Survey of Safety in Public and Private Spaces
For Information onlyThis is an electronic survey example for information purposes only. This is not a working questionnaire.
Table of Contents
- Demographic information (RRS)
- Demographic information (RRS3)
- Demographic information (RSR2)
- Demographic information (GDR)
- Demographic information (AGE)
- Demographic information (SOR)
- Demographic information (MS)
- Demographic information (PMC)
- Perceptions (PA)
- Employment and education (LMAM)
- Employment and education (MA)
- Employment and education (LMC)
- Employment and education (LMA3)
- Employment and education (LMA4)
- Employment and education (LMA5)
- Employment and education (LMA6)
- Employment and education (RHW)
- Employment and education (UWS)
- Employment and education (TOE)
- Employment and education (GWC)
- Employment and education (AAW)
- Employment and education (EDB)
- Employment and education (GCM)
- Employment and education (ED)
- Employment and education (AAS)
- Employment and education (WSS)
- Sexualized behaviours witnessed (BWR)
- Sexualized behaviours experienced (SBE)
- Bystanders present (BRE)
- Behaviours experienced at work (BEW)
- Behaviours experienced at school (BES)
- Behaviours experienced in public (BEP)
- Behaviours experienced online (BEO)
- Physical and sexual assault (PSA)
- Stalking, criminal harassment (SCH)
- Sexual assault at work (SAW)
- Sexual assault at school (SAS)
- Sexual assault in a public or private space (SAP)
- Most serious incident of [sexual / physical and sexual] assault (SAD)
- Most serious incident of [sexual / physical and sexual] assault (SAD3)
- Most serious incident of physical assault (PAD)
- Most serious incident of physical assault (PAD3)
- Experiences in intimate partner relationships (IPV)
- Experiences in intimate partner relationships (LTV)
- Experiences in intimate partner relationships (IPD)
- Experiences in intimate partner relationships (IPD3)
- Lifetime experiences (HOM)
- Health and well-being (GEN)
- Health and well-being (SHR)
- Health and well-being (LSM)
- Long term conditions (LTC)
- Place of birth, immigration and citizenship (IM)
- Indigenous identity (ABM)
- Sociodemographic characteristics (PG)
- Religion (REL)
- Language (LAN)
Demographic information (RRS)
Demographic information (RRS) - Question identifier:RRS_R01
The next few questions ask for important information about the people in your household.
Demographic information (RRS) - Question identifier:RRS_Q12
Including yourself, how many persons are staying at this address?
Include all persons who have their main residence at this address, even if they are temporarily away.
Note: Press the help button (?) for additional information, including who to include and who not to include.
Number of persons
- 01: 1
- 02: 2
- 03: 3
- 04: 4
- 05: 5
- 06: 6
- 07: 7
- 08: 8
- 09: 9
- 10: 10
- 11: 11
- 12: 12
- 13: 13
- 14: 14
- 15: 15
- 16: 16
- 17: 17
- 18: 18
- 19: 19
- 20: 20
Demographic information (RRS3)
Demographic information (RRS3) - Question identifier:RRS3_Q15A
[Please provide your first name, last name, and age. / Beginning with yourself, please provide the first name, last name, and age of all the people usually living at this address.]
First name
Long Answer Length = 25
Demographic information (RRS3) - Question identifier:RRS3_Q15B
[Please provide your first name, last name, and age. / Beginning with yourself, please provide the first name, last name, and age of all the people usually living at this address.]
Last name
Long Answer Length = 30
Demographic information (RRS3) - Question identifier:RRS3_Q15C
[Please provide your first name, last name, and age. / Beginning with yourself, please provide the first name, last name, and age of all the people usually living at this address.]
Min = 0; Max = 999
Demographic information (RSR2)
Demographic information (RSR2) - Question identifier:RSR2_Q30
What is the relationship of the following [people / person] to you?
Note: Press the help button (?) for additional information.
This person is:
- 01: Your husband or wife
- 02: Your common-law partner
- 03: Your father or mother
- 04: Your son or daughter (birth, adopted or step)
- 05: Your brother or sister
- 06: Your foster father or mother
- 07: Your foster son or daughter
- 08: Your grandfather or grandmother
- 09: Your grandson or granddaughter
- 10: Your in-law
- 11: Other related
- 12: Unrelated
Demographic information (GDR)
Demographic information (GDR) - Question identifier:GDR_R05
The following questions are about sex at birth and gender.
Demographic information (GDR) - Question identifier:GDR_Q05
What was this person's sex at birth?
Sex refers to sex assigned at birth.
- 1: Male
- 2: Female
Demographic information (GDR) - Question identifier:GDR_Q10
What is this person's gender?
Gender refers to current gender which may be different from sex assigned at birth and may be different from what is indicated on legal documents.
- 1: Male
- 2: Female
- 3: Or please specify
Demographic information (AGE)
Demographic information (AGE) - Question identifier:AGE_Q01A
What is your date of birth?
Min = 1903; Max = 2024
Demographic information (AGE) - Question identifier:AGE_Q01B
What is your date of birth?
- 01: January
- 02: February
- 03: March
- 04: April
- 05: May
- 06: June
- 07: July
- 08: August
- 09: September
- 10: October
- 11: November
- 12: December
Demographic information (AGE) - Question identifier:AGE_Q01C
What is your date of birth?
- 01: 1
- 02: 2
- 03: 3
- 04: 4
- 05: 5
- 06: 6
- 07: 7
- 08: 8
- 09: 9
- 10: 10
- 11: 11
- 12: 12
- 13: 13
- 14: 14
- 15: 15
- 16: 16
- 17: 17
- 18: 18
- 19: 19
- 20: 20
- 21: 21
- 22: 22
- 23: 23
- 24: 24
- 25: 25
- 26: 26
- 27: 27
- 28: 28
- 29: 29
- 30: 30
- 31: 31
Demographic information (AGE) - Question identifier:AGE_Q02
What is your age?
Min = 0; Max = 999
Demographic information (SOR)
Demographic information (SOR) - Question identifier:SOR_Q01
What is your sexual orientation?
- 1: Heterosexual
- 2: Lesbian or gay
- 3: Bisexual
- 4: Or please specify
Demographic information (MS)
Demographic information (MS) - Question identifier:MS_Q01
What is your marital status?
- 1: Married (For Quebec residents only, select the 'Married' category if your marital status is 'civil union')
- 2: Living common law (Two people who live together as a couple but who are not legally married to each other.)
- 3: Never married (not living common law)
- 4: Separated (not living common law)
- 5: Divorced (not living common law)
- 6: Widowed (not living common law)
Demographic information (PMC)
Demographic information (PMC) - Question identifier:PMC_Q15
Have you ever been in an intimate partner relationship, including dating someone, being married, or living common-law?
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
Demographic information (PMC) - Question identifier:PMC_Q20
Have you had contact with any former dating partner, former spouse, or former common-law partner in the past 12 months?
Include all types of contact.
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
Perceptions (PA)
Perceptions (PA) - Question identifier:PA_R010A
The next statements are opinions that may be held by members of Canadian society when it comes to gender roles for women and men and violence in relationships.
Perceptions (PA) - Question identifier:PA_Q010
Indicate if you strongly agree, agree, neither agree nor disagree, disagree, or strongly disagree with each of the following statements. Remember that these are personal opinions and there are no right or wrong answers.
People should be able to express their gender however they choose
- 1: Strongly agree
- 2: Agree
- 3: Neither agree nor disagree
- 4: Disagree
- 5: Strongly disagree
Perceptions (PA) - Question identifier:PA_Q020
Indicate if you strongly agree, agree, neither agree nor disagree, disagree, or strongly disagree with each of the following statements. Remember that these are personal opinions and there are no right or wrong answers.
There are significant obstacles that make it harder for women to get ahead than men
- 1: Strongly agree
- 2: Agree
- 3: Neither agree nor disagree
- 4: Disagree
- 5: Strongly disagree
Perceptions (PA) - Question identifier:PA_Q030
Indicate if you strongly agree, agree, neither agree nor disagree, disagree, or strongly disagree with each of the following statements. Remember that these are personal opinions and there are no right or wrong answers.
People who report sexual assault are almost always telling the truth
- 1: Strongly agree
- 2: Agree
- 3: Neither agree nor disagree
- 4: Disagree
- 5: Strongly disagree
Perceptions (PA) - Question identifier:PA_Q040
Indicate if you strongly agree, agree, neither agree nor disagree, disagree, or strongly disagree with each of the following statements. Remember that these are personal opinions and there are no right or wrong answers.
Violence between partners can be excused if people get so angry they lose control
- 1: Strongly agree
- 2: Agree
- 3: Neither agree nor disagree
- 4: Disagree
- 5: Strongly disagree
Perceptions (PA) - Question identifier:PA_Q050
Indicate if you strongly agree, agree, neither agree nor disagree, disagree, or strongly disagree with each of the following statements. Remember that these are personal opinions and there are no right or wrong answers.
It is understandable that someone would react violently if they suspect their partner of having an affair
- 1: Strongly agree
- 2: Agree
- 3: Neither agree nor disagree
- 4: Disagree
- 5: Strongly disagree
Perceptions (PA) - Question identifier:PA_Q060
Indicate if you strongly agree, agree, neither agree nor disagree, disagree, or strongly disagree with each of the following statements. Remember that these are personal opinions and there are no right or wrong answers.
I would support a family member if they came out as transgender
- 1: Strongly agree
- 2: Agree
- 3: Neither agree nor disagree
- 4: Disagree
- 5: Strongly disagree
Perceptions (PA) - Question identifier:PA_Q070
Indicate if you strongly agree, agree, neither agree nor disagree, disagree, or strongly disagree with each of the following statements. Remember that these are personal opinions and there are no right or wrong answers.
People have the right to check who their partner has been calling or texting at all times
- 1: Strongly agree
- 2: Agree
- 3: Neither agree nor disagree
- 4: Disagree
- 5: Strongly disagree
Perceptions (PA) - Question identifier:PA_Q080
Indicate if you strongly agree, agree, neither agree nor disagree, disagree, or strongly disagree with each of the following statements. Remember that these are personal opinions and there are no right or wrong answers.
Same-sex and opposite-sex couples should have the same rights to adopt children
- 1: Strongly agree
- 2: Agree
- 3: Neither agree nor disagree
- 4: Disagree
- 5: Strongly disagree
Employment and education (LMAM)
Employment and education (LMAM) - Question identifier:LMAM_R01
Some of the following questions concern your activities last week.
Employment and education (LMAM) - Question identifier:LMAM_Q01
Last week, did you work at a job or business?
Select "Yes" if you worked at least one hour:
• for pay (wages, salary, etc.)
• in self-employment.
Select "No" if you:
• were away from work for the entire week for a reason such as vacation, illness, work schedule or layoff
• did not have a job or business.
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
Employment and education (LMAM) - Question identifier:LMAM_Q02
Last week, did you have a job or business from which you were absent?
Select "Yes" if you:
• were away from work for the entire week for a reason such as vacation, illness, parental leave or work schedule
• were self-employed with a business, but no work was available.
Select "No" if you:
• did not have a job or business
• had a casual job, but no work was available.
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
Employment and education (LMAM) - Question identifier:LMAM_Q03
What was the main reason you were absent from work last week?
- 01: Vacation
- 02: Own illness or disability
- 03: Caring for own children
- 04: Caring for elder relative (60 years of age or older)
- 05: Maternity or parental leave
- 06: Other personal or family responsibilities
- 07: Labour dispute (strike or lockout) (Employees only)
- 08: Temporary layoff due to business conditions (Employees only)
- 09: Seasonal layoff (Employees only)
- 10: Casual job, no work available (Employees only)
- 11: Work schedule (e.g., 10 days on, 10 days off, employees only)
- 12: Self-employed, no work available (Self-employed only)
- 13: Seasonal business (Excluding employees)
- 14: Other
Employment and education (MA)
Employment and education (MA) - Question identifier:MA_Q01
In the past 12 months, did you work at a job or business?
Regardless of the number of hours.
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
Employment and education (MA) - Question identifier:MA_Q02
During the past 12 months, what was your main activity?
If your main activity was "sickness" or "short-term illness", please indicate your usual main activity.
Was it:
- 01: Looking for paid work
- 02: Going to school
- 03: Caring for your children
- 04: Household work
- 05: Retired
- 06: Maternity, paternity or parental leave
- 07: Long-term illness
- 08: Volunteering or caregiving other than for your children
- 09: Other
Employment and education (LMC)
Employment and education (LMC) - Question identifier:LMC_Q15
How many jobs or businesses did you have in the past 12 months?
- 1: One
- 2: More than one
Employment and education (LMC) - Question identifier:LMC_Q20
[Was at least one of the jobs you had located in Canada / Is the job you had located in Canada / Is the job you currently have located in Canada]?
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
Employment and education (LMC) - Question identifier:LMC_R01
For the following questions, please think of the job or business in Canada at which you worked the most hours in the past 12 months.
Employment and education (LMA3)
Employment and education (LMA3) - Question identifier:LMA3_Q01
Were you an employee or self-employed?
Select 'Employee' if you worked:
• for pay (wages, salary, tips or commissions).
Select 'Self-employed' if you worked:
• for your own business, farm or professional practice
• as an independent contractor, painter, babysitter, etc.
- 1: Employee
- 2: Self-employed
- 3: Working in a family business without pay
Employment and education (LMA4)
Employment and education (LMA4) - Question identifier:LMA4_Q01
What was the full name of your business?
Long Answer Length = 50
Enter the full name of the business. If there is no business name, enter the respondent's full name.
Specify the full name of your business
Employment and education (LMA4) - Question identifier:LMA4_Q02
For whom did you work?
Long Answer Length = 50
Enter the full name of the company, business, government department or agency, or person.
Specify who you worked for
Employment and education (LMA4) - Question identifier:LMA4_Q03
What kind of business, industry or service was this?
Long Answer Length = 50
Examples: new home construction, primary school, municipal police, wheat farm, retail shoe store, food wholesale, car parts factory, federal government
Specify the kind of business, industry or service
Employment and education (LMA5)
Employment and education (LMA5) - Question identifier:LMA5_R01
The following questions refer to the work or occupation in which you spent most of your time in the past 12 months.
Employment and education (LMA5) - Question identifier:LMA5_Q01
What kind of work were you doing?
Long Answer Length = 50
Examples: legal secretary, plumber, fishing guide, wood furniture assembler, secondary school teacher, computer programmer
Specify the kind of work you were doing
Employment and education (LMA5) - Question identifier:LMA5_Q02
What were your most important activities or duties?
Long Answer Length = 50
Examples: prepared legal documents, installed residential plumbing, guided fishing parties, made wood furniture products, taught mathematics, developed software
Specify your most important activities or duties
Employment and education (LMA6)
Employment and education (LMA6) - Question identifier:LMA6_Q01
Excluding overtime, on average, how many paid hours [did / do] you usually work per week?
Min = 0.0; Max = 99.9
[Please think of the job or business at which you worked the most hours in the past 12 months]
If necessary, enter a decimal value e.g., 32.5.
Employment and education (RHW)
Employment and education (RHW) - Question identifier:RHW_Q05
Which of the following best describes your work location during the past 12 months?
[Please think of the job or business at which you worked the most hours in the past 12 months]
Would you say:
- 1: Working from home all of the time
- 2: Working from home some of the time
- 3: Working outside my home all of the time
Employment and education (UWS)
Employment and education (UWS) - Question identifier:UWS_Q230
Which of the following best describes your usual work schedule?
Would you say:
- 01: A regular daytime schedule or shift
- 02: A regular evening shift
- 03: A regular night shift
- 04: A rotating shift (One that changes periodically from days to evenings or to nights)
- 05: A split shift (One consisting of two or more distinct periods each day)
- 06: On call
- 07: An irregular schedule
- 08: Other
Employment and education (TOE)
Employment and education (TOE) - Question identifier:TOE_Q240
[Was / Is] your job permanent, or is there some way that it [was / is] not permanent?
- 1: Permanent
- 2: Not permanent (e.g., seasonal, temporary, term, casual)
Employment and education (TOE) - Question identifier:TOE_Q241
In what way [was / is] your job not permanent?
Would you say:
- 1: Seasonal (A job that ends with the off-season, e.g., an employee who works in farming, fishing or tourism.)
- 2: Temporary, term or contract (A non-seasonal job that has a fixed end date.)
- 3: Casual job (Work when needed by your employer, e.g., a substitute teacher, "spare" or "fill-in".)
- 4: Other
Employment and education (GWC)
Employment and education (GWC) - Question identifier:GWC_Q05
What [are / were] the genders of your colleagues at your job?
[Please think of the job or business at which you worked the most hours in the past 12 months.]
Would you say:
- 1: All or mostly men
- 2: All or mostly women
- 3: About evenly divided
- 4: Not applicable
Employment and education (AAW)
Employment and education (AAW) - Question identifier:AAW_Q05A
Did you receive information or education from your employer on the following?
What is sexual harassment and sexual assault
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
- 3: Not applicable
- 9: DK
Employment and education (AAW) - Question identifier:AAW_Q05B
Did you receive information or education from your employer on the following?
How to report sexual harassment and sexual assault
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
- 3: Not applicable
- 9: DK
Employment and education (AAW) - Question identifier:AAW_Q05C
Did you receive information or education from your employer on the following?
How to access resources for sexual harassment and sexual assault confidentially
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
- 3: Not applicable
- 9: DK
Employment and education (EDB)
Employment and education (EDB) - Question identifier:EDB_Q10
Were you attending school, such as high school, college, CEGEP or university, at any time in the past 12 months?
Report only attendance for courses that can be used as credits towards a certificate, diploma or degree. Distance learning for credit is included.
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
Employment and education (EDB) - Question identifier:EDB_Q11
Are you currently attending high school, college, CEGEP or university?
Include only courses that can be used as credits towards a certificate, diploma or degree.
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
Employment and education (EDB) - Question identifier:EDB_Q12A
In the past 12 months, how many different schools did you attend?
- 1: One
- 2: More than one
Employment and education (EDB) - Question identifier:EDB_Q12B
[Was at least one of the schools you attended located in Canada / Is the school you are currently attending located in Canada / Is the school you were attending located in Canada]?
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
Employment and education (EDB) - Question identifier:EDB_R12
For the following questions, please think of the school in Canada at which you spent the most time in the past 12 months.
Employment and education (EDB) - Question identifier:EDB_Q13
In which of the following ways did you attend school in the past 12 months?
- 1: In person
- 2: Online
- 3: Both in person and online
Employment and education (EDB) - Question identifier:EDB_Q15
What type of educational institution were you attending in the past 12 months?
Select all that apply.
- 1: Elementary, junior high school or high school
- 2: Tradeschool, college, CEGEP or other non-university institution
- 3: University
Employment and education (EDB) - Question identifier:EDB_Q14
What [is / was] your major field of study or specialization?
Long Answer Length = 80
Please be as specific as possible.
e.g., automobile mechanics, health care attendant, medical laboratory technology, civil engineering, agricultural economics
Major field of study or specialization
Employment and education (EDB) - Question identifier:EDB_Q20
[Are / Were] you enrolled as a full-time or part-time student?
Each educational institution classifies students as full-time or part-time depending on the type of program, and the number of courses, credits or hours of instruction.
- 1: Full-time student
- 2: Part-time student
- 3: Both full-time and part-time student
Employment and education (GCM)
Employment and education (GCM) - Question identifier:GCM_Q05
What [is / was] the gender of the majority of the students in your program?
[Is / Was] it:
- 1: All or mostly men
- 2: All or mostly women
- 3: About evenly divided between men and women
- 4: Not applicable
Employment and education (ED)
Employment and education (ED) - Question identifier:ED_Q05
What is the highest certificate, diploma or degree that you have completed?
- 1: Less than high school diploma or its equivalent
- 2: High school diploma or a high school equivalency certificate
- 3: Trades certificate or diploma
- 4: College, CEGEP or other non-university certificate or diploma (other than trades certificates or diplomas)
- 5: University certificate or diploma below the bachelor's level
- 6: Bachelor's degree (e.g., B.A., B.A. (Hons), B.Sc., B.Ed., LL.B.)
- 7: University certificate, diploma or degree above the bachelor's level
Employment and education (AAS)
Employment and education (AAS) - Question identifier:AAS_Q25A
[Are / Were] you aware of the following procedures and services at your school?
Your school's procedures for dealing with reported incidents of harassment and sexual assault
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
- 9: DK
Employment and education (AAS) - Question identifier:AAS_Q25B
[Are / Were] you aware of the following procedures and services at your school?
Services available at your school for victims of harassment or sexual assault
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
- 9: DK
Employment and education (AAS) - Question identifier:AAS_Q25C
[Are / Were] you aware of the following procedures and services at your school?
Resources available off-campus for victims of harassment or sexual assault
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
- 9: DK
Employment and education (AAS) - Question identifier:AAS_Q25D
[Are / Were] you aware of the following procedures and services at your school?
Where to take a friend to get help at your school if they were harassed or sexually assaulted
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
- 9: DK
Employment and education (WSS)
Employment and education (WSS) - Question identifier:WSS_Q05
You indicated that in the past 12 months, you worked at a paid job or business and attended school. Was the place where you worked the same as the place where you went to school?
For example: a college student that also works at the college library; a graduate student who also works as a research or teaching assistant.
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
Employment and education (WSS) - Question identifier:WSS_R05
The following questions will ask you about events that happened at work and events that happened at school. Since your workplace is the same as the place where you attend school, please think about what you were doing at the time the events took place (work-related tasks or tasks related to study). This will help you to decide whether the event happened in a work-related situation or a school-related situation.
Sexualized behaviours witnessed (BWR)
Sexualized behaviours witnessed (BWR) - Question identifier:BWR_R05
The following questions refer to behaviours that occurred in a work- or school-related situation.
Sexualized behaviours witnessed (BWR) - Question identifier:BWR_Q05A
Was there ever a time in the past 12 months where you witnessed sexualized behaviours such as jokes, comments, gestures, or unwanted contact being directed at others?
At work or in a work-related situation
Include behaviours that occurred while in the workplace or in a work-related situation, such as office parties or training outside of the workplace.
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
Sexualized behaviours witnessed (BWR) - Question identifier:BWR_Q05B
Was there ever a time in the past 12 months where you witnessed sexualized behaviours such as jokes, comments, gestures, or unwanted contact being directed at others?
At school or in a school-related situation
Include behaviours that occurred while at school or in a school-related situation, such as a study session, graduation party or classroom.
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
Sexualized behaviours witnessed (BWR) - Question identifier:BWR_Q10A
Was there ever a time in the past 12 months where you witnessed discriminatory behaviours due to gender, sexual orientation, or gender identity such as someone being excluded, insulted, ignored, or mistreated being directed at others?
At work or in a work-related situation
Include behaviours that occurred while in the workplace or in a work-related situation, such as office parties or training outside of the workplace.
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
Sexualized behaviours witnessed (BWR) - Question identifier:BWR_Q10B
Was there ever a time in the past 12 months where you witnessed discriminatory behaviours due to gender, sexual orientation, or gender identity such as someone being excluded, insulted, ignored, or mistreated being directed at others?
At school or in a school-related situation
Include behaviours that occurred while at school or in a school-related situation, such as a study session, graduation party or classroom.
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
Sexualized behaviours witnessed (BWR) - Question identifier:BWR_Q15A
Thinking only about behaviours that you witnessed in the past 12 months (that were not directed at you personally), did you take any action in response, such as speaking to someone about it, reporting it or attempting to intervene?
At work or in a work-related situation
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
- 3: In some instances yes, in others, no
Sexualized behaviours witnessed (BWR) - Question identifier:BWR_Q15B
Thinking only about behaviours that you witnessed in the past 12 months (that were not directed at you personally), did you take any action in response, such as speaking to someone about it, reporting it or attempting to intervene?
At school or in a school-related situation
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
- 3: In some instances yes, in others, no
Sexualized behaviours witnessed (BWR) - Question identifier:BWR_Q20A
[What actions did you take at work or in a work-related situation? / In the instances when you did take action at work or in a work-related situation, what actions did you take?]
Select all that apply.
- 1: You spoke to the person responsible for the behaviour
- 2: You spoke to those targeted
- 3: You reported the behaviour to someone in authority
- 4: You intervened and separated those involved
- 5: You created a distraction to stop the situation
- 6: You asked others to step in as a group
- 7: You took some other action
Sexualized behaviours witnessed (BWR) - Question identifier:BWR_Q20B
[What actions did you take at school or in a school-related situation? / In the instances when you did take action at school or in a school-related situation, what actions did you take?]
Select all that apply.
- 1: You spoke to the person responsible for the behaviour
- 2: You spoke to those targeted
- 3: You reported the behaviour to someone in authority
- 4: You intervened and separated those involved
- 5: You created a distraction to stop the situation
- 6: You asked others to step in as a group
- 7: You took some other action
Sexualized behaviours witnessed (BWR) - Question identifier:BWR_Q25A
[You indicated that there were times at work or in a work-related situation when you did not take action when you witnessed behaviours.] There are many reasons why people do not take action in these situations. Please select which ones apply to the behaviours you witnessed in the past 12 months at work or in a work-related situation.
Select all that apply.
Would you say:
- 01: You didn't think it was serious enough
- 02: You felt worried for your own safety
- 03: You didn't think it was your responsibility
- 04: You felt there could be negative consequences for you or others
- 05: You believed other people were taking action
- 06: The person targeted by the behaviour asked you not to take any action
- 07: You didn't know what to do
- 08: You felt uncomfortable
- 09: You were worried that taking action would have affected your relationships (e.g., being excluded from social groups or activities)
- 10: You were worried about what people would think of you
- 11: Other reasons
Sexualized behaviours witnessed (BWR) - Question identifier:BWR_Q25B
[You indicated that there were times at school or in a school-related situation when you did not take action when you witnessed behaviours.] There are many reasons why people do not take action in these situations. Please select which ones apply to the behaviours you witnessed in the past 12 months at school or in a school-related situation.
Select all that apply.
Would you say:
- 01: You didn't think it was serious enough
- 02: You felt worried for your own safety
- 03: You didn't think it was your responsibility
- 04: You felt there could be negative consequences for you or others
- 05: You believed other people were taking action
- 06: The person targeted by the behaviour asked you not to take any action
- 07: You didn't know what to do
- 08: You felt uncomfortable
- 09: You were worried that taking action would have affected your relationships (e.g., being excluded from social groups or activities)
- 10: You were worried about what people would think of you
- 11: Other reasons
Sexualized behaviours experienced (SBE)
Sexualized behaviours experienced (SBE) - Question identifier:SBE_R01
Should you feel emotional discomfort during or after completing the survey, [contact information for support resources in your area is available. / please contact one of the support resources in your area listed below.]
[List of victim services for each province and territory]
Sexualized behaviours experienced (SBE) - Question identifier:SBE_Q05A
In the past 12 months, were any of the following behaviours directed at you personally while at work or in a work-related situation?
Inappropriate sexual jokes
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
Sexualized behaviours experienced (SBE) - Question identifier:SBE_Q05AA
How many times were these behaviours directed at you personally while at work or in a work-related situation in the past 12 months?
- 1: 1 or 2 times
- 2: 3 to 5 times
- 3: 6 to 10 times
- 4: More than 10 times
Sexualized behaviours experienced (SBE) - Question identifier:SBE_Q05B
In the past 12 months, were any of the following behaviours directed at you personally while at work or in a work-related situation?
Unwanted sexual attention, such as whistles, calls, suggestive looks, gestures, or body language
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
Sexualized behaviours experienced (SBE) - Question identifier:SBE_Q05BA
How many times were these behaviours directed at you personally while at work or in a work-related situation in the past 12 months?
- 1: 1 or 2 times
- 2: 3 to 5 times
- 3: 6 to 10 times
- 4: More than 10 times
Sexualized behaviours experienced (SBE) - Question identifier:SBE_Q05C
In the past 12 months, were any of the following behaviours directed at you personally while at work or in a work-related situation?
Unwanted physical contact, such as hugs or shoulder rubs or getting too close
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
Sexualized behaviours experienced (SBE) - Question identifier:SBE_Q05CA
How many times were these behaviours directed at you personally while at work or in a work-related situation in the past 12 months?
- 1: 1 or 2 times
- 2: 3 to 5 times
- 3: 6 to 10 times
- 4: More than 10 times
Sexualized behaviours experienced (SBE) - Question identifier:SBE_Q05D
In the past 12 months, were any of the following behaviours directed at you personally while at work or in a work-related situation?
Suggestions that you do not act like a man or woman is supposed to act
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
Sexualized behaviours experienced (SBE) - Question identifier:SBE_Q05DA
How many times were these behaviours directed at you personally while at work or in a work-related situation in the past 12 months?
- 1: 1 or 2 times
- 2: 3 to 5 times
- 3: 6 to 10 times
- 4: More than 10 times
Sexualized behaviours experienced (SBE) - Question identifier:SBE_Q05E
In the past 12 months, were any of the following behaviours directed at you personally while at work or in a work-related situation?
Being insulted, mistreated, ignored, or excluded because you are a man or a woman
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
Sexualized behaviours experienced (SBE) - Question identifier:SBE_Q05EA
How many times were these behaviours directed at you personally while at work or in a work-related situation in the past 12 months?
- 1: 1 or 2 times
- 2: 3 to 5 times
- 3: 6 to 10 times
- 4: More than 10 times
Sexualized behaviours experienced (SBE) - Question identifier:SBE_Q05F
In the past 12 months, were any of the following behaviours directed at you personally while at work or in a work-related situation?
Being insulted, mistreated, ignored, or excluded because of your sexual orientation or assumed sexual orientation
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
Sexualized behaviours experienced (SBE) - Question identifier:SBE_Q05FA
How many times were these behaviours directed at you personally while at work or in a work-related situation in the past 12 months?
- 1: 1 or 2 times
- 2: 3 to 5 times
- 3: 6 to 10 times
- 4: More than 10 times
Sexualized behaviours experienced (SBE) - Question identifier:SBE_Q05G
In the past 12 months, were any of the following behaviours directed at you personally while at work or in a work-related situation?
Being insulted, mistreated, ignored, or excluded because you are (or are assumed to be) transgender
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
Sexualized behaviours experienced (SBE) - Question identifier:SBE_Q05GA
How many times were these behaviours directed at you personally while at work or in a work-related situation in the past 12 months?
- 1: 1 or 2 times
- 2: 3 to 5 times
- 3: 6 to 10 times
- 4: More than 10 times
Sexualized behaviours experienced (SBE) - Question identifier:SBE_Q05H
In the past 12 months, were any of the following behaviours directed at you personally while at work or in a work-related situation?
Someone indecently exposing themselves or inappropriately displaying any body parts in a sexual manner
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
Sexualized behaviours experienced (SBE) - Question identifier:SBE_Q05HA
How many times were these behaviours directed at you personally while at work or in a work-related situation in the past 12 months?
- 1: 1 or 2 times
- 2: 3 to 5 times
- 3: 6 to 10 times
- 4: More than 10 times
Sexualized behaviours experienced (SBE) - Question identifier:SBE_Q10A
In the past 12 months, were any of the following behaviours directed at you personally while at school or in a school-related situation?
Inappropriate sexual jokes
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
Sexualized behaviours experienced (SBE) - Question identifier:SBE_Q10AA
How many times were these behaviours directed at you personally while at school or in a school-related situation in the past 12 months?
- 1: 1 or 2 times
- 2: 3 to 5 times
- 3: 6 to 10 times
- 4: More than 10 times
Sexualized behaviours experienced (SBE) - Question identifier:SBE_Q10B
In the past 12 months, were any of the following behaviours directed at you personally while at school or in a school-related situation?
Unwanted sexual attention, such as whistles, calls, suggestive looks, gestures, or body language
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
Sexualized behaviours experienced (SBE) - Question identifier:SBE_Q10BA
How many times were these behaviours directed at you personally while at school or in a school-related situation in the past 12 months?
