General Social Survey - Caregiving and Care Receiving, 2017
Archived Content
Information identified as archived is provided for reference, research or record keeping purposes. It is not subject to the Government of Canada Web Standards and has not been altered or updated since it was archived. Please contact us to request a format other than those available.
For Information onlyThis is an electronic survey example for information purposes only. This is not a working questionnaire.
Table of Contents
- Social Voluntary Type Surveys (SVTS)
- Telephone details (TEL)
- Postal Code (RPC)
- Age-order selection (AOS)
- Target Respondent (TR)
- Alternate Telephone Contact (ATC)
- Proxy (PRX)
- Roster (RRS)
- Roster (continued) (RRS2)
- Age without Confirmation (ANCQ)
- Marital Status (MSNC)
- Relationship to Selected Respondent (RSR)
- Number of children (NLC)
- Labour Market Activities Minimal (LMAM)
- Labour market past year (LPY)
- Respondent ever worked (REW)
- Care receiving by respondent (CAR)
- Main health condition for which respondent received help (PRA)
- Activities for which respondent received help (ARE)
- Hours of help received by respondent (HAR)
- Number of people helping respondent (NPA)
- Relationship of people helping respondent (RPA)
- Types of people helping respondent (TPA)
- Age of people helping respondent (APA)
- Receiving emotional support by respondent (RES)
- Professional help received by activity (PAA)
- Number of hours of professional help provided to the respondent (DPA)
- Care needed and received by respondent (CNR)
- Prefer help from professional (PHP)
- Prefer help from family (PHF)
- Balance of help from family and professionals (BFP)
- Need for help (NFA)
- The primary caregiver (PGN)
- Relationship between the respondent and the primary caregiver (PGG)
- Work information of primary caregiver (PGW)
- Year when respondent started to receive help from primary caregiver (PGS)
- Still receiving help from primary caregiver (SRE)
- Month and year when receiving help ended (PGE)
- Difficulty finding help - If respondent had not received help (DFA)
- Distance between the respondent's and the caregiver's dwellings (PGD)
- Usual dwelling of respondent (care receiver) (PGU)
- Frequency of contact with primary caregiver (PGH)
- Transportation (received) (AGT)
- Meal preparation (received) (AGI)
- House maintenance (received) (AGO)
- Personal care (received) (AGP)
- Medical treatments (received) (AGM)
- Scheduling (received) (AGS)
- Banking (received) (AGB)
- Visiting (received) (AGV)
- Emotional help (received) (AGX)
- Caregiving by respondent (ICG)
- Types of help provided by respondent (APR)
- Number of hours of help provided by respondent (HAP)
- Number of people helped by respondent (PAR)
- Relationship of respondent to people receiving help (RRA)
- Demographics of people receiving help from respondent (DPR)
- Age of people receiving help from respondent (APX)
- Respondent providing emotional support (RPE)
- The primary care receiver (PRN)
- Relationship between respondent and care receiver (PRG)
- Health problems which requires help (PRP)
- Work information of primary care receiver (PRW)
- Year when respondent started to provide help (PRS)
- Still providing help to primary care receiver (SPR)
- Month and year when providing help ended (PRE)
- Distance between the respondent's and the care receiver's dwellings (PRD)
- Usual dwelling of primary care receiver (PRU)
- Frequency of contact with primary care receiver (PRH)
- Transportation (provided) (ART)
- Meal preparation (provided) (ARI)
- House maintenance (provided) (ARO)
- Personal care (provided) (ARP)
- Medical treatments (provided) (ARM)
- Scheduling (provided) (ARS)
- Banking (provided) (ARB)
- Visiting (provided) (ARV)
- Emotional help (provided) (ARX)
- Care receiver considers respondent their primary caregiver (CCP)
- Number of other people who help primary care receiver (CGN)
- Relationship of other caregivers to primary care receiver (RNA)
- Demographics of other caregivers helping the primary care receiver (DNA)
- Relationship of the other person providing help to primary care receiver (ROA)
- Demographics of other person providing help to primary care receiver (DOA)
- Help provided to primary care receiver of respondent from paid workers, government agencies or voluntary organizations (HPO)
- Hours of received help (for primary care receiver of respondent) from paid workers or government or non-government organizations (HRA)
- Accommodate caregiving duties (ACD)
- Other type of support to accommodate caregiving duties (OAC)
- Caregiving history (CGH)
- Caregiving history - Names (CGH2)
- Caregiving incident detail (CGI)
- End-of-life care (CGE)
- Currently providing end-of-life care (CPE)
- Preferred to provide end-of-life care at home (PEH)
- Conditions needed to provide end-of-life care at home (CEH)
- Compassionate care leave (CCL)
- Family life (ICL)
- Healthy behaviour (ICB)
- Physical health (ICP)
- Emotional health/Stress (ICS)
- Find it stressful - Related to caregiving (FIS)
- Caregiving responsibilities and the respondent's health (CRH)
- Coping methods to help the respondent deal with caregiving responsibilities (CMC)
- Finances (ICF)
- Best estimate of expenses (BEE)
- Finances - Other (ICF2)
- Education - School Attendance (ESC1)
- Education - Minimum block (EDM)
- Education - Highest Degree (EHG3)
- Education (ICE)
- Class of worker (COW)
- Work activities - Telework information (WTI)
- Industry (IND)
- Occupation (OCP)
- Union contract / Collective Agreement (UCA)
- Number of weeks employed (NWE)
- Usual Hours Worked (UHW)
- Work activities - Hours Worked (UWS)
- Terms of employment (TOE)
- Flexible work arrangements (FWA)
- Work-life balance (WLB)
- Satisfaction of respondent with current balance between job and home life (SRC)
- Impact of caregiving on employment in the last 12 months - Work leave (ITL)
- Impact of caregiving on employment in the last 12 months - Full days off work (ITA)
- Impact of caregiving on employment in the last 12 months - Gave up employment entirely (ITE)
- Impact of caregiving on employment in the last 12 months - Loss of Job (ITJ)
- Impact of caregiving on employment in the last 12 months - Other impacts (ITO)
- Interest in employment (INE)
- Impact of caregiving on employment prior to the last 12 months - Reducing hours (IPL)
- Impact of caregiving on employment prior to the last 12 months - Leave (days off) (IPA)
- Impact of caregiving on employment prior to the last 12 months - Gave up employment entirely (IPE)
- Impact of caregiving on employment prior to the last 12 months - Other impacts (IPO)
- Impact of caregiving on employment - Plans for retirement (IPR)
- Dwelling of Respondent (DOR)
- Ownership of Dwelling by Respondent (ODR)
- Length of time Respondent has lived in Dwelling (LRD)
- Length of time Respondent has lived in Neighbourhood (LRN)
- Length of time Respondent has lived in city or local Community (LRC)
- Questions about the immediate neighbourhood of respondent (QIN)
- Public transportation in respondent's neighbourhood (PTN)
- Accessible housing of respondent (AHR)
- Self Rated Health (SRH)
- Healthy Eating Habits (HEH)
- Physical activity (PHS)
- Life satisfaction of respondent (LSR)
- Self-rated stress (SRS)
- Sleep (SLP)
- Feelings (FLG)
- Emotion (EMO)
- Disability screening questions (DSQ)
- Long-term Health Conditions (CHC)
- Immigration extended block (BPR)
- Population Group (PG)
- Religion extended (REE)
- Importance of Religion (RLR)
- Language Minimum (LAN)
- Exit questions (XQ)
- Record linkage statement (RLS)
- Submit module for Out-of-Scope (OOS)
Social Voluntary Type Surveys (SVTS)
Social Voluntary Type Surveys (SVTS) - Question identifier:SVTS_R01
Why we conduct this survey?
Social Voluntary Type Surveys (SVTS) - Question identifier:SVTS_R02
The purpose of this pilot survey is to collect information on Canadians who provide care to family and friends living with long-term health conditions. Questions are also asked about those who receive this care and about the challenges both groups face. Information on the general health of all Canadians will also be collected. Data from this survey will help us to better understand the needs of these individuals, and allow policy makers to design appropriate programs and services to better support them.
Your information may also be used by Statistics Canada for other statistical and research purposes.
Although your participation is voluntary, your cooperation is important so that the information collected will be as accurate and complete as possible.
Social Voluntary Type Surveys (SVTS) - Question identifier:SVTS_R03
Other important information
Social Voluntary Type Surveys (SVTS) - Question identifier:SVTS_R04
How are we authorized to collect this information?
Social Voluntary Type Surveys (SVTS) - Question identifier:SVTS_R05
Collected under the authority of the Statistics Act, Revised Statutes of Canada, 1985, Chapter S-19.
Social Voluntary Type Surveys (SVTS) - Question identifier:SVTS_R06
Your answers are confidential
Social Voluntary Type Surveys (SVTS) - Question identifier:SVTS_R07
Your answers are collected under the authority of the Statistics Act and will be kept strictly confidential.
Social Voluntary Type Surveys (SVTS) - Question identifier:SVTS_R08
Record linkages
Social Voluntary Type Surveys (SVTS) - Question identifier:SVTS_R09
To enhance the data from this survey and to reduce the reporting burden, Statistics Canada will combine the information you provide with information from the tax data of all members of your household. Statistics Canada may also combine the information you provide with other survey or administrative data sources.
Telephone details (TEL)
Telephone details (TEL) - Question identifier:TEL_Q02
Does the telephone number ^CURR_TELEPHONE belong to any member of your household, including yourself?
Select "No" if your number is not exactly as displayed. e.g., an incorrect area code or digit
Note: We only ask you to confirm this information to ensure the statistical accuracy of this survey.
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
Telephone details (TEL) - Question identifier:TEL_Q03
Is ^CURR_TELEPHONE a cellular phone number?
A cellular phone includes both smart phones and non-smart phones.
It does not include voice-over-IP phones or portable phones with a base connected to a telephone line.
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
Telephone details (TEL) - Question identifier:TEL_Q04
Is this phone number for a private home or personal phone, a business[or an institution/, an institution or secondary (or seasonal) residence]?
- 1: Private home or personal phone
- 2: Business
- 3: Both private home or personal phone and business
- 4: Institution
- 5: Secondary (or seasonal) residence
- 6: Collective dwelling
Telephone details (TEL) - Question identifier:TEL_Q05A
Please specify the type of collective dwelling you live in.
Long Answer Length = 80
e.g., lodging or rooming house, hotel, motel, hostel, tourist home, hospital, staff residence, working camp
Telephone details (TEL) - Question identifier:TEL_Q05B
What is the total number of people living in this collective dwelling?
Min = 0; Max = 999
Telephone details (TEL) - Question identifier:TEL_Q06
Does anyone use this telephone number as a private home or personal phone number?
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
Telephone details (TEL) - Question identifier:TEL_Q07
Excluding all numbers used for computer, fax or business use only, how many different phone numbers are there in your household?
- 01: 1
- 02: 2
- 03: 3
- 04: 4
- 05: 5
- 06: 6
- 07: 7
- 08: 8
- 09: 9 or more
Telephone details (TEL) - Question identifier:TEL_Q08
How many of these are cellular phone numbers?
- 01: 1
- 02: 2
- 03: 3
- 04: 4
- 05: 5
- 06: 6
- 07: 7
- 08: 8
- 09: 9 or more
- 10: None
Postal Code (RPC)
Postal Code (RPC) - Question identifier:RPC_Q01A
In which province or territory do you live?
- 10: Newfoundland and Labrador
- 11: Prince Edward Island
- 12: Nova Scotia
- 13: New Brunswick
- 24: Quebec
- 35: Ontario
- 46: Manitoba
- 47: Saskatchewan
- 48: Alberta
- 59: British Columbia
- 60: Yukon
- 61: Northwest Territories
- 62: Nunavut
- 77: Outside of Canada
Postal Code (RPC) - Question identifier:RPC_Q01B
To determine which geographic region you live in, please provide your postal code.
Long Answer Length = 6
Postal Code (RPC) - Question identifier:RPC_Q03
Please confirm your postal code. Is it ^RPC_Q01B?
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
Postal Code (RPC) - Question identifier:RPC_Q04
What is your correct postal code?
Long Answer Length = 6
Age-order selection (AOS)
Age-order selection (AOS) - Question identifier:AOS_Q01
Including yourself, how many people 15 years of age or older live in your household?
Note: Press the help button (?) for additional information, including who to include and who not to include.
- 1: 1 person
- 2: 2 people
- 3: 3 or more people
Age-order selection (AOS) - Question identifier:AOS_R03A
The [older/younger] member has been selected to participate in the survey.
Age-order selection (AOS) - Question identifier:AOS_Q03A
What is their first and last name?
First name
Long Answer Length = 80
Age-order selection (AOS) - Question identifier:AOS_Q03B
What is their first and last name?
Last name
Long Answer Length = 80
Age-order selection (AOS) - Question identifier:AOS_R05A
The [oldest/youngest] member among those has been selected to participate in the survey
Age-order selection (AOS) - Question identifier:AOS_Q05A
What is their first and last name?
First name
Long Answer Length = 80
Age-order selection (AOS) - Question identifier:AOS_Q05B
What is their first and last name?
Last name
Long Answer Length = 80
Age-order selection (AOS) - Question identifier:AOS_Q10AA
What are the names of the household members in order of [oldest to youngest/youngest to oldest].
First name
Long Answer Length = 80
Age-order selection (AOS) - Question identifier:AOS_Q10AB
What are the names of the household members in order of [oldest to youngest/youngest to oldest].
Last name
Long Answer Length = 80
Age-order selection (AOS) - Question identifier:AOS_Q10BA
What are the names of the household members in order of [oldest to youngest/youngest to oldest].
First name
Long Answer Length = 80
Age-order selection (AOS) - Question identifier:AOS_Q10BB
What are the names of the household members in order of [oldest to youngest/youngest to oldest].
Last name
Long Answer Length = 80
Age-order selection (AOS) - Question identifier:AOS_Q10CA
What are the names of the household members in order of [oldest to youngest/youngest to oldest].
First name
Long Answer Length = 80
Age-order selection (AOS) - Question identifier:AOS_Q10CB
What are the names of the household members in order of [oldest to youngest/youngest to oldest].
Last name
Long Answer Length = 80
Age-order selection (AOS) - Question identifier:AOS_R15
[^AOS_Q10BA ^AOS_Q10BB/^AOS_Q10CA ^AOS_Q10CB] has been selected to participate in the survey.
Age-order selection (AOS) - Question identifier:AOS_R16A
You have been selected to participate in the survey.
Age-order selection (AOS) - Question identifier:AOS_Q16A
What is your first and last name?
First name
Long Answer Length = 80
Age-order selection (AOS) - Question identifier:AOS_Q16B
What is your first and last name?
Last name
Long Answer Length = 80
Target Respondent (TR)
Target Respondent (TR) - Question identifier:TR_Q01
May I speak to [AOS_Q03A/AOS_Q05A/AOS_Q10BA/AOS_Q10CA/AOS_Q16A] [AOS_Q03B/AOS_Q05B/AOS_Q10BB/AOS_Q10BC/AOS_Q16B]?
- 1: Yes, speaking to respondent
- 2: Yes, respondent available
- 3: No, respondent unable to complete this survey
- 4: No, respondent not available at this time
Alternate Telephone Contact (ATC)
Alternate Telephone Contact (ATC) - Question identifier:ATC_Q01
Is there a better telephone number at which I can reach [AOS_Q03A/AOS_Q05A/AOS_Q10BA/AOS_Q10CA/AOS_Q16A] [AOS_Q03B/AOS_Q05B/AOS_Q10BB/AOS_Q10BC/AOS_Q16B]?
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
Alternate Telephone Contact (ATC) - Question identifier:ATC_Q02
Could you provide the telephone number?
Long Answer Length = 10
Proxy (PRX)
Proxy (PRX) - Question identifier:PRX_Q01
What is the reason [AOS_Q03A/AOS_Q05A/AOS_Q10BA/AOS_Q10CA/AOS_Q16A] is unable to complete this survey?
- 1: Respondent does not speak English or French (Language barrier)
- 2: Respondent unable to answer because of a health condition, a physical or mental disability, or problems related to aging
- 3: Respondent absent for the duration of the collection period
- 4: Other
Proxy (PRX) - Question identifier:PRX_Q02
Is there someone 15 years or older who could provide us with some information on behalf of [AOS_Q03A/AOS_Q05A/AOS_Q10BA/AOS_Q10CA/AOS_Q16A] [AOS_Q03B/AOS_Q05B/AOS_Q10BB/AOS_Q10BC/AOS_Q16B]?. We would like to ask this person questions about care [AOS_Q03A/AOS_Q05A/AOS_Q10BA/AOS_Q10CA/AOS_Q16A] may have received or may have provided to family or friends.
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
Proxy (PRX) - Question identifier:PRX_Q03A
What is the first name of this person?
Long Answer Length = 80
Proxy (PRX) - Question identifier:PRX_Q03B
What is the last name of this person?
Long Answer Length = 80
Proxy (PRX) - Question identifier:PRX_Q06
May I speak with ^PRX_Q03A ^PRX_Q03B?
- 1: Yes, speaking to information provider
- 2: Yes, information provider available
- 3: No, information provider not available to complete this survey
- 4: No, information provider not available at this time
Proxy (PRX) - Question identifier:PRX_Q07
Can you give me a telephone number for ^PRX_Q03A ^PRX_Q03B?
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
Proxy (PRX) - Question identifier:PRX_Q07A
Enter the telephone number, including area code.
Long Answer Length = 10
Roster (RRS)
Roster (RRS) - Question identifier:RRS_R01
The next few questions ask for important information about the people in [^TEMP_FNAME's/your] household.
Roster (RRS) - Question identifier:RRS_Q12
Including [^TEMP_FNAME/yourself], how many persons are staying at this address?
Include all persons who have their main residence at this address, even if they are temporarily away.
Note: Press the help button (?) for additional information, including who to include and who not to include.
- 01: 1
- 02: 2
- 03: 3
- 04: 4
- 05: 5
- 06: 6
- 07: 7
- 08: 8
- 09: 9
- 10: 10
- 11: 11
- 12: 12
- 13: 13
- 14: 14
- 15: 15
- 16: 16
- 17: 17
- 18: 18
- 19: 19
- 20: 20
Roster (continued) (RRS2)
Roster (continued) (RRS2) - Question identifier:RRS2_Q15A
[Please provide [^TEMP_FNAME's/your] first name, last name, age, and sex./Beginning with [^TEMP_FNAME/yourself], please provide the first name, last name, age, and sex of all the people usually living at this address.]
First name
Long Answer Length = 25
Roster (continued) (RRS2) - Question identifier:RRS2_Q15B
[Please provide [^TEMP_FNAME's/your] first name, last name, age, and sex./Beginning with [^TEMP_FNAME/yourself], please provide the first name, last name, age, and sex of all the people usually living at this address.]
Last name
Long Answer Length = 30
Roster (continued) (RRS2) - Question identifier:RRS2_Q15C
[Please provide [^TEMP_FNAME's/your] first name, last name, age, and sex./Beginning with [^TEMP_FNAME/yourself], please provide the first name, last name, age, and sex of all the people usually living at this address.]
Min = 0; Max = 999
Roster (continued) (RRS2) - Question identifier:RRS2_Q15D
- 1: Male
- 2: Female
Roster (continued) (RRS2) - Question identifier:RRS2_R20
Please verify that [^TEMP_FNAME is/you are] listed first and all of the information is correct.
If all the information is correct, then press the Next button.
To make changes, please press the Previous button.
Roster (continued) (RRS2) - Question identifier:RRS2_R20B
Person [number of the roster instance identified by the response to RRS_Q12, incrementing by 1 number with each additional instance]
Roster (continued) (RRS2) - Question identifier:RRS2_R20C
First name: ^RRS2_Q15A
Last name: ^RRS2_Q15B
Age: ^RRS2_Q15C
Sex: ^RRS2_Q15D
Age without Confirmation (ANCQ)
Age without Confirmation (ANCQ) - Question identifier:ANCQ_Q01A
What is your date of birth?
Min = 0; Max = 99
Age without Confirmation (ANCQ) - Question identifier:ANCQ_Q01B
What is your date of birth?
- 01: January
- 02: February
- 03: March
- 04: April
- 05: May
- 06: June
- 07: July
- 08: August
- 09: September
- 10: October
- 11: November
- 12: December
Age without Confirmation (ANCQ) - Question identifier:ANCQ_Q01C
Min = 0; Max = 9999
Age without Confirmation (ANCQ) - Question identifier:ANCQ_Q02
As of today ([THISDATE]), your age is [Age calculated based on the entered date of birth][years/year//months/month/months].
Is that correct?
Date of birth is [January/February/March/April/May/June/July/August/September/October/November/December] ^ANCQ_Q01A, ANCQ_Q01C.
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
Age without Confirmation (ANCQ) - Question identifier:ANCQ_Q03
What is your age?
Min = 0; Max = 999
Marital Status (MSNC)
Marital Status (MSNC) - Question identifier:MSNC_Q01
What is your marital status?
- 1: Married
- 2: Living common law (Two people of the opposite sex or the same sex who live together as a couple but who are not legally married to each other.)
- 3: Widowed
- 4: Separated
- 5: Divorced
- 6: Single, never married
Relationship to Selected Respondent (RSR)
Relationship to Selected Respondent (RSR) - Question identifier:RSR_Q05
What is the relationship of the following [people/person] to you?
