Survey on Individual Safety in the Postsecondary Student Population

For Information onlyThis is an electronic survey example for information purposes only. This is not a working questionnaire.

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Table of Contents

Basic demographic information and screening (DM1)

Basic demographic information and screening (DM1) - Question identifier:DM1_R01

The first few questions ask about general demographic information.

To ensure confidentiality, Statistics Canada will group your responses with those of other respondents. Individual responses and results for very small groups will not be published.

Basic demographic information and screening (DM1) - Question identifier:DM1_Q01A

What is your date of birth?

Min = 1897; Max = 2018

Basic demographic information and screening (DM1) - Question identifier:DM1_Q01B

What is your date of birth?

  • 01: January
  • 02: February
  • 03: March
  • 04: April
  • 05: May
  • 06: June
  • 07: July
  • 08: August
  • 09: September
  • 10: October
  • 11: November
  • 12: December

Basic demographic information and screening (DM1) - Question identifier:DM1_Q01C

What is your date of birth?

  • 01: 1
  • 02: 2
  • 03: 3
  • 04: 4
  • 05: 5
  • 06: 6
  • 07: 7
  • 08: 8
  • 09: 9
  • 10: 10
  • 11: 11
  • 12: 12
  • 13: 13
  • 14: 14
  • 15: 15
  • 16: 16
  • 17: 17
  • 18: 18
  • 19: 19
  • 20: 20
  • 21: 21
  • 22: 22
  • 23: 23
  • 24: 24
  • 25: 25
  • 26: 26
  • 27: 27
  • 28: 28
  • 29: 29
  • 30: 30
  • 31: 31

Basic demographic information and screening (DM1) - Question identifier:DM1_Q03

Are you [THISYEAR - DM1_Q01A/Blank/THISYEAR - DM1_Q01A - 1] years old?

  • 1: Yes
  • 2: No

Basic demographic information and screening (DM1) - Question identifier:DM1_Q05

What is your age?

Min = 0; Max = 121

Basic demographic information and screening (DM1) - Question identifier:DM1_R10

The following questions are about sex at birth and gender.

Basic demographic information and screening (DM1) - Question identifier:DM1_Q10

What was your sex at birth?

Sex refers to sex assigned at birth.

  • 1: Male
  • 2: Female

Basic demographic information and screening (DM1) - Question identifier:DM1_Q15

What is your gender?

Gender refers to current gender which may be different from sex assigned at birth and may be different from what is indicated on legal documents.

  • 1: Male
  • 2: Female
  • 3: Or please specify

Basic demographic information and screening (DM1) - Question identifier:DM1_R17

Please verify that all of the information is correct.

If all the information is correct, then press the Next button.
To make changes, please press the Previous button.

Basic demographic information and screening (DM1) - Question identifier:DM1_R17A


Sex assigned at birth: [Male/Female/Information not provided]
Gender: [Male/Female/^DM1_S15/Information not provided]

Basic demographic information and screening (DM1) - Question identifier:DM1_Q18

In which province or territory do you live?

Province or territory

  • 10: Newfoundland and Labrador
  • 11: Prince Edward Island
  • 12: Nova Scotia
  • 13: New Brunswick
  • 24: Quebec
  • 35: Ontario
  • 46: Manitoba
  • 47: Saskatchewan
  • 48: Alberta
  • 59: British Columbia
  • 60: Yukon
  • 61: Northwest Territories
  • 62: Nunavut

Basic demographic information and screening (DM1) - Question identifier:DM1_Q20

Are you currently attending school at the postsecondary level, such as college, CEGEP or university?

Include university, college, CEGEP or other non-university institution.

Exclude elementary, junior high school and high school.

  • 1: Yes
  • 2: No

Basic demographic information and screening (DM1) - Question identifier:DM1_Q23

In the past 12 months, did you attend school at the postsecondary level, such as college, CEGEP or university?

Include university, college, CEGEP or other non-university institution.

Exclude elementary, junior high school and high school.

  • 1: Yes
  • 2: No

Basic demographic information and screening (DM1) - Question identifier:DM1_Q25

During the past 12 months, which months did you attend school at the postsecondary level, such as college, CEGEP or university?

Include attending classes on campus, online or participating in a co-op or work placement.

Select all that apply.

  • 01: September
  • 02: October
  • 03: November
  • 04: December
  • 05: January
  • 06: February
  • 07: March
  • 08: April
  • 09: May
  • 10: June
  • 11: July
  • 12: August

Basic demographic information and screening (DM1) - Question identifier:DM1_Q30

Have you ever attended school at the postsecondary level, such as college, CEGEP or university?

Include university, college, CEGEP or other non-university institution.

Exclude elementary, junior high school and high school.

  • 1: Yes
  • 2: No

Basic demographic information and screening (DM1) - Question identifier:DM1_Q40A

In what year and month did you start attending your most recent educational institution?

Include attendance only for courses that can be used as credit towards a certificate, diploma or degree.

Min = 2000; Max = 2019

Basic demographic information and screening (DM1) - Question identifier:DM1_Q40B

In what year and month did you start attending your most recent educational institution?

Include attendance only for courses that can be used as credit towards a certificate, diploma or degree.

  • 01: January
  • 02: February
  • 03: March
  • 04: April
  • 05: May
  • 06: June
  • 07: July
  • 08: August
  • 09: September
  • 10: October
  • 11: November
  • 12: December

Basic demographic information and screening (DM1) - Question identifier:DM1_Q45

Did you complete the requirements for your program at your most recent educational institution?

Complete the requirements: write the last exam, submit the last assignment or defend a thesis.

  • 1: Yes
  • 2: No

Basic demographic information and screening (DM1) - Question identifier:DM1_Q47

Did you discontinue your program?

  • 1: Yes
  • 2: No

Basic demographic information and screening (DM1) - Question identifier:DM1_Q48A

When did you discontinue your program?

Min = 2000; Max = 2019

Basic demographic information and screening (DM1) - Question identifier:DM1_Q48B

When did you discontinue your program?

  • 01: January
  • 02: February
  • 03: March
  • 04: April
  • 05: May
  • 06: June
  • 07: July
  • 08: August
  • 09: September
  • 10: October
  • 11: November
  • 12: December

Basic demographic information and screening (DM1) - Question identifier:DM1_Q50

[Is/Was] the postsecondary educational institution you [are currently/were most recently] enrolled in located in Canada?

  • 1: Yes
  • 2: No

Basic demographic information and screening (DM1) - Question identifier:DM1_Q55

In what province or territory [is/was] the postsecondary educational institution that you [are currently attending/most recently attended] located?

Province or territory

  • 10: Newfoundland and Labrador
  • 11: Prince Edward Island
  • 12: Nova Scotia
  • 13: New Brunswick
  • 24: Quebec
  • 35: Ontario
  • 46: Manitoba
  • 47: Saskatchewan
  • 48: Alberta
  • 59: British Columbia
  • 60: Yukon
  • 61: Northwest Territories
  • 62: Nunavut

Basic demographic information and screening (DM1) - Question identifier:DM1_Q60

In which of the following ways [do you/did you] attend your [current/most recent] school?

[Do you/Did you]:

Select all that apply.

  • 1: Attend classes on campus
  • 2: Attend classes online
  • 3: Participate in [on the job training/a co-op], work placement or practicum
  • 4: Have some other arrangement

Basic demographic information and screening (DM1) - Question identifier:DM1_Q65

What type of educational institution [are you attending/did you most recently attend]?

Select all that apply.

  • 1: High school
  • 2: College, CEGEP or other non-university institution
  • 3: University

Basic demographic information and screening (DM1) - Question identifier:DM1_Q70

[Are/Were] you enrolled as a full-time or a part-time student?

  • 1: A full-time student
  • 2: A part-time student
  • 3: Both full-time and part-time student
  • 9: DK

Basic demographic information and screening (DM1) - Question identifier:DM1_Q80

In total, how many different postsecondary schools have you ever attended?

Number of postsecondary schools

Min = 0; Max = 99

Basic demographic information and screening (DM1) - Question identifier:DM1_Q85

In total, how many years have you attended any postsecondary school?

  • 1: Less than one year
  • 2: One or more years

Basic demographic information and screening (DM1) - Question identifier:DM1_Q85A

Number of months you attended any postsecondary school

Min = 0; Max = 99

Basic demographic information and screening (DM1) - Question identifier:DM1_Q85B

Number of years you attended any postsecondary school

Min = 0; Max = 99

Round to the nearest year.
For example:
- if you attended for 2 years and 6 months or more, enter 3
- if you attended for 2 years and 5 months or less, enter 2.

Basic demographic information and screening (DM1) - Question identifier:DM1_Q90

What [is/was] your major field of study or specialization?

Major field of study or specialization

Long Answer Length = 80

Please be as specific as possible.
e.g., automobile mechanics, health care attendant, medical laboratory technology, civil engineering, agricultural economics

Basic demographic information and screening (DM1) - Question identifier:DM1_Q92

What is the typical length of time required to complete your program when taken full-time?

  • 1: Less than one year
  • 2: One or more years
  • 9: DK

Basic demographic information and screening (DM1) - Question identifier:DM1_Q92A

Number of months required to complete program

Min = 0; Max = 99

Basic demographic information and screening (DM1) - Question identifier:DM1_Q92B

Number of years required to complete program

Min = 0; Max = 99

Round to the nearest year.
For example:
- if your program required 2 years and 6 months or more, enter 3
- if your program required 2 years and 5 months or less, enter 2.

Basic demographic information and screening (DM1) - Question identifier:DM1_Q95

What [is/was] the gender of the majority of the students in your [current/most recent] program?

[Is/Was] it:

  • 1: Mostly men
  • 2: Mostly women
  • 3: About evenly divided
  • 9: DK

Postsecondary school culture (CLT)

Postsecondary school culture (CLT) - Question identifier:CLT_R05

The next set of questions will ask about behaviours that took place in a school-related setting in the past 12 months.

For the purpose of this survey, school-related setting is defined as:

• on campus
• while travelling to or from school
• during an off-campus event organized or endorsed by your postsecondary school, including official sporting events
• during unofficial activities or social events organized by students, instructors, professors, either on or off-campus
• at employment at your school
• at a co-op or work term placement organized by your school
• behaviours that occurred online where some or all of the people responsible were students, teachers or other people associated with your school.

Campus refers to the physical building or buildings in which classes, studies, activities take place, including adjacent outdoor spaces.

Postsecondary school culture (CLT) - Question identifier:CLT_R08

The next set of questions will ask about behaviours that took place in an RMC-related setting in the past 12 months.

For the purpose of this survey, RMC-related setting is defined as:

• on campus
• while travelling to or from school
• during an off-campus event organized or endorsed by your postsecondary school, including official sporting events
• during unofficial activities or social events organized by students, instructors, professors, either on or off-campus
• at employment at your school
• on the job training
• behaviours that occurred online where some or all of the people responsible were students, teachers or other people associated with your school.

Exclude any behaviours that occurred during BMOQ.

Campus refers to the physical building or buildings in which classes, studies, activities take place, including adjacent outdoor spaces.

Postsecondary school culture (CLT) - Question identifier:CLT_Q10A

In the past 12 months, how frequently have you personally experienced, seen or heard each of the following behaviours in [an RMC-related/a school-related] setting?

Exclude any behaviours[/that occurred during BMOQ or] that you heard about from someone else, e.g., that a friend confided in you.

Note: Press the help button (?) for a list of support resources you may wish to contact if any of the following questions make you feel uncomfortable.
Sexual jokes

  • 1: 0 times
  • 2: 1 time
  • 3: 2 to 4 times
  • 4: 5 to 9 times
  • 5: 10 or more times

Postsecondary school culture (CLT) - Question identifier:CLT_Q10B

In the past 12 months, how frequently have you personally experienced, seen or heard each of the following behaviours in [an RMC-related/a school-related] setting?
Unwanted sexual attention, such as whistles, calls, suggestive looks, gestures or body language

  • 1: 0 times
  • 2: 1 time
  • 3: 2 to 4 times
  • 4: 5 to 9 times
  • 5: 10 or more times

Postsecondary school culture (CLT) - Question identifier:CLT_Q10C

In the past 12 months, how frequently have you personally experienced, seen or heard each of the following behaviours in [an RMC-related/a school-related] setting?
Inappropriate sexual comments about someone's appearance or body

  • 1: 0 times
  • 2: 1 time
  • 3: 2 to 4 times
  • 4: 5 to 9 times
  • 5: 10 or more times

Postsecondary school culture (CLT) - Question identifier:CLT_Q10D

In the past 12 months, how frequently have you personally experienced, seen or heard each of the following behaviours in [an RMC-related/a school-related] setting?
Inappropriate discussion about their sex life, your sex life or someone else's sex life

  • 1: 0 times
  • 2: 1 time
  • 3: 2 to 4 times
  • 4: 5 to 9 times
  • 5: 10 or more times

Postsecondary school culture (CLT) - Question identifier:CLT_Q10E

In the past 12 months, how frequently have you personally experienced, seen or heard each of the following behaviours in [an RMC-related/a school-related] setting?
Someone displayed, showed or sent sexually explicit messages or directed others to view sexually explicit materials online

e.g., photos, videos or messages via email, text message or social media

  • 1: 0 times
  • 2: 1 time
  • 3: 2 to 4 times
  • 4: 5 to 9 times
  • 5: 10 or more times

Postsecondary school culture (CLT) - Question identifier:CLT_Q10F

In the past 12 months, how frequently have you personally experienced, seen or heard each of the following behaviours in [an RMC-related/a school-related] setting?

Exclude any behaviours[/that occurred during BMOQ or] that you heard about from someone else, e.g., that a friend confided in you.

Note: Press the help button (?) for a list of support resources you may wish to contact if any of the following questions make you feel uncomfortable.
Someone took or posted inappropriate or sexually suggestive photos or videos of any students without consent

Include social media sites.

  • 1: 0 times
  • 2: 1 time
  • 3: 2 to 4 times
  • 4: 5 to 9 times
  • 5: 10 or more times

Postsecondary school culture (CLT) - Question identifier:CLT_Q10G

In the past 12 months, how frequently have you personally experienced, seen or heard each of the following behaviours in [an RMC-related/a school-related] setting?
Someone indecently exposed themselves or inappropriately displayed any body parts in a sexual manner

  • 1: 0 times
  • 2: 1 time
  • 3: 2 to 4 times
  • 4: 5 to 9 times
  • 5: 10 or more times

Postsecondary school culture (CLT) - Question identifier:CLT_Q10H

In the past 12 months, how frequently have you personally experienced, seen or heard each of the following behaviours in [an RMC-related/a school-related] setting?
Repeated pressure from the same person for dates or sexual relationships

  • 1: 0 times
  • 2: 1 time
  • 3: 2 to 4 times
  • 4: 5 to 9 times
  • 5: 10 or more times

Postsecondary school culture (CLT) - Question identifier:CLT_Q10I

In the past 12 months, how frequently have you personally experienced, seen or heard each of the following behaviours in [an RMC-related/a school-related] setting?
Unwelcome physical contact, such as hugs or shoulder rubs or getting too close

  • 1: 0 times
  • 2: 1 time
  • 3: 2 to 4 times
  • 4: 5 to 9 times
  • 5: 10 or more times

Postsecondary school culture (CLT) - Question identifier:CLT_Q10J

In the past 12 months, how frequently have you personally experienced, seen or heard each of the following behaviours in [an RMC-related/a school-related] setting?
Offering a personal benefit for engaging in sexual activity or being mistreated for not engaging in sexual activity

  • 1: 0 times
  • 2: 1 time
  • 3: 2 to 4 times
  • 4: 5 to 9 times
  • 5: 10 or more times

Postsecondary school culture (CLT) - Question identifier:CLT_Q10K

In the past 12 months, how frequently have you personally experienced, seen or heard each of the following behaviours in [an RMC-related/a school-related] setting?
Suggestion that a man doesn't act like a man is supposed to act

  • 1: 0 times
  • 2: 1 time
  • 3: 2 to 4 times
  • 4: 5 to 9 times
  • 5: 10 or more times

Postsecondary school culture (CLT) - Question identifier:CLT_Q10L

In the past 12 months, how frequently have you personally experienced, seen or heard each of the following behaviours in [an RMC-related/a school-related] setting?
Suggestion that a woman doesn't act like a woman is supposed to act

  • 1: 0 times
  • 2: 1 time
  • 3: 2 to 4 times
  • 4: 5 to 9 times
  • 5: 10 or more times

Postsecondary school culture (CLT) - Question identifier:CLT_Q10M

In the past 12 months, how frequently have you personally experienced, seen or heard each of the following behaviours in [an RMC-related/a school-related] setting?
Someone being insulted, mistreated, ignored or excluded because of their gender

e.g., because they are a man or a woman

  • 1: 0 times
  • 2: 1 time
  • 3: 2 to 4 times
  • 4: 5 to 9 times
  • 5: 10 or more times

Postsecondary school culture (CLT) - Question identifier:CLT_Q10N

In the past 12 months, how frequently have you personally experienced, seen or heard each of the following behaviours in [an RMC-related/a school-related] setting?
Comments that people are not good at or should be prevented from being in a particular field of study because of their gender

e.g., because they are a man or a woman

  • 1: 0 times
  • 2: 1 time
  • 3: 2 to 4 times
  • 4: 5 to 9 times
  • 5: 10 or more times

Postsecondary school culture (CLT) - Question identifier:CLT_Q10O

In the past 12 months, how frequently have you personally experienced, seen or heard each of the following behaviours in [an RMC-related/a school-related] setting?
Someone being insulted, mistreated, ignored or excluded because of their sexual orientation or assumed sexual orientation

  • 1: 0 times
  • 2: 1 time
  • 3: 2 to 4 times
  • 4: 5 to 9 times
  • 5: 10 or more times

Postsecondary school culture (CLT) - Question identifier:CLT_Q10P

In the past 12 months, how frequently have you personally experienced, seen or heard each of the following behaviours in [an RMC-related/a school-related] setting?
Someone being insulted, mistreated, ignored or excluded because they are or are assumed to be, transgender

  • 1: 0 times
  • 2: 1 time
  • 3: 2 to 4 times
  • 4: 5 to 9 times
  • 5: 10 or more times

Postsecondary school culture (CLT) - Question identifier:CLT_Q20A

In the past 12 months, how offensive did you consider each of the behaviours that you personally experienced, saw or heard in [an RMC-related/a school-related] setting?
Sexual jokes

  • 1: Not offensive
  • 2: Not very offensive
  • 3: Somewhat offensive
  • 4: Very offensive

Postsecondary school culture (CLT) - Question identifier:CLT_Q20B

In the past 12 months, how offensive did you consider each of the behaviours that you personally experienced, saw or heard in [an RMC-related/a school-related] setting?
Unwanted sexual attention, such as whistles, calls, suggestive looks, gestures or body language

  • 1: Not offensive
  • 2: Not very offensive
  • 3: Somewhat offensive
  • 4: Very offensive

Postsecondary school culture (CLT) - Question identifier:CLT_Q20C

In the past 12 months, how offensive did you consider each of the behaviours that you personally experienced, saw or heard in [an RMC-related/a school-related] setting?
Inappropriate sexual comments about someone's appearance or body

  • 1: Not offensive
  • 2: Not very offensive
  • 3: Somewhat offensive
  • 4: Very offensive

Postsecondary school culture (CLT) - Question identifier:CLT_Q20D

In the past 12 months, how offensive did you consider each of the behaviours that you personally experienced, saw or heard in [an RMC-related/a school-related] setting?
Inappropriate discussion about their sex life, your sex life or someone else's sex life

  • 1: Not offensive
  • 2: Not very offensive
  • 3: Somewhat offensive
  • 4: Very offensive

Postsecondary school culture (CLT) - Question identifier:CLT_Q20E

In the past 12 months, how offensive did you consider each of the behaviours that you personally experienced, saw or heard in [an RMC-related/a school-related] setting?
Someone displayed, showed or sent sexually explicit messages or directed others to view sexually explicit materials online

e.g., photos, videos or messages via email, text message or social media

  • 1: Not offensive
  • 2: Not very offensive
  • 3: Somewhat offensive
  • 4: Very offensive

Postsecondary school culture (CLT) - Question identifier:CLT_Q20F

In the past 12 months, how offensive did you consider each of the behaviours that you personally experienced, saw or heard in [an RMC-related/a school-related] setting?
Someone took or posted inappropriate or sexually suggestive photos or videos of any students without consent

Include social media sites.

  • 1: Not offensive
  • 2: Not very offensive
  • 3: Somewhat offensive
  • 4: Very offensive

Postsecondary school culture (CLT) - Question identifier:CLT_Q20G

In the past 12 months, how offensive did you consider each of the behaviours that you personally experienced, saw or heard in [an RMC-related/a school-related] setting?
Someone indecently exposing themselves or inappropriately displaying any body parts in a sexual manner

  • 1: Not offensive
  • 2: Not very offensive
  • 3: Somewhat offensive
  • 4: Very offensive

Postsecondary school culture (CLT) - Question identifier:CLT_Q20H

In the past 12 months, how offensive did you consider each of the behaviours that you personally experienced, saw or heard in [an RMC-related/a school-related] setting?
Repeated pressure from the same person for dates or sexual relationships

  • 1: Not offensive
  • 2: Not very offensive
  • 3: Somewhat offensive
  • 4: Very offensive

Postsecondary school culture (CLT) - Question identifier:CLT_Q20I

In the past 12 months, how offensive did you consider each of the behaviours that you personally experienced, saw or heard in [an RMC-related/a school-related] setting?
Unwelcome physical contact, such as hugs or shoulder rubs or getting too close

  • 1: Not offensive
  • 2: Not very offensive
  • 3: Somewhat offensive
  • 4: Very offensive

Postsecondary school culture (CLT) - Question identifier:CLT_Q20J

In the past 12 months, how offensive did you consider each of the behaviours that you personally experienced, saw or heard in [an RMC-related/a school-related] setting?
Offering a personal benefit for engaging in sexual activity or being mistreated for not engaging in sexual activity

  • 1: Not offensive
  • 2: Not very offensive
  • 3: Somewhat offensive
  • 4: Very offensive

Postsecondary school culture (CLT) - Question identifier:CLT_Q20K

In the past 12 months, how offensive did you consider each of the behaviours that you personally experienced, saw or heard in [an RMC-related/a school-related] setting?
Suggestion that a man doesn't act like a man is supposed to act

  • 1: Not offensive
  • 2: Not very offensive
  • 3: Somewhat offensive
  • 4: Very offensive

Postsecondary school culture (CLT) - Question identifier:CLT_Q20L

In the past 12 months, how offensive did you consider each of the behaviours that you personally experienced, saw or heard in [an RMC-related/a school-related] setting?
Suggestion that a woman doesn't act like a woman is supposed to act

  • 1: Not offensive
  • 2: Not very offensive
  • 3: Somewhat offensive
  • 4: Very offensive

Postsecondary school culture (CLT) - Question identifier:CLT_Q20M

In the past 12 months, how offensive did you consider each of the behaviours that you personally experienced, saw or heard in [an RMC-related/a school-related] setting?
Someone being insulted, mistreated, ignored or excluded because of their gender

e.g., because they are a man or a woman

  • 1: Not offensive
  • 2: Not very offensive
  • 3: Somewhat offensive
  • 4: Very offensive

Postsecondary school culture (CLT) - Question identifier:CLT_Q20N

In the past 12 months, how offensive did you consider each of the behaviours that you personally experienced, saw or heard in [an RMC-related/a school-related] setting?
Comments that people are not good at or should be prevented from being in a particular field of study because of their gender

e.g., because they are a man or a woman

  • 1: Not offensive
  • 2: Not very offensive
  • 3: Somewhat offensive
  • 4: Very offensive

Postsecondary school culture (CLT) - Question identifier:CLT_Q20O

In the past 12 months, how offensive did you consider each of the behaviours that you personally experienced, saw or heard in [an RMC-related/a school-related] setting?
Someone being insulted, mistreated, ignored or excluded because of their sexual orientation or assumed sexual orientation

  • 1: Not offensive
  • 2: Not very offensive
  • 3: Somewhat offensive
  • 4: Very offensive

Postsecondary school culture (CLT) - Question identifier:CLT_Q20P

In the past 12 months, how offensive did you consider each of the behaviours that you personally experienced, saw or heard in [an RMC-related/a school-related] setting?
Someone being insulted, mistreated, ignored or excluded because they are or are assumed to be, transgender

  • 1: Not offensive
  • 2: Not very offensive
  • 3: Somewhat offensive
  • 4: Very offensive

Behaviours seen or heard: Inappropriate verbal or non-verbal communication (BY1)

Behaviours seen or heard: Inappropriate verbal or non-verbal communication (BY1) - Question identifier:BY1_R15

You indicated that you have personally experienced, seen or heard the following [behaviour/behaviours] in [an RMC-related/a school-related] setting at least once:

[Sexual jokes/]
[Unwanted sexual attention, such as whistles, calls, suggestive looks, gestures or body language/]
[Inappropriate sexual comments about someone's appearance or body/]
[Inappropriate discussion about their sex life, your sex life or someone else's sex life/]

For the next set of questions, please answer referring only to the [behaviour/behaviours] listed above that you saw or heard but were not directed at you personally.

[Later on in the survey, other questions will collect more information about the remainder of the behaviours that you saw or heard./]

Behaviours seen or heard: Inappropriate verbal or non-verbal communication (BY1) - Question identifier:BY1_Q15

Excluding times when [this behaviour was/these behaviours were] directed at you personally, did you take any action when you saw or heard [this behaviour/these behaviours], such as speaking to someone about it, reporting it or attempting to intervene?

Was it:

  • 1: Yes
  • 2: No
  • 3: In some instances yes, in others no
  • 4: Not applicable, all of the behaviours were directed at you

Behaviours seen or heard: Inappropriate verbal or non-verbal communication (BY1) - Question identifier:BY1_Q20

Which of the following actions did you take when you saw or heard [this behaviour/these behaviours] in [an RMC-related/a school-related] setting?

Did you:

Select all that apply.

  • 01: Speak to the person responsible for the behaviour
  • 02: Speak to those targeted
  • 03: Report the behaviour to the school
  • 04: Intervene and separate those involved
  • 05: Create a distraction to stop the situation
  • 06: Ask others to step in as a group
  • 07: Speak to someone from a service run by the school [(e.g., Health Services Centre)/]
  • 08: Speak to someone at a service run by students at the school [(e.g., Chain of Command, Peer Assistance Group (PAG))/]
  • 09: Speak to someone outside the school
  • 10: Share your experience on social media
  • 11: Call a crisis line
  • 12: Call school campus security
  • 13: Call the [civilian police/police]
  • 14: Call the military police
  • 15: Call the Sexual Misconduct Response Centre (SMRC)
  • 16: Take some other action

Behaviours seen or heard: Inappropriate verbal or non-verbal communication (BY1) - Question identifier:BY1_Q25

There are many reasons why people do not take action in these situations. Please select which ones apply to the [behaviour/behaviours] you saw or heard in [an RMC-related/a school-related] setting in the past 12 months.

Was it because:

Select all that apply.

  • 01: You didn't think it was serious enough
  • 02: You felt it would endanger the person targeted by the behaviour
  • 03: You felt worried for your own safety
  • 04: You didn't think it was your responsibility
  • 05: You felt there could be negative consequences for you or others
  • 06: You believed other people were taking action
  • 07: The person targeted by the behaviour asked you not to take any action
  • 08: You didn't know what to do
  • 09: You felt uncomfortable
  • 10: You were worried that taking action would have affected your peer relationships (e.g., being excluded from social groups or activities)
  • 11: You were worried about what people would think of you
  • 12: Other reasons

Behaviours seen or heard: Sexually explicit materials (BY2)

Behaviours seen or heard: Sexually explicit materials (BY2) - Question identifier:BY2_R15

You indicated that you have personally experienced, seen or heard the following [behaviour/behaviours] in [an RMC-related/a school-related] setting at least once:

[Someone displayed, showed, or sent sexually explicit messages or directed others to view sexually explicit materials online/]
[Someone took or posted inappropriate or sexually suggestive photos or videos of any students without consent/]

For the next set of questions, please answer referring only to the [behaviour/behaviours] listed above that you saw or heard but were not directed at you personally.

[Later on in the survey, other questions will collect more information about the remainder of the behaviours that you saw or heard./]

Behaviours seen or heard: Sexually explicit materials (BY2) - Question identifier:BY2_Q15

Excluding times when [this behaviour was/these behaviours were] directed at you personally, did you take any action when you saw or heard [this behaviour/these behaviours], such as speaking to someone about it, reporting it or attempting to intervene?

Was it:

  • 1: Yes
  • 2: No
  • 3: In some instances yes, in others no
  • 4: Not applicable, all of the behaviours were directed at you

Behaviours seen or heard: Sexually explicit materials (BY2) - Question identifier:BY2_Q20

Which of the following actions did you take when you saw or heard [this behaviour/these behaviours] in [an RMC-related/a school-related] setting?

Did you:

Select all that apply.

  • 01: Speak to the person responsible for the behaviour
  • 02: Speak to those targeted
  • 03: Report the behaviour to the school
  • 04: Intervene and separate those involved
  • 05: Create a distraction to stop the situation
  • 06: Ask others to step in as a group
  • 07: Speak to someone from a service run by the school [(e.g., Health Services Centre)/]
  • 08: Speak to someone at a service run by students at the school [(e.g., Chain of Command, Peer Assistance Group (PAG))/]
  • 09: Speak to someone outside the school
  • 10: Share your experience on social media
  • 11: Call a crisis line
  • 12: Call school campus security
  • 13: Call the [civilian police/police]
  • 14: Call the military police
  • 15: Call the Sexual Misconduct Response Centre (SMRC)
  • 16: Take some other action

Behaviours seen or heard: Sexually explicit materials (BY2) - Question identifier:BY2_Q25

There are many reasons why people do not take action in these situations. Please select which ones apply to the [behaviour/behaviours] you saw or heard in [an RMC-related/a school-related] setting in the past 12 months.

Was it because:

Select all that apply.

  • 01: You didn't think it was serious enough
  • 02: You felt it would endanger the person targeted by the behaviour
  • 03: You felt worried for your own safety
  • 04: You didn't think it was your responsibility
  • 05: You felt there could be negative consequences for you or others
  • 06: You believed other people were taking action
  • 07: The person targeted by the behaviour asked you not to take any action
  • 08: You didn't know what to do
  • 09: You felt uncomfortable
  • 10: You were worried that taking action would have affected your peer relationships (e.g., being excluded from social groups or activities)
  • 11: You were worried about what people would think of you
  • 12: Other reasons

Behaviours seen or heard: Unwanted physical contact, exposure or sexual relations (BY3)

Behaviours seen or heard: Unwanted physical contact, exposure or sexual relations (BY3) - Question identifier:BY3_R15

You indicated that you have personally experienced, seen or heard the following [behaviour/behaviours] in [an RMC-related/a school-related] setting at least once:

[Someone indecently exposed themselves or inappropriately displayed any body parts in a sexual manner/]
[Repeated pressure from the same person for dates or sexual relationships/]
[Unwelcome physical contact, such as hugs or shoulder rubs or getting too close/]
[Offering a personal benefit for engaging in sexual activity or being mistreated for not engaging in sexual activity/]

For the next set of questions, please answer referring only to the [behaviour/behaviours] listed above that you saw or heard but were not directed at you personally.

[Later on in the survey, other questions will collect more information about the remainder of the behaviours that you saw or heard./]

Behaviours seen or heard: Unwanted physical contact, exposure or sexual relations (BY3) - Question identifier:BY3_Q15

Excluding times when [this behaviour was/these behaviours were] directed at you personally, did you take any action when you saw or heard [this behaviour/these behaviours], such as speaking to someone about it, reporting it or attempting to intervene?

Was it:

  • 1: Yes
  • 2: No
  • 3: In some instances yes, in others no
  • 4: Not applicable, all of the behaviours were directed at you

Behaviours seen or heard: Unwanted physical contact, exposure or sexual relations (BY3) - Question identifier:BY3_Q20

Which of the following actions did you take when you saw or heard [this behaviour/these behaviours] in [an RMC-related/a school-related] setting?

Did you:

Select all that apply.

  • 01: Speak to the person responsible for the behaviour
  • 02: Speak to those targeted
  • 03: Report the behaviour to the school
  • 04: Intervene and separate those involved
  • 05: Create a distraction to stop the situation
  • 06: Ask others to step in as a group
  • 07: Speak to someone from a service run by the school [(e.g., Health Services Centre)/]
  • 08: Speak to someone at a service run by students at the school [(e.g., Chain of Command, Peer Assistance Group (PAG))/]
  • 09: Speak to someone outside the school
  • 10: Share your experience on social media
  • 11: Call a crisis line
  • 12: Call school campus security
  • 13: Call the [civilian police/police]
  • 14: Call the military police
  • 15: Call the Sexual Misconduct Response Centre (SMRC)
  • 16: Take some other action

Behaviours seen or heard: Unwanted physical contact, exposure or sexual relations (BY3) - Question identifier:BY3_Q25

There are many reasons why people do not take action in these situations. Please select which ones apply to the [behaviour/behaviours] you saw or heard in [an RMC-related/a school-related] setting in the past 12 months.

Was it because:

Select all that apply.

