Nunavut Government Employee Survey
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For Information onlyThis is an electronic survey example for information purposes only. This is not a working questionnaire.
Introduction (INT)
Introduction (INT) - Question identifier:INT_R01
This survey will collect data from employees of the Government of Nunavut as well as Government of Canada employees who work in Nunavut. The information will be used by government and Inuit organizations to plan programs that will fulfill Article 23 of the Nunavut Land Claims Agreement and help more Inuit obtain jobs within the government. Your information may also be used by Statistics Canada for other statistical and research purposes.
Although your participation is voluntary, your cooperation is important so that the information collected will be as accurate and complete as possible.
General Information (GEN)
General Information (GEN) - Question identifier:GEN_R01B
The first few questions will help determine what questions you will be asked in the rest of the survey.
General Information (GEN) - Question identifier:GEN_Q01
General socio-demographic information
Are you male or female?
- 1: Male
- 2: Female
General Information (GEN) - Question identifier:GEN_Q02
General socio-demographic information
What is your age?
- 01: 19 years or younger
- 02: 20 - 24 years
- 03: 25 - 29 years
- 04: 30 - 39 years
- 05: 40 - 49 years
- 06: 50 - 54 years
- 07: 55 - 59 years
- 08: 60 years or older
General Information (GEN) - Question identifier:GEN_Q03
General socio-demographic information
Are you Inuk?
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
General Information (GEN) - Question identifier:GEN_Q04
General socio-demographic information
Are you enrolled under the Nunavut Land Claims Agreement (NLCA)?
i.e., a beneficiary of the Nunavut Land Claims Agreement
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
- 9: DK
General Information (GEN) - Question identifier:GEN_Q05
General information
Who is your current employer?
If you work for more than one employer, please refer to your main employer.
- 01: Government of Nunavut (GN)
- 02: Nunavut Arctic College
- 03: Nunavut Housing Corporation
- 04: Qulliq Energy Corporation
- 05: Nunavut Business Credit Corporation
- 06: Nunavut Development Corporation
- 07: Government of Canada (GC)
- 08: I am no longer employed in any of the above government organizations in Nunavut
General Information (GEN) - Question identifier:GEN_Q06
General information
Which of the following would best describe your employment type?
- 1: Indeterminate (i.e., permanent)
- 2: Seasonal
- 3: Term
- 4: Contract
- 5: Casual
General Information (GEN) - Question identifier:GEN_Q07
General information
How many hours do you usually work per week at this job?
- 1: 30 hours or more per week
- 2: Less than 30 hours per week
General Information (GEN) - Question identifier:GEN_Q08
General information
In which community do you work?
If you work in more than one community, refer to the community where you usually work the most hours.
- 01: Arctic Bay
- 02: Arviat
- 03: Baker Lake
- 04: Cambridge Bay
- 05: Cape Dorset
- 06: Chesterfield Inlet
- 07: Clyde River
- 08: Coral Harbour
- 09: Gjoa Haven
- 10: Grise Fiord
- 11: Hall Beach
- 12: Igloolik
- 13: Iqaluit
- 14: Kimmirut
- 15: Kugaaruk
- 16: Kugluktuk
- 17: Pangnirtung
- 18: Pond Inlet
- 19: Qikiqtarjuaq
- 20: Rankin Inlet
- 21: Naujaat (Repulse Bay)
- 22: Resolute
- 23: Sanikiluaq
- 24: Taloyoak
- 25: Whale Cove
- 26: Other community within Nunavut
- 27: Outside Nunavut
General Information (GEN) - Question identifier:GEN_Q09
General information
Where do you consider to be your home community?
- 01: Arctic Bay
- 02: Arviat
- 03: Baker Lake
- 04: Cambridge Bay
- 05: Cape Dorset
- 06: Chesterfield Inlet
- 07: Clyde River
- 08: Coral Harbour
- 09: Gjoa Haven
- 10: Grise Fiord
- 11: Hall Beach
- 12: Igloolik
- 13: Iqaluit
- 14: Kimmirut
- 15: Kugaaruk
- 16: Kugluktuk
- 17: Pangnirtung
- 18: Pond Inlet
- 19: Qikiqtarjuaq
- 20: Rankin Inlet
- 21: Naujaat (Repulse Bay)
- 22: Resolute
- 23: Sanikiluaq
- 24: Taloyoak
- 25: Whale Cove
- 26: Other community within Nunavut
- 27: Yukon
- 28: Yellowknife, Northwest Territories
- 29: Other, Northwest Territories
- 30: British Columbia
- 31: Edmonton, Alberta
- 32: Other, Alberta
- 33: Saskatchewan
- 34: Winnipeg, Manitoba
- 35: Other, Manitoba
- 36: Ottawa, Ontario (National Capital Region)
- 37: Other, Ontario
- 38: Montreal, Quebec
- 39: Other, Quebec
- 40: New Brunswick
- 41: Nova Scotia
- 42: Prince Edward Island
- 43: Newfoundland and Labrador
- 44: Outside Canada
General Information (GEN) - Question identifier:GEN_Q10
General information
Would you prefer to work in your home community, if a similar government job was available?
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
General Information (GEN) - Question identifier:GEN_Q11
General information
Did you ever have to leave your home community in order to get a government job within Nunavut?
Include your current job.
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
General Information (GEN) - Question identifier:GEN_Q12
General information
Would you be willing to move for another government job within Nunavut?
e.g., for a higher level job
- 1: Yes, willing
- 2: Somewhat willing
- 3: No, not willing
General Information (GEN) - Question identifier:GEN_Q13
General information
How long have you been in your current job?
Include work probation period.
- 1: Less than 6 months
- 2: 6 months to less than 1 year
- 3: 1 year to less than 5 years
- 4: 5 years to less than 10 years
- 5: 10 years to less than 20 years
- 6: 20 years or more
General Information (GEN) - Question identifier:GEN_Q14
General information
Before your current job, did you have another job in the government?
Include all previous government jobs inside or outside Nunavut.
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
General Information (GEN) - Question identifier:GEN_Q15
General information
Before your current job, where in the government did you work?
Select all that apply.
- 01: Municipal government in Nunavut
- 02: Government of Nunavut
- 03: Nunavut Arctic College
- 04: Nunavut Housing Corporation
- 05: Qulliq Energy Corporation
- 06: Nunavut Business Credit Corporation
- 07: Nunavut Development Corporation
- 08: Government of Canada in Nunavut
- 09: Government outside Nunavut (Include municipal, provincial, territorial or federal government)
- 10: Other government organization
General Information (GEN) - Question identifier:GEN_Q16
General information
In total, how long have you worked for the government?
- your current job
- all previous government jobs inside and outside Nunavut
- work probation periods
- 1: Less than 6 months
- 2: 6 months to less than 1 year
- 3: 1 year to less than 5 years
- 4: 5 years to less than 10 years
- 5: 10 years to less than 20 years
- 6: 20 years or more
Interest in Working for Government (INR)
Interest in Working for Government (INR) - Question identifier:INR_Q01
Finding your current job
How did you find your current job?
Select all that apply.
- 01: Contacted employer directly
- 02: Offered job by employer without applying
- 03: Word of mouth (e.g., through co-workers, friends, relatives, etc.)
- 04: Advertisements (e.g., newspapers, community bulletin boards, radio, magazine, community events, etc.)
- 05: Contact with public employment agencies (e.g., Service Canada Centre, Canada Employment Centre, territorial employment centre, etc.)
