Canadian Defence, Aerospace, Marine and Cybersecurity Industries Survey, 2024

For Information onlyThis is an electronic survey example for information purposes only. This is not a working questionnaire.


Statistics Canada is conduction a survey in collaboration with Industry Canada to produce statistical information on goods and services, sales, exports, innovation, skills and business practices among firms engaged in defence, aerospace, and commercial and civil marine sectors in Canada. The data will be used to better understand the characteristics of businesses engaged in these activities, as well as to develop policies and programs to help them. In addition, the data will be used to support the implementation of a federal Defence Procurement Strategy. The information may also be used by Statistics Canada for other statistical and research purposes.


This information is collected under the authority of the Statistics Act, Revised Statutes of Canada, 1985, Chapter S-19. COMPLETION OF THIS QUESTIONNAIRE IS A LEGAL REQUIREMENT UNDER THIS ACT.


The Statistics Act protects the confidentiality of information collected by Statistics Canada. Statistics Canada is prohibited by law from releasing any information it collects that could identify any person, business or organization, unless consent has been given by the respondent or as permitted by the Statistics Act. Statistics Canada will use the information from this survey for statistical and research purposes.

Record linkages

To enhance the data from this survey, Statistics Canada may combine them with information from other surveys or from administrative sources.

Reporting instructions

• Report in Canadian dollars.
• Report dollar amounts rounded to the nearest dollar.
• Exclude sales tax.
• Percentages should be rounded to whole numbers.
• When precise figures are not available, provide your best estimates.
• Enter '0' if there is no value to report.

Reporting period information and business information

Reporting period information and business information - Question identifier:1

For this survey, report information for this business's most recent 12 month fiscal period.
Note: For this survey, the end date should fall between April 1, 2024 and March 31, 2025.
Please complete this survey for the fiscal period reported below.

  • : Start date YYYY-MM-DD End date YYYY-MM-DD

Reporting period information and business information - Question identifier:2

In what country was the parent company located?
Note: Press the help button (?) for additional information.

  • 1: Canada
  • 2: United States
  • 3: Other country
    - Specify other country
  • 4: No parent company

Reporting period information and business information - Question identifier:3

Did this business have subsidiaries in other countries?
Note: Press the help button (?) for additional information.

  • 1: Yes
  • 2: No

Total business sales

Total business sales - Question identifier:4

In 2024, what was the total dollar value of this business's sales of goods and services from its Canadian operations?
Include total domestic sales and total export sales.

  • : Rounded to the nearest CAN$

Domestic sales

Domestic sales - Question identifier:5

What were this business's total domestic sales of goods and services from its Canadian operations?
Domestic sales are sales to clients and customers located in Canada

  • : Rounded to the nearest CAN$

Domestic sales - Question identifier:6

How were those domestic sales distributed amongst the categories listed below?

  • a: Percentage of sales to Canadian federal government
  • b: Percentage of sales to non-government entities in Canadian defence, aerospace, commercial and civil marine, or cybersecurity industries
    Include subcontracts.
  • c: Percentage of sales to other Canadian customers
  • : Total: 100%

Export sales

Export sales - Question identifier:7

What were this business's total export sales of goods and services from its Canadian operations?

  • : Rounded to the nearest CAN$

Export sales - Question identifier:8

What were this business's total export sales of goods and services to the U.S. from its Canadian operations?

  • : Rounded to the nearest CAN$

Export sales - Question identifier:9

How were the total export sales to the U.S. distributed amongst the categories listed below?

  • a: Percentage of export sales to U.S. federal government
  • b: Percentage of export sales to non-government entities in U.S. defence, aerospace, commercial and civil marine, or cybersecurity industries
    Include subcontracts.
  • c: Percentage of export sales to other U.S. customers
  • : Total: 100%

Export sales - Question identifier:10

What were this business's total export sales of goods and services from its Canadian operations to the regions listed below?
Note: Press the help button (?) for additional information.