- 01: your [husband/wife]
- 02: your common-law partner
- 03: your [father/mother]
- 04: your [son/daughter] (birth, adopted or step)
- 05: your [brother/sister]
- 06: your foster [father/mother]
- 07: your foster [son/daughter]
- 08: your grand[father/mother]
- 09: your grand[son/daughter]
- 10: your in-law
- 11: other related
- 12: unrelated
Number of children (NLC)
Number of children (NLC) - Question identifier:NLC_Q100
How many children do you have?
Min = 0; Max = 99
Include all birth, step and adopted children.
Exclude foster children.
Labour Market Activities Minimal (LMAM)
Labour Market Activities Minimal (LMAM) - Question identifier:LMAM_R01
The following questions concern your activities last week, meaning the week beginning on Sunday and ending Saturday.
Labour Market Activities Minimal (LMAM) - Question identifier:LMAM_Q01
Last week, did you work at a job or business?
Regardless of the number of hours
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
Labour Market Activities Minimal (LMAM) - Question identifier:LMAM_Q02
Last week, did you have a job or business from which you were absent?
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
Labour Market Activities Minimal (LMAM) - Question identifier:LMAM_Q03
What was the main reason you were absent from work last week?
- 01: [His/Her/Your] illness or disability
- 02: Caring for your children
- 03: Caring for elder relative (60 years of age or older)
- 04: Maternity or parental leave
- 05: Other personal or family responsibilities
- 06: Vacation
- 07: Labour dispute, strike or lockout
- 08: Temporary layoff due to business conditions
- 09: Seasonal layoff
- 10: [He/She/You] have a casual job and no work was available
- 11: [His/Her/Your] work schedule (e.g., you work shift work)
- 12: [He/She/You] are self-employed and no work was available
- 13: Seasonal business (Include self-employed only)
Labour market past year (LPY)
Labour market past year (LPY) - Question identifier:LPY_Q01
In the past 12 months, did you work at a job or business?
Regardless of the number of hours.
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
Labour market past year (LPY) - Question identifier:LPY_Q02
During the past 12 months, what was your main activity?
If your main activity was "sickness" or "short-term illness", please indicate your usual main activity.
- 01: Looking for paid work
- 02: Going to school
- 03: Caring for your children
- 04: Household work
- 05: Retired
- 06: Maternity, paternity or parental leave
- 07: Long-term illness
- 08: Volunteering or caregiving other than for your children
- 09: Other
Respondent ever worked (REW)
Respondent ever worked (REW) - Question identifier:REW_Q10
Have you ever been employed or self-employed?
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
Respondent ever worked (REW) - Question identifier:REW_Q20
In what year did you last do any paid work?
Min = 0; Max = 9999
Respondent ever worked (REW) - Question identifier:REW_Q30
How old were you when you last did any paid work?
Min = 0; Max = 99
Care receiving by respondent (CAR)
Care receiving by respondent (CAR) - Question identifier:CAR_Q110
The next questions ask about help or care you may have received for a long-term health condition, a physical or mental disability or problems related to aging. This help may come from family, friends, neighbours, paid workers or organizations. It may include help with driving, shopping, housework, personal care or anything else.
A long-term health condition is one that has lasted or is expected to last 6 months or longer.
indoor household chores e.g., cleaning, washing, ironing, shopping
outdoor chores e.g., cutting grass, shovelling, home repairs
driving care receiver to appointments or to do errands
banking or financing
coordinating care needs
administering medication
helping with personal care e.g., bathing, cutting nails
any other activity you received help with.
During the past 12 months, have you received help or care for a long-term health condition or a physical or mental disability?
A long-term health condition is one that has lasted or is expected to last 6 months or longer.
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
Care receiving by respondent (CAR) - Question identifier:CAR_Q115
During the past 12 months, have you received help for problems related to aging?
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
Main health condition for which respondent received help (PRA)
Main health condition for which respondent received help (PRA) - Question identifier:PRA_Q10
What is the main health condition or problem for which you have received help?
- 01: Arthritis (e.g., rheumatoid arthritis, osteoarthritis, lupus or gout)
- 02: Osteoporosis
- 03: Cardiovascular disease (e.g., angina, heart attack, stroke and hypertension)
- 04: Kidney disease
- 05: Asthma
- 06: Chronic bronchitis, emphysema or chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD)
- 07: Diabetes
- 08: Migraine
- 09: Back problems
- 10: Cancer
- 11: Mental illness (e.g., depression, bipolar disorder, mania or schizophrenia)
- 12: Alzheimer's disease or dementia
- 13: All other neurological diseases (e.g., Parkinson's disease, multiple sclerosis, spina bifida, cerebral palsy)
- 14: Urinary or bowel incontinence
- 15: Digestive disease (e.g., celiac disease, irritable bowel syndrome, stomach ulcers, Crohn's disease)
- 16: Fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue syndrome or multiple chemical sensitivities
- 17: Developmental disability or disorder
- 18: Injury resulting from an accident
- 19: Aging or frailty
- 20: Other
Main health condition for which respondent received help (PRA) - Question identifier:PRA_Q15
Would you say that this condition is mild, moderate or severe?
- 1: Mild
- 2: Moderate
- 3: Severe
Activities for which respondent received help (ARE)
Activities for which respondent received help (ARE) - Question identifier:ARE_R05
The next questions ask about the types of help you received for the health condition or problem you just indicated. Here we are talking about help only from family, friends, or neighbours.
Exclude help from paid workers or organizations.
Activities for which respondent received help (ARE) - Question identifier:ARE_Q10
During the past 12 months, have you received help with any of the following activities?
a. Transportation to do shopping, errands, get to medical appointments or social events
e.g., driving anywhere for any reason, shopping for groceries or other necessities or for anything else
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
Activities for which respondent received help (ARE) - Question identifier:ARE_Q20
During the past 12 months, have you received help with any of the following activities?
b. Meal preparation, meal clean-up, house cleaning, laundry or sewing
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
Activities for which respondent received help (ARE) - Question identifier:ARE_Q30
During the past 12 months, have you received help with any of the following activities?
c. House maintenance or outdoor work
e.g., painting walls, repairing cupboards, replacing flooring, lawn maintenance, gardening, snow shovelling, outside wall painting
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
Activities for which respondent received help (ARE) - Question identifier:ARE_Q40
During the past 12 months, have you received help with any of the following activities?
d. Personal care, such as bathing, dressing, toileting, hair care, or care of nails
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
Activities for which respondent received help (ARE) - Question identifier:ARE_Q50
During the past 12 months, have you received help with any of the following activities?
e. Medical treatments, such as changing bandages, taking medications, or other medical procedures
e.g., changing bandages or dressings, measuring blood pressure, performing heart monitor and blood sugar tests, changing IV bags
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
Activities for which respondent received help (ARE) - Question identifier:ARE_Q60
During the past 12 months, have you received help with any of the following activities?
f. Scheduling or coordinating care-related tasks, such as making appointments or hiring professional help
e.g., organizing care schedule, hiring professional help, making appointments, filling out medical history forms, application forms or insurance forms
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
Activities for which respondent received help (ARE) - Question identifier:ARE_Q70
During the past 12 months, have you received help with any of the following activities?
g. Banking, bill paying or managing your finances
e.g., managing health insurance claims
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
Activities for which respondent received help (ARE) - Question identifier:ARE_Q80
During the past 12 months, have you received help with anything else?
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
Activities for which respondent received help (ARE) - Question identifier:ARE_Q85
Specify other type of help received
Long Answer Length = 80
Hours of help received by respondent (HAR)
Hours of help received by respondent (HAR) - Question identifier:HAR_Q10
In an average week, how many hours of care or help did you receive with these activities?
Min = 0; Max = 999
If the number of hours of weekly care received varied significantly over the past 12 months, please provide an "average", or what happened most of the time.
Only include help received during the past 12 months for a long-term health condition, physical or mental disability or problems related to aging.
Include help from family, friends, or neighbours.
Exclude help from paid workers or organizations.
Number of people helping respondent (NPA)
Number of people helping respondent (NPA) - Question identifier:NPA_Q10
During the past 12 months, how many family members, friends or neighbours have helped you with any of the previous activities?
Min = 0; Max = 99
Help includes all previously mentioned activities such as transportation, meal preparation, house maintenance, personal care, medical treatments, organizing care schedule, banking or anything else.
Only include help received during the past 12 months for a long-term health condition, physical or mental disability or problems related to aging.
Include help from family, friends, or neighbours.
Exclude help from paid workers or organizations.
Relationship of people helping respondent (RPA)
Relationship of people helping respondent (RPA) - Question identifier:RPA_R10B
Relationship of people helping respondent (RPA) - Question identifier:RPA_R10C
Number of people
Relationship of people helping respondent (RPA) - Question identifier:RPA_Q10
How many of these ^NPA_Q10 people are your
a. immediate family
Min = 0; Max = 99
Include: spouse or partner, children, parents, siblings
Relationship of people helping respondent (RPA) - Question identifier:RPA_Q20
How many of these ^NPA_Q10 people are your
b. extended family
Min = 0; Max = 99
Include: cousins, grandparents, aunts, uncles, in-laws
Relationship of people helping respondent (RPA) - Question identifier:RPA_Q30
How many of these ^NPA_Q10 people are your
c. friends and neighbours
Min = 0; Max = 99
Relationship of people helping respondent (RPA) - Question identifier:RPA_R40
Total number of people
Should equal ^NPA_Q10
Types of people helping respondent (TPA)
Types of people helping respondent (TPA) - Question identifier:TPA_R10B
Types of people helping respondent (TPA) - Question identifier:TPA_R10C
Number of people
Types of people helping respondent (TPA) - Question identifier:TPA_Q10
How many of these ^NPA_Q10 people were
a. women
Min = 0; Max = 99
Types of people helping respondent (TPA) - Question identifier:TPA_Q15
How many of these ^NPA_Q10 people were
b. men
Min = 0; Max = 99
Types of people helping respondent (TPA) - Question identifier:TPA_R15
Total number of people
Should equal ^NPA_Q10
Types of people helping respondent (TPA) - Question identifier:TPA_R20B
Types of people helping respondent (TPA) - Question identifier:TPA_R20C
Number of people
Types of people helping respondent (TPA) - Question identifier:TPA_Q20
At the time they were helping you, how many of these ^NPA_Q10 people were
a. employed
Min = 0; Max = 99
Types of people helping respondent (TPA) - Question identifier:TPA_Q30
At the time they were helping you, how many of these ^NPA_Q10 people were
b. retired
Min = 0; Max = 99
Types of people helping respondent (TPA) - Question identifier:TPA_Q40
At the time they were helping you, how many of these ^NPA_Q10 people were
c. unemployed
Min = 0; Max = 99
Types of people helping respondent (TPA) - Question identifier:TPA_R40
Total number of people
Should equal ^NPA_Q10
Types of people helping respondent (TPA) - Question identifier:TPA_Q50
At the time they were helping you, how many of these ^NPA_Q10 people were students?
Min = 0; Max = 99
Age of people helping respondent (APA)
Age of people helping respondent (APA) - Question identifier:APA_R10B
Age of people helping respondent (APA) - Question identifier:APA_R10C
Number of people
Age of people helping respondent (APA) - Question identifier:APA_Q10
How many of these ^NPA_Q10 people were
a. below the age of 19
Min = 0; Max = 99
Age of people helping respondent (APA) - Question identifier:APA_Q20
How many of these ^NPA_Q10 people were
b. 19 to 44
Min = 0; Max = 99
Age of people helping respondent (APA) - Question identifier:APA_Q30
How many of these ^NPA_Q10 people were
c. 45 to 64
Min = 0; Max = 99
Age of people helping respondent (APA) - Question identifier:APA_Q40
How many of these ^NPA_Q10 people were
d. 65 to 79
Min = 0; Max = 99
Age of people helping respondent (APA) - Question identifier:APA_Q50
How many of these ^NPA_Q10 people were
e. 80 years of age or older
Min = 0; Max = 99
Age of people helping respondent (APA) - Question identifier:APA_R60
Total number of people
Should equal ^NPA_Q10
Receiving emotional support by respondent (RES)
Receiving emotional support by respondent (RES) - Question identifier:RES_Q10
During the past 12 months, have you received emotional support?
Emotional support includes spending time with a person, talking with and listening to them, cheering them up, being there for them.
Only include help received during the past 12 months for a long-term health condition, physical or mental disability or problems related to aging.
Include help from family, friends, or neighbours.
Exclude help from paid workers or organizations.
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
Professional help received by activity (PAA)
Professional help received by activity (PAA) - Question identifier:PAA_R05
The next question ask about help from professionals. By professionals, we mean paid workers or organizations.
Professional help received by activity (PAA) - Question identifier:PAA_Q05
Have you received any types of help or care from professionals for a long-term health condition, a physical or mental disability or problems related to aging?
A long-term health condition is one that has lasted or is expected to last 6 months or longer.
Include household chores, outdoor chores, transportation, personal care, emotional support, medical procedures, banking, organizing care schedule, or any other activity for which you received paid help.
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
Professional help received by activity (PAA) - Question identifier:PAA_Q10
During the past 12 months, have you received professional help with any of the following activities?
a. Transportation to do shopping, errands, get to medical appointments or social events
e.g., driving anywhere for any reason, shopping for groceries or other necessities or for anything else.
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
Professional help received by activity (PAA) - Question identifier:PAA_Q20
During the past 12 months, have you received professional help with any of the following activities?
b. Meal preparation, meal clean-up, house cleaning, laundry or sewing
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
Professional help received by activity (PAA) - Question identifier:PAA_Q30
During the past 12 months, have you received professional help with any of the following activities?
c. House maintenance or outdoor work
e.g., painting walls, repairing cupboards, replacing flooring, lawn maintenance, gardening, snow shovelling, outside wall painting.
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
Professional help received by activity (PAA) - Question identifier:PAA_Q40
During the past 12 months, have you received professional help with any of the following activities?
d. Personal care, such as bathing, dressing, toileting, hair care, or care of nails
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
Professional help received by activity (PAA) - Question identifier:PAA_Q50
During the past 12 months, have you received professional help with any of the following activities?
e. Medical treatments, such as changing bandages, taking medications or other medical procedures
e.g., changing bandages or dressings, measuring blood pressure, performing heart monitor and blood sugar tests, changing IV bags.
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
Professional help received by activity (PAA) - Question identifier:PAA_Q60
During the past 12 months, have you received professional help with any of the following activities?
f. Scheduling or coordinating care-related tasks such as making appointments or hiring professional help
e.g., organizing care schedule, hiring professional help, making appointments, filling out medical history forms, application forms or insurance forms.
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
Professional help received by activity (PAA) - Question identifier:PAA_Q70
During the past 12 months, have you received professional help with any of the following activities?
g. Banking, bill paying or managing your finances
e.g., managing health insurance claims.
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
Professional help received by activity (PAA) - Question identifier:PAA_Q90
During the past 12 months, did a professional provide you with any other type of help?
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
Professional help received by activity (PAA) - Question identifier:PAA_Q100
Specify other type of help
Long Answer Length = 80
Professional help received by activity (PAA) - Question identifier:PAA_Q110
During the past 12 months, did a professional provide you with emotional support?
Only include help received during the past 12 months for a long-term health condition, physical or mental disability or problems related to aging.
e.g., counselling, therapy, talking with and listening to you.
Include help from professionals, that is, paid workers or organizations.
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
Number of hours of professional help provided to the respondent (DPA)
Number of hours of professional help provided to the respondent (DPA) - Question identifier:DPA_Q10
In an average week, how many hours of professional help did you receive with these activities?
Min = 0; Max = 999
If you have difficulty calculating the hours, refer to most intense period of receiving help.
Care needed and received by respondent (CNR)
Care needed and received by respondent (CNR) - Question identifier:CNR_Q10
In general, did you receive the care or help you needed during the past 12 months? Please think of both professional care, and care from family and friends.
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
Care needed and received by respondent (CNR) - Question identifier:CNR_Q20
Why did you not receive the care or help that you needed?
Long Answer Length = 80
Prefer help from professional (PHP)
Prefer help from professional (PHP) - Question identifier:PHP_Q10
For the types of help you previously have indicated, would you rather have had professional help than help from family and friends?
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
Prefer help from family (PHF)
Prefer help from family (PHF) - Question identifier:PHF_Q10
For the types of help you previouly have indicated, would you rather have had help from family and friends than help from professionals?
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
Balance of help from family and professionals (BFP)
Balance of help from family and professionals (BFP) - Question identifier:BFP_Q10
For all the types of help you have indicated, are you satisfied with the balance of help from family and friends, and from professionals?
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
Balance of help from family and professionals (BFP) - Question identifier:BFP_Q20
Would you have preferred to receive more professional help or more help from family and friends?
- 1: More professional help
- 2: More family and friend help
Need for help (NFA)
Need for help (NFA) - Question identifier:NFA_Q10
During the past 12 months, did you need help or care for a long-term health condition, physical or mental disability, or problems related to aging?
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
Need for help (NFA) - Question identifier:NFA_Q30
Did you ask for help?
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
Need for help (NFA) - Question identifier:NFA_Q50
If you had needed help, would you have been able to get it?
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
Need for help (NFA) - Question identifier:NFA_Q60
If you had asked for help, do you think that you would have been able to get it?
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
Need for help (NFA) - Question identifier:NFA_Q70
Who would have provided this help to you?
Select all that apply.
- 11: Immediate family (Include: spouse or partner, children, parents and siblings)
- 12: Extended family
- 13: Friends, neighbours
- 14: Paid workers, government, non-governmental organizations
The primary caregiver (PGN)
The primary caregiver (PGN) - Question identifier:PGN_Q10
The next questions ask about the person who, over the past 12 months, has spent the most time and resources helping you because of a long-term health condition, a physical or mental disability, or problems related to aging.
Exclude assistance from professionals.
What is the first name of this person?
Long Answer Length = 30
The primary caregiver (PGN) - Question identifier:PGN_Q20A
How old is [PGN_Q10/this person]?
Min = 0; Max = 999
The primary caregiver (PGN) - Question identifier:PGN_Q25
What [was/is] [PGN_Q10/this person]'s sex?
- 1: Male
- 2: Female
The primary caregiver (PGN) - Question identifier:PGN_Q30
How old was [PGN_Q10/this person] at the time of [his/her/his or her] death?
Min = 0; Max = 999
Relationship between the respondent and the primary caregiver (PGG)
Relationship between the respondent and the primary caregiver (PGG) - Question identifier:PGG_Q10
What [was/is] the relationship of [PGN_Q10/this person] to you?
- 01: [^FNAME's/Your] spouse or partner
- 02: [^FNAME's/Your] ex-spouse or ex-partner
- 03: [^FNAME's/Your] son
- 04: [^FNAME's/Your] daughter
- 05: [^FNAME's/Your] father
- 06: [^FNAME's/Your] mother
- 07: [^FNAME's/Your] brother
- 08: [^FNAME's/Your] sister
- 09: [^FNAME's/Your] grandson
- 10: [^FNAME's/Your] granddaughter
- 11: [^FNAME's/Your] grandfather
- 12: [^FNAME's/Your] grandmother
- 13: [^FNAME's/Your] son-in-law
- 14: [^FNAME's/Your] daughter-in-law
- 15: [^FNAME's/Your] father-in-law
- 16: [^FNAME's/Your] mother-in-law
- 17: [^FNAME's/Your] brother-in-law
- 18: [^FNAME's/Your] sister-in-law
- 19: [^FNAME's/Your] nephew
- 20: [^FNAME's/Your] niece
- 21: [^FNAME's/Your] uncle
- 22: [^FNAME's/Your] aunt
- 23: [^FNAME's/Your] cousin
- 24: [^FNAME's/Your] close friend
- 25: [^FNAME's/Your] neighbour
- 26: [^FNAME's/Your] co-worker
- 27: Other
Work information of primary caregiver (PGW)
Work information of primary caregiver (PGW) - Question identifier:PGW_Q10
At the time you were receiving help, was [PGN_Q10/this person] employed or self-employed?
For this question, please exclude being on leave, e.g., being on parental leave or sick leave.
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
Work information of primary caregiver (PGW) - Question identifier:PGW_Q20
At the time you were receiving help, did [PGN_Q10/this person] work 30 hours or more in an average week?
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
- 9: DK
Year when respondent started to receive help from primary caregiver (PGS)
Year when respondent started to receive help from primary caregiver (PGS) - Question identifier:PGS_Q10
In what year did you start to receive help from [PGN_Q10/this person]?
Min = 9999; Max = 9999
Year when respondent started to receive help from primary caregiver (PGS) - Question identifier:PGS_Q20
How old were you when you started to receive help from [PGN_Q10/this person]?
Min = 0; Max = 999
Still receiving help from primary caregiver (SRE)
Still receiving help from primary caregiver (SRE) - Question identifier:SRE_Q10
Are you still receiving help from [PGN_Q10/this person]?
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
Still receiving help from primary caregiver (SRE) - Question identifier:SRE_Q20
What is the main reason why you are no longer receiving help from [PGN_Q10/this person]?
- 1: You no longer need help
- 2: You moved
- 3: [PGN_Q10/This person] moved
- 4: [PGN_Q10/This person] is no longer able to provide care
- 5: [PGN_Q10/This person] has become ill
- 6: [PGN_Q10/This person] has died
- 7: Paid professional now provides care
Month and year when receiving help ended (PGE)
Month and year when receiving help ended (PGE) - Question identifier:PGE_Q10M
In what month and year did you stop receiving help from [PGN_Q10/this person]?
- 01: January
- 02: February
- 03: March
- 04: April
- 05: May
- 06: June
- 07: July
- 08: August
- 09: September
- 10: October
- 11: November
- 12: December
Month and year when receiving help ended (PGE) - Question identifier:PGE_Q10Y
In what month and year did you stop receiving help from [PGN_Q10/this person]?
- 1: 2016
- 2: 2017
- 3: 2018
Difficulty finding help - If respondent had not received help (DFA)
Difficulty finding help - If respondent had not received help (DFA) - Question identifier:DFA_Q10
If [PGN_Q10/this person] had not helped you, would you have had difficulty finding help from someone else?
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
Distance between the respondent's and the caregiver's dwellings (PGD)
Distance between the respondent's and the caregiver's dwellings (PGD) - Question identifier:PGD_Q10
[Does [PGN_Q10/this person] live/During the time you were receiving help, did [PGN_Q10/this person] live]
- 1: in the same household as you
- 2: in the same building as you
- 3: less than 10 minutes by car
- 4: 10 minutes to less than 30 minutes by car
- 5: 30 minutes to less than 1 hour by car
- 6: 1 hour to less than 3 hours by car
- 7: 3 hours or more by car
Usual dwelling of respondent (care receiver) (PGU)
Usual dwelling of respondent (care receiver) (PGU) - Question identifier:PGU_Q10
[In what type of dwelling do you live?/During the time you were receiving help, in what type of dwelling did you live?]
- 1: In a private household
- 2: In supportive housing (Definition: offers minimal to moderate care, such as homemaking or personal care, so people can live independently.)
- 3: In an institution or care facility (e.g., hospital or nursing home)
- 4: Other
Usual dwelling of respondent (care receiver) (PGU) - Question identifier:PGU_Q20
[Did you move residences, in order to live closer to [PGN_Q10/this person]?/During the time you were receiving help, did you move residences, in order to live closer to [PGN_Q10/this person]?]
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
Frequency of contact with primary caregiver (PGH)
Frequency of contact with primary caregiver (PGH) - Question identifier:PGH_Q10
During the past 12 months, on average, how often did [PGN_Q10/this person] see you?
If the frequency of seeing [PGN_Q10/this person] varied significantly over past 12 months, please provide an average, or what happened most of the time.
- 1: Daily
- 2: At least once a week
- 3: At least once a month
- 4: Less than once a month
Frequency of contact with primary caregiver (PGH) - Question identifier:PGH_Q20
During the past 12 months, on average, how often did [PGN_Q10/this person] have contact with you by phone, text, email or by video chat?
If frequency of contact with [PGN_Q10/this person] varied significantly over past 12 months, please provide an average, or what happened most of the time.
Include all forms of Internet communication, e.g., Facebook, Twitter, instant message and Skype.
- 1: Daily
- 2: At least once a week
- 3: At least once a month
- 4: Less than once a month
Transportation (received) (AGT)
Transportation (received) (AGT) - Question identifier:AGT_Q10
During the past 12 months, has [PGN_Q10/this person] helped you with transportation to do shopping, errands, get to medical appointments or social events?
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
Transportation (received) (AGT) - Question identifier:AGT_Q20
[How often has [PGN_Q10/this person] helped you with transportation to do shopping, errands, get to medical appointments or social events?/How often has [he/she/he or she] helped you with these tasks?]
- 1: Daily
- 2: At least once a week
- 3: At least once a month
- 4: Less than once a month
Transportation (received) (AGT) - Question identifier:AGT_Q30
[On an average day/In an average week/In an average month/On an average occasion], how much time has [PGN_Q10/this person] spent helping you with these tasks?
- 1: Less than 1 hour
- 2: 1 hour to less than 3 hours
- 3: 3 hours to less than 5 hours
- 4: 5 hours to less than 10 hours
- 5: 10 hours to less than 15 hours
- 6: 15 hours to less than 20 hours
- 7: 20 hours or more
Transportation (received) (AGT) - Question identifier:AGT_Q40
Was there anyone else who could have provided this help to you?
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
Meal preparation (received) (AGI)
Meal preparation (received) (AGI) - Question identifier:AGI_Q10
During the past 12 months, has [PGN_Q10/this person] helped you with meal preparation, meal clean-up, house cleaning, laundry or sewing?
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
Meal preparation (received) (AGI) - Question identifier:AGI_Q20
[How often has [PGN_Q10/this person] helped you with meal preparation, meal clean-up, house cleaning, laundry or sewing?/How often has [he/she/he or she] helped you with these tasks?]
- 1: Daily
- 2: At least once a week
- 3: At least once a month
- 4: Less than once a month
Meal preparation (received) (AGI) - Question identifier:AGI_Q30
[On an average day/In an average week/In an average month/On an average occasion], how much time has [PGN_Q10/this person] spent helping you with these tasks?
- 1: Less than 1 hour
- 2: 1 hour to less than 3 hours
- 3: 3 hours to less than 5 hours
- 4: 5 hours to less than 10 hours
- 5: 10 hours to less than 15 hours
- 6: 15 hours to less than 20 hours
- 7: 20 hours or more
Meal preparation (received) (AGI) - Question identifier:AGI_Q40
Was there anyone else who could have provided this help to you?
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
House maintenance (received) (AGO)
House maintenance (received) (AGO) - Question identifier:AGO_Q10
During the past 12 months, has [PGN_Q10/this person] helped you with house maintenance or outdoor work?
House maintenance: painting walls, repairing cupboards, replacing flooring
Outdoor work: lawn maintenance, gardening, snow shovelling, outside wall painting
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
House maintenance (received) (AGO) - Question identifier:AGO_Q20
[How often has [PGN_Q10/this person] helped you with house maintenance or outdoor work?/How often has [he/she/he or she] helped you with these tasks?]
- 1: Daily
- 2: At least once a week
- 3: At least once a month
- 4: Less than once a month
House maintenance (received) (AGO) - Question identifier:AGO_Q30
[On an average day/In an average week/In an average month/On an average occasion], how much time has [PGN_Q10/this person] spent helping you with these tasks?
- 1: Less than 1 hour
- 2: 1 hour to less than 3 hours
- 3: 3 hours to less than 5 hours
- 4: 5 hours to less than 10 hours
- 5: 10 hours to less than 15 hours
- 6: 15 hours to less than 20 hours
- 7: 20 hours or more
House maintenance (received) (AGO) - Question identifier:AGO_Q40
Was there anyone else who could have provided this help to you?
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
Personal care (received) (AGP)
Personal care (received) (AGP) - Question identifier:AGP_Q10
During the past 12 months, has [PGN_Q10/this person] helped you with personal care?
e.g., bathing, toileting, care of nails, brushing teeth, hair care, dressing
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
Personal care (received) (AGP) - Question identifier:AGP_Q20
[How often has [PGN_Q10/this person] helped you with personal care?/How often has [he/she/he or she] helped you with these tasks?]
- 1: Daily
- 2: At least once a week
- 3: At least once a month
- 4: Less than once a month
Personal care (received) (AGP) - Question identifier:AGP_Q30
[On an average day/In an average week/In an average month/On an average occasion], how much time has [PGN_Q10/this person] spent helping you with these tasks?
- 1: Less than 1 hour
- 2: 1 hour to less than 3 hours
- 3: 3 hours to less than 5 hours
- 4: 5 hours to less than 10 hours
- 5: 10 hours to less than 15 hours
- 6: 15 hours to less than 20 hours
- 7: 20 hours or more
Personal care (received) (AGP) - Question identifier:AGP_Q40
Was there anyone else who could have provided this help to you?
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
Medical treatments (received) (AGM)
Medical treatments (received) (AGM) - Question identifier:AGM_Q10
During the past 12 months, has [PGN_Q10/this person] helped you with medical treatments or procedures?
e.g., changing bandages or dressings, measuring blood pressure, performing heart monitor and blood sugar tests, changing IV bags
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
Medical treatments (received) (AGM) - Question identifier:AGM_Q20
[How often has [PGN_Q10/this person] helped you with medical treatments or procedures?/How often has [he/she/he or she] helped you with these tasks?]
- 1: Daily
- 2: At least once a week
- 3: At least once a month
- 4: Less than once a month
Medical treatments (received) (AGM) - Question identifier:AGM_Q30
[On an average day/In an average week/In an average month/On an average occasion], how much time has [PGN_Q10/this person] spent helping you with these tasks?
- 1: Less than 1 hour
- 2: 1 hour to less than 3 hours
- 3: 3 hours to less than 5 hours
- 4: 5 hours to less than 10 hours
- 5: 10 hours to less than 15 hours
- 6: 15 hours to less than 20 hours
- 7: 20 hours or more
Medical treatments (received) (AGM) - Question identifier:AGM_Q40
Was there anyone else who could have provided this help to you?
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
Scheduling (received) (AGS)
Scheduling (received) (AGS) - Question identifier:AGS_Q10
During the past 12 months, has [PGN_Q10/this person] helped you with scheduling or coordinating care-related tasks, such as making appointments or hiring professional help?
e.g., organizing care schedule, hiring professional help, making appointments, filling out medical history forms, application forms or insurance forms
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
Scheduling (received) (AGS) - Question identifier:AGS_Q20
[How often has [PGN_Q10/this person] helped you with scheduling or coordinating care-related tasks?/How often has [he/she/he or she] helped you with these tasks?]
- 1: Daily
- 2: At least once a week
- 3: At least once a month
- 4: Less than once a month
Scheduling (received) (AGS) - Question identifier:AGS_Q30
[On an average day/In an average week/In an average month/On an average occasion], how much time has [PGN_Q10/this person] spent helping you with these tasks?
- 1: Less than 1 hour
- 2: 1 hour to less than 3 hours
- 3: 3 hours to less than 5 hours
- 4: 5 hours to less than 10 hours
- 5: 10 hours to less than 15 hours
- 6: 15 hours to less than 20 hours
- 7: 20 hours or more
Scheduling (received) (AGS) - Question identifier:AGS_Q40
Was there anyone else who could have provided this help to you?
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
Banking (received) (AGB)
Banking (received) (AGB) - Question identifier:AGB_Q10
During the past 12 months, has [PGN_Q10/this person] helped you with banking, bill paying or managing your finances?
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
Banking (received) (AGB) - Question identifier:AGB_Q20
[How often has [PGN_Q10/this person] helped you with banking, bill paying or managing your finances?/How often has [he/she/he or she] helped you with these tasks?]
- 1: Daily
- 2: At least once a week
- 3: At least once a month
- 4: Less than once a month
Banking (received) (AGB) - Question identifier:AGB_Q30
[On an average day/In an average week/In an average month/On an average occasion], how much time has [PGN_Q10/this person] spent helping you with these tasks?
- 1: Less than 1 hour
- 2: 1 hour to less than 3 hours
- 3: 3 hours to less than 5 hours
- 4: 5 hours to less than 10 hours
- 5: 10 hours to less than 15 hours
- 6: 15 hours to less than 20 hours
- 7: 20 hours or more
Banking (received) (AGB) - Question identifier:AGB_Q40
Was there anyone else who could have provided this help to you?
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
Visiting (received) (AGV)
Visiting (received) (AGV) - Question identifier:AGV_Q10
During the past 12 months, has [PGN_Q10/this person] checked up on you by visiting or calling to make sure you were okay?
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
Visiting (received) (AGV) - Question identifier:AGV_Q40
Was there anyone else who could have provided this assistance to you?
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
Emotional help (received) (AGX)
Emotional help (received) (AGX) - Question identifier:AGX_Q10
During the past 12 months, has [PGN_Q10/this person] provided you with emotional support?
Emotional support includes spending time with a person, talking with and listening to them, cheering them up, being there for them.
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
Emotional help (received) (AGX) - Question identifier:AGX_Q40
Was there anyone else who could have provided this help to you?
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
Caregiving by respondent (ICG)
Caregiving by respondent (ICG) - Question identifier:ICG_R110
The next questions ask about help or care you may have given to family, friends or neighbours for a long-term health condition, physical or mental disability or problem relate to aging. This help may include driving them, shopping with or for them, helping with housework, personal care or anything else.
A long-term health condition is one that has lasted or is expected to last 6 months or longer.
Exclude paid help to clients or patients, or help provided on behalf of an organization.
Caregiving by respondent (ICG) - Question identifier:ICG_Q110
During the past 12 months, have you helped or cared for someone who had a long-term health condition or a physical or mental disability?
A long-term health condition is one that has lasted or is expected to last 6 months or longer.
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
Caregiving by respondent (ICG) - Question identifier:ICG_Q115
During the past 12 months, have you helped or cared for someone who had problems related to aging?
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
Types of help provided by respondent (APR)
Types of help provided by respondent (APR) - Question identifier:APR_R05
The next questions ask about the types of help you have given to family, friends, or neighbours.
Types of help provided by respondent (APR) - Question identifier:APR_Q10
During the past 12 months, have you helped someone with any of the following activities?
a. Transportation to do shopping, errands, get to medical appointments or social events
e.g., driving anywhere for any reason, shopping for groceries or other necessities or for anything else
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
Types of help provided by respondent (APR) - Question identifier:APR_Q20
During the past 12 months, have you helped someone with any of the following activities?
b. Meal preparation, meal clean-up, house cleaning, laundry or sewing
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
Types of help provided by respondent (APR) - Question identifier:APR_Q30
During the past 12 months, have you helped someone with any of the following activities?
c. House maintenance or outdoor work
e.g., painting walls, repairing cupboards, replacing flooring, lawn maintenance, gardening, snow shovelling, outside wall painting
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
Types of help provided by respondent (APR) - Question identifier:APR_Q40
During the past 12 months, have you helped someone with any of the following activities?
d. Personal care, such as bathing, dressing, toileting, hair care, or care of nails
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
Types of help provided by respondent (APR) - Question identifier:APR_Q50
During the past 12 months, have you helped someone with any of the following activities?
e. Medical treatments, such as changing bandages, taking medications, or other medical procedures
e.g., changing bandages or dressings, measuring blood pressure, performing heart monitor and blood sugar tests, changing IV bags
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
Types of help provided by respondent (APR) - Question identifier:APR_Q60
During the past 12 months, have you helped someone with any of the following activities?
f. Scheduling or coordinating care-related tasks, such as making appointments or hiring professional help
e.g., organizing care schedule, hiring professional help, making appointments, filling out medical history forms, application forms or insurance forms
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
Types of help provided by respondent (APR) - Question identifier:APR_Q70
During the past 12 months, have you helped someone with any of the following activities?
g. Banking, bill paying or managing their finances
e.g., managing health insurance claims
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
Types of help provided by respondent (APR) - Question identifier:APR_Q80
During the past 12 months, have you helped someone with anything else?
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
Types of help provided by respondent (APR) - Question identifier:APR_Q85
Specify this other help
Long Answer Length = 80
Number of hours of help provided by respondent (HAP)
Number of hours of help provided by respondent (HAP) - Question identifier:HAP_Q10
In an average week, how many hours of care or help did you provide with these activities?
Min = 0; Max = 999
If the number of hours of weekly care provided varied significantly over the past 12 months, please provide an "average" or what happened most of the time.
Only include help given during the past 12 months for a long-term health condition, physical or mental disability or problems related to aging.
Include help to family, friends, or neighbours.
Exclude paid help to clients or patients, or help provided on behalf of an organization.
Number of people helped by respondent (PAR)
Number of people helped by respondent (PAR) - Question identifier:PAR_Q10
During the past 12 months, how many family members, friends or neighbours have you helped with any of the previous activities?
Min = 1; Max = 99
Help includes all previously mentioned activities such as transportation, meal preparation, house maintenance, personal care, medical treatments, scheduling, banking or anything else.
Only include help given during the past 12 months for a long-term health condition, physical or mental disability or problems related to aging.
Exclude paid help given to patients or clients, or help provided on behalf of an organization.
Relationship of respondent to people receiving help (RRA)
Relationship of respondent to people receiving help (RRA) - Question identifier:RRA_R10B
Relationship of respondent to people receiving help (RRA) - Question identifier:RRA_R10C
Number of people
Relationship of respondent to people receiving help (RRA) - Question identifier:RRA_Q10
How many of these ^PAR_Q10 people are your
a. immediate family
Min = 0; Max = 99
Include: spouse or partner, children, parents, siblings
Relationship of respondent to people receiving help (RRA) - Question identifier:RRA_Q20
How many of these ^PAR_Q10 people are your
b. extended family
Min = 0; Max = 99
Include: cousins, grandparents, aunts, uncles, in-laws
Relationship of respondent to people receiving help (RRA) - Question identifier:RRA_Q30
How many of these ^PAR_Q10 people are your
c. friends and neighbours
Min = 0; Max = 99
Relationship of respondent to people receiving help (RRA) - Question identifier:RRA_R40
Total number of people
Should equal ^PAR_Q10
Demographics of people receiving help from respondent (DPR)
Demographics of people receiving help from respondent (DPR) - Question identifier:DPR_R10B
Demographics of people receiving help from respondent (DPR) - Question identifier:DPR_R10C
Number of people
Demographics of people receiving help from respondent (DPR) - Question identifier:DPR_Q10
How many of these ^PAR_Q10 people were
a. women
Min = 0; Max = 99
Demographics of people receiving help from respondent (DPR) - Question identifier:DPR_Q15
How many of these ^PAR_Q10 people were
b. men
Min = 0; Max = 99
Demographics of people receiving help from respondent (DPR) - Question identifier:DPR_R15
Total number of people
Should equal ^PAR_Q10
Demographics of people receiving help from respondent (DPR) - Question identifier:DPR_R20B
Demographics of people receiving help from respondent (DPR) - Question identifier:DPR_R20C
Number of people
Demographics of people receiving help from respondent (DPR) - Question identifier:DPR_Q20
At the time you were helping them, how many of these ^PAR_Q10 people were
a. employed
Min = 0; Max = 99
Demographics of people receiving help from respondent (DPR) - Question identifier:DPR_Q30
At the time you were helping them, how many of these ^PAR_Q10 people were
b. retired
Min = 0; Max = 99
Demographics of people receiving help from respondent (DPR) - Question identifier:DPR_Q40
At the time you were helping them, how many of these ^PAR_Q10 people were
c. unemployed
Min = 0; Max = 99
Demographics of people receiving help from respondent (DPR) - Question identifier:DPR_R40
Total number of people
Should equal ^PAR_Q10
Demographics of people receiving help from respondent (DPR) - Question identifier:DPR_Q50
How many of these ^PAR_Q10 people were students?
Min = 0; Max = 99
Age of people receiving help from respondent (APX)
Age of people receiving help from respondent (APX) - Question identifier:APX_R10B
Age of people receiving help from respondent (APX) - Question identifier:APX_R10C
Number of people
Age of people receiving help from respondent (APX) - Question identifier:APX_Q10
How many of these ^PAR_Q10 people were
a. below the age of 19
Min = 0; Max = 99
Age of people receiving help from respondent (APX) - Question identifier:APX_Q20
How many of these ^PAR_Q10 people were
b. 19 to 44
Min = 0; Max = 99
Age of people receiving help from respondent (APX) - Question identifier:APX_Q30
How many of these ^PAR_Q10 people were
c. 45 to 64
Min = 0; Max = 99
Age of people receiving help from respondent (APX) - Question identifier:APX_Q40
How many of these ^PAR_Q10 people were
d. 65 to 79
Min = 0; Max = 99
Age of people receiving help from respondent (APX) - Question identifier:APX_Q50
How many of these ^PAR_Q10 people were
e. 80 years of age or older
Min = 0; Max = 99
Age of people receiving help from respondent (APX) - Question identifier:APX_R60
Total number of people
Should equal ^PAR_Q10
Respondent providing emotional support (RPE)
Respondent providing emotional support (RPE) - Question identifier:RPE_Q10
During the past 12 months, have you provided emotional support?
Emotional support includes spending time with a person, talking with and listening to them, cheering them up, being there for them.
Only include help given during the past 12 months for a long-term health condition, physical or mental disability or problems related to aging.
Include help to family, friends, or neighbours.
Exclude paid help to clients or patients, or help you provided on behalf of an organization.
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
The primary care receiver (PRN)
The primary care receiver (PRN) - Question identifier:PRN_R10A
Now some questions about the person you have helped during the past 12 months.
Include care or help given to family, friends or neighbours.
Exclude paid help to clients or patients, or help provided on behalf of an organization.
The primary care receiver (PRN) - Question identifier:PRN_R10B
Now some questions about the person to whom, over the past 12 months, you have dedicated the most time and resources because of a long-term health condition, a physical or mental disability, or problems related to aging.
Include care or help given to family, friends or neighbours.
Exclude paid help to clients or patients, or help provided on behalf of an organization.
The primary care receiver (PRN) - Question identifier:PRN_Q10
What is the first name of this person?
Long Answer Length = 30
The primary care receiver (PRN) - Question identifier:PRN_R20
How old is [PRN_Q10/this person]?
The primary care receiver (PRN) - Question identifier:PRN_Q25
What [was/is] [PRN_Q10/this person]'s sex?
- 1: Male
- 2: Female
The primary care receiver (PRN) - Question identifier:PRN_Q30
How old was [PRN_Q10/this person] at the time of [his/her/his or her] death?
Min = 0; Max = 999
The primary care receiver (PRN) - Question identifier:PRN_Q40
Where did [PRN_Q10/this person] die?
- 1: In a hospital
- 2: In a long-term care facility
- 3: In their home
- 4: In your home
- 5: In some other place
Relationship between respondent and care receiver (PRG)
Relationship between respondent and care receiver (PRG) - Question identifier:PRG_Q10
What [was/is] the relationship of [PRN_Q10/this person] to you?
- 01: [^FNAME's/Your] spouse or partner
- 02: [^FNAME's/Your] ex-spouse or ex-partner
- 03: [^FNAME's/Your] son
- 04: [^FNAME's/Your] daughter
- 05: [^FNAME's/Your] father
- 06: [^FNAME's/Your] mother
- 07: [^FNAME's/Your] brother
- 08: [^FNAME's/Your] sister
- 09: [^FNAME's/Your] grandson
- 10: [^FNAME's/Your] granddaughter
- 11: [^FNAME's/Your] grandfather
- 12: [^FNAME's/Your] grandmother
- 13: [^FNAME's/Your] son-in-law
- 14: [^FNAME's/Your] daughter-in-law
- 15: [^FNAME's/Your] father-in-law
- 16: [^FNAME's/Your] mother-in-law
- 17: [^FNAME's/Your] brother-in-law
- 18: [^FNAME's/Your] sister-in-law
- 19: [^FNAME's/Your] nephew
- 20: [^FNAME's/Your] niece
- 21: [^FNAME's/Your] uncle
- 22: [^FNAME's/Your] aunt
- 23: [^FNAME's/Your] cousin
- 24: [^FNAME's/Your] close friend
- 25: [^FNAME's/Your] neighbour
- 26: [^FNAME's/Your] co-worker
- 27: Other
Health problems which requires help (PRP)
Health problems which requires help (PRP) - Question identifier:PRP_Q10
What [was/is] the main health condition or problem for which [PRN_Q10/this person] received help?
- 01: Arthritis (e.g., rheumatoid arthritis, osteoarthritis, lupus or gout)
- 02: Osteoporosis
- 03: Cardiovascular disease (e.g., angina, heart attack, stroke and hypertension)
- 04: Kidney disease
- 05: Asthma
- 06: Chronic bronchitis, emphysema or chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD)
- 07: Diabetes
- 08: Migraine
- 09: Back problems
- 10: Cancer
- 11: Mental illness (e.g., depression, bipolar disorder, mania or schizophrenia)
- 12: Alzheimer's disease or dementia
- 13: All other neurological diseases (e.g., Parkinson's disease, multiple sclerosis, spina bifida, cerebral palsy)
- 14: Urinary or bowel incontinence
- 15: Digestive disease (e.g., celiac disease, irritable bowel syndrome, stomach ulcers, Crohn's disease)
- 16: Fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue syndrome or multiple chemical sensitivities
- 17: Developmental disability or disorder
- 18: Injury resulting from an accident
- 19: Aging or frailty
- 20: Other
Health problems which requires help (PRP) - Question identifier:PRP_Q15
Would you say that this condition is mild, moderate or severe?
- 1: Mild
- 2: Moderate
- 3: Severe
Work information of primary care receiver (PRW)
Work information of primary care receiver (PRW) - Question identifier:PRW_Q10
At the time you were providing help, was [PRN_Q10/this person] employed or self-employed?
For this question, please exclude being on leave, e.g., being on parental leave or sick leave.
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
Work information of primary care receiver (PRW) - Question identifier:PRW_Q20
At the time you were providing help, did [PRN_Q10/this person] work 30 hours or more in an average week?
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
- 9: DK
Year when respondent started to provide help (PRS)
Year when respondent started to provide help (PRS) - Question identifier:PRS_Q10
In what year did you start to help [PRN_Q10/this person]?
Min = 9999; Max = 9999
Year when respondent started to provide help (PRS) - Question identifier:PRS_Q20
How old were you when you started to help [PRN_Q10/this person]?
Min = 0; Max = 999
Still providing help to primary care receiver (SPR)
Still providing help to primary care receiver (SPR) - Question identifier:SPR_Q10
Are you still helping [PRN_Q10/this person]?
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
Still providing help to primary care receiver (SPR) - Question identifier:SPR_Q20
What is the main reason why you are no longer helping [PRN_Q10/this person]?
- 01: [PRN_Q10/This person] no longer needs help
- 02: [PRN_Q10/This person] moved
- 03: You moved
- 04: You are no longer able to provide care
- 05: You have become ill
- 06: Another family, friend, or neighbour now provides help
- 07: Paid professional now provides care
- 08: Other
Month and year when providing help ended (PRE)
Month and year when providing help ended (PRE) - Question identifier:PRE_Q10M
In what month and year did you stop helping [PRN_Q10/this person]?
- 01: January
- 02: February
- 03: March
- 04: April
- 05: May
- 06: June
- 07: July
- 08: August
- 09: September
- 10: October
- 11: November
- 12: December
Month and year when providing help ended (PRE) - Question identifier:PRE_Q10Y
In what month and year did you stop helping [PRN_Q10/this person]?
- 1: 2016
- 2: 2017
- 3: 2018
Distance between the respondent's and the care receiver's dwellings (PRD)
Distance between the respondent's and the care receiver's dwellings (PRD) - Question identifier:PRD_Q10
[How close does [PRN_Q10/this person] live to you?/During the time you were providing help, how close did [PRN_Q10/this person] live to you?]
- 1: In the same household as you
- 2: In the same building as you
- 3: Less than 10 minutes by car
- 4: 10 minutes to less than 30 minutes by car
- 5: 30 minutes to less than 1 hour by car
- 6: 1 hour to less than 3 hours by car
- 7: 3 hours or more by car
Usual dwelling of primary care receiver (PRU)
Usual dwelling of primary care receiver (PRU) - Question identifier:PRU_Q10
[[PRN_Q10/This person] lives in what type of dwelling?/During the time you were providing help, [PRN_Q10/this person] lived in what type of dwelling?]
- 1: In a private household
- 2: In supportive housing (Definition: offers minimal to moderate care, such as homemaking or personal care, so people can live independently.)
- 3: In an institution or care facility (e.g., hospital or nursing home)
- 4: Other
Usual dwelling of primary care receiver (PRU) - Question identifier:PRU_Q20
[Did you move residences, in order to live closer to [PRN_Q10/this person]?/During the time you were providing help, did you move residences, in order to live closer to [PRN_Q10/this person]?]
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
Frequency of contact with primary care receiver (PRH)
Frequency of contact with primary care receiver (PRH) - Question identifier:PRH_Q10
During the past 12 months, on average, how often did you see [PRN_Q10/this person]?
If the frequency of seeing [PRN_Q10/this person] varied significantly over past 12 months, please provide an average, or what happened most of the time.
- 1: Daily
- 2: At least once a week
- 3: At least once a month
- 4: Less than once a month
Frequency of contact with primary care receiver (PRH) - Question identifier:PRH_Q20
During the past 12 months, on average, how often did you have contact with [PRN_Q10/this person] by phone, text, email or by video chat?
If the frequency of contact with [PRN_Q10/this person] varied significantly over past 12 months, please provide an average, or what happened most of the time.
Include all forms of Internet communication, e.g., Facebook, Twitter, instant message and Skype.
- 1: Daily
- 2: At least once a week
- 3: At least once a month
- 4: Less than once a month
Transportation (provided) (ART)
Transportation (provided) (ART) - Question identifier:ART_Q10
During the past 12 months, have you helped [PRN_Q10/this person] with transportation to do shopping, errands, get to medical appointments or social events?
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
Transportation (provided) (ART) - Question identifier:ART_Q20
[How often have you helped [PRN_Q10/this person] with transportation to do shopping, errands, get to medical appointments or social events?/How often have you helped [him/her/him or her] with these tasks?]
- 1: Daily
- 2: At least once a week
- 3: At least once a month
- 4: Less than once a month
Transportation (provided) (ART) - Question identifier:ART_Q30
[On an average day/In an average week/In an average month/On an average occasion], how much time have you spent helping [him/her/him or her] with these tasks?
- 1: Less than 1 hour
- 2: 1 hour to less than 3 hours
- 3: 3 hours to less than 5 hours
- 4: 5 hours to less than 10 hours
- 5: 10 hours to less than 15 hours
- 6: 15 hours to less than 20 hours
- 7: 20 hours or more
Transportation (provided) (ART) - Question identifier:ART_Q40
Was there anyone else, other than a paid caregiver, who could have provided this help to [him/her/him or her]?
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
Meal preparation (provided) (ARI)
Meal preparation (provided) (ARI) - Question identifier:ARI_Q10
During the past 12 months, have you helped [PRN_Q10/this person] with meal preparation, meal clean-up, house cleaning, laundry or sewing?
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
Meal preparation (provided) (ARI) - Question identifier:ARI_Q20
[How often have you helped [PRN_Q10/this person] with meal preparation, meal clean-up, house cleaning, laundry or sewing?/How often have you helped [him/her/him or her] with these tasks?]
- 1: Daily
- 2: At least once a week
- 3: At least once a month
- 4: Less than once a month
Meal preparation (provided) (ARI) - Question identifier:ARI_Q30
[On an average day/In an average week/In an average month/On an average occasion], how much time have you spent helping [him/her/him or her] with these tasks?
- 1: Less than 1 hour
- 2: 1 hour to less than 3 hours
- 3: 3 hours to less than 5 hours
- 4: 5 hours to less than 10 hours
- 5: 10 hours to less than 15 hours
- 6: 15 hours to less than 20 hours
- 7: 20 hours or more
Meal preparation (provided) (ARI) - Question identifier:ARI_Q40
Was there anyone else, other than a paid caregiver, who could have provided this help to [him/her/him or her]?
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
House maintenance (provided) (ARO)
House maintenance (provided) (ARO) - Question identifier:ARO_Q10
During the past 12 months, have you helped [PRN_Q10/this person] with house maintenance or outdoor work?
House maintenance: painting walls, repairing cupboards, replacing floors
Outdoor work: lawn maintenance, gardening, snow shovelling, outside wall painting.
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
House maintenance (provided) (ARO) - Question identifier:ARO_Q20
[How often have you helped [PRN_Q10/this person] with house maintenance or outdoor work?/How often have you helped [him/her/him or her] with these tasks?]
- 1: Daily
- 2: At least once a week
- 3: At least once a month
- 4: Less than once a month
House maintenance (provided) (ARO) - Question identifier:ARO_Q30
[On an average day/In an average week/In an average month/On an average occasion], how much time have you spent helping [him/her/him or her] with these tasks?
- 1: Less than 1 hour
- 2: 1 hour to less than 3 hours
- 3: 3 hours to less than 5 hours
- 4: 5 hours to less than 10 hours
- 5: 10 hours to less than 15 hours
- 6: 15 hours to less than 20 hours
- 7: 20 hours or more
House maintenance (provided) (ARO) - Question identifier:ARO_Q40
Was there anyone else, other than a paid caregiver, who could have provided this help to [him/her/him or her]?
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
Personal care (provided) (ARP)
Personal care (provided) (ARP) - Question identifier:ARP_Q10
During the past 12 months, have you helped [PRN_Q10/this person] with personal care?
e.g., bathing, toileting, care of nails, brushing teeth, hair care, dressing
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
Personal care (provided) (ARP) - Question identifier:ARP_Q20
[How often have you helped [PRN_Q10/this person] with personal care?/How often have you helped [him/her/him or her] with these tasks?]
- 1: Daily
- 2: At least once a week
- 3: At least once a month
- 4: Less than once a month
Personal care (provided) (ARP) - Question identifier:ARP_Q30
[On an average day/In an average week/In an average month/On an average occasion], how much time have you spent helping [him/her/him or her] with these tasks?
- 1: Less than 1 hour
- 2: 1 hour to less than 3 hours
- 3: 3 hours to less than 5 hours
- 4: 5 hours to less than 10 hours
- 5: 10 hours to less than 15 hours
- 6: 15 hours to less than 20 hours
- 7: 20 hours or more
Personal care (provided) (ARP) - Question identifier:ARP_Q40
Was there anyone else, other than a paid caregiver, who could have provided this help to [him/her/him or her]?
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
Medical treatments (provided) (ARM)
Medical treatments (provided) (ARM) - Question identifier:ARM_Q10
During the past 12 months, have you helped [PRN_Q10/this person] with medical treatments or procedures?
e.g., changing bandages or dressings, measuring blood pressure, performing heart monitor and blood sugar tests, changing IV bags
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
Medical treatments (provided) (ARM) - Question identifier:ARM_Q20
[How often have you helped [PRN_Q10/this person] with medical treatments or procedures?/How often have you helped [him/her/him or her] with these tasks?]
- 1: Daily
- 2: At least once a week
- 3: At least once a month
- 4: Less than once a month
Medical treatments (provided) (ARM) - Question identifier:ARM_Q30
[On an average day/In an average week/In an average month/On an average occasion], how much time have you spent helping [him/her/him or her] with these tasks?
- 1: Less than 1 hour
- 2: 1 hour to less than 3 hours
- 3: 3 hours to less than 5 hours
- 4: 5 hours to less than 10 hours
- 5: 10 hours to less than 15 hours
- 6: 15 hours to less than 20 hours
- 7: 20 hours or more
Medical treatments (provided) (ARM) - Question identifier:ARM_Q40
Was there anyone else, other than a paid caregiver, who could have provided this help to [him/her/him or her]?
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
Scheduling (provided) (ARS)
Scheduling (provided) (ARS) - Question identifier:ARS_Q10
During the past 12 months, have you helped [PRN_Q10/this person] with scheduling or coordinating care-related tasks, such as making appointments or hiring professional help?
e.g., organizing care schedule, hiring professional help, making appointments, filling out medical history forms, application forms or insurance forms
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
Scheduling (provided) (ARS) - Question identifier:ARS_Q20
[How often have you helped [PRN_Q10/this person] with scheduling or coordinating care-related tasks, such as making appointments or hiring professional help?/How often have you helped [him/her/him or her] with these tasks?]
- 1: Daily
- 2: At least once a week
- 3: At least once a month
- 4: Less than once a month
Scheduling (provided) (ARS) - Question identifier:ARS_Q30
[On an average day/In an average week/In an average month/On an average occasion], how much time have you spent helping [him/her/him or her] with these tasks?
- 1: Less than 1 hour
- 2: 1 hour to less than 3 hours
- 3: 3 hours to less than 5 hours
- 4: 5 hours to less than 10 hours
- 5: 10 hours to less than 15 hours
- 6: 15 hours to less than 20 hours
- 7: 20 hours or more
Scheduling (provided) (ARS) - Question identifier:ARS_Q40
Was there anyone else, other than a paid caregiver, who could have provided this help to [him/her/him or her]?
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
Banking (provided) (ARB)
Banking (provided) (ARB) - Question identifier:ARB_Q10
During the past 12 months, have you helped [PRN_Q10/this person] with banking, bill paying or managing finances?
e.g., managing health insurance claims
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
Banking (provided) (ARB) - Question identifier:ARB_Q20
[How often have you helped [PRN_Q10/this person] with banking, bill paying or managing finances?/How often have you helped [him/her/him or her] with these tasks?]
- 1: Daily
- 2: At least once a week
- 3: At least once a month
- 4: Less than once a month
Banking (provided) (ARB) - Question identifier:ARB_Q30
[On an average day/In an average week/In an average month/On an average occasion], how much time have you spent helping with these tasks?
- 1: Less than 1 hour
- 2: 1 hour to less than 3 hours
- 3: 3 hours to less than 5 hours
- 4: 5 hours to less than 10 hours
- 5: 10 hours to less than 15 hours
- 6: 15 hours to less than 20 hours
- 7: 20 hours or more
Banking (provided) (ARB) - Question identifier:ARB_Q40
Was there anyone else, other than a paid caregiver, who could have provided this help to [him/her/him or her]?
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
Visiting (provided) (ARV)
Visiting (provided) (ARV) - Question identifier:ARV_Q10
During the past 12 months, have you checked up on [PRN_Q10/this person] by visiting or calling to make sure [he/she/he or she] was okay?
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
Visiting (provided) (ARV) - Question identifier:ARV_Q40
Was there anyone else, other than a paid caregiver, who could have provided this help to [him/her/him or her]?
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
Emotional help (provided) (ARX)
Emotional help (provided) (ARX) - Question identifier:ARX_Q10
During the past 12 months, have you provided [PRN_Q10/this person] with emotional support?
Emotional support includes spending time with a person, talking with and listening to them, cheering them up, being there for them.
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
Emotional help (provided) (ARX) - Question identifier:ARX_Q40
Was there anyone else, other than a paid caregiver, who could have provided this help to [him/her/him or her]?
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
Care receiver considers respondent their primary caregiver (CCP)
Care receiver considers respondent their primary caregiver (CCP) - Question identifier:CCP_Q10
Would you say that [PRN_Q10/this person] consider[ed/s] you to be [his/her/his or her] primary caregiver?
A primary caregiver is the person who provides the care receiver with the most help in terms of time and resources.
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
- 9: DK
Care receiver considers respondent their primary caregiver (CCP) - Question identifier:CCP_Q20
Do you believe you [were/are] the main contact or coordinator for [PRN_Q10/this person]'s care arrangements?
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
Number of other people who help primary care receiver (CGN)
Number of other people who help primary care receiver (CGN) - Question identifier:CGN_R120A
Now we would like to know about people other than you who provided help to [PRN_Q10/this person].
Number of other people who help primary care receiver (CGN) - Question identifier:CGN_Q120A
How many other friends and family members have helped [PRN_Q10/this person] during the past 12 months?
Min = 0; Max = 99
Relationship of other caregivers to primary care receiver (RNA)
Relationship of other caregivers to primary care receiver (RNA) - Question identifier:RNA_R10B
Relationship of other caregivers to primary care receiver (RNA) - Question identifier:RNA_R10C
Number of people
Relationship of other caregivers to primary care receiver (RNA) - Question identifier:RNA_Q10
How many of these ^CGN_Q120A people are [PRN_Q10/this person]'s
a. immediate family
Min = 0; Max = 99
Include: spouse or partner, children, parents, siblings
Relationship of other caregivers to primary care receiver (RNA) - Question identifier:RNA_Q20
How many of these ^CGN_Q120A people are [PRN_Q10/this person]'s
b. extended family
Min = 0; Max = 99
Include: cousins, grandparents, aunts, uncles, in-laws
Relationship of other caregivers to primary care receiver (RNA) - Question identifier:RNA_Q30
How many of these ^CGN_Q120A people are [PRN_Q10/this person]'s
c. friends and neighbours
Min = 0; Max = 99
Relationship of other caregivers to primary care receiver (RNA) - Question identifier:RNA_Q40
How many of these ^CGN_Q120A people are [PRN_Q10/this person]'s
d. relationship unknown
Min = 0; Max = 99
Relationship of other caregivers to primary care receiver (RNA) - Question identifier:RNA_R40
Total number of people
Should equal ^CGN_Q120A
Demographics of other caregivers helping the primary care receiver (DNA)
Demographics of other caregivers helping the primary care receiver (DNA) - Question identifier:DNA_R10B
Demographics of other caregivers helping the primary care receiver (DNA) - Question identifier:DNA_R10C
Number of people
Demographics of other caregivers helping the primary care receiver (DNA) - Question identifier:DNA_Q10
How many of these ^CGN_Q120A people are
a. women
Min = 0; Max = 99
Demographics of other caregivers helping the primary care receiver (DNA) - Question identifier:DNA_Q15
How many of these ^CGN_Q120A people are
b. men
Min = 0; Max = 99
Demographics of other caregivers helping the primary care receiver (DNA) - Question identifier:DNA_Q18
How many of these ^CGN_Q120A people are
c. don't know
Min = 0; Max = 99
Demographics of other caregivers helping the primary care receiver (DNA) - Question identifier:DNA_R18
Total number of people
Should equal ^CGN_Q120A
Demographics of other caregivers helping the primary care receiver (DNA) - Question identifier:DNA_Q20A
At the time they were providing help to [PRN_Q10/this person], how many of these ^CGN_Q120A people were employed?
Min = 0; Max = 99
Demographics of other caregivers helping the primary care receiver (DNA) - Question identifier:DNA_R31B
Demographics of other caregivers helping the primary care receiver (DNA) - Question identifier:DNA_R31C
Number of people
Demographics of other caregivers helping the primary care receiver (DNA) - Question identifier:DNA_Q31
At the time they were providing help to [PRN_Q10/this person], how many of these ^CGN_Q120A people were
a. below the age of 19
Min = 0; Max = 99
Demographics of other caregivers helping the primary care receiver (DNA) - Question identifier:DNA_Q32
At the time they were providing help to [PRN_Q10/this person], how many of these ^CGN_Q120A people were
b. 19 to 44
Min = 0; Max = 99
Demographics of other caregivers helping the primary care receiver (DNA) - Question identifier:DNA_Q33
At the time they were providing help to [PRN_Q10/this person], how many of these ^CGN_Q120A people were
c. 45 to 64
Min = 0; Max = 00
Demographics of other caregivers helping the primary care receiver (DNA) - Question identifier:DNA_Q34
At the time they were providing help to [PRN_Q10/this person], how many of these ^CGN_Q120A people were
d. 65 to 79
Min = 0; Max = 99
Demographics of other caregivers helping the primary care receiver (DNA) - Question identifier:DNA_Q35
At the time they were providing help to [PRN_Q10/this person], how many of these ^CGN_Q120A people were
e. 80 years of age or older
Min = 0; Max = 99
Demographics of other caregivers helping the primary care receiver (DNA) - Question identifier:DNA_Q40
At the time they were providing help to [PRN_Q10/this person], how many of these ^CGN_Q120A people were
f. age unknown
Min = 0; Max = 99
Demographics of other caregivers helping the primary care receiver (DNA) - Question identifier:DNA_R40
Total number of people
Should equal ^CGN_Q120A
Relationship of the other person providing help to primary care receiver (ROA)
Relationship of the other person providing help to primary care receiver (ROA) - Question identifier:ROA_Q05
What is the sex of the person who provided help to [PRN_Q10/this person]?
- 1: Male
- 2: Female
Relationship of the other person providing help to primary care receiver (ROA) - Question identifier:ROA_Q10
What is the relationship between [PRN_Q10/this person] and this other person who provided help?
- 01: [PRN_Q10/This person]'s spouse or partner
- 02: [PRN_Q10/This person]'s son
- 03: [PRN_Q10/This person]'s daughter
- 04: [PRN_Q10/This person]'s father
- 05: [PRN_Q10/This person]'s mother
- 06: [PRN_Q10/This person]'s brother
- 07: [PRN_Q10/This person]'s sister
- 08: [PRN_Q10/This person]'s grandson
- 09: [PRN_Q10/This person]'s granddaughter
- 10: [PRN_Q10/This person]'s son-in-law
- 11: [PRN_Q10/This person]'s daughter-in-law
- 12: [PRN_Q10/This person]'s nephew
- 13: [PRN_Q10/This person]'s niece
- 14: [PRN_Q10/This person]'s close friend
- 15: [PRN_Q10/This person]'s neighbour
- 16: Other
Demographics of other person providing help to primary care receiver (DOA)
Demographics of other person providing help to primary care receiver (DOA) - Question identifier:DOA_Q20
While providing help to [PRN_Q10/this person], was this person employed?
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
- 9: DK
Demographics of other person providing help to primary care receiver (DOA) - Question identifier:DOA_Q30A
How old is this person?
Min = 0; Max = 999
Help provided to primary care receiver of respondent from paid workers, government agencies or voluntary organizations (HPO)
Help provided to primary care receiver of respondent from paid workers, government agencies or voluntary organizations (HPO) - Question identifier:HPO_Q10
During the past 12 months, has [PRN_Q10/this person] received help from professionals, that is paid workers or organizations?
Include help given during the past 12 months for a long-term health condition, a physical or mental disability or problems related to aging.
Paid workers or organizations could be e.g., visiting nurses, physiotherapists, home care providers, transportation services, Meals on Wheels, doctors, community care centres, support from organizations for specific conditions, or any services that were paid for because of [PRN_Q10/this person]'s condition
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
- 9: DK
Hours of received help (for primary care receiver of respondent) from paid workers or government or non-government organizations (HRA)
Hours of received help (for primary care receiver of respondent) from paid workers or government or non-government organizations (HRA) - Question identifier:HRA_Q10
In an average week, how many hours of help has [he/she/he or she] received from professionals?
- 1: Less than 1 hour
- 2: 1 hour to less than 3 hours
- 3: 3 hours to less than 5 hours
- 4: 5 hours to less than 10 hours
- 5: 10 hours or more
- 9: DK
Accommodate caregiving duties (ACD)
Accommodate caregiving duties (ACD) - Question identifier:ACD_R10A
The next questions are about support you may have received from others to help you with your caregiving responsibilities.
Accommodate caregiving duties (ACD) - Question identifier:ACD_Q10
To accommodate your caregiving duties, has any of the following support been provided to you?
a. [His/Her/Your] spouse or partner modified their life and work arrangements
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
Accommodate caregiving duties (ACD) - Question identifier:ACD_Q20
To accommodate your caregiving duties, has any of the following support been provided to you?
b. [His/Her/Your] children provided you with help
e.g., helping with household chores
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
Accommodate caregiving duties (ACD) - Question identifier:ACD_Q30
To accommodate your caregiving duties, has any of the following support been provided to you?
c. [His/Her/Your] extended family members provided you with help
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
Accommodate caregiving duties (ACD) - Question identifier:ACD_Q40
To accommodate your caregiving duties, has any of the following support been provided to you?
d. [His/Her/Your] close friends or neighbours provided you with help
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
Accommodate caregiving duties (ACD) - Question identifier:ACD_Q50
To accommodate your caregiving duties, has any of the following support been provided to you?
e. [His/Her/Your] community, spiritual community, or cultural or ethnic groups provided you with help
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
Accommodate caregiving duties (ACD) - Question identifier:ACD_Q60
To accommodate your caregiving duties, has any of the following support been provided to you?
f. You had occasional relief or respite care
Definition: temporary care of a few hours or weeks for a sick or disabled person to provide a break or relief to the regular caregiver.
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
Accommodate caregiving duties (ACD) - Question identifier:ACD_Q70
To accommodate your caregiving duties, has any of the following support been provided to you?
g. [His/Her/Your] family or friends provided you with financial support
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
Accommodate caregiving duties (ACD) - Question identifier:ACD_Q80
To help you with caregiving, have you received money from government programs?
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
Accommodate caregiving duties (ACD) - Question identifier:ACD_Q80A
Please specify which programs
Long Answer Length = 250
Accommodate caregiving duties (ACD) - Question identifier:ACD_Q90
Have you received any Federal tax credits for which caregivers may be eligible?
e.g., caregiver tax credit, infirm dependant tax credit, medical expense tax credit
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
Other type of support to accommodate caregiving duties (OAC)
Other type of support to accommodate caregiving duties (OAC) - Question identifier:OAC_Q20
Is there any other type of support that you would like to have to help with your caregiving duties?
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
Other type of support to accommodate caregiving duties (OAC) - Question identifier:OAC_Q30
What kinds of support would you like to have?
- 01: Home care or support
- 02: Financial support, government assistance or tax credit
- 03: Information or advice
- 04: Emotional support or counselling
- 05: Help from medical professionals
- 06: Occasional relief or respite care
- 07: Volunteer services or community services
- 08: Other
Caregiving history (CGH)
Caregiving history (CGH) - Question identifier:CGH_Q100
Have you ever provided care to someone with a long-term health condition, a physical or mental disability or problems related to aging?
A long-term health condition is one that lasted or was expected to last 6 months or longer.
Include care provided to family, friends or neighbours.
Exclude paid assistance to clients or patients and volunteering on behalf of an organization.
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
Caregiving history (CGH) - Question identifier:CGH_Q110
Excluding the people you have helped during the past 12 months, have you ever provided care to anyone else with a long-term health condition, a physical or mental disability or problems related to aging?
A long-term health condition is one that lasted or was expected to last 6 months or longer.
Include care provided to family, friends or neighbours.
people you helped in the past 12 months
paid assistance to clients or patients and volunteering on behalf of an organization.
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
Caregiving history (CGH) - Question identifier:CGH_Q120
How many people have you provided care to?
Include care provided to family members, friends or neighbours.
Exclude people you have provided care to in the past 12 months, even if that care started prior to the past 12 months.
- 01: 1
- 02: 2
- 03: 3
- 04: 4
- 05: 5
- 06: 6
- 07: 7
- 08: 8
- 09: 9
- 10: 10 or more
Caregiving history - Names (CGH2)
Caregiving history - Names (CGH2) - Question identifier:CGH2_Q130
What is the first name of [the person/the ^CGH_Q120 people/5 of these people] that you provided care to?
Long Answer Length = 80
Caregiving incident detail (CGI)
Caregiving incident detail (CGI) - Question identifier:CGI_R100
We have a few questions about these people.
Caregiving incident detail (CGI) - Question identifier:CGI_Q110
In what year did you begin to provide care to [CGH2_Q130/this person/the first person/the second person/the third person/the fourth person/the fifth person]?
Min = 0; Max = 9999
Caregiving incident detail (CGI) - Question identifier:CGI_Q111
At what age did you begin to provide care to [CGH2_Q130/this person/the first person/the second person/the third person/the fourth person/the fifth person]?
Min = 0; Max = 999
Caregiving incident detail (CGI) - Question identifier:CGI_Q120
In what year did you stop providing care to [CGH2_Q130/this person/the first person/the second person/the third person/the fourth person/the fifth person]?
Min = 0; Max = 9999
Caregiving incident detail (CGI) - Question identifier:CGI_Q121
At what age did you stop providing help to [CGH2_Q130/this person/the first person/the second person/the third person/the fourth person/the fifth person]?
Min = 0; Max = 999
Caregiving incident detail (CGI) - Question identifier:CGI_Q125
What was [CGH2_Q130/this person/the first person/the second person/the third person/the fourth person/the fifth person]'s sex?
- 1: Male
- 2: Female
Caregiving incident detail (CGI) - Question identifier:CGI_Q130
What was the relationship of [CGH2_Q130/this person/the first person/the second person/the third person/the fourth person/the fifth person] to you?
- 01: [^FNAME's/Your] spouse or partner
- 02: [^FNAME's/Your] ex-spouse or ex-partner
- 03: [^FNAME's/Your] son
- 04: [^FNAME's/Your] daughter
- 05: [^FNAME's/Your] father
- 06: [^FNAME's/Your] mother
- 07: [^FNAME's/Your] brother
- 08: [^FNAME's/Your] sister
- 09: [^FNAME's/Your] grandson
- 10: [^FNAME's/Your] granddaughter
- 11: [^FNAME's/Your] grandfather
- 12: [^FNAME's/Your] grandmother
- 13: [^FNAME's/Your] son-in-law
- 14: [^FNAME's/Your] daughter-in-law
- 15: [^FNAME's/Your] father-in-law
- 16: [^FNAME's/Your] mother-in-law
- 17: [^FNAME's/Your] brother-in-law
- 18: [^FNAME's/Your] sister-in-law
- 19: [^FNAME's/Your] nephew
- 20: [^FNAME's/Your] niece
- 21: [^FNAME's/Your] uncle
- 22: [^FNAME's/Your] aunt
- 23: [^FNAME's/Your] cousin
- 24: [^FNAME's/Your] close friend
- 25: [^FNAME's/Your] neighbour
- 26: [^FNAME's/Your] co-worker
- 27: Other
Caregiving incident detail (CGI) - Question identifier:CGI_Q140
Would you say that, other than professional care, [CGH2_Q130/this person/the first person/the second person/the third person/the fourth person/the fifth person] considered you to be [his/her/his or her] primary caregiver?
The primary caregiver is the person from whom [he/she/he or she] received the most time and resources.
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
Caregiving incident detail (CGI) - Question identifier:CGI_Q160
Did [CGH2_Q130/this person/the first person/the second person/the third person/the fourth person/the fifth person] also receive professional care?
Include help from professionals, that is, paid workers or organizations.
e.g., visiting nurses, physiotherapists, home care providers, transportation services, Meals on Wheels, doctors, community care centres, support from organizations for specific conditions, or any services that were paid for because of [CGH2_Q130/this person/the first person/the second person/the third person/the fourth person/the fifth person]'s condition.
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
End-of-life care (CGE)
End-of-life care (CGE) - Question identifier:CGE_R100
Now, some questions about any end-of-life care you may have provided to family, friends or neighbours.
Exclude paid assistance to clients or patients and volunteering on behalf of an organization.
End-of-life care (CGE) - Question identifier:CGE_Q100
Have you ever provided end-of-life care?
End-of-life care means taking care of someone who is dying.
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
End-of-life care (CGE) - Question identifier:CGE_Q150
Have you provided end-of-life care during the past 12 months?
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
Currently providing end-of-life care (CPE)
Currently providing end-of-life care (CPE) - Question identifier:CPE_Q10
Are you currently providing end-of-life care?
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
Currently providing end-of-life care (CPE) - Question identifier:CPE_Q20
[Do/Did/Do/Did] you provide this care in your home?
If you provided end-of-life care to more than one person, please answer for the most recent one.
"Home" could also include the home of the person receiving the end-of-life care.
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
Preferred to provide end-of-life care at home (PEH)
Preferred to provide end-of-life care at home (PEH) - Question identifier:PEH_Q10
Would you [prefer/have preferred] to provide end-of-life care in your home?
If you provided end-of-life care to more than one person, please answer for the most recent one.
"Home" could also include the home of the person receiving the end-of-life care.
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
Conditions needed to provide end-of-life care at home (CEH)
Conditions needed to provide end-of-life care at home (CEH) - Question identifier:CEH_Q10
What conditions would [enable/have enabled] you to provide end-of-life care to this person in your home?
a. Physical modifications to your home
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
Conditions needed to provide end-of-life care at home (CEH) - Question identifier:CEH_Q20
What conditions would [enable/have enabled] you to provide end-of-life care to this person in your home?
b. Financial assistance to cover additional costs
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
Conditions needed to provide end-of-life care at home (CEH) - Question identifier:CEH_Q30
What conditions would [enable/have enabled] you to provide end-of-life care to this person in your home?
c. Time off work without loss of pay
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
Conditions needed to provide end-of-life care at home (CEH) - Question identifier:CEH_Q40
What conditions would [enable/have enabled] you to provide end-of-life care to this person in your home?
d. Better physical health or stamina
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
Conditions needed to provide end-of-life care at home (CEH) - Question identifier:CEH_Q50
What conditions would [enable/have enabled] you to provide end-of-life care to this person in your home?
e. Health-related training
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
Conditions needed to provide end-of-life care at home (CEH) - Question identifier:CEH_Q60
What conditions would [enable/have enabled] you to provide end-of-life care to this person in your home?
f. Home care support
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
Conditions needed to provide end-of-life care at home (CEH) - Question identifier:CEH_Q70
What conditions would [enable/have enabled] you to provide end-of-life care to this person in your home?
g. Some other condition
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
Conditions needed to provide end-of-life care at home (CEH) - Question identifier:CEH_Q75
What other condition would [enable/have enabled] you to provide end-of-life care to this person in your home?
Long Answer Length = 80
Compassionate care leave (CCL)
Compassionate care leave (CCL) - Question identifier:CCL_Q10
Have you ever taken "Compassionate Care Leave" to care for a terminally ill family member or friend?
This type of leave may be taken, for up to eight weeks, by a person who has to be absent from work to provide care or support to a gravely ill family member or friend at risk of dying within 26 weeks. Some employees may be entitled to cash benefits under the Employment Insurance Act.
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
Compassionate care leave (CCL) - Question identifier:CCL_Q20
Did you take this leave during the past 12 months?
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
Family life (ICL)
Family life (ICL) - Question identifier:ICL_R100
Now some questions about how all your caregiving responsibilities during the past 12 months may have affected your life.
Some questions may not apply to you but we have to ask the same questions of everyone.
Family life (ICL) - Question identifier:ICL_Q100
In general, how have you been coping with your caregiving responsibilities?
- 1: Very well
- 2: Generally well
- 3: Not very well
- 4: Not well at all
Family life (ICL) - Question identifier:ICL_Q110
In the past 12 months, have your caregiving responsibilities caused you to
a. spend less time with your spouse or partner
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
Family life (ICL) - Question identifier:ICL_Q120
In the past 12 months, have your caregiving responsibilities caused you to
b. spend less time with your children
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
Family life (ICL) - Question identifier:ICL_Q130
In the past 12 months, have your caregiving responsibilities caused you to
c. spend less time [with other/with] family members
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
Family life (ICL) - Question identifier:ICL_Q135
In the past 12 months, have your caregiving responsibilities caused you to
d. spend less time with friends
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
Family life (ICL) - Question identifier:ICL_Q140
In the past 12 months, have your caregiving responsibilities caused you to
e. spend less time on social activities or hobbies
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
Family life (ICL) - Question identifier:ICL_Q150
In the past 12 months, have your caregiving responsibilities caused you to
f. spend less time on relaxing or taking care of yourself
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
Family life (ICL) - Question identifier:ICL_Q152
In the past 12 months, have your caregiving responsibilities caused you to
g. spend less time volunteering for an organization
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
Family life (ICL) - Question identifier:ICL_Q154
In the past 12 months, have your caregiving responsibilities caused you to
h. spend less time participating in political, social or cultural groups
These could be formally organized groups or organizations or just groups of people who get together regularly to do an activity or talk about things.
e.g., book clubs, school councils, church choirs, unions, theatre groups, service clubs (Knights of Columbus), sports leagues, community associations
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
Family life (ICL) - Question identifier:ICL_Q160
In the past 12 months, have your caregiving responsibilities caused you to
i. make holiday plans and change or cancel them
Include vacations, religious holidays or festivities, special plans for statutory holidays or taking the children somewhere for school holidays like March Break or Reading Week.
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
Family life (ICL) - Question identifier:ICL_Q170
In the past 12 months, have your caregiving responsibilities caused you to
j. not make holiday plans at all
Include vacations, religious holidays or festivities, special plans for statutory holidays or taking the children somewhere for school holidays like March Break or Reading Week.
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
Family life (ICL) - Question identifier:ICL_Q180
In the past 12 months, have your caregiving responsibilities caused you to
k. move residences
e.g., you may have moved to be closer to the care receiver or moved to a different place or house which could better accommodate the care receiver's needs
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
Family life (ICL) - Question identifier:ICL_Q210
In the past 12 months, have your caregiving responsibilities caused strain in your relationship with family members or friends?
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
Healthy behaviour (ICB)
Healthy behaviour (ICB) - Question identifier:ICB_Q10
In the past 12 months, have your caregiving responsibilities affected the amount of exercise that you usually get?
Include all types of exercise.
e.g., walking, jogging, sports, working out in a gym.
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
- 3: Don't exercise
Healthy behaviour (ICB) - Question identifier:ICB_Q15
Did the amount of exercise increase or decrease?
- 1: Increased
- 2: Decreased
Healthy behaviour (ICB) - Question identifier:ICB_Q20
In the past 12 months, have your eating habits changed as a result of your caregiving responsibilities?
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
Healthy behaviour (ICB) - Question identifier:ICB_Q25
Have your eating habits become more healthy or less healthy?
Healthy eating includes a variety of foods such as vegetables and fruit, grains, milk and alternatives, and meat and alternatives, while limiting fat, sugar and/or salt intake.
- 1: More healthy
- 2: Less healthy
Healthy behaviour (ICB) - Question identifier:ICB_Q30
During the past 12 months, have your caregiving responsibilities affected the amount of alcohol you consume?
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
- 3: Don't drink alcohol
Healthy behaviour (ICB) - Question identifier:ICB_Q35
Did you
- 1: increase your drinking
- 2: decrease your drinking
- 3: stop drinking
- 4: start drinking
Healthy behaviour (ICB) - Question identifier:ICB_Q40
In the past 12 months, have your smoking habits changed because of your caregiving responsibilities?
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
- 3: Don't smoke
Healthy behaviour (ICB) - Question identifier:ICB_Q45
Did you
- 1: increase the number of cigarettes you smoke
- 2: decrease the number of cigarettes you smoke
- 3: stop smoking
- 4: start smoking
Physical health (ICP)
Physical health (ICP) - Question identifier:ICP_Q10
During the past 12 months, has your overall health suffered because of your caregiving responsibilities?
Overall health refers to both physical and emotional health.
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
Physical health (ICP) - Question identifier:ICP_Q15
During the past 12 months, how physically strenuous were your caregiving responsibilities?
Strenuous is defined as demanding, tiring, taxing, tough or difficult.
- 1: Very strenuous
- 2: Strenuous
- 3: Somewhat strenuous
- 4: Not at all strenuous
Physical health (ICP) - Question identifier:ICP_Q20
During the past 12 months, how often did you see a medical professional for your own health problems which resulted from your caregiving responsibilities?
A medical professional could be, e.g., a physician, nurse, psychologist, physiotherapist, sports medicine specialist, chiropractor, naturopath, or any other specialist whose work involves healing
- 1: Never
- 2: Once
- 3: 2 to 3 times
- 4: 4 or more times
Physical health (ICP) - Question identifier:ICP_Q25
Have your caregiving responsibilities prevented you from seeing a medical professional for health problems of your own?
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
Physical health (ICP) - Question identifier:ICP_Q30
During the past 12 months, have you suffered any injuries while performing your caregiving responsibilities?
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
Physical health (ICP) - Question identifier:ICP_Q35
Did you suffer one injury or more than one injury?
- 1: One injury
- 2: More than one injury
Physical health (ICP) - Question identifier:ICP_Q40
Did your [most serious/] injury cause you to
a. limit your daily activities for at least one day
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
Physical health (ICP) - Question identifier:ICP_Q50
Did your [most serious/] injury cause you to
b. seek treatment from a medical professional
e.g., physician, nurse, psychologist, physiotherapist, sports medicine specialist, chiropractor, naturopath, or any other specialist whose work involves healing
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
Physical health (ICP) - Question identifier:ICP_Q60
Did your [most serious/] injury cause you to
c. take time off from caregiving duties
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
Physical health (ICP) - Question identifier:ICP_Q70
Did your [most serious/] injury cause you to
d. take time off from your job or business
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
Emotional health/Stress (ICS)
Emotional health/Stress (ICS) - Question identifier:ICS_Q10
Do you feel you had a choice in taking on your caregiving responsibilities during the past 12 months?
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
Emotional health/Stress (ICS) - Question identifier:ICS_Q20
Has your relationship with the [person/persons] you have been caring for strengthened during this time?
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
- 3: Stayed the same
Emotional health/Stress (ICS) - Question identifier:ICS_Q30
How rewarding have your caregiving experiences been during the past 12 months?
- 1: Very rewarding
- 2: Rewarding
- 3: Somewhat rewarding
- 4: Not at all rewarding
Emotional health/Stress (ICS) - Question identifier:ICS_Q40
How stressful have your caregiving responsibilities been during the past 12 months?
- 1: Very stressful
- 2: Stressful
- 3: Somewhat stressful
- 4: Not at all stressful
Find it stressful - Related to caregiving (FIS)
Find it stressful - Related to caregiving (FIS) - Question identifier:FIS_Q10
What specifically did you find stressful about caregiving?
- 11: Managing your own emotions
- 12: Meeting the needs of your [care receiver/care receivers]
- 13: Making decisions for your [care receiver/care receivers]
- 14: Dealing with the declining health of your [care receiver/care receivers]
- 15: Managing family conflict about caregiving
- 16: Finding services for your [care receiver/care receivers]
- 17: Getting along with your [care receiver/care receivers] or managing their mood
- 18: Balancing caregiving and other responsibilities
- 19: Other
Caregiving responsibilities and the respondent's health (CRH)
Caregiving responsibilities and the respondent's health (CRH) - Question identifier:CRH_Q10
During the past 12 months, have your caregiving responsibilities caused you to feel
a. tired
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
Caregiving responsibilities and the respondent's health (CRH) - Question identifier:CRH_Q20
During the past 12 months, have your caregiving responsibilities caused you to feel
b. worried or anxious
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
Caregiving responsibilities and the respondent's health (CRH) - Question identifier:CRH_Q30
During the past 12 months, have your caregiving responsibilities caused you to feel
c. overwhelmed
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
Caregiving responsibilities and the respondent's health (CRH) - Question identifier:CRH_Q35
During the past 12 months, have your caregiving responsibilities caused you to feel
d. lonely or isolated
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
Caregiving responsibilities and the respondent's health (CRH) - Question identifier:CRH_Q40
During the past 12 months, have your caregiving responsibilities caused you to feel
e. short-tempered or irritable
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
Caregiving responsibilities and the respondent's health (CRH) - Question identifier:CRH_Q50
During the past 12 months, have your caregiving responsibilities caused you to feel
f. resentful
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
Caregiving responsibilities and the respondent's health (CRH) - Question identifier:CRH_Q60
During the past 12 months, have your caregiving responsibilities caused you to feel
g. depressed
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
Caregiving responsibilities and the respondent's health (CRH) - Question identifier:CRH_Q70
During the past 12 months, have your caregiving responsibilities caused you to experience
a. loss of appetite
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
Caregiving responsibilities and the respondent's health (CRH) - Question identifier:CRH_Q80
During the past 12 months, have your caregiving responsibilities caused you to experience
b. disturbed sleep
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
Caregiving responsibilities and the respondent's health (CRH) - Question identifier:CRH_Q90
During the past 12 months, have your caregiving responsibilities caused you to experience
c. any other symptoms
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
Caregiving responsibilities and the respondent's health (CRH) - Question identifier:CRH_Q95
What were these symptoms?
Long Answer Length = 80
Coping methods to help the respondent deal with caregiving responsibilities (CMC)
Coping methods to help the respondent deal with caregiving responsibilities (CMC) - Question identifier:CMC_Q10
There are many ways of handling difficult situations. In the past 12 months, have you used any specific coping methods to help you deal with your caregiving responsibilities?
e.g., exercise, counselling, socializing, prayer or spiritual practices
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
Coping methods to help the respondent deal with caregiving responsibilities (CMC) - Question identifier:CMC_Q20
What were these coping methods?
- 11: Exercising, walking or yoga
- 12: Professional counselling or therapy
- 13: Socializing or talking to friends or other caregivers
- 14: Religious or spiritual practices, or meditation
- 15: Reading, watching television or listening to music
- 16: Eating, drinking or smoking
- 17: Other
Coping methods to help the respondent deal with caregiving responsibilities (CMC) - Question identifier:CMC_Q30
In the past 12 months, have you used prescription drugs to help you cope with your caregiving responsibilities?
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
Finances (ICF)
Finances (ICF) - Question identifier:ICF_R210A
The next questions ask about expenses you may have incurred in the past 12 months as a result of all your caregiving responsibilities. These are out-of-pocket expenses that are not reimbursed.
Finances (ICF) - Question identifier:ICF_Q210
In the past 12 months, have you had any out-of-pocket expenses for
a. home modifications to accommodate your [care receiver's/care receivers'] needs
Include expenses to modify your home or your care receiver's home.
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
Finances (ICF) - Question identifier:ICF_Q220
In the past 12 months, have you had any out-of-pocket expenses for
b. professional services for your [care receiver's/care receivers'] healthcare or rehabilitation
e.g., nurses, doctors, dentists, medical specialists, physiotherapists, chiropractors, dieticians, psychologists, occupational therapists, social workers
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
Finances (ICF) - Question identifier:ICF_Q230
In the past 12 months, have you had any out-of-pocket expenses for
c. hiring people to help with your [care receiver's/care receivers'] daily activities
e.g., meal preparation, routine housework or heavy household chores, paying bills, banking or other finances, shopping, personal care such as bathing or grooming, supervising, help with communicating, learning or socializing
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
Finances (ICF) - Question identifier:ICF_Q240
In the past 12 months, have you had any out-of-pocket expenses for
d. transportation, travel or accommodation because of your caregiving responsibilities
e.g., cost of gas, parking, hotel stays and meals, accessible community transportation, a specialized vehicle, specialized features in your vehicle, cost of traveling to medical appointments and to other places related to caregiving
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
Finances (ICF) - Question identifier:ICF_Q250
In the past 12 months, have you had any out-of-pocket expenses for
e. specialized aids or devices for your [care receiver's/care receivers'] use
e.g., wheelchairs, lift devices, voice amplifier, hearing aid, computer or voice recognition program, ostomy supplies, breathing apparatus or any other device needed because of a long-term health condition that lasted or was expected to last 6 months or longer, a disability or problems related to aging.
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
Finances (ICF) - Question identifier:ICF_Q260
In the past 12 months, have you had any out-of-pocket expenses for
f. prescription or non-prescription drugs for your [care receiver's/care receivers'] use
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
Best estimate of expenses (BEE)
Best estimate of expenses (BEE) - Question identifier:BEE_R10B
Best estimate of expenses (BEE) - Question identifier:BEE_Q10
What is your best estimate of these expenses?
a. Home modifications
Min = 0; Max = 99999
Best estimate of expenses (BEE) - Question identifier:BEE_Q15
What is your best estimate of these expenses?
b. Professional services for healthcare or rehabilitation
Min = 0; Max = 99999
Best estimate of expenses (BEE) - Question identifier:BEE_Q20
What is your best estimate of these expenses?
c. Hiring people to help with daily acitivites
Min = 0; Max = 99999
Best estimate of expenses (BEE) - Question identifier:BEE_Q25
What is your best estimate of these expenses?
d. Transportation, travel or accommodation
Min = 0; Max = 99999
Best estimate of expenses (BEE) - Question identifier:BEE_Q30
What is your best estimate of these expenses?
e. Specialized aids or devices
Min = 0; Max = 99999
Best estimate of expenses (BEE) - Question identifier:BEE_Q35
What is your best estimate of these expenses?
f. Prescription or non-prescription drugs
Min = 0; Max = 99999
Best estimate of expenses (BEE) - Question identifier:BEE_Q40
Which of the following categories did these expenses fall into?
Home modifications
- 1: Less than $200
- 2: $200 to less than $500
- 3: $500 to less than $1,000
- 4: $1,000 to less than $2,000
- 5: $2,000 to less than $5,000
- 6: $5,000 or more
Best estimate of expenses (BEE) - Question identifier:BEE_Q45
Which of the following categories did these expenses fall into?
Professional services for healthcare or rehabilitation
- 1: Less than $200
- 2: $200 to less than $500
- 3: $500 to less than $1,000
- 4: $1,000 to less than $2,000
- 5: $2,000 to less than $5,000
- 6: $5,000 or more
Best estimate of expenses (BEE) - Question identifier:BEE_Q50
Which of the following categories did these expenses fall into?
Hiring people to help with daily activities
- 1: Less than $200
- 2: $200 to less than $500
- 3: $500 to less than $1,000
- 4: $1,000 to less than $2,000
- 5: $2,000 to less than $5,000
- 6: $5,000 or more
Best estimate of expenses (BEE) - Question identifier:BEE_Q55
Which of the following categories did these expenses fall into?
Transportation, travel or accommodation
- 1: Less than $200
- 2: $200 to less than $500
- 3: $500 to less than $1,000
- 4: $1,000 to less than $2,000
- 5: $2,000 to less than $5,000
- 6: $5,000 or more
Best estimate of expenses (BEE) - Question identifier:BEE_Q60
Which of the following categories did these expenses fall into?
Specialized aids or devices
- 1: Less than $200
- 2: $200 to less than $500
- 3: $500 to less than $1,000
- 4: $1,000 to less than $2,000
- 5: $2,000 to less than $5,000
- 6: $5,000 or more
Best estimate of expenses (BEE) - Question identifier:BEE_Q65
Which of the following categories did these expenses fall into?
Prescription or non-prescription drugs
- 1: Less than $200
- 2: $200 to less than $500
- 3: $500 to less than $1,000
- 4: $1,000 to less than $2,000
- 5: $2,000 to less than $5,000
- 6: $5,000 or more
Finances - Other (ICF2)
Finances - Other (ICF2) - Question identifier:ICF2_Q270
During the past 12 months, have you had any other out-of-pocket expenses because of your caregiving responsibilities?
e.g., costs for legal or accounting expenses, counselling, respite care for yourself
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
Finances - Other (ICF2) - Question identifier:ICF2_Q271
What were these expenses for?
Long Answer Length = 200
Finances - Other (ICF2) - Question identifier:ICF2_Q272
What is your best estimate of these expenses?
Min = 0; Max = 99999
If you are unable to provide an estimate, please leave the field empty.
Finances - Other (ICF2) - Question identifier:ICF2_Q273
Which of the following categories did these expenses fall into?
- 1: Less than $200
- 2: $200 to less than $500
- 3: $500 to less than $1,000
- 4: $1,000 to less than $2,000
- 5: $2,000 to less than $5,000
- 6: $5,000 or more
Finances - Other (ICF2) - Question identifier:ICF2_Q280
During the past 12 months, have you experienced financial hardship because of your caregiving responsibilities?
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
Finances - Other (ICF2) - Question identifier:ICF2_Q290
Have you had to
a. borrow money from family or friends
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
Finances - Other (ICF2) - Question identifier:ICF2_Q300
Have you had to
b. take loans from a bank or financial institution
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
Finances - Other (ICF2) - Question identifier:ICF2_Q310
Have you had to
c. use or defer savings
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
Finances - Other (ICF2) - Question identifier:ICF2_Q320
Have you had to
d. modify your spending
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
Finances - Other (ICF2) - Question identifier:ICF2_Q330
Have you had to
e. sell off assets
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
Finances - Other (ICF2) - Question identifier:ICF2_Q340
Have you had to
f. file for bankruptcy
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
Finances - Other (ICF2) - Question identifier:ICF2_Q350
Have you had to do anything else?
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
Finances - Other (ICF2) - Question identifier:ICF2_Q355
What other financial hardships have you experienced?
Long Answer Length = 80
Education - School Attendance (ESC1)
Education - School Attendance (ESC1) - Question identifier:ESC1_Q01
Are you currently attending school, college, CEGEP or university?
Include only courses that can be used as a credit towards a certificate, diploma or degree.
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
Education - Minimum block (EDM)
Education - Minimum block (EDM) - Question identifier:EDM_Q01
What type of educational institution are you attending?
Select all that apply.
- 1: Elementary, junior high school or high school
- 2: Trade school, college, CEGEP or other non-university institution
- 3: University
Education - Minimum block (EDM) - Question identifier:EDM_Q02
Are you enrolled as a full-time student, part-time student or both?
- 1: Full-time student
- 2: Part-time student
- 3: Both full-time and part-time student
Education - Highest Degree (EHG3)
Education - Highest Degree (EHG3) - Question identifier:EHG3_Q01
What is the highest certificate, diploma or degree that you have completed?
- 1: Less than high school diploma or its equivalent
- 2: High school diploma or a high school equivalency certificate
- 3: Trade certificate or diploma
- 4: College, CEGEP or other non-university certificate or diploma (e.g., other than trades certificates or diplomas)
- 5: University certificate or diploma below the bachelor's level
- 6: Bachelor's degree (e.g., B.A., B.Sc., LL.B.)
- 7: University certificate, diploma, degree above the bachelor's level
Education - Highest Degree (EHG3) - Question identifier:EHG3_Q02
Was that a
- 1: high school graduation diploma
- 2: high school equivalency certificate (e.g., General Educational Development (GED) or Adult Basic Education (ABE))
Education - Highest Degree (EHG3) - Question identifier:EHG3_Q03
Was that a
- 1: Registered Apprenticeship certificate (Include Certificate of Qualification, Journeyperson's designation)
- 2: other trades certificate or diploma from a trade school or a professional training center
Education - Highest Degree (EHG3) - Question identifier:EHG3_Q04
Was that a certificate or diploma from a program of
- 1: less than 3 months
- 2: 3 months to less than 1 year
- 3: 1 year to 2 years
- 4: more than 2 years
Education - Highest Degree (EHG3) - Question identifier:EHG3_Q05
Was that a
- 1: university certificate or diploma above the bachelor's level
- 2: degree in medicine, dentistry, veterinary medicine or optometry
- 3: master's degree
- 4: earned doctorate (Exclude honorary doctorates)
Education (ICE)
Education (ICE) - Question identifier:ICE_Q20
In the past 12 months, have you postponed enrolling in an education or training program because of your caregiving responsibilities?
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
Education (ICE) - Question identifier:ICE_Q30
Did you postpone plans
- 1: indefinitely
- 2: to the next available starting date
- 3: to some other date
Education (ICE) - Question identifier:ICE_Q50
In the past 12 months, have your studies been affected because of your caregiving responsibilities?
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
Class of worker (COW)
Class of worker (COW) - Question identifier:COW_R10
The next questions ask about the job or business at which you last worked.
Class of worker (COW) - Question identifier:COW_Q10
Were you an employee or self-employed?
- 1: Employee
- 2: Self-employed
- 3: Working in a family business without pay
Work activities - Telework information (WTI)
Work activities - Telework information (WTI) - Question identifier:WTI_Q110
Excluding overtime, [do/did] you usually work any of your scheduled hours at home?
Exclude overtime work occasionally performed in your home.
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
- 3: Not applicable
Work activities - Telework information (WTI) - Question identifier:WTI_Q120
How many paid hours per week [do/did] you usually work at home?
Min = 0; Max = 999
Please round to the nearest whole hour.
Work activities - Telework information (WTI) - Question identifier:WTI_Q130
What is the main reason you [do/did] some of your work at home?
- 01: Taking care of children
- 02: Provide care to family or friends for long-term health problem
- 03: Other personal or family responsibilities
- 04: Requirements of the job or no choice
- 05: Home [is/was] your usual place of work
- 06: Better conditions of work
- 07: Saves time or money
- 08: [You/He/She] [live/lived] too far from work to commute
- 09: Other
Industry (IND)
Industry (IND) - Question identifier:IND_Q11
What was the name of your business?
Long Answer Length = 80
Enter the full name of the business. If the business does not have a name, enter your full name.
Industry (IND) - Question identifier:IND_Q12
For whom did you work?
Long Answer Length = 80
Enter the full name of the company, business, government department or agency, or person.
Industry (IND) - Question identifier:IND_Q13
What kind of business, industry or service was this?
Long Answer Length = 80
e.g., new home construction, primary school, municipal police, wheat farm, retail shoe store, food wholesale, car parts factory, federal government
Occupation (OCP)
Occupation (OCP) - Question identifier:OCP_Q14
What was your work or occupation?
Long Answer Length = 80
e.g., legal secretary, plumber, fishing guide, wood furniture assembler, secondary school teacher, computer programmer
Occupation (OCP) - Question identifier:OCP_Q15
In this work, what were your main activities?
Long Answer Length = 80
e.g., prepared legal documents, installed residential plumbing, guided fishing parties, made wood furniture products, taught mathematics, developed software
Union contract / Collective Agreement (UCA)
Union contract / Collective Agreement (UCA) - Question identifier:UCA_Q10
[Are/Were] you a union member or covered by a union contract or collective agreement in this job?
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
Number of weeks employed (NWE)
Number of weeks employed (NWE) - Question identifier:NWE_Q110
For how many weeks during the past 12 months were you employed?
If you had multiple jobs in the past 12 months, please select the total number of weeks employed for all of the jobs you had.
Include the weeks you were employed but absent because you were on vacation, sick leave with pay, leave of absence, strike, lockout or maternity, paternity or parental leave.
- 01: 1
- 02: 2
- 03: 3
- 04: 4
- 05: 5
- 06: 6
- 07: 7
- 08: 8
- 09: 9
- 10: 10
- 11: 11
- 12: 12
- 13: 13
- 14: 14
- 15: 15
- 16: 16
- 17: 17
- 18: 18
- 19: 19
- 20: 20
- 21: 21
- 22: 22
- 23: 23
- 24: 24
- 25: 25
- 26: 26
- 27: 27
- 28: 28
- 29: 29
- 30: 30
- 31: 31
- 32: 32
- 33: 33
- 34: 34
- 35: 35
- 36: 36
- 37: 37
- 38: 38
- 39: 39
- 40: 40
- 41: 41
- 42: 42
- 43: 43
- 44: 44
- 45: 45
- 46: 46
- 47: 47
- 48: 48
- 49: 49
- 50: 50
- 51: 51
- 52: 52
Usual Hours Worked (UHW)
Usual Hours Worked (UHW) - Question identifier:UHW_Q16
[Excluding overtime, on average, how many paid hours do you usually work per week?/On average, how many hours do you usually work per week?]
Min = 0.0; Max = 999.9
If your hours vary from week to week, please provide an average.
If you have more than one job, please add the number of hours for all jobs.
Work activities - Hours Worked (UWS)
Work activities - Hours Worked (UWS) - Question identifier:UWS_Q230
Which of the following best describes your usual work schedule?
- 01: A regular daytime schedule or shift
- 02: A regular evening shift
- 03: A regular night shift
- 04: A rotating shift (One that changes periodically from days to evenings or to nights)
- 05: A split shift (One consisting of two or more distinct periods each day)
- 06: On call
- 07: An irregular schedule
- 08: Other
Terms of employment (TOE)
Terms of employment (TOE) - Question identifier:TOE_Q240
[Was/Is] your job permanent, or is there some way that it [was/is] not permanent?
- 1: Permanent
- 2: Not permanent (e.g., seasonal, temporary, term, casual)
Terms of employment (TOE) - Question identifier:TOE_Q241
In what way [was/is] your job not permanent?
- 1: Seasonal (A job that ends with the off-season, e.g., an employee who works in farming, fishing or tourism.)
- 2: Temporary, term or contract (A non-seasonal job that has a fixed end date.)
- 3: Casual job (Work when needed by your employer, e.g., a substitute teacher, "spare" or "fill-in".)
- 4: Other
Flexible work arrangements (FWA)
Flexible work arrangements (FWA) - Question identifier:FWA_Q120
[Do/Did] you have a flexible schedule that [allows/allowed] you to choose the time to begin and end your work day?
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
Flexible work arrangements (FWA) - Question identifier:FWA_Q132
[Does/Did] your employer provide you with
a. the option to work part-time
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
Flexible work arrangements (FWA) - Question identifier:FWA_Q133
[Does/Did] your employer provide you with
b. the ability to take leave, paid or unpaid, to take care of your children
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
Flexible work arrangements (FWA) - Question identifier:FWA_Q134
[Does/Did] your employer provide you with
c. the ability to take leave, paid or unpaid, to take care of your spouse, partner or other family members
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
Flexible work arrangements (FWA) - Question identifier:FWA_Q136
[Does/Did] your employer provide you with
d. the ability to take extended leave without pay for personal reasons
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
Flexible work arrangements (FWA) - Question identifier:FWA_Q137
[Does/Did] your employer provide you with
e. the option to telework
Telework is a work-at-home arrangement where employees work at least some of their regularly scheduled hours at home and for pay.
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
Flexible work arrangements (FWA) - Question identifier:FWA_Q150
Do you think you could [use/have used] these flexible work arrangements without a negative impact on your career?
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
Work-life balance (WLB)
Work-life balance (WLB) - Question identifier:WLB_Q10
In the past 12 months, how often has it been difficult to fulfill family responsibilities because of the amount of time you spent on your job?
- 1: Always
- 2: Often
- 3: Sometimes
- 4: Rarely
- 5: Never
Work-life balance (WLB) - Question identifier:WLB_Q20
In the past 12 months, how often has it been difficult to concentrate or fulfill your work responsibilities because of your family responsibilities?
- 1: Always
- 2: Often
- 3: Sometimes
- 4: Rarely
- 5: Never
Satisfaction of respondent with current balance between job and home life (SRC)
Satisfaction of respondent with current balance between job and home life (SRC) - Question identifier:SRC_Q10
How satisfied are you with the current balance between your job and home life?
- 1: Very satisfied
- 2: Satisfied
- 3: Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied
- 4: Dissatisfied
- 5: Very dissatisfied
Satisfaction of respondent with current balance between job and home life (SRC) - Question identifier:SRC_Q20
Why are you dissatisfied?
- 11: Not enough time for family (Include spouse or partner and children.)
- 12: Spend too much time on job or main activity
- 13: Not enough time for other activities (Exclude work and family related activities.)
- 14: Cannot find suitable employment
- 15: Employment related reasons (Exclude spending too much time on job.)
- 16: Health reasons (Include sleep disorders.)
- 17: Family related reasons (Exclude not enough time for family.)
- 18: Other
Impact of caregiving on employment in the last 12 months - Work leave (ITL)
Impact of caregiving on employment in the last 12 months - Work leave (ITL) - Question identifier:ITL_R10
The next questions ask about the impact that caregiving may have had on your employment.
Impact of caregiving on employment in the last 12 months - Work leave (ITL) - Question identifier:ITL_Q10
How many times during the past 12 months did you go to work late, leave early or take time off during the day because of your caregiving responsibilities?
Min = 0; Max = 99
Impact of caregiving on employment in the last 12 months - Work leave (ITL) - Question identifier:ITL_Q20
Were you paid for this time off?
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
- 3: Some paid, some unpaid
Impact of caregiving on employment in the last 12 months - Work leave (ITL) - Question identifier:ITL_Q30
Did you reduce your regular weekly hours of work because of your caregiving responsibilities?
Include a longer term change that may have effects on your career or benefits.
Exclude working a few hours less occasionally.
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
Impact of caregiving on employment in the last 12 months - Work leave (ITL) - Question identifier:ITL_Q40
How many fewer hours per week did you work because of your caregiving responsibilities?
Min = 0.0; Max = 999.9
Impact of caregiving on employment in the last 12 months - Work leave (ITL) - Question identifier:ITL_Q50
Did you lose some or all of your employment benefits because of this reduction in hours?
- 1: Yes, some
- 2: Yes, all
- 3: No
Impact of caregiving on employment in the last 12 months - Work leave (ITL) - Question identifier:ITL_Q51
What benefits did you lose?
a. Extended health benefits
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
Impact of caregiving on employment in the last 12 months - Work leave (ITL) - Question identifier:ITL_Q52
What benefits did you lose?
b. Dental benefits
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
Impact of caregiving on employment in the last 12 months - Work leave (ITL) - Question identifier:ITL_Q53
What benefits did you lose?
c. Employer-provided pension
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
Impact of caregiving on employment in the last 12 months - Work leave (ITL) - Question identifier:ITL_Q54
What benefits did you lose?
d. Life insurance
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
Impact of caregiving on employment in the last 12 months - Work leave (ITL) - Question identifier:ITL_Q55
What benefits did you lose?
e. Prescription medication coverage
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
Impact of caregiving on employment in the last 12 months - Work leave (ITL) - Question identifier:ITL_Q56
What benefits did you lose?
f. Any other type of benefit
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
Impact of caregiving on employment in the last 12 months - Work leave (ITL) - Question identifier:ITL_Q57
What other type of benefit did you lose?
Long Answer Length = 80
Impact of caregiving on employment in the last 12 months - Full days off work (ITA)
Impact of caregiving on employment in the last 12 months - Full days off work (ITA) - Question identifier:ITA_Q10
How many times during the past 12 months did you take one or more days off from your job because of your caregiving responsibilities?
Min = 0; Max = 99
Impact of caregiving on employment in the last 12 months - Full days off work (ITA) - Question identifier:ITA_Q20
How long was your longest time off?
- 1: Days
- 2: Weeks
- 3: Months
Impact of caregiving on employment in the last 12 months - Full days off work (ITA) - Question identifier:ITA_Q30
Was this time off paid or unpaid?
- 1: Paid
- 2: Unpaid
- 3: Partly paid
Impact of caregiving on employment in the last 12 months - Full days off work (ITA) - Question identifier:ITA_Q35
What were your annual earnings before taxes from this job?
Min = -9999999; Max = 9999999
Impact of caregiving on employment in the last 12 months - Gave up employment entirely (ITE)
Impact of caregiving on employment in the last 12 months - Gave up employment entirely (ITE) - Question identifier:ITE_Q10
During the past 12 months, did you quit a job because of your caregiving responsibilities?
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
Impact of caregiving on employment in the last 12 months - Gave up employment entirely (ITE) - Question identifier:ITE_Q20
For how long were you unemployed after you quit your job?
- 1: Weeks
- 2: Months
Impact of caregiving on employment in the last 12 months - Gave up employment entirely (ITE) - Question identifier:ITE_Q30
What circumstances would have enabled you to keep working while providing care at the same time?
- 11: Availability of acceptable alternative care
- 12: Affordable alternative care
- 13: Ability to work flexible hours
- 14: Ability to work fewer hours
- 15: Help from family
- 16: You did not want to keep working or you preferred to care full-time
- 17: Other
Impact of caregiving on employment in the last 12 months - Gave up employment entirely (ITE) - Question identifier:ITE_Q35
What were your annual earnings before taxes from this job?
Min = -9999999; Max = 9999999
Impact of caregiving on employment in the last 12 months - Loss of Job (ITJ)
Impact of caregiving on employment in the last 12 months - Loss of Job (ITJ) - Question identifier:ITJ_Q10
During the past 12 months, were you fired, laid off, or asked to resign from a job because of your caregiving responsibilities?
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
Impact of caregiving on employment in the last 12 months - Loss of Job (ITJ) - Question identifier:ITJ_Q20
How long were you unemployed after you lost your job?
- 1: Weeks
- 2: Months
Impact of caregiving on employment in the last 12 months - Loss of Job (ITJ) - Question identifier:ITJ_Q35
What were your annual earnings before taxes from this job?
Min = -9999999; Max = 9999999
Impact of caregiving on employment in the last 12 months - Other impacts (ITO)
Impact of caregiving on employment in the last 12 months - Other impacts (ITO) - Question identifier:ITO_Q10
During the past 12 months, did you turn down a job offer or promotion, or decide not to apply for a job, because of your caregiving responsibilities?
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
Impact of caregiving on employment in the last 12 months - Other impacts (ITO) - Question identifier:ITO_Q20
Did you take a less demanding job because of your caregiving responsibilities?
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
Impact of caregiving on employment in the last 12 months - Other impacts (ITO) - Question identifier:ITO_Q25
Did this less demanding job pay less or more than your previous job?
- 1: Paid less
- 2: Paid more
- 3: Paid the same
Impact of caregiving on employment in the last 12 months - Other impacts (ITO) - Question identifier:ITO_Q26
Did this less demanding job provide fewer or more benefits than your previous job?
- 1: Fewer benefits
- 2: More benefits
- 3: Same benefits
Interest in employment (INE)
Interest in employment (INE) - Question identifier:INE_Q10
Have your caregiving responsibilities prevented you from working at a paid job?
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
Interest in employment (INE) - Question identifier:INE_Q20
Are you interested in finding paid employment?
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
Interest in employment (INE) - Question identifier:INE_Q30
Would you like a full or part-time job?
- 1: Full-time
- 2: Part-time
Interest in employment (INE) - Question identifier:INE_Q41
What would enable you to work at a paid job?
Select all that apply.
- 11: Ability to work from home
- 12: Flexible hours
- 13: Affordable care for care receiver
- 14: Possibility of working fewer hours
- 15: Better public transportation
- 16: Access to affordable childcare
- 17: Other
Impact of caregiving on employment prior to the last 12 months - Reducing hours (IPL)
Impact of caregiving on employment prior to the last 12 months - Reducing hours (IPL) - Question identifier:IPL_R05
The next questions ask about the impact that caregiving may have had on your employment over the years prior to the past 12 months.
Impact of caregiving on employment prior to the last 12 months - Reducing hours (IPL) - Question identifier:IPL_Q05
Excluding the past 12 months, have you ever worked at a paid job while providing care?
Care provided for a long-term health condition that lasted or was expected to last 6 months or longer, a disability or problems related to aging.
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
Impact of caregiving on employment prior to the last 12 months - Reducing hours (IPL) - Question identifier:IPL_Q10
Excluding the past 12 months, did you ever reduce your regular weekly hours of employment because of your caregiving responsibilities?
Include a longer term change that may have effects on your career or benefits.
Exclude working a few hours less occasionally.
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
Impact of caregiving on employment prior to the last 12 months - Reducing hours (IPL) - Question identifier:IPL_Q20
Did you lose some or all of your employment benefits because you reduced your weekly hours?
- 1: Yes, some
- 2: Yes, all
- 3: No
Impact of caregiving on employment prior to the last 12 months - Leave (days off) (IPA)
Impact of caregiving on employment prior to the last 12 months - Leave (days off) (IPA) - Question identifier:IPA_Q10
Excluding the past 12 months, did you ever have to take a leave from a job because of your caregiving responsibilities?
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
Impact of caregiving on employment prior to the last 12 months - Leave (days off) (IPA) - Question identifier:IPA_Q20
How long was your longest leave?
Please indicate the unit of measurement.
- 1: Days
- 2: Weeks
- 3: Months
- 4: Years
Impact of caregiving on employment prior to the last 12 months - Leave (days off) (IPA) - Question identifier:IPA_Q30
Was this leave paid or unpaid?
- 1: Paid
- 2: Unpaid
- 3: Partly paid
Impact of caregiving on employment prior to the last 12 months - Leave (days off) (IPA) - Question identifier:IPA_Q35
What were your annual earnings before taxes from this job?
Min = -9999999; Max = 9999999
Impact of caregiving on employment prior to the last 12 months - Gave up employment entirely (IPE)
Impact of caregiving on employment prior to the last 12 months - Gave up employment entirely (IPE) - Question identifier:IPE_Q10
Excluding the past 12 months, how many times did you have to quit a job because of your caregiving responsibilities?
Min = 0; Max = 999
Impact of caregiving on employment prior to the last 12 months - Gave up employment entirely (IPE) - Question identifier:IPE_Q30
What circumstances would have enabled you to keep working while providing care at the same time?
Select all that apply.
- 11: Availability of acceptable alternative care
- 12: Affordable alternative care
- 13: Ability to work flexible hours
- 14: Ability to work fewer hours
- 15: Help from family
- 16: You did not want to keep working or you preferred to care full-time
- 17: Other
Impact of caregiving on employment prior to the last 12 months - Other impacts (IPO)
Impact of caregiving on employment prior to the last 12 months - Other impacts (IPO) - Question identifier:IPO_Q10
Excluding the past 12 months, how many times were you ever fired, asked to resign or laid off from a job because of your caregiving responsibilities?
Min = 0; Max = 999
Impact of caregiving on employment prior to the last 12 months - Other impacts (IPO) - Question identifier:IPO_Q20
Excluding the past 12 months, how many times did you turn down a job offer or promotion, or take a less demanding job because of your caregiving responsibilities?
Min = 0; Max = 999
Impact of caregiving on employment - Plans for retirement (IPR)
Impact of caregiving on employment - Plans for retirement (IPR) - Question identifier:IPR_Q10
Have you ever retired from a job or business?
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
Impact of caregiving on employment - Plans for retirement (IPR) - Question identifier:IPR_Q20
[Was the timing of your retirement/Will the timing of your retirement be] affected because of your caregiving responsibilities?
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
Impact of caregiving on employment - Plans for retirement (IPR) - Question identifier:IPR_Q30
[Did you retire earlier or later than you would have preferred to?/Will you retire earlier or later than you would like to?]
- 1: Earlier
- 2: Later
- 3: Neither earlier nor later
Impact of caregiving on employment - Plans for retirement (IPR) - Question identifier:IPR_Q40
How much [earlier/later]?
- 2: Months
- 3: Years
Impact of caregiving on employment - Plans for retirement (IPR) - Question identifier:IPR_Q43
Indicate in months.
Min = 0; Max = 99
Round off to the nearest month if necessary.
Impact of caregiving on employment - Plans for retirement (IPR) - Question identifier:IPR_Q44
Indicate in years.
Min = 0.0; Max = 99.9
Impact of caregiving on employment - Plans for retirement (IPR) - Question identifier:IPR_Q50
What were your annual earnings before taxes from the last job you held before retiring?
Min = -9999999; Max = 9999999
Dwelling of Respondent (DOR)
Dwelling of Respondent (DOR) - Question identifier:DOR_R110A
The following questions are about your housing and neighbourhood characteristics.
Dwelling of Respondent (DOR) - Question identifier:DOR_Q110
In what type of dwelling are you now living?
If you are living in a condominium or seniors' housing, identify the type of building, for example it could be a townhouse, high-rise apartment, low-rise apartment or other.
- 01: Single detached house
- 02: Semi-detached or double (side by side)
- 03: Garden home, town-house or row house
- 04: Duplex (one above the other)
- 05: Low-rise apartment (less than 5 stories)
- 06: High-rise apartment (5 or more stories)
- 07: Mobile home or trailer
- 08: Other
Ownership of Dwelling by Respondent (ODR)
Ownership of Dwelling by Respondent (ODR) - Question identifier:ODR_Q10
Is this dwelling
- 1: owned by you or a member of this household, even if it is still being paid for
- 2: rented, even if no cash rent is paid
Ownership of Dwelling by Respondent (ODR) - Question identifier:ODR_Q20
Is there a mortgage on this dwelling?
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
Length of time Respondent has lived in Dwelling (LRD)
Length of time Respondent has lived in Dwelling (LRD) - Question identifier:LRD_Q10
How long have you lived in this dwelling?
- 1: Less than 6 months
- 2: 6 months to less than 1 year
- 3: 1 year to less than 3 years
- 4: 3 years to less than 5 years
- 5: 5 years to less than 10 years
- 6: 10 years and over
Length of time Respondent has lived in Neighbourhood (LRN)
Length of time Respondent has lived in Neighbourhood (LRN) - Question identifier:LRN_Q10
How long have you lived in this neighbourhood?
- 1: Less than 6 months
- 2: 6 months to less than 1 year
- 3: 1 year to less than 3 years
- 4: 3 years to less than 5 years
- 5: 5 years to less than 10 years
- 6: 10 years and over
Length of time Respondent has lived in city or local Community (LRC)
Length of time Respondent has lived in city or local Community (LRC) - Question identifier:LRC_Q20
How long have you lived in this city or local community?
- 1: Less than 6 months
- 2: 6 months to less than 1 year
- 3: 1 year to less than 3 years
- 4: 3 years to less than 5 years
- 5: 5 years to less than 10 years
- 6: 10 years and over
Questions about the immediate neighbourhood of respondent (QIN)
Questions about the immediate neighbourhood of respondent (QIN) - Question identifier:QIN_R10
Now, a few questions about your more immediate neighbourhood.
Questions about the immediate neighbourhood of respondent (QIN) - Question identifier:QIN_Q10
Would you say that you know
- 1: most of the people in your neighbourhood
- 2: many of the people in your neighbourhood
- 3: a few of the people in your neighbourhood
- 4: none of the people in your neighbourhood
Questions about the immediate neighbourhood of respondent (QIN) - Question identifier:QIN_Q20
Would you say your neighbourhood is a place where neighbours help each other?
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
Questions about the immediate neighbourhood of respondent (QIN) - Question identifier:QIN_Q30
In the past month, have you done a favour for a neighbour?
e.g., picking up the mail, watering plants, snow shovelling, lending tools or garden equipment, carrying things upstairs, feeding pets when neighbours go on holiday or shopping.
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
- 3: [You/He/She] just moved into the area
Questions about the immediate neighbourhood of respondent (QIN) - Question identifier:QIN_Q40
In the past month, have any of your neighbours done a favour for you?
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
- 3: [You/He/She] just moved into the area
Public transportation in respondent's neighbourhood (PTN)
Public transportation in respondent's neighbourhood (PTN) - Question identifier:PTN_Q10
In your neighbourhood, is public transportation available?
e.g., bus, rapid transit, subway
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
Accessible housing of respondent (AHR)
Accessible housing of respondent (AHR) - Question identifier:AHR_R100A
The next questions ask about how accessible your home may be to someone using a wheelchair.
Accessible housing of respondent (AHR) - Question identifier:AHR_Q100
Does your home have
a. a street level entrance with no steps
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
Accessible housing of respondent (AHR) - Question identifier:AHR_Q110
Does your home have
b. a ramp at the entrance
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
Accessible housing of respondent (AHR) - Question identifier:AHR_Q120
Does your home have
c. doorways that are wide enough for a wheelchair
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
Accessible housing of respondent (AHR) - Question identifier:AHR_Q130
Does your home have
d. lowered counters in the kitchen or bathroom
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
Accessible housing of respondent (AHR) - Question identifier:AHR_Q140
Does your home have
e. grab bars in the bathroom
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
Accessible housing of respondent (AHR) - Question identifier:AHR_Q150
Does your home have
f. easy to open doors, including lever handles
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
Accessible housing of respondent (AHR) - Question identifier:AHR_Q160
Does your home have
g. an elevator or lift device
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
Accessible housing of respondent (AHR) - Question identifier:AHR_Q200
Are you aware of any government grants to make homes more accessible to persons with disabilities?
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
Self Rated Health (SRH)
Self Rated Health (SRH) - Question identifier:SRH_R110A
The following set of questions asks about your day-to-day health. By health, we mean not only the absence of disease or injury but also physical, mental and social well-being.
Self Rated Health (SRH) - Question identifier:SRH_Q110
In general, how would you rate
a. your health
- 1: Excellent
- 2: Very good
- 3: Good
- 4: Fair
- 5: Poor
Self Rated Health (SRH) - Question identifier:SRH_Q115
In general, how would you rate
b. your mental health
- 1: Excellent
- 2: Very good
- 3: Good
- 4: Fair
- 5: Poor
Healthy Eating Habits (HEH)
Healthy Eating Habits (HEH) - Question identifier:HEH_Q100
In general, would you say that your eating habits are
- 1: excellent
- 2: very good
- 3: good
- 4: fair
- 5: poor
Physical activity (PHS)
Physical activity (PHS) - Question identifier:PHS_Q10
In the past week, how many times did you participate in moderate or vigorous physical activity for leisure, work, housework or transportation?
Min = 0; Max = 99
Moderate physical activity causes an increase in breathing and heart rate. Physical activity related to transportation includes walking, cycling, or other similar activities.
Physical activity (PHS) - Question identifier:PHS_Q20
About how much time did you spend on [this/each] occasion?
- 1: Less than 15 minutes
- 2: 16 to 30 minutes
- 3: 31 to 60 minutes
- 4: More than 1 hour
Life satisfaction of respondent (LSR)
Life satisfaction of respondent (LSR) - Question identifier:LSR_Q110
Using a scale of 0 to 10, where 0 means "Very dissatisfied" and 10 means "Very satisfied", how do you feel about your life as a whole right now?
- 00: 0 - Very dissatisfied
- 01: 1
- 02: 2
- 03: 3
- 04: 4
- 05: 5
- 06: 6
- 07: 7
- 08: 8
- 09: 9
- 10: 10 - Very satisfied
Self-rated stress (SRS)
Self-rated stress (SRS) - Question identifier:SRS_Q10
Thinking of the amount of stress in your life, would you say that most days are
- 1: not at all stressful
- 2: not very stressful
- 3: a bit stressful
- 4: quite a bit stressful
- 5: extremely stressful
Sleep (SLP)
Sleep (SLP) - Question identifier:SLP_Q110
Do you regularly have trouble going to sleep or staying asleep?
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
Sleep (SLP) - Question identifier:SLP_Q120
Do you take any medication to help you sleep?
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
Feelings (FLG)
Feelings (FLG) - Question identifier:FLG_Q310
For each of the following six questions, please indicate whether the statement describes your feelings, using the categories: yes, more or less, or no.
a. I experience a general sense of emptiness.
- 1: Yes
- 2: More or less
- 3: No
Feelings (FLG) - Question identifier:FLG_Q320
For each of the following six questions, please indicate whether the statement describes your feelings, using the categories: yes, more or less, or no.
b. There are plenty of people I can rely on when I have problems.
- 1: Yes
- 2: More or less
- 3: No
Feelings (FLG) - Question identifier:FLG_Q330
For each of the following six questions, please indicate whether the statement describes your feelings, using the categories: yes, more or less, or no.
c. There are many people I can trust completely.
- 1: Yes
- 2: More or less
- 3: No
Feelings (FLG) - Question identifier:FLG_Q340
For each of the following six questions, please indicate whether the statement describes your feelings, using the categories: yes, more or less, or no.
d. There are enough people I feel close to.
- 1: Yes
- 2: More or less
- 3: No
Feelings (FLG) - Question identifier:FLG_Q350
For each of the following six questions, please indicate whether the statement describes your feelings, using the categories: yes, more or less, or no.
e. I miss having people around.
- 1: Yes
- 2: More or less
- 3: No
Feelings (FLG) - Question identifier:FLG_Q360
For each of the following six questions, please indicate whether the statement describes your feelings, using the categories: yes, more or less, or no.
f. I often feel rejected.
- 1: Yes
- 2: More or less
- 3: No
Emotion (EMO)
Emotion (EMO) - Question identifier:EMO_Q10
Would you describe yourself as being usually
- 1: happy and interested in life
- 2: somewhat happy
- 3: somewhat unhappy
- 4: unhappy with little interest in life
- 5: so unhappy that life is not worthwhile
Disability screening questions (DSQ)
Disability screening questions (DSQ) - Question identifier:DSQ_R01
The following questions are about difficulties you may have doing certain activities. Only difficulties or long-term conditions that have lasted or are expected to last for six months or more should be considered.
Disability screening questions (DSQ) - Question identifier:DSQ_Q01
Do you have any difficulty seeing?
- 1: No
- 2: Sometimes
- 3: Often
- 4: Always
- 9: DK
Disability screening questions (DSQ) - Question identifier:DSQ_Q02
Do you wear glasses or contact lenses to improve your vision?
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
- 9: DK
Disability screening questions (DSQ) - Question identifier:DSQ_Q03
[With your glasses or contact lenses, which/Which] of the following best describes your ability to see?
- 1: No difficulty seeing
- 2: Some difficulty seeing
- 3: A lot of difficulty seeing
- 4: [You/You/He/She] are legally blind
- 5: [You/You/He/She] are blind
- 9: DK
Disability screening questions (DSQ) - Question identifier:DSQ_Q04
How often does this [difficulty seeing/seeing condition] limit your daily activities?
- 1: Never
- 2: Rarely
- 3: Sometimes
- 4: Often
- 5: Always
- 9: DK
Disability screening questions (DSQ) - Question identifier:DSQ_Q05
Do you have any difficulty hearing?
- 1: No
- 2: Sometimes
- 3: Often
- 4: Always
- 9: DK
Disability screening questions (DSQ) - Question identifier:DSQ_Q06
Do you use a hearing aid or cochlear implant?
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
- 9: DK
Disability screening questions (DSQ) - Question identifier:DSQ_Q07
[With your hearing aid or cochlear implant, which/Which] of the following best describes your ability to hear?
- 1: No difficulty hearing
- 2: Some difficulty hearing
- 3: A lot of difficulty hearing
- 4: [You/You/He/She] cannot hear at all
- 5: [You/You/He/She] are Deaf
- 9: DK
Disability screening questions (DSQ) - Question identifier:DSQ_Q08
How often does this [difficulty hearing/hearing condition] limit your daily activities?
- 1: Never
- 2: Rarely
- 3: Sometimes
- 4: Often
- 5: Always
- 9: DK
Disability screening questions (DSQ) - Question identifier:DSQ_Q09
Do you have any difficulty walking, using stairs, using your hands or fingers or doing other physical activities?
- 1: No
- 2: Sometimes
- 3: Often
- 4: Always
- 9: DK
Disability screening questions (DSQ) - Question identifier:DSQ_R10
The following questions are about your ability to move around, even when using an aid such as a cane.
Disability screening questions (DSQ) - Question identifier:DSQ_Q10
How much difficulty do you have walking on a flat surface for 15 minutes without resting?
This refers to your regular walking pace.
If you use an aid for minimal support such as a cane, walking stick or crutches, please answer this question based on your ability to walk when using these aids.
- 1: No difficulty
- 2: Some difficulty
- 3: A lot of difficulty
- 4: [You/You/He/She] cannot do at all
- 9: DK
Disability screening questions (DSQ) - Question identifier:DSQ_Q11
How much difficulty do you have walking up or down a flight of stairs, about 12 steps without resting?
This refers to your regular walking pace.
If you use an aid for minimal support such as a cane, walking stick or crutches, please answer this question based on your ability to walk when using these aids.
- 1: No difficulty
- 2: Some difficulty
- 3: A lot of difficulty
- 4: [You/You/He/She] cannot do at all
- 9: DK
Disability screening questions (DSQ) - Question identifier:DSQ_Q12
How often [does this difficulty walking/does this difficulty using stairs/do these difficulties] limit your daily activities?
- 1: Never
- 2: Rarely
- 3: Sometimes
- 4: Often
- 5: Always
- 9: DK
Disability screening questions (DSQ) - Question identifier:DSQ_Q13
How much difficulty do you have bending down and picking up an object from the floor?
- 1: No difficulty
- 2: Some difficulty
- 3: A lot of difficulty
- 4: [You/You/He/She] cannot do at all
- 9: DK
Disability screening questions (DSQ) - Question identifier:DSQ_Q14
How much difficulty do you have reaching in any direction, for example, above your head?
- 1: No difficulty
- 2: Some difficulty
- 3: A lot of difficulty
- 4: [You/You/He/She] cannot do at all
- 9: DK
Disability screening questions (DSQ) - Question identifier:DSQ_Q15
How often [does this difficulty bending down and picking up an object/does this difficulty reaching/do these difficulties] limit your daily activities?
- 1: Never
- 2: Rarely
- 3: Sometimes
- 4: Often
- 5: Always
- 9: DK
Disability screening questions (DSQ) - Question identifier:DSQ_Q16
How much difficulty do you have using your fingers to grasp small objects like a pencil or scissors?
- 1: No difficulty
- 2: Some difficulty
- 3: A lot of difficulty
- 4: [You/You/He/She] cannot do at all
- 9: DK
Disability screening questions (DSQ) - Question identifier:DSQ_Q17
How often does this difficulty using your fingers limit your daily activities?
- 1: Never
- 2: Rarely
- 3: Sometimes
- 4: Often
- 5: Always
- 9: DK
Disability screening questions (DSQ) - Question identifier:DSQ_R18
The following questions are about pain due to a long-term condition that has lasted or is expected to last for six months or more.
Disability screening questions (DSQ) - Question identifier:DSQ_Q18
Do you have pain that is always present?
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
- 9: DK
Disability screening questions (DSQ) - Question identifier:DSQ_Q19
Do you [also/null] have periods of pain that reoccur from time to time?
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
- 9: DK
Disability screening questions (DSQ) - Question identifier:DSQ_Q20
How often does this pain limit your daily activities?
If you have both pain that is always present and pain that reoccurs from time to time, consider the pain that bothers you the most. If your pain is controlled by medication or therapy, please answer this question based on when you are using your medication or therapy.
- 1: Never
- 2: Rarely
- 3: Sometimes
- 4: Often
- 5: Always
- 9: DK
Disability screening questions (DSQ) - Question identifier:DSQ_Q21
When you are experiencing this pain, how much difficulty do you have with your daily activities?
If you have both pain that is always present and pain that reoccurs from time to time, consider the pain that bothers you the most. If your pain is controlled by medication or therapy, please answer this question based on when you are using your medication or therapy.
- 1: No difficulty
- 2: Some difficulty
- 3: A lot of difficulty
- 4: [You/You/He/She] cannot do most activities
- 9: DK
Disability screening questions (DSQ) - Question identifier:DSQ_R22
Please answer only for difficulties or long-term conditions that have lasted or are expected to last for six months or more.
Disability screening questions (DSQ) - Question identifier:DSQ_Q22
Do you have any difficulty learning, remembering or concentrating?
- 1: No
- 2: Sometimes
- 3: Often
- 4: Always
- 9: DK
Disability screening questions (DSQ) - Question identifier:DSQ_Q23
Do you think you have a condition that makes it difficult in general for you to learn? This may include learning disabilities such as dyslexia, hyperactivity, attention problems, etc.
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
- 9: DK
Disability screening questions (DSQ) - Question identifier:DSQ_Q24
Has a teacher, doctor or other health care professional ever said that you had a learning disability?
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
- 9: DK
Disability screening questions (DSQ) - Question identifier:DSQ_Q25
How often are your daily activities limited by this condition?
- 1: Never
- 2: Rarely
- 3: Sometimes
- 4: Often
- 5: Always
- 9: DK
Disability screening questions (DSQ) - Question identifier:DSQ_Q26
How much difficulty do you have with your daily activities because of this condition?
- 1: No difficulty
- 2: Some difficulty
- 3: A lot of difficulty
- 4: [You/You/He/She] cannot do most activities
- 9: DK
Disability screening questions (DSQ) - Question identifier:DSQ_Q27
Has a doctor, psychologist or other health care professional ever said that you had a developmental disability or disorder? This may include Down syndrome, autism, Asperger syndrome, mental impairment due to lack of oxygen at birth, etc.
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
- 9: DK
Disability screening questions (DSQ) - Question identifier:DSQ_Q28
How often are your daily activities limited by this condition?
- 1: Never
- 2: Rarely
- 3: Sometimes
- 4: Often
- 5: Always
- 9: DK
Disability screening questions (DSQ) - Question identifier:DSQ_Q29
How much difficulty do you have with your daily activities because of this condition?
- 1: No difficulty
- 2: Some difficulty
- 3: A lot of difficulty
- 4: [You/You/He/She] cannot do most activities
- 9: DK
Disability screening questions (DSQ) - Question identifier:DSQ_Q30
Do you have any ongoing memory problems or periods of confusion?
Exclude occasional forgetfulness such as not remembering where you put your keys.
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
- 9: DK
Disability screening questions (DSQ) - Question identifier:DSQ_Q31
How often are your daily activities limited by this problem?
If the problem is controlled by medication or therapy, please answer this question based on when you are using your medication or therapy.
- 1: Never
- 2: Rarely
- 3: Sometimes
- 4: Often
- 5: Always
- 9: DK
Disability screening questions (DSQ) - Question identifier:DSQ_Q32
How much difficulty do you have with your daily activities because of this problem?
If the problem is controlled by medication or therapy, please answer this question based on when you are using your medication or therapy.
- 1: No difficulty
- 2: Some difficulty
- 3: A lot of difficulty
- 4: [You/You/He/She] cannot do most activities
- 9: DK
Disability screening questions (DSQ) - Question identifier:DSQ_R33
Please remember that your answers will be kept strictly confidential.
Disability screening questions (DSQ) - Question identifier:DSQ_Q33
Do you have any emotional, psychological or mental health conditions?
e.g., anxiety, depression, bipolar disorder, substance abuse, anorexia, etc.
- 1: No
- 2: Sometimes
- 3: Often
- 4: Always
- 9: DK
Disability screening questions (DSQ) - Question identifier:DSQ_Q34
How often are your daily activities limited by this condition?
If the condition is controlled by medication or therapy, please answer this question based on when you are using your medication or therapy.
- 1: Never
- 2: Rarely
- 3: Sometimes
- 4: Often
- 5: Always
- 9: DK
Disability screening questions (DSQ) - Question identifier:DSQ_Q35
When you are experiencing this condition, how much difficulty do you have with your daily activities?
If the condition is controlled by medication or therapy, please answer this question based on when you are using your medication or therapy.
- 1: No difficulty
- 2: Some difficulty
- 3: A lot of difficulty
- 4: [You/You/He/She] cannot do most activities
- 9: DK
Disability screening questions (DSQ) - Question identifier:DSQ_Q36
Do you have any other health problem or long-term condition that has lasted or is expected to last for six months or more?
Exclude any health problems previously reported.
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
- 9: DK
Disability screening questions (DSQ) - Question identifier:DSQ_Q37
How often does this health problem or long-term condition limit your daily activities?
If you have more than one other health problem or condition, please answer based on the health problem or condition that limits your daily activities the most.
- 1: Never
- 2: Rarely
- 3: Sometimes
- 4: Often
- 5: Always
- 9: DK
Disability screening questions (DSQ) - Question identifier:DSQ_R38
The following questions are about pain due to a long-term condition that has lasted or is expected to last for six months or more.
Disability screening questions (DSQ) - Question identifier:DSQ_Q38
Do you have pain that is always present?
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
- 9: DK
Disability screening questions (DSQ) - Question identifier:DSQ_Q39
Do you [also/null] have periods of pain that reoccur from time to time?
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
- 9: DK
Disability screening questions (DSQ) - Question identifier:DSQ_Q40
How often does this pain limit your daily activities?
If you have both pain that is always present and pain that reoccurs from time to time, consider the pain that bothers you the most. If your pain is controlled by medication or therapy, please answer this question based on when you are using your medication or therapy.
- 1: Never
- 2: Rarely
- 3: Sometimes
- 4: Often
- 5: Always
- 9: DK
Disability screening questions (DSQ) - Question identifier:DSQ_Q41
When you are experiencing this pain, how much difficulty do you have with your daily activities?
If you have both pain that is always present and pain that reoccurs from time to time, consider the pain that bothers you the most. If your pain is controlled by medication or therapy, please answer this question based on when you are using your medication or therapy.
- 1: No difficulty
- 2: Some difficulty
- 3: A lot of difficulty
- 4: [You/You/He/She] cannot do most activities
- 9: DK
Long-term Health Conditions (CHC)
Long-term Health Conditions (CHC) - Question identifier:CHC_Q100
Do you have any long-term health conditions, or physical or mental disabilities[other than the one for which you have received help/]?
A long-term health condition is one that has lasted or is expected to last 6 months or longer.
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
Long-term Health Conditions (CHC) - Question identifier:CHC_Q110
What is this condition?
Select all that apply
- 01: Arthritis (e.g., rheumatoid arthritis, osteoarthritis, lupus or gout)
- 02: Osteoporosis
- 03: Cardiovascular disease (e.g., angina, heart attack, stroke and hypertension)
- 04: Kidney disease
- 05: Asthma
- 06: Chronic bronchitis, emphysema or chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD)
- 07: Diabetes
- 08: Migraine
- 09: Back problems
- 10: Cancer
- 11: Mental illness (e.g., depression, bipolar disorder, mania or schizophrenia)
- 12: Alzheimer's disease or dementia
- 13: All other neurological diseases (e.g., Parkinson's disease, multiple sclerosis, spina bifida, cerebral palsy)
- 14: Urinary or bowel incontinence
- 15: Digestive disease (e.g., celiac disease, irritable bowel syndrome, stomach ulcers, Crohn's disease)
- 16: Fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue syndrome or multiple chemical sensitivities
- 17: Developmental disability or disorder
- 18: Injury resulting from an accident
- 19: Aging or frailty
- 20: Other
Immigration extended block (BPR)
Immigration extended block (BPR) - Question identifier:BPR_Q01
In what country were you born?
Long Answer Length = 80
Specify country of your birth according to current boundaries.
Please note that the list of countries is in English and in French.
Immigration extended block (BPR) - Question identifier:BPR_Q02
In which province or territory were you born?
Specify the province or territory of your birth according to current boundaries.
- 10: Newfoundland and Labrador
- 11: Prince Edward Island
- 12: Nova Scotia
- 13: New Brunswick
- 24: Quebec
- 35: Ontario
- 46: Manitoba
- 47: Saskatchewan
- 48: Alberta
- 59: British Columbia
- 60: Yukon
- 61: Northwest Territories
- 62: Nunavut
Immigration extended block (BPR) - Question identifier:BPR_Q15
In what year did you first come to Canada to live?
Min = 0; Max = 9999
Immigration extended block (BPR) - Question identifier:BPR_Q16
Are you now, or have you ever been a landed immigrant in Canada?
A landed immigrant, or permanent resident, is a person who has been granted the right to live in Canada permanently by immigration authorities.
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
Immigration extended block (BPR) - Question identifier:BPR_Q17
In what year did you first become a landed immigrant in Canada?
Min = 0; Max = 9999
If you cannot give exact year of immigration, then give your best estimate of the year.
Immigration extended block (BPR) - Question identifier:BPR_Q18
Of what country are you a citizen?
Long Answer Length = 80
Enter more than one country of citizenship if needed. Enter up to 3 responses.
Population Group (PG)
Population Group (PG) - Question identifier:PG_Q01
The following question collects information in accordance with the Employment Equity Act and its Regulations and Guidelines to support programs that promote equal opportunity for everyone to share in the social, cultural, and economic life of Canada.
Are you
Select up to 4 responses.
- 01: White
- 02: South Asian (e.g., East Indian, Pakistani, Sri Lankan)
- 03: Chinese
- 04: Black
- 05: Filipino
- 06: Latin American
- 07: Arab
- 08: Southeast Asian (e.g., Vietnamese, Cambodian, Laotian, Thai)
- 09: West Asian (e.g., Iranian, Afghan)
- 10: Korean
- 11: Japanese
- 12: Other
Religion extended (REE)
Religion extended (REE) - Question identifier:REE_Q01B
What is your religion?
Specify this other religion
Long Answer Length = 80
Religion extended (REE) - Question identifier:REE_Q02
Not counting events such as weddings or funerals, during the past 12 months, how often did you participate in religious activities or attend religious services or meetings?
Exclude rites of passage such as weddings, funerals, baptisms, bar mitzvahs, etc.
- 1: At least once a week
- 2: At least once a month
- 3: At least 3 times a year
- 4: Once or twice a year
- 5: Not at all
Religion extended (REE) - Question identifier:REE_Q03
In the past 12 months, how often did you engage in religious or spiritual activities on your own?
Include prayer, meditation and other forms of worship taking place at home or in any other location.
- 1: At least once a day
- 2: At least once a week
- 3: At least once a month
- 4: At least 3 times a year
- 5: Once or twice a year
- 6: Not at all
Importance of Religion (RLR)
Importance of Religion (RLR) - Question identifier:RLR_Q110
How important are your religious or spiritual beliefs to the way you live your life?
- 1: Very important
- 2: Somewhat important
- 3: Not very important
- 4: Not important at all
Language Minimum (LAN)
Language Minimum (LAN) - Question identifier:LAN_Q01
Of English or French, which language(s) do you speak well enough to conduct a conversation?
- 1: English only
- 2: French only
- 3: Both English and French
- 4: Neither English nor French
Language Minimum (LAN) - Question identifier:LAN_R10
What language do you speak most often at home?
Enter up to three responses. Multiple responses are accepted only if languages are spoken equally often at home.
If the language is not listed, please enter "Other".
Language Minimum (LAN) - Question identifier:LAN_R15
What is the language that you first learned at home in childhood and still understand?
Enter up to three responses. If you no longer understand the first language learned, please enter the second language learned. Multiple responses are accepted only if languages were learned at the same time.
If the language is not listed, please enter "Other language".
Exit questions (XQ)
Exit questions (XQ) - Question identifier:XQ_R01
And finally, in order to prevent [you/your household] from being selected more than once for this survey, please list all [your telephone numbers/the telephone numbers in your household]:
Select "Landline telephone" if the telephone number is for a landline telephone which is call forwarded to a cellular telephone.
Exit questions (XQ) - Question identifier:XQ_R01B
Telephone number
Exit questions (XQ) - Question identifier:XQ_R01C
Telephone type
Exit questions (XQ) - Question identifier:XQ_R01D
A. Telephone number 1
Exit questions (XQ) - Question identifier:XQ_R01E
B. Telephone number 2
Exit questions (XQ) - Question identifier:XQ_R01F
C. Telephone number 3
Exit questions (XQ) - Question identifier:XQ_R01G
D. Telephone number 4
Exit questions (XQ) - Question identifier:XQ_R01H
E. Telephone number 5
Exit questions (XQ) - Question identifier:XQ_R01I
F. Telephone number 6
Exit questions (XQ) - Question identifier:XQ_R01J
G. Telephone number 7
Exit questions (XQ) - Question identifier:XQ_R01K
H. Telephone number 8
Exit questions (XQ) - Question identifier:XQ_R01L
I. Telephone number 9
Record linkage statement (RLS)
Record linkage statement (RLS) - Question identifier:RLS_Q01
To enhance the data from this survey and to reduce the reporting burden, Statistics Canada will combine the information you provide with information from the tax data of all members of your household. Statistics Canada may also combine the information you provide with other survey or administrative data sources.
Select continue, unless respondent objects to combining responses with other data sources.
- 1: Continue
- 2: Respondent does not want his/her responses combined with other sources
- 3: Other (e.g., respondent hung up, interview suspended / interrupted)
Record linkage statement (RLS) - Question identifier:RLS_Q02
To enhance the data from this survey and to reduce the reporting burden, Statistics Canada will combine the information you provide with information from the tax data of all members of ^FNAME ^LNAME's household. Statistics Canada may also combine the information you provide with other survey or administrative data sources.
Select continue, unless respondent objects to combining responses with other data sources.
- 1: Continue
- 2: Respondent does not want his/her responses combined with other sources
- 3: Other (e.g., respondent hung up, interview suspended / interrupted)
Submit module for Out-of-Scope (OOS)
Submit module for Out-of-Scope (OOS) - Question identifier:OOS_R01
You indicated that ^CURR_TELEPHONE does not belong to anyone in the household. A Statistics Canada representative may contact you to collect more details.
If you are ready to submit the questionnaire, press the Submit button.
Submit module for Out-of-Scope (OOS) - Question identifier:OOS_R02
You indicated that ^CURR_TELEPHONE is not a private home or personal phone. A Statistics Canada representative may contact you to collect more details.
If you are ready to submit the questionnaire, press the Submit button.
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