Employment Insurance Coverage Survey - 2018

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For Information onlyThis is an electronic survey example for information purposes only. This is not a working questionnaire.

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Confirm Mother Status (MO)

Confirm Mother Status (MO) - Question identifier:MO_Q01

According to our information, in [SRMTH, SRYR] your youngest child was aged 12 months or less. Is this correct?

  • 1: Yes
  • 2: No
  • 8: RF
  • 9: DK

Confirm Mother Status (MO) - Question identifier:MO_Q02

Are you the mother of your child by birth or by adoption?

  • 1: By birth
  • 2: By adoption
  • 8: RF
  • 9: DK

Confirm Mother Status (MO) - Question identifier:MO_Q03

Is it also correct that your child was born in [S_BMTH, S_BYEAR]?

  • 1: Yes
  • 2: No
  • 8: RF
  • 9: DK

Confirm Mother Status (MO) - Question identifier:MO_Q04M

What is your child's month of birth?

  • 01: January
  • 02: February
  • 03: March
  • 04: April
  • 05: May
  • 06: June
  • 07: July
  • 08: August
  • 09: September
  • 10: October
  • 11: November
  • 12: December
  • 98: RF
  • 99: DK

Confirm Mother Status (MO) - Question identifier:MO_Q04Y

What is your child's year of birth?

Min = 2000; Max = 2100

Confirm Type (TY)

Confirm Type (TY) - Question identifier:TY_Q01

According to our Labour Force Survey interview with [your household/you], you were without work and wanting to work during the [first/second/third] week of ^DV_REFMO. Is this correct?

  • 1: Yes
  • 2: No, respondent did work during reference week
  • 3: Respondent was not working and did not want to
  • 8: RF
  • 9: DK

Confirm Type (TY) - Question identifier:TY_Q02

According to our Labour Force Survey interview with [your household/you], you were working less than 30 hours during the [first/second/third] week of ^DV_REFMO. Is this correct?

  • 1: Yes
  • 2: No, respondent did not work during reference week
  • 3: No, worked more than 29 hours during reference
  • 8: RF
  • 9: DK

Confirm Type (TY) - Question identifier:TY_Q03

According to our Labour Force Survey interview with [your household/you], you were not working and not looking for work during the [first/second/third] week of ^DV_REFMO. Is this correct?

  • 1: Yes
  • 2: No, respondent did work during reference week
  • 3: No, respondent was actually looking for work
    that week
  • 8: RF
  • 9: DK

Confirm Type (TY) - Question identifier:TY_Q04

Did you work continuously during the last 3 months?

  • 1: Yes
  • 2: No
  • 3: Not working at all
  • 8: RF
  • 9: DK

Confirm Type (TY) - Question identifier:TY_Q05

According to our Labour Force Survey interview with [your household/you], you were working during the [first/second/third] week of ^DV_REFMO. Is this correct?

  • 1: Yes
  • 2: No, not working that week
  • 8: RF
  • 9: DK

Confirm Type (TY) - Question identifier:TY_Q06

How many paid hours did you work in total during the [first/second/third] week of ^DV_REFMO?

Min = 0; Max = 95

Confirm Type (TY) - Question identifier:TY_Q06A

Would you say that you worked less than 30 hours or more?

  • 1: Less than 30 hours
  • 2: 30 hours or more
  • 8: RF
  • 9: DK

Confirm Type (TY) - Question identifier:TY_Q07

Did you have a week without work (or pay) between [SRMTH first, SRYR - 2 months] and the end of the [first/second/third] week of ^DV_REFMO?

  • 1: Yes
  • 2: No
  • 8: RF
  • 9: DK

Confirm Type (TY) - Question identifier:TY_Q08

Did you actually look for work or want to work during the [first/second/third] week of ^DV_REFMO?

  • 1: Yes
  • 2: No
  • 8: RF
  • 9: DK

Last Work (LW)

Last Work (LW) - Question identifier:LW_Q01

In that interview in ^DV_REFMO ^DT_YOUYOUR indicated that you never worked. Is this correct?

  • 1: Yes, never worked
  • 2: No, worked before
  • 8: RF
  • 9: DK

Last Work (LW) - Question identifier:LW_Q02

In that interview in ^DV_REFMO ^DT_YOUYOUR indicated that you last worked in [S_LWM/LW_Q03M], ^DV_ LWY. Is this correct?

  • 1: Yes, the date is good
  • 2: No, the date is wrong
  • 3: No, never worked
  • 8: RF
  • 9: DK

Last Work (LW) - Question identifier:LW_Q03

When did you last work?

  • 1: Select to enter date
  • 2: Never worked
  • 8: RF
  • 9: DK

Last Work (LW) - Question identifier:LW_Q03Y

In what year did you last work?

Min = 1927; Max = 2100

Last Work (LW) - Question identifier:LW_Q03M

In what month did you last work?

  • 01: January
  • 02: February
  • 03: March
  • 04: April
  • 05: May
  • 06: June
  • 07: July
  • 08: August
  • 09: September
  • 10: October
  • 11: November
  • 12: December
  • 98: RF
  • 99: DK

Last Work (LW) - Question identifier:LW_Q04

Was it within the last year?

  • 1: Yes
  • 2: No
  • 8: RF
  • 9: DK

Last Work (LW) - Question identifier:LW_Q05

Was it within the last two years?

  • 1: Yes
  • 2: No
  • 8: RF
  • 9: DK

Out of scope (OS)

Out of scope (OS) - Question identifier:OS_R01

You were selected for this survey to represent [mothers with recently born infants. Since this is not your case, I do not need to ask you any more questions./people who had a recent change in employment. Since this is not your situation, I do not need to ask you any more questions./people who had a few hours of work in ^DV_REFMO. Since you were employed full-time, I do not need to ask you any more questions./people who were not working in ^DV_REFMO but who had worked within the last 2 years. Since this is not your situation, I do not need to ask you any more questions./people who were not working in ^DV_REFMO. Since this is not your situation, I do not need to ask you any more questions.]. Thank you for your cooperation and excuse us for disturbing you.

Job information (JB)

Job information (JB) - Question identifier:JB_Q01

[At our last interview your household/you indicated that you worked for ^S_ERNAME during the first/second/third week of ^DV_REFMO, that is from the ^SRSTART [st/nd/rd/th] to the ^SREND [st/nd/rd/th] of ^DV_REFMO. Is this correct?/At our last interview your household/you indicated that you last worked for ^S_ERNAME. Is this correct?/For whom did you work during the first/second/third week of ^DV_REFMO, that is from the ^SRSTART [st/nd/rd/th] to the ^SREND [st/nd/rd/th] of ^DV_REFMO. Was it ^S_ERNAME?/For whom were you working when you last worked DV_LWDATE? Was it ^S_ERNAME?]