  • 01: You didn't think it was serious enough
  • 02: You felt it would endanger the person targeted by the behaviour
  • 03: You felt worried for your own safety
  • 04: You didn't think it was your responsibility
  • 05: You felt there could be negative consequences for you or others
  • 06: You believed other people were taking action
  • 07: The person targeted by the behaviour asked you not to take any action
  • 08: You didn't know what to do
  • 09: You felt uncomfortable
  • 10: You were worried that taking action would have affected your peer relationships (e.g., being excluded from social groups or activities)
  • 11: You were worried about what people would think of you
  • 12: Other reasons

Behaviours seen or heard: Discrimination based on sexual orientation or gender identity (BY4)

Behaviours seen or heard: Discrimination based on sexual orientation or gender identity (BY4) - Question identifier:BY4_R15

You indicated that you have personally experienced, seen or heard the following [behaviour/behaviours] in [an RMC-related/a school-related] setting at least once:

[Suggestion that a man doesn't act like a man is supposed to act/]
[Suggestion that a woman doesn't act like a woman is supposed to act/]
[Someone being insulted, mistreated, ignored or excluded because of their gender/]
[Comments that people are not good at or should be prevented from being in a particular field of study because of their gender/]
[Someone being insulted, mistreated, ignored or excluded because of their sexual orientation or assumed sexual orientation/]
[Someone being insulted, mistreated, ignored or excluded because they are or are assumed to be transgender/]

For the next set of questions, please answer referring only to the [behaviour/behaviours] listed above that you saw or heard but were not directed at you personally.

Behaviours seen or heard: Discrimination based on sexual orientation or gender identity (BY4) - Question identifier:BY4_Q15

Excluding times when [this behaviour was/these behaviours were] directed at you personally, did you take any action when you saw or heard [this behaviour/these behaviours], such as speaking to someone about it, reporting it or attempting to intervene?

Was it:

  • 1: Yes
  • 2: No
  • 3: In some instances yes, in others no
  • 4: Not applicable, all of the behaviours were directed at you

Behaviours seen or heard: Discrimination based on sexual orientation or gender identity (BY4) - Question identifier:BY4_Q20

Which of the following actions did you take when you saw or heard [this behaviour/these behaviours] in [an RMC-related/a school-related] setting?

Did you:

Select all that apply.

  • 01: Speak to the person responsible for the behaviour
  • 02: Speak to those targeted
  • 03: Report the behaviour to the school
  • 04: Intervene and separate those involved
  • 05: Create a distraction to stop the situation
  • 06: Ask others to step in as a group
  • 07: Speak to someone from a service run by the school [(e.g., Health Services Centre)/]
  • 08: Speak to someone at a service run by students at the school [(e.g., Chain of Command, Peer Assistance Group (PAG))/]
  • 09: Speak to someone outside the school
  • 10: Share your experience on social media
  • 11: Call a crisis line
  • 12: Call school campus security
  • 13: Call the [civilian police/police]
  • 14: Call the military police
  • 15: Call the Sexual Misconduct Response Centre (SMRC)
  • 16: Take some other action

Behaviours seen or heard: Discrimination based on sexual orientation or gender identity (BY4) - Question identifier:BY4_Q25

There are many reasons why people do not take action in these situations. Please select which ones apply to the [behaviour/behaviours] you saw or heard in [an RMC-related/a school-related] setting in the past 12 months.

Was it because:

Select all that apply.

  • 01: You didn't think it was serious enough
  • 02: You felt it would endanger the person targeted by the behaviour
  • 03: You felt worried for your own safety
  • 04: You didn't think it was your responsibility
  • 05: You felt there could be negative consequences for you or others
  • 06: You believed other people were taking action
  • 07: The person targeted by the behaviour asked you not to take any action
  • 08: You didn't know what to do
  • 09: You felt uncomfortable
  • 10: You were worried that taking action would have affected your peer relationships (e.g., being excluded from social groups or activities)
  • 11: You were worried about what people would think of you
  • 12: Other reasons

Behaviours directed at you (HAR)

Behaviours directed at you (HAR) - Question identifier:HAR_R05

The next set of questions will ask about behaviours that were directed at you in a school-related setting in the past 12 months.

Behaviours directed at you (HAR) - Question identifier:HAR_R10

The next set of questions will ask about behaviours that were directed at you in an RMC-related setting in the past 12 months.

Exclude any behaviours that occurred during BMOQ.

Behaviours directed at you (HAR) - Question identifier:HAR_Q10A

In the past 12 months, how frequently were each of the following behaviours directed at you in [an RMC-related/a school-related] setting?

Note: Press the help button (?) for additional information about what is included in [an RMC-related/a school-related] setting, as well as a list of support resources you may wish to contact if any of the following questions make you feel uncomfortable
Sexual jokes

  • 1: 0 times
  • 2: 1 time
  • 3: 2 to 4 times
  • 4: 5 to 9 times
  • 5: 10 or more times

Behaviours directed at you (HAR) - Question identifier:HAR_Q10B

In the past 12 months, how frequently were each of the following behaviours directed at you in [an RMC-related/a school-related] setting?
Unwanted sexual attention, such as whistles, calls, suggestive looks, gestures or body language

  • 1: 0 times
  • 2: 1 time
  • 3: 2 to 4 times
  • 4: 5 to 9 times
  • 5: 10 or more times

Behaviours directed at you (HAR) - Question identifier:HAR_Q10C

In the past 12 months, how frequently were each of the following behaviours directed at you in [an RMC-related/a school-related] setting?
Inappropriate sexual comments about your appearance or body

  • 1: 0 times
  • 2: 1 time
  • 3: 2 to 4 times
  • 4: 5 to 9 times
  • 5: 10 or more times

Behaviours directed at you (HAR) - Question identifier:HAR_Q10D

In the past 12 months, how frequently were each of the following behaviours directed at you in [an RMC-related/a school-related] setting?
Inappropriate discussion about their sex life, your sex life or someone else's sex life

  • 1: 0 times
  • 2: 1 time
  • 3: 2 to 4 times
  • 4: 5 to 9 times
  • 5: 10 or more times

Behaviours directed at you (HAR) - Question identifier:HAR_Q10E

In the past 12 months, how frequently were each of the following behaviours directed at you in [an RMC-related/a school-related] setting?
Someone displayed, showed or sent sexually explicit messages or directed you to view sexually explicit materials online

e.g., photos, videos or messages via email, text message or social media

  • 1: 0 times
  • 2: 1 time
  • 3: 2 to 4 times
  • 4: 5 to 9 times
  • 5: 10 or more times

Behaviours directed at you (HAR) - Question identifier:HAR_Q10F

In the past 12 months, how frequently were each of the following behaviours directed at you in [an RMC-related/a school-related] setting?
Someone took or posted inappropriate or sexually suggestive photos or videos of you without consent

Include social media sites.

  • 1: 0 times
  • 2: 1 time
  • 3: 2 to 4 times
  • 4: 5 to 9 times
  • 5: 10 or more times

Behaviours directed at you (HAR) - Question identifier:HAR_Q10G

In the past 12 months, how frequently were each of the following behaviours directed at you in [an RMC-related/a school-related] setting?
Someone indecently exposed themselves or inappropriately displayed any body parts in a sexual manner

  • 1: 0 times
  • 2: 1 time
  • 3: 2 to 4 times
  • 4: 5 to 9 times
  • 5: 10 or more times

Behaviours directed at you (HAR) - Question identifier:HAR_Q10H

In the past 12 months, how frequently were each of the following behaviours directed at you in [an RMC-related/a school-related] setting?
Repeated pressure from the same person for dates or sexual relationships

  • 1: 0 times
  • 2: 1 time
  • 3: 2 to 4 times
  • 4: 5 to 9 times
  • 5: 10 or more times

Behaviours directed at you (HAR) - Question identifier:HAR_Q10I

In the past 12 months, how frequently were each of the following behaviours directed at you in [an RMC-related/a school-related] setting?
Unwelcome physical contact, such as hugs or shoulder rubs or getting too close

  • 1: 0 times
  • 2: 1 time
  • 3: 2 to 4 times
  • 4: 5 to 9 times
  • 5: 10 or more times

Behaviours directed at you (HAR) - Question identifier:HAR_Q10J

In the past 12 months, how frequently were each of the following behaviours directed at you in [an RMC-related/a school-related] setting?
Offering you a personal benefit for engaging in sexual activity or mistreating you for not engaging in sexual activity

  • 1: 0 times
  • 2: 1 time
  • 3: 2 to 4 times
  • 4: 5 to 9 times
  • 5: 10 or more times

Behaviours directed at you (HAR) - Question identifier:HAR_Q10K

In the past 12 months, how frequently were each of the following behaviours directed at you in [an RMC-related/a school-related] setting?
Suggestion that you don't act like a [man/woman/man or a woman] is supposed to act

  • 1: 0 times
  • 2: 1 time
  • 3: 2 to 4 times
  • 4: 5 to 9 times
  • 5: 10 or more times

Behaviours directed at you (HAR) - Question identifier:HAR_Q10L

In the past 12 months, how frequently were each of the following behaviours directed at you in [an RMC-related/a school-related] setting?
Being insulted, mistreated, ignored or excluded because of your gender

e.g., because you are a man or a woman

  • 1: 0 times
  • 2: 1 time
  • 3: 2 to 4 times
  • 4: 5 to 9 times
  • 5: 10 or more times

Behaviours directed at you (HAR) - Question identifier:HAR_Q10M

In the past 12 months, how frequently were each of the following behaviours directed at you in [an RMC-related/a school-related] setting?
Comments that you are not good at or should be prevented from being in a particular program because of your gender

e.g., because you are a man or a woman

  • 1: 0 times
  • 2: 1 time
  • 3: 2 to 4 times
  • 4: 5 to 9 times
  • 5: 10 or more times

Behaviours directed at you (HAR) - Question identifier:HAR_Q10N

In the past 12 months, how frequently were each of the following behaviours directed at you in [an RMC-related/a school-related] setting?
Being insulted, mistreated, ignored or excluded because of your sexual orientation or assumed sexual orientation

  • 1: 0 times
  • 2: 1 time
  • 3: 2 to 4 times
  • 4: 5 to 9 times
  • 5: 10 or more times

Behaviours directed at you (HAR) - Question identifier:HAR_Q10O

In the past 12 months, how frequently were each of the following behaviours directed at you in [an RMC-related/a school-related] setting?
Being insulted, mistreated, ignored or excluded because you are or are assumed to be, transgender

  • 1: 0 times
  • 2: 1 time
  • 3: 2 to 4 times
  • 4: 5 to 9 times
  • 5: 10 or more times

Behaviours directed at you (HAR) - Question identifier:HAR_Q12

You mentioned that you experienced repeated pressure for dates or sexual relationships. Did you, at any time, fear for your safety or the safety of someone known to you?

  • 1: Yes
  • 2: No

Inappropriate verbal or non-verbal communication (BD1)

Inappropriate verbal or non-verbal communication (BD1) - Question identifier:BD1_R15

You indicated that the following [behaviour/behaviours] [was/were] directed at you in [an RMC-related/a school-related] setting at least one:

[Sexual jokes/]
[Unwanted sexual attention, such as whistles, calls, suggestive looks, gestures or body language/]
[Inappropriate sexual comments about your appearance or body/]
[Inappropriate discussion about their sex life, your sex life or someone else's sex life/]

For the next set of questions, please answer referring only to [this behaviour/these behaviours].

[Later on in the survey, other questions will ask about the other behaviours that were directed at you./]

Inappropriate verbal or non-verbal communication (BD1) - Question identifier:BD1_Q15

In which of the following locations did [this behaviour/these behaviours] take place?

Was it:

Select all that apply.

  • 1: On your school's campus
  • 2: Off your school's campus
  • 3: Online or by phone

Inappropriate verbal or non-verbal communication (BD1) - Question identifier:BD1_Q20


  • 1: In a learning environment such as a lecture or discussion group
  • 2: In a non-residential building on campus, such as a library, cafeteria or gymnasium
  • 3: In a residence or other campus housing [(exclude fraternity and sorority houses)/]
  • 4: In a fraternity or sorority house on campus, including school-owned housing
  • 5: Other on-campus location

Inappropriate verbal or non-verbal communication (BD1) - Question identifier:BD1_Q25


  • 1: At another postsecondary school in Canada
  • 2: At an internship, [on the job training/co-op], work placement, practicum or volunteer assignment
  • 3: At a house or apartment (Exclude fraternity or sorority houses.)
  • 4: In a fraternity or sorority house off campus, including school-owned housing
  • 5: At a restaurant or bar
  • 6: Travelling to or from school
  • 7: Other off-campus location

Inappropriate verbal or non-verbal communication (BD1) - Question identifier:BD1_Q30


  • 1: School online environment (e.g., tutorial, school chat room, school bulletin board, chatting engines on course sites, campus-specific app)
  • 2: By email, instant message or text message
  • 3: On a social networking app or website (e.g., Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat, chat room)
  • 4: An online dating app or website (e.g., Tinder, Grindr, Yak)
  • 5: During a phone call or video chat
  • 6: Other method online or by phone

Inappropriate verbal or non-verbal communication (BD1) - Question identifier:BD1_Q40

How many people carried out [this behaviour/these behaviours]?

Was it:

  • 1: [One/For all behaviours, one] person[ (either the same person or a different individual each time)/]
  • 2: [Two/For all behaviours, two] or more people
  • 3: For some, one person, and for others, two or more people
  • 9: DK

Inappropriate verbal or non-verbal communication (BD1) - Question identifier:BD1_Q45

Was this person male or female?

  • 1: Male
  • 2: Female
  • 9: DK

Inappropriate verbal or non-verbal communication (BD1) - Question identifier:BD1_Q50

Were they male or female?

  • 1: All male
  • 2: All female
  • 3: Both male and female
  • 9: DK

Inappropriate verbal or non-verbal communication (BD1) - Question identifier:BD1_Q52

Were they mostly male or mostly female?

  • 1: Mostly male
  • 2: Mostly female
  • 3: About evenly divided

Inappropriate verbal or non-verbal communication (BD1) - Question identifier:BD1_Q55

Which of the following people carried out [this behaviour/these behaviours]?

[Was it a/Were they a]:

Select all that apply.

  • 01: Student at your school
  • 02: Student from another school
  • 03: [Military professor or military instructor at your school/Professor or instructor at your school]
  • 04: Teaching assistant at your school
  • 05: [Military/Non-academic] school staff member
  • 06: Civilian school staff member
  • 07: Private tutor
  • 08: Member of a school club or sports team
  • 09: Coach or trainer from a sports team at your school
  • 10: Member of campus security
  • 11: [Someone in your chain of command, in your on the job training,/Supervisor or boss in a co-op,] work placement or internship
  • 12: Fellow worker or volunteer at your school
  • 13: Supervisor or boss in your paid employment at your school
  • 14: Current or former spouse or common-law partner
  • 15: Current or former dating partner (e.g., boyfriend or girlfriend type of relationship)
  • 16: Current or former casual dating partner (e.g., friend with benefits)
  • 17: Friend or acquaintance
  • 18: Stranger
  • 19: Someone else
  • 99: DK

Inappropriate verbal or non-verbal communication (BD1) - Question identifier:BD1_Q75

Aside from [the person/those] who committed [this behaviour/these behaviours], were any other people present?

Would you say:

  • 1: Yes
  • 2: For some, yes, for others, no
  • 3: No
  • 9: DK

Inappropriate verbal or non-verbal communication (BD1) - Question identifier:BD1_Q78

Aside from [the person/those] who committed [this behaviour/these behaviours], how many other people were present?

Was it:

  • 1: [One/For all behaviours, one] person[ (either the same person or a different individual each time)/]
  • 2: [Two/For all behaviours, two] or more people
  • 3: For some, one person, and for others, two or more people
  • 9: DK

Inappropriate verbal or non-verbal communication (BD1) - Question identifier:BD1_Q80

Did the [person who was/people who were] present take any action?

Would you say:

Include any type of action, whether it was intervening to stop the behaviour or encouraging the behaviour.

  • 1: Yes
  • 2: No
  • 3: For some behaviours, yes, for others, no
  • 9: DK

Inappropriate verbal or non-verbal communication (BD1) - Question identifier:BD1_Q85

Which of the following actions did the [person who was/people who were] present take?

Did they:

Select all that apply.

  • 01: Intervene and try to separate you
  • 02: Ask you if you needed help
  • 03: Confront the person carrying out the behaviour
  • 04: Try to create a distraction to stop the behaviour
  • 05: Ask others to step in and try to defuse the situation
  • 06: Tell someone in a position of authority about the situation
  • 07: Encourage the behaviour
  • 08: Do something else

Inappropriate verbal or non-verbal communication (BD1) - Question identifier:BD1_Q115

In which of the following ways did [this behaviour/these behaviours] impact you emotionally?

Were you:

Select all that apply.

  • 01: Angry
  • 02: Upset
  • 03: Frustrated
  • 04: Confused
  • 05: Fearful
  • 06: More cautious or aware
  • 07: Less trustful of others
  • 08: In shock or disbelief
  • 09: Hurt or disappointed
  • 10: Depressed
  • 11: Anxious
  • 12: Experiencing suicidal thoughts
  • 13: Ashamed
  • 14: Guilty
  • 15: Annoyed
  • 16: Experiencing lowered self-esteem
  • 17: Other emotional impact
  • 18: Not much of an emotional impact
  • 19: No emotional impact at all

Inappropriate verbal or non-verbal communication (BD1) - Question identifier:BD1_Q120A

Now some questions about longer term effects of [this behaviour/these behaviours] you experienced.