- 06: Liaison officers, economic development officers
- 07: Through another employer
- 08: Searched the Internet (e.g., government, private websites, social media, etc.)
- 09: School guidance or career counsellor
- 10: Recruiting firm, human resources specialists
- 11: Other ways used to find your current job
Interest in Working for Government (INR) - Question identifier:INR_Q02
Job requirements of your current job
In order to get your current job, were any of the following required?
Refer to the requirements in your original job posting or job description.
Select all that apply.
- 1: Knowledge of Inuit culture, society and economy
- 2: Knowledge of Nunavut's environment and land
- 3: Nunavut community experience (i.e., familiarity with people, practices and relationships in a Nunavut community)
- 4: Fluency in English
- 5: Fluency in Inuktitut or Inuinnaqtun
- 6: Fluency in French
- 9: DK
Interest in Working for Government (INR) - Question identifier:INR_Q03
Job requirements of your current job
In order to get your current job, what was the level of education or equivalency required?
Refer to the requirements in your original job posting or job description.
- 1: University level or equivalent
- 2: College level or apprenticeship training or equivalent
- 3: High school or occupation-specific training or equivalent
- 4: Grade 10
- 5: Less than Grade 10
- 6: No specific education or equivalency requirement
- 9: DK
Interest in Working for Government (INR) - Question identifier:INR_R04
Please remember that your answers will be kept strictly confidential.
Interest in Working for Government (INR) - Question identifier:INR_Q04
Job requirements of your current job
In your opinion, do you feel this level of education or equivalency requirement was too high, reasonable or too low?
- 1: Too high
- 2: Reasonable
- 3: Too low
- 4: No opinion
Interest in Working for Government (INR) - Question identifier:INR_Q05
Job requirements of your current job
In order to get your current job, how many years of experience were required?
Refer to the requirements in your original job posting or job description.
- 1: 1 year to less than 4 years
- 2: 4 years to less than 7 years
- 3: 7 years to less than 10 years
- 4: 10 years or more
- 5: No specific experience requirement
- 9: DK
Interest in Working for Government (INR) - Question identifier:INR_Q06
Job requirements of your current job
In your opinion, do you feel the amount of experience required was too much, reasonable or too little?
- 1: Too much
- 2: Reasonable
- 3: Too little
- 4: No opinion
Interest in Working for Government (INR) - Question identifier:INR_Q07
Interview for your current job
Did you have to do an interview in order to get your current job?
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
Interest in Working for Government (INR) - Question identifier:INR_Q08
Interview for your current job
During your job interview, as far as you know, was at least one of the people interviewing you Inuk?
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
- 9: DK
Interest in Working for Government (INR) - Question identifier:INR_Q09
Interview for your current job
In what language(s) were you interviewed?
Select all that apply.
- 1: Inuktitut
- 2: Inuinnaqtun
- 3: English
- 4: French
- 5: Other
Interest in Working for Government (INR) - Question identifier:INR_Q10
Interview for your current job
Was this the language in which you wanted to be interviewed?
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
Interest in Working for Government (INR) - Question identifier:INR_Q11
Interview for your current job
In what language would you prefer to have been interviewed?
Select all that apply.
- 1: Inuktitut
- 2: Inuinnaqtun
- 3: English
- 4: French
- 5: Other
Interest in Working for Government (INR) - Question identifier:INR_Q12
Interview for your current job
If you wanted an interpreter or translator during the interview, was one available?
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
- 3: Didn't want or need an interpreter or translator
- 4: Wasn't informed that I could have one
- 9: DK
Interest in Working for Government (INR) - Question identifier:INR_Q13
Interview for your current job
To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statement?
Where I work, the process of hiring a person for a job is done fairly.
- 1: Strongly agree
- 2: Somewhat agree
- 3: Neither agree nor disagree
- 4: Somewhat disagree
- 5: Strongly disagree
- 9: DK
Interest in Working for Government (INR) - Question identifier:INR_Q14
Interview for your current job
In what way do you believe it is unfair?
Select all that apply.
- 01: Job requirements are too strict
- 02: Qualified candidates are screened out
- 03: Hiring process is too long or complex
- 04: Racial or cultural discrimination
- 05: Persons with disabilities are not accommodated
- 06: Language of choice not available in interview
- 07: Hiring process not objective (e.g., some people get hired based on who they know)
- 08: Other way the process of hiring a person for a job is done unfairly specify:
Language (LAN)
Language (LAN) - Question identifier:LAN_Q01
Language fluency
What language(s) can you speak well enough to use at work?
Select all that apply.
- 1: Inuktitut
- 2: Inuinnaqtun
- 3: English
- 4: French
- 5: Other language(s)
Language (LAN) - Question identifier:LAN_Q02
Language fluency
What language(s) can you understand well enough to use at work?
Select all that apply.
- 1: Inuktitut
- 2: Inuinnaqtun
- 3: English
- 4: French
- 5: Other language(s)
Language (LAN) - Question identifier:LAN_Q03
Language fluency
What language(s) can you read well enough to use at work?
Select all that apply.
- 1: Inuktitut - syllabics
- 2: Inuktitut - Roman orthography
- 3: Inuinnaqtun
- 4: English
- 5: French
- 6: Other language(s)
Language (LAN) - Question identifier:LAN_Q04
Language fluency
What language(s) can you write well enough to use at work?
Select all that apply.
- 1: Inuktitut - syllabics
- 2: Inuktitut - Roman orthography
- 3: Inuinnaqtun
- 4: English
- 5: French
- 6: Other language(s)
Language (LAN) - Question identifier:LAN_Q05
Language fluency
Are you interested in learning or improving your fluency in any of the following languages?
Select all that apply.
- 1: Inuktitut
- 2: Inuinnaqtun
- 3: English
- 4: French
- 5: None of the above
Work Environment (WE)
Work Environment (WE) - Question identifier:WE_R01B
How often do you use English at work?
Work Environment (WE) - Question identifier:WE_Q01A
Languages used at work
a. Overall
- 1: Often or always
- 2: Sometimes
- 3: Rarely
- 4: Never
Work Environment (WE) - Question identifier:WE_Q01B
Languages used at work
b. With your supervisor
- 1: Often or always
- 2: Sometimes
- 3: Rarely
- 4: Never
Work Environment (WE) - Question identifier:WE_Q01C
Languages used at work
c. With your co-workers
- 1: Often or always
- 2: Sometimes
- 3: Rarely
- 4: Never
Work Environment (WE) - Question identifier:WE_R02A
How often do you use Inuktitut or Inuinnaqtun at work?
Work Environment (WE) - Question identifier:WE_Q02A
Languages used at work
a. Overall
- 1: Often or always
- 2: Sometimes
- 3: Rarely
- 4: Never
Work Environment (WE) - Question identifier:WE_Q02B
Languages used at work
b. With your supervisor
- 1: Often or always
- 2: Sometimes
- 3: Rarely
- 4: Never
Work Environment (WE) - Question identifier:WE_Q02C
Languages used at work
c. With your co-workers
- 1: Often or always
- 2: Sometimes
- 3: Rarely
- 4: Never
Work Environment (WE) - Question identifier:WE_Q03
Languages used at work
Why do you not use Inuktitut or Inuinnaqtun more often at work?
Select all that apply.
- 01: Supervisor not sufficiently fluent
- 02: Co-workers not sufficiently fluent
- 03: I am not sufficiently fluent
- 04: There are dialect differences in Inuit languages
- 05: More comfortable using English at work
- 06: My job requires me to work with English speakers
- 07: The computer software I use is in English (e.g., fonts, programs, etc.)
