Electric Power Thermal Generating Station Fuel Consumption - Annual 2013 - (NAICS 22111 Electric Power Generation)

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For Information onlyThis is an electronic survey example for information purposes only. This is not a working questionnaire.



The purpose of this survey is to obtain information on the supply of, and/or demand for, energy in Canada.

Additional information

The purpose of this survey is to obtain information on the supply of, and demand for, energy in Canada. This information serves as an important indicator of Canadian economic performance, and is used by all levels of government in establishing informed policies in the energy area. In the case of public utilities, it is used by governmental agencies to fulfill their regulatory responsibilities. The private sector also uses this information in the corporate decision-making process.

Your information may also be used by Statistics Canada for other statistical and research purposes.


Statistics Canada is prohibited by law from releasing any information it collects which could identify any person, business, or organization, unless consent has been given by the respondent or as permitted by the Statistics Act. Statistics Canada will use the information from this survey for statistical purposes.

Data-sharing agreements

To reduce respondent burden, Statistics Canada has entered into data-sharing agreements with provincial and territorial statistical agencies and other government organizations, which have agreed to keep the data confidential and use them only for statistical purposes. Statistics Canada will only share data from this survey with those organizations that have demonstrated a requirement to use the data. For further information on data-sharing, please see the enclosed reporting guide.

Record linkage

To enhance the data from this survey, Statistics Canada may combine it with information from other surveys or from administrative sources.

Security of emails and faxes

Statistics Canada advises you that there could be a risk of disclosure during the transmission of information by facsimile or e-mail. However, upon receipt, Statistics Canada will provide the guaranteed level of protection afforded to all information collected under the authority of the Statistics Act.

Return procedures

This schedule is to be completed and returned to Statistics Canada, 150 Tunney's Pasture Driveway, OID - ISS: JT-02 B17, Ottawa, ON, K1A 0T6. Please complete and return within 30 days after receipt of this questionnaire. If you require assistance in the completion of this questionnaire or have any questions regarding this survey, please contact us: Telephone: 1-877-604-7828 Fax: 1-800-755-5514.


This schedule is to be completed for the station or stations indicated on the label affixed to the questionnaire.

Report only the amount of fuel for the generation of electricity.

Estimate if necessary. Value should be the total cost at the station gate.

Shaded areas are reserved for Statistics Canada use ONLY.

Are there any stations on standby? If yes, please report them in the Notes section.

Part 1


  • 1: Yes
  • 2: No - If no, skip to part 2

If "Yes" - Primary Purpose

  • 1: Electricity - Internal
  • 2: Electricity for industry
  • 3: Thermal - Internal
  • 4: Thermal for industry

If "Yes" - Sub-type

  • 1: Combined cycle
  • 2: Steam turbine
  • 3: Combustion engine diesel
  • 4: Natural gas combustion turbine
  • 5: Other, specify

Part 2

Part 2 - Question identifier:1.


  • 1: Bituminous coal - Canadian
  • 2: Bituminous coal - Imported
  • 3: Subbituminous coal - Canadian
  • 4: Subbituminous coal - Imported
  • 5: Lignite
  • 7: Wood (bark, hog-fuel etc.)
  • 8: Petroleum Coke
  • 9: Agriculture biomass
  • 10: Other biomass (food processing)
  • 11: Other biomass - type unknown
  • 12: Municipal and other waste
  • 13: Other (specify)

Part 2 - Question identifier:2.


  • 1: Biodiesel
  • 2: Ethanol
  • 3: Other biofuel
  • 4: Light fuel oil (# 1,2,3)
  • 5: Heavy fuel oil (# 4,5,6) - Canadian
  • 6: Heavy fuel oil (# 4,5,6) - Imported
  • 7: Propane
  • 8: Diesel
  • 9: Orimulsion
  • 10: Other (specify)
  • 11: Spent pulping liquor

Part 2 - Question identifier:3.


  • 1: Natural gas
  • 2: Coke oven gas
  • 3: Methane
  • 4: Refinery fuel gas
  • 5: Other (specify)

Part 2 - Question identifier:4.


  • 1: Nuclear - (Uranium)
  • 2: Steam from waste heat
  • 5.0: Total Gross Electricity Generation (MW.h)
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