In the past month, have you experienced the following as a result of [this behaviour/any of these behaviours]?
Had nightmares about it or thought about it when you did not want to

  • 1: Yes
  • 2: No

Inappropriate verbal or non-verbal communication (BD1) - Question identifier:BD1_Q120B

Now some questions about longer term effects of [this behaviour/these behaviours] you experienced.

In the past month, have you experienced the following as a result of [this behaviour/any of these behaviours]?
Tried hard not to think about it or went out of your way to avoid situations that reminded you of it

  • 1: Yes
  • 2: No

Inappropriate verbal or non-verbal communication (BD1) - Question identifier:BD1_Q120C

Now some questions about longer term effects of [this behaviour/these behaviours] you experienced.

In the past month, have you experienced the following as a result of [this behaviour/any of these behaviours]?
Felt constantly on guard, watchful or easily startled

  • 1: Yes
  • 2: No

Inappropriate verbal or non-verbal communication (BD1) - Question identifier:BD1_Q120D

Now some questions about longer term effects of [this behaviour/these behaviours] you experienced.

In the past month, have you experienced the following as a result of [this behaviour/any of these behaviours]?
Felt numb or detached from others, activities or your surroundings

  • 1: Yes
  • 2: No

Inappropriate verbal or non-verbal communication (BD1) - Question identifier:BD1_Q125A

Did [this behaviour/any of these behaviours] you experienced lead you to have problems with any of the following?
Attending your classes

  • 1: Yes
  • 2: No
  • 9: DK

Inappropriate verbal or non-verbal communication (BD1) - Question identifier:BD1_Q125B

Did [this behaviour/any of these behaviours] you experienced lead you to have problems with any of the following?
Schoolwork or your grades

  • 1: Yes
  • 2: No
  • 9: DK

Inappropriate verbal or non-verbal communication (BD1) - Question identifier:BD1_Q125C

Did [this behaviour/any of these behaviours] you experienced lead you to have problems with any of the following?
Friends, roommates or peers

Exclude people responsible for the behaviour.

e.g., getting into more arguments or fights than before, not feeling you could trust them as much or not feeling as close to them as before

  • 1: Yes
  • 2: No
  • 9: DK

Inappropriate verbal or non-verbal communication (BD1) - Question identifier:BD1_Q125D

Did [this behaviour/any of these behaviours] you experienced lead you to have problems with any of the following?
Family members

e.g., getting into more arguments or fights than before, not feeling you could trust them as much or not feeling as close to them as before

  • 1: Yes
  • 2: No
  • 9: DK

Inappropriate verbal or non-verbal communication (BD1) - Question identifier:BD1_Q128A

Did [this behaviour/any of these behaviours] you experienced lead you to have problems with any of the following?
Friends, roommates or peers

Exclude people responsible for the behaviour.

e.g., getting into more arguments or fights than before, not feeling you could trust them as much or not feeling as close to them as before

  • 1: Yes
  • 2: No
  • 9: DK

Inappropriate verbal or non-verbal communication (BD1) - Question identifier:BD1_Q128B

Did [this behaviour/any of these behaviours] you experienced lead you to have problems with any of the following?
Family members

e.g., getting into more arguments or fights than before, not feeling you could trust them as much or not feeling as close to them as before

  • 1: Yes
  • 2: No
  • 9: DK

Inappropriate verbal or non-verbal communication (BD1) - Question identifier:BD1_Q128C

Did [this behaviour/any of these behaviours] you experienced lead you to have problems with any of the following?
The leadership pillar

  • 1: Yes
  • 2: No
  • 9: DK

Inappropriate verbal or non-verbal communication (BD1) - Question identifier:BD1_Q128D

Did [this behaviour/any of these behaviours] you experienced lead you to have problems with any of the following?
The physical fitness pillar

  • 1: Yes
  • 2: No
  • 9: DK

Inappropriate verbal or non-verbal communication (BD1) - Question identifier:BD1_Q128E

Did [this behaviour/any of these behaviours] you experienced lead you to have problems with any of the following?
The bilingual pillar

  • 1: Yes
  • 2: No
  • 9: DK

Inappropriate verbal or non-verbal communication (BD1) - Question identifier:BD1_Q128F

Did [this behaviour/any of these behaviours] you experienced lead you to have problems with any of the following?
The academic pillar

  • 1: Yes
  • 2: No
  • 9: DK

Inappropriate verbal or non-verbal communication (BD1) - Question identifier:BD1_Q130

Did [this behaviour/any of these behaviours] you experienced lead you to have problems with your [chain of command/job, boss or coworkers]?

Would you say:

  • 1: You were not working at the time
  • 2: Yes
  • 3: No

Inappropriate verbal or non-verbal communication (BD1) - Question identifier:BD1_Q135A

As a result of [this behaviour/any of these behaviours] you experienced, did you do any of the following?
Stop going to any of your classes

  • 1: Yes
  • 2: No
  • 9: DK

Inappropriate verbal or non-verbal communication (BD1) - Question identifier:BD1_Q135B

As a result of [this behaviour/any of these behaviours] you experienced, did you do any of the following?
Drop a class or classes

  • 1: Yes
  • 2: No
  • 9: DK

Inappropriate verbal or non-verbal communication (BD1) - Question identifier:BD1_Q135C

As a result of [this behaviour/any of these behaviours] you experienced, did you do any of the following?
Change your program

  • 1: Yes
  • 2: No
  • 9: DK

Inappropriate verbal or non-verbal communication (BD1) - Question identifier:BD1_Q135D

As a result of [this behaviour/any of these behaviours] you experienced, did you do any of the following?
Change your school

  • 1: Yes
  • 2: No
  • 9: DK

Inappropriate verbal or non-verbal communication (BD1) - Question identifier:BD1_Q135E

As a result of [this behaviour/any of these behaviours] you experienced, did you do any of the following?
[Ask for voluntary release/Drop out of school]

  • 1: Yes
  • 2: No
  • 9: DK

Inappropriate verbal or non-verbal communication (BD1) - Question identifier:BD1_Q135F

As a result of [this behaviour/any of these behaviours] you experienced, did you do any of the following?
Ask for extensions on assignments

  • 1: Yes
  • 2: No
  • 9: DK

Inappropriate verbal or non-verbal communication (BD1) - Question identifier:BD1_Q135G

As a result of [this behaviour/any of these behaviours] you experienced, did you do any of the following?
Ask for exams to be rescheduled

  • 1: Yes
  • 2: No
  • 9: DK

Inappropriate verbal or non-verbal communication (BD1) - Question identifier:BD1_Q135H

As a result of [this behaviour/any of these behaviours] you experienced, did you do any of the following?
Try to change your class schedule

  • 1: Yes
  • 2: No
  • 9: DK

Inappropriate verbal or non-verbal communication (BD1) - Question identifier:BD1_Q135I

As a result of [this behaviour/any of these behaviours] you experienced, did you do any of the following?
Move or change where you lived

  • 1: Yes
  • 2: No
  • 9: DK

Inappropriate verbal or non-verbal communication (BD1) - Question identifier:BD1_Q135J

As a result of [this behaviour/any of these behaviours] you experienced, did you do any of the following?
Change your route to school

  • 1: Yes
  • 2: No
  • 9: DK

Inappropriate verbal or non-verbal communication (BD1) - Question identifier:BD1_Q135K

As a result of [this behaviour/any of these behaviours] you experienced, did you do any of the following?
Change the time of day you travelled to and from school

  • 1: Yes
  • 2: No
  • 9: DK

Inappropriate verbal or non-verbal communication (BD1) - Question identifier:BD1_Q135L

As a result of [this behaviour/any of these behaviours] you experienced, did you do any of the following?
Avoid specific buildings at school

  • 1: Yes
  • 2: No
  • 9: DK

Inappropriate verbal or non-verbal communication (BD1) - Question identifier:BD1_Q135M

As a result of [this behaviour/any of these behaviours] you experienced, did you do any of the following?
Use drugs or alcohol to cope with the experience

  • 1: Yes
  • 2: No
  • 9: DK

Inappropriate verbal or non-verbal communication (BD1) - Question identifier:BD1_Q135N

As a result of [this behaviour/any of these behaviours] you experienced, did you do any of the following?
Get help from a counsellor or mental health professional

  • 1: Yes
  • 2: No
  • 9: DK

Inappropriate verbal or non-verbal communication (BD1) - Question identifier:BD1_R205

The following questions ask about whether or not you spoke to someone about the [behaviour/behaviours] directed at you in [an RMC-related/a school-related] setting in the past 12 months.

Inappropriate verbal or non-verbal communication (BD1) - Question identifier:BD1_Q225

Did you speak to anyone associated with your school about [this behaviour/any of these behaviours] that [was/were] directed at you personally and that occurred in [an RMC-related/a school-related] setting in the past 12 months?

Include employees and volunteers with your school administration or student run services.

Exclude friends and family.

  • 1: Yes
  • 2: No

Inappropriate verbal or non-verbal communication (BD1) - Question identifier:BD1_Q230

Who did you speak to at your school about [this behaviour/these behaviours] that [was/were] directed at you?

Did you speak to:

Exclude friends and family.

Select all that apply.

  • 01: [Peer Assistance Group (PAG)/Student support services]
  • 02: Campus security
  • 03: [A military/An] instructor, professor, lecturer or tutor
  • 04: Someone responsible for the welfare of students at your residential college, dorm or hall (e.g., [Chain of responsibility/Residence Assistant (RA)], Residence Fellow, Floor Senior)
  • 05: Some other school employee or person employed at your residential college, dorm or hall
  • 06: Someone else associated with the school
  • 07: Chaplain
  • 08: Mental health counsellor

Inappropriate verbal or non-verbal communication (BD1) - Question identifier:BD1_Q235

What were your reasons for speaking to someone at your school about what happened?

Was it to:

Select all that apply.

  • 1: Receive accommodations (e.g., to move to a different residence, switch a class or program, receive extensions)
  • 2: Receive counselling or mental health support
  • 3: Receive medical attention
  • 4: Receive protection
  • 5: Pursue an informal resolution such as mediation
  • 6: Pursue formal action against the person responsible, such as removal from the school or criminal charges
  • 7: Other reason

Inappropriate verbal or non-verbal communication (BD1) - Question identifier:BD1_Q240

On average, how long after you experienced [this behaviour/these behaviours] did you speak to someone?

Was it:

If you experienced more than one instance of these behaviours, please estimate the average length of time.

  • 1: The same day or the next day
  • 2: Within a week
  • 3: Within a few weeks
  • 4: Within a month
  • 5: Within two to three months
  • 6: Longer than three months

Inappropriate verbal or non-verbal communication (BD1) - Question identifier:BD1_Q245

Which of the following groups was the person or people you spoke to about [this behaviour/these behaviours] associated with?

Were they associated with:

Select all that apply.

  • 1: The school administration ([e.g., Health Services Centre/])
  • 2: A student run group ([e.g., Chain of responsibility, Peer Assistance Group (PAG)/])
  • 9: DK

Inappropriate verbal or non-verbal communication (BD1) - Question identifier:BD1_Q255

Did the person or people you spoke to explain the school's formal complaint policies and procedures to you?

Was it:

  • 1: Yes
  • 2: For some behaviours, yes, for others, no
  • 3: No

Inappropriate verbal or non-verbal communication (BD1) - Question identifier:BD1_Q260

Overall, how satisfied were you with the actions taken by your school administration?

  • 1: Very satisfied
  • 2: Satisfied
  • 3: Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied
  • 4: Dissatisfied
  • 5: Very dissatisfied
  • 6: Unsure at this time

Inappropriate verbal or non-verbal communication (BD1) - Question identifier:BD1_Q265

Overall, how satisfied were you with the actions taken by the student run group that you spoke to?

  • 1: Very satisfied
  • 2: Satisfied
  • 3: Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied
  • 4: Dissatisfied
  • 5: Very dissatisfied
  • 6: Unsure at this time

Inappropriate verbal or non-verbal communication (BD1) - Question identifier:BD1_Q270

People decide not to speak about their experiences for many reasons. What were your reasons for not speaking to anyone associated with your school?

Was it because you:

Select all that apply.

  • 01: Didn't know who at the school could provide you with support or assistance
  • 02: Didn't know where to go to receive support or assistance from the school
  • 03: Didn't know if this type of behaviour could be reported
  • 04: Felt embarrassed or ashamed
  • 05: Thought it would be too emotionally difficult
  • 06: Didn't think the behaviour would be kept confidential
  • 07: Didn't think you needed help
  • 08: Didn't think it was serious enough
  • 09: Resolved the issue on your own
  • 10: Were worried you might not be believed
  • 11: Didn't think the school would take it seriously
  • 12: Didn't want to hurt the people responsible or get them into trouble
  • 13: Thought it would be too hard to prove
  • 14: Were too scared or frightened
  • 15: Didn't want anyone to know
  • 16: Didn't want to get into trouble
  • 17: Felt that your academic studies or future career would be at risk
  • 18: Other reasons

Inappropriate verbal or non-verbal communication (BD1) - Question identifier:BD1_Q275

Excluding someone associated with your school, did you speak with anyone else about [this behaviour/any of these behaviours]?

e.g., friend, family, mental health professional, police

  • 1: Yes
  • 2: No

Inappropriate verbal or non-verbal communication (BD1) - Question identifier:BD1_Q280

Who did you speak with that was not associated with your school?

Did you speak with a:

Select all that apply.

  • 01: Friend
  • 02: Family
  • 03: Current or former spouse or dating partner
  • 04: Another student or peer
  • 05: Support provided in your workplace
  • 06: Telephone hotline or crisis line
  • 07: Mental health professional (Include psychiatrist.)
  • 08: Physician
  • 09: Nurse
  • 10: Religious leader
  • 11: Indigenous elder
  • 12: [Civilian police/Police]
  • 13: Military police
  • 14: The Sexual Misconduct Response Centre (SMRC)
  • 15: Other person

Sexually explicit materials (BD2)

Sexually explicit materials (BD2) - Question identifier:BD2_R15

You indicated that the following [behaviour/behaviours] [was/were] directed at you in [an RMC-related/a school-related] setting at least one:

[Someone displayed, showed or sent sexually explicit messages or directed you to view sexually explicit materials online/]
[Someone took or posted inappropriate or sexually suggestive photos or videos of you without consent/]

For the next set of questions, please answer referring only to [this behaviour/these behaviours].

[Later on in the survey, other questions will collect more information about the remainder of the behaviours that were directed at you./]

Sexually explicit materials (BD2) - Question identifier:BD2_Q15

In which of the following locations did [this behaviour/these behaviours] take place?

Was it:

Select all that apply.

  • 1: On your school's campus
  • 2: Off your school's campus
  • 3: Online or by phone

Sexually explicit materials (BD2) - Question identifier:BD2_Q20


  • 1: In a learning environment such as a lecture or discussion group
  • 2: In a non-residential building on campus, such as a library, cafeteria or gymnasium
  • 3: In a residence or other campus housing [(exclude fraternity and sorority houses)/]
  • 4: In a fraternity or sorority house on campus, including school-owned housing
  • 5: Other on-campus location

Sexually explicit materials (BD2) - Question identifier:BD2_Q25


  • 1: At another postsecondary school in Canada
  • 2: At an internship, [on the job training/co-op], work placement, practicum or volunteer assignment
  • 3: At a house or apartment (Exclude fraternity or sorority houses.)
  • 4: In a fraternity or sorority house off campus, including school-owned housing
  • 5: At a restaurant or bar
  • 6: Travelling to or from school
  • 7: Other off-campus location

Sexually explicit materials (BD2) - Question identifier:BD2_Q30


  • 1: School online environment (e.g., tutorial, school chat room, school bulletin board, chatting engines on course sites, campus-specific app)
  • 2: By email, instant message or text message
  • 3: On a social networking app or website (e.g., Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat, chat room)
  • 4: An online dating app or website (e.g., Tinder, Grindr, Yak)
  • 5: During a phone call or video chat
  • 6: Other method online or by phone

Sexually explicit materials (BD2) - Question identifier:BD2_Q40

How many people carried out [this behaviour/these behaviours]?

Was it:

  • 1: [One/For all behaviours, one] person[ (either the same person or a different individual each time)/]
  • 2: [Two/For all behaviours, two] or more people
  • 3: For some, one person, and for others, two or more people
  • 9: DK

Sexually explicit materials (BD2) - Question identifier:BD2_Q45

Was this person male or female?

  • 1: Male
  • 2: Female
  • 9: DK

Sexually explicit materials (BD2) - Question identifier:BD2_Q50

Were they male or female?

  • 1: All male
  • 2: All female
  • 3: Both male and female
  • 9: DK

Sexually explicit materials (BD2) - Question identifier:BD2_Q52

Were they mostly male or mostly female?

  • 1: Mostly male
  • 2: Mostly female
  • 3: About evenly divided

Sexually explicit materials (BD2) - Question identifier:BD2_Q55

Which of the following people carried out [this behaviour/these behaviours]?