- 08: The written materials I use at work are mostly in English (e.g., documents, reports, forms, etc.)
- 09: Other reason(s)
Work Environment (WE) - Question identifier:WE_Q04
Languages used at work
How important is it to you personally to be able to use Inuktitut or Inuinnaqtun in your workplace?
- 1: Very important
- 2: Somewhat important
- 3: Not very important
- 4: Not at all important
- 5: No opinion
Work Environment (WE) - Question identifier:WE_Q05
Languages used at work
Other than English, Inuktitut or Inuinnaqtun, do you use any other language(s) at work?
Select all that apply.
- 1: French
- 2: Other language(s)
- 3: No other language
Work Environment (WE) - Question identifier:WE_Q06
Languages used at work
In what language(s) do you prefer to work?
Select your language(s) of choice for work, even if you do not currently work in that language.
Select all that apply.
- 1: Inuktitut
- 2: Inuinnaqtun
- 3: English
- 4: French
- 5: Other language(s)
- 6: No preference
Work Environment (WE) - Question identifier:WE_Q07
Your direct supervisor
Is your direct supervisor Inuk or non-Inuk?
If you have more than one supervisor, think of the one you have most contact with.
- 1: Inuk
- 2: Non-Inuk
- 3: Do not have a supervisor
- 9: DK
Work Environment (WE) - Question identifier:WE_R08A
To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements?
Work Environment (WE) - Question identifier:WE_Q08A
Your direct supervisor
a. My direct supervisor supports me to learn on the job and/or take training.
- 1: Strongly agree
- 2: Somewhat agree
- 3: Neither agree nor disagree
- 4: Somewhat disagree
- 5: Strongly disagree
Work Environment (WE) - Question identifier:WE_Q08B
Your direct supervisor
b. My direct supervisor supports me to identify and achieve career goals.
- 1: Strongly agree
- 2: Somewhat agree
- 3: Neither agree nor disagree
- 4: Somewhat disagree
- 5: Strongly disagree
Work Environment (WE) - Question identifier:WE_Q08C
Your direct supervisor
c. My direct supervisor has a sufficient understanding of Inuit culture and society.
- 1: Strongly agree
- 2: Somewhat agree
- 3: Neither agree nor disagree
- 4: Somewhat disagree
- 5: Strongly disagree
Work Environment (WE) - Question identifier:WE_Q09
Your direct supervisor
Has your direct supervisor ever encouraged you to apply for a promotion?
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
Work Environment (WE) - Question identifier:WE_R10B
Thinking about your current job, how satisfied or dissatisfied are you with the following aspects of your work?
Note: If a category does not apply to you, select not applicable
Work Environment (WE) - Question identifier:WE_Q10A
General perceptions and attitudes about your workplace
a. Pay
- 1: Very satisfied
- 2: Somewhat satisfied
- 3: Somewhat dissatisfied
- 4: Very dissatisfied
- 5: Not applicable (N/A)
Work Environment (WE) - Question identifier:WE_Q10B
General perceptions and attitudes about your workplace
b. Benefits
- 1: Very satisfied
- 2: Somewhat satisfied
- 3: Somewhat dissatisfied
- 4: Very dissatisfied
- 5: Not applicable (N/A)
Work Environment (WE) - Question identifier:WE_Q10C
General perceptions and attitudes about your workplace
c. Housing allowance
- 1: Very satisfied
- 2: Somewhat satisfied
- 3: Somewhat dissatisfied
- 4: Very dissatisfied
- 5: Not applicable (N/A)
Work Environment (WE) - Question identifier:WE_Q10D
General perceptions and attitudes about your workplace
d. Availability of staff housing
- 1: Very satisfied
- 2: Somewhat satisfied
- 3: Somewhat dissatisfied
- 4: Very dissatisfied
- 5: Not applicable (N/A)
Work Environment (WE) - Question identifier:WE_Q10E
General perceptions and attitudes about your workplace
e. Availability of childcare
- 1: Very satisfied
- 2: Somewhat satisfied
- 3: Somewhat dissatisfied
- 4: Very dissatisfied
- 5: Not applicable (N/A)
Work Environment (WE) - Question identifier:WE_Q10F
General perceptions and attitudes about your workplace
f. Learning and training opportunities
- 1: Very satisfied
- 2: Somewhat satisfied
- 3: Somewhat dissatisfied
- 4: Very dissatisfied
- 5: Not applicable (N/A)
Work Environment (WE) - Question identifier:WE_Q10G
General perceptions and attitudes about your workplace
g. Support for career development and advancement
- 1: Very satisfied
- 2: Somewhat satisfied
- 3: Somewhat dissatisfied
- 4: Very dissatisfied
- 5: Not applicable (N/A)
Work Environment (WE) - Question identifier:WE_Q10H
General perceptions and attitudes about your workplace
h. Workload
- 1: Very satisfied
- 2: Somewhat satisfied
- 3: Somewhat dissatisfied
- 4: Very dissatisfied
- 5: Not applicable (N/A)
Work Environment (WE) - Question identifier:WE_Q10I
General perceptions and attitudes about your workplace
i. Flexibility in work schedule
- 1: Very satisfied
- 2: Somewhat satisfied
- 3: Somewhat dissatisfied
- 4: Very dissatisfied
- 5: Not applicable (N/A)
Work Environment (WE) - Question identifier:WE_Q10J
General perceptions and attitudes about your workplace
j. Job security
- 1: Very satisfied
- 2: Somewhat satisfied
- 3: Somewhat dissatisfied
- 4: Very dissatisfied
- 5: Not applicable (N/A)
Work Environment (WE) - Question identifier:WE_Q10K
General perceptions and attitudes about your workplace
k. Racial or cultural equality and tolerance
- 1: Very satisfied
- 2: Somewhat satisfied
- 3: Somewhat dissatisfied
- 4: Very dissatisfied
- 5: Not applicable (N/A)
Work Environment (WE) - Question identifier:WE_Q10L
General perceptions and attitudes about your workplace
l. Relationships with co-workers
- 1: Very satisfied
- 2: Somewhat satisfied
- 3: Somewhat dissatisfied
- 4: Very dissatisfied
- 5: Not applicable (N/A)
Work Environment (WE) - Question identifier:WE_Q10M
General perceptions and attitudes about your workplace
m. Rate of staff turnover
- 1: Very satisfied
- 2: Somewhat satisfied
- 3: Somewhat dissatisfied
- 4: Very dissatisfied
- 5: Not applicable (N/A)
Work Environment (WE) - Question identifier:WE_Q10N
General perceptions and attitudes about your workplace
n. Ability to work in my community of choice
- 1: Very satisfied
- 2: Somewhat satisfied
- 3: Somewhat dissatisfied
- 4: Very dissatisfied
- 5: Not applicable (N/A)
Work Environment (WE) - Question identifier:WE_Q10O
General perceptions and attitudes about your workplace
o. Number of Inuit in my workplace
- 1: Very satisfied
- 2: Somewhat satisfied
- 3: Somewhat dissatisfied
- 4: Very dissatisfied
- 5: Not applicable (N/A)
Work Environment (WE) - Question identifier:WE_Q10P
General perceptions and attitudes about your workplace
p. My job overall
- 1: Very satisfied
- 2: Somewhat satisfied
- 3: Somewhat dissatisfied
- 4: Very dissatisfied
- 5: Not applicable (N/A)
Work Environment (WE) - Question identifier:WE_R11A
To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements?