  • 1: Yes
  • 2: No, did not work for that employer
  • 8: RF
  • 9: DK

Job information (JB) - Question identifier:JB_Q02

[For whom were you working at that time?/For whom did you work during the first/second/third week of ^DV_REFMO, that is from the ^SRSTART [st/nd/rd/th] to the ^SREND [st/nd/rd/th] of ^DV_REFMO?/For whom were you working when you last worked DV_LWDATE?]

  • 1: Enter the employer's name
  • 2: Own business
  • 3: Family worker
  • 8: RF
  • 9: DK

Job information (JB) - Question identifier:JB_Q02N

Enter the employer's name.

Long Answer Length = 50

Job information (JB) - Question identifier:JB_Q03

Did you also work for pay at another job or business in ^DV_REFMO?

  • 1: Yes
  • 2: No
  • 8: RF
  • 9: DK

Job information (JB) - Question identifier:JB_Q04

What is the name of this employer you also worked for?

Long Answer Length = 50

Job information (JB) - Question identifier:JB_Q10

What kind of business, industry or service [is/was] this?

Long Answer Length = 30

Job information (JB) - Question identifier:JB_Q11

What kind of work [are/were] you doing?

Long Answer Length = 30

Job information (JB) - Question identifier:JB_Q12M

When did you start working for ^DV_ERNAME?

  • 01: January
  • 02: February
  • 03: March
  • 04: April
  • 05: May
  • 06: June
  • 07: July
  • 08: August
  • 09: September
  • 10: October
  • 11: November
  • 12: December
  • 98: RF
  • 99: DK

Job information (JB) - Question identifier:JB_Q12Y

(When did you start working for ^DV_ERNAME?)

Min = 1927; Max = 2100

Job information (JB) - Question identifier:JB_Q13

In that job with ^DV_ERNAME, [are/were] you a union member?

  • 1: Yes
  • 2: No
  • 8: RF
  • 9: DK

Job information (JB) - Question identifier:JB_Q14

[Are/Were] you covered by a union contract or collective agreement?

  • 1: Yes
  • 2: No
  • 8: RF
  • 9: DK

Job information (JB) - Question identifier:JB_Q15

What [is/was] your usual (gross) rate of pay, before deductions? Do not include overtime, tips, commissions or bonuses.

  • 1: Enter salary $
  • 2: Minimum wage
  • 3: Only earned commissions
  • 8: RF
  • 9: DK

Job information (JB) - Question identifier:JB_Q15A

Enter the salary.

Min = 0.01; Max = 900000.00

Job information (JB) - Question identifier:JB_Q15B


  • 1: Hour
  • 2: Day
  • 3: Week
  • 4: Biweekly
  • 5: Twice per month
  • 6: Month
  • 7: Year
  • 8: RF
  • 9: DK

Job information (JB) - Question identifier:JB_Q16

[Do/Did] you usually receive commissions, tips, or bonuses?

  • 1: Yes
  • 2: No
  • 8: RF
  • 9: DK

Job information (JB) - Question identifier:JB_Q17A

What [is/was] your usual (gross) commissions / tips / bonus pay before deductions?

Min = 0.01; Max = 900000.00

Job information (JB) - Question identifier:JB_Q17B


  • 1: Hour
  • 2: Day
  • 3: Week
  • 4: Biweekly
  • 5: Twice per month
  • 6: Month
  • 7: Year
  • 8: RF
  • 9: DK

Job information (JB) - Question identifier:JB_Q18

On average, how many paid hours did you usually work per week in that job with ^DV_ERNAME? (excluding overtime)

Min = 0; Max = 99

Job information (JB) - Question identifier:JB_Q19

[Is/Was] your job with ^DV_ERNAME permanent?

  • 1: Yes, permanent
  • 2: No, not permanent
  • 8: RF
  • 9: DK

Job information (JB) - Question identifier:JB_Q20

In what way [is/was] your job not permanent? [Is/Was] it...

  • 1: ... seasonal?
  • 2: ... temporary, term or contract job (non-seasonal)?
  • 3: ... casual?
  • 4: ... work done through a temporary help agency?
  • 5: Other - Specify
  • 8: RF
  • 9: DK

Job information (JB) - Question identifier:JB_Q21

[Are/Were] Employment Insurance (EI) premiums deducted from your wages or salary at that job with ^DV_ERNAME?

  • 1: Yes
  • 2: No
  • 8: RF
  • 9: DK

Job information (JB) - Question identifier:JB_Q22

Was this because...

  • 1: ... your weekly hours or earnings are / were too
    low to be insured by Employment Insurance?
  • 2: ... you are / were self employed or working on
    a contract?
  • 3: ... you are / were working for a family business?
  • 4: ... your job is / was part of a government job
    creation program?
  • 5: ... you work / worked outside Canada?
  • 6: ... you are / were paid in cash?
  • 7: Other - Specify
  • 8: RF
  • 9: DK

Work in last year (WY)

Work in last year (WY) - Question identifier:WY_Q01

[During the 52 week period prior to the birth or adoption of your child, that is from [DV_CHILB - 11] to [DV_BMTH DV_BYEAR]/During the 52 week period from [DV_REFMO - 11] to ^DV_REFMO], how many weeks did you work (including leave with pay)?

Min = 0; Max = 52

Work in last year (WY) - Question identifier:WY_Q02

Did you work at a job or business or were you absent from a job during the 3 months prior to the [birth/adoption/birth or adoption] of your child?

  • 1: Yes, working or absent from work
  • 2: No, did not have a job or business
  • 8: RF
  • 9: DK

Work in last year (WY) - Question identifier:WY_Q03

Why did you not work in the [year/3 months] prior to the [birth/adoption/birth or adoption] of your child?

  • 1: Took care of other children
  • 2: Preferred to stay at home
  • 3: Went to school or took training
  • 4: Could not find suitable work
  • 5: Other - Specify
  • 8: RF
  • 9: DK

Work in last year (WY) - Question identifier:WY_Q04

Of the weeks you worked [during the year prior to the birth or adoption of your child, that is from [DV_CHILB - 11] to [DV_BMTH DV_BYEAR]/between [DV_REFMO - 11] and ^DV_REFMO], did you work...

  • 1: ... all weeks full-time
  • 2: ... most weeks full-time and some weeks
    part-time (or half and half)
  • 3: ... most weeks part-time and some weeks
    full time
  • 4: ... all weeks part-time
  • 8: RF
  • 9: DK

Work in last year (WY) - Question identifier:WY_Q05

During the weeks that you worked full-time, how many hours on average did you work per week?