[Was it a/Were they a]:

Select all that apply.

  • 01: Student at your school
  • 02: Student from another school
  • 03: [Military professor or military instructor at your school/Professor or instructor at your school]
  • 04: Teaching assistant at your school
  • 05: [Military/Non-academic] school staff member
  • 06: Civilian school staff member
  • 07: Private tutor
  • 08: Member of a school club or sports team
  • 09: Coach or trainer from a sports team at your school
  • 10: Member of campus security
  • 11: [Someone in your chain of command, in your on the job training,/Supervisor or boss in a co-op,] work placement or internship
  • 12: Fellow worker or volunteer at your school
  • 13: Supervisor or boss in your paid employment at your school
  • 14: Current or former spouse or common-law partner
  • 15: Current or former dating partner (e.g., boyfriend or girlfriend type of relationship)
  • 16: Current or former casual dating partner (e.g., friend with benefits)
  • 17: Friend or acquaintance
  • 18: Stranger
  • 19: Someone else
  • 99: DK

Sexually explicit materials (BD2) - Question identifier:BD2_Q75

Aside from [the person/those] who committed [this behaviour/these behaviours], were any other people present?

Would you say:

  • 1: Yes
  • 2: For some, yes, for others, no
  • 3: No
  • 9: DK

Sexually explicit materials (BD2) - Question identifier:BD2_Q78

Aside from [the person/those] who committed [this behaviour/these behaviours], how many other people were present?

Was it:

  • 1: [One/For all behaviours, one] person[ (either the same person or a different individual each time)/]
  • 2: [Two/For all behaviours, two] or more people
  • 3: For some, one person, and for others, two or more people
  • 9: DK

Sexually explicit materials (BD2) - Question identifier:BD2_Q80

Did the [person who was/people who were] present take any action?

Would you say:

Include any type of action, whether it was intervening to stop the behaviour or encouraging the behaviour.

  • 1: Yes
  • 2: No
  • 3: For some behaviours, yes, for others, no
  • 9: DK

Sexually explicit materials (BD2) - Question identifier:BD2_Q85

Which of the following actions did the [person who was/people who were] present take?

Did they:

Select all that apply.

  • 01: Intervene and try to separate you
  • 02: Ask you if you needed help
  • 03: Confront the person carrying out the behaviour
  • 04: Try to create a distraction to stop the behaviour
  • 05: Ask others to step in and try to defuse the situation
  • 06: Tell someone in a position of authority about the situation
  • 07: Encourage the behaviour
  • 08: Do something else

Sexually explicit materials (BD2) - Question identifier:BD2_Q115

In which of the following ways did [this behaviour/these behaviours] impact you emotionally?

Were you:

Select all that apply.

  • 01: Angry
  • 02: Upset
  • 03: Frustrated
  • 04: Confused
  • 05: Fearful
  • 06: More cautious or aware
  • 07: Less trustful of others
  • 08: In shock or disbelief
  • 09: Hurt or disappointed
  • 10: Depressed
  • 11: Anxious
  • 12: Experiencing suicidal thoughts
  • 13: Ashamed
  • 14: Guilty
  • 15: Annoyed
  • 16: Experiencing lowered self-esteem
  • 17: Other emotional impact
  • 18: Not much of an emotional impact
  • 19: No emotional impact at all

Sexually explicit materials (BD2) - Question identifier:BD2_Q120A

Now some questions about longer term effects of [this behaviour/these behaviours] you experienced.

In the past month, have you experienced the following as a result of [this behaviour/any of these behaviours]?
Had nightmares about it or thought about it when you did not want to

  • 1: Yes
  • 2: No

Sexually explicit materials (BD2) - Question identifier:BD2_Q120B

Now some questions about longer term effects of [this behaviour/these behaviours] you experienced.

In the past month, have you experienced the following as a result of [this behaviour/any of these behaviours]?
Tried hard not to think about it or went out of your way to avoid situations that reminded you of it

  • 1: Yes
  • 2: No

Sexually explicit materials (BD2) - Question identifier:BD2_Q120C

Now some questions about longer term effects of [this behaviour/these behaviours] you experienced.

In the past month, have you experienced the following as a result of [this behaviour/any of these behaviours]?
Felt constantly on guard, watchful or easily startled

  • 1: Yes
  • 2: No

Sexually explicit materials (BD2) - Question identifier:BD2_Q120D

Now some questions about longer term effects of [this behaviour/these behaviours] you experienced.

In the past month, have you experienced the following as a result of [this behaviour/any of these behaviours]?
Felt numb or detached from others, activities or your surroundings

  • 1: Yes
  • 2: No

Sexually explicit materials (BD2) - Question identifier:BD2_Q125A

Did [this behaviour/any of these behaviours] you experienced lead you to have problems with any of the following?
Attending your classes

  • 1: Yes
  • 2: No
  • 9: DK

Sexually explicit materials (BD2) - Question identifier:BD2_Q125B

Did [this behaviour/any of these behaviours] you experienced lead you to have problems with any of the following?
Schoolwork or your grades

  • 1: Yes
  • 2: No
  • 9: DK

Sexually explicit materials (BD2) - Question identifier:BD2_Q125C

Did [this behaviour/any of these behaviours] you experienced lead you to have problems with any of the following?
Friends, roommates or peers

Exclude people responsible for the behaviour.

e.g., getting into more arguments or fights than before, not feeling you could trust them as much or not feeling as close to them as before

  • 1: Yes
  • 2: No
  • 9: DK

Sexually explicit materials (BD2) - Question identifier:BD2_Q125D

Did [this behaviour/any of these behaviours] you experienced lead you to have problems with any of the following?
Family members

e.g., getting into more arguments or fights than before, not feeling you could trust them as much or not feeling as close to them as before

  • 1: Yes
  • 2: No
  • 9: DK

Sexually explicit materials (BD2) - Question identifier:BD2_Q128A

Did [this behaviour/any of these behaviours] you experienced lead you to have problems with any of the following?
Friends, roommates or peers

Exclude people responsible for the behaviour.

e.g., getting into more arguments or fights than before, not feeling you could trust them as much or not feeling as close to them as before

  • 1: Yes
  • 2: No
  • 9: DK

Sexually explicit materials (BD2) - Question identifier:BD2_Q128B

Did [this behaviour/any of these behaviours] you experienced lead you to have problems with any of the following?
Family members

e.g., getting into more arguments or fights than before, not feeling you could trust them as much or not feeling as close to them as before

  • 1: Yes
  • 2: No
  • 9: DK

Sexually explicit materials (BD2) - Question identifier:BD2_Q128C

Did [this behaviour/any of these behaviours] you experienced lead you to have problems with any of the following?
The leadership pillar

  • 1: Yes
  • 2: No
  • 9: DK

Sexually explicit materials (BD2) - Question identifier:BD2_Q128D

Did [this behaviour/any of these behaviours] you experienced lead you to have problems with any of the following?
The physical fitness pillar

  • 1: Yes
  • 2: No
  • 9: DK

Sexually explicit materials (BD2) - Question identifier:BD2_Q128E

Did [this behaviour/any of these behaviours] you experienced lead you to have problems with any of the following?
The bilingual pillar

  • 1: Yes
  • 2: No
  • 9: DK

Sexually explicit materials (BD2) - Question identifier:BD2_Q128F

Did [this behaviour/any of these behaviours] you experienced lead you to have problems with any of the following?
The academic pillar

  • 1: Yes
  • 2: No
  • 9: DK

Sexually explicit materials (BD2) - Question identifier:BD2_Q130

Did [this behaviour/any of these behaviours] you experienced lead you to have problems with your [chain of command/job, boss or coworkers]?

Would you say:

  • 1: You were not working at the time
  • 2: Yes
  • 3: No

Sexually explicit materials (BD2) - Question identifier:BD2_Q135A

As a result of [this behaviour/any of these behaviours] you experienced, did you do any of the following?
Stop going to any of your classes

  • 1: Yes
  • 2: No
  • 9: DK

Sexually explicit materials (BD2) - Question identifier:BD2_Q135B

As a result of [this behaviour/any of these behaviours] you experienced, did you do any of the following?
Drop a class or classes

  • 1: Yes
  • 2: No
  • 9: DK

Sexually explicit materials (BD2) - Question identifier:BD2_Q135C

As a result of [this behaviour/any of these behaviours] you experienced, did you do any of the following?
Change your program

  • 1: Yes
  • 2: No
  • 9: DK

Sexually explicit materials (BD2) - Question identifier:BD2_Q135D

As a result of [this behaviour/any of these behaviours] you experienced, did you do any of the following?
Change your school

  • 1: Yes
  • 2: No
  • 9: DK

Sexually explicit materials (BD2) - Question identifier:BD2_Q135E

As a result of [this behaviour/any of these behaviours] you experienced, did you do any of the following?
[Ask for voluntary release/Drop out of school]

  • 1: Yes
  • 2: No
  • 9: DK

Sexually explicit materials (BD2) - Question identifier:BD2_Q135F

As a result of [this behaviour/any of these behaviours] you experienced, did you do any of the following?
Ask for extensions on assignments

  • 1: Yes
  • 2: No
  • 9: DK

Sexually explicit materials (BD2) - Question identifier:BD2_Q135G

As a result of [this behaviour/any of these behaviours] you experienced, did you do any of the following?
Ask for exams to be rescheduled

  • 1: Yes
  • 2: No
  • 9: DK

Sexually explicit materials (BD2) - Question identifier:BD2_Q135H

As a result of [this behaviour/any of these behaviours] you experienced, did you do any of the following?
Try to change your class schedule

  • 1: Yes
  • 2: No
  • 9: DK

Sexually explicit materials (BD2) - Question identifier:BD2_Q135I

As a result of [this behaviour/any of these behaviours] you experienced, did you do any of the following?
Move or change where you lived

  • 1: Yes
  • 2: No
  • 9: DK

Sexually explicit materials (BD2) - Question identifier:BD2_Q135J

As a result of [this behaviour/any of these behaviours] you experienced, did you do any of the following?
Change your route to school

  • 1: Yes
  • 2: No
  • 9: DK

Sexually explicit materials (BD2) - Question identifier:BD2_Q135K

As a result of [this behaviour/any of these behaviours] you experienced, did you do any of the following?
Change the time of day you travelled to and from school

  • 1: Yes
  • 2: No
  • 9: DK

Sexually explicit materials (BD2) - Question identifier:BD2_Q135L

As a result of [this behaviour/any of these behaviours] you experienced, did you do any of the following?
Avoid specific buildings at school

  • 1: Yes
  • 2: No
  • 9: DK

Sexually explicit materials (BD2) - Question identifier:BD2_Q135M

As a result of [this behaviour/any of these behaviours] you experienced, did you do any of the following?
Use drugs or alcohol to cope with the experience

  • 1: Yes
  • 2: No
  • 9: DK

Sexually explicit materials (BD2) - Question identifier:BD2_Q135N

As a result of [this behaviour/any of these behaviours] you experienced, did you do any of the following?
Get help from a counsellor or mental health professional

  • 1: Yes
  • 2: No
  • 9: DK

Sexually explicit materials (BD2) - Question identifier:BD2_R205

The following questions ask about whether or not you spoke to someone about the [behaviour/behaviours] directed at you in [an RMC-related/a school-related] setting in the past 12 months.

Sexually explicit materials (BD2) - Question identifier:BD2_Q225

Did you speak to anyone associated with your school about [this behaviour/any of these behaviours] that [was/were] directed at you personally and that occurred in [an RMC-related/a school-related] setting in the past 12 months?

Include employees and volunteers with your school administration or student run services.

Exclude friends and family.

  • 1: Yes
  • 2: No

Sexually explicit materials (BD2) - Question identifier:BD2_Q230

Who did you speak to at your school about [this behaviour/these behaviours] that [was/were] directed at you?

Did you speak to:

Exclude friends and family.

Select all that apply.

  • 01: [Peer Assistance Group (PAG)/Student support services]
  • 02: Campus security
  • 03: [A military/An] instructor, professor, lecturer or tutor
  • 04: Someone responsible for the welfare of students at your residential college, dorm or hall (e.g., [Chain of responsibility/Residence Assistant (RA)], Residence Fellow, Floor Senior)
  • 05: Some other school employee or person employed at your residential college, dorm or hall
  • 06: Someone else associated with the school
  • 07: Chaplain
  • 08: Mental health counsellor

Sexually explicit materials (BD2) - Question identifier:BD2_Q235

What were your reasons for speaking to someone at your school about what happened?

Was it to:

Select all that apply.

  • 1: Receive accommodations (e.g., to move to a different residence, switch a class or program, receive extensions)
  • 2: Receive counselling or mental health support
  • 3: Receive medical attention
  • 4: Receive protection
  • 5: Pursue an informal resolution such as mediation
  • 6: Pursue formal action against the person responsible, such as removal from the school or criminal charges
  • 7: Other reason

Sexually explicit materials (BD2) - Question identifier:BD2_Q240

On average, how long after you experienced [this behaviour/these behaviours] did you speak to someone?

Was it:

If you experienced more than one instance of these behaviours, please estimate the average length of time.

  • 1: The same day or the next day
  • 2: Within a week
  • 3: Within a few weeks
  • 4: Within a month
  • 5: Within two to three months
  • 6: Longer than three months

Sexually explicit materials (BD2) - Question identifier:BD2_Q245

Which of the following groups was the person or people you spoke to about [this behaviour/these behaviours] associated with?

Were they associated with:

Select all that apply.

  • 1: The school administration ([e.g., Health Services Centre/])
  • 2: A student run group ([e.g., Chain of responsibility, Peer Assistance Group (PAG)/])
  • 9: DK

Sexually explicit materials (BD2) - Question identifier:BD2_Q255

Did the person or people you spoke to explain the school's formal complaint policies and procedures to you?

Was it:

  • 1: Yes
  • 2: For some behaviours, yes, for others, no
  • 3: No

Sexually explicit materials (BD2) - Question identifier:BD2_Q260

Overall, how satisfied were you with the actions taken by your school administration?

  • 1: Very satisfied
  • 2: Satisfied
  • 3: Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied
  • 4: Dissatisfied
  • 5: Very dissatisfied
  • 6: Unsure at this time

Sexually explicit materials (BD2) - Question identifier:BD2_Q265

Overall, how satisfied were you with the actions taken by the student run group that you spoke to?

  • 1: Very satisfied
  • 2: Satisfied
  • 3: Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied
  • 4: Dissatisfied
  • 5: Very dissatisfied
  • 6: Unsure at this time

Sexually explicit materials (BD2) - Question identifier:BD2_Q270

People decide not to speak about their experiences for many reasons. What were your reasons for not speaking to anyone associated with your school?

Was it because you:

Select all that apply.

  • 01: Didn't know who at the school could provide you with support or assistance
  • 02: Didn't know where to go to receive support or assistance from the school
  • 03: Didn't know if this type of behaviour could be reported
  • 04: Felt embarrassed or ashamed
  • 05: Thought it would be too emotionally difficult
  • 06: Didn't think the behaviour would be kept confidential
  • 07: Didn't think you needed help
  • 08: Didn't think it was serious enough
  • 09: Resolved the issue on your own
  • 10: Were worried you might not be believed
  • 11: Didn't think the school would take it seriously
  • 12: Didn't want to hurt the people responsible or get them into trouble
  • 13: Thought it would be too hard to prove
  • 14: Were too scared or frightened
  • 15: Didn't want anyone to know
  • 16: Didn't want to get into trouble
  • 17: Felt that your academic studies or future career would be at risk
  • 18: Other reasons

Sexually explicit materials (BD2) - Question identifier:BD2_Q275

Excluding someone associated with your school, did you speak with anyone else about [this behaviour/any of these behaviours]?

e.g., friend, family, mental health professional, police

  • 1: Yes
  • 2: No

Sexually explicit materials (BD2) - Question identifier:BD2_Q280

Who did you speak with that was not associated with your school?

Did you speak with a:

Select all that apply.

  • 01: Friend
  • 02: Family
  • 03: Current or former spouse or dating partner
  • 04: Another student or peer
  • 05: Support provided in your workplace
  • 06: Telephone hotline or crisis line
  • 07: Mental health professional (Include psychiatrist.)
  • 08: Physician
  • 09: Nurse
  • 10: Religious leader
  • 11: Indigenous elder
  • 12: [Civilian police/Police]
  • 13: Military police
  • 14: The Sexual Misconduct Response Centre (SMRC)
  • 15: Other person

Unwanted physical contact, exposure or sexual relations (BD3)

Unwanted physical contact, exposure or sexual relations (BD3) - Question identifier:BD3_R15

You indicated that the following [behaviour/behaviours] [was/were] directed at you in [an RMC-related/a school-related] setting at least one:

[Someone indecently exposed themselves or inappropriately displayed any body parts in a sexual manner/]
[Repeated pressure from the same person for dates or sexual relationships/]
[Unwelcome physical contact, such as hugs or shoulder rubs or getting too close/]
[Offering you a personal benefit for engaging in sexual activity or mistreating you for not engaging in sexual activity/]

For the next set of questions, please answer referring only to [this behaviour/these behaviours].