Work Environment (WE) - Question identifier:WE_Q11A
General perceptions and attitudes about your workplace
a. In my workplace, knowledge of Inuit culture, society and economy is valued.
- 1: Strongly agree
- 2: Somewhat agree
- 3: Neither agree nor disagree
- 4: Somewhat disagree
- 5: Strongly disagree
- 6: Not applicable (N/A)
Work Environment (WE) - Question identifier:WE_Q11B
General perceptions and attitudes about your workplace
b. In my workplace, Nunavut community experience is valued.
i.e., familiarity with people, practices and relationships in a Nunavut community
- 1: Strongly agree
- 2: Somewhat agree
- 3: Neither agree nor disagree
- 4: Somewhat disagree
- 5: Strongly disagree
- 6: Not applicable (N/A)
Work Environment (WE) - Question identifier:WE_R12B
To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements about Inuit Societal Values (ISV) and Inuit Qaujimajatuqangit (IQ) in the workplace?
Work Environment (WE) - Question identifier:WE_Q12A
General perceptions about Inuit Societal Values (ISV) and Inuit Qaujimajatuqangit (IQ) in the workplace
a. In my workplace, respect for co-workers, positive working relationships and consideration of others is encouraged.
Inuuqatigiitsiarniq: respecting others, relationships and caring for people.
- 1: Strongly agree
- 2: Somewhat agree
- 3: Neither agree nor disagree
- 4: Somewhat disagree
- 5: Strongly disagree
Work Environment (WE) - Question identifier:WE_Q12B
General perceptions about Inuit Societal Values (ISV) and Inuit Qaujimajatuqangit (IQ) in the workplace
b. In my workplace, I feel welcome and included.
Tunnganarniq: fostering good spirit by being open, welcoming and inclusive.
- 1: Strongly agree
- 2: Somewhat agree
- 3: Neither agree nor disagree
- 4: Somewhat disagree
- 5: Strongly disagree
Work Environment (WE) - Question identifier:WE_Q12C
General perceptions about Inuit Societal Values (ISV) and Inuit Qaujimajatuqangit (IQ) in the workplace
c. I have the flexibility to be involved in cultural and other activities outside of the workplace during work hours.
Pijitsirniq: serving and providing for family or community, or both.
- 1: Strongly agree
- 2: Somewhat agree
- 3: Neither agree nor disagree
- 4: Somewhat disagree
- 5: Strongly disagree
Work Environment (WE) - Question identifier:WE_Q12D
General perceptions about Inuit Societal Values (ISV) and Inuit Qaujimajatuqangit (IQ) in the workplace
d. In my workplace, decisions are made through teamwork, cooperation and consensus-based decision making.
Aajiiqatigiinniq: decision making through discussion and consensus.
- 1: Strongly agree
- 2: Somewhat agree
- 3: Neither agree nor disagree
- 4: Somewhat disagree
- 5: Strongly disagree
Work Environment (WE) - Question identifier:WE_Q12E
General perceptions about Inuit Societal Values (ISV) and Inuit Qaujimajatuqangit (IQ) in the workplace
e. In my workplace, I feel supported in developing new job-related skills.
Pilimmaksarniq or Pijariuqsarniq: development of skills through practice, effort and action.
- 1: Strongly agree
- 2: Somewhat agree
- 3: Neither agree nor disagree
- 4: Somewhat disagree
- 5: Strongly disagree
Work Environment (WE) - Question identifier:WE_Q12F
General perceptions about Inuit Societal Values (ISV) and Inuit Qaujimajatuqangit (IQ) in the workplace
f. In my workplace, we have a shared understanding of our goals and a vision of what we are trying to achieve.
Piliriqatigiinniq or Ikajuqtigiiniq: working together for a common cause.
- 1: Strongly agree
- 2: Somewhat agree
- 3: Neither agree nor disagree
- 4: Somewhat disagree
- 5: Strongly disagree
Work Environment (WE) - Question identifier:WE_Q12G
General perceptions about Inuit Societal Values (ISV) and Inuit Qaujimajatuqangit (IQ) in the workplace
g. In my workplace, ideas are welcome and we are encouraged to try new ways of doing things.
Qanuqtuurniq: being innovative and resourceful.
- 1: Strongly agree
- 2: Somewhat agree
- 3: Neither agree nor disagree
- 4: Somewhat disagree
- 5: Strongly disagree
Work Environment (WE) - Question identifier:WE_Q12H
General perceptions about Inuit Societal Values (ISV) and Inuit Qaujimajatuqangit (IQ) in the workplace
h. In my workplace, knowledge of Nunavut's environment and land is valued.
Avatittinnik Kamatsiarniq: respect and care for the land, animals and the environment.
- 1: Strongly agree
- 2: Somewhat agree
- 3: Neither agree nor disagree
- 4: Somewhat disagree
- 5: Strongly disagree
Career plans (CAR)
Career plans (CAR) - Question identifier:CAR_Q01
Interest in a permanent job
Have you ever applied for an indeterminate (i.e., permanent) government job in Nunavut?
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
Career plans (CAR) - Question identifier:CAR_Q02
Interest in a permanent job
Are you interested in an indeterminate (i.e., permanent) government job in Nunavut?
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
Career plans (CAR) - Question identifier:CAR_Q03
Interest in staying or leaving in the next 2 years
Which of the following describes your possible plans for the next 2 years?
Select all that apply.
- 01: Stay in my current job
- 02: Apply for a higher level job with any government within Nunavut
- 03: Pursue a different government job in Nunavut (Exclude promotion)
- 04: Pursue a non-government job in Nunavut
- 05: Retire or leave the labour force
- 06: Take temporary leave to pursue additional education
- 07: Take temporary leave for other reasons (e.g., to provide care for family, maternity leave, parental leave, etc.)
- 08: Move away from Nunavut
Career plans (CAR) - Question identifier:CAR_Q04
Reasons for leaving
Why do you plan to pursue a different job?
Select all that apply.
- 01: Want better hours (e.g., more flexibility, more or less hours, etc.)
- 02: Want indeterminate (i.e., permanent) job
- 03: Want less stressful work
- 04: Want accessible and affordable childcare services (e.g., on-site daycare, etc.)
- 05: Want a housing allowance or better housing allowance
- 06: Want a job that offers staff housing
- 07: Want a different location (e.g., in a different community, etc.)
- 08: Want to work in my preferred language
- 09: Want a workplace that is guided by Inuit culture and in which Inuit values and languages are used more (e.g., in meetings, etc.)
- 10: Want a job that better matches my skills, knowledge and goals
- 11: Want a job that allows me to use my knowledge of Inuit society, culture and economy more
- 12: Want better learning opportunities
- 13: Am experiencing harassment in the workplace
- 14: Am experiencing racial or cultural discrimination
- 15: Don't get along with supervisor, manager or co-workers
- 16: Want better pay, benefits, working conditions
- 17: Other reason(s) (e.g., keeping my options open, undecided about the future)
Career plans (CAR) - Question identifier:CAR_R05B
If you were going to apply for a promotion, would you know how to do the following?