- 1: 1 or 2 times
- 2: 3 to 5 times
- 3: 6 to 10 times
- 4: More than 10 times
Sexualized behaviours experienced (SBE) - Question identifier:SBE_Q10C
In the past 12 months, were any of the following behaviours directed at you personally while at school or in a school-related situation?
Unwanted physical contact, such as hugs or shoulder rubs or getting too close
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
Sexualized behaviours experienced (SBE) - Question identifier:SBE_Q10CA
How many times were these behaviours directed at you personally while at school or in a school-related situation in the past 12 months?
- 1: 1 or 2 times
- 2: 3 to 5 times
- 3: 6 to 10 times
- 4: More than 10 times
Sexualized behaviours experienced (SBE) - Question identifier:SBE_Q10D
In the past 12 months, were any of the following behaviours directed at you personally while at school or in a school-related situation?
Suggestions that you do not act like a man or woman is supposed to act
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
Sexualized behaviours experienced (SBE) - Question identifier:SBE_Q10DA
How many times were these behaviours directed at you personally while at school or in a school-related situation in the past 12 months?
- 1: 1 or 2 times
- 2: 3 to 5 times
- 3: 6 to 10 times
- 4: More than 10 times
Sexualized behaviours experienced (SBE) - Question identifier:SBE_Q10E
In the past 12 months, were any of the following behaviours directed at you personally while at school or in a school-related situation?
Being insulted, mistreated, ignored, or excluded because you are a man or a woman
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
Sexualized behaviours experienced (SBE) - Question identifier:SBE_Q10EA
How many times were these behaviours directed at you personally while at school or in a school-related situation in the past 12 months?
- 1: 1 or 2 times
- 2: 3 to 5 times
- 3: 6 to 10 times
- 4: More than 10 times
Sexualized behaviours experienced (SBE) - Question identifier:SBE_Q10F
In the past 12 months, were any of the following behaviours directed at you personally while at school or in a school-related situation?
Being insulted, mistreated, ignored, or excluded because of your sexual orientation or assumed sexual orientation
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
Sexualized behaviours experienced (SBE) - Question identifier:SBE_Q10FA
How many times were these behaviours directed at you personally while at school or in a school-related situation in the past 12 months?
- 1: 1 or 2 times
- 2: 3 to 5 times
- 3: 6 to 10 times
- 4: More than 10 times
Sexualized behaviours experienced (SBE) - Question identifier:SBE_Q10G
In the past 12 months, were any of the following behaviours directed at you personally while at school or in a school-related situation?
Being insulted, mistreated, ignored, or excluded because you are (or are assumed to be) transgender
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
Sexualized behaviours experienced (SBE) - Question identifier:SBE_Q10GA
How many times were these behaviours directed at you personally while at school or in a school-related situation in the past 12 months?
- 1: 1 or 2 times
- 2: 3 to 5 times
- 3: 6 to 10 times
- 4: More than 10 times
Sexualized behaviours experienced (SBE) - Question identifier:SBE_Q10H
In the past 12 months, were any of the following behaviours directed at you personally while at school or in a school-related situation?
Someone indecently exposing themselves or inappropriately displaying any body parts in a sexual manner
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
Sexualized behaviours experienced (SBE) - Question identifier:SBE_Q10HA
How many times were these behaviours directed at you personally while at school or in a school-related situation in the past 12 months?
- 1: 1 or 2 times
- 2: 3 to 5 times
- 3: 6 to 10 times
- 4: More than 10 times
Sexualized behaviours experienced (SBE) - Question identifier:SBE_Q15A
In the past 12 months, were any of the following behaviours directed at you personally while [in another public place not associated with work or school / in another public place not associated with work / in another public place not associated with school / in a public place]?
Inappropriate sexual jokes
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
Sexualized behaviours experienced (SBE) - Question identifier:SBE_Q15AA
How many times were these behaviours directed at you personally while in a public place in the past 12 months?
- 1: 1 or 2 times
- 2: 3 to 5 times
- 3: 6 to 10 times
- 4: More than 10 times
Sexualized behaviours experienced (SBE) - Question identifier:SBE_Q15B
In the past 12 months, were any of the following behaviours directed at you personally while [in another public place not associated with work or school / in another public place not associated with work / in another public place not associated with school / in a public place]?
Unwanted sexual attention, such as whistles, calls, suggestive looks, gestures, or body language
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
Sexualized behaviours experienced (SBE) - Question identifier:SBE_Q15BA
How many times were these behaviours directed at you personally while in a public place in the past 12 months?
- 1: 1 or 2 times
- 2: 3 to 5 times
- 3: 6 to 10 times
- 4: More than 10 times
Sexualized behaviours experienced (SBE) - Question identifier:SBE_Q15C
In the past 12 months, were any of the following behaviours directed at you personally while [in another public place not associated with work or school / in another public place not associated with work / in another public place not associated with school / in a public place]?
Unwanted physical contact, such as hugs or shoulder rubs or getting too close
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
Sexualized behaviours experienced (SBE) - Question identifier:SBE_Q15CA
How many times were these behaviours directed at you personally while in a public place in the past 12 months?
- 1: 1 or 2 times
- 2: 3 to 5 times
- 3: 6 to 10 times
- 4: More than 10 times
Sexualized behaviours experienced (SBE) - Question identifier:SBE_Q15D
In the past 12 months, were any of the following behaviours directed at you personally while [in another public place not associated with work or school / in another public place not associated with work / in another public place not associated with school / in a public place]?
Suggestions that you do not act like a man or woman is supposed to act
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
Sexualized behaviours experienced (SBE) - Question identifier:SBE_Q15DA
How many times were these behaviours directed at you personally while in a public place in the past 12 months?
- 1: 1 or 2 times
- 2: 3 to 5 times
- 3: 6 to 10 times
- 4: More than 10 times
Sexualized behaviours experienced (SBE) - Question identifier:SBE_Q15E
In the past 12 months, were any of the following behaviours directed at you personally while [in another public place not associated with work or school / in another public place not associated with work / in another public place not associated with school / in a public place]?
Being insulted, mistreated, ignored, or excluded because you are a man or a woman
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
Sexualized behaviours experienced (SBE) - Question identifier:SBE_Q15EA
How many times were these behaviours directed at you personally while in a public place in the past 12 months?
- 1: 1 or 2 times
- 2: 3 to 5 times
- 3: 6 to 10 times
- 4: More than 10 times
Sexualized behaviours experienced (SBE) - Question identifier:SBE_Q15F
In the past 12 months, were any of the following behaviours directed at you personally while [in another public place not associated with work or school / in another public place not associated with work / in another public place not associated with school / in a public place]?
Being insulted, mistreated, ignored, or excluded because of your sexual orientation or assumed sexual orientation
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
Sexualized behaviours experienced (SBE) - Question identifier:SBE_Q15FA
How many times were these behaviours directed at you personally while in a public place in the past 12 months?
- 1: 1 or 2 times
- 2: 3 to 5 times
- 3: 6 to 10 times
- 4: More than 10 times
Sexualized behaviours experienced (SBE) - Question identifier:SBE_Q15G
In the past 12 months, were any of the following behaviours directed at you personally while [in another public place not associated with work or school / in another public place not associated with work / in another public place not associated with school / in a public place]?
Being insulted, mistreated, ignored, or excluded because you are (or are assumed to be) transgender
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
Sexualized behaviours experienced (SBE) - Question identifier:SBE_Q15GA
How many times were these behaviours directed at you personally while in a public place in the past 12 months?
- 1: 1 or 2 times
- 2: 3 to 5 times
- 3: 6 to 10 times
- 4: More than 10 times
Sexualized behaviours experienced (SBE) - Question identifier:SBE_Q15H
In the past 12 months, were any of the following behaviours directed at you personally while [in another public place not associated with work or school / in another public place not associated with work / in another public place not associated with school / in a public place]?
Someone indecently exposing themselves or inappropriately displaying any body parts in a sexual manner
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
Sexualized behaviours experienced (SBE) - Question identifier:SBE_Q15HA
How many times were these behaviours directed at you personally while in a public place in the past 12 months?
- 1: 1 or 2 times
- 2: 3 to 5 times
- 3: 6 to 10 times
- 4: More than 10 times
Bystanders present (BRE)
Bystanders present (BRE) - Question identifier:BRE_R01
The following questions refer to behaviours that occurred in a work- or school-related situation.
Bystanders present (BRE) - Question identifier:BRE_Q05A
Thinking about the behaviours that were directed at you personally in the past 12 months, was there ever a time when other people were present when the behaviours occurred?
At work or in a work-related situation
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
- 3: For some instances yes, for others, no
- 9: DK
Bystanders present (BRE) - Question identifier:BRE_Q05B
Thinking about the behaviours that were directed at you personally in the past 12 months, was there ever a time when other people were present when the behaviours occurred?
At school or in a school-related situation
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
- 3: For some instances yes, for others, no
- 9: DK
Behaviours experienced at work (BEW)
Behaviours experienced at work (BEW) - Question identifier:BEW_R05
The following questions will refer to the behaviours that were directed at you personally at work or in a work-related situation in the past 12 months. Please think of all the behaviours that you experienced when answering these questions.
Behaviours experienced at work (BEW) - Question identifier:BEW_Q05
In which of these locations did the behaviours take place?
Select all that apply.
- 1: At your workplace (e.g., at a work site, office, laboratory, client's home, or any place where you normally complete work activities (including your home, if applicable).
Include outdoor spaces that you may use during your work day, for example, a parking lot.) - 2: At a public or private place other than your place of work (e.g., in a restaurant, bar, hotel, conference centre, place of training
Include these locations if you were there for work-related purposes such as retirement parties or training sessions.) - 3: Online or by phone where some or all of the people were associated with your work (e.g., by email, instant message or text message; on a social networking website; online app or dating website; in an online work environment such as a phone call or video chat.)
- 4: On public transit while travelling to or from work (Include transit stations and park and rides.)
- 5: Other
Behaviours experienced at work (BEW) - Question identifier:BEW_Q05_2A
Was this during a training session, conference or social event for work?
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
Behaviours experienced at work (BEW) - Question identifier:BEW_Q10
How many people carried out the behaviours?
- 1: One (This could be one person responsible for one or more behaviours.)
- 2: More than one
Behaviours experienced at work (BEW) - Question identifier:BEW_Q15
What was the gender of this person?
- 1: Man
- 2: Woman
- 3: Non-binary
- 9: DK
Behaviours experienced at work (BEW) - Question identifier:BEW_Q20
Were they men, women or non-binary people?
- 1: All men
- 2: All women
- 3: All non-binary persons
- 4: A mix of different genders
- 9: DK
Behaviours experienced at work (BEW) - Question identifier:BEW_Q21
Were they mostly men, mostly women or mostly non-binary?
- 1: Mostly men
- 2: Mostly women
- 3: Mostly non-binary persons
- 4: About evenly divided between men and women
- 5: About evenly divided between men and non-binary persons
- 6: About evenly divided between women and non-binary persons
- 7: About evenly divided between men, women and non-binary persons
Behaviours experienced at work (BEW) - Question identifier:BEW_Q25
Which of the following people carried out the behaviours?
Select all that apply.
- 01: A person at your work with authority over you
- 02: A person at your work who you have authority over
- 03: Another co-worker
- 04: A contractor or consultant at your work
- 05: A client, customer, patient at your work
- 06: Someone else associated with your work
- 07: A current or former spouse, common-law or dating partner
- 08: Another person
- 99: DK
Behaviours experienced at work (BEW) - Question identifier:BEW_Q30
Did the behaviours lead you to the following?
Select all that apply.
- 01: Avoid or want to avoid specific people at work
- 02: Avoid or want to avoid specific locations or tasks at work
- 03: Miss work or work fewer hours
- 04: Have difficulty doing your work
- 05: Turn down a job opportunity
- 06: Experience a loss of trust in the person in authority at work or in your company or organization
- 07: Change your job, transfer or quit
- 08: Avoid optional work-related social functions
- 09: Experience negative emotional or psychological impacts
- 10: Experience negative impact on your personal or social life
- 11: Get help from a counsellor or mental health professional
- 12: Use drugs or alcohol to cope with the experience
- 13: Other
- 14: Did not experience any negative impacts
Behaviours experienced at work (BEW) - Question identifier:BEW_Q35
Did you speak to anyone associated with your work about the behaviours?
e.g., colleagues, supervisors, human resources, the person responsible for the behaviour
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
Behaviours experienced at work (BEW) - Question identifier:BEW_Q40
Which of the following people associated with your work did you speak to?
Select all that apply.
- 1: The person or people responsible for the behaviour
- 2: A supervisor, boss or senior manager
- 3: Another co-worker (including one of your employees)
- 4: A human resources advisor or corporate security officer
- 5: A union representative
- 6: An ombudsperson or someone responsible for the welfare of employees
- 7: Someone else associated with your work
Behaviours experienced at work (BEW) - Question identifier:BEW_Q45
Did you take formal action such as filing a formal complaint or a grievance?
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
Behaviours experienced at work (BEW) - Question identifier:BEW_Q50
Overall, how satisfied are you with the actions taken after you spoke to someone associated with your work?
Would you say:
- 1: Very satisfied
- 2: Somewhat satisfied
- 3: Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied
- 4: Somewhat dissatisfied
- 5: Very dissatisfied
- 6: Unsure at this time
Behaviours experienced at school (BES)
Behaviours experienced at school (BES) - Question identifier:BES_R05
The following questions will refer to the behaviours that were directed at you personally at school or in a school-related situation in the past 12 months. Please think of all the behaviours that you experienced when answering these questions.
Behaviours experienced at school (BES) - Question identifier:BES_Q05
In which of the following locations did the behaviours take place?
Select all that apply.
- 1: At your school or on campus
- 2: Away from your school or campus
- 3: Online or by phone where some or all of the people were associated with your school
Behaviours experienced at school (BES) - Question identifier:BES_Q05_1
Was it:
- 1: In a learning environment such as a class or discussion group
- 2: In a non-residential building at school, such as a library, cafeteria or gym
- 3: In a residence or other campus housing (Include fraternity and sorority houses.)
- 4: Other location at school or on campus
Behaviours experienced at school (BES) - Question identifier:BES_Q05_2
Was it:
- 1: At another school in Canada
- 2: At an internship, on the job training/co-op, work placement, practicum or school-related volunteer assignment
- 3: At a house or apartment (Include fraternity or sorority houses.)
- 4: At a restaurant or bar, where people from your school were involved
- 5: Travelling to or from school by public transit or school bus (Include transit stations and park and rides.)
- 6: Other location away from your school or campus
Behaviours experienced at school (BES) - Question identifier:BES_Q05_3
Was it:
- 1: During a remote learning class or student collaboration session or meeting
- 2: On a social media platform where people associated with your school interact (e.g., Instagram, Snapchat, TikTok, Facebook, X (formerly Twitter), Reddit)
- 3: Through your personal email or phone number
Behaviours experienced at school (BES) - Question identifier:BES_Q10
How many people carried out the behaviours?
- 1: One (This could be one person responsible for one or more behaviours.)
- 2: More than one
Behaviours experienced at school (BES) - Question identifier:BES_Q15
What was the gender of this person?
- 1: Man
- 2: Woman
- 3: Non-binary
- 9: DK
Behaviours experienced at school (BES) - Question identifier:BES_Q20
Were they men, women or non-binary people?
- 1: All men
- 2: All women
- 3: All non-binary persons
- 4: A mix of different genders
- 9: DK
Behaviours experienced at school (BES) - Question identifier:BES_Q21
Were they mostly men, mostly women or mostly non-binary?
- 1: Mostly men
- 2: Mostly women
- 3: Mostly non-binary persons
- 4: About evenly divided between men and women
- 5: About evenly divided between men and non-binary persons
- 6: About evenly divided between women and non-binary persons
- 7: About evenly divided between men, women and non-binary persons
Behaviours experienced at school (BES) - Question identifier:BES_Q25
Which of the following people carried out the behaviours?
Select all that apply.
- 01: Student at your school
- 02: Student from another school
- 03: Teacher, professor or instructor at your school
- 04: Teaching assistant at your school
- 05: Non-academic school staff member
- 06: Private tutor
- 07: Member of a school club or sports team
- 08: Coach or trainer from a sports team at your school
- 09: Member of school security
- 10: Supervisor or boss in a co-op, work placement or internship
- 11: Current or former spouse or partner (e.g., spouse or common-law partner, boyfriend or girlfriend type of relationship, casual dating partner)
- 12: Friend or acquaintance
- 13: Stranger
- 14: Someone else
- 99: DK
Behaviours experienced at school (BES) - Question identifier:BES_Q30
Did the behaviours lead you to the following?
Select all that apply.
- 01: Miss or stop going to any of your classes
- 02: Drop a class or classes
- 03: Change your program
- 04: Change your school
- 05: Ask for extensions on assignments or exams to be rescheduled
- 06: Try to change your class schedule
- 07: Move or change where you lived
- 08: Change your route to school or time of day that you travelled to or from school
- 09: Avoid specific buildings at school
- 10: Experience problems with friends, family, roommates, classmates or coworkers
- 11: Experience negative emotional or psychological impacts
- 12: Use drugs or alcohol to cope with the experience
- 13: Get help from a counsellor or mental health professional
- 14: Other
- 15: Did not experience any negative impacts
Behaviours experienced at school (BES) - Question identifier:BES_Q35
Did you speak to anyone associated with your school about the behaviours that you experienced?
Exclude people not associated with your school; exclude friends, family, and colleagues, unless they are also associated with your school in some way.
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
Behaviours experienced at school (BES) - Question identifier:BES_Q40
Who did you speak to?
Select all that apply.
- 01: The person or people responsible for the behaviour
- 02: Another student at your school
- 03: Support services run by students
- 04: Support services run by the school administration
- 05: School security
- 06: A teacher, professor, instructor or tutor
- 07: A member of the school administration
- 08: Someone responsible for the welfare of students at your residential college, dorm or hall
- 09: Mental health counsellor
- 10: Some other school employee or person employed at your residential college, dorm or hall
- 11: Someone else associated with the school
Behaviours experienced at school (BES) - Question identifier:BES_Q45
Did you take formal action such as filing a formal complaint or a grievance?
- 1: Yes
- 2: For some behaviours, yes, for others, no
- 3: No
Behaviours experienced at school (BES) - Question identifier:BES_Q50
Overall, how satisfied are you with the actions taken after you spoke to someone associated with your school?
Would you say:
- 1: Very satisfied
- 2: Somewhat satisfied
- 3: Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied
- 4: Somewhat dissatisfied
- 5: Very dissatisfied
- 6: Unsure at this time
Behaviours experienced in public (BEP)
Behaviours experienced in public (BEP) - Question identifier:BEP_R05
The following questions will refer to behaviours directed at you in a public space in the past 12 months. Please think of all the incidents that you experienced when answering these questions, excluding those that happened at work, at school or in your home.
A public space is anywhere the public is able to access with little or no restrictions.
e.g., coffee shops, the street, shopping malls, public transportation, bars, restaurants
Exclude behaviours that occurred in your school, workplace, home or apartment.
Exclude behaviours that you witnessed, but which were not directed at you.
Behaviours experienced in public (BEP) - Question identifier:BEP_Q05
In which of the following locations did the behaviours take place?
Exclude behaviours that occurred in your school, workplace, home or apartment.
Select all that apply.
- 01: In a restaurant or bar
- 02: Inside a school or on school grounds
- 03: In a commercial or office building, a factory, a store, or a shopping mall
- 04: In a hospital, prison or rehabilitation centre
- 05: On public transportation
- 06: In a parking garage or parking lot
- 07: On a sidewalk, street or highway in your neighbourhood
- 08: On any other sidewalk, street or highway
- 09: In a rural area or park (Include national, provincial, and local parks, or conservation areas)
- 10: In a private residence
- 11: Other
Behaviours experienced in public (BEP) - Question identifier:BEP_Q10
How many people carried out the behaviours?
- 1: One (This could be one person responsible for one or more behaviours.)
- 2: More than one
Behaviours experienced in public (BEP) - Question identifier:BEP_Q15
What was the gender of this person?
- 1: Man
- 2: Woman
- 3: Non-binary
- 9: DK
Behaviours experienced in public (BEP) - Question identifier:BEP_Q20
Were they men, women or non-binary people?
- 1: All men
- 2: All women
- 3: All non-binary persons
- 4: A mix of different genders
- 9: DK
Behaviours experienced in public (BEP) - Question identifier:BEP_Q21
Were they mostly men, mostly women or mostly non-binary?
- 1: Mostly men
- 2: Mostly women
- 3: Mostly non-binary persons
- 4: About evenly divided between men and women
- 5: About evenly divided between men and non-binary persons
- 6: About evenly divided between women and non-binary persons
- 7: About evenly divided between men, women and non-binary persons
Behaviours experienced in public (BEP) - Question identifier:BEP_Q25
Which of the following people carried out the behaviours?
Select all that apply.
- 01: Your current spouse or common-law partner
- 02: Your former spouse or common-law partner
- 03: Your current dating partner
- 04: Your former dating partner
- 05: A member of your family
- 06: Your neighbour
- 07: Your friend
- 08: An acquaintance
- 09: An online friend
- 10: Your teacher or professor
- 11: Your supervisor, manager or boss
- 12: Your co-worker
- 13: Your classmate
- 14: Known by sight only
- 15: A stranger
- 16: Other
Behaviours experienced in public (BEP) - Question identifier:BEP_Q30
Did the behaviours you experienced lead to the following?
Select all that apply.
- 01: Avoiding certain places
- 02: Avoiding certain people or situations
- 03: Changing the way you present yourself in public (e.g., changing the way you dress or act)
- 04: Carrying something to defend yourself or alert others
- 05: Becoming withdrawn from social events or activities you typically enjoy
- 06: Staying home in order to avoid similar experiences
- 07: Experiencing negative emotional or psychological impacts
- 08: Other
- 09: Did not experience any negative impacts
Behaviours experienced online (BEO)
Behaviours experienced online (BEO) - Question identifier:BEO_R05
The following questions will ask about behaviours that may have been directed at you personally while online in the past 12 months.
Behaviours experienced online (BEO) - Question identifier:BEO_Q05
In the past 12 months, how often have you used the Internet?
Include using social media, online apps, email and browsing websites, that you may have done using a computer, tablet or smartphone.
Would you say:
- 1: Daily
- 2: Weekly
- 3: Monthly
- 4: Less than once a month
- 5: Never
Behaviours experienced online (BEO) - Question identifier:BEO_Q10A
In the past 12 months, were any of the following behaviours directed at you personally while online?
You received any threatening or aggressive emails, social media messages, or text messages where you were the only recipient
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
Behaviours experienced online (BEO) - Question identifier:BEO_Q10B
In the past 12 months, were any of the following behaviours directed at you personally while online?
You were the target of threatening or aggressive comments spread through group emails, group text messages or postings on social media
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
Behaviours experienced online (BEO) - Question identifier:BEO_Q10C
In the past 12 months, were any of the following behaviours directed at you personally while online?
Someone posted or distributed, or threatened to post or distribute, intimate or sexually explicit videos or images of you without your consent
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
Behaviours experienced online (BEO) - Question identifier:BEO_Q10D
In the past 12 months, were any of the following behaviours directed at you personally while online?
Someone pressured you to send, share, or post sexually suggestive or explicit images or messages
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
Behaviours experienced online (BEO) - Question identifier:BEO_Q10E
In the past 12 months, were any of the following behaviours directed at you personally while online?
Someone sent you sexually suggestive or explicit images or messages when you did not want to receive them
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
Behaviours experienced online (BEO) - Question identifier:BEO_R15
The following questions will refer to the behaviours directed at you personally while online in the past 12 months. Please think of all the behaviours that you experienced when answering these questions.
Behaviours experienced online (BEO) - Question identifier:BEO_Q15
How many people carried out the behaviours?
- 1: One (This could be one person responsible for one or more behaviours.)
- 2: More than one
Behaviours experienced online (BEO) - Question identifier:BEO_Q20
What was the gender of this person?
- 1: Man
- 2: Woman
- 3: Non-binary
- 9: DK
Behaviours experienced online (BEO) - Question identifier:BEO_Q25
Were they men, women or non-binary people?
- 1: All men
- 2: All women
- 3: All non-binary persons
- 4: A mix of different genders
- 9: DK
Behaviours experienced online (BEO) - Question identifier:BEO_Q26
Were they mostly men, mostly women or mostly non-binary?
- 1: Mostly men
- 2: Mostly women
- 3: Mostly non-binary persons
- 4: About evenly divided between men and women
- 5: About evenly divided between men and non-binary persons
- 6: About evenly divided between women and non-binary persons
- 7: About evenly divided between men, women and non-binary persons
Behaviours experienced online (BEO) - Question identifier:BEO_Q30
Which of the following people carried out the behaviours?
Select all that apply.
- 01: Your current spouse or common-law partner
- 02: Your former spouse or common-law partner
- 03: Your current dating partner
- 04: Your former dating partner
- 05: A member of your family
- 06: Your neighbour
- 07: A classmate or a student at your school
- 08: A co-worker
- 09: A client or customer at your work
- 10: Your friend
- 11: An acquaintance
- 12: An online friend
- 13: A teacher, professor or coach at your school
- 14: Someone else associated with your school
- 15: Your supervisor, manager or boss
- 16: Known by sight only
- 17: A stranger
- 18: Other
- 99: DK
Behaviours experienced online (BEO) - Question identifier:BEO_Q35
Did you experience any negative emotional impacts as a result of the behaviours?
Exclude physical injury, financial loss, and medical treatment.
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
Behaviours experienced online (BEO) - Question identifier:BEO_Q40
Did you ever talk to anyone about the behaviours?
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
Behaviours experienced online (BEO) - Question identifier:BEO_Q45
Who did you talk to?
Select all that apply.
- 01: The police
- 02: Your friends
- 03: Your family members
- 04: Your neighbours
- 05: A classmate or student at your school
- 06: Your co-workers
- 07: Your online friends
- 08: A lawyer
- 09: A counsellor, psychologist, or social worker
- 10: The administrators of the service (e.g., reported directly to Facebook, X (formerly Twitter) or the chat room)
- 11: A teacher, coach or someone associated with your school
- 12: Your boss, manager, supervisor or someone associated with your work
- 13: Other
Behaviours experienced online (BEO) - Question identifier:BEO_Q50
Did any of the behaviours occur while you were online for work-related purposes?
Include using email, social media or the Internet for work-related purposes, such as communicating with clients, co-workers or managers.
Exclude situations where you used work-related email or social media accounts for personal (not work-related) purposes.
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
Behaviours experienced online (BEO) - Question identifier:BEO_Q55
Did any of the behaviours occur while you were online for school-related purposes?
Include using email, social media or the Internet for school-related purposes, such as communicating with other students, instructors, or conducting research.
Exclude situations where you used school-related email or social media accounts for personal (not school-related) purposes.
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
Physical and sexual assault (PSA)
Physical and sexual assault (PSA) - Question identifier:PSA_R110
Remember that your answers are strictly confidential.
Should you feel emotional discomfort during or after completing the survey, [contact information for support resources in your area is available. / please contact one of the support resources in your area listed below.]
[List of victim services for each province and territory]
Physical and sexual assault (PSA) - Question identifier:PSA_Q110
Since you were 15, have you been attacked by anyone; that is anything from being threatened, hit, slapped, pushed or grabbed, to being shot or beaten?
Exclude acts that may have been committed by a current or previous spouse, common-law partner, or dating partner.
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
Physical and sexual assault (PSA) - Question identifier:PSA_Q115
Did this happen during the past 12 months?
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
Physical and sexual assault (PSA) - Question identifier:PSA_Q120
Since you were 15, has anyone threatened to hit or attack you, or threatened you with a weapon?
Exclude acts that may have been committed by a current or previous spouse, common-law partner, or dating partner.
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
Physical and sexual assault (PSA) - Question identifier:PSA_Q125
Did this happen during the past 12 months?
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
Physical and sexual assault (PSA) - Question identifier:PSA_R130
Remember that your answers are strictly confidential.
Physical and sexual assault (PSA) - Question identifier:PSA_Q130
Since you were 15, has anyone ever touched you against your will in any sexual way; that is, anything from unwanted touching or grabbing, to kissing or fondling?
Exclude acts that may have been committed by a current or previous spouse, common-law partner, or dating partner.
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
Physical and sexual assault (PSA) - Question identifier:PSA_Q135
Did this happen during the past 12 months?
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
Physical and sexual assault (PSA) - Question identifier:PSA_Q140
Since you were 15, has anyone, including family and non-family, forced you or attempted to force you into any unwanted sexual activity by threatening you, holding you down or hurting you in some way?
Exclude acts that may have been committed by a current or previous spouse, common-law partner, or dating partner.
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
Physical and sexual assault (PSA) - Question identifier:PSA_Q145
Did this happen during the past 12 months?
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
Physical and sexual assault (PSA) - Question identifier:PSA_Q150
Since you were 15, has anyone subjected you to a sexual activity to which you were not able to consent; that is, were you drugged, intoxicated, manipulated or forced in other ways than physically?
Exclude acts that may have been committed by a current or previous spouse, common-law partner, or dating partner.
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
Physical and sexual assault (PSA) - Question identifier:PSA_Q155
Did this happen during the past 12 months?
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
Physical and sexual assault (PSA) - Question identifier:PSA_R160
You indicated that you have experienced the following behaviours during the past 12 months:
[Someone attacked you / Someone threatened to hit or attack you, or threatened you with a weapon / Someone forced you or attempted to force you into unwanted sexual activity / Someone touched you against your will in a sexual way / Someone subjected you to a sexual activity to which you were not able to consent]
Physical and sexual assault (PSA) - Question identifier:PSA_Q160
Did you experience these behaviours in one incident or more than one incident?
- 1: All in one incident
- 2: Over multiple incidents
Physical and sexual assault (PSA) - Question identifier:PSA_Q170
How many separate incidents?
- 1: 2 incidents
- 2: 3 to 5 incidents
- 3: 6 to 10 incidents
- 4: More than 10 incidents
Stalking, criminal harassment (SCH)
Stalking, criminal harassment (SCH) - Question identifier:SCH_R10
Remember that your answers are strictly confidential.
Stalking, criminal harassment (SCH) - Question identifier:SCH_Q10
In the past 12 months, have you been stalked, that is, have you been the subject of repeated and unwanted attention?
Exclude acts that may have been committed by a current or previous spouse, common-law partner, or dating partner.
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
Stalking, criminal harassment (SCH) - Question identifier:SCH_Q15
Did this cause you to fear for your safety or the safety of someone you know?
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
Sexual assault at work (SAW)
Sexual assault at work (SAW) - Question identifier:SAW_Q05
You indicated that you were a victim of sexual assault in the past 12 months.
Did [the sexual assault / any of the sexual assaults] that you experienced in the past 12 months happen to you at work or in a work-related situation?
Include incidents that you experienced at your workplace, at work-related events or which involved people related to your work.
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
Sexual assault at work (SAW) - Question identifier:SAW_Q10
How many incidents of sexual assault did you experience at work or in a work-related situation in the past 12 months?
Min = 0; Max = 999
Sexual assault at work (SAW) - Question identifier:SAW_R15
The following questions will refer to the most serious incident of sexual assault that you experienced at work or in a work-related situation in the past 12 months.
If you are unable to think of one incident as the most serious, please think of the incident that affected you the most.
Sexual assault at work (SAW) - Question identifier:SAW_Q15
In which of these locations did the most serious incident of sexual assault take place?
- 1: At your workplace (e.g., at a work site, office, laboratory, client's home, or any place where you normally complete work activities.
Include outdoor spaces that you may use during your work day, for example, a parking lot.) - 2: At a public or private place other than your place of work (e.g., in a restaurant, bar, hotel, conference centre, place of training
Include these locations if you were there for work-related purposes such as retirement parties or training sessions.) - 3: On public transit while travelling to or from work (Include transit stations and park and rides.)
- 4: Other
Sexual assault at work (SAW) - Question identifier:SAW_Q16
Was this during a training session, conference or social event for work?
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
Sexual assault at work (SAW) - Question identifier:SAW_Q20
How many people carried out the most serious incident?
- 1: One
- 2: More than one
Sexual assault at work (SAW) - Question identifier:SAW_Q25
What was the gender of this person?
- 1: Man
- 2: Woman
- 3: Non-binary
- 9: DK
Sexual assault at work (SAW) - Question identifier:SAW_Q30
Were they men, women or non-binary people?
- 1: All men
- 2: All women
- 3: All non-binary persons
- 4: A mix of different genders
- 9: DK
Sexual assault at work (SAW) - Question identifier:SAW_Q31
Were they mostly men, mostly women or mostly non-binary?
- 1: Mostly men
- 2: Mostly women
- 3: Mostly non-binary persons
- 4: About evenly divided between men and women
- 5: About evenly divided between men and non-binary persons
- 6: About evenly divided between women and non-binary persons
- 7: About evenly divided between men, women and non-binary persons
Sexual assault at work (SAW) - Question identifier:SAW_Q35
Which of the following people carried out the most serious incident?
Select all that apply.
- 01: A person at your work with authority over you
- 02: A person at your work who you have authority over
- 03: Any other co-worker
- 04: A contractor or consultant at your work
- 05: A client, customer or patient at your work
- 06: Someone else associated with your work
- 07: A current or former spouse, common-law or dating partner
- 08: A stranger
- 09: Other
Sexual assault at work (SAW) - Question identifier:SAW_Q40
Did the incident that you experienced lead you to do any of the following?
Select all that apply.
- 01: Avoid or want to avoid specific people at work
- 02: Avoid or want to avoid specific locations or tasks at work
- 03: Miss work or work fewer hours
- 04: Have difficulty doing your work
- 05: Turn down a job opportunity
- 06: Experience a loss of trust in the person in authority at work or in your company or organization
- 07: Change your job, transfer or quit
- 08: Avoid optional work-related social functions
- 09: Experience negative emotional or psychological impacts
- 10: Experience negative impact on your personal or social life
- 11: Get help from a counsellor or mental health professional
- 12: Use drugs or alcohol to cope with the experience
- 13: Something else
- 14: Did not experience any negative impacts
Sexual assault at work (SAW) - Question identifier:SAW_Q45
Did you speak to anyone associated with your work about the most serious incident that you experienced?
e.g., colleagues, supervisors, human resources, the person responsible for the behaviour
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
Sexual assault at work (SAW) - Question identifier:SAW_Q50
Which of the following people associated with your work did you speak to?
Select all that apply.
- 1: The person or persons responsible for the behaviour
- 2: A supervisor, boss or senior manager
- 3: Another co-worker (including one of your employees)
- 4: A human resources advisor or corporate security officer
- 5: A union representative
- 6: An ombudsperson or someone responsible for the welfare of employees
- 7: Someone else associated with your work
Sexual assault at work (SAW) - Question identifier:SAW_Q55
Did you take formal action such as filing a formal complaint or a grievance?
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
Sexual assault at work (SAW) - Question identifier:SAW_Q60
Overall, how satisfied are you with the actions taken after you spoke to someone associated with your work?
- 1: Very satisfied
- 2: Satisfied
- 3: Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied
- 4: Dissatisfied
- 5: Very dissatisfied
- 6: Unsure at this time
Sexual assault at school (SAS)
Sexual assault at school (SAS) - Question identifier:SAS_Q05
You indicated that you were a victim of sexual assault in the past 12 months.
Did [the sexual assault / any of the sexual assaults] that you experienced in the past 12 months happen to you at school or in a school-related situation?
Include incidents that you experienced at your school, at school-related events or which involved people related to your school.
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
Sexual assault at school (SAS) - Question identifier:SAS_Q10
How many incidents of sexual assault did you experience at school or in a school-related situation in the past 12 months?
Min = 0; Max = 999
Sexual assault at school (SAS) - Question identifier:SAS_R15
The following questions will refer to the most serious incident of sexual assault that you experienced at school or in a school-related situation in the past 12 months.
If you are unable to think of one incident as the most serious, please think of the incident that affected you the most.
Sexual assault at school (SAS) - Question identifier:SAS_Q15
In which of these locations did the most serious incident of sexual assault take place?
- 1: On your school's campus
- 2: Off of your school's campus
Sexual assault at school (SAS) - Question identifier:SAS_Q16
Where did the most serious incident take place?
- 1: In a learning environment such as a class, lecture or discussion group
- 2: In a non-residential building on campus, such as a library, cafeteria or gym
- 3: In a residence or other campus housing (Include fraternity and sorority houses.)
- 4: Other on-campus location
Sexual assault at school (SAS) - Question identifier:SAS_Q17
Where did the most serious incident take place?
- 1: At another postsecondary school in Canada
- 2: At an internship, on the job training/co-op, work placement, practicum or volunteer assignment
- 3: At a house or apartment (Exclude fraternity or sorority houses.)
- 4: In a fraternity or sorority house off campus, including school-owned housing
- 5: At a restaurant or bar
- 6: On public transit while travelling to or from school (Include transit stations and park and rides.)
- 7: Other off-campus location
Sexual assault at school (SAS) - Question identifier:SAS_Q20
How many people carried out the most serious incident?
- 1: One
- 2: More than one
Sexual assault at school (SAS) - Question identifier:SAS_Q25
What was the gender of this person?
- 1: Man
- 2: Woman
- 3: Non-binary
- 9: DK
Sexual assault at school (SAS) - Question identifier:SAS_Q30
Were they men, women or non-binary people?
- 1: All men
- 2: All women
- 3: All non-binary persons
- 4: A mix of different genders
- 9: DK
Sexual assault at school (SAS) - Question identifier:SAS_Q31
Were they mostly men, mostly women or mostly non-binary?
- 1: Mostly men
- 2: Mostly women
- 3: Mostly non-binary persons
- 4: About evenly divided between men and women
- 5: About evenly divided between men and non-binary persons
- 6: About evenly divided between women and non-binary persons
- 7: About evenly divided between men, women and non-binary persons
Sexual assault at school (SAS) - Question identifier:SAS_Q35
Which of the following people carried out the most serious incident?
Select all that apply.
- 01: Student at your school
- 02: Student from another school
- 03: Teacher, professor or instructor at your school
- 04: Teaching assistant at your school
- 05: Non-academic school staff member
- 06: Private tutor
- 07: Member of a school club or sports team
- 08: Coach or trainer from a sports team at your school
- 09: Member of school security
- 10: Supervisor or boss in a co-op, work placement or internship
- 11: Current or former spouse or partner (e.g., spouse or common-law partner, boyfriend or girlfriend type of relationship, casual dating partner)
- 12: Friend or acquaintance
- 13: Stranger
- 14: Other
Sexual assault at school (SAS) - Question identifier:SAS_Q40
Did the incident that you experienced lead you to do any of the following?
Select all that apply.
- 01: Miss or stop going to any of your classes
- 02: Drop a class or classes
- 03: Change your program
- 04: Change your school
- 05: Ask for extensions on assignments or exams to be rescheduled
- 06: Try to change your class schedule
- 07: Move or change where you lived
- 08: Change your route to school or time of day that you travelled to or from school
- 09: Avoid specific buildings at school
- 10: Experience problems with friends, family, roommates, classmates or coworkers
- 11: Experience negative emotional or psychological impacts
- 12: Use drugs or alcohol to cope with the experience
- 13: Get help from a counsellor or mental health professional
- 14: Something else
- 15: Did not experience any negative impacts
Sexual assault at school (SAS) - Question identifier:SAS_Q45
Did you speak to anyone associated with your school about the most serious incident?
Exclude people not associated with your school; friends, family, and colleagues, unless they are also associated with your school in some way.
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
Sexual assault at school (SAS) - Question identifier:SAS_Q50
Who did you speak to?
Select all that apply.
- 01: Another student at your school
- 02: Support services run by students
- 03: Support services run by the school administration
- 04: Campus security
- 05: An instructor, professor, lecturer or tutor
- 06: A member of the school administration
- 07: Someone responsible for the welfare of students at your residential college, dorm or hall
- 08: Mental health counsellor
- 09: Some other school employee or person employed at your residential college, dorm or hall
- 10: Someone else associated with the school
Sexual assault at school (SAS) - Question identifier:SAS_Q55
Did you take formal action such as filing a formal complaint or a grievance?
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
Sexual assault at school (SAS) - Question identifier:SAS_Q60
Overall, how satisfied are you with the actions taken after you spoke to someone associated with your school?
- 1: Very satisfied
- 2: Satisfied
- 3: Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied
- 4: Dissatisfied
- 5: Very dissatisfied
- 6: Unsure at this time
Sexual assault in a public or private space (SAP)
Sexual assault in a public or private space (SAP) - Question identifier:SAP_Q05
Did you experience any other sexual assaults in the past 12 months that did not happen in a work- or school-related situation?
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
Sexual assault in a public or private space (SAP) - Question identifier:SAP_R15
You indicated that you were a victim of sexual assault in the past 12 months, in a situation not related to your work or school.
The following questions will refer to the most serious incident of sexual assault experienced in the past 12 months, in a situation not related to your work or school.
If you are unable to think of one incident as the most serious, please think of the incident that affected you the most.
Sexual assault in a public or private space (SAP) - Question identifier:SAP_Q15
Where did the most serious incident of sexual assault take place?
- 1: Your home, property or surrounding area
- 2: Other private residence or property
- 3: Commercial or institutional establishment (e.g., restaurant, bar, school, office building, store, shopping mall, hospital)
- 4: Street or other public place
- 5: Other
Sexual assault in a public or private space (SAP) - Question identifier:SAP_Q16
Where in your home, property or surrounding area did the most serious incident of sexual assault take place?
- 1: Inside your home or vacation property
- 2: In a shared space in your apartment or condominium building (e.g., a hallway or laundry room)
- 3: In an outside area of your property or apartment building, such as a yard, shed or private parking lot
Sexual assault in a public or private space (SAP) - Question identifier:SAP_Q17
In which other private residence or property did the most serious incident of sexual assault take place?
- 1: In or around the offender's home
- 2: In or around another private residence or farm
Sexual assault in a public or private space (SAP) - Question identifier:SAP_Q18
In which commercial or institutional establishment did the most serious incident of sexual assault take place?
- 1: In a restaurant or bar
- 2: In another type of establishment, such as a store, shopping mall, school, office, factory or hospital
Sexual assault in a public or private space (SAP) - Question identifier:SAP_Q19
Where on a street or other public place did the most serious incident of sexual assault take place?
- 1: On public transportation, including transit stations and park and rides
- 2: On a street, sidewalk, or public parking lot
- 3: In a rural area or park (Include national, provincial, and local parks, or conservation areas.)
Sexual assault in a public or private space (SAP) - Question identifier:SAP_Q20
How many people carried out the most serious incident?
- 1: One
- 2: More than one
Sexual assault in a public or private space (SAP) - Question identifier:SAP_Q25
What was the gender of this person?
- 1: Man
- 2: Woman
- 3: Non-binary
- 9: DK
Sexual assault in a public or private space (SAP) - Question identifier:SAP_Q30
Were they men, women or non-binary people?
- 1: All men
- 2: All women
- 3: All non-binary persons
- 4: A mix of different genders
- 9: DK
Sexual assault in a public or private space (SAP) - Question identifier:SAP_Q31
Were they mostly men, mostly women or mostly non-binary?
- 1: Mostly men
- 2: Mostly women
- 3: Mostly non-binary persons
- 4: About evenly divided between men and women
- 5: About evenly divided between men and non-binary persons
- 6: About evenly divided between women and non-binary persons
- 7: About evenly divided between men, women and non-binary persons
Sexual assault in a public or private space (SAP) - Question identifier:SAP_Q35
Which of the following people carried out the most serious incident?
Select all that apply.
- 01: Your current spouse or common-law partner
- 02: Your former spouse or common-law partner
- 03: Your current dating partner
- 04: Your former dating partner
- 05: A member of your family
- 06: Your neighbour
- 07: Your friend
- 08: An acquaintance
- 09: An online friend
- 10: Your teacher or professor
- 11: Your supervisor, manager or boss
- 12: Your co-worker
- 13: Your classmate
- 14: Known by sight only
- 15: A stranger
- 16: Your caregiver
- 17: Other
Most serious incident of [sexual / physical and sexual] assault (SAD)
Most serious incident of [sexual / physical and sexual] assault (SAD) - Question identifier:SAD_R99
You indicated that you experienced sexual assaults in the following settings in the previous 12 months:
At work or in a work-related setting
At school or in a school-related setting
In a public or private setting outside of your work or school
Most serious incident of [sexual / physical and sexual] assault (SAD) - Question identifier:SAD_Q100
Thinking about the sexual assaults that you experienced in the past 12 months, which do you consider to have been the most serious?
If you are unable to think of one incident as the most serious, please think of the incident that affected you the most.
- 1: The sexual assault at work or in a work-related situation
- 2: The sexual assault at school or in a school-related situation
- 3: The sexual assault in a public or private space not associated with work or school
Most serious incident of [sexual / physical and sexual] assault (SAD) - Question identifier:SAD_R100
The following questions will refer to the most serious incident of [sexual / physical and sexual] assault that you experienced in the past 12 months.
Most serious incident of [sexual / physical and sexual] assault (SAD) - Question identifier:SAD_Q110
Did the person who committed the act have a weapon, such as a gun or knife, or something they were using as a weapon, such as a rock or bottle?
Select 'Yes' if more than one person was responsible and at least one had a weapon.
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
- 9: DK
Most serious incident of [sexual / physical and sexual] assault (SAD) - Question identifier:SAD_Q115
What type of weapon?
Select all that apply.
- 1: Gun
- 2: Knife
- 3: Bottle
- 4: Bat or stick
- 5: Other
- 9: DK
Most serious incident of [sexual / physical and sexual] assault (SAD) - Question identifier:SAD_Q135
Were you physically injured in any way?
e.g., bruises, cuts, broken bones
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
Most serious incident of [sexual / physical and sexual] assault (SAD3)
Most serious incident of [sexual / physical and sexual] assault (SAD3) - Question identifier:SAD3_Q400
Did the police find out about the most serious incident of [sexual / physical and sexual] assault in any way?
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
Most serious incident of [sexual / physical and sexual] assault (SAD3) - Question identifier:SAD3_Q405
How did they learn about it?
- 1: From you
- 2: Some other way
Most serious incident of [sexual / physical and sexual] assault (SAD3) - Question identifier:SAD3_R420
You indicated that the police became aware of the most serious incident of [sexual / physical and sexual] assault, but that you did not personally report it.
Most serious incident of [sexual / physical and sexual] assault (SAD3) - Question identifier:SAD3_Q420
Did you speak with the police about the most serious incident of [sexual / physical and sexual] assault at any point?
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
Most serious incident of [sexual / physical and sexual] assault (SAD3) - Question identifier:SAD3_R430
The next questions are about experiences you may have had when you spoke to the police about the most serious incident of [sexual / physical and sexual] assault.
You may have spoken with more than one officer, so answer each question thinking about your overall experience.
Most serious incident of [sexual / physical and sexual] assault (SAD3) - Question identifier:SAD3_Q430
Were you informed about services, programs or resources available to you?
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
Most serious incident of [sexual / physical and sexual] assault (SAD3) - Question identifier:SAD3_Q435
In general, were you treated with respect?
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
Most serious incident of [sexual / physical and sexual] assault (SAD3) - Question identifier:SAD3_Q440
In general, did you feel as though your report was believed?
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
Most serious incident of [sexual / physical and sexual] assault (SAD3) - Question identifier:SAD3_Q445
Overall, did you feel that speaking to the police was worth your time or effort?
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
Most serious incident of [sexual / physical and sexual] assault (SAD3) - Question identifier:SAD3_Q450
Overall, how satisfied were you with the way you were treated by the police?
- 1: Very satisfied
- 2: Satisfied
- 3: Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied
- 4: Dissatisfied
- 5: Very dissatisfied
Most serious incident of [sexual / physical and sexual] assault (SAD3) - Question identifier:SAD3_Q470
What action did the police take?
Select all that apply.
Did they:
- 01: Visit the scene
- 02: Make a report or conduct an investigation
- 03: Give a warning to the offender
- 04: Take the offender away
- 05: Arrest the offender
- 06: Lay charges against the offender
- 07: Take any other action
- 08: Take no action
Most serious incident of [sexual / physical and sexual] assault (SAD3) - Question identifier:SAD3_Q480
Overall, how satisfied were you with the actions that the police took?
- 1: Very satisfied
- 2: Satisfied
- 3: Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied
- 4: Dissatisfied
- 5: Very dissatisfied
Most serious incident of [sexual / physical and sexual] assault (SAD3) - Question identifier:SAD3_Q500
[Other than the police, who else did you talk to/ Who did you talk to] about the most serious incident of [sexual / physical and sexual] assault?
Select all that apply.
- 01: A family member
- 02: A friend or neighbour
- 03: A co-worker
- 04: A doctor or nurse
- 05: A lawyer
- 06: A priest, rabbi, imam, elder, or other spiritual advisor
- 07: Other
- 08: Did not talk to anyone
Most serious incident of [sexual / physical and sexual] assault (SAD3) - Question identifier:SAD3_Q510
During the past 12 months, did you ever contact or use any services for help because of the incident?
e.g., a crisis centre or help line, victim services or victim witness assistance program, a counsellor, psychologist, or social worker, a community, family, ethnic, or cultural centre, a shelter or transition house, a women's or men's centre, a senior's centre, a support group
Note: Press the help button (?) for a list of support resources.
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
Most serious incident of [sexual / physical and sexual] assault (SAD3) - Question identifier:SAD3_Q515
Did your use of these services have any of the following outcomes?
Select all that apply.
- 01: Helped you financially or helped you ensure your financial security
- 02: Helped with your physical or mental health and well-being
- 03: Helped you with the criminal justice system process
- 04: Ensured your safety or ensured the safety of your children
- 05: Made you feel responsible for the violence you experienced
- 06: Made you feel revictimized
- 07: Other
- 08: No outcome
Most serious incident of [sexual / physical and sexual] assault (SAD3) - Question identifier:SAD3_Q520
Is there any reason why you didn't use any of these services?
Select all that apply.
- 01: Didn't know of any services
- 02: None available
- 03: Waiting list
- 04: Incident too minor
- 05: Shame or embarrassment
- 06: Wouldn't be believed
- 07: The offender or your family prevented you
- 08: Distance from service
- 09: Didn't want or need help
- 10: None available in my language
- 11: Other
Most serious incident of [sexual / physical and sexual] assault (SAD3) - Question identifier:SAD3_Q525
Thinking of the most serious incident of [sexual / physical and sexual] assault in the past 12 months, did anyone make you feel as though you were responsible or to blame for this incident?
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
Most serious incident of [sexual / physical and sexual] assault (SAD3) - Question identifier:SAD3_Q530
Who made you feel as though you were responsible or to blame for the most serious incident of [sexual / physical and sexual] assault experienced in the past 12 months?
Select all that apply.
- 1: The person or persons who committed the violence
- 2: Your friends or family
- 3: The police
- 4: Victim services (e.g., a crisis centre or help line, a counsellor, psychologist, or social worker, a community, family, ethnic, or cultural centre, a shelter or transition house, a women's or men's centre, a senior's centre, a support group)
- 5: Other
Most serious incident of [sexual / physical and sexual] assault (SAD3) - Question identifier:SAD3_Q540
Thinking about the most serious incident of [sexual / physical and sexual] assault that you experienced in the past 12 months, did you experience any negative emotional impacts as a result?
Exclude physical injury, financial loss, and medical treatment.
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
Most serious incident of [sexual / physical and sexual] assault (SAD3) - Question identifier:SAD3_R550
Now, some questions about longer-term effects of the most serious incident of [sexual / physical and sexual] assault.
Most serious incident of [sexual / physical and sexual] assault (SAD3) - Question identifier:SAD3_Q550
In the past month, have you had nightmares about the incident or thought about it when you did not want to?
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
Most serious incident of [sexual / physical and sexual] assault (SAD3) - Question identifier:SAD3_Q560
In the past month, have you tried hard not to think about the incident or went out of your way to avoid situations that reminded you of it?
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
Most serious incident of [sexual / physical and sexual] assault (SAD3) - Question identifier:SAD3_Q570
In the past month, have you felt constantly on guard, watchful, or easily startled?
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
Most serious incident of [sexual / physical and sexual] assault (SAD3) - Question identifier:SAD3_Q580
In the past month, have you felt numb or detached from others, activities, or your surroundings?
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
Most serious incident of [sexual / physical and sexual] assault (SAD3) - Question identifier:SAD3_Q590
Did the most serious incident of [sexual / physical and sexual] assault cause you to change your behaviour in any of the following ways?
Select all that apply.
- 01: Avoiding certain places
- 02: Changing your routine to avoid certain people or situations
- 03: Changing the way you present yourself in public (e.g., changing the way you dress or act)
- 04: Carrying something to defend yourself or alert others
- 05: Becoming withdrawn from social events or activities you typically enjoy
- 06: Staying home in order to avoid similar experiences
- 07: Other
- 08: Not at all
Most serious incident of physical assault (PAD)
Most serious incident of physical assault (PAD) - Question identifier:PAD_R105
You indicated that you were a victim of physical assault in the past 12 months.
Most serious incident of physical assault (PAD) - Question identifier:PAD_Q105
Thinking of the most serious incident of physical assault in the past 12 months, did this occur at the same time as the incident of sexual assault that you just reported?
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
Most serious incident of physical assault (PAD) - Question identifier:PAD_R110
The following questions will refer to the most serious incident of physical assault experienced in the past 12 months.
If you are unable to think of one incident as the most serious, please think of the incident that affected you the most.
Most serious incident of physical assault (PAD) - Question identifier:PAD_Q110
Did the person who committed the act have a weapon, such as a gun or knife, or something they were using as a weapon, such as a rock or bottle?
Select "Yes" if more than one person was responsible and at least one had a weapon.
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
- 9: DK
Most serious incident of physical assault (PAD) - Question identifier:PAD_Q115
What type of weapon?
Select all that apply.
- 1: Gun
- 2: Knife
- 3: Bottle
- 4: Bat or stick
- 5: Other
- 9: DK
Most serious incident of physical assault (PAD) - Question identifier:PAD_Q135
Were you physically injured in any way?
e.g., bruises, cuts, broken bones
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
Most serious incident of physical assault (PAD) - Question identifier:PAD_Q200
Where did the most serious incident of physical assault take place?
- 1: Your home, property or surrounding area
- 2: Other private residence or property
- 3: Commercial or institutional establishment (e.g., restaurant, bar, school, office building, store, shopping mall, hospital)
- 4: Street or other public place
- 5: Other
Most serious incident of physical assault (PAD) - Question identifier:PAD_Q210
Where in your home, property or surrounding area did the most serious incident of physical assault take place?
- 1: Inside your home or vacation property
- 2: In a shared space in your apartment or condominium building (e.g., a hallway or laundry room)
- 3: In an outside area of your property or apartment building, such as a yard, shed or private parking lot
Most serious incident of physical assault (PAD) - Question identifier:PAD_Q220
In which other private residence or property did the most serious incident of physical assault take place?
- 1: In or around the offender's home
- 2: In or around another private residence or farm
Most serious incident of physical assault (PAD) - Question identifier:PAD_Q230
In which commercial or institutional establishment did the most serious incident of physical assault take place?
- 1: In a restaurant or bar
- 2: In another type of establishment, such as a store, shopping mall, school, office, factory or hospital
Most serious incident of physical assault (PAD) - Question identifier:PAD_Q240
Where on a street or other public place did the most serious incident of physical assault take place?
- 1: On public transportation, including transit stations and park and rides
- 2: On a street, sidewalk, or public parking lot
- 3: In a rural area or park (Include national, provincial, and local parks, or conservation areas.)
Most serious incident of physical assault (PAD) - Question identifier:PAD_Q320
How many people carried out the most serious incident?
- 1: One
- 2: More than one
Most serious incident of physical assault (PAD) - Question identifier:PAD_Q325
What was the gender of this person?
- 1: Man
- 2: Woman
- 3: Non-binary
- 9: DK
Most serious incident of physical assault (PAD) - Question identifier:PAD_Q330
Were they men, women or non-binary people?
- 1: All men
- 2: All women
- 3: All non-binary persons
- 4: A mix of different genders
- 9: DK
Most serious incident of physical assault (PAD) - Question identifier:PAD_Q331
Were they mostly men, mostly women or mostly non-binary?
- 1: Mostly men
- 2: Mostly women
- 3: Mostly non-binary persons
- 4: About evenly divided between men and women
- 5: About evenly divided between men and non-binary persons
- 6: About evenly divided between women and non-binary persons
- 7: About evenly divided between men, women and non-binary persons
Most serious incident of physical assault (PAD) - Question identifier:PAD_Q340
Which of the following people carried out the most serious incident?
Select all that apply.
- 01: Your current spouse or common-law partner
- 02: Your former spouse or common-law partner
- 03: Your current dating partner
- 04: Your former dating partner
- 05: A member of your family
- 06: Your neighbour
- 07: Your friend
- 08: An acquaintance
- 09: An online friend
- 10: Your teacher or professor
- 11: Your supervisor, manager or boss
- 12: Your co-worker
- 13: Your classmate
- 14: Known by sight only
- 15: A stranger
- 16: Your caregiver
- 17: Other
Most serious incident of physical assault (PAD3)
Most serious incident of physical assault (PAD3) - Question identifier:PAD3_Q400
Did the police find out about the most serious incident of physical assault in any way?
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
Most serious incident of physical assault (PAD3) - Question identifier:PAD3_Q405
How did they learn about it?
- 1: From you
- 2: Some other way
Most serious incident of physical assault (PAD3) - Question identifier:PAD3_R420
You indicated that the police became aware of the most serious incident of physical assault, but that you did not personally report it.
Most serious incident of physical assault (PAD3) - Question identifier:PAD3_Q420
Did you speak with the police about the most serious incident of physical assault at any point?
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
Most serious incident of physical assault (PAD3) - Question identifier:PAD3_R430
The next questions are about experiences you may have had when you spoke to the police about the most serious incident of physical assault.
You may have spoken with more than one officer, so answer each question thinking about your overall experience.
Most serious incident of physical assault (PAD3) - Question identifier:PAD3_Q430
Were you informed about services, programs or resources available to you?
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
Most serious incident of physical assault (PAD3) - Question identifier:PAD3_Q435
In general, were you treated with respect?
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
Most serious incident of physical assault (PAD3) - Question identifier:PAD3_Q440
In general, did you feel as though your report was believed?
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
Most serious incident of physical assault (PAD3) - Question identifier:PAD3_Q445
Overall, did you feel that speaking to the police was worth your time or effort?
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
Most serious incident of physical assault (PAD3) - Question identifier:PAD3_Q450
Overall, how satisfied were you with the way you were treated by the police?
- 1: Very satisfied
- 2: Satisfied
- 3: Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied
- 4: Dissatisfied
- 5: Very dissatisfied
Most serious incident of physical assault (PAD3) - Question identifier:PAD3_Q470
What action did the police take?
Select all that apply.
Did they:
- 01: Visit the scene
- 02: Make a report or conduct an investigation
- 03: Give a warning to the offender
- 04: Take the offender away
- 05: Arrest the offender
- 06: Lay charges against the offender
- 07: Take any other action
- 08: Take no action
Most serious incident of physical assault (PAD3) - Question identifier:PAD3_Q480
Overall, how satisfied were you with the actions that the police took?
- 1: Very satisfied
- 2: Satisfied
- 3: Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied
- 4: Dissatisfied
- 5: Very dissatisfied
Most serious incident of physical assault (PAD3) - Question identifier:PAD3_Q500
Who did you talk to about the most serious incident of physical and sexual assault?
Select all that apply.
- 01: A family member
- 02: A friend or neighbour
- 03: A co-worker
- 04: A doctor or nurse
- 05: A lawyer
- 06: A priest, rabbi, imam, elder, or other spiritual advisor
- 07: Other
- 08: Did not talk to anyone
Most serious incident of physical assault (PAD3) - Question identifier:PAD3_Q510
During the past 12 months, did you ever contact or use any services for help because of the incident?
e.g., a crisis centre or help line, victim services or victim witness assistance program, a counsellor, psychologist, or social worker, a community, family, ethnic, or cultural centre, a shelter or transition house, a women's or men's centre, a senior's centre, a support group
Note: Press the help button (?) for a list of support resources.
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
Most serious incident of physical assault (PAD3) - Question identifier:PAD3_Q515
Did your use of these services have any of the following outcomes?
Select all that apply.
- 01: Helped you financially or helped you ensure your financial security
- 02: Helped with your physical or mental health and well-being
- 03: Helped you with the criminal justice system process
- 04: Ensured your safety or ensured the safety of your children
- 05: Made you feel responsible for the violence you experienced
- 06: Made you feel revictimized
- 07: Other
- 08: No outcome
Most serious incident of physical assault (PAD3) - Question identifier:PAD3_Q520
Is there any reason why you didn't use any of these services?
Select all that apply.
- 01: Didn't know of any services
- 02: None available
- 03: Waiting list
- 04: Incident too minor
- 05: Shame or embarrassment
- 06: Wouldn't be believed
- 07: The offender or your family prevented you
- 08: Distance from service
- 09: Didn't want or need help
- 10: None available in my language
- 11: Other
Most serious incident of physical assault (PAD3) - Question identifier:PAD3_Q525
Thinking of the most serious incident of physical assault in the past 12 months, did anyone make you feel as though you were responsible or to blame for this incident?
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
Most serious incident of physical assault (PAD3) - Question identifier:PAD3_Q530
Who made you feel as though you were responsible or to blame for the most serious incident of physical assault experienced in the past 12 months?
Select all that apply.
- 1: The person or persons who committed the violence
- 2: Your friends or family
- 3: The police
- 4: Victim services (e.g., a crisis centre or help line, a counsellor, psychologist, or social worker, a community, family, ethnic, or cultural centre, a shelter or transition house, a women's or men's centre, a senior's centre, a support group)
- 5: Other
Most serious incident of physical assault (PAD3) - Question identifier:PAD3_Q540
Thinking about the most serious incident of physical assault that you experienced in the past 12 months, did you experience any negative emotional impacts as a result?
Exclude physical injury, financial loss, and medical treatment.
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
Most serious incident of physical assault (PAD3) - Question identifier:PAD3_R550
Now, some questions about longer-term effects of the most serious incident of physical assault.
Most serious incident of physical assault (PAD3) - Question identifier:PAD3_Q550
In the past month, have you had nightmares about the incident or thought about it when you did not want to?
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
Most serious incident of physical assault (PAD3) - Question identifier:PAD3_Q560
In the past month, have you tried hard not to think about the incident or went out of your way to avoid situations that reminded you of it?
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
Most serious incident of physical assault (PAD3) - Question identifier:PAD3_Q570
In the past month, have you felt constantly on guard, watchful, or easily startled?
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
Most serious incident of physical assault (PAD3) - Question identifier:PAD3_Q580
In the past month, have you felt numb or detached from others, activities, or your surroundings?
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
Most serious incident of physical assault (PAD3) - Question identifier:PAD3_Q590
Did the most serious incident of physical assault cause you to change your behaviour in any of the following ways?
Select all that apply.
- 01: Avoiding certain places
- 02: Changing your routine to avoid certain people or situations
- 03: Changing the way you present yourself in public (e.g., changing the way you dress or act)
- 04: Carrying something to defend yourself or alert others
- 05: Becoming withdrawn from social events or activities you typically enjoy
- 06: Staying home in order to avoid similar experiences
- 07: Other
- 08: Not at all
Experiences in intimate partner relationships (IPV)
Experiences in intimate partner relationships (IPV) - Question identifier:IPV_R100A
The following set of questions asks about abusive and violent behaviours in relationships. Your answers are very important, regardless of whether or not you have experienced any of these behaviours. Remember that all the information you provide is strictly confidential.
Due to the sensitive nature of the questions, this section has been designed with important security safeguards.
Should you need to exit the section quickly, click on the Leave page quickly button located at the top right of the page. You will be redirected to another topic and will not be able to return to these questions. No one with access to your computer or device will be able to retrieve the answers you have entered in this section.
However, if you want to save the answers you entered and finish the questionnaire later, press the Save and finish later button. When you resume your session, you will start where you left off.
Experiences in intimate partner relationships (IPV) - Question identifier:IPV_R100B
Indicate if you have ever experienced the following behaviours from any intimate partners you have had.
Include current or former spouses, common-law partners, or dating partners.
Experiences in intimate partner relationships (IPV) - Question identifier:IPV_Q100
Has an intimate partner ever done any of the following?
Been jealous and didn't want you to talk to other men or women
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
Experiences in intimate partner relationships (IPV) - Question identifier:IPV_Q105
Has an intimate partner ever done any of the following?
Harmed, or threatened to harm your pets
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
Experiences in intimate partner relationships (IPV) - Question identifier:IPV_Q110
Has an intimate partner ever done any of the following?
Demanded to know who you were with and where you were at all times
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
Experiences in intimate partner relationships (IPV) - Question identifier:IPV_Q115
Has an intimate partner ever done any of the following?
Put you down or called you names to make you feel bad
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
Experiences in intimate partner relationships (IPV) - Question identifier:IPV_Q120
Has an intimate partner ever done any of the following?
Forced you to give them money or possessions
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
Experiences in intimate partner relationships (IPV) - Question identifier:IPV_Q125
Has an intimate partner ever done any of the following?
Told you you were crazy, stupid, or not good enough
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
Experiences in intimate partner relationships (IPV) - Question identifier:IPV_Q130
Has an intimate partner ever done any of the following?
Tried to convince your family, children, or friends that you are crazy or tried to turn them against you
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
Experiences in intimate partner relationships (IPV) - Question identifier:IPV_Q135
Has an intimate partner ever done any of the following?
Followed you or hung around outside your home or work
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
Experiences in intimate partner relationships (IPV) - Question identifier:IPV_Q140
Has an intimate partner ever done any of the following?
Kept you from seeing or talking to your family or friends
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
Experiences in intimate partner relationships (IPV) - Question identifier:IPV_Q145
Has an intimate partner ever done any of the following?
Harassed you by phone, text, email, or using social media
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
Experiences in intimate partner relationships (IPV) - Question identifier:IPV_Q150
Has an intimate partner ever done any of the following?
Made you perform sex acts that you did not want to perform
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
Experiences in intimate partner relationships (IPV) - Question identifier:IPV_Q155
Has an intimate partner ever done any of the following?
Shook, pushed, grabbed, or threw you
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
Experiences in intimate partner relationships (IPV) - Question identifier:IPV_Q160
Has an intimate partner ever done any of the following?
Kept you from having access to a job, money, or financial resources
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
Experiences in intimate partner relationships (IPV) - Question identifier:IPV_R165B
Indicate if you have ever experienced the following behaviours from any intimate partners you have had.
Include current or former spouses, common-law partners, or dating partners.
Experiences in intimate partner relationships (IPV) - Question identifier:IPV_Q165
Has an intimate partner ever done any of the following?
Hit you with a fist or object, kicked or bit you
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
Experiences in intimate partner relationships (IPV) - Question identifier:IPV_Q170
Has an intimate partner ever done any of the following?
Confined or locked you in a room or other space
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
Experiences in intimate partner relationships (IPV) - Question identifier:IPV_Q175
Has an intimate partner ever done any of the following?
Forced or tried to force you to have sex
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
Experiences in intimate partner relationships (IPV) - Question identifier:IPV_Q180
Has an intimate partner ever done any of the following?
Threatened to harm or kill you or someone close to you
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
Experiences in intimate partner relationships (IPV) - Question identifier:IPV_Q185
Has an intimate partner ever done any of the following?
Choked you
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
Experiences in intimate partner relationships (IPV) - Question identifier:IPV_Q190
Has an intimate partner ever done any of the following?
Used or threatened to use a knife or gun or other weapon to harm you
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
Experiences in intimate partner relationships (IPV) - Question identifier:IPV_Q195
Has an intimate partner ever done any of the following?
Threatened to hit you with their fist or anything that could hurt you
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
Experiences in intimate partner relationships (IPV) - Question identifier:IPV_Q200
Has an intimate partner ever done any of the following?
Damaged or destroyed your possessions or property
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
Experiences in intimate partner relationships (IPV) - Question identifier:IPV_Q205
Has an intimate partner ever done any of the following?
Thrown anything at you that could have hurt you
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
Experiences in intimate partner relationships (IPV) - Question identifier:IPV_Q210
Has an intimate partner ever done any of the following?
Slapped you
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
Experiences in intimate partner relationships (IPV) - Question identifier:IPV_Q215
Has an intimate partner ever done any of the following?
Beaten you
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
Experiences in intimate partner relationships (IPV) - Question identifier:IPV_Q220
Has an intimate partner ever done any of the following?
Made comments about your sexual past or your sexual performance that made you feel ashamed, inadequate, or humiliated
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
Experiences in intimate partner relationships (IPV) - Question identifier:IPV_Q225
Has an intimate partner ever done any of the following?
Revealed, or threatened to reveal, your sexual orientation or your relationship to anyone who you did not want to know about your sexuality or sexual orientation
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
Experiences in intimate partner relationships (IPV) - Question identifier:IPV_Q230
Has an intimate partner ever blamed you for causing their abusive or violent behaviour?
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
Experiences in intimate partner relationships (IPV) - Question identifier:IPV_R235A
You indicated that you experienced the following behaviours committed by an intimate partner.
Remember that all information provided is strictly confidential.
Experiences in intimate partner relationships (IPV) - Question identifier:IPV_Q235
How often did these behaviours occur in the past 12 months?
Been jealous and didn't want you to talk to other men or women
- 1: Not in the past 12 months
- 2: Once
- 3: A few times
- 4: Monthly
- 5: Weekly
- 6: Daily or almost daily
Experiences in intimate partner relationships (IPV) - Question identifier:IPV_Q240
How often did these behaviours occur in the past 12 months?
Harmed, or threatened to harm your pets
- 1: Not in the past 12 months
- 2: Once
- 3: A few times
- 4: Monthly
- 5: Weekly
- 6: Daily or almost daily
Experiences in intimate partner relationships (IPV) - Question identifier:IPV_Q245
How often did these behaviours occur in the past 12 months?
Demanded to know who you were with and where you were at all times
- 1: Not in the past 12 months
- 2: Once
- 3: A few times
- 4: Monthly
- 5: Weekly
- 6: Daily or almost daily
Experiences in intimate partner relationships (IPV) - Question identifier:IPV_Q250
How often did these behaviours occur in the past 12 months?
Put you down or called you names to make you feel bad
- 1: Not in the past 12 months
- 2: Once
- 3: A few times
- 4: Monthly
- 5: Weekly
- 6: Daily or almost daily
Experiences in intimate partner relationships (IPV) - Question identifier:IPV_Q255
How often did these behaviours occur in the past 12 months?
Forced you to give them money or possessions
- 1: Not in the past 12 months
- 2: Once
- 3: A few times
- 4: Monthly
- 5: Weekly
- 6: Daily or almost daily
Experiences in intimate partner relationships (IPV) - Question identifier:IPV_Q260
How often did these behaviours occur in the past 12 months?
Told you you were crazy, stupid, or not good enough
- 1: Not in the past 12 months
- 2: Once
- 3: A few times
- 4: Monthly
- 5: Weekly
- 6: Daily or almost daily
Experiences in intimate partner relationships (IPV) - Question identifier:IPV_Q265
How often did these behaviours occur in the past 12 months?
Tried to convince your family, children, or friends that you are crazy or tried to turn them against you
- 1: Not in the past 12 months
- 2: Once
- 3: A few times
- 4: Monthly
- 5: Weekly
- 6: Daily or almost daily
Experiences in intimate partner relationships (IPV) - Question identifier:IPV_Q270
How often did these behaviours occur in the past 12 months?
Followed you or hung around outside your home or work
- 1: Not in the past 12 months
- 2: Once
- 3: A few times
- 4: Monthly
- 5: Weekly
- 6: Daily or almost daily
Experiences in intimate partner relationships (IPV) - Question identifier:IPV_Q275
How often did these behaviours occur in the past 12 months?
Kept you from seeing or talking to your family or friends
- 1: Not in the past 12 months
- 2: Once
- 3: A few times
- 4: Monthly
- 5: Weekly
- 6: Daily or almost daily
Experiences in intimate partner relationships (IPV) - Question identifier:IPV_Q280
How often did these behaviours occur in the past 12 months?
Harassed you by phone, text, email, or using social media
- 1: Not in the past 12 months
- 2: Once
- 3: A few times
- 4: Monthly
- 5: Weekly
- 6: Daily or almost daily
Experiences in intimate partner relationships (IPV) - Question identifier:IPV_Q285
How often did these behaviours occur in the past 12 months?
Made you perform sex acts that you did not want to perform
- 1: Not in the past 12 months
- 2: Once
- 3: A few times
- 4: Monthly
- 5: Weekly
- 6: Daily or almost daily
Experiences in intimate partner relationships (IPV) - Question identifier:IPV_Q290
How often did these behaviours occur in the past 12 months?
Shook, pushed, grabbed, or threw you
- 1: Not in the past 12 months
- 2: Once
- 3: A few times
- 4: Monthly
- 5: Weekly
- 6: Daily or almost daily
Experiences in intimate partner relationships (IPV) - Question identifier:IPV_Q295
How often did these behaviours occur in the past 12 months?
Kept you from having access to a job, money, or financial resources
- 1: Not in the past 12 months
- 2: Once
- 3: A few times
- 4: Monthly
- 5: Weekly
- 6: Daily or almost daily
Experiences in intimate partner relationships (IPV) - Question identifier:IPV_Q300
How often did these behaviours occur in the past 12 months?
Hit you with a fist or object, kicked or bit you
- 1: Not in the past 12 months
- 2: Once
- 3: A few times
- 4: Monthly
- 5: Weekly
- 6: Daily or almost daily
Experiences in intimate partner relationships (IPV) - Question identifier:IPV_Q305
How often did these behaviours occur in the past 12 months?
Confined or locked you in a room or other space
- 1: Not in the past 12 months
- 2: Once
- 3: A few times
- 4: Monthly
- 5: Weekly
- 6: Daily or almost daily
Experiences in intimate partner relationships (IPV) - Question identifier:IPV_Q310
How often did these behaviours occur in the past 12 months?
Forced or tried to force you to have sex
- 1: Not in the past 12 months
- 2: Once
- 3: A few times
- 4: Monthly
- 5: Weekly
- 6: Daily or almost daily
Experiences in intimate partner relationships (IPV) - Question identifier:IPV_Q315
How often did these behaviours occur in the past 12 months?
Threatened to harm or kill you or someone close to you
- 1: Not in the past 12 months
- 2: Once
- 3: A few times
- 4: Monthly
- 5: Weekly
- 6: Daily or almost daily
Experiences in intimate partner relationships (IPV) - Question identifier:IPV_Q320
How often did these behaviours occur in the past 12 months?
Choked you
- 1: Not in the past 12 months
- 2: Once
- 3: A few times
- 4: Monthly
- 5: Weekly
- 6: Daily or almost daily
Experiences in intimate partner relationships (IPV) - Question identifier:IPV_Q325
How often did these behaviours occur in the past 12 months?
Used or threatened to use a knife or gun or other weapon to harm you
- 1: Not in the past 12 months
- 2: Once
- 3: A few times
- 4: Monthly
- 5: Weekly
- 6: Daily or almost daily
Experiences in intimate partner relationships (IPV) - Question identifier:IPV_Q330
How often did these behaviours occur in the past 12 months?
Threatened to hit you with their fist or anything that could hurt you
- 1: Not in the past 12 months
- 2: Once
- 3: A few times
- 4: Monthly
- 5: Weekly
- 6: Daily or almost daily
Experiences in intimate partner relationships (IPV) - Question identifier:IPV_Q335
How often did these behaviours occur in the past 12 months?
Damaged or destroyed your possessions or property
- 1: Not in the past 12 months
- 2: Once
- 3: A few times
- 4: Monthly
- 5: Weekly
- 6: Daily or almost daily
Experiences in intimate partner relationships (IPV) - Question identifier:IPV_Q340
How often did these behaviours occur in the past 12 months?
Thrown anything at you that could have hurt you
- 1: Not in the past 12 months
- 2: Once
- 3: A few times
- 4: Monthly
- 5: Weekly
- 6: Daily or almost daily
Experiences in intimate partner relationships (IPV) - Question identifier:IPV_Q345
How often did these behaviours occur in the past 12 months?
Slapped you
- 1: Not in the past 12 months
- 2: Once
- 3: A few times
- 4: Monthly
- 5: Weekly
- 6: Daily or almost daily
Experiences in intimate partner relationships (IPV) - Question identifier:IPV_Q350
How often did these behaviours occur in the past 12 months?
Beaten you
- 1: Not in the past 12 months
- 2: Once
- 3: A few times
- 4: Monthly
- 5: Weekly
- 6: Daily or almost daily
Experiences in intimate partner relationships (IPV) - Question identifier:IPV_Q355
How often did these behaviours occur in the past 12 months?
Made comments about your sexual past or your sexual performance that made you feel ashamed, inadequate, or humiliated
- 1: Not in the past 12 months
- 2: Once
- 3: A few times
- 4: Monthly
- 5: Weekly
- 6: Daily or almost daily
Experiences in intimate partner relationships (IPV) - Question identifier:IPV_Q360
How often did these behaviours occur in the past 12 months?
Revealed, or threatened to reveal, your sexual orientation or your relationship to anyone who you did not want to know about your sexuality or sexual orientation
- 1: Not in the past 12 months
- 2: Once
- 3: A few times
- 4: Monthly
- 5: Weekly
- 6: Daily or almost daily
Experiences in intimate partner relationships (IPV) - Question identifier:IPV_Q365
How often did these behaviours occur in the past 12 months?
Blamed you for causing their violent behaviour
- 1: Not in the past 12 months
- 2: Once
- 3: A few times
- 4: Monthly
- 5: Weekly
- 6: Daily or almost daily
Experiences in intimate partner relationships (LTV)
Experiences in intimate partner relationships (LTV) - Question identifier:LTV_R010
You indicated that, in your lifetime, you have experienced some form of emotionally abusive or violent behaviours committed by an intimate partner.
Remember that all information provided is strictly confidential.
Experiences in intimate partner relationships (LTV) - Question identifier:LTV_Q020
As a result of these experiences, have you ever been afraid of any partner?
Include any current or former spouses, common-law partners, or dating partners.
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
Experiences in intimate partner relationships (LTV) - Question identifier:LTV_Q040
As a result of these experiences, have you ever felt controlled or trapped by any partner?
Include any current or former spouses, common-law partners, or dating partners.
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
Experiences in intimate partner relationships (LTV) - Question identifier:LTV_Q060
As a result of these experiences, have you ever felt anxious or on edge because of any partner?
Include any current or former spouses, common-law partners, or dating partners.
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
Experiences in intimate partner relationships (IPD)
Experiences in intimate partner relationships (IPD) - Question identifier:IPD_R010
You indicated that, in the past 12 months, you have experienced some form of emotionally abusive or violent behaviour committed by an intimate partner.
If you had more than one abusive or violent partner in the past 12 months, please think about the relationship where the most serious abuse or violence occurred.
Remember that all information provided is strictly confidential.
Experiences in intimate partner relationships (IPD) - Question identifier:IPD_Q015
What is this person's current relationship to you?
Is it:
- 1: Current spouse or common-law partner
- 2: Former spouse or common-law partner
- 3: Current dating partner
- 4: Former dating partner
Experiences in intimate partner relationships (IPD) - Question identifier:IPD_Q017
Was this person emotionally abusive or violent towards you on more than one occasion?
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
Experiences in intimate partner relationships (IPD) - Question identifier:IPD_Q020
What was this person's relationship to you at the time of the behaviour?
- 1: Current spouse or common-law partner
- 2: Former spouse or common-law partner
- 3: Current dating partner
- 4: Former dating partner
Experiences in intimate partner relationships (IPD) - Question identifier:IPD_Q025
Thinking of the first time these behaviours occurred in the past 12 months, what was this person's relationship to you at that time?
Was it:
- 1: Current spouse or common-law partner
- 2: Former spouse or common-law partner
- 3: Current dating partner
- 4: Former dating partner
Experiences in intimate partner relationships (IPD) - Question identifier:IPD_Q030
Thinking of the most recent time these behaviours occurred, what was this person's relationship to you at that time?
Was it:
- 1: Current spouse or common-law partner
- 2: Former spouse or common-law partner
- 3: Current dating partner
- 4: Former dating partner
Experiences in intimate partner relationships (IPD3)
Experiences in intimate partner relationships (IPD3) - Question identifier:IPD3_Q060
As a result of the violence you experienced by an intimate partner in the past 12 months, were you physically injured in any way?
e.g., bruises, cuts, broken bones
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
Experiences in intimate partner relationships (IPD3) - Question identifier:IPD3_Q065
What were your injuries?
Select all that apply.
- 1: Bruises
- 2: Cuts, scratches or burns
- 3: Fractures or broken bones
- 4: A miscarriage
- 5: Internal injuries
- 6: A concussion or other head injuries
- 7: Other
Experiences in intimate partner relationships (IPD3) - Question identifier:IPD3_Q070
As a result of the violence you experienced in the past 12 months, did you ever lose consciousness or almost lose consciousness?
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
Experiences in intimate partner relationships (IPD3) - Question identifier:IPD3_Q075
Did any of the behaviour in the past 12 months occur while your current or former partner was drinking?
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
Experiences in intimate partner relationships (IPD3) - Question identifier:IPD3_Q080
Did any of the behaviour in the past 12 months happen while you were pregnant?
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
Experiences in intimate partner relationships (IPD3) - Question identifier:IPD3_Q085
During the past 12 months, were you ever separated because of your current or former partner's behaviour?
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
- 3: Not applicable, separated more than 12 months ago
Experiences in intimate partner relationships (IPD3) - Question identifier:IPD3_Q090
Did you have to leave a shared home or accommodation you had with your current or former partner, even if only temporarily?
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
- 3: Did not have a shared home or accommodation
Experiences in intimate partner relationships (IPD3) - Question identifier:IPD3_Q095
During this time, where did you stay?
Select all that apply.
- 1: Purchased or rented new accommodations (e.g., home or apartment)
- 2: With friends or family
- 3: At a hotel, motel or other paid accommodation
- 4: In a shelter
- 5: In a car, on the street, or in a public park
- 6: Other
Experiences in intimate partner relationships (IPD3) - Question identifier:IPD3_Q100
Did the police find out about the behaviour in any way?
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
Experiences in intimate partner relationships (IPD3) - Question identifier:IPD3_Q105
How did they learn about it?
- 1: From you
- 2: Some other way
Experiences in intimate partner relationships (IPD3) - Question identifier:IPD3_Q115
After the police learned about the behaviour, would you say it increased, decreased, stopped entirely, or stayed about the same?
- 1: Increased
- 2: Decreased
- 3: Stopped entirely
- 4: Stayed about the same
Experiences in intimate partner relationships (IPD3) - Question identifier:IPD3_R120
You indicated that the police became aware of the behaviour, but that you did not personally report it.
Experiences in intimate partner relationships (IPD3) - Question identifier:IPD3_Q120
Did you speak with the police about the behaviour at any point?
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
Experiences in intimate partner relationships (IPD3) - Question identifier:IPD3_R130
The next questions are about experiences you may have had when you spoke to the police about the behaviour.
You may have spoken with more than one officer or spoken with the police about more than one incident, so answer each question thinking about your overall experience.
Experiences in intimate partner relationships (IPD3) - Question identifier:IPD3_Q130
Were you informed about services, programs or resources available to you?
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
Experiences in intimate partner relationships (IPD3) - Question identifier:IPD3_Q140
In general, were you treated with respect?
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
Experiences in intimate partner relationships (IPD3) - Question identifier:IPD3_Q150
In general, did you feel as though your report was believed?
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
Experiences in intimate partner relationships (IPD3) - Question identifier:IPD3_Q160
Overall, did you feel that speaking to the police was worth your time or effort?
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
Experiences in intimate partner relationships (IPD3) - Question identifier:IPD3_Q170
Overall, how satisfied were you with the way you were treated by the police?
Would you say:
- 1: Very satisfied
- 2: Somewhat satisfied
- 3: Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied
- 4: Somewhat dissatisfied
- 5: Very dissatisfied
Experiences in intimate partner relationships (IPD3) - Question identifier:IPD3_Q195A
What action did the police take?
Select all that apply.
Did they:
- 01: Visit the scene
- 02: Make a report or conduct an investigation
- 03: Give a warning to your partner
- 04: Give you a warning
- 05: Take your partner away
- 06: Take you away
- 07: Arrest your partner
- 08: Arrest you
- 09: Lay charges against your partner
- 10: Lay charges against you
- 11: Take any other action
- 12: Take no action
Experiences in intimate partner relationships (IPD3) - Question identifier:IPD3_Q200
Overall, how satisfied were you with the actions that the police took?
Would you say:
- 1: Very satisfied
- 2: Somewhat satisfied
- 3: Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied
- 4: Somewhat dissatisfied
- 5: Very dissatisfied
Experiences in intimate partner relationships (IPD3) - Question identifier:IPD3_Q205A
[Other than the police, who else did you talk to / Who did you talk to] about the behaviour?
Select all that apply.
Would you say:
- 01: A family member
- 02: A friend or neighbour
- 03: A co-worker
- 04: A doctor or nurse
- 05: A lawyer
- 06: A priest, rabbi, imam, elder, or other spiritual advisor
- 07: Other
- 08: Did not talk to anyone
Experiences in intimate partner relationships (IPD3) - Question identifier:IPD3_Q210
During the past 12 months, did you ever contact or use any services for help because of the behaviour?
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
Experiences in intimate partner relationships (IPD3) - Question identifier:IPD3_Q215B
Did your use of these services have any of the following outcomes?
Select all that apply.
Would you say:
- 01: Helped you financially or helped you ensure your financial security
- 02: Helped with your physical or mental health and well-being
- 03: Helped you with the criminal justice system process
- 04: Ensured your safety or ensured the safety of your children
- 05: Helped you leave your relationship
- 06: Helped your partner
- 07: Made you feel responsible for the violence you experienced
- 08: Made you feel revictimized
- 09: Other
- 10: No outcome
Experiences in intimate partner relationships (IPD3) - Question identifier:IPD3_Q230
Thinking about the abusive or violent behaviours that you have experienced in the past 12 months, did you experience any negative emotional impacts as a result?
Exclude physical injury, financial loss, and medical treatment.
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
Experiences in intimate partner relationships (IPD3) - Question identifier:IPD3_R240
Now, some questions about longer-term effects of the abusive or violent behaviour you experienced.
Experiences in intimate partner relationships (IPD3) - Question identifier:IPD3_Q240
In the past month, have you had nightmares about the abusive or violent behaviour or thought about it when you did not want to?
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
Experiences in intimate partner relationships (IPD3) - Question identifier:IPD3_Q250
In the past month, have you tried hard not to think about the abusive or violent behaviour or went out of your way to avoid situations that reminded you of it?
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
Experiences in intimate partner relationships (IPD3) - Question identifier:IPD3_Q260
In the past month, have you felt constantly on guard, watchful, or easily startled?
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
Experiences in intimate partner relationships (IPD3) - Question identifier:IPD3_Q270
In the past month, have you felt numb or detached from others, activities, or your surroundings?
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
Lifetime experiences (HOM)
Lifetime experiences (HOM) - Question identifier:HOM_Q10
Have you ever been homeless; that is, having to live in a shelter, on the street, or in an abandoned building?
e.g., living in homeless shelters, in other locations not intended for human habitation such as cars, laneways, sidewalks
· staying with family, friends, strangers
· staying in hotels, hostels or rented accommodations
· homelessness experienced outside of Canada.
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
Lifetime experiences (HOM) - Question identifier:HOM_Q17
Was this because you were leaving an emotionally abusive or physically violent situation?
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
Lifetime experiences (HOM) - Question identifier:HOM_Q30
Have you ever had to temporarily live with family or friends, or anywhere else because you had nowhere else to live?
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
Lifetime experiences (HOM) - Question identifier:HOM_Q37
Was this because you were leaving an emotionally abusive or physically violent situation?
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
Lifetime experiences (HOM) - Question identifier:HOM_Q50
Have you ever temporarily lived somewhere other than your home because you were leaving an abusive or violent situation?
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
Health and well-being (GEN)
Health and well-being (GEN) - Question identifier:GEN_R01
The following question is about health. By health, we mean not only the absence of disease or injury but also physical, mental and social well-being.
Health and well-being (GEN) - Question identifier:GEN_Q01
In general, how is your health?
Would you say:
- 1: Excellent
- 2: Very good
- 3: Good
- 4: Fair
- 5: Poor
Health and well-being (SHR)
Health and well-being (SHR) - Question identifier:SHR_Q115
In general, how would you rate your mental health?
Would you say:
- 1: Excellent
- 2: Very good
- 3: Good
- 4: Fair
- 5: Poor
Health and well-being (LSM)
Health and well-being (LSM) - Question identifier:LSM_Q01
Using a scale of 0 to 10, where 0 means "Very dissatisfied" and 10 means "Very satisfied", how do you feel about your life as a whole right now?
- 00: 0 - Very dissatisfied
- 01: 1
- 02: 2
- 03: 3
- 04: 4
- 05: 5
- 06: 6
- 07: 7
- 08: 8
- 09: 9
- 10: 10 - Very satisfied
Long term conditions (LTC)
Long term conditions (LTC) - Question identifier:LTC_R05
The following questions are about any long-term conditions you may have.
Long term conditions (LTC) - Question identifier:LTC_Q05
Do you have any of the following difficulties?
Include only difficulties or long-term conditions that have lasted or are expected to last for six or more months.
Select all that apply.
Do you have:
- 1: Difficulty seeing even when wearing glasses or contact lenses
- 2: Difficulty hearing even when using a hearing aid or cochlear implant
- 3: Difficulty walking, using stairs, using your hands or fingers or doing other physical activities
- 4: Difficulty learning, remembering or concentrating
- 5: Emotional, psychological or mental health conditions (e.g., anxiety, depression, bipolar disorder, substance abuse, anorexia)
- 6: Other health problem or long-term condition that has lasted or is expected to last for six or more months
- 7: I do not have any difficulty or long-term condition that has lasted or is expected to last for six or more months
Long term conditions (LTC) - Question identifier:LTC_Q10
Do you identify as a person with a disability?
A person with a disability is a person who has a long-term difficulty or condition, such as vision, hearing, mobility, flexibility, dexterity, pain, learning, developmental, memory or mental health-related impairments, that limit their daily activities inside or outside the home such as at school, work, or in the community in general.
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
Place of birth, immigration and citizenship (IM)
Place of birth, immigration and citizenship (IM) - Question identifier:IM_Q01A
Where were you born?
Specify place of birth according to present boundaries.
- 1: Born in Canada
- 2: Born outside Canada
Place of birth, immigration and citizenship (IM) - Question identifier:IM_Q01AA
Specify the province or territory
- 10: Newfoundland and Labrador
- 11: Prince Edward Island
- 12: Nova Scotia
- 13: New Brunswick
- 24: Quebec
- 35: Ontario
- 46: Manitoba
- 47: Saskatchewan
- 48: Alberta
- 59: British Columbia
- 60: Yukon
- 61: Northwest Territories
- 62: Nunavut
Place of birth, immigration and citizenship (IM) - Question identifier:IM_Q01AB
Select the country
To search for a country, type the first few letters to narrow down the choices.
Note: if the country is not listed, select "Other".
- 1: Country list
- 2: Other
Place of birth, immigration and citizenship (IM) - Question identifier:IM_Q02
In what year did you first come to Canada to live?
Min = 0; Max = 9999
If exact year is not known, enter best estimate.
Place of birth, immigration and citizenship (IM) - Question identifier:IM_Q03
Are you now, or have you ever been a landed immigrant?
A "landed immigrant" (permanent resident) is a person who has been granted the right to live in Canada permanently by immigration authorities.
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
Place of birth, immigration and citizenship (IM) - Question identifier:IM_Q04
In what year did you first become a landed immigrant?
Min = 0; Max = 9999
If exact year is not known, enter best estimate.
Place of birth, immigration and citizenship (IM) - Question identifier:IM_Q05AA
Of what country are you a citizen?
First citizenship
- 1: Country list
- 2: Other
Place of birth, immigration and citizenship (IM) - Question identifier:IM_Q05AB
Of what country are you a citizen?
Second citizenship (if applicable)
- 1: Country list
- 2: Other
Place of birth, immigration and citizenship (IM) - Question identifier:IM_Q05AC
Of what country are you a citizen?
Third citizenship (if applicable)
- 1: Country list
- 2: Other
Indigenous identity (ABM)
Indigenous identity (ABM) - Question identifier:ABM_Q01
Is this person First Nations, Métis or Inuk (Inuit)?
First Nations (North American Indian) includes Status and Non-Status Indians.
If "Yes", select the responses that best describes this person now.
- 1: No, not First Nations, Métis or Inuk (Inuit)
- 2: Yes, First Nations (North American Indian)
- 3: Yes, Métis
- 4: Yes, Inuk (Inuit)
Indigenous identity (ABM) - Question identifier:ABM_Q02
Is this person a Status Indian (Registered or Treaty Indian as defined by the Indian Act of Canada)?
- 1: Yes, Status Indian (Registered or Treaty)
- 2: No
Indigenous identity (ABM) - Question identifier:ABM_Q03A
Is this person a member of a First Nation or Indian band?
If "Yes", specify name of First Nation or Indian band.
e.g., Soowahlie Indian Band, Sturgeon Lake First Nation, Atikamekw of Manawan
- 1: Yes, Member of a First Nation or Indian band
- 2: No
Sociodemographic characteristics (PG)
Sociodemographic characteristics (PG) - Question identifier:PG_Q05
The following question collects information in accordance with the Employment Equity Act and its Regulations and Guidelines to support programs that promote equal opportunity for everyone to share in the social, cultural, and economic life of Canada.
Select all that apply.
Is this person:
- 01: White
- 02: South Asian (e.g., East Indian, Pakistani, Sri Lankan)
- 03: Chinese
- 04: Black
- 05: Filipino
- 06: Arab
- 07: Latin American
- 08: Southeast Asian (e.g., Vietnamese, Cambodian, Laotian, Thai)
- 09: West Asian (e.g., Iranian, Afghan)
- 10: Korean
- 11: Japanese
- 12: Other
Religion (REL)
Religion (REL) - Question identifier:REL_Q01A
What is your religion?
Specify your denomination or religion, even if you are not currently a practicing member of that group.
e.g., Roman Catholic, United Church, Anglican, Baptist, Lutheran, Muslim, Presbyterian, Pentecostal, Jewish, Buddhist, Hindu, Sikh, Greek Orthodox
- 1: List of religions
- 2: Other
Religion (REL) - Question identifier:REL_Q01B
What is your religion?
- 1: No religion
Language (LAN)
Language (LAN) - Question identifier:LAN_Q01
Can you speak English or French well enough to conduct a conversation?
- 1: English only
- 2: French only
- 3: Both English and French
- 4: Neither English nor French
Language (LAN) - Question identifier:LAN_Q02
What language do you speak most often at home?
- 1: English
- 2: French
- 3: Other
Language (LAN) - Question identifier:LAN_Q04
What is the language that you first learned at home in childhood and still understand?
If you no longer understand the first language learned, indicate the second language learned.
- 1: English
- 2: French
- 3: Other
Language (LAN) - Question identifier:LAN_R05
Thank you for completing the Survey of Safety in Public and Private Spaces. Should you feel emotional discomfort after completing the survey, [contact information for support resources in your area is available. / please contact one of the support resources in your area listed below.]
[List of victim services for each province and territory]
- Date modified: