Canadian Community Health Survey (CCHS) - Rapid Response - Healthy Living

For Information onlyThis is an electronic survey example for information purposes only. This is not a working questionnaire.

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Table of Contents

Healthy living (HLV)

Healthy living (HLV) - Question identifier:HLV_R001

The following questions are about your sleep.

Healthy living (HLV) - Question identifier:HLV_Q005

In the past 7 days, on the days you [worked / went to school], what time did you usually fall asleep?

Min = 0; Max = 24

Healthy living (HLV) - Question identifier:HLV_N005A

Enter number of minutes.

Min = 0; Max = 59

Healthy living (HLV) - Question identifier:HLV_N005B

Was that...?

  • 1: a.m.
  • 2: p.m.
  • 8: RF
  • 9: DK

Healthy living (HLV) - Question identifier:HLV_Q010

In the past 7 days, on the days you [worked / went to school], what time did you usually wake up?

Min = 0; Max = 24

Healthy living (HLV) - Question identifier:HLV_N010A

Enter number of minutes.

Min = 0; Max = 59

Healthy living (HLV) - Question identifier:HLV_N010B

Was that...?

  • 1: a.m.
  • 2: p.m.
  • 8: RF
  • 9: DK

Healthy living (HLV) - Question identifier:HLV_Q015

In the past 7 days, on [your days off / weekends], what time did you usually fall asleep?

Min = 0; Max = 24

Healthy living (HLV) - Question identifier:HLV_N015A

Enter number of minutes.

Min = 0; Max = 59

Healthy living (HLV) - Question identifier:HLV_N015B

Was that...?

  • 1: a.m.
  • 2: p.m.
  • 8: RF
  • 9: DK

Healthy living (HLV) - Question identifier:HLV_Q020

In the past 7 days, on [your days off / weekends], what time did you usually wake up?

Min = 0; Max = 24

Healthy living (HLV) - Question identifier:HLV_N020A

Enter number of minutes.

Min = 0; Max = 59

Healthy living (HLV) - Question identifier:HLV_N020B

Was that...?

  • 1: a.m.
  • 2: p.m.
  • 8: RF
  • 9: DK

Healthy living (HLV) - Question identifier:HLV_Q025

Overall, how would you rate your sleep quality in the past 7 days?

  • 1: Excellent
  • 2: Good
  • 3: Fair
  • 4: Poor
  • 8: RF
  • 9: DK

Healthy living (HLV) - Question identifier:HLV_Q030

In the past 7 days, how long before falling asleep did you usually stop watching television, or using electronics like a cell phone, tablet, computer or video game system?

  • 1: I fell asleep while using
  • 2: 1 minute to less than half an hour before sleep
  • 3: Half an hour to less than an hour before sleep
  • 4: 1 hour to less than 2 hours before sleep
  • 5: 2 hours or more before sleep
  • 8: RF
  • 9: DK

Healthy living (HLV) - Question identifier:HLV_Q035

Do you usually have a television or any types of electronic devices in your bedroom when you are sleeping, even if they are turned off?

  • 1: Yes
  • 2: No
  • 8: RF
  • 9: DK

Healthy living (HLV) - Question identifier:HLV_Q040

In the past 7 days, how much time did it usually take you to fall asleep at bedtime?

Min = 0; Max = 24

Healthy living (HLV) - Question identifier:HLV_N040A

Enter number of minutes.

Min = 0; Max = 59

Healthy living (HLV) - Question identifier:HLV_Q045

In the past 7 days, on how many days did you wake up 3 or more times during your sleep?

Min = 0; Max = 7

Healthy living (HLV) - Question identifier:HLV_R050

Now, think about activities that increase bone or muscle strength. A few examples are lifting weights, carrying heavy loads, shovelling, sit-ups, running, jumping or sports that involve a quick change in direction.

Healthy living (HLV) - Question identifier:HLV_Q050

In the past 7 days, on how many days did you do activities that increase bone or muscle strength?

Min = 0; Max = 7

Healthy living (HLV) - Question identifier:HLV_Q055

Many activities improve balance. A few examples are yoga, tai chi, dance, tennis, volleyball, and balance training.

In the past 7 days, on how many days did you do any activities that improve balance?

Min = 0; Max = 7

Healthy living 2 (HLV2)

Healthy living 2 (HLV2) - Question identifier:HLV2_R001

The next questions are about the time you spent sitting in the last 7 days.

Healthy living 2 (HLV2) - Question identifier:HLV2_Q005

On a school or work day, how much of your free time did you spend watching television or a screen on any electronic device while sitting or lying down?

  • 1: 2 hours or less per day
  • 2: More than 2 hours but less than 4 hours
  • 3: 4 hours to less than 6 hours
  • 4: 6 hours to less than 8 hours
  • 5: 8 hours or more per day
  • 6: Was not at work or school
  • 8: RF
  • 9: DK

Healthy living 2 (HLV2) - Question identifier:HLV2_Q010

[On a day that was not a school or workday, how / How] much of your free time did you spend watching television or a screen on any electronic device while sitting or lying down?

  • 1: 2 hours or less per day
  • 2: More than 2 hours but less than 4 hours
  • 3: 4 hours to less than 6 hours
  • 4: 6 hours to less than 8 hours
  • 5: 8 hours or more per day
  • 8: RF
  • 9: DK

Healthy living 2 (HLV2) - Question identifier:HLV2_Q015

In the past 7 days, while you were at work or school, how much time per day did you usually spend sitting, reclining or lying down?

Min = 0; Max = 24

Healthy living 2 (HLV2) - Question identifier:HLV2_N015A

Enter number of minutes.

Min = 0; Max = 59

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