  • a: Central America, the Caribbean, Mexico and South America
  • b: United Kingdom
  • c: Europe other than United Kingdom
    Include Eastern and Western Europe.
  • d: Australia
  • e: New Zealand
  • f: Asia & Oceania
    Exclude Australia and New Zealand.
  • g: Middle East and Africa
  • : Total sales (rounded to the nearest CAN$)

Cybersecurity sales

Cybersecurity sales - Question identifier:11

What were this business's total sales of cybersecurity goods and services from its Canadian operations?
These categories cover many different industries. Some categories may not apply to your business.
Report "0" for those categories where your business had no sales.
Note: Press the help button (?) for additional information.

  • : Total sales (rounded to the nearest CAN$)
    :Percentage of total sales relating to systems restricted to militaries, law enforcement, intelligence or other national security agencies
  • a: Compliance audits & program development, strategy development, and related risk management and consulting services
  • b: Industrial control systems (ICS); supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA) and operation technology (OT) related cybersecurity
  • c: Encryption
  • d: Cybersecurity infrastructure services and solutions for the ongoing protection of networks and data
    e.g., firewalls, email gateways, end point security, runtime application self-protection, authentication systems, and intrusion detection & prevention systems
  • e: Penetration testing and associated vulnerability & threat assessments, cyberspace threat monitoring, detection, intelligence services, and active cyber defence measures
  • f: Forensics and the investigation of, and response to, cyber-attacks or other cyber incidents and intrusions
  • g: Cybersecurity training
  • h: Cybersecurity solutions based on a single package of services, software or hardware — and involving elements of several of the preceding cybersecurity categories.
    Note: Sales that can be broken down according to the other individual cybersecurity goods and services categories should be reported under those specified categories instead and should not be reported under this category.
  • i: All other cybersecurity related goods & services - Specify all other cybersecurity sales
  • : Total cybersecurity sales (rounded to the nearest CAN$)

Cybersecurity sales - Question identifier:12

What elements were included in the previously reported cybersecurity solution packages provided by this business?
The previously reported cybersecurity packages is based on your response to Question 11, response category h.
Note: Press the help button (?) for additional information.

  • : Yes
  • : No
  • a: Compliance audits & program development, strategy development, and related risk management and consulting services
  • b: Industrial control systems (ICS); supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA) and operation technology (OT) related cybersecurity
  • c: Encryption
  • d: Cybersecurity infrastructure services and solutions for the ongoing protection of networks and data
    - e.g., firewalls, email gateways, end point security, runtime application self-protection, authentication systems, and intrusion detection & prevention systems
  • e: Penetration testing and associated vulnerability & threat assessments, cyberspace threat monitoring, detection, intelligence services, and active cyber defence measures
  • f: Forensics and the investigation of, and response to, cyber attacks or other cyber incidents and intrusions
  • g: Cybersecurity training
  • h: Other cybersecurity related goods & services

Defence sales

Defence sales - Question identifier:13

What were this business's total sales of defence goods and services from its Canadian operations?
These categories cover many different industries. Some categories may not apply to your business.
Report "0" for those categories where your business had no sales.
Note: Press the help button (?) for additional information.

