Survey on Maternal Health
For Information onlyThis is an electronic survey example for information purposes only. This is not a working questionnaire.
Table of Contents
Demographics (DEM1)
Demographics (DEM1) - Question identifier:DEM1_R01
The following questions are to determine if you are eligible to complete this survey.
Demographics (DEM1) - Question identifier:DEM1_Q05
Did you give birth between January 1, 2018 and June 30, 2018?
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
Demographics (DEM1) - Question identifier:DEM1_Q10
What is this baby's name?
Long Answer Length = 25
Demographics (DEM1) - Question identifier:DEM1_Q15
What is [your child]'s birth date?
Long Answer Length = 10
Demographics (DEM1) - Question identifier:DEM1_Q20
What is your age?
Min = 14; Max = 55
Demographics (DEM1) - Question identifier:DEM1_Q25
In which province or territory do you live?
- 10: Newfoundland and Labrador
- 11: Prince Edward Island
- 12: Nova Scotia
- 13: New Brunswick
- 24: Quebec
- 35: Ontario
- 46: Manitoba
- 47: Saskatchewan
- 48: Alberta
- 59: British Columbia
- 60: Yukon
- 61: Northwest Territories
- 62: Nunavut
Maternal Experience (EXP)
Maternal Experience (EXP) - Question identifier:EXP_R01
The following questions are about your feelings and experiences in the time before and after the birth of your baby.
Maternal Experience (EXP) - Question identifier:EXP_Q05
During your pregnancy with [your child], did you attend pregnancy support programs? For example, programs where you learned about having a healthy pregnancy or caring for your baby.
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
Maternal Experience (EXP) - Question identifier:EXP_Q10
Since the birth of your baby, did you attend any parenting support programs? For example, programs where you learn about caring for your child, breastfeeding support, parenting skills and infant or child development.
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
Maternal Experience (EXP) - Question identifier:EXP_Q15
Since the birth of your baby, when you needed other support, how often was it available?
Would you say:
- 1: None of the time
- 2: A little of the time
- 3: Some of the time
- 4: Most of the time
- 5: All of the time
Maternal Experience (EXP) - Question identifier:EXP_Q20_1
In general, how would you rate the following?
Your physical health
- 1: Excellent
- 2: Very good
- 3: Good
- 4: Fair
- 5: Poor
Maternal Experience (EXP) - Question identifier:EXP_Q20_2
In general, how would you rate the following?
Your mental health
- 1: Excellent
- 2: Very good
- 3: Good
- 4: Fair
- 5: Poor
Maternal Experience (EXP) - Question identifier:EXP_Q25
How would you describe your sense of belonging to your local community?
Would you say:
- 1: Very strong
- 2: Somewhat strong
- 3: Somewhat weak
- 4: Very weak
Maternal Experience (EXP) - Question identifier:EXP_Q30
Using a scale of 0 to 10, where 0 means "Very dissatisfied" and 10 means "Very satisfied", how do you feel about your life as a whole right now?
- 00: 0 - Very dissatisfied
- 01: 1
- 02: 2
- 03: 3
- 04: 4
- 05: 5
- 06: 6
- 07: 7
- 08: 8
- 09: 9
- 10: 10 - Very satisfied
Maternal Experience (EXP) - Question identifier:EXP_Q35_1
For each of the following statements, choose the response that comes closest to how you have been feeling in the past 7 days, not just how you feel today.
I have felt sad or miserable
- 1: Yes, most of the time
- 2: Yes, sometimes
- 3: Not very often
- 4: No, never
Maternal Experience (EXP) - Question identifier:EXP_Q35_2
For each of the following statements, choose the response that comes closest to how you have been feeling in the past 7 days, not just how you feel today.
I have been anxious or worried for no good reason
- 1: Yes, most of the time
- 2: Yes, sometimes
- 3: Not very often
- 4: No, never
Maternal Experience (EXP) - Question identifier:EXP_Q35_3
For each of the following statements, choose the response that comes closest to how you have been feeling in the past 7 days, not just how you feel today.
I have been so unhappy that I have had difficulty sleeping
- 1: Yes, most of the time
- 2: Yes, sometimes
- 3: Not very often
- 4: No, never
Maternal Experience (EXP) - Question identifier:EXP_Q35_4
For each of the following statements, choose the response that comes closest to how you have been feeling in the past 7 days, not just how you feel today.
I have blamed myself unnecessarily when things go wrong
- 1: Yes, most of the time
- 2: Yes, sometimes
- 3: Not very often
- 4: No, never
Maternal Experience (EXP) - Question identifier:EXP_Q35_5
For each of the following statements, choose the response that comes closest to how you have been feeling in the past 7 days, not just how you feel today.
I have looked forward with enjoyment to things
- 1: Yes, most of the time
- 2: Yes, sometimes
- 3: Not very often
- 4: No, never
Maternal Experience (EXP) - Question identifier:EXP_Q40
In the past 2 weeks, how often have you been bothered by feeling nervous, anxious or on edge?
Would you say:
- 1: Not at all
- 2: Several days
- 3: More than half the days
- 4: Every day or nearly every day
Maternal Experience (EXP) - Question identifier:EXP_Q45
In the past 2 weeks, how often have you been bothered by not being able to stop or control worrying?
Would you say:
- 1: Not at all
- 2: Several days
- 3: More than half the days
- 4: Every day or nearly every day
Maternal Experience (EXP) - Question identifier:EXP_Q50
Since the birth of [your child], has the thought of harming yourself occurred to you?
Would you say:
- 1: Yes, quite often
- 2: Sometimes
- 3: Hardly ever
- 4: Never
Maternal Experience (EXP) - Question identifier:EXP_Q55
Since the birth of your baby, did you ever feel so sad, miserable or anxious that you were concerned about your emotions or mental health?
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
Maternal Experience (EXP) - Question identifier:EXP_Q60
At these times, when you were concerned about your emotions or mental health, did you talk to anyone?
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
Maternal Experience (EXP) - Question identifier:EXP_Q65
Was it:
- 1: Family doctor, midwife, or nurse
- 2: Psychiatrist, psychologist, social worker, or counsellor
- 3: Spouse or partner
- 4: Family or friend
- 5: Someone else
Maternal Experience (EXP) - Question identifier:EXP_Q70
Has a doctor, midwife, nurse or other health care worker ever told you that you had depression or a mood disorder?
Would you say:
- 1: Yes, before you were pregnant with [your child]
- 2: Yes, while you were pregnant with [your child]
- 3: Yes, since the birth of [your child]
- 4: No
Maternal Experience (EXP) - Question identifier:EXP_Q75
Since the birth of your baby, have you received treatment for your emotions or mental health?
Would you say:
- 1: Yes, medication, such as antidepressants
- 2: Yes, counselling, such as talk therapy
- 3: Yes, medication and counselling
- 4: No
Maternal Experience (EXP) - Question identifier:EXP_Q80
After you learned you were pregnant with [your child], did you use any of the following?
Cannabis (medical or non-medical) during the pregnancy
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
Maternal Experience (EXP) - Question identifier:EXP_Q85
After you learned you were pregnant with this baby, did you use any of the following?
Opioids (medical or non-medical) during the pregnancy
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
Maternal Experience (EXP) - Question identifier:EXP_Q90
While you were breastfeeding [your child], did you use cannabis?
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
- 3: Did not breastfeed
Demographics (DEM2)
Demographics (DEM2) - Question identifier:DEM2_Q05
What is your marital status?
Is it:
- 1: Married
- 2: Living common law (Two people who live together as a couple but who are not legally married to each other.)
- 3: Never married (not living common law)
- 4: Separated (not living common law)
- 5: Divorced (not living common law)
- 6: Widowed (not living common law)
Demographics (DEM2) - Question identifier:DEM2_Q10
What is the highest certificate, diploma or degree that you have completed?
- 1: Less than high school diploma or its equivalent
- 2: High school diploma or a high school equivalency certificate
- 3: Trades certificate or diploma
- 4: College, CEGEP or other non-university certificate or diploma (Exclude trades certificates or diplomas.)
- 5: University certificate or diploma below the bachelor's level
- 6: Bachelor's degree (e.g., B.A, B.A. (hons), B. Sc., B.Ed., LL.B.)
- 7: University certificate, diploma, or degree above the bachelor's level
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