Agricultural Water Use Survey - 2007
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For Information onlyThis is an electronic survey example for information purposes only. This is not a working questionnaire.
General Information
The Agricultural Water Use Survey is conducted to gather information on water use, irrigation methods and practices, and sources and quality of water used for agricultural purposes on Canadian farms.
CONFIDENTIAL when completed.
Collected under the authority of the Statistics Act, Revised Statutes of Canada, 1985, Chapter S19.
This is a voluntary survey conducted under Section 8 of the Statistics Act. Your cooperation is important to ensure that the information collected in this survey is as accurate as possible.
All information will be kept confidential under the Statistics Act.
Thank you
Thank you for your co-operation.
Please refer to the calendar year 2007 when answering the questions.
Section A. Type of Operation and Land Area
Section A. Type of Operation and Land Area - Question identifier:1.
In 2007, did this operation produce or grow field crops, hay, improved pasture, vegetables, fruits, nursery products or sod?
- 01: Yes
- 02: No
Section A. Type of Operation and Land Area - Question identifier:2. a)
In the 2007 growing season, did this operation use or apply water for irrigation or watering crops?
- 01: Yes
- 02: No
Section A. Type of Operation and Land Area - Question identifier:2. b)
In the 2007 growing season, did this operation use or apply water for increasing soil moisture content e.g., pre-planting or post harvest?
- 01: Yes
- 02: No
Section A. Type of Operation and Land Area - Question identifier:2. c)
In the 2007 growing season, did this operation use or apply water for any of the following activities?
- 01: Spraying fungicide, herbicide, insecticide or fertilizer
- 02: Cleaning farm buildings or equipment
- 03: Reducing salinity of the soil (leaching)
- 04: Cooling of produce (e.g. broccoli)
- 05: Frost protection
- 06: Harvesting (e.g. cranberries)
- 07: Processing and packaging (e.g., washing vegetables)
- 08: Watering livestock
- 09: Other (specify)
Section B. Cropland and Irrigation in 2007
Section B. Cropland and Irrigation in 2007 - Question identifier:3.
Will you be reporting land area in acres or hectares (or arpents)?
- 01: Acres
- 02: Hectares
- 03: Arpents (Quebec only)
Section B. Cropland and Irrigation in 2007 - Question identifier:4.
In the 2007 growing season, what was the total area of cropland and improved pasture of this operation?
Section B. Cropland and Irrigation in 2007 - Question identifier:5.
Which of the following crop types did you produce or grow on this operation (in the 2007 growing season)?
- 01: Field crops
- 02: Fruits
- 03: Vegetables
- 04: Nursery products
- 05: Sod
- 06: Hay
- 07: Improved pasture
Section B. Cropland and Irrigation in 2007 - Question identifier:6.
What crops did you produce or grow on this operation (in the 2007 growing season)? Include producing and non-producing crops.
The following questions (7.a to 7.m) are asked for up to six crops.
Section B. Cropland and Irrigation in 2007 - Question identifier:7. a)
What was the total area of the crop? acres/hectares (or arpents Quebec)
Section B. Cropland and Irrigation in 2007 - Question identifier:7. b)
How will you report average yield of the crop?
- 01: Bushels
- 02: Kilograms
- 03: Metric Tonnes
- 04: Imperial Tons
- 05: Pounds
- 06: Hundred Weight
- 07: Pints
- 08: Quarts
- 09: Masters or baskets (about 20 lbs)
- 10: Pieds carrés
- 11: Square metres
- 12: Other (specify)
- 13: Not applicable (no yield)
Section B. Cropland and Irrigation in 2007 - Question identifier:7. c)
What was the average yield?
If you have a second yield how will you report average yield of the crop?
- 01: Bushels
- 02: Kilograms
- 03: Metric Tonnes
- 04: Imperial Tons
- 05: Pounds
- 06: Hundred Weight
- 07: Pints
- 08: Quarts
- 09: Masters or baskets (about 20 lbs)
- 10: Square feet
- 11: Square metres
- 12: Other (specify)
- 13: Not applicable (no 2nd yield)
What was the average yield?
Section B. Cropland and Irrigation in 2007 - Question identifier:7. d)
Was/were the crop(s) irrigated in 2007?
- 01: Yes
- 02: No
The following questions (7.e to 7.m) are asked for up to three irrigation methods per crop. The questions are asked for the first method, then repeated for the second then third methods.
Section B. Cropland and Irrigation in 2007 - Question identifier:7. e)
What was the method of irrigation used for the crop?
- 01: Sprinkler - Hand Move
- 02: Sprinkler - Solid or Permanent Set
- 03: Sprinkler - Side Roll, Wheel Line, Wheel Move or Wheel Roll
- 04: Sprinkler - Traveler, Volume Gun, Travelling Gun, Walker, Overhead or Circler
- 05: Sprinkler - Linear move < 25 psi
- 06: Sprinkler - Linear move 25 - 50 psi
- 07: Sprinkler - Linear move >50 psi
- 08: Sprinkler - Centre pivot < 25 psi
- 09: Sprinkler - Centre Pivot 25 - 50 psi
- 10: Sprinkler - Centre Pivot >50 psi
- 11: Micro - Surface drip
- 12: Micro - Sub-surface Drip
- 13: Micro - Micro-sprinkler
- 14: Micro - Bubblers
- 15: Micro - Microjet
- 16: Micro - Hand watering
- 17: Surface - Down rows
- 18: Surface - Furrows
- 19: Surface - Corrugations
- 20: Surface - Border dyke
- 21: Surface - Level basins
- 22: Surface - Uncontrolled flooding (wild flooding)
- 23: Surface - Back flooding
- 24: Surface - Other method (specify)
Section B. Cropland and Irrigation in 2007 - Question identifier:7. f)
What was the total area of the crop irrigated with this irrigation method?
Section B. Cropland and Irrigation in 2007 - Question identifier:7. g)
How will you report volume of water used: e.g., inches, gallons, litres for the crop?
- 01: Water depth per surface area - Inches per acre
- 02: Water depth per surface area - Millimetres per hectare
- 03: Total volume - Total acre-feet
- 04: Total volume - Total gallons
- 05: Total volume - Total litres
- 06: Total volume - Total cubic fee
- 07: Total volume - Total cubic metres
- 08: Volume per surface area - Acre-feet per acre
- 09: Volume per surface area - Gallons per acre
- 10: Volume per surface area - Litres per hectare
- 11: Volume per surface area - Cubic feet per acre
- 12: Volume per surface area - Cubic metres per hectare
- 13: Volume per surface area - Other Volume, specify
- 14: Flow rate - Gallons (per unit of time)
- 15: Flow rate - Litres (per unit of time)
- 16: Flow rate - Cubic feet (per unit of time)
- 17: Flow rate - Cubic metres (per unit of time)
- 18: Flow rate - Pounds (per unit of time)
- 19: Flow rate - Other Flow Rate (per unit of time), specify
Section B. Cropland and Irrigation in 2007 - Question identifier:7. h)
How many units of water were applied on the crop using this irrigation method?
Section B. Cropland and Irrigation in 2007 - Question identifier:7. i)
Were the units applied per second, minute, hour or day?
- 01: Per second
- 02: Per minute
- 03: Per hour
- 04: Per day
Section B. Cropland and Irrigation in 2007 - Question identifier:7. j)
Was this at the system nozzle or pump?
- 01: System nozzle
- 02: Pump
Section B. Cropland and Irrigation in 2007 - Question identifier:7. k)
What was the total number of days or weeks that this system ran?
Section B. Cropland and Irrigation in 2007 - Question identifier:7. l)
Was it days or weeks?
- 01: Days
- 02: Weeks
Section B. Cropland and Irrigation in 2007 - Question identifier:7. m)
What was the total number of hours (per day/week) that this system ran?
Section B. Cropland and Irrigation in 2007 - Question identifier:8.
Of the total area of cropland, how many (acres/hectares/arpents) were irrigated (in the 2007 growing season)?
The following questions (9.a to 9.i) are asked for up to three irrigation methods.
Section B. Cropland and Irrigation in 2007 - Question identifier:9. a)
What irrigation method(s) did you use?
- 01: Sprinkler - Hand Move
- 02: Sprinkler - Solid or Permanent Set
- 03: Sprinkler - Side Roll, Wheel Line, Wheel Move or Wheel Roll
- 04: Sprinkler - Traveler, Volume Gun, Travelling Gun, Walker, Overhead or Circler
- 05: Sprinkler - Linear move < 25 psi
- 06: Sprinkler - Linear move 25 - 50 psi
- 07: Sprinkler - Linear move >50 psi
- 08: Sprinkler - Centre pivot < 25 psi
- 09: Sprinkler - Centre Pivot 25 - 50 psi
- 10: Sprinkler - Centre Pivot >50 psi
- 11: Micro - Surface drip
- 12: Micro - Sub-surface Drip
- 13: Micro - Micro-sprinkler
- 14: Micro - Bubblers
- 15: Micro - Microjet
- 16: Micro - Hand watering
- 17: Surface - Down rows
- 18: Surface - Furrows
- 19: Surface - Corrugations
- 20: Surface - Border dyke
- 21: Surface - Level basins
- 22: Surface - Uncontrolled flooding (wild flooding)
- 23: Surface - Back flooding
- 24: Surface - Other method (specify)
Section B. Cropland and Irrigation in 2007 - Question identifier:9. b)
What was the total area irrigated with the irrigation method(s)?
Section B. Cropland and Irrigation in 2007 - Question identifier:9. c)
How will you report volume of water used: e.g., inches, gallons, litres?
- 01: Water depth per surface area - Inches per acre
- 02: Water depth per surface area - Millimetres per hectare
- 03: Total volume - Total acre-feet
- 04: Total volume - Total gallons
- 05: Total volume - Total litres
- 06: Total volume - Total cubic fee
- 07: Total volume - Total cubic metres
- 08: Volume per surface area - Acre-feet per acre
- 09: Volume per surface area - Gallons per acre
- 10: Volume per surface area - Litres per hectare
- 11: Volume per surface area - Cubic feet per acre
- 12: Volume per surface area - Cubic metres per hectare
- 13: Volume per surface area - Other Volume, specify
- 14: Flow rate - Gallons (per unit of time)
- 15: Flow rate - Litres (per unit of time)
- 16: Flow rate - Cubic feet (per unit of time)
- 17: Flow rate - Cubic metres (per unit of time)
- 18: Flow rate - Pounds (per unit of time)
- 19: Flow rate - Other Flow Rate (per unit of time), specify
Section B. Cropland and Irrigation in 2007 - Question identifier:9. d)
How many units were applied using the irrigation method?
Section B. Cropland and Irrigation in 2007 - Question identifier:9. e)
Were the units applied per second, minute, hour or day?
- 01: Per second
- 02: Per minute
- 03: Per hour
- 04: Per day
Section B. Cropland and Irrigation in 2007 - Question identifier:9. f)
Was this at the system nozzle or pump?
- 01: System nozzle
- 02: Pump
Section B. Cropland and Irrigation in 2007 - Question identifier:9. g)
What was the total number of days or weeks that this system ran?
Section B. Cropland and Irrigation in 2007 - Question identifier:9. h)
Was it days or weeks?
- 01: Days
- 02: Weeks
Section B. Cropland and Irrigation in 2007 - Question identifier:9. i)
What was the total number of hours (per day/week) that this system ran?
Section B. Cropland and Irrigation in 2007 - Question identifier:10.
Which of the following practices were used for the purpose of water or energy conservation?
- 01: Wind breaks
- 02: Leaving stubble on fields (e.g., minimum tillage, direct seeding)
- 03: Watering at night or in the morning
- 04: Pressure reduction
- 05: Water or energy saving nozzles
- 06: Other energy saving methods or devices (specify)
- 07: No practices done
Section B. Cropland and Irrigation in 2007 - Question identifier:11.
Which of the following factors or tools helped this operation determine when to irrigate?
- 01: Crop condition or crop stage (observation including disease)
- 02: Use of soil moisture sensors (e.g., moisture blocks or tensiometers)
- 03: Use of plant sensors (e.g. infrared thermometers)
- 04: Feel and appearance of the soil
- 05: Weather forecasts (meteorological reports)
- 06: Water availability
- 07: Use of an irrigation scheduling consultant (commercial and/or government)
- 08: Planned irrigation schedule
- 09: Rain gauge
- 10: Other factors or tools (specify)
Section B. Cropland and Irrigation in 2007 - Question identifier:12.
In 2007, did this operation have to stop irrigating OR not irrigate for any reason, such as equipment failure, weather, or water shortage?
- 01: Yes
- 02: No
Section B. Cropland and Irrigation in 2007 - Question identifier:13.
Why was irrigation stopped or not done?
- 01: Shortage of surface water
- 02: Shortage of underground water (include shallow wells and deep wells)
- 03: Equipment failure
- 04: Poor water quality
- 05: Cost of water
- 06: Weather (e.g., excess rain, heat, frost, wind, hail, lightning)
- 07: Water ban
- 08: Crop did not require irrigation
- 09: Labour shortage
- 10: Fuel or energy cost
- 11: Other reason (specify)
Section B. Cropland and Irrigation in 2007 - Question identifier:14.
Did this operation use a drainage system (e.g., land tiles or tiling)?
- 01: Yes
- 02: No
Section B. Cropland and Irrigation in 2007 - Question identifier:15.
Did this operation use any of the following?
- 01: Underground water or well water (include shallow wells and deep wells)
- 02: ON-FARM lakes, rivers, creeks or streams, ponds or dugouts i.e. direct access (surface water)
- 03: Water from a rain collection system (e.g., cistern or rain barrel)
- 04: OFF-FARM water transported TO THE FARM e.g., via pipeline, canal system or vehicle
- 05: Other (specify)
Section B. Cropland and Irrigation in 2007 - Question identifier:16.
Which of the following OFF-FARM water sources did this operation use?
- 01: Tap water (drinking water or municipal water)
- 02: Treated wastewater
- 03: Provincial water sources (irrigation district, group project)
- 04: Private sources
- 05: Other sources (specify)
Section B. Cropland and Irrigation in 2007 - Question identifier:17.
Why did this operation need to obtain water from an OFF-FARM source?
- 01: No water or not enough water available ON THE FARM (for irrigation)
- 02: Poor quality of ON-FARM water
- 03: Other reason (specify)
Section B. Cropland and Irrigation in 2007 - Question identifier:18.
Water may be treated to improve its overall quality.
Does this operation treat water prior to farm use?
- 01: Yes
- 02: No
Section B. Cropland and Irrigation in 2007 - Question identifier:19.
Which of the following water treatment practices were used by this operation?
- 01: Treatment to kill bacteria or other foreign bodies (i.e. disinfection)
- 02: Treatment to equalize pH levels
- 03: Treatment to remove solids (i.e. filtration)
- 04: Treatment to prevent or to clear mineral fouling
- 05: Treatment to prevent corrosion
- 06: Treatment to reduce water hardness
- 07: Treatment to reduce salinity (salt content)
- 08: Other treatment to purify water (specify)
Section B. Cropland and Irrigation in 2007 - Question identifier:20.
In 2007, how did this operation deal with its wastewater e.g., water used when cleaning equipment and produce, excess water from fertilizer or pesticide use?
- 01: Returned to soil
- 02: Drained into body of water or wetland
- 03: Drained to sewer / septic tank
- 04: Drained to settling basin / holding bin
- 05: Collected for reuse
- 06: Other (specify)
Data Sharing Agreement
Data Sharing Agreement - Question identifier:21.
Do you agree to share the information on this survey with: Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada
- 01: Yes
- 02: No
Data Sharing Agreement - Question identifier:22.
Do you agree to share this information on this survey with: Environment Canada?
- 01: Yes
- 02: No
Data Sharing Agreement - Question identifier:23.
Do you agree to share this information on this survey with:
Prince Edward Island Department of Agriculture?
- 01: Yes
- 02: No
Do you agree to share this information on this survey with:
New Brunswick Department of Agriculture and Aquaculture?
- 01: Yes
- 02: No
Do you agree to share this information on this survey with:
Manitoba Agriculture, Food and Rural Initiatives?
- 01: Yes
- 02: No
Do you agree to share this information on this survey with:
Saskatchewan Ministry of Agriculture?
- 01: Yes
- 02: No
Do you agree to share this information on this survey with:
Alberta Agriculture and Food?
- 01: Yes
- 02: No
Do you agree to share this information on this survey with:
British Columbia Ministry of Agriculture and Lands?
- 01: Yes
- 02: No
Do you agree to share the information on this survey, including your farm name, address and other identifying information, with:
The Institut de la statistique du Québec?
- 01: Yes
- 02: No
- Date modified: