Survey of Environmental Goods and Services, 2012

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The purpose of the survey is to produce estimates of the production of environmental goods and services by industry. This survey collects data on sales of environmental goods and services.

Additional information

These data will be aggregated with information from other sources to produce official estimates of national and provincial/territorial economic activity related to environmental protection. This information can be used by businesses for market analysis, by trade associations to study the performance of the environment industry, by governments to develop policies and by researchers. The information may also be used by Statistics Canada for other statistical and research purposes. For further information, please consult the enclosed Reporting Guide.

For more information on this survey, please access


The Statistics Act protects the confidentiality of information collected by Statistics Canada. Statistics Canada is prohibited by law from releasing any information it collects which could identify any person, business, or organization, unless consent has been given by the respondent or as permitted by the Statistics Act. Statistics Canada will use the information from this survey for statistical purposes.

Data-sharing agreements

Information on data-sharing agreements can be found in the guide accompanying this questionnaire.

Record linkage

To enhance the data from this survey, Statistics Canada may combine it with information from other surveys or from administrative sources.

Security of emails and faxes

Statistics Canada advises you that there could be a risk of disclosure during the transmission of information by facsimile or email. However, upon receipt, Statistics Canada will provide the guaranteed level of protection afforded all information collected under the authority of the Statistics Act.

Return procedures

Please return the completed questionnaire to Statistics Canada in the enclosed envelope within 21 days of receipt. If you are unable to do so, kindly inform our office of the expected completion date.


If you require assistance in completing this questionnaire or if you have any questions or comments regarding this survey, please refer to the Reporting Guide and Glossary of Terms accompanying this questionnaire or contact:

Statistics Canada
Telephone (toll-free): 1-866-445-4323

In all correspondence concerning this questionnaire, please quote the identification number that appears on the address label.


Please include in this questionnaire the data for the establishment identified above.


A - Reporting period information

A - Reporting period information - Question identifier:1.

Please report information for this establishment's fiscal period ending between April 1 and March 31.
Please indicate below the reporting period covered by this questionnaire.
Example: If your 12-month fiscal period ends September 30, please report for the year starting October 1, 2011 and ending September 30, 2012.

A - Reporting period information - Question identifier:2.

If the fiscal year reported for this establishment is less than a full year, please check the reason(s) below:

  • 01: Seasonal operations
  • 02: New business
  • 03: Change of fiscal year
  • 04: Change of ownership
  • 05: Ceased operations
  • 06: Temporarily inactive

B - Total revenue

B - Total revenue - Question identifier:3.

Total revenue. Include sales of goods and services, other operating revenue and non-operating revenue.

C1 - Sales of selected environmental goods (machinery, equipment and products)

C1 - Sales of selected environmental goods (machinery, equipment and products) - Question identifier:4.

Renewable energy production (Exclude monitoring and analysis equipment)
Sales of machinery, equipment and products

  • 01: Manufactured in Canada (CAN$)
  • 02: Manufactured outside Canada and imported for resale in Canada (CAN$)
  • A: WIND
    - Wind turbine equipment, nacelle, blades, towers
    - Switchgear, transformers
    - Domestic woodstoves
    - Biomass-fired industrial boilers
    - Anaerobic digesters
  • C: EARTH
    - Heat pumps, other equipment used in geothermal energy systems
  • D: WATER
    - Turbines (Francis, Kaplan, Pelton, propeller), including components
    - Generators (including components), valves, gates, transformers, switchgear
  • E: SUN
    - Active solar heating equipment (glazed flat plate collectors, glazed evacuated tubes/collectors, unglazed panels/collectors for heating pools, perforated cladding for solar air heating)
    - Active solar-power generation equipment (concentrating mirrors, receivers)
    - Photovoltaic energy equipment (photovoltaic cells, modules, panels/arrays, inverters for solar photovoltaic systems)
  • G: TOTAL

C1 - Sales of selected environmental goods (machinery, equipment and products) - Question identifier:5.

Management of non-hazardous waste (Exclude monitoring and analysis equipment)
Sales of machinery, equipment and products

  • 01: Manufactured in Canada (CAN$)
  • 02: Manufactured outside Canada and imported for sale in Canada (CAN$)
  • A: Collection
    - Collection vehicles for non-hazardous waste, recycling and organics
    - Containers for collection of recycled materials and household organics, backyard composters, yard waste bags
  • B: Separating and sorting
    - Air classifier, magnetic separator, eddy current separator
  • C: Compaction
    - Balers, densifiers, compactors, shredders, granulators
  • D: Centralized biological reprocessing
    - Centralized composters (turned-windrow, aerated static pile, mechanically agitated in-vessel)
  • E: Disposal
    - Equipment for landfill leachate collection and containment
    - Equipment for landfill gas management
    - Equipment for thermal treatment (rotary kiln incinerator, mass burning, starved air incinerator, fluidized bed)
  • F: Other (please specify)
  • G: TOTAL

C1 - Sales of selected environmental goods (machinery, equipment and products) - Question identifier:6.

Management of industrial air pollution or flue gas (Exclude monitoring and analysis equipment)
Sales of machinery, equipment and products

  • 01: Manufactured in Canada (CAN$)
  • 02: Manufactured outside Canada and imported for sale in Canada (CAN$)
  • A: Physical/chemical treatment
    - Filters (membrane, baghouse, granular bed), cyclones
    - Electrostatic precipitator
    - Scrubbers (Venturi, spray tower, mechanical, plate tower, packed tower)
    - Waste gas absorber, waste gas flare/incinerator
    - Industrial catalytic converter
    - Pollutant recovery condenser
    - Adsorbers
  • B: Other (please specify)
  • C: TOTAL

C1 - Sales of selected environmental goods (machinery, equipment and products) - Question identifier:7.

Industrial wastewater treatment and municipal sewage treatment (Exclude monitoring and analysis equipment)
Sales of machinery, equipment and products

  • 01: Manufactured in Canada (CAN$)
  • 02: Manufactured outside Canada and imported for resale in Canada (CAN$)
    - Oil separator/skimmer
    - Ion exchange bed
    - Air stripping tank/column
    - Liquid extraction column
    - Micro-porous membrane adsorber
    - Equipment for advanced chemical oxidation/UV radiation
    - Pre-treatment filters
    - Chemicals used in industrial wastewater treatment
    - Intake screen
    - Air sparging grit chamber
    - Oil separator/skimmer
    - Tanks (including components) for sedimentation, chemical precipitation/flocculation, aerobic biological treatment, aeration, clarification, disinfection
    - Membrane bioreactor
    - Trickling filter
    - Anaerobic digester
    - Chemicals used in municipal sewage treatment
  • D: TOTAL

C1 - Sales of selected environmental goods (machinery, equipment and products) - Question identifier:8.

Remediation of ground water, surface water and leachate (Exclude monitoring and analysis equipment)
Sales of machinery, equipment and products

  • 01: Manufactured in Canada (CAN$)
  • 02: Manufactured outside Canada and imported for resale in Canada (CAN$)
  • A: In situ biological treatment
    - Enhanced bioremediation, phytoremediation
  • B: Ex situ biological treatment
    - Bioreaction
  • C: In situ physical/chemical treatment
    - Air sparging, bioslurping, chemical oxidation, directional wells, dual phase extraction, thermal treatment, hydrofracturing enhancements, in-well air stripping, passive/reactive treatment walls (Include sales of chemicals for remediation of ground water, surface water and leachate)
  • D: Ex situ physical/chemical treatments
    (assume pumping)- Adsorption/absorption, advanced oxidation, air stripping, ion exchange, precipitation/ flocculation/coagulation, separation, sprinkler irrigation (Include sales of chemicals for remediation of ground water, surface water and leachate)
  • E: Containment
    - Physical barriers, deep well injection
  • F: Air emissions/off-gas treatment
    - Oxidation, scrubbing, vapour phase carbon adsorption
  • G: Other (please specify)
  • H: TOTAL

C1 - Sales of selected environmental goods (machinery, equipment and products) - Question identifier:9.

Remediation of soil, sediment and sludge (Exclude monitoring and analysis equipment)
Sales of machinery, equipment and products
- If your establishment provides environmental services, report sales of related machinery, equipment, and products in Section C2 (Sales of selected environmental services)

  • 01: Manufactured in Canada (CAN$)
  • 02: Manufactured outside Canada and imported for resale in Canada (CAN$)
  • A: In situ biological treatment
    - Bioventing, enhanced bioremediation, phytoremediation
  • B: Ex situ biological treatment
    - Biopiles, composting, landfarming, slurry phase biological treatment
  • C: In situ physical/chemical treatment
    - Chemical oxidation, fracturing, soil flushing, soil vapour extraction, solidification/stabilization (Include sales of chemicals for remediation of soil, sediment and sludge)
  • D: Ex situ physical/chemical treatment
    - Chemical extraction, chemical reduction/oxidation, dehalogenation, separation, soil washing, solidification/stabilization (Include sales of chemicals for remediation of soil, sediment and sludge)
  • E: In situ thermal treatment
    - Hot air injection, electrical resistance
  • F: Ex situ thermal treatment
    - Incineration, pyrolysis, thermal desorption
  • G: Containment
    - Landfill cap, landfill cap enhancements/alternatives
  • H: Other (please specify)
  • I: TOTAL

C2 - Sales of selected environmental services

C2 - Sales of selected environmental services - Question identifier:10.

Site remediation services and environmental emergency response services
Sales of services (CAN$)

  • a): In situ remediation of soil, sediment, sludge
  • b): Ex situ remediation of soil, sediment, sludge
  • c): In situ remediation of ground water, surface water, and leachate
  • d): Ex situ remediation of ground water, surface water, and leachate
  • e): Remediation of air or off-gas
  • f): Control, containment and monitoring services (air, water, soil)
  • g): Environmental emergency response services
  • h): TOTAL

C3 - Total sales of environmental goods and services

C3 - Total sales of environmental goods and services - Question identifier:11.

Total sales of environmental goods and services. Include sales of all goods (machinery, equipment, products) and services(sum of sales reported in questions 4 to 10) (CAN$)

D - Exports

D - Exports - Question identifier:12.

Did this establishment receive revenue from clients outside Canada for the export of environmental goods and/or services?

  • 01: Yes - Go to question 13
  • 02: No - Go to question 15

D - Exports - Question identifier:13.

Total Exports: Please report sales of exported goods and/or services included in Total sales reported in question 11. (CAN$)

D - Exports - Question identifier:14.

Please provide a percentage breakdown of exports by country. (percentage %)

  • a): United States
  • b): Mexico
  • c): Other countries (please specify)
  • d): Total

E - Additional information

E - Additional information - Question identifier:15.

Are there other establishments in your company?

  • 01: Yes - Go to question 16
  • 02: No - Go to question 17

E - Additional information - Question identifier:16.

Please provide the name and address of other establishments in your company that are operating in Canada and are involved in manufacturing or importing environmental goods or providing environmental services.

E - Additional information - Question identifier:17.

Please list any environmental goods or services that should be added to this survey.

Contact information

  • 1: Last name
  • 2: First name
  • 3: Title
  • 4: Telephone number
  • 5: Ext. number
  • 6: E-mail address
  • 7: Fax number
  • 8: Website address
  • 9: Date

F - Administration

F - Administration - Question identifier:18.

How long did you spend collecting the data and completing the questionnaire?

  • 01: Hour(s)
  • 02: Minute(s)

G - Comments

G - Comments - Question identifier:19.

We invite your comments below. Please be assured that we review all comments with the intent to improve the survey.

Thank you for completing this questionnaire. Please keep a copy for your records. Visit our website at

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