Career plans (CAR) - Question identifier:CAR_Q05A
Interest in career advancement
a. Write a detailed résumé and cover letter
- 1: Yes
- 2: Somewhat
- 3: No
Career plans (CAR) - Question identifier:CAR_Q05B
Interest in career advancement
b. Do an effective interview (as the candidate)
- 1: Yes
- 2: Somewhat
- 3: No
Career plans (CAR) - Question identifier:CAR_Q05C
Interest in career advancement
c. Navigate the hiring process
e.g., find available jobs, application process, etc.
- 1: Yes
- 2: Somewhat
- 3: No
Career plans (CAR) - Question identifier:CAR_Q06
Interest in career advancement
Have you been promoted in the past 12 months?
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
Career plans (CAR) - Question identifier:CAR_Q07
Interest in career advancement
How did you get your most recent promotion?
- 1: Applied to a job posting and was successful
- 2: Was promoted without applying
- 3: Received an acting assignment
- 4: Other
Career plans (CAR) - Question identifier:CAR_Q08
Interest in career advancement
Have you ever applied for a promotion (i.e., higher level job) in the government?
Include government jobs in Nunavut only.
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
Career plans (CAR) - Question identifier:CAR_Q09
Interest in career advancement
Why have you not applied for a promotion?
Select all that apply.
- 01: Have been promoted without applying
- 02: I am happy with my current job; not interested in a change right now
- 03: Timing has not been right; plan to apply in the future
- 04: Too much travel required
- 05: Family responsibilities (e.g., child and elder care, etc.)
- 06: I am concerned that I will experience racial or cultural discrimination
- 07: Have not been encouraged by management
- 08: No available jobs that match my interests
- 09: No available jobs in my community
- 10: Can't get required training in my community
- 11: Don't meet the educational, experience or equivalency requirements
- 12: Don't have adequate technical skills (e.g., Trades, Accounting, Engineering, etc.)
- 13: Don't have adequate language skills
- 14: Not interested in the managerial role
- 15: Don't want the extra responsibility, workload or inflexibility
- 16: Other reason(s)
Career plans (CAR) - Question identifier:CAR_Q10
Barriers to career advancement
Last time you applied for a promotion, were you successful?
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
Career plans (CAR) - Question identifier:CAR_Q11
Barriers to career advancement
Why do you think that you were not successful at the time?
Select all that apply.
- 01: My previous work experience wasn't considered
- 02: Education or equivalency requirements were too high or I did not meet the educational or equivalency requirements
- 03: Work experience requirements too high or I did not meet the work experience requirements
- 04: Technical skill requirements too high or I did not meet the technical skill requirements (e.g., Trades, Accounting, Administrative, Engineering, etc.)
- 05: I did not meet the language requirements
- 06: The interview process was unfair
- 07: Job application process too difficult or time consuming
- 08: I feel that I was discriminated against due to my racial or cultural background
- 09: I think the selection process favored a specific candidate
- 10: Other reason(s) (e.g., a more qualified candidate was selected)
- 99: DK
Career plans (CAR) - Question identifier:CAR_Q12
Barriers to career advancement
In what way do you believe it was unfair?
Select all that apply.
- 01: Job requirements were too strict
- 02: Qualified candidates were screened out
- 03: Hiring process was too long or complex
- 04: Racial or cultural discrimination
- 05: Persons with disabilities were not accommodated
- 06: Language of choice not available in interview
- 07: Hiring process not objective (e.g., some people get hired based on who they know)
- 08: Other way(s)
Education (EDU)
Education (EDU) - Question identifier:EDU_Q01
Formal education
Did you complete a high school diploma or its equivalent?
Examples of secondary (high) school equivalency certificates are: Pathway to Adult Secondary School (PASS), General Educational Development (GED), Adult Basic Education (ABE)
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
Education (EDU) - Question identifier:EDU_Q02
Formal education
What is the highest grade of elementary school or high school you have ever completed?
- 1: Grade 8 or lower
- 2: Grade 9
- 3: Grade 10
- 4: Grade 11
- 5: Grade 12 or Grade 13
Education (EDU) - Question identifier:EDU_Q03
Formal education
Have you completed any of the following certificate(s), diploma(s) or degree(s)?
Select all that apply.
- 1: Registered Apprenticeship or other trades certificate or diploma (e.g., Municipal Government Certificate from the Nunavut Municipal Training Organization or Nunavut Arctic College, workplace health and safety certificates, etc.)
- 2: College or similar certificate or diploma (e.g., Nunavut Sivuniksavut diploma or certificate, Nunavut Arctic College diploma or certificate, etc.)
- 3: University certificate, diploma or degree
- 4: None of the above
Education (EDU) - Question identifier:EDU_Q04
Formal education
Are you currently attending school, college or university?
Include attendance only for courses that can be used as credit towards a certificate, diploma or degree.
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
Education (EDU) - Question identifier:EDU_Q05
Formal education
Towards what type of certificate, diploma or degree are you currently working?
If you are taking more than one program, refer to the highest certificate, diploma or degree.
- 1: High school diploma or a high school equivalency certificate (e.g., Pathway to Adult Secondary School (PASS), General Educational Development (GED), Adult Basic Education (ABE), etc.)
- 2: Registered Apprenticeship or other trades certificate or diploma (e.g., Municipal Government Certificate from the Nunavut Municipal Training Organization or Nunavut Arctic College, workplace health and safety certificates, etc.)
- 3: College or similar certificate or diploma (e.g., Nunavut Sivuniksavut diploma or certificate, Nunavut Arctic College diploma or certificate, etc.)
- 4: University certificate, diploma or degree
Education (EDU) - Question identifier:EDU_Q06
Formal education
Is this schooling paid for by your government employer?
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
Education (EDU) - Question identifier:EDU_Q07
Formal education
Is there a particular type of formal education ( i.e., schooling) you want to take but have not taken?
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
Education (EDU) - Question identifier:EDU_Q08
Formal education
Would you like to obtain any of the following certificates, diplomas or degrees?
Select all that apply.
- 1: High school diploma or a high school equivalency certificate (e.g., Pathway to Adult Secondary School (PASS), General Educational Development (GED), Adult Basic Education (ABE), etc.)
- 2: Registered Apprenticeship or other trades certificate or diploma (e.g., Municipal Government Certificate from the Nunavut Municipal Training Organization or Nunavut Arctic College, workplace health and safety certificates, etc.)
- 3: College or similar certificate or diploma (e.g., Nunavut Sivuniksavut diploma or certificate, Nunavut Arctic College diploma or certificate, etc.)
- 4: University certificate, diploma or degree
- 5: Other
Skills and knowledge (SKL)
Skills and knowledge (SKL) - Question identifier:SKL_R01B
The following questions are about the skills and knowledge you have developed outside formal education (i.e., school).
Skills and knowledge (SKL) - Question identifier:SKL_Q01
Skills and knowledge developed outside of formal education
Through regular practice at work, have you developed any of the following skills and knowledge?
Select all that apply.
- 01: Knowledge of Inuit culture, society and economy
- 02: Knowledge of the land, environment and wildlife of Nunavut
- 03: Communication skills (e.g., oral or written language skills)
- 04: Teamwork and interpersonal skills
- 05: Leadership
- 06: Planning or organization
- 07: Working with numbers (e.g., budgeting skills, financial planning)
- 08: Working with hands - physical or manual skills
- 09: Computer skills (e.g., using the Internet, word processing, etc.)
- 10: Other skills
- 11: None of the above so far
Skills and knowledge (SKL) - Question identifier:SKL_Q02
Skills and knowledge developed outside of formal education
Outside of formal education (i.e., school) and work, have you developed any of the following skills and knowledge through everyday activities in your life?
e.g., raising children, family and community leadership, hunting and harvesting, clothing design and sewing, other on-the-land activities, etc.
Select all that apply.
- 01: Knowledge of Inuit culture, society and economy
- 02: Knowledge of the land, environment and wildlife of Nunavut
- 03: Communication skills (e.g., oral or written language skills)
- 04: Teamwork and interpersonal skills
- 05: Leadership
- 06: Planning or organization
- 07: Working with numbers (e.g., budgeting skills, financial planning)
- 08: Working with hands - physical or manual skills
- 09: Computer skills (e.g., using the Internet, word processing, etc.)
- 10: Other skills
- 11: None of the above so far
Workplace Learning (WPL)
Workplace Learning (WPL) - Question identifier:WPL_Q01
Formal workplace learning
During the last 12 months, have you taken any of the following types of job-related training?
Select all that apply.
- 01: Computer skills (e.g., email, Word, Excel, maintenance and repair of hardware, etc.)
- 02: Personal development (e.g., time management, stress management, work-life balance strategies, etc.)
- 03: Teamwork (e.g., group decision-making, team building, etc.)
- 04: Communication skills (e.g., briefing notes, oral presentations, etc.)
- 05: Job search skills (e.g., résumé writing, etc.)
- 06: Professional training (e.g., legal, finance, health care, etc.)
- 07: Leadership and management (e.g., human resources, financial, project management, etc.)
- 08: Training in Inuit culture, society and economy (other than language training)
- 09: Other job-specific skills (e.g., equipment, occupational health and safety, conservation, utilities, records management, archiving, corrections, etc.)
- 10: Language training
- 11: Other courses, workshops, seminars or training
- 12: No job-related training in the last 12 months
Workplace Learning (WPL) - Question identifier:WPL_Q02
Formal workplace learning
What language training did you take?
Select all that apply.
- 1: Inuktitut
- 2: Inuinnaqtun
- 3: English
- 4: French
- 5: Other language(s)
Workplace Learning (WPL) - Question identifier:WPL_Q03
Formal workplace learning
Which of the following training did you have to pay for by yourself?
Select all that apply.
- 01: Computer skills (e.g., email, Word, Excel, maintenance and repair of hardware, etc.)
- 02: Personal development (e.g., time management, stress management, work-life balance strategies, etc.)
- 03: Teamwork (e.g., group decision-making, team building, etc.)
- 04: Communication skills (e.g., briefing notes, oral presentations, etc.)
- 05: Job search skills (e.g., résumé writing, etc.)
- 06: Professional training (e.g., legal, finance, health care, etc.)
- 07: Leadership and management (e.g., human resources, financial, project management, etc.)
- 08: Training in Inuit culture, society and economy (other than language training)
- 09: Other job-specific skills (e.g., equipment, occupational health and safety, conservation, utilities, records management, archiving, corrections, etc.)
- 10: Language training
- 11: Other courses, workshops, seminars or training
- 12: None of the above
Workplace Learning (WPL) - Question identifier:WPL_Q04
Formal workplace learning
For what reason(s) did you take training?
Select all that apply.
- 01: It was mandatory for my job (e.g., required safety training or annual professional certification)
- 02: Personal interest
- 03: It will help me do my current job
- 04: It will help me achieve my career goals
- 05: My supervisor required me to take it
- 06: My supervisor encouraged me
- 07: Others encouraged me (e.g., co-workers, friends, family)
- 08: Offered under my department's Inuit Employment Plan
- 09: Other reason
Workplace Learning (WPL) - Question identifier:WPL_Q05
Formal workplace learning
Would you be interested in taking any of the following types of job-related training if you had the opportunity?
Select all that apply.
- 01: Computer skills (e.g., email, Word, Excel, maintenance and repair of hardware, etc.)
- 02: Personal development (e.g., time management, stress management, work-life balance strategies, etc.)
- 03: Teamwork (e.g., group decision-making, team building, etc.)
- 04: Communication skills (e.g., briefing notes, oral presentations, etc.)
- 05: Job search skills (e.g., résumé writing, etc.)
- 06: Professional training (e.g., legal, finance, health care, etc.)
- 07: Management and leadership (e.g., human resources, financial, project management, etc.)
- 08: Training in Inuit culture, society and economy (other than language training)
- 09: Other job-specific skills (e.g., equipment, occupational health and safety, conservation, utilities, records management, archiving, corrections, etc.)
- 10: Language training
- 11: Other courses, workshops, seminars or training
- 12: Not interested in job-related training
Workplace Learning (WPL) - Question identifier:WPL_Q06
Formal workplace learning
What language training would you be interested in taking?
Select all that apply.
- 1: Inuktitut
- 2: Inuinnaqtun
- 3: English
- 4: French
- 5: Other language(s)
Workplace Learning (WPL) - Question identifier:WPL_Q07
Informal workplace learning
In the past 12 months, have you done any of the following informal learning activities at work?
Select all that apply.
- 01: Received mentoring from a more senior employee or manager
- 02: Acting positions, transfer, assignments, secondments
- 03: Co-op or internship (e.g., Sivuliqtiksat Internship Program, etc.)
- 04: Attended conferences
- 05: Self-directed learning (e.g., reading, searching the Internet, learning by doing, learning by observing, etc.)
- 06: Working with others (e.g., teamwork, meetings, discussions, talking through challenges with co-workers and a manager)
- 07: Other method of learning
- 08: No informal learning activities in the past 12 months
Workplace Learning (WPL) - Question identifier:WPL_Q08
Informal workplace learning
In the next 12 months, would you like more opportunities to do any of the following informal learning activities at work?
Select all that apply.
- 01: Receive mentoring from a more senior employee or manager
- 02: Acting positions, transfer, assignments, secondments
- 03: Co-op or internship (e.g., Sivuliqtiksat Internship Program, etc.)
- 04: Attend conferences
- 05: Self-directed learning (e.g., reading, searching the Internet, learning by doing, learning by observing, etc.)
- 06: Working with others (e.g., teamwork, meetings, discussions, talking through challenges with co-workers and a manager)
- 07: Other method of learning
- 08: Would not like more opportunities in the next 12 months
Workplace Learning (WPL) - Question identifier:WPL_Q09
Barriers to education and workplace learning
In the past 12 months, did you experience any of the following difficulties accessing (more) education or training?
Select all that apply.
- 01: Didn't know what training or education was available
- 02: Available training or education did not suit my interests or needs
- 03: Lack of support from employer (e.g., cost, not permitted to do the training on work time, not related to job, etc.)
- 04: Training not offered by my department's Inuit Employment Plan
- 05: Lack of time due to work-related reasons
- 06: Lack of time due to family and personal reasons
- 07: Training or education not available in my community nor online (e.g., do not want to travel or move away, inconvenient, etc.)
- 08: Training or education not available in my language of choice
- 09: Didn't meet the program requirements or admission criteria
- 10: Wasn't comfortable taking training or education (e.g., lack confidence, bad previous experience in school or training, ilirasuk, etc.)
- 11: Other reason
- 12: Did not experience any difficulties
Workplace Learning (WPL) - Question identifier:WPL_Q10
Barriers to education and workplace learning
Would you be more likely to take job-related training if it was offered in Inuktitut or Inuinnaqtun?
- 1: Yes, I would be more likely
- 2: No, the language wouldn't make a difference
- 3: Not applicable, already offered in Inuktitut or Inuinnaqtun
Workplace Learning (WPL) - Question identifier:WPL_Q11
Your skills and strengths
What skills or other strengths do you consider to be your most valuable contribution to your workplace?
Long Answer Length = 500
Supervisor (SUP)
Supervisor (SUP) - Question identifier:SUP_Q01
Supervisor identification
Do you supervise any staff?
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
Supervisor (SUP) - Question identifier:SUP_Q02
Supervisor identification
Do you supervise any Inuit staff?
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
- 9: DK
Supervisor (SUP) - Question identifier:SUP_Q03
Supervisor support for Inuit employment
In the past 12 months, about how often have you mentored or discussed career advancement with your Inuit staff?
If you supervise more than one Inuit staff member, think of the average time spent per employee.
- 1: At least once a week
- 2: At least once a month
- 3: At least 3 or 4 times in the past 12 months
- 4: Once or twice in the past 12 months
- 5: Never
Supervisor (SUP) - Question identifier:SUP_Q04
Supervisor support for Inuit employment
In the past 12 months, which of the following learning activities have you encouraged, provided or supported for Inuit staff?
Select all that apply.
- 01: Learning through experiences in their family, community and on the land during work hours (e.g., raising children, family and community leadership, hunting, sewing, etc.)
- 02: Formal education (e.g., school, college, etc.)
- 03: Workplace learning (e.g., courses, seminars, conferences, workshops, etc.)
- 04: Mentoring (e.g., learning with a more senior employee or manager to gain new skills and knowledge)
- 05: Acting positions, transfer, assignments, secondments
- 06: Co-op, internship, apprenticeship (e.g., Sivuliqtiksat Internship Program, etc.)
- 07: Attending conferences
- 08: Self-directed learning (e.g., reading, searching the Internet, learning by doing, learning by observing, etc.)
- 09: Working with others (e.g., teamwork, meetings, discussions, talking through challenges with co-workers and a manager)
- 10: Other method of learning
- 11: No learning activities in the past 12 months
Inuit Employment Plan (IEP)
Inuit Employment Plan (IEP) - Question identifier:IEP_Q01
Inuit Employment Plan
Do you know that there is an Inuit employment plan for your department?
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
Inuit Employment Plan (IEP) - Question identifier:IEP_Q02
Inuit Employment Plan
Do you know the numerical target and time table for Inuit employment in your department?
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
Postings (POS)
Postings (POS) - Question identifier:POS_Q01
Creating job postings for government positions in Nunavut
Have you been involved in developing job postings for a government job in Nunavut in the past 5 years?
e.g., creating job descriptions, evaluating screening criteria, etc.
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
Postings (POS) - Question identifier:POS_Q02
Creating job postings for government positions in Nunavut
The last time you were involved in developing a job posting, were any of the following done to facilitate hiring of Inuit applicants?
Select all that apply.
- 01: Reserved the position for Inuit only
- 02: Considered job equivalencies
- 03: Job posting was translated into Inuktitut
- 04: Included flexible language requirements
- 05: Included flexible education requirements
- 06: Included flexible experience requirements
- 07: Advertised job ads on the radio and in the communities
- 08: Other efforts to facilitate hiring Inuit applicants
- 09: No specific efforts were made to facilitate hiring Inuit applicants
Hiring (HIR)
Hiring (HIR) - Question identifier:HIR_Q01
Hiring practices for government positions in Nunavut
In the past 5 years, have you been on a hiring selection panel or board for a [Government of Canada job in Nunavut/Government of Nunavut job]?
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
Hiring (HIR) - Question identifier:HIR_Q02
Hiring practices for government positions in Nunavut
Thinking about the last time you were on a selection panel or board, what type of job vacancy were you trying to fill?
If the selection panel or board was trying to fill multiple types of job vacancies, select one.
- 1: Executive (e.g., assistant deputy minister, president, vice president, etc.)
- 2: Senior management (e.g., director, superintendent of school, etc.)
- 3: Middle management (e.g., manager, warden, principal, etc.)
- 4: Professional (e.g., nurse, teacher, comptroller, etc.)
- 5: Paraprofessional (e.g., research officer, shipping receiver, junior policy analyst, etc.)
- 6: Administrative support (e.g., clerk, office manager, housekeeper, etc.)
- 7: Other type of job
Hiring (HIR) - Question identifier:HIR_Q03
Thinking about the last time you were on a selection panel or board, what type of job vacancy were you trying to fill?
If the selection panel or board was trying to fill multiple types of job vacancies, select one.
- 01: AS - Administrative Services
- 02: BI - Biological Sciences
- 03: CO - Commerce
- 04: CR - Clerical and Regulatory
- 05: CS - Computer Systems
- 06: EC - Economics and Social Science Services
- 07: EG - Engineering and Scientific Support
- 08: EL - Electronics
- 09: EN-SUR - Engineering and Land Survey
- 10: EX - Executive
- 11: FI - Financial Management
- 12: GL - General Labour and Trades
- 13: GS - General Services
- 14: GT - General Technical
- 15: IS - Information Services
- 16: LA - Law
- 17: LC - Law Management
- 18: NU-CHN - Community Health Nursing
- 19: PC - Physical Sciences
- 20: PE - Personnel Administration
- 21: PG - Purchasing and Supply
- 22: PM - Programme Administration
- 23: RO - Radio Operations
- 24: SE - Scientific Research
- 25: Other occupation group
Hiring (HIR) - Question identifier:HIR_Q04
Hiring practices for government positions in Nunavut
How many [job] vacancies were you trying to fill?
- 1: One
- 2: Two or more
- 9: DK
Hiring (HIR) - Question identifier:HIR_R05A
How important were the following factors in the hiring decision?
Hiring (HIR) - Question identifier:HIR_Q05A
Hiring practices for government positions in Nunavut
a. Knowledge of Inuit culture, society and economy
- 1: Very important
- 2: Somewhat important
- 3: Not very important
- 4: Not at all important
Hiring (HIR) - Question identifier:HIR_Q05B
Hiring practices for government positions in Nunavut
b. Knowledge of Nunavut's environment and land
- 1: Very important
- 2: Somewhat important
- 3: Not very important
- 4: Not at all important
Hiring (HIR) - Question identifier:HIR_Q05C
Hiring practices for government positions in Nunavut
c. Nunavut community experience
i.e., familiarity with people, practices and relationships in a Nunavut community
- 1: Very important
- 2: Somewhat important
- 3: Not very important
- 4: Not at all important
Hiring (HIR) - Question identifier:HIR_Q05D
Hiring practices for government positions in Nunavut
d. Knowledge of Nunavut's official languages
i.e., Inuktitut, Inuinnaqtun, English, French
- 1: Very important
- 2: Somewhat important
- 3: Not very important
- 4: Not at all important
Hiring (HIR) - Question identifier:HIR_Q05E
Hiring practices for government positions in Nunavut
e. Level of education or equivalencies
- 1: Very important
- 2: Somewhat important
- 3: Not very important
- 4: Not at all important
Hiring (HIR) - Question identifier:HIR_Q05F
Hiring practices for government positions in Nunavut
f. Work experience
- 1: Very important
- 2: Somewhat important
- 3: Not very important
- 4: Not at all important
Hiring (HIR) - Question identifier:HIR_Q06
Hiring practices for government positions in Nunavut
When you were on this selection panel or board for the [job] [vacancy/vacancies], were there any Inuit who applied?
- 1: Yes, there was one only
- 2: Yes, there were two or more
- 3: No, there were no Inuit applicants
- 9: DK
Hiring (HIR) - Question identifier:HIR_Q07
Hiring practices for government positions in Nunavut
Were any of the following done to facilitate the hiring of Inuit?
Select all that apply.
- 1: Used a variety of testing procedures (e.g., oral test in place of written test, allow additional time for test, etc.)
- 2: Used prior learning assessment
- 3: Recognized life experience and equivalencies
- 4: Other effort to facilitate the hiring of Inuit
- 5: Nothing was done to facilitate the hiring of Inuit
Hiring (HIR) - Question identifier:HIR_Q08
Hiring practices for government positions in Nunavut
Was the candidate who was hired Inuk?
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
- 3: No candidate was hired
- 9: DK
Hiring (HIR) - Question identifier:HIR_Q09
Hiring practices for government positions in Nunavut
Were the candidates who were hired Inuit?
- 1: Yes, all of them were
- 2: Yes, some of them were
- 3: No, none of them were
- 4: No candidates were hired
- 9: DK
Hiring (HIR) - Question identifier:HIR_Q10
Hiring practices for government positions in Nunavut
Were there any Inuit who applied but were not hired?
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
- 9: DK
Hiring (HIR) - Question identifier:HIR_Q11
Hiring practices for government positions in Nunavut
What prevented the [Inuk candidate/Inuit candidates] from being hired?
Select all that apply.
- 01: Insufficient level of education or equivalencies
- 02: Insufficient work experience
- 03: Insufficient technical skills (i.e., Trades, Accounting, Engineering, etc.)
- 04: Insufficient fluency in Nunavut's official languages
- 05: Insufficient information provided in job application (e.g., detailed résumé, etc.)
- 06: Equivalencies were not considered
- 07: Candidate(s) had a criminal record
- 08: Candidate(s) did not want job
- 09: Other reason
Job Vacancies (JOB)
Job Vacancies (JOB) - Question identifier:JOB_Q01
Filling job vacancies for government positions in Nunavut
In the past 12 months have you been involved in filling job vacancies for a [Government of Canada job in Nunavut/Government of Nunavut job]?
e.g., human resources, hiring selection panel
Include the current month.
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
Job Vacancies (JOB) - Question identifier:JOB_Q02
Filling job vacancies for government positions in Nunavut
Have you experienced any difficulties filling job vacancies?
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
Job Vacancies (JOB) - Question identifier:JOB_Q03
Filling job vacancies for government positions in Nunavut
In your experience, which vacancies are hard to fill?
Select all that apply.
- 1: Executive (e.g., assistant deputy minister, president, vice president, etc.)
- 2: Senior management (e.g., director, superintendent of schools, etc.)
- 3: Middle management (e.g., manager, warden, principal, etc.)
- 4: Professional (e.g., nurse, teacher, comptroller, etc.)
- 5: Paraprofessional (e.g., research officer, shipping receiver, junior policy analyst, etc.)
- 6: Administrative support (e.g., clerk, office manager, housekeeper, etc.)
- 7: Other vacancy
Job Vacancies (JOB) - Question identifier:JOB_Q04
Filling job vacancies for government positions in Nunavut
In your experience, which vacancies are hard to fill?
Select all that apply.
- 01: AS - Administrative Services
- 02: BI - Biological Sciences
- 03: CO - Commerce
- 04: CR - Clerical and Regulatory
- 05: CS - Computer Systems
- 06: EC - Economics and Social Science Services
- 07: EG - Engineering and Scientific Support
- 08: EL - Electronics
- 09: EN-SUR - Engineering and Land Survey
- 10: EX - Executive
- 11: FI - Financial Management
- 12: GL - General Labour and Trades
- 13: GS - General Services
- 14: GT - General Technical
- 15: IS - Information Services
- 16: LA - Law
- 17: LC - Law Management
- 18: NU-CHN - Community Health Nursing
- 19: PC - Physical Sciences
- 20: PE - Personnel Administration
- 21: PG - Purchasing and Supply
- 22: PM - Programme Administration
- 23: RO - Radio Operations
- 24: SE - Scientific Research
- 25: Other occupation group
Job Vacancies (JOB) - Question identifier:JOB_Q05
Filling job vacancies for government positions in Nunavut
In your experience, what are the difficulties in filling vacancies?
Select all that apply.
- 01: Too few applicants
- 02: Applicants have inadequate level of education or equivalencies
- 03: Applicants have inadequate work experience
- 04: Applicants decline the job offer
- 05: Not enough funding
- 06: Not enough indeterminate (i.e., permanent) vacancies
- 07: Lack of housing allowance
- 08: Lack of staff housing
- 09: Wages are not competitive
- 10: Education or experience criteria too strict
- 11: Testing procedures screen out individuals who could have done the job
- 12: I am not supported by my supervisor or department
- 13: Hiring process too long or complex
- 14: Other difficulties
Job Vacancies (JOB) - Question identifier:JOB_Q06
Filling job vacancies for government positions in Nunavut
How have you tried to fill vacancies?
Select all that apply.
- 01: Training, mentorship, apprenticeship, internships
- 02: Personal contacts, referrals, informal networks
- 03: Online job boards and social media
- 04: Partnering with universities, colleges and high schools to hire Inuit students
- 05: Government employment centre or website
- 06: Professional networking, headhunters or employment agency
- 07: Newspaper, TV, radio ads
- 08: Advertise at community events
- 09: Identifying and recruiting possible candidates in the communities
- 10: Working with an Inuit Employment Advisor
- 11: Other efforts
- 12: No efforts
Employment Barriers (EMB)
Employment Barriers (EMB) - Question identifier:EMB_R01B
In your opinion, what are the 3 most important reasons why there are not more Inuit employees in the government?
Employment Barriers (EMB) - Question identifier:EMB_Q01A
Employment barriers
Long Answer Length = 500
Employment Barriers (EMB) - Question identifier:EMB_Q01B
Employment barriers
- 1: No opinion
Employment Barriers (EMB) - Question identifier:EMB_Q02
Employment barriers
In your opinion, what are the 3 best solutions to increase the number of Inuit employees in the government?
Select a maximum of 3 solutions.
- 01: Increase education or pre-employment training opportunities
- 02: Increase on-the-job training opportunities
- 03: Increase apprenticeships, mentorships and internships
- 04: Provide government jobs in more communities
- 05: Encourage youth to pursue further education
- 06: Promote the benefits of working for the government
- 07: Ensure equivalencies are considered
- 08: Ensure childcare is available
- 09: Ensure staff housing is available
- 10: Ensure adequate housing allowance
- 11: Ensure a culturally inclusive and respectful work environment
- 12: Have flexible work schedules to allow time for cultural activities (e.g., hunting, harvesting, etc.)
- 13: Promote the use of Inuit languages at work
- 14: Other solution to increase the number of Inuit employees in the government - specify
- 15: No opinion
Data Sharing Agreement (DSA)
Data Sharing Agreement (DSA) - Question identifier:DSA_R01B
Statistics Canada has signed an agreement with Nunavut Tunngavik Incorporated (NTI) and the Nunavut Bureau of Statistics (NBS) to share the information that you provided on this survey. Personal identifiers such as your name will not be provided to NTI or the NBS. NTI and the NBS have agreed to keep your information confidential and use it only for statistical purposes.
Data Sharing Agreement (DSA) - Question identifier:DSA_Q01
Data sharing agreement
Do you agree to share your information with NTI and the NBS?
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
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