]?
- 1: Elementary, junior high school or high school
- 2: Trade school, college, CEGEP or other non-university institution
- 3: University
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
Education Extended Block (EOR) - Question identifier:EOR_Q02
[Are you enrolled/Were you enrolled] as... ?
- 1: A full-time student
- 2: A part-time student
- 3: Both full-time and part-time student
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
Education Extended Block (EOR) - Question identifier:EOR_Q03
In what country was the institution that granted your highest certificate, diploma or degree located?
- 1: Search
- 2: Other - Specify
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
HC: Education Sublock School attendance "currently" - ESC1
HC: Education Sublock School attendance "currently" - ESC1 - Question identifier:ESC1_Q01
Are you currently attending school, college, CEGEP or university?
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
- 9: Don't know
- 8: Refusal
Education Highest Degree Block v.3 (EHG3)
Education Highest Degree Block v.3 (EHG3) - Question identifier:EHG3_Q01
What is the highest certificate, diploma or degree that you have completed?
- 1: Less than high school diploma or its equivalent
- 2: High school diploma or a high school equivalency
certificate - 3: Trade certificate or diploma
- 4: College, CEGEP or other non-university certificate or diploma
(other than trades certificates or diplomas) - 5: University certificate or diploma below the bachelor's level
- 6: Bachelor's degree (e.g. B.A., B.Sc., LL.B.)
- 7: University certificate, diploma or degree above the
bachelor's level - 8: RF
- 9: DK
Education Highest Degree Block v.3 (EHG3) - Question identifier:EHG3_Q02
Was that a... ?
- 1: High school graduation diploma
- 2: High school equivalency certificate (such as General Educational Development (GED) or Adult Basic Education (ABE))
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
Education Highest Degree Block v.3 (EHG3) - Question identifier:EHG3_Q03
Was that a... ?
- 1: Registered Apprenticeship certificate (including Certificate of Qualification, Journeyperson's designation)
- 2: Other trades certificate or diploma from a trade school or a professional training center
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
Education Highest Degree Block v.3 (EHG3) - Question identifier:EHG3_Q04
Was that a certificate or diploma from a program of... ?
- 1: Less than 3 months
- 2: 3 months to less than 1 year
- 3: 1 year to 2 years
- 4: More than 2 years
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
Education Highest Degree Block v.3 (EHG3) - Question identifier:EHG3_Q05
Was that a... ?
- 1: University certificate or diploma above the bachelor's level
- 2: Degree in medicine, dentistry, veterinary medicine or optometry
- 3: Master's degree
- 4: Earned doctorate
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
Education Of respondent's Partner (EOP)
Education Of respondent's Partner (EOP) - Question identifier:EOP_Q200
What is the highest level of education that your ^DT_MSTATUS_E has attained?
- 01: Earned doctorate (Ph.D., D.Sc., D.Ed.)
- 02: Masters (M.A., M.Sc., M.Ed.)
- 03: Degree in Medicine, Dentistry, Veterinary Medicine, or Optometry (M.D., D.D.S., D.M.D., D.V.M., O.D.)
- 04: Bachelor or undergraduate degree, or teacher's college (B.A., B.Sc., LL.B., B.Ed.)
- 05: Diploma or certificate from community college, CEGEP or nursing school
- 06: Diploma or certificate from trade, technical or vocational school, or business college
- 07: Some university
- 08: Some community college, CEGEP or nursing school
- 09: Some trade, technical or vocational school, or business college
- 10: High school diploma
- 11: Some high school
- 12: Elementary school diploma
- 13: Some elementary
- 14: No schooling
- 15: Other - Specify
- 98: RF
- 99: DK
Education Of respondent's Mother (EOM)
Education Of respondent's Mother (EOM) - Question identifier:EOM_Q200
What is the highest level of education that your mother has attained? By mother, we mean the woman who mostly raised you.
- 01: Earned doctorate (Ph.D., D.Sc., D.Ed.)
- 02: Masters (M.A., M.Sc., M.Ed.)
- 03: Degree in Medicine, Dentistry, Veterinary Medicine, or Optometry (M.D., D.D.S., D.M.D., D.V.M., O.D.)
- 04: Bachelor or undergraduate degree, or teacher's college (B.A., B.Sc., LL.B., B.Ed.)
- 05: Diploma or certificate from community college, CEGEP or nursing school
- 06: Diploma or certificate from trade, technical or vocational school, or business college
- 07: Some university
- 08: Some community college, CEGEP or nursing school
- 09: Some trade, technical or vocational school, or business college
- 10: High school diploma
- 11: Some high school
- 12: Elementary school diploma
- 13: Some elementary
- 14: No schooling
- 15: Other - Specify
- 98: RF
- 99: DK
Education Of respondent's Father (EOF)
Education Of respondent's Father (EOF) - Question identifier:EOF_Q200
What is the highest level of education that your father has attained? By father, we mean the man who mostly raised you.
- 01: Earned doctorate (Ph.D., D.Sc., D.Ed.)
- 02: Masters (M.A., M.Sc., M.Ed.)
- 03: Degree in Medicine, Dentistry, Veterinary Medicine, or Optometry (M.D., D.D.S., D.M.D., D.V.M., O.D.)
- 04: Bachelor or undergraduate degree, or teacher's college (B.A., B.Sc., LL.B., B.Ed.)
- 05: Diploma or certificate from community college, CEGEP or nursing school
- 06: Diploma or certificate from trade, technical or vocational school, or business college
- 07: Some university
- 08: Some community college, CEGEP or nursing school
- 09: Some trade, technical or vocational school, or business college
- 10: High school diploma
- 11: Some high school
- 12: Elementary school diploma
- 13: Some elementary
- 14: No schooling
- 15: Other - Specify
- 98: RF
- 99: DK
Self Related Health (SRH)
Self Related Health (SRH) - Question identifier:SRH_R110
The following set of questions asks about your day-to-day health.
Self Related Health (SRH) - Question identifier:SRH_Q110
In general, would you say your health is...?
- 1: Excellent
- 2: Very good
- 3: Good
- 4: Fair
- 5: Poor
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
Self Related Health (SRH) - Question identifier:SRH_Q115
In general, would you say your mental health is...?
- 1: Excellent
- 2: Very good
- 3: Good
- 4: Fair
- 5: Poor
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
Disability Screening Questions - Minimum Block (DSQ)
Disability Screening Questions - Minimum Block (DSQ) - Question identifier:DSQ_R01
The following questions are about difficulties you may have doing certain activities. Please tell me only about difficulties or long-term conditions that have lasted or are expected to last for six months or more.
Disability Screening Questions - Minimum Block (DSQ) - Question identifier:DSQ_Q01
Do you have any difficulty seeing?
- 1: No
- 2: Sometimes
- 3: Often
- 4: Always
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
Disability Screening Questions - Minimum Block (DSQ) - Question identifier:DSQ_Q02
Do you wear glasses or contact lenses to improve your vision?
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
Disability Screening Questions - Minimum Block (DSQ) - Question identifier:DSQ_Q03
[With your glasses or contact lenses, which/Which] of the following best describes your ability to see? [You/He/She]... ?
- 1: Have no difficulty seeing
- 2: Have some difficulty (seeing)
- 3: Have a lot of difficulty (seeing)
- 4: Are legally blind
- 5: Are blind
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
Disability Screening Questions - Minimum Block (DSQ) - Question identifier:DSQ_Q04
How often does this [difficulty/condition] limit your daily activities?
- 1: Never
- 2: Rarely
- 3: Sometimes
- 4: Often
- 5: Always
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
Disability Screening Questions - Minimum Block (DSQ) - Question identifier:DSQ_Q05
Do you have any difficulty hearing?
- 1: No
- 2: Sometimes
- 3: Often
- 4: Always
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
Disability Screening Questions - Minimum Block (DSQ) - Question identifier:DSQ_Q06
Do you use a hearing aid or cochlear implant?
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
Disability Screening Questions - Minimum Block (DSQ) - Question identifier:DSQ_Q07
[With your hearing aid or cochlear implant, which/Which] of the following best describes your ability to hear? [You/He/She]... ?
- 1: Have no difficulty hearing
- 2: Have some difficulty (hearing)
- 3: Have a lot of difficulty (hearing)
- 4: Cannot hear at all
- 5: Are Deaf
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
Disability Screening Questions - Minimum Block (DSQ) - Question identifier:DSQ_Q08
How often does this [difficulty/condition] limit your daily activities?
- 1: Never
- 2: Rarely
- 3: Sometimes
- 4: Often
- 5: Always
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
Disability Screening Questions - Minimum Block (DSQ) - Question identifier:DSQ_Q09
Do you have any difficulty walking, using stairs, using your hands or fingers or doing other physical activities?
- 1: No
- 2: Sometimes
- 3: Often
- 4: Always
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
Disability Screening Questions - Minimum Block (DSQ) - Question identifier:DSQ_R10
The following questions are about your ability to move around, even when using an aid such as a cane.
Disability Screening Questions - Minimum Block (DSQ) - Question identifier:DSQ_Q10
How much difficulty do you have walking on a flat surface for 15 minutes without resting?
- 1: No difficulty
- 2: Some (difficulty)
- 3: A lot (of difficulty)
- 4: ^DT_YOU_C cannot do at all
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
Disability Screening Questions - Minimum Block (DSQ) - Question identifier:DSQ_Q11
How much difficulty do you have walking up or down a flight of stairs, about 12 steps without resting?
- 1: No difficulty
- 2: Some (difficulty)
- 3: A lot (of difficulty)
- 4: ^DT_YOU_C cannot do at all
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
Disability Screening Questions - Minimum Block (DSQ) - Question identifier:DSQ_Q12
How often [does this difficulty walking limit/does this difficulty using stairs limit/do these difficulties limit] your daily activities?
- 1: Never
- 2: Rarely
- 3: Sometimes
- 4: Often
- 5: Always
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
Disability Screening Questions - Minimum Block (DSQ) - Question identifier:DSQ_Q13
How much difficulty do you have bending down and picking up an object from the floor?
- 1: No difficulty
- 2: Some (difficulty)
- 3: A lot (of difficulty)
- 4: ^DT_YOU_C cannot do at all
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
Disability Screening Questions - Minimum Block (DSQ) - Question identifier:DSQ_Q14
How much difficulty do you have reaching in any direction, for example, above your head?
- 1: No difficulty
- 2: Some (difficulty)
- 3: A lot (of difficulty)
- 4: ^DT_YOU_C cannot do at all
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
Disability Screening Questions - Minimum Block (DSQ) - Question identifier:DSQ_Q15
How often [does this difficulty bending down and picking up an object limit/does this difficulty reaching limit/do these difficulties limit] your daily activities?
- 1: Never
- 2: Rarely
- 3: Sometimes
- 4: Often
- 5: Always
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
Disability Screening Questions - Minimum Block (DSQ) - Question identifier:DSQ_Q16
How much difficulty do you have using your fingers to grasp small objects like a pencil or scissors?
- 1: No difficulty
- 2: Some (difficulty)
- 3: A lot (of difficulty)
- 4: ^DT_YOU_C cannot do at all
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
Disability Screening Questions - Minimum Block (DSQ) - Question identifier:DSQ_Q17
How often does this difficulty using your fingers limit your daily activities?
- 1: Never
- 2: Rarely
- 3: Sometimes
- 4: Often
- 5: Always
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
Disability Screening Questions - Minimum Block (DSQ) - Question identifier:DSQ_R18
Please answer for difficulties or long-term conditions that have lasted or are expected to last for six months or more.
Disability Screening Questions - Minimum Block (DSQ) - Question identifier:DSQ_Q18
Do you have any difficulty learning, remembering or concentrating?
- 1: No
- 2: Sometimes
- 3: Often
- 4: Always
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
Disability Screening Questions - Minimum Block (DSQ) - Question identifier:DSQ_Q19
Do you think you have a condition that makes it difficult in general for you to learn? This may include learning disabilities such as dyslexia, hyperactivity, attention problems, etc..
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
Disability Screening Questions - Minimum Block (DSQ) - Question identifier:DSQ_Q20
Has a teacher, doctor or other health care professional ever said that you had a learning disability?
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
Disability Screening Questions - Minimum Block (DSQ) - Question identifier:DSQ_Q21
How often are your daily activities limited by this condition?
- 1: Never
- 2: Rarely
- 3: Sometimes
- 4: Often
- 5: Always
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
Disability Screening Questions - Minimum Block (DSQ) - Question identifier:DSQ_Q22
Has a doctor, psychologist or other health care professional ever said that you had a developmental disability or disorder? This may include Down syndrome, autism, Asperger syndrome, mental impairment due to lack of oxygen at birth, etc..
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
Disability Screening Questions - Minimum Block (DSQ) - Question identifier:DSQ_Q23
Do you have any ongoing memory problems or periods of confusion? Please exclude occasional forgetfulness such as not remembering where you put your keys.
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
Disability Screening Questions - Minimum Block (DSQ) - Question identifier:DSQ_Q24
How often are your daily activities limited by this problem?
- 1: Never
- 2: Rarely
- 3: Sometimes
- 4: Often
- 5: Always
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
Disability Screening Questions - Minimum Block (DSQ) - Question identifier:DSQ_Q25
Please remember that your answers will be kept strictly confidential.
Do you have any emotional, psychological or mental health conditions? These may include anxiety, depression, bipolar disorder, substance abuse, anorexia, etc..
- 1: No
- 2: Sometimes
- 3: Often
- 4: Always
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
Disability Screening Questions - Minimum Block (DSQ) - Question identifier:DSQ_Q26
How often are your daily activities limited by this condition?
- 1: Never
- 2: Rarely
- 3: Sometimes
- 4: Often
- 5: Always
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
Disability Screening Questions - Minimum Block (DSQ) - Question identifier:DSQ_R27
The following questions are about pain due to a long-term condition that has lasted or is expected to last for six months or more.
Disability Screening Questions - Minimum Block (DSQ) - Question identifier:DSQ_Q27
Do you have pain that is always present?
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
Disability Screening Questions - Minimum Block (DSQ) - Question identifier:DSQ_Q28
Do you [also/null/blank] have periods of pain that reoccur from time to time?
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
Disability Screening Questions - Minimum Block (DSQ) - Question identifier:DSQ_Q29
How often does this pain limit your daily activities?
- 1: Never
- 2: Rarely
- 3: Sometimes
- 4: Often
- 5: Always
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
Disability Screening Questions - Minimum Block (DSQ) - Question identifier:DSQ_Q30
Do you have any other health problem or long-term condition that has lasted or is expected to last for six months or more?
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
Disability Screening Questions - Minimum Block (DSQ) - Question identifier:DSQ_Q31
How often does this health problem or long-term condition limit your daily activities?
- 1: Never
- 2: Rarely
- 3: Sometimes
- 4: Often
- 5: Always
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
Subjective Well-being Minimum Block (SLM)
Subjective Well-being Minimum Block (SLM) - Question identifier:SLM_Q01
Using a scale of 0 to 10 where 0 means "Very dissatisfied" and 10 means "Very satisfied", how do you feel about your life as a whole right now?
0 Very dissatisfied
1 I
2 I
3 I
4 I
5 I
6 I
7 I
8 I
9 V
10 Very satisfied
Min = 0; Max = 10
Medication of Respondent (MED)
Medication of Respondent (MED) - Question identifier:MED_Q110
During the past month, have you used any medications that were prescribed or bought over-the-counter to:
help you sleep?
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
Medication of Respondent (MED) - Question identifier:MED_Q120
(During the past month, have you used any medications that were prescribed or bought over-the-counter to:)
help you calm down?
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
Medication of Respondent (MED) - Question identifier:MED_Q130
(During the past month, have you used any medications that were prescribed or bought over-the-counter to:)
help you get out of depression?
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
Drinking of Respondent (DRR)
Drinking of Respondent (DRR) - Question identifier:DRR_R110
The next questions pertain to the consumption of alcoholic beverages.
Drinking of Respondent (DRR) - Question identifier:DRR_Q110
In the past month, how often did you drink alcoholic beverages? Was it ...?
- 1: Every day
- 2: 4-6 times a week
- 3: 2-3 times a week
- 4: Once a week
- 5: Once or twice in the past month
- 6: Not in the past month
- 7: Never drinks
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
Drinking of Respondent (DRR) - Question identifier:DRR_Q120
How many times in the past month have you had 5 or more drinks on the same occasion?
Min = 0; Max = 31
Drinking of spouse/Partner (DRP)
Drinking of spouse/Partner (DRP) - Question identifier:DRP_Q110
In the past month, how often did your [spouse/partner] drink alcoholic beverages? Was it...?
- 1: Every day
- 2: 4-6 times a week
- 3: 2-3 times a week
- 4: Once a week
- 5: Once or twice in the past month
- 6: Not in the past month
- 7: Never drinks
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
Drinking of spouse/Partner (DRP) - Question identifier:DRP_Q120
How many times in the past month has your [spouse/partner] had 5 or more drinks on the same occasion?
Min = 0; Max = 31
Drug Use of Respondent (DUR)
Drug Use of Respondent (DUR) - Question identifier:DUR_R100
The following questions ask about the use of drugs. Please do not include medications that are taken (on a doctor's prescription) or bought over-the-counter. Remember that all information provided is strictly confidential
Drug Use of Respondent (DUR) - Question identifier:DUR_Q100
In the past month, did you use marijuana, hashish, hash oil or other cannabis derivatives?
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
Drug Use of Respondent (DUR) - Question identifier:DUR_Q105
How often (in the past month, did you use marijuana, hashish, hash oil or other cannabis derivatives)?
- 1: Every day
- 2: 4-6 times a week
- 3: 2-3 times a week
- 4: Once a week
- 5: Once or twice in the past month
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
Drug Use of Respondent (DUR) - Question identifier:DUR_Q110
In the past month, did you use any other non prescribed drugs for example magic mushrooms, cocaine, speed, methamphetamine, ecstasy, PCP, mescaline or heroin?
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
Drug Use of Respondent (DUR) - Question identifier:DUR_Q115
How often (in the past month, did you use any other non prescribed drugs for example magic mushrooms, cocaine, speed, methamphetamine, ecstasy, PCP, mescaline or heroin)?
- 1: Every day
- 2: 4-6 times a week
- 3: 2-3 times a week
- 4: Once a week
- 5: Once or twice in the past month
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
Drug Use of spouse/Partner (DUP)
Drug Use of spouse/Partner (DUP) - Question identifier:DUP_Q100
In the past month, did your [spouse/partner] use marijuana, hashish, hash oil or other cannabis derivatives?
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
Drug Use of spouse/Partner (DUP) - Question identifier:DUP_Q105
How often (in the past month, did your [spouse/partner] use marijuana, hashish, hash oil or other cannabis derivatives)?
- 1: Every day
- 2: 4-6 times a week
- 3: 2-3 times a week
- 4: Once a week
- 5: Once or twice in the past month
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
Drug Use of spouse/Partner (DUP) - Question identifier:DUP_Q110
In the past month, did your [spouse/partner] use any other non prescribed drugs for example magic mushrooms, cocaine, speed, methamphetamine, ecstasy, PCP, mescaline or heroin?
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
Drug Use of spouse/Partner (DUP) - Question identifier:DUP_Q115
How often (in the past month, did your [spouse/partner] use any other non prescribed drugs for example magic mushrooms, cocaine, speed, methamphetamine, ecstasy, PCP, mescaline or heroin)?
- 1: Every day
- 2: 4-6 times a week
- 3: 2-3 times a week
- 4: Once a week
- 5: Once or twice in the past month
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
Homeless (HOM)
Homeless (HOM) - Question identifier:HOM_Q10
Have you ever been homeless; that is, having to live in a shelter, on the street, or in an abandoned building?
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
Homeless (HOM) - Question identifier:HOM_Q20
What is the longest period of time for which you have been homeless?
- 1: Less than 1 month
- 2: 1 month to less than 1 year
- 3: 1 year and over
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
Homeless (HOM) - Question identifier:HOM_Q30
Have you ever had to temporarily live with family or friends, in your car or anywhere else because you had nowhere else to live?
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
Homeless (HOM) - Question identifier:HOM_Q40
What is the longest period of time for which you had to live with family, friends, in your car or anywhere else because you had nowhere else to live?
- 1: Less than 1 month
- 2: 1 month to less than 1 year
- 3: 1 year and over
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
Immigration extended block (BPR)
Immigration extended block (BPR) - Question identifier:BPR_Q02
In which province or territory were you born?
- 10: Newfoundland and Labrador
- 11: Prince Edward Island
- 12: Nova Scotia
- 13: New Brunswick
- 24: Quebec
- 35: Ontario
- 46: Manitoba
- 47: Saskatchewan
- 48: Alberta
- 59: British Columbia
- 60: Yukon
- 61: Northwest Territories
- 62: Nunavut
- 98: RF
- 99: DK
Immigration extended block (BPR) - Question identifier:BPR_Q15
In what year did you first come to Canada to live?
Min = 1871; Max = 2100
Immigration extended block (BPR) - Question identifier:BPR_Q16
Are you now, or have you ever been a landed immigrant in Canada?
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
Immigration extended block (BPR) - Question identifier:BPR_Q17
In what year did you first become a landed immigrant in Canada?
Min = 1871; Max = 2100
Birthplace of spouse/Partner (BPP)
Birthplace of spouse/Partner (BPP) - Question identifier:BPP_Q10
In what country was your ^DT_MSTATUS_E born?
- 1: Search
- 2: Other - Specify
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
Birthplace of spouse/Partner (BPP) - Question identifier:BPP_Q20
In which province or territory?
- 10: Newfoundland and Labrador
- 11: Prince Edward Island
- 12: Nova Scotia
- 13: New Brunswick
- 24: Quebec
- 35: Ontario
- 46: Manitoba
- 47: Saskatchewan
- 48: Alberta
- 59: British Columbia
- 60: Yukon
- 61: Northwest Territories
- 62: Nunavut
- 98: RF
- 99: DK
Aboriginal Minimum (AMB)
Aboriginal Minimum (AMB) - Question identifier:AMB_Q01
Are you an Aboriginal person, that is, First Nations, Métis or Inuk (Inuit)? First Nations includes Status and Non-Status Indians.
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
Aboriginal Minimum (AMB) - Question identifier:AMB_Q02
Are you First Nations, Métis or Inuk (Inuit)?
- 11: First Nations (North American Indian)
- 12: Métis
- 13: Inuk (Inuit)
- 98: RF
- 99: DK
Aboriginal Identity of spouse/Partner (AIP)
Aboriginal Identity of spouse/Partner (AIP) - Question identifier:AIP_Q01
Is your [spouse/partner] an Aboriginal person (that is, First Nations, Métis or Inuk [Inuit])?
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
Aboriginal Identity of spouse/Partner (AIP) - Question identifier:AIP_Q02
Is your [spouse/partner] First Nations, Métis or Inuk (Inuit)?
- 11: First Nations (North American Indian)
- 12: Métis
- 13: Inuk (Inuit)
- 98: RF
- 99: DK
Population Group (PG)
Population Group (PG) - Question identifier:PG_Q01
You may belong to one or more racial or cultural groups on the following list.
Are you... ?
- 01: White
- 02: South Asian (e.g., East Indian, Pakistani, Sri Lankan)
- 03: Chinese
- 04: Black
- 05: Filipino
- 06: Latin American
- 07: Arab
- 08: Southeast Asian (e.g., Vietnamese, Cambodian,
Malaysian, Laotian) - 09: West Asian (e.g., Iranian, Afghan)
- 10: Korean
- 11: Japanese
- 12: Other - Specify
- 98: RF
- 99: DK
Visible Minority status of respondent's spouse/Partner (VMP)
Visible Minority status of respondent's spouse/Partner (VMP) - Question identifier:VMP_Q110
Is your [spouse/partner] ...?
- 01: White
- 02: South Asian (e.g., East Indian, Pakistani, Sri Lankan)
- 03: Chinese
- 04: Black
- 05: Filipino
- 06: Latin American
- 07: Arab
- 08: Southeast Asian (e.g., Vietnamese, Cambodian,
Malaysian, Laotian) - 09: West Asian (e.g., Iranian, Afghan)
- 10: Korean
- 11: Japanese
- 12: Other - Specify
- 98: RF
- 99: DK
Discrimination (DIS)
Discrimination (DIS) - Question identifier:DIS_Q10
In the past 5 years, have you experienced discrimination or been treated unfairly by others in Canada because of:
your sex?
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
Discrimination (DIS) - Question identifier:DIS_Q15
(In the past five years, have you experienced discrimination or been treated unfairly by others in Canada because of:)
your ethnicity or culture?
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
Discrimination (DIS) - Question identifier:DIS_Q20
(In the past five years, have you experienced discrimination or been treated unfairly by others in Canada because of:)
your race or colour?
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
Discrimination (DIS) - Question identifier:DIS_Q25
(In the past five years, have you experienced discrimination or been treated unfairly by others in Canada because of:)
your physical appearance (other than skin colour)?
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
Discrimination (DIS) - Question identifier:DIS_Q30
(In the past five years, have you experienced discrimination or been treated unfairly by others in Canada because of:)
your religion?
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
Discrimination (DIS) - Question identifier:DIS_Q35
In the past five years, have you experienced discrimination or been treated unfairly by others in Canada because of:
your sexual orientation?
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
Discrimination (DIS) - Question identifier:DIS_Q40
(In the past five years, have you experienced discrimination or been treated unfairly by others in Canada because of:)
your age?
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
Discrimination (DIS) - Question identifier:DIS_Q45
(In the past five years, have you experienced discrimination or been treated unfairly by others in Canada because of:)
a disability (physical or mental)?
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
Discrimination (DIS) - Question identifier:DIS_Q50
(In the past five years, have you experienced discrimination or been treated unfairly by others in Canada because of:)
your language?
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
Discrimination (DIS) - Question identifier:DIS_Q55
(In the past five years, have you experienced discrimination or been treated unfairly by others in Canada:)
for some other reason?
- 1: Yes - Specify
- 2: No
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
Discrimination - Types of Situations experienced by respondent (DTS)
Discrimination - Types of Situations experienced by respondent (DTS) - Question identifier:DTS_Q20
In what types of situations have you experienced discrimination in the past 5 years? Was it:
in a store, bank or restaurant?
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
Discrimination - Types of Situations experienced by respondent (DTS) - Question identifier:DTS_Q25
(In what types of situations have you experienced discrimination in the past 5 years? Was it:)
at work or when applying for a job or promotion?
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
Discrimination - Types of Situations experienced by respondent (DTS) - Question identifier:DTS_Q30
(In what types of situations have you experienced discrimination in the past 5 years? Was it:)
when dealing with the police?
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
Discrimination - Types of Situations experienced by respondent (DTS) - Question identifier:DTS_Q35
(In what types of situations have you experienced discrimination in the past 5 years? Was it:)
when dealing with the courts?
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
Discrimination - Types of Situations experienced by respondent (DTS) - Question identifier:DTS_Q60
(In what types of situations have you experienced discrimination in the past 5 years? Was it:)
when crossing the border into Canada?
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
- 3: Have not crossed the border into Canada in past 5 years
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
Discrimination - Types of Situations experienced by respondent (DTS) - Question identifier:DTS_Q65
(In what types of situations have you experienced discrimination in the past 5 years? Was it:)
any other situation?
- 1: Yes - Specify
- 2: No
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
Religion Extended (REE)
Religion Extended (REE) - Question identifier:REE_Q01
What is your religion?
Specify one denomination or religion only, even if you are not currently a practicing member of that group.
- 1: Search
- 2: Other - Specify
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
Religion Extended (REE) - Question identifier:REE_Q02
Not counting events such as weddings or funerals, during the past 12 months, how often did you participate in religious activities or attend religious services or meetings?
- 1: At least once a week
- 2: At least once a month
- 3: At least 3 times a year
- 4: Once or twice a year
- 5: Not at all
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
Religion Extended (REE) - Question identifier:REE_Q03
In the past 12 months, how often did you engage in religious or spiritual activities on your own, including prayer, meditation and other forms of worship taking place at home or in any other location?
- 1: At least once a day
- 2: At least once a week
- 3: At least once a month
- 4: At least 3 times a year
- 5: Once or twice a year
- 6: Not at all
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
Importance of Religion (RLR)
Importance of Religion (RLR) - Question identifier:RLR_Q110
How important are your religious or spiritual beliefs to the way you live your life? Would you say they are ...?
- 1: Very important
- 2: Somewhat important
- 3: Not very important
- 4: Not at all important
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
Religion of spouse/Partner (ROP)
Religion of spouse/Partner (ROP) - Question identifier:ROP_Q01
What is your [spouse/partner]'s religion?
- 1: Search
- 2: Other - Specify
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
Language Minimum (LAN)
Language Minimum (LAN) - Question identifier:LAN_Q01
Of English or French, which language(s) do you speak well enough to conduct a conversation? Is it... ?
- 1: English only
- 2: French only
- 3: Both English and French
- 4: Neither English nor French
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
Sexual Orientation of Respondent (SOR)
Sexual Orientation of Respondent (SOR) - Question identifier:SOR_R110
The following question asks about sexual orientation.
Sexual Orientation of Respondent (SOR) - Question identifier:SOR_Q110
Do you consider yourself to be ...?
- 1: Heterosexual (sexual relations with people of the opposite sex)
- 2: Homosexual, that is lesbian or gay (sexual relations with people of your own sex)
- 3: Bisexual (sexual relations with people of both sexes)
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
Formal Volunteering (FV)
Formal Volunteering (FV) - Question identifier:FV_R020
Now, I'd like to ask you some questions about any activities that you did without pay on behalf of a group or an organization in the past 12 months.
Formal Volunteering (FV) - Question identifier:FV_Q020
This includes any unpaid help you provided to schools, religious organizations, sports or community associations. Did you do any:
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
Formal Volunteering (FV) - Question identifier:FV_Q030
(This includes any unpaid help you provided to schools, religious organizations, sports or community associations. Did you do any:)
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
Formal Volunteering (FV) - Question identifier:FV_Q040
(This includes any unpaid help you provided to schools, religious organizations, sports or community associations. Did you:)
sit as a member of a committee or board?
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
Formal Volunteering (FV) - Question identifier:FV_Q050
(This includes any unpaid help you provided to schools, religious organizations, sports or community associations. Did you do any:)
teaching, educating or mentoring?
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
Formal Volunteering (FV) - Question identifier:FV_Q060
(This includes any unpaid help you provided to schools, religious organizations, sports or community associations. Did you:)
organize, supervise or coordinate activities or events?
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
Formal Volunteering (FV) - Question identifier:FV_Q070
In the past 12 months, did you do any of the following activities without pay on behalf of a group or an organization:
(This includes any unpaid help you provided to schools, religious organizations, sports or community associations.)
office work, bookkeeping, administrative duties, or library work?
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
Formal Volunteering (FV) - Question identifier:FV_Q080
(In the past 12 months, did you do any of the following activities without pay on behalf of a group or an organization. This includes any unpaid help you provided to schools, religious organizations, sports or community associations.)
coach, referee or officiate?
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
Formal Volunteering (FV) - Question identifier:FV_Q090
(In the past 12 months, did you do any of the following activities without pay on behalf of a group or an organization. This includes any unpaid help you provided to schools, religious organizations, sports or community associations.)
counsel or provide advice?
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
Formal Volunteering (FV) - Question identifier:FV_Q100
(In the past 12 months, did you do any of the following activities without pay on behalf of a group or an organization. This includes any unpaid help you provided to schools, religious organizations, sports or community associations.)
provide health care or support including companionship?
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
Formal Volunteering (FV) - Question identifier:FV_Q110
(In the past 12 months, did you do any of the following activities without pay on behalf of a group or an organization. This includes any unpaid help you provided to schools, religious organizations, sports or community associations.)
collect, serve or deliver food or other goods?
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
Formal Volunteering (FV) - Question identifier:FV_Q120
(In the past 12 months, did you do any of the following activities without pay on behalf of a group or an organization. This includes any unpaid help you provided to schools, religious organizations, sports or community associations.)
Did you do any:
work associated with the maintenance, repair or building of facilities or grounds?
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
Formal Volunteering (FV) - Question identifier:FV_Q130
(In the past 12 months, did you do any of the following activities without pay on behalf of a group or an organization. This includes any unpaid help you provided to schools, religious organizations, sports or community associations. Did you do any:)
volunteer driving?
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
Formal Volunteering (FV) - Question identifier:FV_Q140
(In the past 12 months, did you do any of the following activities without pay on behalf of a group or an organization. This includes any unpaid help you provided to schools, religious organizations, sports or community associations. Did you:)
provide help through first aid, fire-fighting, or search and rescue?
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
Formal Volunteering (FV) - Question identifier:FV_Q150
(In the past 12 months, did you do any of the following activities without pay on behalf of a group or an organization. This includes any unpaid help you provided to schools, religious organizations, sports or community associations. Did you:)
engage in activities aimed at conservation or protection of the environment or wildlife?
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
Formal Volunteering (FV) - Question identifier:FV_Q160
In the past 12 months, did you do any other unpaid activities on behalf of a group or an organization?
- 1: Yes - Specify
- 2: No
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
Financial Giving to Charitable Organizations (FG)
Financial Giving to Charitable Organizations (FG) - Question identifier:FG_R010
The next set of questions deal with financial donations that you may have made to a charitable or non-profit organization. Exclude donations such as food, clothing and household goods.
Financial Giving to Charitable Organizations (FG) - Question identifier:FG_R030
This includes any financial donations that you made personally or jointly with your [spouse/partner].
Financial Giving to Charitable Organizations (FG) - Question identifier:FG_Q030
In the past 12 months, did you make a charitable donation:
by responding to a request through the mail?
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
Financial Giving to Charitable Organizations (FG) - Question identifier:FG_Q040
(In the past 12 months, did you make a charitable donation:)
by responding to a telephone request? Do not include any donations already mentioned.
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
Financial Giving to Charitable Organizations (FG) - Question identifier:FG_Q050
(In the past 12 months, did you make a charitable donation:)
by responding to a television or radio request, or a telethon? (Do not include any donations already mentioned.)
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
Financial Giving to Charitable Organizations (FG) - Question identifier:FG_Q060
In the past 12 months, did you make a charitable donation:
online? Do not include any donations you have already mentioned.
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
Financial Giving to Charitable Organizations (FG) - Question identifier:FG_Q070
(In the past 12 months, did you make a charitable donation:)
by approaching a charitable or non-profit organization on your own? (Do not include any donations already mentioned.)
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
Financial Giving to Charitable Organizations (FG) - Question identifier:FG_Q080
(In the past 12 months, did you make a charitable donation:)
by paying to attend a charity event? (Do not include any donations already mentioned.)
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
Financial Giving to Charitable Organizations (FG) - Question identifier:FG_Q090
(In the past 12 months, did you make a charitable donation:)
by donating in the name of someone who has passed away, or 'in memoriam'? (Do not include any donations already mentioned.)
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
Financial Giving to Charitable Organizations (FG) - Question identifier:FG_Q100
(In the past 12 months, did you make a charitable donation:)
when asked by someone at work? (Do not include any donations already mentioned.)
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
- 3: Not applicable
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
Financial Giving to Charitable Organizations (FG) - Question identifier:FG_Q110
(In the past 12 months, did you make a charitable donation:)
when asked by someone doing door-to-door canvassing? (Do not include any donations already mentioned.)
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
Financial Giving to Charitable Organizations (FG) - Question identifier:FG_Q120
(In the past 12 months, did you make a charitable donation:)
when asked by someone canvassing for a charitable organization at a shopping centre or on the street? (Do not include any donations already mentioned.)
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
Financial Giving to Charitable Organizations (FG) - Question identifier:FG_Q130
(In the past 12 months, did you make a charitable donation:)
through a collection at a church, synagogue, mosque or other place of worship? (Do not include any donations already mentioned.)
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
Financial Giving to Charitable Organizations (FG) - Question identifier:FG_Q140
(In the past 12 months, did you make a charitable donation:)
by sponsoring someone in an event such as a walk-a-thon? (Do not include any donations already mentioned.)
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
Financial Giving to Charitable Organizations (FG) - Question identifier:FG_Q170
In the past 12 months, were there any other methods in which you gave money to a charitable or non-profit organization? Do not include any donations already mentioned.
- 1: Yes - Specify
- 2: No
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
Personal and household income (INR)
Personal and household income (INR) - Question identifier:INR_Q025
What was your main source of income during the year ending December 31, ^DV_PASTYEAR?
- 00: No income
- 01: Employment including wages, salaries, commissions and tips
- 02: Self-employment such as unincorporated business, professional practice or farm
- 03: Investment income (dividends, interest or net rents from real estate)
- 04: RRSPs or RRIFs (registered retirement income funds)
- 05: Employment Insurance (or Quebec Parental Insurance Plan)
- 06: Workers' Compensation
- 07: Benefits from Canada or Quebec Pension Plan
- 08: Retirement pensions, superannuation and annuities
- 09: Basic Old Age Security
- 10: Guaranteed Income Supplement or Survivor's Allowance (from federal government only)
- 11: Child Tax Benefit or family allowances
- 12: Provincial, territorial or municipal social assistance or welfare
- 13: Child Support/Alimony
- 14: Other Income - Specify
- 98: RF
- 99: DK
Personal and household income (INR) - Question identifier:INR_Q032
What is your best estimate of your total personal income, before taxes and deductions, from all sources during the year ending December 31, ^DV_PASTYEAR?
Min = -9000000; Max = 90000000
Personal and household income (INR) - Question identifier:INR_Q033
Can you estimate in which of the following groups your total personal income falls for the year ending December 31, ^DV_PASTYEAR? Was it...?
- 1: Less than $30,000 (including income loss)
- 2: Or $30,000 or more
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
Personal and household income (INR) - Question identifier:INR_Q034
Please stop me when I have read the category which applies to you. Was it...?
- 1: Less than $5,000
- 2: $5,000 to less than $10,000
- 3: $10,000 to less than $15,000
- 4: $15,000 to less than $20,000
- 5: $20,000 to less than $25,000
- 6: Or $25,000 to less than $30,000
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
Personal and household income (INR) - Question identifier:INR_Q035
Please stop me when I have read the category which applies to you. Was it...?
- 1: $30,000 to less than $40,000
- 2: $40,000 to less than $50,000
- 3: $50,000 to less than $60,000
- 4: $60,000 to less than $80,000
- 5: $80,000 to less than $100,000
- 6: $100,000 to less than $150,000
- 7: Or $150,000 or more
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
Personal and household income (INR) - Question identifier:INR_Q040
Not including you, how many other household members received income from any source during that period (the year ending December 31, ^DV_PASTYEAR)?
Min = 0; Max = 19
Personal and household income (INR) - Question identifier:INR_Q110
What is your best estimate of your total household income, received by all household members, from all sources, before taxes and deductions, during the year ending December 31, ^DV_PASTYEAR?
Min = -9000000; Max = 90000000
Personal and household income (INR) - Question identifier:INR_Q120
Can you estimate in which of the following groups your total household income falls for the year ending December 31, ^DV_PASTYEAR? Was it...?
- 1: Less than $50,000 (including income loss)
- 2: Or $50,000 or more
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
Personal and household income (INR) - Question identifier:INR_Q130
(Can you estimate in which of the following groups your total household income falls for the year ending December 31, ^DV_PASTYEAR?)
Please stop me when I have read the category which applies to your household. Was it...?
- 1: ^Q130_1_E
- 2: ^Q130_2_E
- 3: ^Q130_3_E
- 4: ^Q130_4_E
- 5: ^Q130_5_E
- 6: ^Q130_6_E
- 7: ^Q130_7_E
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
Personal and household income (INR) - Question identifier:INR_Q140
Can you estimate in which of the following groups your total household income falls for the year ending December 31, ^DV_PASTYEAR?
Please stop me when I have read the category which applies to your household. Was it...?
- 1: ^Q140_1_E
- 2: ^Q140_2_E
- 3: ^Q140_3_E
- 4: ^Q140_4_E
- 5: ^Q140_5_E
- 6: ^Q140_6_E
- 7: ^Q140_7_E
- 8: RF
- 9: DK
Record Linkage Statement (RLS)
Record Linkage Statement (RLS) - Question identifier:RLS_Q01
To enrich the data from this survey, while minimizing the reporting burden for respondents, Statistics Canada may add information from other surveys or administrative data sources.
- 1: Continue
- 2: Respondent does not want his/her responses combined with other sources
- 3: Other [e.g. respondent hung up, interview suspended / interrupted]
- Date modified: