Monthly Wholesale Trade Survey - W8
Archived Content
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For Information onlyThis is an electronic survey example for information purposes only. This is not a working questionnaire.
Report for the month of
Correct pre-printed information if necessary using the corresponding boxes provided below.
- 1: Legal Name
- 2: Business Name
- 3: C/O
- 4: No. & Street
- 5: City
- 6: Province
- 7: Postal Code
- 8: Contact Person
- 9: Telephone
- 10: Fax Number
- 11: E-mail Address
- 12: Web Site Address
- 13: Language preference
This survey provides information on the performance of the wholesale trade sector and when combined with other statistics, represents an important indicator of the Canadian economy.
Additional information
The business community uses the data to analyze market performance and developments. The statistical summaries are published in Catalogue 63-008-XIB, available at
Your answers are confidential.
The Statistics Act protects the confidentiality of information collected by
Statistics Canada.
Statistics Canada is prohibited by law from releasing any information it
collects which could identify any person, business, or organization,
unless consent has been given by the respondent or as permitted by the
Statistics Act. The confidentiality provisions of the Statistics Act are not
affected by either the Access to Information Act or any other legislation.
Therefore, for example, the Canada Revenue Agency cannot access
identifiable survey records from Statistics Canada. Information from this
survey will be used for statistical purposes only and will be published in
aggregate form only.
Data-sharing agreements
To reduce respondent burden, Statistics Canada has entered into data
sharing agreements with provincial and territorial statistical agencies and
other government organizations, which must keep the data confidential
and use them only for statistical purposes. A list of the organizations with
which Statistics Canada has data-sharing agreements with will be sent
to you on an occasional basis.
Security of emails and faxes
Statistics Canada advises you that there could be a risk of disclosure
during the facsimile or other electronic transmission. However, upon
receipt of your information, Statistics Canada will provide the level of
protection afforded all information collected under the authority of the
Statistics Act.
If you require assistance to complete the survey or have any questions,
please contact the appropriate Statistics Canada Office.
If your region of residence is Québec, contact Sherbrooke Office at 819-564-5500 or Toll Free at 1-877-992-3999. Fax number is 1-888-883-7999.
If your region of residence is Atlantic Provinces, Ontario, Western Provinces,
Yukon, N.W.T. and Nunavut contact Sturgeon Falls Office at 705-753-3161or Toll free at 1-800-316-5354. Fax number is 1-888-883-7999.
Reporting instructions
-Report all dollar amounts in CANADIAN DOLLARS ($ CDN).
-Exclude: GST, HST, PST and TVQ.
-When precise figures are not available, please provide your best estimates
Sales, Commissions and Other Receipts
Report total sales, commissions and other receipts and the number of trading locations, by geographical area. Do not report the destination of sales.
- 10: Newfoundland and Labrador
- 11: Prince-Edward Island
- 12: Nova scotia
- 13: New Brunswick
- 24: Québec
- 35: Ontario
- 46: Manitoba
- 47: Saskatchewan
- 48: Alberta
- 59: British Columbia
- 60: Yukon Territory
- 61: Northwest Territories
- 62: Nunavut
Indicate the reporting period of your sales if different from the calendar month.
- 1: From YYYY MM DD to YYYY MM DD
Please provide reasons for significant changes to reported data from the previous reporting period.
- Date modified: