Survey Series on People and their Communities - Participation and Experiences in Community Sports

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Respondent confirmation (RC)

Respondent confirmation (RC) - Question identifier:RC_R01

The following questions are for [NAME_OR_EMAIL].

Participation in sports (SPO)

Participation in sports (SPO) - Question identifier:SPO_R05

The following questions are about your participation in sports as an athlete or participant.

Include participation in competitive sports, recreational sports through a club or a league, and recreational sports such as running and drop-in sports.
Exclude exercising at the gym.

Participation in sports (SPO) - Question identifier:SPO_Q05

On average, during the warmer months, how often have you participated in sports in the past 12 months?

  • 1: Less than once a month
  • 2: Once a month
  • 3: 2 or 3 times a month
  • 4: Once a week
  • 5: 2 or 3 times a week
  • 6: 4 or more times a week
  • 7: Did not participate in sports during the warmer months in the past 12 months

Participation in sports (SPO) - Question identifier:SPO_Q10

On average, during the colder months, how often have you participated in sports in the past 12 months?

  • 1: Less than once a month
  • 2: Once a month
  • 3: 2 or 3 times a month
  • 4: Once a week
  • 5: 2 or 3 times a week
  • 6: 4 or more times a week
  • 7: Did not participate in sports during the colder months in the past 12 months

Participation in sports (SPO) - Question identifier:SPO_Q15

Which of the following best describes the main reason preventing you from participating in sports more frequently?

  • 01: Not interested in participating in sports more frequently
  • 02: Do not have the time
  • 03: Injury or health concerns (Include existing and potential injuries, health concerns due to COVID-19.)
  • 04: Disability that prevents you from taking part
  • 05: Programs or facilities not easily accessible (e.g., no sport centres, community centres, leagues or programs available in my community, lack of transportation)
  • 06: Too expensive
  • 07: Participate in physical activity other than sports (e.g., exercising at the gym)
  • 08: Do not know where to participate or access programs (e.g., lack of beginner-level sports options)
  • 09: Previously had a negative experience with sport (e.g., racism, discrimination)
  • 10: Concerned with being the target of racism or discrimination
  • 11: Concerned you would feel unwelcome (e.g., fear of judgment about age, ability, language barrier, lack of religious or cultural accommodation)

Involvement in non-athletic roles in sport (ROL)

Involvement in non-athletic roles in sport (ROL) - Question identifier:ROL_R05

The following questions are about your involvement in non-athletic roles in community sports, such as being a coach or instructor, referee or official, or administrator.

"Community sports" are organized sports activities that include community and school sports leagues, competitive club sports, recreational sports, and drop-in sports. Community sports can be organized and offered by neighbourhoods, townships and municipalities, by local organizations or by volunteers.

Exclude your participation in sports as an athlete.

Involvement in non-athletic roles in sport (ROL) - Question identifier:ROL_Q05

In the past 12 months, have you regularly been involved in any of the following non-athletic roles in sports or been a spectator of a sports activity?

"Regularly" means at least 2 or 3 times a month in a season or for a certain period of the year.

Select all that apply.

  • 01: Coached or instructed a team, group or individual
  • 02: Refereed, was an official or was an umpire at a sporting event
  • 03: Worked as a sports manager, director, or administrator for a club, sports program, team or community recreation centre (e.g., team manager, sports association director, member of a board of directors)
  • 04: Participated in other roles for sports-related activities (e.g., scorekeeper, photographer, medical team, announcer)
  • 05: Was a spectator of a sports activity in which a family member was participating (Include watching competitive and recreational games, competitions, and practices.
    Exclude being a spectator for professional sports.)
  • 06: Was a spectator of a sports activity in which a friend was participating (Include watching competitive and recreational games, competitions, and practices.
    Exclude being a spectator for professional sports.)
  • 07: Was a spectator of a sports activity in which family or friends were not participating (Include watching competitive and recreational games, competitions, and practices.
    Exclude being a spectator for professional sports.)
  • 08: Did not regularly take on any of these roles

Involvement in non-athletic roles in sport (ROL) - Question identifier:ROL_Q10

Which of the following best describes why you have not been involved in non-athletic roles in sports in the past 12 months?

"Non-athletic roles" refers to coaching, refereeing, volunteering and managing in sports.
Exclude being a spectator of sports and participating in sport as an athlete.

  • 01: Not interested
  • 02: Do not have the time
  • 03: Injury or health concerns (Include existing and potential injuries, health concerns due to COVID-19.)
  • 04: Disability that prevented you from taking part
  • 05: Opportunities for these sports-related activities were not easily accessible (e.g., no sport centres, community centres, leagues or programs available in my community, lack of transportation)
  • 06: Too expensive
  • 07: Did not know how to get involved in any of these roles
  • 08: Previously had a negative experience with sport (e.g., racism, discrimination)
  • 09: Concerned with being the target of racism or discrimination
  • 10: Concerned you would feel unwelcome (e.g., fear of judgment about age, ability, language barrier, lack of religious or cultural accommodation)
  • 11: Felt like you did not have enough knowledge of sport to become involved

Involvement in non-athletic roles in sport (ROL) - Question identifier:ROL_Q15

Are you interested in getting involved in any of the following non-athletic roles in sports in the future?

Select all that apply.

  • 1: Coaching or instructing a team, group or individual
  • 2: Refereeing, being an official or being an umpire at a sporting event
  • 3: Working as a sports manager director, or administrator for a club, sports program, team or community recreation centre (e.g., team manager, sports association director, member of a board of directors)
  • 4: Participating in other roles for sports-related activities (e.g., scorekeeper, photographer, medical team, announcer)
  • 5: Do not have an interest in any of these non-athletic roles

Involvement in non-athletic roles in sport (ROL) - Question identifier:ROL_Q20

To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statement?
My participation in non-athletic roles in sports has a positive impact on my well-being.

"Non-athletic roles" refers to coaching, refereeing, volunteering and managing in sports.

  • 1: Strongly agree
  • 2: Agree
  • 3: Neither agree nor disagree
  • 4: Disagree
  • 5: Strongly disagree
  • 6: Not applicable

Involvement in non-athletic roles in sport (ROL) - Question identifier:ROL_Q25

Of the following factors, which is the main factor that might influence your decision to participate in non-athletic roles in the future?

  • 01: Helping out or giving back to your community
  • 02: Being outdoors or in nature
  • 03: The potential to help athletes develop
  • 04: Spending time with friends and family
  • 05: Passion for sport
  • 06: Activity in my spare time
  • 07: Meeting new friends, acquaintances, community members
  • 08: Volunteering as a gateway to future employment
  • 09: Being financially compensated for the non-athletic roles
  • 10: None of the factors above would influence your decision to participate in non-athletic roles in sport in the future

Sports in your community (COM)

Sports in your community (COM) - Question identifier:COM_R05

"Community sports" are organized sports activities that include community and school sports leagues, competitive club sports, recreational sports, and drop-in sports. Community sports can be organized and offered by neighbourhoods, townships and municipalities, by local organizations or by volunteers.

Sports in your community (COM) - Question identifier:COM_Q05

Are you aware of the recreational and competitive sports programs offered by your community?

  • 1: Yes, aware of all or most of the sports programs offered by my community
  • 2: Yes, aware of some of the sports programs offered by my community
  • 3: No, not aware of the sports programs offered by my community
  • 4: My community does not offer sports programs

Sports in your community (COM) - Question identifier:COM_Q10

In general, does your community offer the sports you are interested in at the skill level you are looking for?

Select all that apply.

  • 1: Yes
  • 2: No, my community does not offer the sports I am interested in at all
  • 3: No, the skill level of the sports offered is too advanced or competitive
  • 4: No, the skill level of the sports offered is too basic or recreational
  • 5: Don't know if my community offers the sports I am interested in at the skill level I am looking for

Sports in your community (COM) - Question identifier:COM_Q15

When thinking about participating in sports in your community, what factors might influence your decision to participate in the future?

Select all that apply.

  • 01: Convenience of participation (e.g., location and availability of sport programs in my community, programs that fit within my schedule)
  • 02: The cost of sport programs
  • 03: Being outdoors or in nature
  • 04: Participating with friends, meeting new people or members of my community
  • 05: Sport opportunities that are safe (e.g., sport opportunities where you are protected from danger or risk, and the environment is free of abuse, harassment, mistreatment and discrimination)
  • 06: Opportunities for drop-in or pay-to-play sports
  • 07: Sport opportunities and facilities that are specifically for you (e.g., opportunities and facilities specifically for seniors, women and girls, beginners or those new to sport, intermediates or experts, persons living with disabilities)
  • 08: Sport opportunities that are culturally relevant for you (i.e., sports that are played and shared with others from the same cultural background)
  • 09: Develop as an athlete or compete at increasingly higher levels
  • 10: Being able to bring my children or having child care offered
  • 11: None of the factors above would influence my decision to participate in sports in my community in the future

Experiences in sport (EXS)

Experiences in sport (EXS) - Question identifier:EXS_Q05

To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statement?
Racism and discrimination are a problem in community sports in Canada.

  • 1: Strongly agree
  • 2: Agree
  • 3: Neither agree nor disagree
  • 4: Disagree
  • 5: Strongly disagree
  • 6: Don't know whether racism and discrimination are a problem in community sports in Canada

Experiences in sport (EXS) - Question identifier:EXS_Q10

To your knowledge, is there a policy or code of conduct that governs any of the sports you participate in that addresses racism and discrimination?

Include the sports you actively participate in and the sports in which you are a coach, referee, administrator or have a non-athletic role.

  • 1: Yes
  • 2: No
  • 3: Not aware of any
  • 4: Not applicable to any of the sports you participate in

Experiences in sport (EXS) - Question identifier:EXS_Q15

On a scale of 1 to 5, where 1 means "No confidence at all" and 5 means "A great deal of confidence," how confident are you that coaches or instructors, referees or officials, managers, administrators and volunteers in community sports have been properly trained to do the following?
Help prevent incidents of racism and discrimination in sport

  • 1: 1 - No confidence at all
  • 2: 2
  • 3: 3
  • 4: 4
  • 5: 5 - A great deal of confidence
  • 6: Don't know

Experiences in sport (EXS) - Question identifier:EXS_Q16

On a scale of 1 to 5, where 1 means "No confidence at all" and 5 means "A great deal of confidence," how confident are you that coaches or instructors, referees or officials, managers, administrators and volunteers in community sports have been properly trained to do the following?
Appropriately address incidents of racism and discrimination in sport when they happen

  • 1: 1 - No confidence at all
  • 2: 2
  • 3: 3
  • 4: 4
  • 5: 5 - A great deal of confidence
  • 6: Don't know

Experiences in sport (EXS) - Question identifier:EXS_Q20

In the past five years, have you experienced or witnessed unfair treatment, racism or discrimination in any of the sports or non-athletic roles you took part in?

Include sports you actively participated in and other non-athletic roles in the sport you were involved in, such as coaching, refereeing, volunteering, working as a manager, spectatorship.
Exclude experiencing or witnessing unfair treatment, racism or discrimination in professional sports.

Select all that apply.

  • 1: Yes, you experienced unfair treatment, racism or discrimination
  • 2: Yes, you witnessed unfair treatment, racism or discrimination
  • 3: No, you did not experience or witness unfair treatment, racism or discrimination
  • 4: No, you did not take part in sports or non-athletic roles in the past five years

Experiences in sport (EXS) - Question identifier:EXS_R25

The following questions are about all the instances of unfair treatment, racism or discrimination you [experienced/witnessed] in any of the sports or non-athletic roles you took part in over the past five years.

Experiences in sport (EXS) - Question identifier:EXS_Q25

Thinking of all instances of unfair treatment, racism or discrimination that you [experienced/witnessed] in the past five years, what were they based on?

Select all that apply.

  • 01: Indigenous identity
  • 02: Ethnicity or culture
  • 03: Race or skin colour
  • 04: Religion
  • 05: Language
  • 06: Accent
  • 07: Physical appearance (Include discrimination on the basis of weight, height, hair style or colour, clothing, jewelry, tattoos and other physical characteristics.
    Exclude discrimination on the basis of skin colour.)
  • 08: Sex (Sex refers to sex assigned at birth.)
  • 09: Sexual orientation (e.g., heterosexual, lesbian, gay, bisexual)
  • 10: Gender identity or expression (Include gender diverse identities such as two-spirit or non-binary.)
  • 11: Age
  • 12: A physical or mental disability
  • 13: Nationality or immigration status
  • 14: Some other reason

Experiences in sport (EXS) - Question identifier:EXS_Q30

Thinking of all instances of unfair treatment, racism or discrimination that you [experienced/witnessed] in the past five years, what role did [you have/the victim have] when they occurred?

Select all that apply.

  • 1: Athlete or participant
  • 2: Coach or instructor
  • 3: Spectator
  • 4: Referee, official or umpire
  • 5: Sports manager, director or administrator (e.g., team manager, sports association director, member of a board of directors)
  • 6: Other roles for sports-related activities (e.g., scorekeeper, photographer, announcer, medical team)

Experiences in sport (EXS) - Question identifier:EXS_Q35

Thinking of all instances of unfair treatment, racism or discrimination that you [experienced/witnessed] in the past five years, who were the instigators?

"Instigators" refer to the people responsible for initiating the unfair treatment, racism or discrimination.

Select all that apply.

  • 1: Athlete or participant
  • 2: Coach or instructor
  • 3: Spectator
  • 4: Referee, official or umpire
  • 5: Sports manager, director or administrator (e.g., team manager, sports association director, member of a board of directors)
  • 6: Other roles for sports-related activities (e.g., scorekeeper, photographer, announcer, medical team)

Experiences in sport (EXS) - Question identifier:EXS_Q40

Thinking of all instances of unfair treatment, racism or discrimination that you [experienced/witnessed] in the past five years, how often did they occur?

Select all that apply.

  • 1: Isolated incident or incidents
  • 2: Occasionally recurring incidents
  • 3: Consistently recurring incidents

Experiences in sport (EXS) - Question identifier:EXS_Q45

Thinking of all instances of unfair treatment, racism or discrimination that you [experienced/witnessed] in the past five years, how [were you/was the victim] treated?

Select all that apply.

  • 01: Ignored by others or excluded from conversation or group activities
  • 02: Made to feel uncomfortable (e.g., insensitive jokes or remarks, displaying or sharing racist or discriminatory material such as social media posts)
  • 03: People talked behind [your/the victim's] back
  • 04: Was unfairly penalized or punished
  • 05: Opportunities were denied (e.g., denial of promotion or training opportunities, denial of opportunities for increased playing time in a sport, denial of advancement in sport to a more competitive level)
  • 06: Called names, insulted or mocked
  • 07: Threatened or harassed
  • 08: Physically attacked or assaulted
  • 09: Other

Experiences in sport (EXS) - Question identifier:EXS_Q50

Thinking of all instances of unfair treatment, racism or discrimination that you [experienced/witnessed] in the past five years, which of the following best describes where they took place?

If there is overlap between categories, please select all categories that best describe the place where unfair treatment, racism or discrimination took place. For example, for a pool in a private sports club, both respective categories should be selected.

Select all that apply.

  • 01: Playing fields (e.g., soccer pitch, baseball diamond, football field)
  • 02: Pool
  • 03: Ice rink (e.g., skating rink, curling rink, hockey rink)
  • 04: Private sports club or sports centre (Include training gyms, golf clubs and tennis clubs.
    Exclude professional sports arenas and stadiums.)
  • 05: Public community centre ("Public community centre" refers to a public facility where community members can participate in programs and services for recreation and social purposes.)
  • 06: Schools and campuses (Include competitive and recreational sports leagues for students organized by schools, colleges and universities.)
  • 07: Public parks
  • 08: Natural parks (Include sites where outdoor sports take place, such as outdoor trails, mountains and lakes.
    e.g., downhill skiing, cross-country skiing, rowing)

Experiences in sport (EXS) - Question identifier:EXS_Q55

Thinking of all instances of unfair treatment, racism or discrimination that you [experienced/witnessed] in the past five years, did others witness them?

  • 1: Yes, there were [BLANK/other] witnesses
  • 2: No, there were no [BLANK/other] witnesses

Experiences in sport (EXS) - Question identifier:EXS_Q60

Thinking of all instances of unfair treatment, racism or discrimination that you [experienced/witnessed] in the past five years, how did [the witnesses/you] respond to them?

Select all that apply.

  • 1: Defended [you/the victim] or confronted the instigator
  • 2: Reported the incident
  • 3: Looked for help
  • 4: Comforted [you/the victim]
  • 5: Did nothing
  • 6: Joined in with the instigator

Experiences in sport (EXS) - Question identifier:EXS_Q65

Thinking of all instances of unfair treatment, racism or discrimination that you [experienced/witnessed] in the past five years, did you or someone else report them?

Select all that apply.

  • 1: Yes, the unfair treatment, racism or discrimination was formally reported (e.g., filed an official complaint or report to the coach, club or league administration, referee, organizer, police, security)
  • 2: Yes, the unfair treatment, racism or discrimination was informally reported (e.g., told a teammate, friends or family member, discussed on social media)
  • 3: No, the unfair treatment, racism or discrimination was not reported formally or informally
  • 4: Not aware if the unfair treatment, racism or discrimination was reported

Thank you (UCE)

Thank you (UCE) - Question identifier:UCE_R15

Thank you for completing the Participation and Experiences in Community Sports survey.

This is the [fourth/third] survey in the Survey Series on People and their Communities. By participating in this survey series, you will provide important information about the social and cultural environment of individuals and families in Canada. Results from the surveys will help decision makers develop programs and policies to better serve all Canadians.

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