Monthly Retail Trade Survey (with inventories) - R8
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For Information onlyThis is an electronic survey example for information purposes only. This is not a working questionnaire.
Report for the month of
Correct pre-printed information if necessary using the corresponding boxes provided below.
- 1: Legal Name
- 2: Business Name
- 3: C/O
- 4: No. & Street
- 5: City
- 6: Province
- 7: Postal Code
- 8: Contact Person
- 9: Telephone Number
- 10: Fax Number
- 11: E-mail Address
- 12: Web Site Address
- 13: Language preference
The Monthly Retail Trade Survey collects sales and the number of retail locations by province and territory from a sample of retailers.
Completion of this questionnaire is a requirement under the Statistics
Act. Statistics Canada is prohibited by law from publishing any statistics
which would divulge information relating to any identifiable business
without the previous written consent of the business. The data reported
on this questionnaire will be treated in strict confidence, used
exclusively for statistical purposes and published in aggregate form
Data-sharing agreements
To avoid duplicating surveys and to ensure uniform statistics, Statistics
Canada enters into data sharing agreements with provincial and
territorial statistical agencies. Agreements exist under Section 11 of the
Statistics Act with the provincial and territorial statistical agencies of
Alberta, Quebec, Ontario and the Yukon. Agreements exist under
Section 12 of the Statistics Act with the territorial statistical agencies of
the Northwest Territories and Nunavut. Under Section 12, you may
refuse to share your information with any of the agencies listed by writing
a letter of objection to the Chief Statistician and returning it with the
completed questionnaire. All agreements require that the information you
provide be kept strictly confidential.
Security of emails and faxes
Statistics Canada advises you that there could be a risk of disclosure
during the facsimile or other electronic transmission. However, upon
receipt of your information, Statistics Canada will provide the level of
protection afforded all information collected under the authority of the
Statistics Act.
If you require assistance to complete the survey or have any questions,
please contact the appropriate Statistics Canada Office.
If your region of residence is Québec or Nunavut, contact Sturgeon Falls office at 705-753-4888 or Toll Free at 1-800-316-5354. Fax number 1-866-656-5834 or 705-753-6030.
If your region of residence is Atlantic Provinces, Ontario, Western
Provinces, Yukon and NWT, contact Toronto office at 416-954-9069 or Toll Free at 1-800-263-3072. Fax number 1-800-363-1672 or 416-973-6524.
Sales, Commissions and Other Receipts
Report total sales, commissions and other receipts (excluding sales taxes) and the number of retail locations, by geographical area.
- 10: Newfoundland and Labrador
- 11: Prince Edward Island
- 12: Nova Scotia
- 13: New Brunswick
- 21: Québec - Exclude Montréal CMA
- 23: Montréal CMA
- 31: Ontario - Exclude Toronto CMA
- 33: Toronto CMA
- 46: Manitoba
- 47: Saskatchewan
- 48: Alberta
- 51: British Columbia - Exclude Vancouver CMA
- 53: Vancouver CMA
- 60: Yukon Territory
- 61: Northwest Territories
- 62: Nunavut
Indicate the reporting period of your sales if different from the calendar month.
- 1: From YYYY MM DD to YYYY MM DD
Report inventories of goods owned, and intended for resale, at the end of the month. Report at cost if possible.
Indicate the date of the inventory reported above if different from the end of the calendar month.
- 1: Date from (YYYY MM DD) to (YYYY MM DD)
Please provide reasons for significant changes to reported data from the previous reporting period.
- Date modified: