Annual Electricity Supply and Disposition Survey - 2015
Archived Content
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For Information onlyThis is an electronic survey example for information purposes only. This is not a working questionnaire.
Table of Contents
- Business and organization contact information
- Business or organization status
- Business activity
- Industry Characteristics
- Reporting changes and events that affected the business
- Contact person
- Feedback
The purpose of this survey is to obtain information on the supply of, and/or demand for, energy in Canada.
Additional information
This survey is conducted by Statistics Canada in order to collect the necessary information to support the Integrated Business Statistics Program (IBSP). This program combines various survey and administrative data to develop comprehensive measures of the Canadian economy.
The statistical information from the IBSP serves many purposes, including:
Obtaining information on the supply of and/or demand for energy in Canada;
Enabling governmental agencies to fulfill their regulatory responsibilities in regards to public utilities;
Enabling all levels of government to establish informed policies in the energy area;
Assisting the business community in the corporate decision-making process.
Your information may also be used by Statistics Canada for other statistical and research purposes.
You are legally required to complete this questionnaire according to the Statistics Act.
Collected under the authority of the Statistics Act, Revised Statutes of Canada, 1985, Chapter S-19.
Statistics Canada is prohibited by law from releasing any information it collects which could identify any person, business, or organization, unless consent has been given by the respondent or as permitted by the Statistics Act. Statistics Canada will use the information from this survey for statistical purposes.
Data-sharing agreements
To reduce respondent burden, Statistics Canada has entered into data-sharing agreements with provincial and territorial statistical agencies and other government organizations, which have agreed to keep the data confidential and use them only for statistical purposes. Statistics Canada will only share data from this survey with those organizations that have demonstrated a requirement to use the data.
Section 11 of the Statistics Act provides for the sharing of information with provincial and territorial statistical agencies that meet certain conditions. These agencies must have the legislative authority to collect the same information, on a mandatory basis, and the legislation must provide substantially the same provisions for confidentiality and penalties for disclosure of confidential information as the Statistics Act. Because these agencies have the legal authority to compel businesses to provide the same information, consent is not requested and businesses may not object to the sharing of the data.
For this survey, there are Section 11 agreements with the provincial and territorial statistical agencies of Newfoundland and Labrador, Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, Québec, Ontario, Manitoba, Saskatchewan, Alberta, British Columbia and the Yukon. The shared data will be limited to information pertaining to business establishments located within the jurisdiction of the respective province or territory.
Section 12 of the Statistics Act provides for the sharing of information with federal, provincial or territorial government organizations. Under Section 12, you may refuse to share your information with any of these organizations by writing a letter of objection to the Chief Statistician, specifying the organizations with which you do not want Statistics Canada to share your data and mailing it to the following address:
Chief Statistician of Canada
Statistics Canada
Care of Roland Boudreau
Enterprise Statistics Division
150 Tunney's Pasture Driveway
Ottawa, ON
K1A 0T6
You may also contact us by email at: or by fax at 613-951-6583.
For this survey, there are Section 12 agreements with the statistical agencies of Prince Edward Island, the Northwest Territories and Nunavut as well as with the Newfoundland and Labrador Department of Natural Resources, the Ministère de l'énergie et des ressources naturelles du Québec, the Manitoba Department of Mineral Resources, Alberta Energy, the British Columbia Ministry of Energy and Mines, the British Columbia Ministry of Natural Gas Development, National Energy Board, Natural Resources Canada and Environment Canada.
For agreements with provincial and territorial government organizations, the shared data will be limited to information pertaining to business establishments located within the jurisdiction of the respective province or territory.
Record linkage
To enhance the data from this survey and to minimize the reporting burden, Statistics Canada may combine it with information from other surveys or from administrative sources.
Security of emails and faxes
Statistics Canada advises you that there could be a risk of disclosure during facsimile or email. However upon receipt, Statistics Canada will provide the guaranteed level of protection afforded all information collected under the authority of the Statistics Act.
Note: Our online questionnaires are secure, there is no risk of data interception when responding to Statistics Canada online surveys.
Business and organization contact information
Business and organization contact information - Question identifier:1
Please verify the business or organization name and correct where needed.
Legal name:
Operating name:
Business and organization contact information - Question identifier:2
Please verify the business or organization contact person and address for this questionnaire and correct where needed. The contact person is the person who should receive this questionnaire. The contact person may not always be the one who actually completes the questionnaire.
First name:
Last name:
Email address:
Address (number and street):
Province, territory or state:
Postal code or ZIP code:
- 1: Canada
- 2: United States
Telephone number (including area code):
Extension number (if applicable):
Fax number (including area code):
Preferred language of communication:
- 1: English
- 2: French
Business or organization status
Business or organization status - Question identifier:1
Is this business or organization currently in operation?
- 1: Yes
- 2: No, seasonal operations
- 3: No, ceased all operations
- 4: No, sold all operations
- 5: No, amalgamated with (an)other business(es) or organization(s)
- 6: No, temporarily inactive but will re-open
- 7: No, no longer operating due to other reason(s)
Business or organization status - Question identifier:2
When did this business or organization close for the season?
Business or organization status - Question identifier:3
When does this business or organization expect to resume operations?
Business or organization status - Question identifier:4
When did this business or organization cease all operations?
Business or organization status - Question identifier:5
Why did this business or organization cease all operations?
- 1: Bankruptcy
- 2: Liquidation
- 3: Dissolution
- 4: Other reason - specify:
Business or organization status - Question identifier:6
When was this business or organization sold?
Business or organization status - Question identifier:7
What is the legal name of the buyer?
Business or organization status - Question identifier:8
When did this business or organization amalgamate?
Business or organization status - Question identifier:9
What is the legal name of the resulting or continuing business or organization?
Business or organization status - Question identifier:10
What is (are) the legal name(s) of the other amalgamated business(es) or organization(s)?
Business or organization status - Question identifier:11
When did this business or organization become temporarily inactive?
Business or organization status - Question identifier:12
When does this business or organization expect to resume operations ?
Business or organization status - Question identifier:13
Why is this business or organization temporarily inactive?
Business or organization status - Question identifier:14
When did this business or organization cease operations?
Business or organization status - Question identifier:15
Why did this business or organization cease operations?
Business activity
Business activity - Question identifier:1
According to our records, this business or organization's main activity, which typically generates the most revenue, is classified as: [ ].
Is this correct?
- 1: Yes, this is the main activity.
- 2: No, this is a secondary activity.
- 3: No, this is not applicable.
Business activity - Question identifier:2
Was this business or organization's main activity, which typically generates the most revenue, ever classified as [ ]?
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
Business activity - Question identifier:3
When did the main activity change?
Business activity - Question identifier:4
Please provide a brief but precise description of this business or organization's main activity. This is the main economic activity (typically generating the most revenue).
E.g., Breakfast cereal manufacturing or Shoe store or Software development.
Business activity - Question identifier:5
Press the Search button below.
This will search a database for the classification that best matches the description you provided. If desired, you can filter the search results by first selecting this business or organization's activity sector.
Search keywords. Select this business or organization's sector (optional)
Please select an activity (industry description)
Please select an activity (industry code)
Business activity - Question identifier:6
You have indicated that the main activity of this business or organization is: [ ]. Are there any other activities that contribute significantly (at least 10%) to this business or organization's revenue?
- 1: Yes, there are other activities.
- 2: No, that is the only significant activity.
Business activity - Question identifier:7
Please provide a brief but precise description of this business or organization's secondary activity.
E.g., Breakfast cereal manufacturing or Shoe store or Software development.
Business activity - Question identifier:8
Approximately what percentage of this business or organization's revenue is generated by each of the following business activities? Estimates are acceptable.
Business activity - Question identifier:a)
Main Business Activity
Business activity - Question identifier:b)
Secondary Business Activity
Business activity - Question identifier:c)
All other business activities
Business activity - Question identifier:d)
Total percentage
Industry Characteristics
Industry Characteristics - Question identifier:1
Does this business generate electricity? Electricity may be generated for internal use and/or for sale.
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
Industry Characteristics - Question identifier:2
What method is employed to generate electricity? Select all that apply.
- 1: Thermal generation - combustible fuels
- 2: Nuclear
- 3: Hydro
- 4: Tidal
- 5: Wind
- 6: Solar
- 7: Wave
- 8: Geothermal
- 9: Other noncombustible methods - specify:
Industry Characteristics - Question identifier:3
How will the volume of generated electricity be reported? If both Net and Gross generation can be provided, please report the Net electricity generation.
- 1: Gross electricity generation
- 2: Net electricity generation
Industry Characteristics - Question identifier:4
Which types of combustible fuel were used for this business's thermal generation of electricity? Select all that apply.
- 1: Coal
- 2: Natural gas
- 3: Petroleum
- 4: Other combustible sources - specify:
- 5: Wood
- 6: Spent pulping liquor
- 7: Methane (landfill gas)
- 8: Municipal and other waste
- 9: Other type of biomass - specify:
Industry Characteristics - Question identifier:5
What was the volume in megawatt-hours (MWh) of electricity generated from the following?
Thermal and Biomass
- 1: Coal
- 2: Natural gas
- 3: Petroleum
- 4: #{B40097_y11}
- 5: Total megawatt-hours generated from thermal electricity production
- 6: Wood
- 7: Spent pulping liquor
- 8: Methane (landfill gas)
- 9: Municipal and other waste
- 10: #{B40097_y8}
- 11: Total megawatt-hours generated from biomass
Total electricity production from combustible fuels
- 1: Nuclear
- 2: Hydro
- 3: Tidal
- 4: Wind
- 5: Solar
- 6: Wave
- 7: Geothermal
- 8: #{B05049_m16}
Total production of electricity
Industry Characteristics - Question identifier:6
Did this business import electricity from the United States?
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
Industry Characteristics - Question identifier:7
What was the volume in megawatt-hours (MWh) and value of imported electricity from the United States?
Volume in MWh
CAN$ '000
Industry Characteristics - Question identifier:8
Did this business receive electricity from other sources in Canada? Include:
- Electricity received from other producers or distributors
- Withdrawals from the grid for own use
- Affiliated direct purchase and wholesale consumers
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
Industry Characteristics - Question identifier:9
From which province or territory was electricity purchased or withdrawn by this business? Select all that apply.
- 1: Newfoundland and Labrador
- 2: Prince Edward Island
- 3: Nova Scotia
- 4: New Brunswick
- 5: Quebec
- 6: Ontario
- 7: Manitoba
- 8: Saskatchewan
- 9: Alberta
- 10: British Columbia
- 11: Yukon
- 12: Northwest Territories
- 13: Nunavut
Industry Characteristics - Question identifier:10
What was the volume in megawatt-hours (MWh) and the value of electricity received by this business? Include:
- Electricity received from other producers or distributors
- Withdrawals from the grid for own use
- Affiliated direct purchase and wholesale consumers
Volume in MWh
- 1: Newfoundland and Labrador
- 2: Prince Edward Island
- 3: Nova Scotia
- 4: New Brunswick
- 5: Quebec
- 6: Ontario
- 7: Manitoba
- 8: Saskatchewan
- 9: Alberta
- 10: British Columbia
- 11: Yukon
- 12: Northwest Territories
- 13: Nunavut
CAN$ '000
- 1: Newfoundland and Labrador
- 2: Prince Edward Island
- 3: Nova Scotia
- 4: New Brunswick
- 5: Quebec
- 6: Ontario
- 7: Manitoba
- 8: Saskatchewan
- 9: Alberta
- 10: British Columbia
- 11: Yukon
- 12: Northwest Territories
- 13: Nunavut
Industry Characteristics - Question identifier:10
What was the volume in megawatt-hours (MWh) and the value of electricity received by this business? Include:
- Electricity received from other producers or distributors
- Withdrawals from the grid for own use
- Affiliated direct purchase and wholesale c
Total volume and value of electricity, purchased or withdrawn from other domestic companies Volume in MWh
Total volume and value of electricity, purchased or withdrawn from other domestic companies CAN$ '000
Industry Characteristics - Question identifier:11
This is a summary of your total supply of electricity from foreign and domestic suppliers. Please review the values and if needed, press the Previous button at the bottom of the page to navigate to the previous pages to make any modifications.
Total generation of electricity
Total volume of electricity imported from the United States
Total volume purchased or withdrawn from other companies in Canada
Total supply of electricity
Industry Characteristics - Question identifier:12
This is a summary of your total cost of purchased electricity from foreign and domestic suppliers. Please review the values and if needed, press the Previous button at the bottom of the page to navigate to the previous pages to make any modifications.
Total cost of electricity imported from the United States
Total cost of electricity purchased or withdrawn from other companies in Canada
Total cost of purchased electricity from foreign and domestic suppliers
Industry Characteristics - Question identifier:13
Excluding electricity that is billed, did this business consume electricity for its own use?
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
Industry Characteristics - Question identifier:14
What was the volume in megawatt-hours (MWh) of the electricity consumed by this business for its own use?
Industry Characteristics - Question identifier:15
Did this business export electricity to the United States?
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
Industry Characteristics - Question identifier:16
What was the volume in megawatt-hours (MWh) and value of exported electricity to the United States?
Volume in MWh
CAN$ '000
Industry Characteristics - Question identifier:17
Did this business deliver electricity to other companies in Canada such as utilities, system operators (the grid), producers, transmitters and/or distributors for the purpose of resale? e.g., utilities or distributors
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
Industry Characteristics - Question identifier:18
Which province or territory was electricity delivered to? Select all that apply.
- 1: Newfoundland and Labrador
- 2: Prince Edward Island
- 3: Nova Scotia
- 4: New Brunswick
- 5: Quebec
- 6: Ontario
- 7: Manitoba
- 8: Saskatchewan
- 9: Alberta
- 10: British Columbia
- 11: Yukon
- 12: Northwest Territories
- 13: Nunavut
Industry Characteristics - Question identifier:19
What was the volume in megawatt-hours (MWh) and value of electricity delivered to other companies in Canada such as utilities, system operators (the grid), producers, transmitters and/or distributors for the purpose of resale?
Volume in MWh
- 1: Newfoundland and Labrador
- 2: Prince Edward Island
- 3: Nova Scotia
- 4: New Brunswick
- 5: Quebec
- 6: Ontario
- 7: Manitoba
- 8: Saskatchewan
- 9: Alberta
- 10: British Columbia
- 11: Yukon
- 12: Northwest Territories
- 13: Nunavut
CAN$ '000
- 1: Newfoundland and Labrador
- 2: Prince Edward Island
- 3: Nova Scotia
- 4: New Brunswick
- 5: Quebec
- 6: Ontario
- 7: Manitoba
- 8: Saskatchewan
- 9: Alberta
- 10: British Columbia
- 11: Yukon
- 12: Northwest Territories
- 13: Nunavut
Total volume and value of delivered electricity to other domestic businesses CAN$ '000
Total volume and value of delivered electricity to other domestic businesses Volume in MWh
Industry Characteristics - Question identifier:20
Did this business deliver electricity to consumers enrolled with retailers such as Direct Energy?
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
Industry Characteristics - Question identifier:21
What was the volume in megawatt-hours (MWh) of electricity delivered to the following types of consumers enrolled with retailers? Exclude electricity delivered to other utilities or distributors.
Residential and agricultural consumers
- 1: Residential - Single meter
- 2: Residential - Bulk meter
- 3: Family farms (at farm rates or an estimate)
- 4: Corporate farms and support activities
- 5: Irrigation (at irrigation rates only)
- 6: Total volume of electricity delivered to residential and agricultural consumers enrolled with retailers
Mining and manufacturing consumers
- 1: Iron ore mining
- 2: Oil and gas extraction and support activities
- 3: Other mining and support activities
- 4: Food manufacturing
- 5: Paper manufacturing
- 6: Iron and steel manufacturing
- 7: Aluminum and non-ferrous metal manufacturing
- 8: Cement manufacturing
- 9: Petroleum and coal products manufacturing
- 10: Chemical, pesticide and fertilizer manufacturing
- 11: Other manufacturing (not listed above)
- 12: Total volume of electricity delivered to mining and manufacturing consumers enrolled with retailers
Other types of consumers
- 1: Urban transit systems
- 2: Pipeline transportation and natural gas distribution
- 3: Public administration
- 4: Street lighting (estimate if necessary)
- 5: Commercial and other Institutional (not listed above)
- 6: Total volume of electricity delivered to other types of consumers enrolled with retailers
Industry Characteristics - Question identifier:22
What was the total number of customers for electricity delivered to the following types of consumers enrolled with retailers? Exclude electricity delivered to other utilities or distributors.
Number of customers
- 1: Residential - Single meter
- 2: Residential - Bulk meter
- 3: Family farms (at farm rates or an estimate)
- 4: Corporate farms and support activities
- 5: Irrigation (at irrigation rates only)
- 6: Total number of customers for electricity delivered to residential and agricultural consumers enrolled with retailers
Mining and manufacturing industries
All other types of consumers enrolled with retailers
Industry Characteristics - Question identifier:23
This is a summary of your total volume (MWh) and number of customers for electricity delivered for consumers enrolled with retailers. Please review the values and if needed, press the Previous button at the bottom of the page to navigate to the previous pages to make any modifications.
Total volume and number of customers for electricity
delivered for consumers enrolled with retailers Volume in MWh
Total volume and number of customers for electricity
delivered for consumers enrolled with retailers Number of customers
Industry Characteristics - Question identifier:24
Does this business deliver electricity to 'end use' consumers?
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
Industry Characteristics - Question identifier:25
What was the volume in megawatt-hours (MWh) of electricity delivered to the following types of 'end use' consumers? Exclude electricity delivered to other utilities or distributors.
Residential and agricultural "end use" consumers
- 1: Residential - Single meter
- 2: Residential - Bulk meter
- 3: Family farms (at farm rates or an estimate)
- 4: Corporate farms and support activities
- 5: Irrigation (at irrigation rates only)
- 6: Total volume of electricity delivered to the residential and agricultural "end use" consumers
Mining and manufacturing "end-use" consumers
- 1: Iron ore mining
- 2: Oil and gas extraction and support activities
- 3: Other mining and support activities
- 4: Food manufacturing
- 5: Paper manufacturing
- 6: Iron and steel manufacturing
- 7: Aluminum and non-ferrous metal manufacturing
- 8: Cement manufacturing
- 9: Petroleum and coal products manufacturing
- 10: Chemical, pesticide and fertilizer manufacturing
- 11: Other manufacturing (not listed above)
- 12: Total volume of electricity delivered to mining and manufacturing "end-use" consumers
Other types of "end-use" consumers
- 1: Urban transit systems
- 2: Pipeline transportation and natural gas distribution
- 3: Public administration
- 4: Street lighting (estimate if necessary)
- 5: Commercial and other Institutions (not listed above)
- 6: Total volume of electricity delivered to other types of "end-use" consumers
Industry Characteristics - Question identifier:26
What was the value of electricity delivered to the following types of 'end use' consumers?
CAN$ '000
- 1: Residential - Single meter
- 2: Residential - Bulk meter
- 3: Family farms (at farm rates or an estimate)
- 4: Corporate farms and support activities
- 5: Irrigation (at irrigation rates only)
- 6: Total value of electricity delivered to the residential and agricultural "end use" consumers
Mining and manufacturing industries
All other types of 'end use' consumers
Industry Characteristics - Question identifier:27
What was the total number of customers for electricity delivered to the following types of 'end use' consumers?
Number of customers
- 1: Residential - Single meter
- 2: Residential - Bulk meter
- 3: Family farms (at farm rates or an estimate)
- 4: Corporate farms and support activities
- 5: Irrigation (at irrigation rates only)
- 6: Total number of customers for electricity delivered to the residential and agricultural "end use" consumers
Mining and manufacturing industries
All other types of 'end use' consumers
Industry Characteristics - Question identifier:28
This is a summary of your total volume (MWh) and number of customers for electricity delivered for 'end use' consumers.
Volume in MWh Total volume and number of customers for electricity delivered to 'end-use' consumers
Number of customers Total volume and number of customers for electricity delivered to 'end-use' consumers
Total value of electricity delivered to 'end-use' consumers
Industry Characteristics - Question identifier:29
This is a summary of your balancing electricity supply and disposition. Please review the values and if needed, press the Previous button at the bottom of the page to navigate to the previous pages to make any modifications.
Supply Production of electricity
Supply Imported electricity from the United States
Supply Withdrawal or purchased electricity from the grid
Supply Total supply of electricity
Disposition Consumed, generated or purchased electricity
Disposition Exported electricity to United States
Disposition Delivered electricity to other domestic businesses
Disposition Delivered electricity to consumers enrolled with retailers
Disposition Delivered electricity to "end use" consumers
Disposition Total disposition of electricity
Transmission, distribution and other losses Total supply of electricity
Transmission, distribution and other losses Total disposition of electricity
Transmission, distribution and other losses
Reporting changes and events that affected the business
Indicate any changes or events that may have affected the reported values for this business compared to the last reporting period.
- 1: Strike or lock-out
- 2: Exchange rate impact
- 3: Price changes in goods or services sold
- 4: Contracting out
- 5: Organisational change
- 6: Price changes in labour or raw materials
- 7: Natural disaster
- 8: Recession
- 9: Change in product line
- 10: Sold business units
- 11: Expansion
- 12: New/lost contract
- 13: Plant Closures
- 14: Acquisition of business units
- 15: Other change or event - specify:
- 16: Other description
- 17: No changes or events
Contact person
Contact person - Question identifier:1
Who is the best person to contact about this questionnaire?
First name:
Last name:
Email address:
Telephone number (including area code):
Extension number (if applicable):
Fax number (including area code):
Feedback - Question identifier:1
How long did it take to complete this questionnaire? Include time spent gathering the necessary information.
Feedback - Question identifier:2
Statistics Canada reviews all feedback. We invite your comments about this questionnaire.
- Date modified: