Households and the Environment Survey, 2009
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For Information onlyThis is an electronic survey example for information purposes only. This is not a working questionnaire.
Table of Contents
- For more detailed information
- Dwelling Characteristics (DC)
- Energy Use and Home Heating (EH)
- Water (WA)
- Fertilizer and Pesticide Use (FP)
- Recreational Vehicles and Outdoor Equipment (GP)
- Composting (CP)
- Indoor Environment (IE)
- Air Quality (AQ)
- Hazardous Waste (HW)
- Purchasing Decisions (PD)
- Total Household Income (THI)
For more detailed information
For more detailed information about the 2009 Households and the Environment Survey questionnaire, please refer to the PDF version.
Dwelling Characteristics (DC)
Dwelling Characteristics (DC) - Question identifier:DC_Q01A
In what year was this dwelling originally built?
Dwelling Characteristics (DC) - Question identifier:DC_Q01B
Was it built...?
- 01: Before 1946
- 02: Between 1946 and 1960
- 03: Between 1961 and 1977
- 04: Between 1978 and 1983
- 05: Between 1984 and 1995
- 06: Between 1996 and 2000
- 07: Between 2001 and 2007
- 08: In 2008 or later
- 09: Don't know, refusal
Dwelling Characteristics (DC) - Question identifier:DC_Q02
Are you the owner of this dwelling/Is the dwelling owned by a member of this household?
- 01: Yes
- 02: No
- 03: Don't know, refusal
Dwelling Characteristics (DC) - Question identifier:DC_Q03
Is the dwelling part of a condominium?
- 01: Yes
- 02: No
- 03: Don't know, refusal
Dwelling Characteristics (DC) - Question identifier:DC_Q04
Is the condominium corporation/the landlord or property manager responsible for paying any of the energy bills for the dwelling?
- 01: Yes
- 02: No
- 03: Don't know, refusal
Dwelling Characteristics (DC) - Question identifier:DC_Q05
How long have you/has your household lived in this dwelling?
Energy Use and Home Heating (EH)
Energy Use and Home Heating (EH) - Question identifier:EH_Q01
What is your dwelling's main type of heating equipment? Is it...?
- 01: A forced air furnace (hot air vents)
- 02: Electric baseboards
- 03: A heating stove
- 04: A boiler with hot water or steam radiators
- 05: Electric radiant heating
- 06: A heat pump
- 07: Other - Specify
- 08: Don't know, refusal
Energy Use and Home Heating (EH) - Question identifier:EH_Q02
What source of energy does your forced air furnace/heating stove/boiler with hot water or steam radiators use?
- 01: Electricity
- 02: Natural gas
- 03: Heating oil
- 04: Wood or wood pellets
- 05: Propane
- 06: Other - Specify
- 07: Don't know, refusal
Energy Use and Home Heating (EH) - Question identifier:EH_Q03
Do you/Does your household use any alternative energy sources in your dwelling (besides electricity, natural gas, heating oil, propane, wood or wood pellets)?
- 01: Yes
- 02: No
- 03: Don't know, refusal
Energy Use and Home Heating (EH) - Question identifier:EH_Q04
Which one(s)?
- 01: Geothermal
- 02: Solar panels used to heat water
- 03: Solar panels used to generate electricity (photovoltaic)
- 04: Wind power
- 05: Biofuels (for example, biodiesel)
- 06: Other - Specify
- 07: Don't know, refusal
Energy Use and Home Heating (EH) - Question identifier:EH_Q05
Does your dwelling have an air conditioner?
- 01: Yes
- 02: No
- 03: Don't know, refusal
Energy Use and Home Heating (EH) - Question identifier:EH_Q06
Is it...?
- 01: A central air system
- 02: A stand alone unit in a window or elsewhere
- 03: Other - Specify
- 04: Don't know, refusal
Energy Use and Home Heating (EH) - Question identifier:EH_Q07
Do you have a thermostat?
- 01: Yes
- 02: No
- 03: Don't know, refusal
Energy Use and Home Heating (EH) - Question identifier:EH_Q08
How many thermostats do you have?
- 01: One
- 02: More than one
- 03: Don't know, refusal
Energy Use and Home Heating (EH) - Question identifier:EH_Q09
Is it/Is your main thermostat programmable? That is, it can be set to automatically change the temperature according to the time of day.
- 01: Yes
- 02: No
- 03: Don't know, refusal
Energy Use and Home Heating (EH) - Question identifier:EH_Q10
Is it programmed?
- 01: Yes
- 02: No
- 03: Don't know, refusal
Energy Use and Home Heating (EH) - Question identifier:EH_Q11
During the winter season, at what temperature is the dwelling usually kept when you are there and awake?
Energy Use and Home Heating (EH) - Question identifier:EH_Q12
During the winter season, at what temperature is the dwelling usually kept when you are asleep?
Energy Use and Home Heating (EH) - Question identifier:EH_Q12A
Is it...?
- 01: Higher
- 02: Lower
- 03: Same
- 04: Don't know, refusal
Energy Use and Home Heating (EH) - Question identifier:EH_Q13
When using your air conditioner during the summer season, at what temperature is the dwelling usually kept when you are there and awake?
Energy Use and Home Heating (EH) - Question identifier:EH_Q14
When using your air conditioner during the summer season, at what temperature is the dwelling usually kept when you are asleep?
Energy Use and Home Heating (EH) - Question identifier:EH_Q14A
Is it...?
- 01: Higher
- 02: Lower
- 03: Same
- 04: Don't know, refusal
Energy Use and Home Heating (EH) - Question identifier:EH_Q15
When using your air conditioner during the summer season, at what temperature is the dwelling usually kept when you are not at home?
Energy Use and Home Heating (EH) - Question identifier:EH_Q16
Do you have any of the following types of energy saving lights?
- 01: Compact fluorescent lights (for example corkscrew or spiral)
- 02: Fluorescent tubes
- 03: Halogen lights
- 04: LED holiday lights
- 05: Other types of LED lights
- 06: None of the above - Household does not have any energy saving lights
- 07: Don't know, refusal
Energy Use and Home Heating (EH) - Question identifier:EH_Q17
Please indicate if you do/anyone in your household does any of the following.
Do you...?
- 01: Use dimmers on household lights
- 02: Unplug electronics when away for an extended period of time
- 03: Reduce heating or cooling in certain areas of the dwelling (for example by blocking or closing vents or sealing off unused areas of the dwelling seasonally)
- 04: Use a clothesline or drying rack to dry clothing
- 05: Use fans for cooling in the summer
- 06: Close the blinds or drapes in your dwelling during the hottest part of the day
- 07: Put plastic film on the windows in the winter
- 08: Put on more clothing, such as a sweater, instead of adjusting the temperature
- 09: None of the above activities
- 10: Don't know, refusal
Energy Use and Home Heating (EH) - Question identifier:EH_Q18
Has an energy audit ever been conducted for your dwelling?
- 01: Yes
- 02: No
- 03: Don't know, refusal
Energy Use and Home Heating (EH) - Question identifier:EH_Q19
Was it conducted in the last 10 years?
- 01: Yes
- 02: No
- 03: Don't know, refusal
Water (WA)
Water (WA) - Question identifier:WA_Q01
What is your dwelling's main source of water? Is it...?
- 01: Water supplied by your city, town or municipality
- 02: Water from a private well
- 03: Water from a surface source such as a spring, lake, river, or dugout
- 04: Other - Specify
- 05: Don't know, refusal
Water (WA) - Question identifier:WA_Q02
During the past 12 months, what type of water did you/your household primarily use for drinking at home? Was it...?
- 01: Tap water
- 02: Bottled water including purchased water in a water cooler, tank or other dispenser
- 03: Both
- 04: Other - Specify
- 05: Don't know, refusal
Water (WA) - Question identifier:WA_Q03
During the past 12 months, did you/your household occasionally use bottled water/tap water/tap or bottled water for drinking at home?
- 01: Yes
- 02: No
- 03: Don't know, refusal
Water (WA) - Question identifier:WA_Q04
During the past 12 months, did you do any of the following to the main water source? Did you...?
- 01: Use a filter or purifier on the main water supply pipe
- 02: Use a filter or purifier on the taps, including built-in water dispensers in your refrigerator
- 03: Use a jug filter (for example a Brita system)
- 04: Boil water (in order to make it safe for drinking)
- 05: Do nothing
- 06: Don't know, refusal
Water (WA) - Question identifier:WA_Q05
What type of filter or purifier was used on the main water supply pipe? Was it...?
- 01: An activated charcoal or carbon filter
- 02: A ceramic filter
- 03: A reverse osmosis system
- 04: An ultraviolet light system
- 05: A distilled water system
- 06: Other - Specify
- 07: Don't know, refusal
Water (WA) - Question identifier:WA_Q06
What type of filter or purifier was used on your taps? Was it...?
- 01: An activated charcoal or carbon filter
- 02: A ceramic filter
- 03: A reverse osmosis system
- 04: An ultraviolet light system
- 05: A distilled water system
- 06: Other - Specify
- 07: Don't know, refusal
Water (WA) - Question identifier:WA_Q07
Why did you treat the main water source? Was it...?
- 01: To improve the appearance, taste or odour
- 02: To remove water treatment chemicals such as chlorine
- 03: To soften the water
- 04: To remove metals or minerals other than for hard water
- 05: To remove possible bacterial contamination
- 06: Because of an advisory to boil water
- 07: Other - Specify
- 08: Don't know, refusal
Water (WA) - Question identifier:WA_Q08
In the past 12 months, was your water tested by a laboratory?
- 01: Yes
- 02: No
- 03: Don't know, refusal
Water (WA) - Question identifier:WA_Q09
Were any problems found?
- 01: Yes
- 02: No
- 03: Don't know, refusal
Water (WA) - Question identifier:WA_Q10
Is your dwelling connected to...?
- 01: The sewer system of your city, town or municipality
- 02: A private septic system, including holding tanks
- 03: A communal septic system
- 04: Other
- 05: Don't know, refusal
Water (WA) - Question identifier:WA_Q11
Do you have a meter to measure your water use?
- 01: Yes
- 02: No
- 03: Don't know, refusal
Water (WA) - Question identifier:WA_Q12
Do you have a water saving, low flow showerhead?
- 01: Yes
- 02: No
- 03: Don't know, refusal
Water (WA) - Question identifier:WA_Q13
Do you have a low volume toilet or a toilet tank with the water volume modified for example with a bottle or a brick?
- 01: Yes
- 02: No
- 03: Don't know, refusal
Water (WA) - Question identifier:WA_Q14
Do you have a lawn or an area with grass?
- 01: Yes
- 02: No
- 03: Don't know, refusal
Water (WA) - Question identifier:WA_Q15
Last summer, did you/anyone in your household water your lawn? Please include automatic sprinkler and irrigation systems.
- 01: Yes
- 02: No
- 03: Not applicable (no lawn last summer)
- 04: Don't know, refusal
Water (WA) - Question identifier:WA_Q16
Last summer, during an average week, how many times was your lawn watered? Was it...?
- 01: Less than once a week
- 02: Once a week
- 03: Twice a week
- 04: Three times or more a week
- 05: Don't know, refusal
Water (WA) - Question identifier:WA_Q17
On average, how long was each watering session? Was it...?
- 01: Less than 15 minutes
- 02: 15 to less than 30 minutes
- 03: 30 to less than 60 minutes
- 04: 60 minutes or more
- 05: Don't know, refusal
Water (WA) - Question identifier:WA_Q18
At what time of the day was your lawn usually watered? Was it...?
- 01: Early in the morning
- 02: During the day
- 03: In the evening or just before dusk
- 04: At various times - no usual routine
- 05: Don't know, refusal
Water (WA) - Question identifier:WA_Q19
How was your lawn usually watered? Was it...?
- 01: By hand using a watering can or a hose (include soaker hoses)
- 02: With a sprinkler or sprinkler system
- 03: Other
- 04: Don't know, refusal
Water (WA) - Question identifier:WA_Q20
Was the sprinkler or sprinkler system connected to a timer?
- 01: Yes
- 02: No
- 03: Don't know, refusal
Water (WA) - Question identifier:WA_Q21
Do you have a garden or areas with trees, shrubs, flowers or vegetables outside?
- 01: Yes
- 02: No
- 03: Don't know, refusal
Water (WA) - Question identifier:WA_Q22
Last summer, did you/anyone in your household water these areas?
- 01: Yes
- 02: No
- 03: Not applicable (no garden last summer)
- 04: Don't know, refusal
Water (WA) - Question identifier:WA_Q23
Last summer, during an average week, how many times were these areas watered? Was it...?
- 01: Less than once a week
- 02: Once a week
- 03: Twice a week
- 04: Three times or more a week
- 05: Don't know, refusal
Water (WA) - Question identifier:WA_Q24
How were these areas usually watered? Was it...?
- 01: By hand using a watering can or a hose (include soaker hoses)
- 02: With a sprinkler or sprinkler system
- 03: Other
- 04: Don't know, refusal
Water (WA) - Question identifier:WA_Q25
Was the sprinkler or sprinkler system connected to a timer?
- 01: Yes
- 02: No
- 03: Don't know, refusal
Water (WA) - Question identifier:WA_Q26
Do you have a barrel or cistern to collect rain water?
- 01: Yes
- 02: No
- 03: Don't know, refusal
Fertilizer and Pesticide Use (FP)
Fertilizer and Pesticide Use (FP) - Question identifier:FP_Q01
In the last 12 months, were any chemical fertilizers applied to your lawn/garden/lawn or garden?
- 01: Yes
- 02: No
- 03: Don't know, refusal
Fertilizer and Pesticide Use (FP) - Question identifier:FP_Q02
In the last 12 months, were any natural or organic fertilizers applied to your lawn/garden/lawn or garden?
- 01: Yes
- 02: No
- 03: Don't know, refusal
Fertilizer and Pesticide Use (FP) - Question identifier:FP_Q03
Who applied the fertilizers to your lawn/garden/lawn or garden in the past 12 months? Was it...?
- 01: Someone in your household
- 02: A lawn care or maintenance company
- 03: Someone else (for example friend, neighbour, family)
- 04: Don't know, refusal
Fertilizer and Pesticide Use (FP) - Question identifier:FP_Q04
In the last 12 months, were any chemical pesticides such as weed killers (herbicides), bug killers (insecticides), or fungicides applied to your lawn/garden/lawn or garden? (Please include fertilizer and herbicide mixes such as 'Weed and Feed').
- 01: Yes
- 02: No
- 03: Don't know, refusal
Fertilizer and Pesticide Use (FP) - Question identifier:FP_Q05
What types of chemical pesticides were applied to your lawn/garden/lawn or garden? Was it...?
- 01: Weed killer (Herbicide)
- 02: Bug killer (Insecticide)
- 03: Fungicide
- 04: Don't know, refusal
Fertilizer and Pesticide Use (FP) - Question identifier:FP_Q06
In the last 12 months, were any natural or organic pesticides applied to your lawn/garden/lawn or garden?
- 01: Yes
- 02: No
- 03: Don't know, refusal
Fertilizer and Pesticide Use (FP) - Question identifier:FP_Q07
Were the pesticide products applied to your lawn/garden/lawn or garden...?
- 01: As part of a regular maintenance schedule (include seasonal application)
- 02: When a specific problem arose
- 03: Other
- 04: Don't know, refusal
Fertilizer and Pesticide Use (FP) - Question identifier:FP_Q08
Who applied the pesticides to your lawn/garden/lawn or garden in the last 12 months? Was it...?
- 01: Someone in your household
- 02: A lawn care or maintenance company
- 03: Someone else (for example friend, neighbour, family)
- 04: Don't know, refusal
Recreational Vehicles and Outdoor Equipment (GP)
Recreational Vehicles and Outdoor Equipment (GP) - Question identifier:GP_Q01
Have you/Has anyone in your household owned any of the following recreational vehicles in the last 12 months?
- 01: All-terrain vehicle (ATV)
- 02: Snowmobile
- 03: Dirt bike or motocross motorcycle
- 04: Personal watercraft (for example a Sea-Doo or Jet Ski)
- 05: Motorboat (with an inboard or outboard motor)
- 06: Household does not own any recreational vehicles
- 07: Don't know, refusal
Recreational Vehicles and Outdoor Equipment (GP) - Question identifier:GP_Q02
In the past 12 months did you/anyone in your household use a lawnmower?
- 01: Yes
- 02: No
- 03: Don't know, refusal
Recreational Vehicles and Outdoor Equipment (GP) - Question identifier:GP_Q03
What type of engine did it have?
- 01: Gas
- 02: Electric
- 03: Manual (push reel)
- 04: Don't know, refusal
Recreational Vehicles and Outdoor Equipment (GP) - Question identifier:GP_Q04
In the past 12 months did you/anyone in your household use a grass trimmer?
- 01: Yes
- 02: No
- 03: Don't know, refusal
Recreational Vehicles and Outdoor Equipment (GP) - Question identifier:GP_Q05
What type of engine did it have?
- 01: Gas
- 02: Electric
- 03: Don't know, refusal
Recreational Vehicles and Outdoor Equipment (GP) - Question identifier:GP_Q06
In the past 12 months did you/anyone in your household use a leaf blower?
- 01: Yes
- 02: No
- 03: Don't know, refusal
Recreational Vehicles and Outdoor Equipment (GP) - Question identifier:GP_Q07
What type of engine did it have?
- 01: Gas
- 02: Electric
- 03: Don't know, refusal
Recreational Vehicles and Outdoor Equipment (GP) - Question identifier:GP_Q08
In the past 12 months did you/anyone in your household use a chain saw?
- 01: Yes
- 02: No
- 03: Don't know, refusal
Recreational Vehicles and Outdoor Equipment (GP) - Question identifier:GP_Q09
What type of engine did it have?
- 01: Gas
- 02: Electric
- 03: Don't know, refusal
Recreational Vehicles and Outdoor Equipment (GP) - Question identifier:GP_Q10
In the past 12 months did you/anyone in your household use a snow blower?
- 01: Yes
- 02: No
- 03: Don't know, refusal
Recreational Vehicles and Outdoor Equipment (GP) - Question identifier:GP_Q11
What type of engine did it have?
- 01: Gas
- 02: Electric
- 03: Don't know, refusal
Composting (CP)
Composting (CP) - Question identifier:CP_Q01
During the last 12 months, did you/your household separate any kitchen waste from the rest of your garbage and put it out for compost collection, take it to a depot or put it in a compost bin or pile?
- 01: Yes
- 02: No
- 03: Don't know, refusal
Composting (CP) - Question identifier:CP_Q02
How was your kitchen waste composted? Was it...?
- 01: Collected by your city or private company
- 02: Taken to a depot
- 03: Put in a compost bin, pile or garden
- 04: Other
- 05: Don't know, refusal
Composting (CP) - Question identifier:CP_Q03
How many months a year do you compost your kitchen waste?
Composting (CP) - Question identifier:CP_Q04
Thinking of a standard plastic grocery bag as a unit of measure, on average, how many bags do you fill with kitchen waste for composting each week?
Composting (CP) - Question identifier:CP_Q05
In the past 12 months, did you/your household separate any yard waste such as leaves, plants, or grass clippings from the rest of your garbage and put it out for collection, take it to a depot or put it in a compost bin or pile?
- 01: Yes
- 02: No
- 03: Don't know, refusal
Composting (CP) - Question identifier:CP_Q06
How was your yard waste composted? Was it...?
- 01: Collected by your city or private company
- 02: Taken to a depot
- 03: Put in a compost bin, pile or garden
- 04: Other
- 05: Don't know, refusal
Composting (CP) - Question identifier:CP_Q07
Do you/Does your household have access to a municipal composting or organics collection program for kitchen/yard/kitchen and yard waste?
- 01: Yes
- 02: No
- 03: Don't know, refusal
Composting (CP) - Question identifier:CP_Q08
What are some of the reasons that prevented you/your household from composting kitchen/yard/kitchen and yard waste? Was it...?
- 01: Too time consuming (for example, to separate waste)
- 02: Not important
- 03: Because it takes up too much space
- 04: Because of a physical limitation or disability
- 05: You did not have a compost bin
- 06: Because you were worried that wildlife or vermin or insects may be attracted
- 07: Because of smell or hygiene reasons
- 08: Because you were unsure of what materials can be composted
- 09: Materials are not collected often enough
- 10: Other
- 11: Don't know, refusal
Indoor Environment (IE)
Indoor Environment (IE) - Question identifier:IE_Q01
During the past 12 months, which of the following products were used to clean your windows?
- 01: Commercial chemical cleaner (for example, Windex, Mr. Clean, Bon Ami)
- 02: Other cleaners (for example, vinegar or "green" or biodegradable cleaners)
- 03: Did not use cleaners, did not clean or did not have windows during past 12 months
- 04: Don't know, refusal
Indoor Environment (IE) - Question identifier:IE_Q02
In the past 12 months, were any of the following chemical products used within your dwelling?
- 01: Oven cleaners and degreasers
- 02: Solvents (for example paint thinner)
- 03: Nail polish remover or makeup remover
- 04: Indoor pesticides or insecticides (for example Raid, Ant-B-Gone)
- 05: Air fresheners (for example potpourri, essential oil dispensers or incense)
- 06: Perfumes or aftershaves
- 07: None of the above
- 08: Don't know, refusal
Indoor Environment (IE) - Question identifier:IE_Q03
In the past 12 months, have you noticed any condensation on the inside surfaces of your windows other than moisture from showers or cooking?
- 01: Yes
- 02: No
- 03: Dwelling does not have windows
- 04: Don't know, refusal
Indoor Environment (IE) - Question identifier:IE_Q04
In the past 12 months, have you noticed any mould or mildew in your dwelling?
- 01: Yes
- 02: No
- 03: Don't know, refusal
Indoor Environment (IE) - Question identifier:IE_Q05
During the past 12 months, how often has the filter in your furnace been changed or cleaned?
- 01: Every 3 months or more frequently
- 02: Every 6 months
- 03: Once in the past year
- 04: Did not change or clean filter in the past year
- 05: Don't know, refusal
Indoor Environment (IE) - Question identifier:IE_Q06
During the past 12 months, how would you rate the quality of the air inside your dwelling? Is it...?
- 01: Excellent
- 02: Very good
- 03: Good
- 04: Fair
- 05: Poor
- 06: Don't know, refusal
Indoor Environment (IE) - Question identifier:IE_Q07
In the past 12 months, did you/did anyone in your household have health problems that may have been caused by the quality of the air in your dwelling?
- 01: Yes
- 02: No
- 03: Don't know, refusal
Indoor Environment (IE) - Question identifier:IE_Q08
What measures do you/does your household take to improve the quality of the air in your dwelling? Do you...?
- 01: Open windows more often to increase air circulation
- 02: Turn on a floor or ceiling fan to increase air circulation
- 03: Use an air conditioner more frequently
- 04: Use a dehumidifier
- 05: Use a humidifier
- 06: Use an air cleaning system (excluding ionizing systems)
- 07: Use higher quality filters in the furnace
- 08: Use the furnace fan or a heat recovery ventilation (HRV) system to increase air circulation
- 09: Use air fresheners (for example potpourri, essential oil dispensers or incense)
- 10: Other - Specify
- 11: None of the above
- 12: Don't know, refusal
Indoor Environment (IE) - Question identifier:IE_Q09
During the winter season, how often do you open a window to allow fresh air into your dwelling?
- 01: Every day
- 02: At least once a week
- 03: A few times during the season
- 04: Never
- 05: Don't know, refusal
Indoor Environment (IE) - Question identifier:IE_Q10
During the summer season, how often do you open a window to allow fresh air into your dwelling?
- 01: Every day
- 02: At least once a week
- 03: A few times during the season
- 04: Never
- 05: Don't know, refusal
Indoor Environment (IE) - Question identifier:IE_Q11
Have you ever heard of radon?
- 01: Yes
- 02: No
- 03: Don't know, refusal
Indoor Environment (IE) - Question identifier:IE_Q12
How would you describe radon if you were asked to explain what it is?
Indoor Environment (IE) - Question identifier:IE_Q13
Do you consider radon to be a health hazard?
- 01: Yes
- 02: No
- 03: Don't know, refusal
Indoor Environment (IE) - Question identifier:IE_Q14
Has your dwelling ever been tested for radon?
- 01: Yes
- 02: No
- 03: Don't know, refusal
Indoor Environment (IE) - Question identifier:IE_Q15
Was it tested in the last 10 years?
- 01: Yes
- 02: No
- 03: Don't know, refusal
Air Quality (AQ)
Air Quality (AQ) - Question identifier:AQ_Q01
In the last 12 months, were you/was anyone in your household aware of any advisories issued in your area for smog, smoke or poor air quality?
- 01: Yes
- 02: No
- 03: Don't know, refusal
Air Quality (AQ) - Question identifier:AQ_Q02
Did you change any of your/Did anyone in your household change any of their behaviours or activities because of these air quality advisories?
- 01: Yes
- 02: No
- 03: Don't know, refusal
Air Quality (AQ) - Question identifier:AQ_Q03
What behaviours or activities were changed?
- 01: Reduced outdoor exercise
- 02: Used public transit or carpooled
- 03: Turned the air conditioning on or lowered the temperature
- 04: Stayed inside
- 05: Did not use gas powered outdoor equipment
- 06: Used car (for example as an alternative to public transit or running/walking/cycling)
- 07: Other - Specify
- 08: Don't know, refusal
Air Quality (AQ) - Question identifier:AQ_Q04
In the past 12 months, did you/did anyone in your household burn yard waste on your property?
- 01: Yes
- 02: No
- 03: Don't know, refusal
Air Quality (AQ) - Question identifier:AQ_Q05
In the past 12 months, did you/did anyone in your household burn household waste on your property?
- 01: Yes
- 02: No
- 03: Don't know, refusal
Hazardous Waste (HW)
Hazardous Waste (HW) - Question identifier:HW_Q01
In the past 12 months, did you/anyone in your household have any leftover or expired medication to dispose of?
- 01: Yes
- 02: No
- 03: Don't know, refusal
Hazardous Waste (HW) - Question identifier:HW_Q02
What did you do with them? Did you...?
- 01: Put them in the garbage
- 02: Take or send them to a depot or drop off centre
- 03: Return them to a supplier/retailer
- 04: Pour them down the drain, sewer, ground, toilet or sink
- 05: Still have them
- 06: Other
- 07: Don't know, refusal
Hazardous Waste (HW) - Question identifier:HW_Q03
In the past 12 months, did you/anyone in your household have any leftover paint or solvents to dispose of?
- 01: Yes
- 02: No
- 03: Don't know, refusal
Hazardous Waste (HW) - Question identifier:HW_Q04
What did you do with them? Did you...?
- 01: Put them in the garbage
- 02: Take or send them to a depot or drop off centre
- 03: Return them to a supplier/retailer
- 04: Still have them
- 05: Other
- 06: Don't know, refusal
Hazardous Waste (HW) - Question identifier:HW_Q05
In the past 12 months, did you/anyone in your household have any unwanted engine oil or anti-freeze to dispose of?
- 01: Yes
- 02: No
- 03: Don't know, refusal
Hazardous Waste (HW) - Question identifier:HW_Q06
What did you do with them? Did you...?
- 01: Put them in the garbage
- 02: Take or send them to a depot or drop off centre
- 03: Return them to a supplier/retailer
- 04: Still have them
- 05: Other
- 06: Don't know, refusal
Hazardous Waste (HW) - Question identifier:HW_Q07
In the past 12 months, did you/anyone in your household have any dead or unwanted car batteries to dispose of? Include batteries used for recreational vehicles such as motorboats, allterrain vehicles and snowmobiles.
- 01: Yes
- 02: No
- 03: Don't know, refusal
Hazardous Waste (HW) - Question identifier:HW_Q08
What did you do with them? Did you...?
- 01: Put them in the garbage
- 02: Take or send them to a depot or drop off centre
- 03: Return them to a supplier/retailer
- 04: Still have them
- 05: Other
- 06: Don't know, refusal
Hazardous Waste (HW) - Question identifier:HW_Q09
In the past 12 months, did you/anyone in your household have any dead or unwanted batteries to dispose of?
- 01: Yes
- 02: No
- 03: Don't know, refusal
Hazardous Waste (HW) - Question identifier:HW_Q10
What did you do with them? Did you...?
- 01: Put them in the garbage
- 02: Take or send them to a depot or drop off centre
- 03: Return them to a supplier/retailer
- 04: Still have them
- 05: Other
- 06: Don't know, refusal
Hazardous Waste (HW) - Question identifier:HW_Q11
In the past 12 months, did you/anyone in your household have any unwanted electronic devices to dispose of?
- 01: Yes
- 02: No
- 03: Don't know, refusal
Hazardous Waste (HW) - Question identifier:HW_Q12
What did you do with them? Did you...?
- 01: Put them in the garbage
- 02: Take or send them to a depot or drop off centre
- 03: Return them to a supplier/retailer
- 04: Donate or give them away
- 05: Still have them
- 06: Other
- 07: Don't know, refusal
Hazardous Waste (HW) - Question identifier:HW_Q13
In the past 12 months, did you/anyone in your household have any dead or unwanted compact fluorescent light bulbs to dispose of?
- 01: Yes
- 02: No
- 03: Don't know, refusal
Hazardous Waste (HW) - Question identifier:HW_Q14
What did you do with them? Did you...?
- 01: Put them in the garbage
- 02: Take or send them to a depot or drop off centre
- 03: Return them to a supplier/retailer
- 04: Still have them
- 05: Other
- 06: Don't know, refusal
Purchasing Decisions (PD)
Purchasing Decisions (PD) - Question identifier:PD_Q01
Did you/Did your household purchase any major appliances in the last 5 years? This includes stoves, refrigerators, dishwashers, freezers, washers or dryers.
- 01: Yes
- 02: No
- 03: Don't know, refusal
Purchasing Decisions (PD) - Question identifier:PD_Q02
Which two of the following factors were the most important the last time
you/your household purchased a major appliance? Was it...?
- 01: Energy or water consumption
- 02: Reliability
- 03: Price
- 04: Features
- 05: Other
- 06: Don't know, refusal
Purchasing Decisions (PD) - Question identifier:PD_Q03
In the past 12 months, how often did you/your household purchase organic foods while shopping for groceries?
- 01: Always
- 02: Often
- 03: Sometimes
- 04: Rarely
- 05: Never
- 06: Don't know, refusal
Purchasing Decisions (PD) - Question identifier:PD_Q04
In the past 12 months, how often did you/your household purchase environmentally friendly or "green" cleaning products?
- 01: Always
- 02: Often
- 03: Sometimes
- 04: Rarely
- 05: Never
- 06: Don't know, refusal
Purchasing Decisions (PD) - Question identifier:PD_Q05
In the past 12 months, how often did you/your household use your own bags or containers to carry your groceries?
- 01: Always
- 02: Often
- 03: Sometimes
- 04: Rarely
- 05: Never
- 06: Don't know, refusal
Total Household Income (THI)
Total Household Income (THI) - Question identifier:THI_Q01
What is your best estimate of your total household income received by all household members, from all sources, before taxes and deductions, during the year ending December 31, 20XX?
Total Household Income (THI) - Question identifier:THI_Q02
Can you estimate in which of the following groups your household income falls? Was the total household income during the year ending December 31, 20XX... ?
- 01: Less than $50,000, including income loss
- 02: $50,000 and more
- 03: Don't know, refusal
Total Household Income (THI) - Question identifier:THI_Q03
Please stop me when I have read the category which applies to your household. Was it... ?
- 01: Less than $5,000
- 02: $5,000 to less than $10,000
- 03: $10,000 to less than $15,000
- 04: $15,000 to less than $20,000
- 05: $20,000 to less than $30,000
- 06: $30,000 to less than $40,000
- 07: $40,000 to less than $50,000
- 08: Don't know, refusal
Total Household Income (THI) - Question identifier:THI_Q04
Please stop me when I have read the category which applies to your household. Was it... ?
- 01: $50,000 to less than $60,000
- 02: $60,000 to less than $70,000
- 03: $70,000 to less than $80,000
- 04: $80,000 to less than $90,000
- 05: $90,000 to less than $100,000
- 06: $100,000 to less than $150,000
- 07: $150,000 and over
- 08: Don't know, refusal
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