  • a: Ammunition and other munitions
  • b: Missiles and rockets
  • c: Firearms and other weapons
  • d: Military systems deployed in space, space launch vehicles, land-based systems for the operation, command and control of space launch vehicles or systems deployed in space and related components
  • e: Primarily airborne electro-optical, radar, sonar and other sensor or information collection systems; fire control, warning and countermeasures systems and related components
  • f: Primarily land-based, ground vehicle-borne, man-portable or non-platform specific electro-optical, radar, sonar and other sensor or information collection systems; fire control, warning and countermeasures systems and related components
  • g: Primarily airborne communications and navigation systems and other information systems (including processing and dissemination), software, electronics and components
  • h: Primarily land-based, ground vehicle-borne, man-portable or non-platform specific communications and navigation systems and other information systems (including processing and dissemination), software, electronics and components
  • i: Naval ship-borne mission systems and components
  • j: Naval ships' structural elements, platform systems, parts and components
    Exclude ship-borne naval mission systems.
  • k: Naval vessel architecture, engineering, certification and related professional services
  • l: New naval vessels constructed by shipyards, and naval conversions
    - Inclure seulement les ventes de ce type réalisées par les chantiers navals.
    - Exclure les ventes de systèmes de mission à bord des navires militaires et d'autres systèmes de plateforme, de sous-systèmes, d'éléments structurels et de pièces à intégrer aux navires militaires.
  • m: Naval ship maintenance, repair, overhaul, modernization or upgrade services
    - Exclude sales of naval-ship-borne mission systems, and other platform systems and parts to be incorporated into naval vessels.
  • n: Combat and other military ground vehicles and components
    - Exclude sales to militaries of consumer, commercial or industrial vehicles
  • o: Combat and other military ground vehicles maintenance, repair, overhaul, modernization and upgrade services
    - Exclude similar services for consumer, commercial or industrial vehicles operated by militaries; as well as sales of mission systems, and other platform systems and parts for military vehicles.
  • p: Aircraft fabrication, structures and components
  • q: Military aircraft maintenance, repair, overhaul, modernization or upgrade services
    - Exclude sales of aircraft (re)fueling services, aircraft cleaning, and fumigation services at airports; air-borne mission systems, and other platform systems and parts.
  • r: Unmanned aerial systems, vehicles and components
  • s: Simulation systems for aircraft
  • t: Simulation systems for naval vessels
  • u: Simulation systems for land vehicles or other applications
  • v: Military training services
  • w: Military personal protective equipment, load carriage systems and operational clothing
  • x: All other defence - Specify all other defence sales
    - Include only other sales relating to systems and/or services specifically designed or adapted for (and generally restricted to) use by militaries to conduct military operations, which perform military functions or missions - but which could not be reported under preceding sales categories.
    Note: Press the help button (?) for additional information.
  • : Total defence sales (rounded to the nearest CAN$)

Defence sales - Question identifier:14

What percentage of each category of defence sales were from the delivery of fully completed final goods that were in a state such that they could be used as is for a military function?
Include delivery of fully completed final goods that were in a state such that they could be used as is for a military function such as the following:
- military platforms (e.g., a manned or unmanned aircraft, a ground vehicle, a surface and sub-surface marine vessel, or a space satellite)
- military personal equipment and other portable, mobile items (e.g., a firearm, artillery, operational clothing, footwear, a helmet, protective eyewear, a man-portable radio, a positioning and navigation aid, a night-vision sight, a laser designator, a man-portable anti-tank system, or a mobile radar)
- expendable military items (e.g., ammunition rounds, cartridges, a missile or rocket, a grenade, a torpedo, artillery and tank shells, flares, a smoke canister or a sonobuoy).
Exclude sales of incomplete versions of such products; as well as of intermediate goods like systems, subsystems, parts, components and materials that ultimately become part of other goods like final goods.
If precise figures are not available, provide your best estimate.
Note: Press the help button (?) for additional information.

  • : Percentage
  • a: Ammunition and other munitions
  • b: Missiles and rockets
  • c: Firearms and other weapons
  • d: Military systems deployed in space, space launch vehicles, land-based systems for the operation, command and control of space launch vehicles or systems deployed in space and related components
  • e: Primarily airborne electro-optical, radar, sonar and other sensor or information collection systems; fire control, warning and countermeasures systems and related components
  • f: Primarily land-based, ground vehicle-borne, man-portable or non-platform specific electro-optical, radar, sonar and other sensor or information collection systems; fire control, warning and countermeasures systems and related components
  • g: Primarily land-based, ground vehicle-borne, man-portable or non-platform specific communications and navigation systems and other information systems (including processing and dissemination), software, electronics and components
  • h: New naval vessels constructed by shipyards, and naval conversions
    - Include only such sales by shipyards and boatyards.
    - Exclude sales of naval ship-borne mission systems, and other platform systems, subsystems, structural elements and parts to be incorporated into naval vessels.
  • i: Combat and other military ground vehicles and components
    - Exclude sales to militaries of consumer, commercial or industrial vehicles
  • j: Aircraft fabrication, structures and components
  • k: Unmanned aerial systems, vehicles and components
  • l: Simulation systems for aircraft
  • m: Simulation systems for naval vessels
  • n: Simulation systems for land vehicles or other applications
  • o: Military personal protective equipment, load carriage systems and operational clothing
  • p: All other defence - Specify all other defence sales
    Include only other sales relating to systems and/or services specifically designed or adapted for (and generally restricted to) use by militaries to conduct military operations, which perform military functions or missions - but which could not be reported under preceding sales categories.
    Note: Press the help button (?) for additional information.

Civil aerospace sales

Civil aerospace sales - Question identifier:15

What were this business's total sales of civil aerospace goods and services from its Canadian operations?
These categories cover many different industries. Some categories may not apply to your business.
Report "0" for those categories where your business had no sales.
Note: Press the help button (?) for additional information.

  • a: Aircraft (fixed-wing, tilt, and rotorcraft)
  • b: Aircraft structures and components
  • c: Unmanned aerial systems and vehicles (UAS/V)
  • d: Landing gear systems and components
  • e: Aircraft propulsion systems and components
  • f: Airborne avionics and electronics systems and components
  • g: Simulation equipment systems and components
  • h: Maintenance, repair, overhaul, modernization or upgrade services
    - Exclude maintenance, repair and overhaul activities carried out by airlines or aircraft operators for their own aircraft.
    - Exclude sales from the provision of aircraft fuelling and refuelling services, aircraft cleaning, and fumigation services at airports; avionics; and other platform systems and parts.
  • i: Commercial systems deployed in space, space launch vehicles, land-based systems for the operation, command and control of space launch vehicles or systems deployed in space and related components
  • j: Government non-military systems deployed in space, space launch vehicles, land-based systems for the operation, command and control of space launch vehicles or systems deployed in space and related components
  • k: All other civil aerospace - Specify all other sales
    - Exclude sales from the provision of chartered flight services; aircraft leasing services; aircraft (re)fueling services; aircraft cleaning and fumigation services at airports; hangar rentals; airport baggage & cargo handling, air traffic control services, runway maintenance services and the construction or maintenance of airport facilities; paints, and other consumables such as aviation fuel and lubricants.
  • : Total civil aerospace sales (rounded to the nearest CAN$)

Commercial and civil marine sales

Commercial and civil marine sales - Question identifier:16

What were this business's total sales of commercial and civil marine goods and services from its Canadian operations?
These categories cover many different industries. Some categories may not apply to your business.
Report "0" for those categories where your business had no sales.
Note: Press the help button (?) for additional information.

  • a: New civil and commercial ship construction by shipyards, and conversions by shipyards
    - Include only such sales by shipyards and boatyards.
    - Exclude sales of ship-borne sensors, electronics, and other platform systems and parts to be incorporated into vessels.
  • b: Ship propulsion systems, electrical power systems and related components
  • c: Ships' Structural Elements and Platform Systems
    - Exclude Propulsion and Electrical Power Systems
  • d: Ship-borne software, sensors, electronics, navigation systems, and equipment control systems and components
  • e: Ship maintenance, repair, overhaul, modernization or upgrade services
    - Exclude sales of ship-borne mission systems (e.g., navigation and communications systems, software, other electronics) and other platform systems and parts to be incorporated into vessels.
  • f: Ship design, engineering and related professional services
  • g: Offshore oil and gas structures and components
  • h: Marine sciences and ocean technology
    Include other acoustic, radar, sonar, communication, surveying, mapping, imaging and geomatics equipment, components and services.
  • i: Unmanned marine vehicles, manned sub-surface vehicles and marine robotics and components
  • j: All other commercial and civil marine products and services not otherwise captured in the above categories - Specify all other sales
    - Exclude sales from transporting people or cargo, towing marine vessels, or leasing ships to others; telecommunication services provided to vessel operators; docking or harbour services; fuels and fuel delivery; port or harbour infrastructure construction or maintenance; and financial or insurance services for marine vessels and operators; and personal pleasure craft manufacturing.
  • : Total commercial and civil marine sales (rounded to the nearest CAN$)

Other sales

Other sales - Question identifier:17

Did this business have any other sales of goods and services, not previously reported, from its Canadian operations?
Exclude defence, aerospace, commercial and civil marine, and cybersecurity industry sales reported in previous questions.

  • 1: Yes
    What was the value of the other sales of goods and services?
    Rounded to the nearest CAN$
    What were the other goods and services?
    Specify other sales
  • 2: No

Total business sales summary

Total business sales summary - Question identifier:18

This is a summary of your total sales of goods and services from the business's Canadian operations for each of the following industries.
Note: Changes cannot be made to this page.
Please review the values. If changes need to be made, press the "Previous" button at the bottom of the page to navigate to the previous pages.

  • : Class of goods and services
  • a: Cybersecurity
  • b: Defence
  • c: Civil aerospace
  • d: Commercial and civil marine
  • e: All other sales
  • : Total sales of goods and services (rounded to the nearest CAN$)

Total business expenses

Total business expenses - Question identifier:19

What were this business's total expenses for the following items?
Note: Press the help button (?) for additional information.

  • a: Total purchases
    - Include raw materials, goods purchased for resale and non-returnable containers.
    - Exclude change in inventories.
  • b: Employment costs and expenses for the business' own employees
    - Include salaries, wages, commissions and employee benefits for all employees who were issued a T4.
    - Exclude sub-contractors and temporary workers (report costs and expenses below in 'Costs and expenses for outside sub-contracted workers and temporary workers paid through an agency').
  • c: Costs and expenses for outside sub-contracted workers and temporary workers paid through an agency
  • d: Training expenses
  • e: All other costs and expenses
  • : Total: Total expenses (rounded to the nearest CAN$)


Purchases - Question identifier:20

How were the total purchases distributed amongst the categories listed below?

  • a: Percentage of purchases from domestic companies or distributors
    Domestic includes purchases from companies or distributors located in Canada.
  • b: Percentage of purchases from U.S. companies or distributors
  • c: Percentage of purchases from other foreign companies or distributors
  • : Total: 100%


Employment - Question identifier:21

On the last day of this business's fiscal year, how many male and female employees did this business have in each of the following groups? Include all employees who received a T4. Exclude contract workers and other personnel who were not issued a T4. Report "0" for no employees.

  • a: Engineers, Scientists and Researchers
  • b: Technicians and Technologists
  • c: Production Workers
  • d: All Other Employees
    - Include management, administration, and marketing.
  • : Total Employees: Total number of employees

Employment - Question identifier:22

On the last day of this business's fiscal year, how many male and female employees did this business have in each of the following groups?
Include all employees who received a T4.
Exclude contract workers and other personnel who were not issued a T4.
Report "0" for no employees.
Note: Press the help button (?) for additional information.

  • a: Engineers, scientists and researchers
  • b: Technicians and technologists
  • c: Production workers
  • d: All other employees
    Include management, administration and marketing.
  • : Total employees: Number of male employees
  • : Total employees: Number of female employees
  • : Total employees: Total number of employees

Employment - Question identifier:23

On the last day of this business's fiscal year, report the percentage distribution of the primary location of work for employees in each province or territory.

  • a: Newfoundland & Labrador
  • b: Prince Edward Island
  • c: Nova Scotia
  • d: New Brunswick
  • e: Quebec
  • f: Ontario
  • g: Manitoba
  • h: Saskatchewan
  • i: Alberta
  • j: British Columbia
  • k: Northwest Territories & Yukon
  • l: Nunavut
  • Canada: 100%

Machinery and equipment

Machinery and equipment - Question identifier:24

Did this business have machinery, computer equipment or other equipment expenditures?
Include gross expenditures on machinery and equipment, both new and used, which normally have a life of more than one year and are charged to fixed assets accounts, whether for your own use or for lease or rent to others.
Note: Press the help button (?) for additional information.

  • 1: Yes
  • 2: No

Machinery and equipment - Question identifier:25

How much did this business spend on machinery, computer equipment and other equipment?
Include gross expenditures on machinery and equipment, both new and used, which normally have a life of more than one year and are charged to fixed assets accounts, whether for your own use or for lease or rent to others.
Note: Press the help button (?) for additional information.

  • a: Expenditures on machinery and equipment in domestic facilities
    Domestic includes facilities located in Canada.
  • b: Expenditures on machinery and equipment in foreign facilities
  • : Total expenditures (rounded to the nearest CAN$)

In-house research and development (R&D)

In-house research and development (R&D) - Question identifier:26

Did this business have in-house R&D expenditures?
Include all R&D funded by this business or by other sources.
Exclude payments for outsourced (contracted out) R&D.

Research and development (R&D) is systematic investigation carried out by means of experiment or analysis to achieve a scientific or technological advance.

Research is original investigation undertaken on a systematic basis to gain new knowledge.

Development is systematic work, drawing on existing knowledge gained from research or practical experience, which is directed to producing new materials, products or devices, to installing new processes, systems and services, or to improving substantially those already produced or installed.

  • 1: Yes
  • 2: No

In-house research and development (R&D) - Question identifier:27

What were the in-house R&D expenditures in Canada of this business?
Include all R&D funded by this business or by other sources.
Exclude payments for outsourced R&D, i.e., contracted out.

  • : Rounded to the nearest CAN$

In-house research and development (R&D) - Question identifier:28

How were this business's in-house R&D expenditures in Canada distributed by nature of R&D?
Note: Press the help button (?) for additional information.

  • a: Basic research
  • b: Applied research
  • c: Experimental development
  • : Total: Percentage (share of R&D)

In-house research and development (R&D) - Question identifier:29

What were the sources of funds for this business's total expenditures for in-house R&D?
- all R&D funded by this business or by other sources
- Canadian and foreign sources.
- payments for outsourced R&D, i.e., contracted out
- capital depreciation.

  • a: Funds from this business
    Include interest payments and other incomes, funds or tax credits from tax incentives.
  • b: Funds from parent, affiliated and subsidiary companies
  • c: Federal or provincial grants
    Include R&D grants or R&D portion only of other grants.
  • d: Federal or provincial contracts
    Include R&D contracts or R&D portion only of other contracts.
  • e: R&D contract work for other companies
  • f: R&D contract work for private non-profit organizations
  • g: Other sources
    e.g., universities, foreign governments, individuals
  • : Total expenditures for in-house R&D (rounded to the nearest CAN$)

Output capacity

Output capacity - Question identifier:30

For the fiscal year covered under this survey, this business' operations in Canada operated at what percentage of output capacity?
Output capacity is defined as the maximum total market value of products or services that this business' operations in Canada could reasonably have been able to produce or provide or sell over the year, had it been operating at full capability over the year, under realistic labour and operating conditions, utilizing the facilities, machinery and equipment already in place. If your business operations in Canada produce or provide or sell a mix of products or services, then 'output capacity' should reflect a mix which is most similar to the average composition of output for the fiscal year.


Output capacity - Question identifier:31

What were the reasons that this business operated at less than 100% of its output capacity? Select all that apply.

  • 1: Insufficient orders
  • 1: Strike or work stoppage
  • 1: Insufficient labour
  • 1: Lack of materials or supplies
  • 1: Financial constraints
  • 1: Environmental restrictions
  • 1: Equipment failure
  • 1: Sufficient inventory
  • 1: Storage limitation
  • 1: Seasonal operations
  • 1: Quality issues
  • 1: Temporary plant shutdown
  • 1: Other
    - Other specify

Output capacity - Question identifier:32

What was the value of this business's inventory at the beginning and the end of the reporting period?
Note: Press the help button (?) for additional information.

  • a: Raw materials and components
    - Include non-returnable containers and other shipping and packaging materials.
  • b: Goods and work in process
  • c: Finished Goods Manufactured
  • d: Goods purchased for resale, as is
  • e: Other inventories
    - Please specify
  • : Total inventories
    - Sum of questions a. to e.
    Opening CAN $: Closing CAN$

Business structure and executive demographics

Business structure and executive demographics - Question identifier:33

Is this a publicly owned business?
A publicly owned business is when ownership is dispersed among the general public in shares of stock which are freely traded on a stock exchange or in over-the-counter markets.

  • 1: Yes
  • 2: No
  • 3: Don't know
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