Min = 30; Max = 168

Work in last year (WY) - Question identifier:WY_Q06

During the weeks that you worked part-time, how many hours on average did you work per week?

Min = 1; Max = 30

Stopped Working (SW)

Stopped Working (SW) - Question identifier:SW_R01

According to our information, you stopped working or had an interruption of work with ^DV_ERNAME ^DV_LWDATE.

Stopped Working (SW) - Question identifier:SW_Q01

What was the main reason you stopped working at that job?

  • 01: Own illness or disability
  • 02: Caring for own children
  • 03: Caring for elder relative
  • 04: Pregnancy
  • 05: Other personal or family responsibilities
  • 06: Going to school
  • 07: Lost job, laid off or job ended
  • 08: Business sold or closed down
  • 09: Changed residence
  • 10: Dissatisfied with job
  • 11: Retired
  • 12: Other - Specify
  • 98: RF
  • 99: DK

Stopped Working (SW) - Question identifier:SW_Q02

Was your retirement from that job voluntary or involuntary?

  • 1: Voluntary
  • 2: Involuntary
  • 8: RF
  • 9: DK

Stopped Working (SW) - Question identifier:SW_Q03

What was the specific reason for your job loss?

  • 01: End of seasonal job
  • 02: End of temporary, term or contract job
  • 03: Casual job, no work available
  • 04: Company moved
  • 05: Company went out of business
  • 06: Business conditions (not enough work, drop
    in orders, retooling, etc.)
  • 07: Dismissal by employer (i.e. fired)
  • 08: Other -Specify
  • 98: RF
  • 99: DK

Stopped Working (SW) - Question identifier:SW_Q04

[Did you receive any advance formal notice from your employer that your work would stop, for example receive a letter, attend meetings, or receive announcements?/Did you know in advance that you would stop working at that job?]

  • 1: Yes
  • 2: No
  • 8: RF
  • 9: DK

Stopped Working (SW) - Question identifier:SW_Q05

[How long in advance did you get that notice?/How long in advance did you know that you would leave or lose that job?]

  • 1: To enter how long in advance
  • 2: Knew it from the beginning
  • 8: RF
  • 9: DK

Stopped Working (SW) - Question identifier:SW_Q05A

[How long in advance did you get that notice?/How long in advance did you know that you would leave or lose that job?]

Min = 0; Max = 999

Stopped Working (SW) - Question identifier:SW_Q05B

[How long in advance did you get that notice?/How long in advance did you know that you would leave or lose that job?]

  • 1: Days
  • 2: Weeks
  • 3: Months
  • 8: RF
  • 9: DK

Stopped Working (SW) - Question identifier:SW_Q06

Did you receive a record of employment (ROE) for Employment Insurance purposes when you stopped working at your job for ^DV_ERNAME?

  • 1: Yes
  • 2: No
  • 8: RF
  • 9: DK

Stopped Working (SW) - Question identifier:SW_Q07

When you stopped working for ^DV_ERNAME ^DV_LWDATE, did you receive any of the following payments from your employer...?

  • 1: ... severance pay or pay instead of vacation
  • 2: ... a pension pay-out
  • 3: ... early retirement package
  • 4: ... wages instead of notice (lump sum
  • 5: ... sick leave credits / payment for unused sick benefits
  • 6: ... any other payments (Specify)
  • 7: None
  • 8: RF
  • 9: DK

Stopped Working (SW) - Question identifier:SW_Q08

Did you expect to return to your job with ^DV_ERNAME at that time?

  • 1: Yes
  • 2: No
  • 8: RF
  • 9: DK

Break from working since birth/adoption (BK)

Break from working since birth/adoption (BK) - Question identifier:BK_Q01

Have you taken a break from working (of a week or more) [since the adoption/during your pregnancy or since the birth of your child]?

  • 1: Yes
  • 2: No
  • 3: Not working before pregnancy or adoption
  • 8: RF
  • 9: DK

Break from working since birth/adoption (BK) - Question identifier:BK_Q02

Why did you decide not to take time off for the care of your child?

  • 01: Still planning to take time-off
  • 02: Could not afford to give up salary
  • 03: Afraid to loose job
  • 04: Employer would not let me take time-off
  • 05: Family or friends took care of child
  • 06: Found acceptable day-care services
  • 07: Preferred to work
  • 08: Type of work allowed her to work and care for
    the baby
  • 09: Other - Specify
  • 98: RF
  • 99: DK

Break from working since birth/adoption (BK) - Question identifier:BK_Q03

When did this break from working start?

  • 1: To enter the date
  • 2: Never worked before birth
  • 8: RF
  • 9: DK

Break from working since birth/adoption (BK) - Question identifier:BK_Q03M

What month did this break from working start?

Min = 1; Max = 12

Break from working since birth/adoption (BK) - Question identifier:BK_Q03Y

What year did this break from working start?

Min = 2000; Max = 2100

Break from working since birth/adoption (BK) - Question identifier:BK_Q04

How long was this break from working, in terms of weeks?

  • 1: To enter the number of weeks
  • 2: To enter the number of months
  • 8: RF
  • 9: DK

Break from working since birth/adoption (BK) - Question identifier:BK_Q04A

(How long was this break from working, in terms of weeks?)

Min = 0; Max = 108

Break from working since birth/adoption (BK) - Question identifier:BK_Q04B

(How long was this break from working, in terms of months?)

Min = 0; Max = 24

Parental benefits for mothers (PM)

Parental benefits for mothers (PM) - Question identifier:PM_Q01A

Have you made any claim or applied for benefits with the Quebec Parental Insurance Plan [during your pregnancy or since the birth of your child/for the adoption of your child/for the birth or adoption of your child]?

  • 1: Yes
  • 2: No
  • 8: RF
  • 9: DK

Parental benefits for mothers (PM) - Question identifier:PM_Q01B

Do you intend to claim or expect to receive parental benefits before your child turns one year old?

  • 1: Yes
  • 2: No
  • 8: RF
  • 9: DK

Parental benefits for mothers (PM) - Question identifier:PM_Q02A

Have you made any claims or applied for maternity or parental benefits with the Canadian Employment Insurance program [during your pregnancy or since the birth of your child/for the adoption of your child/for the birth or adoption of your child]?

  • 1: Yes
  • 2: No
  • 3: Made a claim to the Quebec Plan
  • 8: RF
  • 9: DK

Parental benefits for mothers (PM) - Question identifier:PM_Q02B

Do you intend to claim or expect to receive maternity or parental benefits before your child turns one year old?

  • 1: Yes
  • 2: No
  • 8: RF
  • 9: DK

Parental benefits for mothers (PM) - Question identifier:PM_Q03

Have you received benefits from the Quebec Plan [during your pregnancy or since the birth of your child/for the adoption of your child/for the birth or adoption of your child]?

  • 1: Yes
  • 2: No
  • 3: Expecting benefits
  • 8: RF
  • 9: DK

Parental benefits for mothers (PM) - Question identifier:PM_Q04

How many weeks of benefits have you received from the Quebec Parental Insurance Plan?

Min = 1; Max = 50

Parental benefits for mothers (PM) - Question identifier:PM_Q05

What was the weekly amount of the benefits you last received?

Min = 1; Max = 1067

Parental benefits for mothers (PM) - Question identifier:PM_Q06

Why do you think you did not receive parental benefits?

  • 1: Receiving pay for work or working
  • 2: Not enough hours or insurable income
  • 3: Not eligible
  • 4: Other - Specify
  • 8: RF
  • 9: DK

Parental benefits for mothers (PM) - Question identifier:PM_Q07

Have you made a claim [for other types of benefits/for benefits] with the Canadian Employment Insurance program [during your pregnancy or since the birth of your child/for the adoption of your child/for the birth or adoption of your child]?

  • 1: Yes
  • 2: No
  • 8: RF
  • 9: DK

Parental benefits for mothers (PM) - Question identifier:PM_Q08

What was the main reason you did not claim or apply for parental benefits?

  • 01: Working or receiving pay from work
  • 02: Not contributing to the program
  • 03: Not working enough
  • 04: Has not worked recently (eg. for 2 years)
  • 05: Did not want benefits (too low, too much trouble)
  • 06: Did not need benefits (have other sources
    of income)
  • 07: Did not know enough about the program
  • 08: Never thought about it
  • 09: Other - Specify
  • 98: RF
  • 99: DK

Employment Insurance (EI)

Employment Insurance (EI) - Question identifier:EI_Q02

Have you made any claims or applied for Employment Insurance (EI) [since you stopped working at your job with ^DV_ERNAME ^DV_LWDATE/since you stopped working ^DV_LWDATE]?

  • 1: Yes
  • 2: No
  • 8: RF
  • 9: DK

Employment Insurance (EI) - Question identifier:EI_Q03

Have you made any claims or applied for Employment Insurance (EI) from ^DV_REFMO11 to ^DV_REFMO?

  • 1: Yes
  • 2: No
  • 8: RF
  • 9: DK

Employment Insurance (EI) - Question identifier:EI_Q04

Have you received Employment Insurance benefits [during your pregnancy or since the birth of your child/for the adoption of your child/for the birth or adoption of your child/ since you stopped working at your job with ^DV_ERNAME ^DV_LWDATE/since you stopped working ^DV_LWDATE]?

  • 1: Yes
  • 2: No
  • 8: RF
  • 9: DK

Employment Insurance (EI) - Question identifier:EI_Q05

Did you receive Employment Insurance (EI) benefits for the ^DT_SECONDTHIRD week of ^DV_REFMO, that is from the ^SRSTART ^DT_RSTTH to the ^SREND ^DT_REDTH of ^DV_REFMO (or do you still expect to receive benefits for that week)?

  • 1: Yes
  • 2: No
  • 8: RF
  • 9: DK

Employment Insurance (EI) - Question identifier:EI_Q06

Did you receive Employment Insurance (EI) benefits for any other week of ^DV_REFMO?

  • 1: Yes
  • 2: No
  • 8: RF
  • 9: DK

Employment Insurance (EI) - Question identifier:EI_Q07

What type of benefits did you receive that week?

  • 1: Training
  • 2: Regular
  • 3: Maternity (only if female)
  • 4: Parental
  • 5: Sickness
  • 6: Fishing
  • 7: Other - Specify
  • 8: RF
  • 9: DK

Employment Insurance (EI) - Question identifier:EI_Q08

Have you received any other types of EI benefits ^DT_PREGNANCYADOPTION2?

  • 1: Yes
  • 2: No
  • 8: RF
  • 9: DK

Employment Insurance (EI) - Question identifier:EI_Q09

What type or types of EI benefits have you received ^DT_PREGNANCYADOPTION2?

  • 1: Regular
  • 2: Maternity
  • 3: Parental
  • 4: Sickness
  • 5: Other - Specify
  • 8: RF
  • 9: DK

Employment Insurance (EI) - Question identifier:EI_Q10

How many weeks of Employment Insurance (EI) benefits have you received [during your pregnancy or since the birth of your child/for the adoption of your child/for the birth or adoption of your child/since you last applied]?

Min = 1; Max = 158

Employment Insurance (EI) - Question identifier:EI_Q11

What amount of Employment Insurance benefits did you receive [per week/for the first/second/third week of ^DV_REFMO]?

Min = 1; Max = 547

Employment Insurance (EI) - Question identifier:EI_Q13

While you were receiving benefits, were you taking training or courses to which you were referred?

  • 1: Yes
  • 2: No
  • 8: RF
  • 9: DK

Employment Insurance (EI) - Question identifier:EI_Q14

Why do you think you did not receive Employment Insurance benefits for the ^DT_SECONDTHIRD week of ^DV_REFMO?

  • 01: Still expecting benefit payment for that week
  • 02: Had employment that week
  • 03: Claim ran out
  • 04: Did not work enough hours or weeks to qualify
  • 05: Serving a waiting period
  • 06: Payments delayed due to severance or other
  • 07: Not available or not looking for work
  • 08: Quit voluntarily (or dismissed)
  • 09: Benefit payments withheld for other reason
  • 10: Other - Specify
  • 98: RF
  • 99: DK

Employment Insurance (EI) - Question identifier:EI_Q15

Do you think that you would have qualified (or been eligible) for Employment Insurance (EI) benefits in the ^DT_SECONDTHIRD week of ^DV_REFMO?

  • 1: Yes
  • 2: No
  • 8: RF
  • 9: DK

Employment Insurance (EI) - Question identifier:EI_Q16

What was the main reason you did not claim or apply for Employment Insurance (EI) benefits during this period?

  • 01: Was working or expecting to return to work
  • 02: Did not want EI (benefits too low, too much trouble)
  • 03: Did not need EI (have other sources of income)
  • 04: Did not know enough about EI
  • 05: Never thought about it
  • 06: Student (incl. too young)
  • 07: Retired (incl. Pension, too old)
  • 08: Did not want to work
  • 09: Receiving other benefits (incl. disability, welfare)
  • 10: Other - Specify
  • 98: RF
  • 99: DK

Employment Insurance (EI) - Question identifier:EI_Q17

Why did you think you would not qualify (or not be eligible) for Employment Insurance?

  • 01: Working or expect to return to work
  • 02: Not paying EI premiums (incl. Self-employed)
  • 03: Not enough hours to qualify
  • 04: Student (incl. too young)
  • 05: Not looking or available to work
  • 06: Received severance package
  • 07: Retired (incl. Pension, too old)
  • 08: Has not worked recently (eg. for 2 years)
  • 09: Quit voluntarily
  • 10: Other - Specify
  • 98: RF
  • 99: DK

Parental benefits for fathers (PF)

Parental benefits for fathers (PF) - Question identifier:PF_Q01A

Has your spouse claimed [paternity or parental/parental] benefits since the ^DT_BIRTHADOPTION of your child?

  • 1: Yes
  • 2: No
  • 3: No spouse present
  • 8: RF
  • 9: DK

Parental benefits for fathers (PF) - Question identifier:PF_Q01B

Does your spouse intend to claim or expect to receive [paternity or parental/parental] benefits before your child turns one year old?

  • 1: Yes
  • 2: No
  • 8: RF
  • 9: DK

Parental benefits for fathers (PF) - Question identifier:PF_Q02

What is the main reason that your spouse did not apply for parental benefits?

  • 1: Spouse is not eligible (not working, not paying
    premiums, self-employed)
  • 2: Impossible to take time off work (include
    spouse is working)
  • 3: Money related reasons
  • 4: Mother wants to stay home (include by choice,
    more practical, nursing)
  • 5: Spouse does not want to stay home
  • 6: Did not know that he could claim benefits
  • 7: Other - Specify
  • 8: RF
  • 9: DK

Parental benefits for fathers (PF) - Question identifier:PF_Q03

Has your spouse received Parental benefits yet?

  • 1: Yes
  • 2: No
  • 8: RF
  • 9: DK

Parental benefits for fathers (PF) - Question identifier:PF_Q04

How many weeks of [paternity or parental/parental] benefits does your spouse intend to claim in total?

Min = 0; Max = 61

Parental benefits for fathers (PF) - Question identifier:PF_Q05A

Has your spouse collected parental benefits at the same time as you?

  • 1: Yes
  • 2: No
  • 8: RF
  • 9: DK

Parental benefits for fathers (PF) - Question identifier:PF_Q05B

Does your spouse intend to collect parental benefits at the same time as you?

  • 1: Yes
  • 2: No
  • 8: RF
  • 9: DK

Parental benefits for fathers (PF) - Question identifier:PF_Q06

[Does your spouse/Do your spouse and yourself/Do you] intend to collect the total number of weeks of parental benefits available?

  • 1: Yes
  • 2: No
  • 8: RF
  • 9: DK

Parental benefits for fathers (PF) - Question identifier:PF_Q07

What is the main reason that [you do not/your spouse does not/you do not] intend to take the total number of weeks of parental leave available?

  • 1: Financial reasons (incl. need the money)
  • 2: Work / Employer related reasons
  • 3: Prefer to work
  • 4: Other - Specify
  • 8: RF
  • 9: DK

Additional Payments (AP)

Additional Payments (AP) - Question identifier:AP_Q01

Did you receive employer payments or private insurance payments or other benefits for the weeks you took off work during your pregnancy or to take care of your child?

  • 1: Yes
  • 2: No
  • 8: RF
  • 9: DK

Additional Payments (AP) - Question identifier:AP_Q02

What was the source of these payments or benefits?

  • 1: Employer
  • 2: Group insurance
  • 3: Worker's compensation
  • 4: Other - Specify
  • 8: RF
  • 9: DK

Additional Payments (AP) - Question identifier:AP_Q03

Were any of these payments paid to complement parental benefits during the weeks parental benefits were paid?

  • 1: Yes
  • 2: No
  • 8: RF
  • 9: DK

Additional Payments (AP) - Question identifier:AP_Q04A

How much were these payments?

Min = 0; Max = 9000

Additional Payments (AP) - Question identifier:AP_Q04B


  • 1: week
  • 2: every two weeks
  • 3: month
  • 8: RF
  • 9: DK

Additional Payments (AP) - Question identifier:AP_Q05

For how many weeks did you receive these payments since your [pregnancy/adoption/pregnancy or adoption]?

Min = 0; Max = 52

Income Sources (IS)

Income Sources (IS) - Question identifier:IS_R01

The next set of questions relate to income sources.

Income Sources (IS) - Question identifier:IS_Q01

Do you rely on your parents for MOST of your day-to-day financial needs, for things like housing and food?

  • 1: Yes
  • 2: No
  • 8: RF
  • 9: DK

Income Sources (IS) - Question identifier:IS_Q02

From which of the following sources did you receive any income during ^DV_REFMO?

  • 1: Income from EMPLOYMENT sources
    (include wages, salaries, bonuses, tips and
    commissions) or SELF-EMPLOYMENT
    sources (include farm and non-farm activities)
  • 2: Income from GOVERNMENT sources
    (include Child Tax Benefits, Universal Child Care
    Benefits, Old Age Security, Guaranteed Income
    Supplement, Canada/Québec Pension Plan,
    Employment Insurance)
  • 3: Income from EMPLOYER or PRIVATE
    pension sources (include regular pension income
    from an employers' pension plan payments from
    RRSP annuities or RRIF's)
  • 4: Income from INVESTMENT sources
    (include dividends, interest on bonds, accounts,
    GIC's and mutual funds) Do not include capital
    gains or losses
  • 5: Income from OTHER sources (include
    child support payments, alimony and scholarships)
  • 6: No income source
  • 8: RF
  • 9: DK

Income Sources (IS) - Question identifier:IS_Q03

From which of the following sources did your spouse receive any income during ^DV_REFMO?

  • 1: Income from EMPLOYMENT sources
    (include wages, salaries, bonuses, tips and
    commissions) or SELF-EMPLOYMENT sources
    (include farm and non-farm activities)
  • 2: Income from GOVERNMENT sources
    (include Child Tax Benefits, Universal Child Care
    Benefits, Old Age Security, Guaranteed Income
    Supplement, Canada/Québec Pension Plan,
    Employment Insurance)
  • 3: Income from EMPLOYER or PRIVATE pension
    sources (include regular pension income from
    an employers' pension plan payments from RRSP
    annuities or RRIF's)
  • 4: Income from INVESTMENT sources
    (include dividends, interest on bonds, accounts,
    GIC's and mutual funds) Do not include capital
    gains or losses
  • 5: Income from OTHER sources (include
    child support payments, alimony and scholarships)
  • 6: No income source
  • 7: No spouse present
  • 8: RF
  • 9: DK

Income Sources (IS) - Question identifier:IS_Q04

Did your spouse work full-time or part-time during ^DV_REFMO?

  • 1: Full-time
  • 2: Part-time
  • 8: RF
  • 9: DK

Income Sources (IS) - Question identifier:IS_Q05

Have you or any members of your household received social assistance payments in ^DV_REFMO?

  • 1: Yes
  • 2: No
  • 8: RF
  • 9: DK

Income Sources (IS) - Question identifier:IS_Q06

What was the amount you or your household received in social assistance payments in ^DV_REFMO?

Min = 10.00; Max = 5000.00

Income Sources (IS) - Question identifier:IS_Q07

For how many months have you or your household been receiving social assistance payments?

Min = 0; Max = 720

Income Sources (IS) - Question identifier:IS_Q08

Did another member of your household receive Employment Insurance (EI) benefits?

  • 1: Yes
  • 2: No
  • 8: RF
  • 9: DK

Additional Sources of Funding (AF)

Additional Sources of Funding (AF) - Question identifier:AF_R01

The following questions relate to additional sources of funds that are sometimes used to pay for regular household expenditures.

Additional Sources of Funding (AF) - Question identifier:AF_Q01

In ^DV_REFMO, would you say that your household income from all sources:

  • 1: ... met all your regular expenses and financial
  • 2: ... met most but not all?
  • 3: ... met some?
  • 4: ... met very little?
  • 5: ... did not meet any of your expenses?
  • 8: RF
  • 9: DK

Additional Sources of Funding (AF) - Question identifier:AF_Q02

Did you or someone in your household have to use up some of your savings OR cash in your investments to meet your household expenses in ^DV_REFMO?

  • 1: Yes
  • 2: No
  • 8: RF
  • 9: DK

Additional Sources of Funding (AF) - Question identifier:AF_Q03

Did you need to increase your reliance on credit to meet your regular household expenses in ^DV_REFMO? (i.e. credit card, line of credit, loan)

  • 1: Yes
  • 2: No
  • 3: Did not have credit
  • 8: RF
  • 9: DK

Additional Sources of Funding (AF) - Question identifier:AF_Q04

Did you or your family get some financial assistance from friends or relatives?

  • 1: Yes
  • 2: No
  • 8: RF
  • 9: DK

Additional Sources of Funding (AF) - Question identifier:AF_Q05

Did you do any odd jobs, for example for friends or relatives, to supplement your income?

  • 1: Yes
  • 2: No
  • 8: RF
  • 9: DK

Additional Sources of Funding (AF) - Question identifier:AF_Q06

What else did you do to make up for the shortfall in your income (relative to your expenses) in ^DV_REFMO? Did you:

  • 01: ... cut expenses, reduce spending?
  • 02: ... delay payments or consolidate debts?
  • 03: ... look for a new job or plan to start a business?
  • 04: ... rely on a family member increasing hours of
  • 05: ... move to cheaper accomodations (or share
  • 06: ... sell property or belongings?
  • 07: ... apply for social assistance?
  • 08: ... use food banks, soup kitchens?
  • 09: ... apply for student loan, go back to school?
  • 10: ... take a pension, CPP / QPP?
  • 11: ... do anything else? (Specify)
  • 98: RF
  • 99: DK

Additional Sources of Funding (AF) - Question identifier:AF_Q07

What was the main source of money (or funds) used to meet your household expenses in ^DV_REFMO?

  • 01: Wages or self-employment earnings of spouse
    or partner or other family member
  • 02: Own wages or salary
  • 03: Own self-employment income
  • 04: Employment Insurance benefits of self
  • 05: Employment Insurance benefits of another
    household member
  • 06: Social assistance
  • 07: Disability insurance / Workers' Compensation
  • 08: Pensions or CPP / QPP of self or spouse
  • 09: Alimony, student loans, scholarships
  • 10: Financial assistance from friends or relatives
  • 11: Income from investments, interest, dividends,
  • 12: Savings
  • 13: Loan / credit
  • 14: Other - Specify
  • 98: RF
  • 99: DK

Job Search (JS)

Job Search (JS) - Question identifier:JS_R01

The following questions are about job search activities.

Job Search (JS) - Question identifier:JS_Q01

During the ^DT_SECONDTHIRD week of ^DV_REFMO, did you do anything to find work or find a new job?

  • 1: Yes
  • 2: No
  • 8: RF
  • 9: DK

Job Search (JS) - Question identifier:JS_Q02

What is the most important thing that you did that week to find work or find a new job?

  • 01: Employment agency (public or private)
  • 02: Contacted employers directly (resume, visit,
    call, interview...)
  • 03: Looked at job ads
  • 04: Contacted union
  • 05: Internet access or kiosk
  • 06: Organization / Networking community
  • 07: Checked with friends or relatives
  • 08: Placed or answered job ads
  • 09: Other - Specify
  • 98: RF
  • 99: DK

Job Search (JS) - Question identifier:JS_Q03

During the ^DT_SECONDTHIRD week of ^DV_REFMO, about how many hours did you spend on activities related to looking for work? (Include time spent looking at job ads, making telephone calls, writing letters, filling applications, taking job search seminars, attending interviews, etc.)

Min = 0; Max = 61

Job Search (JS) - Question identifier:JS_Q04

During that week of job search, about how much did it cost you to look for work? (Include expenses such as phone bills, stationery and photocopying, ads, stamps, employment agencies, travel costs, work shops and childcare.)

Min = 0; Max = 9999

Job Search (JS) - Question identifier:JS_Q05A

Did you look for work...
... outside your community (city, town or village)? (More than 60 km)

  • 1: Yes
  • 2: No
  • 8: RF
  • 9: DK

Job Search (JS) - Question identifier:JS_Q05B

(Did you look for work...)
... outside the province?

  • 1: Yes
  • 2: No
  • 8: RF
  • 9: DK

Job Search (JS) - Question identifier:JS_Q06

At the moment, are you working at a job or business?

  • 1: Yes
  • 2: No
  • 8: RF
  • 9: DK

Job Search (JS) - Question identifier:JS_R07

The amount of pay is sometimes important when deciding to accept a new job. Imagine that you were offered a similar job to the one you had with ^DV_ERNAME but at a lower wage. (Assume that this similar job offers the same hours and benefits.)

Job Search (JS) - Question identifier:JS_Q07A

Would you accept such a job if the wages were...?

... 75% of the previous wages you received or $ ] ^DT_PAYPERIOD?

  • 1: Yes
  • 2: No
  • 8: RF
  • 9: DK

Job Search (JS) - Question identifier:JS_Q07B

Would you accept such a job if the wages were...?

... 85% of the previous wages you received or $ ] ^DT_PAYPERIOD?

  • 1: Yes
  • 2: No
  • 8: RF
  • 9: DK

Job Search (JS) - Question identifier:JS_Q07C

Would you accept such a job if the wages were...?

... 90% of the previous wages you received or $ ] ^DT_PAYPERIOD?

  • 1: Yes
  • 2: No
  • 8: RF
  • 9: DK

Job Search (JS) - Question identifier:JS_Q07D

Would you accept such a job if the wages were...?

... 95% of the previous wages you received or $ ] ^DT_PAYPERIOD?

  • 1: Yes
  • 2: No
  • 8: RF
  • 9: DK

Job Search (JS) - Question identifier:JS_Q07E

Would you accept such a job if the wages were...?

... same as the previous wage you received?

  • 1: Yes
  • 2: No
  • 8: RF
  • 9: DK

Job Search (JS) - Question identifier:JS_Q08

Would you like to work if a suitable job were offered in the next three months?

  • 1: Yes
  • 2: No
  • 8: RF
  • 9: DK

Job Search (JS) - Question identifier:JS_Q09

In the next three months, what are your chances of finding an acceptable job?

  • 1: Not very good
  • 2: Good
  • 3: Very good
  • 4: You already have a job to start
    within 3 months
  • 8: RF
  • 9: DK

Job Search (JS) - Question identifier:JS_Q10

At this time, what would help you most to find a job?

  • 01: Skills training (i.e. Computer, language, writing,
    skilled trades etc.)
  • 02: More education (academic)
  • 03: Child care assistance
  • 04: Work experience
  • 05: Job finding clubs
  • 06: Resume writing skills
  • 07: Moving to another city / region
  • 08: Help in starting a business / entrepreneurship
  • 09: Transportation
  • 10: Contacts or networking
  • 11: Better health / younger / older
  • 12: Other - Specify
  • 98: RF
  • 99: DK

Plans to return to work (PR)

Plans to return to work (PR) - Question identifier:PR_R01

The following questions concern your plan to return to work after the birth or adoption of your child.

Plans to return to work (PR) - Question identifier:PR_Q01

At the moment, are you working at a job or business?

  • 1: Yes
  • 2: No
  • 8: RF
  • 9: DK

Plans to return to work (PR) - Question identifier:PR_Q02

Have you performed any work for pay since the ^DT_BIRTHADOPTION of your child?

  • 1: Yes
  • 2: No
  • 8: RF
  • 9: DK

Plans to return to work (PR) - Question identifier:PR_Q03

At the time you left your last job, did you have an agreement with your employer that you could return to work there?

  • 1: Yes
  • 2: No
  • 8: RF
  • 9: DK

Plans to return to work (PR) - Question identifier:PR_Q04

Are you planning to go back to work?

  • 1: Yes
  • 2: No
  • 8: RF
  • 9: DK

Plans to return to work (PR) - Question identifier:PR_Q05

In how many months do you plan to return to work?

Min = 0; Max = 60

Plans to return to work (PR) - Question identifier:PR_Q06

Are you planning to return to work for the same employer or the same business you had before the ^DT_BIRTHADOPTION of your child?

  • 1: Yes
  • 2: No
  • 8: RF
  • 9: DK

Plans to return to work (PR) - Question identifier:PR_Q07

Why are you not returning to work for the same employer or the same business?

  • 1: Employer has let me go
  • 2: Employer stopped operations
  • 3: Prefer another employer or job
  • 4: Changing place of residence
  • 5: Want different work conditions
  • 6: Other - Specify
  • 8: RF
  • 9: DK

Plans to return to work (PR) - Question identifier:PR_Q08

Are you planning to go back to the same job or position with that employer?

  • 1: Yes
  • 2: No
  • 8: RF
  • 9: DK

Plans to return to work (PR) - Question identifier:PR_Q09

Are you planning to return to the same working conditions that you had before the ^DT_BIRTHADOPTION? (for example, schedule, hours, working environment)

  • 1: Yes
  • 2: No
  • 8: RF
  • 9: DK

Plans to return to work (PR) - Question identifier:PR_Q10

What difference [are you looking for/will there be] in the working conditions?

  • 1: Working less hours
  • 2: Different schedule (shift)
  • 3: Other - Specify
  • 8: RF
  • 9: DK

Plans to return to work (PR) - Question identifier:PR_Q11

Who will take care of your child when you return to work?

  • 1: Private babysitter
  • 2: Private nursery or daycare
  • 3: Public nursery or daycare (at reduced cost)
  • 4: Friend or relative will take care of child
  • 5: Employer based daycare
  • 6: Share child care with husband
  • 7: Other - Specify
  • 8: RF
  • 9: DK

Plans to return to work (PR) - Question identifier:PR_Q12

What is the reason that you are not [planning to return to work/returning to work for several months/returning to work now]?

  • 1: Prefer to take care of my child (until school age)
  • 2: Paid to take leave
  • 3: Mothers should stay home with their child
  • 4: Cannot find or afford babysitting or daycare
  • 5: Cannot find a suitable job
  • 6: Will go to school or take training
  • 7: Other - Specify
  • 8: RF
  • 9: DK

Work after birth (WA)

Work after birth (WA) - Question identifier:WA_Q01

Were you working for ^DV_ERNAME before the ^DT_BIRTHADOPTION of your child?

  • 1: Yes
  • 2: No
  • 8: RF
  • 9: DK

Work after birth (WA) - Question identifier:WA_Q02

For whom were you working for at that time?

  • 1: Enter the employer's name
  • 2: Own business
  • 3: The family business
  • 8: RF
  • 9: DK

Work after birth (WA) - Question identifier:WA_Q02N

(For whom were you working for at that time?)

Long Answer Length = 50

Work after birth (WA) - Question identifier:WA_Q03

What kind of business, industry or service was this?

Long Answer Length = 30

Work after birth (WA) - Question identifier:WA_Q04

What kind of work were you doing?

Long Answer Length = 30

Work after birth (WA) - Question identifier:WA_Q05

In that job with [WA_Q02N], were you a union member or covered by a union contract or collective agreement?

  • 1: Yes
  • 2: No
  • 8: RF
  • 9: DK

Work after birth (WA) - Question identifier:WA_Q06

What was your usual (gross) rate of pay, before deductions? Do not include overtime, tips, commissions or bonuses.

  • 1: Enter salary $
  • 2: Minimum wage
  • 3: Only earned commissions
  • 8: RF
  • 9: DK

Work after birth (WA) - Question identifier:WA_Q06A

Enter the salary.

Min = 0.01; Max = 900000.00

Work after birth (WA) - Question identifier:WA_Q06B


  • 1: Hour
  • 2: Day
  • 3: Week
  • 4: Biweekly
  • 5: Twice per month
  • 6: Month
  • 7: Year
  • 8: RF
  • 9: DK

Work after birth (WA) - Question identifier:WA_Q07

At the time you stopped working for the ^DT_BIRTHADOPTION of your child, did you have an agreement with your employer that you could return to work there?

  • 1: Yes
  • 2: No
  • 8: RF
  • 9: DK

Work after birth (WA) - Question identifier:WA_Q08M

When did you first return to work for pay after the ^DT_BIRTHADOPTION of your child in ^DV_CHILB?

  • 01: January
  • 02: February
  • 03: March
  • 04: April
  • 05: May
  • 06: June
  • 07: July
  • 08: August
  • 09: September
  • 10: October
  • 11: November
  • 12: December
  • 98: RF
  • 99: DK

Work after birth (WA) - Question identifier:WA_Q08Y

(When did you first return to work for pay after the ^DT_BIRTHADOPTION of your child in ^DV_CHILB?)

Min = 2000; Max = 2100

Work after birth (WA) - Question identifier:WA_Q09

Why did you return to work at that time?

  • 1: EI benefits ended
  • 2: Other benefits or leave from work ran out
  • 3: Needed the money
  • 4: Employer required that I return
  • 5: Worried about promotions
  • 6: Preferred to work
  • 7: Other - Specify
  • 8: RF
  • 9: DK

Work after birth (WA) - Question identifier:WA_Q10

Did you return to work for the same employer or business as before the ^DT_BIRTHADOPTION of your child?

  • 1: Yes
  • 2: No
  • 8: RF
  • 9: DK

Work after birth (WA) - Question identifier:WA_Q11

Why did you not return to work for the same employer or business [" "/as before the birth/adoption/birth or adoption of your child]?

  • 1: Wanted different work conditions
  • 2: Preferred another employer
  • 3: Was not working immediately before birth or adoption
  • 4: Job does not exist anymore
  • 5: Other - Specify
  • 8: RF
  • 9: DK

Work after birth (WA) - Question identifier:WA_Q12

Did you go back to the same job or position you had before?

  • 1: Yes
  • 2: No
  • 8: RF
  • 9: DK

Work after birth (WA) - Question identifier:WA_Q13

Did you return to work with the same working conditions (for example: schedule, hours, work environment)?

  • 1: Yes
  • 2: No
  • 8: RF
  • 9: DK

Work after birth (WA) - Question identifier:WA_Q14

What difference [did you want/was there] in your working conditions?

  • 1: Less weekly hours
  • 2: Different schedule (shift)
  • 3: Other - Specify
  • 8: RF
  • 9: DK

Work after birth (WA) - Question identifier:WA_Q15

Who took care of your child when you returned to work?

  • 01: Worked and took care of child
  • 02: Shared child care with husband
  • 03: Friend or relative took care of child
  • 04: Private babysitter
  • 05: Employer based daycare
  • 06: Private nursery or daycare
  • 07: Public nursery or daycare (at reduced cost)
  • 08: Other - Specify
  • 98: RF
  • 99: DK

Work after birth (WA) - Question identifier:WA_Q16A

What was the cost of this childcare for your youngest child?

Min = 0.00; Max = 10000.00

Work after birth (WA) - Question identifier:WA_Q16B


  • 1: Week
  • 2: Month
  • 3: Other - Specify
  • 8: RF
  • 9: DK

Work after birth (WA) - Question identifier:WA_Q17

For how many of your children do you use this childcare provider?

Min = 0; Max = 10

Changes in income (CI)

Changes in income (CI) - Question identifier:CI_R01

We would like to have an indication of the change in income you experienced after the ^DT_BIRTHADOPTION of your child.

Changes in income (CI) - Question identifier:CI_Q01

In the MONTH BEFORE the ^DT_BIRTHADOPTION of your child, was your total household income from all sources:

  • 1: ... less than $1600 (less than $20,000 per
  • 2: ... $1600 to less than $2500
    ($20,000 - $30,000 per annum)
  • 3: ... $2500 to less than $3300
    ($30,000 - $40,000 per annum)
  • 4: ... $3300 to less than $5000
    ($40,000 - $60,000 per annum)
  • 5: ... $5000 to less than $6700
    ($60,000 - $80,000 per annum)
  • 6: ... $6700 or more ($80,000 or more per annum)
  • 8: RF
  • 9: DK

Changes in income (CI) - Question identifier:CI_Q02

In the MONTH AFTER the ^DT_BIRTHADOPTION of your child, did your total household income decrease, increase or stay the same?

  • 1: Decrease
  • 2: Increase
  • 3: Stay the same
  • 8: RF
  • 9: DK

Changes in income (CI) - Question identifier:CI_Q03

By how much money per month did your household income [decrease/increase] after the ^DT_BIRTHADOPTION of your child?

Min = 0; Max = 10000

Socio-demographics (SD)

Socio-demographics (SD) - Question identifier:SD_Q01

What is the language you first learned at home in childhood (mother tongue)?

  • 1: English
  • 2: French
  • 3: Other
  • 8: RF
  • 9: DK

Socio-demographics (SD) - Question identifier:SD_Q02

Were you born in Canada?

  • 1: Yes
  • 2: No
  • 8: RF
  • 9: DK

Socio-demographics (SD) - Question identifier:SD_Q03

When did you arrive in Canada?

  • 1: To enter the year
  • 2: Never immigrated, Canadian by birth
  • 8: RF
  • 9: DK

Socio-demographics (SD) - Question identifier:SD_Q03Y

(When did you arrive in Canada?)

Min = 1900; Max = 2100

Socio-demographics (SD) - Question identifier:SD_Q04

In which country were you born?

Long Answer Length = 30

Socio-demographics (SD) - Question identifier:SD_Q05

Now we have come to the end of the interview. Thank you very much for your participation in this survey. Do you have any comments you would like to give us concerning this project?

  • 1: Yes
  • 2: No
  • 8: RF
  • 9: DK

Statement of linkage (SL)

Statement of linkage (SL) - Question identifier:SL_R01

To enhance the data from this survey and to reduce the reporting burden, Statistics Canada will combine the information you provide with information from the Labour Force Survey. Statistics Canada may also combine the information you provide with other survey or administrative data sources.

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