[Later on in the survey, other questions will collect more information about the remainder of the behaviours that were directed at you./]

Unwanted physical contact, exposure or sexual relations (BD3) - Question identifier:BD3_Q15

In which of the following locations did [this behaviour/these behaviours] take place?

Was it:

Select all that apply.

  • 1: On your school's campus
  • 2: Off your school's campus
  • 3: Online or by phone

Unwanted physical contact, exposure or sexual relations (BD3) - Question identifier:BD3_Q20


  • 1: In a learning environment such as a lecture or discussion group
  • 2: In a non-residential building on campus, such as a library, cafeteria or gymnasium
  • 3: In a residence or other campus housing [(exclude fraternity and sorority houses)/]
  • 4: In a fraternity or sorority house on campus, including school-owned housing
  • 5: Other on-campus location

Unwanted physical contact, exposure or sexual relations (BD3) - Question identifier:BD3_Q25


  • 1: At another postsecondary school in Canada
  • 2: At an internship, [on the job training/co-op], work placement, practicum or volunteer assignment
  • 3: At a house or apartment (Exclude fraternity or sorority houses.)
  • 4: In a fraternity or sorority house off campus, including school-owned housing
  • 5: At a restaurant or bar
  • 6: Travelling to or from school
  • 7: Other off-campus location

Unwanted physical contact, exposure or sexual relations (BD3) - Question identifier:BD3_Q30


  • 1: School online environment (e.g., tutorial, school chat room, school bulletin board, chatting engines on course sites, campus-specific app)
  • 2: By email, instant message or text message
  • 3: On a social networking app or website (e.g., Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat, chat room)
  • 4: An online dating app or website (e.g., Tinder, Grindr, Yak)
  • 5: During a phone call or video chat
  • 6: Other method online or by phone

Unwanted physical contact, exposure or sexual relations (BD3) - Question identifier:BD3_Q40

How many people carried out [this behaviour/these behaviours]?

Was it:

  • 1: [One/For all behaviours, one] person[ (either the same person or a different individual each time)/]
  • 2: [Two/For all behaviours, two] or more people
  • 3: For some, one person, and for others, two or more people
  • 9: DK

Unwanted physical contact, exposure or sexual relations (BD3) - Question identifier:BD3_Q45

Was this person male or female?

  • 1: Male
  • 2: Female
  • 9: DK

Unwanted physical contact, exposure or sexual relations (BD3) - Question identifier:BD3_Q50

Were they male or female?

  • 1: All male
  • 2: All female
  • 3: Both male and female
  • 9: DK

Unwanted physical contact, exposure or sexual relations (BD3) - Question identifier:BD3_Q52

Were they mostly male or mostly female?

  • 1: Mostly male
  • 2: Mostly female
  • 3: About evenly divided

Unwanted physical contact, exposure or sexual relations (BD3) - Question identifier:BD3_Q55

Which of the following people carried out [this behaviour/these behaviours]?

[Was it a/Were they a]:

Select all that apply.

  • 01: Student at your school
  • 02: Student from another school
  • 03: [Military professor or military instructor at your school/Professor or instructor at your school]
  • 04: Teaching assistant at your school
  • 05: [Military/Non-academic] school staff member
  • 06: Civilian school staff member
  • 07: Private tutor
  • 08: Member of a school club or sports team
  • 09: Coach or trainer from a sports team at your school
  • 10: Member of campus security
  • 11: [Someone in your chain of command, in your on the job training,/Supervisor or boss in a co-op,] work placement or internship
  • 12: Fellow worker or volunteer at your school
  • 13: Supervisor or boss in your paid employment at your school
  • 14: Current or former spouse or common-law partner
  • 15: Current or former dating partner (e.g., boyfriend or girlfriend type of relationship)
  • 16: Current or former casual dating partner (e.g., friend with benefits)
  • 17: Friend or acquaintance
  • 18: Stranger
  • 19: Someone else
  • 99: DK

Unwanted physical contact, exposure or sexual relations (BD3) - Question identifier:BD3_Q75

Aside from [the person/those] who committed [this behaviour/these behaviours], were any other people present?

Would you say:

  • 1: Yes
  • 2: For some, yes, for others, no
  • 3: No
  • 9: DK

Unwanted physical contact, exposure or sexual relations (BD3) - Question identifier:BD3_Q78

Aside from [the person/those] who committed [this behaviour/these behaviours], how many other people were present?

Was it:

  • 1: [One/For all behaviours, one] person[ (either the same person or a different individual each time)/]
  • 2: [Two/For all behaviours, two] or more people
  • 3: For some, one person, and for others, two or more people
  • 9: DK

Unwanted physical contact, exposure or sexual relations (BD3) - Question identifier:BD3_Q80

Did the [person who was/people who were] present take any action?

Would you say:

Include any type of action, whether it was intervening to stop the behaviour or encouraging the behaviour.

  • 1: Yes
  • 2: No
  • 3: For some behaviours, yes, for others, no
  • 9: DK

Unwanted physical contact, exposure or sexual relations (BD3) - Question identifier:BD3_Q85

Which of the following actions did the [person who was/people who were] present take?

Did they:

Select all that apply.

  • 01: Intervene and try to separate you
  • 02: Ask you if you needed help
  • 03: Confront the person carrying out the behaviour
  • 04: Try to create a distraction to stop the behaviour
  • 05: Ask others to step in and try to defuse the situation
  • 06: Tell someone in a position of authority about the situation
  • 07: Encourage the behaviour
  • 08: Do something else

Unwanted physical contact, exposure or sexual relations (BD3) - Question identifier:BD3_Q115

In which of the following ways did [this behaviour/these behaviours] impact you emotionally?

Were you:

Select all that apply.

  • 01: Angry
  • 02: Upset
  • 03: Frustrated
  • 04: Confused
  • 05: Fearful
  • 06: More cautious or aware
  • 07: Less trustful of others
  • 08: In shock or disbelief
  • 09: Hurt or disappointed
  • 10: Depressed
  • 11: Anxious
  • 12: Experiencing suicidal thoughts
  • 13: Ashamed
  • 14: Guilty
  • 15: Annoyed
  • 16: Experiencing lowered self-esteem
  • 17: Other emotional impact
  • 18: Not much of an emotional impact
  • 19: No emotional impact at all

Unwanted physical contact, exposure or sexual relations (BD3) - Question identifier:BD3_Q120A

Now some questions about longer term effects of [this behaviour/these behaviours] you experienced.

In the past month, have you experienced the following as a result of [this behaviour/any of these behaviours]?
Had nightmares about it or thought about it when you did not want to

  • 1: Yes
  • 2: No

Unwanted physical contact, exposure or sexual relations (BD3) - Question identifier:BD3_Q120B

Now some questions about longer term effects of [this behaviour/these behaviours] you experienced.

In the past month, have you experienced the following as a result of [this behaviour/any of these behaviours]?
Tried hard not to think about it or went out of your way to avoid situations that reminded you of it

  • 1: Yes
  • 2: No

Unwanted physical contact, exposure or sexual relations (BD3) - Question identifier:BD3_Q120C

Now some questions about longer term effects of [this behaviour/these behaviours] you experienced.

In the past month, have you experienced the following as a result of [this behaviour/any of these behaviours]?
Felt constantly on guard, watchful or easily startled

  • 1: Yes
  • 2: No

Unwanted physical contact, exposure or sexual relations (BD3) - Question identifier:BD3_Q120D

Now some questions about longer term effects of [this behaviour/these behaviours] you experienced.

In the past month, have you experienced the following as a result of [this behaviour/any of these behaviours]?
Felt numb or detached from others, activities or your surroundings

  • 1: Yes
  • 2: No

Unwanted physical contact, exposure or sexual relations (BD3) - Question identifier:BD3_Q125A

Did [this behaviour/any of these behaviours] you experienced lead you to have problems with any of the following?
Attending your classes

  • 1: Yes
  • 2: No
  • 9: DK

Unwanted physical contact, exposure or sexual relations (BD3) - Question identifier:BD3_Q125B

Did [this behaviour/any of these behaviours] you experienced lead you to have problems with any of the following?
Schoolwork or your grades

  • 1: Yes
  • 2: No
  • 9: DK

Unwanted physical contact, exposure or sexual relations (BD3) - Question identifier:BD3_Q125C

Did [this behaviour/any of these behaviours] you experienced lead you to have problems with any of the following?
Friends, roommates or peers

Exclude people responsible for the behaviour.

e.g., getting into more arguments or fights than before, not feeling you could trust them as much or not feeling as close to them as before

  • 1: Yes
  • 2: No
  • 9: DK

Unwanted physical contact, exposure or sexual relations (BD3) - Question identifier:BD3_Q125D

Did [this behaviour/any of these behaviours] you experienced lead you to have problems with any of the following?
Family members

e.g., getting into more arguments or fights than before, not feeling you could trust them as much or not feeling as close to them as before

  • 1: Yes
  • 2: No
  • 9: DK

Unwanted physical contact, exposure or sexual relations (BD3) - Question identifier:BD3_Q128A

Did [this behaviour/any of these behaviours] you experienced lead you to have problems with any of the following?
Friends, roommates or peers

Exclude people responsible for the behaviour.

e.g., getting into more arguments or fights than before, not feeling you could trust them as much or not feeling as close to them as before

  • 1: Yes
  • 2: No
  • 9: DK

Unwanted physical contact, exposure or sexual relations (BD3) - Question identifier:BD3_Q128B

Did [this behaviour/any of these behaviours] you experienced lead you to have problems with any of the following?
Family members

e.g., getting into more arguments or fights than before, not feeling you could trust them as much or not feeling as close to them as before

  • 1: Yes
  • 2: No
  • 9: DK

Unwanted physical contact, exposure or sexual relations (BD3) - Question identifier:BD3_Q128C

Did [this behaviour/any of these behaviours] you experienced lead you to have problems with any of the following?
The leadership pillar

  • 1: Yes
  • 2: No
  • 9: DK

Unwanted physical contact, exposure or sexual relations (BD3) - Question identifier:BD3_Q128D

Did [this behaviour/any of these behaviours] you experienced lead you to have problems with any of the following?
The physical fitness pillar

  • 1: Yes
  • 2: No
  • 9: DK

Unwanted physical contact, exposure or sexual relations (BD3) - Question identifier:BD3_Q128E

Did [this behaviour/any of these behaviours] you experienced lead you to have problems with any of the following?
The bilingual pillar

  • 1: Yes
  • 2: No
  • 9: DK

Unwanted physical contact, exposure or sexual relations (BD3) - Question identifier:BD3_Q128F

Did [this behaviour/any of these behaviours] you experienced lead you to have problems with any of the following?
The academic pillar

  • 1: Yes
  • 2: No
  • 9: DK

Unwanted physical contact, exposure or sexual relations (BD3) - Question identifier:BD3_Q130

Did [this behaviour/any of these behaviours] you experienced lead you to have problems with your [chain of command/job, boss or coworkers]?

Would you say:

  • 1: You were not working at the time
  • 2: Yes
  • 3: No

Unwanted physical contact, exposure or sexual relations (BD3) - Question identifier:BD3_Q135A

As a result of [this behaviour/any of these behaviours] you experienced, did you do any of the following?
Stop going to any of your classes

  • 1: Yes
  • 2: No
  • 9: DK

Unwanted physical contact, exposure or sexual relations (BD3) - Question identifier:BD3_Q135B

As a result of [this behaviour/any of these behaviours] you experienced, did you do any of the following?
Drop a class or classes

  • 1: Yes
  • 2: No
  • 9: DK

Unwanted physical contact, exposure or sexual relations (BD3) - Question identifier:BD3_Q135C

As a result of [this behaviour/any of these behaviours] you experienced, did you do any of the following?
Change your program

  • 1: Yes
  • 2: No
  • 9: DK

Unwanted physical contact, exposure or sexual relations (BD3) - Question identifier:BD3_Q135D

As a result of [this behaviour/any of these behaviours] you experienced, did you do any of the following?
Change your school

  • 1: Yes
  • 2: No
  • 9: DK

Unwanted physical contact, exposure or sexual relations (BD3) - Question identifier:BD3_Q135E

As a result of [this behaviour/any of these behaviours] you experienced, did you do any of the following?
[Ask for voluntary release/Drop out of school]

  • 1: Yes
  • 2: No
  • 9: DK

Unwanted physical contact, exposure or sexual relations (BD3) - Question identifier:BD3_Q135F

As a result of [this behaviour/any of these behaviours] you experienced, did you do any of the following?
Ask for extensions on assignments

  • 1: Yes
  • 2: No
  • 9: DK

Unwanted physical contact, exposure or sexual relations (BD3) - Question identifier:BD3_Q135G

As a result of [this behaviour/any of these behaviours] you experienced, did you do any of the following?
Ask for exams to be rescheduled

  • 1: Yes
  • 2: No
  • 9: DK

Unwanted physical contact, exposure or sexual relations (BD3) - Question identifier:BD3_Q135H

As a result of [this behaviour/any of these behaviours] you experienced, did you do any of the following?
Try to change your class schedule

  • 1: Yes
  • 2: No
  • 9: DK

Unwanted physical contact, exposure or sexual relations (BD3) - Question identifier:BD3_Q135I

As a result of [this behaviour/any of these behaviours] you experienced, did you do any of the following?
Move or change where you lived

  • 1: Yes
  • 2: No
  • 9: DK

Unwanted physical contact, exposure or sexual relations (BD3) - Question identifier:BD3_Q135J

As a result of [this behaviour/any of these behaviours] you experienced, did you do any of the following?
Change your route to school

  • 1: Yes
  • 2: No
  • 9: DK

Unwanted physical contact, exposure or sexual relations (BD3) - Question identifier:BD3_Q135K

As a result of [this behaviour/any of these behaviours] you experienced, did you do any of the following?
Change the time of day you travelled to and from school

  • 1: Yes
  • 2: No
  • 9: DK

Unwanted physical contact, exposure or sexual relations (BD3) - Question identifier:BD3_Q135L

As a result of [this behaviour/any of these behaviours] you experienced, did you do any of the following?
Avoid specific buildings at school

  • 1: Yes
  • 2: No
  • 9: DK

Unwanted physical contact, exposure or sexual relations (BD3) - Question identifier:BD3_Q135M

As a result of [this behaviour/any of these behaviours] you experienced, did you do any of the following?
Use drugs or alcohol to cope with the experience

  • 1: Yes
  • 2: No
  • 9: DK

Unwanted physical contact, exposure or sexual relations (BD3) - Question identifier:BD3_Q135N

As a result of [this behaviour/any of these behaviours] you experienced, did you do any of the following?
Get help from a counsellor or mental health professional

  • 1: Yes
  • 2: No
  • 9: DK

Unwanted physical contact, exposure or sexual relations (BD3) - Question identifier:BD3_R205

The following questions ask about whether or not you spoke to someone about the [behaviour/behaviours] directed at you in [an RMC-related/a school-related] setting in the past 12 months.

Unwanted physical contact, exposure or sexual relations (BD3) - Question identifier:BD3_Q225

Did you speak to anyone associated with your school about [this behaviour/any of these behaviours] that [was/were] directed at you personally and that occurred in [an RMC-related/a school-related] setting in the past 12 months?

Include employees and volunteers with your school administration or student run services.

Exclude friends and family.

  • 1: Yes
  • 2: No

Unwanted physical contact, exposure or sexual relations (BD3) - Question identifier:BD3_Q230

Who did you speak to at your school about [this behaviour/these behaviours] that [was/were] directed at you?

Did you speak to:

Exclude friends and family.

Select all that apply.

  • 01: [Peer Assistance Group (PAG)/Student support services]
  • 02: Campus security
  • 03: [A military/An] instructor, professor, lecturer or tutor
  • 04: Someone responsible for the welfare of students at your residential college, dorm or hall (e.g., [Chain of responsibility/Residence Assistant (RA)], Residence Fellow, Floor Senior)
  • 05: Some other school employee or person employed at your residential college, dorm or hall
  • 06: Someone else associated with the school
  • 07: Chaplain
  • 08: Mental health counsellor

Unwanted physical contact, exposure or sexual relations (BD3) - Question identifier:BD3_Q235

What were your reasons for speaking to someone at your school about what happened?

Was it to:

Select all that apply.

  • 1: Receive accommodations (e.g., to move to a different residence, switch a class or program, receive extensions)
  • 2: Receive counselling or mental health support
  • 3: Receive medical attention
  • 4: Receive protection
  • 5: Pursue an informal resolution such as mediation
  • 6: Pursue formal action against the person responsible, such as removal from the school or criminal charges
  • 7: Other reason

Unwanted physical contact, exposure or sexual relations (BD3) - Question identifier:BD3_Q240

On average, how long after you experienced [this behaviour/these behaviours] did you speak to someone?

Was it:

If you experienced more than one instance of these behaviours, please estimate the average length of time.

  • 1: The same day or the next day
  • 2: Within a week
  • 3: Within a few weeks
  • 4: Within a month
  • 5: Within two to three months
  • 6: Longer than three months

Unwanted physical contact, exposure or sexual relations (BD3) - Question identifier:BD3_Q245

Which of the following groups was the person or people you spoke to about [this behaviour/these behaviours] associated with?

Were they associated with:

Select all that apply.

  • 1: The school administration ([e.g., Health Services Centre/])
  • 2: A student run group ([e.g., Chain of responsibility, Peer Assistance Group (PAG)/])
  • 9: DK

Unwanted physical contact, exposure or sexual relations (BD3) - Question identifier:BD3_Q255

Did the person or people you spoke to explain the school's formal complaint policies and procedures to you?

Was it:

  • 1: Yes
  • 2: For some behaviours, yes, for others, no
  • 3: No

Unwanted physical contact, exposure or sexual relations (BD3) - Question identifier:BD3_Q260

Overall, how satisfied were you with the actions taken by your school administration?

  • 1: Very satisfied
  • 2: Satisfied
  • 3: Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied
  • 4: Dissatisfied
  • 5: Very dissatisfied
  • 6: Unsure at this time

Unwanted physical contact, exposure or sexual relations (BD3) - Question identifier:BD3_Q265

Overall, how satisfied were you with the actions taken by the student run group that you spoke to?

  • 1: Very satisfied
  • 2: Satisfied
  • 3: Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied
  • 4: Dissatisfied
  • 5: Very dissatisfied
  • 6: Unsure at this time

Unwanted physical contact, exposure or sexual relations (BD3) - Question identifier:BD3_Q270

People decide not to speak about their experiences for many reasons. What were your reasons for not speaking to anyone associated with your school?

Was it because you:

Select all that apply.

  • 01: Didn't know who at the school could provide you with support or assistance
  • 02: Didn't know where to go to receive support or assistance from the school
  • 03: Didn't know if this type of behaviour could be reported
  • 04: Felt embarrassed or ashamed
  • 05: Thought it would be too emotionally difficult
  • 06: Didn't think the behaviour would be kept confidential
  • 07: Didn't think you needed help
  • 08: Didn't think it was serious enough
  • 09: Resolved the issue on your own
  • 10: Were worried you might not be believed
  • 11: Didn't think the school would take it seriously
  • 12: Didn't want to hurt the people responsible or get them into trouble
  • 13: Thought it would be too hard to prove
  • 14: Were too scared or frightened
  • 15: Didn't want anyone to know
  • 16: Didn't want to get into trouble
  • 17: Felt that your academic studies or future career would be at risk
  • 18: Other reasons

Unwanted physical contact, exposure or sexual relations (BD3) - Question identifier:BD3_Q275

Excluding someone associated with your school, did you speak with anyone else about [this behaviour/any of these behaviours]?

e.g., friend, family, mental health professional, police

  • 1: Yes
  • 2: No

Unwanted physical contact, exposure or sexual relations (BD3) - Question identifier:BD3_Q280

Who did you speak with that was not associated with your school?

Did you speak with a:

Select all that apply.

  • 01: Friend
  • 02: Family
  • 03: Current or former spouse or dating partner
  • 04: Another student or peer
  • 05: Support provided in your workplace
  • 06: Telephone hotline or crisis line
  • 07: Mental health professional (Include psychiatrist.)
  • 08: Physician
  • 09: Nurse
  • 10: Religious leader
  • 11: Indigenous elder
  • 12: [Civilian police/Police]
  • 13: Military police
  • 14: The Sexual Misconduct Response Centre (SMRC)
  • 15: Other person

Discrimination based on sexual orientation or gender identity (BD4)

Discrimination based on sexual orientation or gender identity (BD4) - Question identifier:BD4_R15

You indicated that the following [behaviour/behaviours] [was/were] directed at you in [an RMC-related/a school-related] setting at least one:

[Suggestion that you don't act like a [man/woman/man or woman] is supposed to act/]
[Being insulted, mistreated, ignored or excluded because of your gender/]
[Comments that you are not good at or should be prevented from being in a particular program because of your gender/]
[Being insulted, mistreated, ignored or excluded because of your sexual orientation or assumed sexual orientation/]
[Being insulted, mistreated, ignored or excluded because you are, or are assumed to be, transgender/]

For the next set of questions, please answer referring only to [this behaviour/these behaviours].

Discrimination based on sexual orientation or gender identity (BD4) - Question identifier:BD4_Q15

In which of the following locations did [this behaviour/these behaviours] take place?

Was it:

Select all that apply.

  • 1: On your school's campus
  • 2: Off your school's campus
  • 3: Online or by phone

Discrimination based on sexual orientation or gender identity (BD4) - Question identifier:BD4_Q20


  • 1: In a learning environment such as a lecture or discussion group
  • 2: In a non-residential building on campus, such as a library, cafeteria or gymnasium
  • 3: In a residence or other campus housing [(exclude fraternity and sorority houses)/]
  • 4: In a fraternity or sorority house on campus, including school-owned housing
  • 5: Other on-campus location

Discrimination based on sexual orientation or gender identity (BD4) - Question identifier:BD4_Q25


  • 1: At another postsecondary school in Canada
  • 2: At an internship, [on the job training/co-op], work placement, practicum or volunteer assignment
  • 3: At a house or apartment (Exclude fraternity or sorority houses.)
  • 4: In a fraternity or sorority house off campus, including school-owned housing
  • 5: At a restaurant or bar
  • 6: Travelling to or from school
  • 7: Other off-campus location

Discrimination based on sexual orientation or gender identity (BD4) - Question identifier:BD4_Q30


  • 1: School online environment (e.g., tutorial, school chat room, school bulletin board, chatting engines on course sites, campus-specific app)
  • 2: By email, instant message or text message
  • 3: On a social networking app or website (e.g., Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat, chat room)
  • 4: An online dating app or website (e.g., Tinder, Grindr, Yak)
  • 5: During a phone call or video chat
  • 6: Other method online or by phone

Discrimination based on sexual orientation or gender identity (BD4) - Question identifier:BD4_Q40

How many people carried out [this behaviour/these behaviours]?

Was it:

  • 1: [One/For all behaviours, one] person[ (either the same person or a different individual each time)/]
  • 2: [Two/For all behaviours, two] or more people
  • 3: For some, one person, and for others, two or more people
  • 9: DK

Discrimination based on sexual orientation or gender identity (BD4) - Question identifier:BD4_Q45

Was this person male or female?

  • 1: Male
  • 2: Female
  • 9: DK

Discrimination based on sexual orientation or gender identity (BD4) - Question identifier:BD4_Q50

Were they male or female?

  • 1: All male
  • 2: All female
  • 3: Both male and female
  • 9: DK

Discrimination based on sexual orientation or gender identity (BD4) - Question identifier:BD4_Q52

Were they mostly male or mostly female?

  • 1: Mostly male
  • 2: Mostly female
  • 3: About evenly divided

Discrimination based on sexual orientation or gender identity (BD4) - Question identifier:BD4_Q55

Which of the following people carried out [this behaviour/these behaviours]?

[Was it a/Were they a]:

Select all that apply.

  • 01: Student at your school
  • 02: Student from another school
  • 03: [Military professor or military instructor at your school/Professor or instructor at your school]
  • 04: Teaching assistant at your school
  • 05: [Military/Non-academic] school staff member
  • 06: Civilian school staff member
  • 07: Private tutor
  • 08: Member of a school club or sports team
  • 09: Coach or trainer from a sports team at your school
  • 10: Member of campus security
  • 11: [Someone in your chain of command, in your on the job training,/Supervisor or boss in a co-op,] work placement or internship
  • 12: Fellow worker or volunteer at your school
  • 13: Supervisor or boss in your paid employment at your school
  • 14: Current or former spouse or common-law partner
  • 15: Current or former dating partner (e.g., boyfriend or girlfriend type of relationship)
  • 16: Current or former casual dating partner (e.g., friend with benefits)
  • 17: Friend or acquaintance
  • 18: Stranger
  • 19: Someone else
  • 99: DK

Discrimination based on sexual orientation or gender identity (BD4) - Question identifier:BD4_Q75

Aside from [the person/those] who committed [this behaviour/these behaviours], were any other people present?

Would you say:

  • 1: Yes
  • 2: For some, yes, for others, no
  • 3: No
  • 9: DK

Discrimination based on sexual orientation or gender identity (BD4) - Question identifier:BD4_Q78

Aside from [the person/those] who committed [this behaviour/these behaviours], how many other people were present?

Was it:

  • 1: [One/For all behaviours, one] person[ (either the same person or a different individual each time)/]
  • 2: [Two/For all behaviours, two] or more people
  • 3: For some, one person, and for others, two or more people
  • 9: DK

Discrimination based on sexual orientation or gender identity (BD4) - Question identifier:BD4_Q80

Did the [person who was/people who were] present take any action?

Would you say:

Include any type of action, whether it was intervening to stop the behaviour or encouraging the behaviour.

  • 1: Yes
  • 2: No
  • 3: For some behaviours, yes, for others, no
  • 9: DK

Discrimination based on sexual orientation or gender identity (BD4) - Question identifier:BD4_Q85

Which of the following actions did the [person who was/people who were] present take?

Did they:

Select all that apply.

  • 01: Intervene and try to separate you
  • 02: Ask you if you needed help
  • 03: Confront the person carrying out the behaviour
  • 04: Try to create a distraction to stop the behaviour
  • 05: Ask others to step in and try to defuse the situation
  • 06: Tell someone in a position of authority about the situation
  • 07: Encourage the behaviour
  • 08: Do something else

Discrimination based on sexual orientation or gender identity (BD4) - Question identifier:BD4_Q115

In which of the following ways did [this behaviour/these behaviours] impact you emotionally?

Were you:

Select all that apply.

  • 01: Angry
  • 02: Upset
  • 03: Frustrated
  • 04: Confused
  • 05: Fearful
  • 06: More cautious or aware
  • 07: Less trustful of others
  • 08: In shock or disbelief
  • 09: Hurt or disappointed
  • 10: Depressed
  • 11: Anxious
  • 12: Experiencing suicidal thoughts
  • 13: Ashamed
  • 14: Guilty
  • 15: Annoyed
  • 16: Experiencing lowered self-esteem
  • 17: Other emotional impact
  • 18: Not much of an emotional impact
  • 19: No emotional impact at all

Discrimination based on sexual orientation or gender identity (BD4) - Question identifier:BD4_Q120A

Now some questions about longer term effects of [this behaviour/these behaviours] you experienced.

In the past month, have you experienced the following as a result of [this behaviour/any of these behaviours]?
Had nightmares about it or thought about it when you did not want to

  • 1: Yes
  • 2: No

Discrimination based on sexual orientation or gender identity (BD4) - Question identifier:BD4_Q120B

Now some questions about longer term effects of [this behaviour/these behaviours] you experienced.

In the past month, have you experienced the following as a result of [this behaviour/any of these behaviours]?
Tried hard not to think about it or went out of your way to avoid situations that reminded you of it

  • 1: Yes
  • 2: No

Discrimination based on sexual orientation or gender identity (BD4) - Question identifier:BD4_Q120C

Now some questions about longer term effects of [this behaviour/these behaviours] you experienced.

In the past month, have you experienced the following as a result of [this behaviour/any of these behaviours]?
Felt constantly on guard, watchful or easily startled

  • 1: Yes
  • 2: No

Discrimination based on sexual orientation or gender identity (BD4) - Question identifier:BD4_Q120D

Now some questions about longer term effects of [this behaviour/these behaviours] you experienced.

In the past month, have you experienced the following as a result of [this behaviour/any of these behaviours]?
Felt numb or detached from others, activities or your surroundings

  • 1: Yes
  • 2: No

Discrimination based on sexual orientation or gender identity (BD4) - Question identifier:BD4_Q125A

Did [this behaviour/any of these behaviours] you experienced lead you to have problems with any of the following?
Attending your classes

  • 1: Yes
  • 2: No
  • 9: DK

Discrimination based on sexual orientation or gender identity (BD4) - Question identifier:BD4_Q125B

Did [this behaviour/any of these behaviours] you experienced lead you to have problems with any of the following?
Schoolwork or your grades

  • 1: Yes
  • 2: No
  • 9: DK

Discrimination based on sexual orientation or gender identity (BD4) - Question identifier:BD4_Q125C

Did [this behaviour/any of these behaviours] you experienced lead you to have problems with any of the following?
Friends, roommates or peers

Exclude people responsible for the behaviour.

e.g., getting into more arguments or fights than before, not feeling you could trust them as much or not feeling as close to them as before

  • 1: Yes
  • 2: No
  • 9: DK

Discrimination based on sexual orientation or gender identity (BD4) - Question identifier:BD4_Q125D

Did [this behaviour/any of these behaviours] you experienced lead you to have problems with any of the following?
Family members

e.g., getting into more arguments or fights than before, not feeling you could trust them as much or not feeling as close to them as before

  • 1: Yes
  • 2: No
  • 9: DK

Discrimination based on sexual orientation or gender identity (BD4) - Question identifier:BD4_Q128A

Did [this behaviour/any of these behaviours] you experienced lead you to have problems with any of the following?
Friends, roommates or peers

Exclude people responsible for the behaviour.

e.g., getting into more arguments or fights than before, not feeling you could trust them as much or not feeling as close to them as before

  • 1: Yes
  • 2: No
  • 9: DK

Discrimination based on sexual orientation or gender identity (BD4) - Question identifier:BD4_Q128B

Did [this behaviour/any of these behaviours] you experienced lead you to have problems with any of the following?
Family members

e.g., getting into more arguments or fights than before, not feeling you could trust them as much or not feeling as close to them as before

  • 1: Yes
  • 2: No
  • 9: DK

Discrimination based on sexual orientation or gender identity (BD4) - Question identifier:BD4_Q128C

Did [this behaviour/any of these behaviours] you experienced lead you to have problems with any of the following?
The leadership pillar

  • 1: Yes
  • 2: No
  • 9: DK

Discrimination based on sexual orientation or gender identity (BD4) - Question identifier:BD4_Q128D

Did [this behaviour/any of these behaviours] you experienced lead you to have problems with any of the following?
The physical fitness pillar

  • 1: Yes
  • 2: No
  • 9: DK

Discrimination based on sexual orientation or gender identity (BD4) - Question identifier:BD4_Q128E

Did [this behaviour/any of these behaviours] you experienced lead you to have problems with any of the following?
The bilingual pillar

  • 1: Yes
  • 2: No
  • 9: DK

Discrimination based on sexual orientation or gender identity (BD4) - Question identifier:BD4_Q128F

Did [this behaviour/any of these behaviours] you experienced lead you to have problems with any of the following?
The academic pillar

  • 1: Yes
  • 2: No
  • 9: DK

Discrimination based on sexual orientation or gender identity (BD4) - Question identifier:BD4_Q130

Did [this behaviour/any of these behaviours] you experienced lead you to have problems with your [chain of command/job, boss or coworkers]?

Would you say:

  • 1: You were not working at the time
  • 2: Yes
  • 3: No

Discrimination based on sexual orientation or gender identity (BD4) - Question identifier:BD4_Q135A

As a result of [this behaviour/any of these behaviours] you experienced, did you do any of the following?
Stop going to any of your classes

  • 1: Yes
  • 2: No
  • 9: DK

Discrimination based on sexual orientation or gender identity (BD4) - Question identifier:BD4_Q135B

As a result of [this behaviour/any of these behaviours] you experienced, did you do any of the following?
Drop a class or classes

  • 1: Yes
  • 2: No
  • 9: DK

Discrimination based on sexual orientation or gender identity (BD4) - Question identifier:BD4_Q135C

As a result of [this behaviour/any of these behaviours] you experienced, did you do any of the following?
Change your program

  • 1: Yes
  • 2: No
  • 9: DK

Discrimination based on sexual orientation or gender identity (BD4) - Question identifier:BD4_Q135D

As a result of [this behaviour/any of these behaviours] you experienced, did you do any of the following?
Change your school

  • 1: Yes
  • 2: No
  • 9: DK

Discrimination based on sexual orientation or gender identity (BD4) - Question identifier:BD4_Q135E

As a result of [this behaviour/any of these behaviours] you experienced, did you do any of the following?
[Ask for voluntary release/Drop out of school]

  • 1: Yes
  • 2: No
  • 9: DK

Discrimination based on sexual orientation or gender identity (BD4) - Question identifier:BD4_Q135F

As a result of [this behaviour/any of these behaviours] you experienced, did you do any of the following?
Ask for extensions on assignments

  • 1: Yes
  • 2: No
  • 9: DK

Discrimination based on sexual orientation or gender identity (BD4) - Question identifier:BD4_Q135G

As a result of [this behaviour/any of these behaviours] you experienced, did you do any of the following?
Ask for exams to be rescheduled

  • 1: Yes
  • 2: No
  • 9: DK

Discrimination based on sexual orientation or gender identity (BD4) - Question identifier:BD4_Q135H

As a result of [this behaviour/any of these behaviours] you experienced, did you do any of the following?
Try to change your class schedule

  • 1: Yes
  • 2: No
  • 9: DK

Discrimination based on sexual orientation or gender identity (BD4) - Question identifier:BD4_Q135I

As a result of [this behaviour/any of these behaviours] you experienced, did you do any of the following?
Move or change where you lived

  • 1: Yes
  • 2: No
  • 9: DK

Discrimination based on sexual orientation or gender identity (BD4) - Question identifier:BD4_Q135J

As a result of [this behaviour/any of these behaviours] you experienced, did you do any of the following?
Change your route to school

  • 1: Yes
  • 2: No
  • 9: DK

Discrimination based on sexual orientation or gender identity (BD4) - Question identifier:BD4_Q135K

As a result of [this behaviour/any of these behaviours] you experienced, did you do any of the following?
Change the time of day you travelled to and from school

  • 1: Yes
  • 2: No
  • 9: DK

Discrimination based on sexual orientation or gender identity (BD4) - Question identifier:BD4_Q135L

As a result of [this behaviour/any of these behaviours] you experienced, did you do any of the following?
Avoid specific buildings at school

  • 1: Yes
  • 2: No
  • 9: DK

Discrimination based on sexual orientation or gender identity (BD4) - Question identifier:BD4_Q135M

As a result of [this behaviour/any of these behaviours] you experienced, did you do any of the following?
Use drugs or alcohol to cope with the experience

  • 1: Yes
  • 2: No
  • 9: DK

Discrimination based on sexual orientation or gender identity (BD4) - Question identifier:BD4_Q135N

As a result of [this behaviour/any of these behaviours] you experienced, did you do any of the following?
Get help from a counsellor or mental health professional

  • 1: Yes
  • 2: No
  • 9: DK

Discrimination based on sexual orientation or gender identity (BD4) - Question identifier:BD4_R205

The following questions ask about whether or not you spoke to someone about the [behaviour/behaviours] directed at you in [an RMC-related/a school-related] setting in the past 12 months.

Discrimination based on sexual orientation or gender identity (BD4) - Question identifier:BD4_Q225

Did you speak to anyone associated with your school about [this behaviour/any of these behaviours] that [was/were] directed at you personally and that occurred in [an RMC-related/a school-related] setting in the past 12 months?

Include employees and volunteers with your school administration or student run services.

Exclude friends and family.

  • 1: Yes
  • 2: No

Discrimination based on sexual orientation or gender identity (BD4) - Question identifier:BD4_Q230

Who did you speak to at your school about [this behaviour/these behaviours] that [was/were] directed at you?

Did you speak to:

Exclude friends and family.

Select all that apply.

  • 01: [Peer Assistance Group (PAG)/Student support services]
  • 02: Campus security
  • 03: [A military/An] instructor, professor, lecturer or tutor
  • 04: Someone responsible for the welfare of students at your residential college, dorm or hall (e.g., [Chain of responsibility/Residence Assistant (RA)], Residence Fellow, Floor Senior)
  • 05: Some other school employee or person employed at your residential college, dorm or hall
  • 06: Someone else associated with the school
  • 07: Chaplain
  • 08: Mental health counsellor

Discrimination based on sexual orientation or gender identity (BD4) - Question identifier:BD4_Q235

What were your reasons for speaking to someone at your school about what happened?

Was it to:

Select all that apply.

  • 1: Receive accommodations (e.g., to move to a different residence, switch a class or program, receive extensions)
  • 2: Receive counselling or mental health support
  • 3: Receive medical attention
  • 4: Receive protection
  • 5: Pursue an informal resolution such as mediation
  • 6: Pursue formal action against the person responsible, such as removal from the school or criminal charges
  • 7: Other reason

Discrimination based on sexual orientation or gender identity (BD4) - Question identifier:BD4_Q240

On average, how long after you experienced [this behaviour/these behaviours] did you speak to someone?

Was it:

If you experienced more than one instance of these behaviours, please estimate the average length of time.

  • 1: The same day or the next day
  • 2: Within a week
  • 3: Within a few weeks
  • 4: Within a month
  • 5: Within two to three months
  • 6: Longer than three months

Discrimination based on sexual orientation or gender identity (BD4) - Question identifier:BD4_Q245

Which of the following groups was the person or people you spoke to about [this behaviour/these behaviours] associated with?

Were they associated with:

Select all that apply.

  • 1: The school administration ([e.g., Health Services Centre/])
  • 2: A student run group ([e.g., Chain of responsibility, Peer Assistance Group (PAG)/])
  • 9: DK

Discrimination based on sexual orientation or gender identity (BD4) - Question identifier:BD4_Q255

Did the person or people you spoke to explain the school's formal complaint policies and procedures to you?

Was it:

  • 1: Yes
  • 2: For some behaviours, yes, for others, no
  • 3: No

Discrimination based on sexual orientation or gender identity (BD4) - Question identifier:BD4_Q260

Overall, how satisfied were you with the actions taken by your school administration?

  • 1: Very satisfied
  • 2: Satisfied
  • 3: Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied
  • 4: Dissatisfied
  • 5: Very dissatisfied
  • 6: Unsure at this time

Discrimination based on sexual orientation or gender identity (BD4) - Question identifier:BD4_Q265

Overall, how satisfied were you with the actions taken by the student run group that you spoke to?

  • 1: Very satisfied
  • 2: Satisfied
  • 3: Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied
  • 4: Dissatisfied
  • 5: Very dissatisfied
  • 6: Unsure at this time

Discrimination based on sexual orientation or gender identity (BD4) - Question identifier:BD4_Q270

People decide not to speak about their experiences for many reasons. What were your reasons for not speaking to anyone associated with your school?

Was it because you:

Select all that apply.

  • 01: Didn't know who at the school could provide you with support or assistance
  • 02: Didn't know where to go to receive support or assistance from the school
  • 03: Didn't know if this type of behaviour could be reported
  • 04: Felt embarrassed or ashamed
  • 05: Thought it would be too emotionally difficult
  • 06: Didn't think the behaviour would be kept confidential
  • 07: Didn't think you needed help
  • 08: Didn't think it was serious enough
  • 09: Resolved the issue on your own
  • 10: Were worried you might not be believed
  • 11: Didn't think the school would take it seriously
  • 12: Didn't want to hurt the people responsible or get them into trouble
  • 13: Thought it would be too hard to prove
  • 14: Were too scared or frightened
  • 15: Didn't want anyone to know
  • 16: Didn't want to get into trouble
  • 17: Felt that your academic studies or future career would be at risk
  • 18: Other reasons

Discrimination based on sexual orientation or gender identity (BD4) - Question identifier:BD4_Q275

Excluding someone associated with your school, did you speak with anyone else about [this behaviour/any of these behaviours]?

e.g., friend, family, mental health professional, police

  • 1: Yes
  • 2: No

Discrimination based on sexual orientation or gender identity (BD4) - Question identifier:BD4_Q280

Who did you speak with that was not associated with your school?

Did you speak with a:

Select all that apply.

  • 01: Friend
  • 02: Family
  • 03: Current or former spouse or dating partner
  • 04: Another student or peer
  • 05: Support provided in your workplace
  • 06: Telephone hotline or crisis line
  • 07: Mental health professional (Include psychiatrist.)
  • 08: Physician
  • 09: Nurse
  • 10: Religious leader
  • 11: Indigenous elder
  • 12: [Civilian police/Police]
  • 13: Military police
  • 14: The Sexual Misconduct Response Centre (SMRC)
  • 15: Other person

Behaviours directed at you in the past (PTB)

Behaviours directed at you in the past (PTB) - Question identifier:PTB_R05

The next set of questions will ask about behaviours that were directed at you in a school-related setting, after you started your postsecondary studies and over 12 months ago.

Behaviours directed at you in the past (PTB) - Question identifier:PTB_R08

The next set of questions will ask about behaviours that were directed at you in an RMC-related setting, after you started your postsecondary studies and over 12 months ago.

Behaviours directed at you in the past (PTB) - Question identifier:PTB_Q10A

Which of the following behaviours were directed at you, after you started your postsecondary studies and over 12 months ago, in [an RMC-related/a school-related] setting?

Note: Press the help button (?) for additional information about what is included in [an RMC-related/a school-related] setting, as well as a list of support resources you may wish to contact if any of the following questions make you feel uncomfortable.
Sexual jokes

  • 1: Yes
  • 2: No

Behaviours directed at you in the past (PTB) - Question identifier:PTB_Q10B

Which of the following behaviours were directed at you, after you started your postsecondary studies and over 12 months ago, in [an RMC-related/a school-related] setting?
Unwanted sexual attention, such as whistles, calls, suggestive looks, gestures or body language

  • 1: Yes
  • 2: No

Behaviours directed at you in the past (PTB) - Question identifier:PTB_Q10C

Which of the following behaviours were directed at you, after you started your postsecondary studies and over 12 months ago, in [an RMC-related/a school-related] setting?
Inappropriate sexual comments about your appearance or body

  • 1: Yes
  • 2: No

Behaviours directed at you in the past (PTB) - Question identifier:PTB_Q10D

Which of the following behaviours were directed at you, after you started your postsecondary studies and over 12 months ago, in [an RMC-related/a school-related] setting?
Inappropriate discussion about their sex life, your sex life or someone else's sex life

  • 1: Yes
  • 2: No

Behaviours directed at you in the past (PTB) - Question identifier:PTB_Q10E

Which of the following behaviours were directed at you, after you started your postsecondary studies and over 12 months ago, in [an RMC-related/a school-related] setting?
Someone displayed, showed or sent sexually explicit messages or directed you to view sexually explicit materials online

e.g., photos, videos or messages via email, text message or social media

  • 1: Yes
  • 2: No

Behaviours directed at you in the past (PTB) - Question identifier:PTB_Q10F

Which of the following behaviours were directed at you, after you started your postsecondary studies and over 12 months ago, in [an RMC-related/a school-related] setting?
Someone took or posted inappropriate or sexually suggestive photos or videos of you without consent

Include social media sites.

  • 1: Yes
  • 2: No

Behaviours directed at you in the past (PTB) - Question identifier:PTB_Q10G

Which of the following behaviours were directed at you, after you started your postsecondary studies and over 12 months ago, in [an RMC-related/a school-related] setting?
Someone indecently exposed themselves or inappropriately displayed any body parts in a sexual manner

  • 1: Yes
  • 2: No

Behaviours directed at you in the past (PTB) - Question identifier:PTB_Q10H

Which of the following behaviours were directed at you, after you started your postsecondary studies and over 12 months ago, in [an RMC-related/a school-related] setting?
Repeated pressure from the same person for dates or sexual relationships

  • 1: Yes
  • 2: No

Behaviours directed at you in the past (PTB) - Question identifier:PTB_Q10I

Which of the following behaviours were directed at you, after you started your postsecondary studies and over 12 months ago, in [an RMC-related/a school-related] setting?
Unwelcome physical contact, such as hugs or shoulder rubs or getting too close

  • 1: Yes
  • 2: No

Behaviours directed at you in the past (PTB) - Question identifier:PTB_Q10J

Which of the following behaviours were directed at you, after you started your postsecondary studies and over 12 months ago, in [an RMC-related/a school-related] setting?
Offering you a personal benefit for engaging in sexual activity or mistreating you for not engaging in sexual activity

  • 1: Yes
  • 2: No

Behaviours directed at you in the past (PTB) - Question identifier:PTB_Q10K

Which of the following behaviours were directed at you, after you started your postsecondary studies and over 12 months ago, in [an RMC-related/a school-related] setting?
Suggestion that you don't act like a [man/woman/man or a woman] is supposed to act

  • 1: Yes
  • 2: No

Behaviours directed at you in the past (PTB) - Question identifier:PTB_Q10L

Which of the following behaviours were directed at you, after you started your postsecondary studies and over 12 months ago, in [an RMC-related/a school-related] setting?
Being insulted, mistreated, ignored or excluded because of your gender

e.g., because you are a man or a woman

  • 1: Yes
  • 2: No

Behaviours directed at you in the past (PTB) - Question identifier:PTB_Q10M

Which of the following behaviours were directed at you, after you started your postsecondary studies and over 12 months ago, in [an RMC-related/a school-related] setting?
Comments that you are not good at or should be prevented from being in a particular program because of your gender

e.g., because you are a man or a woman

  • 1: Yes
  • 2: No

Behaviours directed at you in the past (PTB) - Question identifier:PTB_Q10N

Which of the following behaviours were directed at you, after you started your postsecondary studies and over 12 months ago, in [an RMC-related/a school-related] setting?
Being insulted, mistreated, ignored or excluded because of your sexual orientation or assumed sexual orientation

  • 1: Yes
  • 2: No

Behaviours directed at you in the past (PTB) - Question identifier:PTB_Q10O

Which of the following behaviours were directed at you, after you started your postsecondary studies and over 12 months ago, in [an RMC-related/a school-related] setting?
Being insulted, mistreated, ignored or excluded because you are or are assumed to be, transgender

  • 1: Yes
  • 2: No

Sexual victimization (SLT)

Sexual victimization (SLT) - Question identifier:SLT_R05

The next set of questions will ask about sexual victimization you may have experienced a school-related setting in the past 12 months.

Remember that all information provided is strictly confidential. Your responses are important whether or not you have had any of these experiences.

These questions may be emotionally difficult, and it's important that they are asked of everyone to give us a better understanding of what students have experienced in a school-related setting.

For the purpose of this survey, school-related setting is defined as:

• on campus
• while travelling to or from school
• during an off-campus event organized or endorsed by your postsecondary school, including official sporting events
• during unofficial activities or social events organized by students, instructors, professors, either on or off-campus
• at employment at your school
• at a co-op or work term placement organized by your school.

Campus refers to the physical building or buildings in which classes, studies, activities take place, including adjacent outdoor spaces.

Sexual victimization (SLT) - Question identifier:SLT_R07

The next set of questions will ask about sexual victimization you may have experienced in an RMC-related setting in the past 12 months.

Remember that all information provided is strictly confidential. Your responses are important whether or not you have had any of these experiences.

These questions may be emotionally difficult, and it's important that they are asked of everyone to give us a better understanding of what students have experienced in an RMC-related setting.

For the purpose of this survey, RMC-related setting is defined as:

• on campus
• while travelling to or from school
• during an off-campus event organized or endorsed by your postsecondary school, including official sporting events
• during unofficial activities or social events organized by students, instructors, professors, either on or off-campus
• at employment at your school
• on the job training.

Exclude any incidents that occurred during BMOQ.

Sexual victimization (SLT) - Question identifier:SLT_Q10

In the past 12 months, has anyone forced you or attempted to force you into any unwanted sexual activity, by threatening you, holding you down or hurting you in some way?

Exclude incidents that occurred[during BMOQ or/] outside of [an RMC-related/a school-related] setting.

Note: Press the help button (?) for a list of support resources you may wish to contact if any of the questions make you feel uncomfortable.

  • 1: Yes
  • 2: No

Sexual victimization (SLT) - Question identifier:SLT_Q20

How many times did this happen in the past 12 months?

  • 1: Once
  • 2: Twice
  • 3: Three or more times
  • 9: DK

Sexual victimization (SLT) - Question identifier:SLT_Q30

In the past 12 months, [excluding incidents already mentioned, has/has] anyone touched you against your will in any sexual way? This could be anything from unwanted touching or grabbing, to kissing or fondling.

Exclude incidents that occurred[during BMOQ or/] outside of [an RMC-related/a school-related] setting.

Note: Press the help button (?) for a list of support resources you may wish to contact if any of the questions make you feel uncomfortable.

  • 1: Yes
  • 2: No

Sexual victimization (SLT) - Question identifier:SLT_Q40

How many times did this happen in the past 12 months?

  • 1: Once
  • 2: Twice
  • 3: Three or more times
  • 9: DK

Sexual victimization (SLT) - Question identifier:SLT_Q50

In the past 12 months, [excluding incidents already mentioned, has/has] anyone subjected you to a sexual activity to which you were not able to consent? This includes being drugged, intoxicated, manipulated or forced in other ways than physically.

Exclude incidents that occurred[during BMOQ or/] outside of [an RMC-related/a school-related] setting.

Note: Press the help button (?) for a list of support resources you may wish to contact if any of the questions make you feel uncomfortable.

  • 1: Yes
  • 2: No

Sexual victimization (SLT) - Question identifier:SLT_Q60

How many times did this happen in the past 12 months?

  • 1: Once
  • 2: Twice
  • 3: Three or more times
  • 9: DK

Sexual victimization (SLT) - Question identifier:SLT_Q65

What factors prevented you from giving consent to the sexual activity?

Were you:

Select all that apply.

  • 1: Drugged
  • 2: Intoxicated
  • 3: Manipulated
  • 4: Unable to consent because the person responsible was in a position of authority
  • 5: Forced in another way

Sexual victimization (SLT) - Question identifier:SLT_Q70

In the past 12 months, [excluding incidents already mentioned, has/has] anyone subjected you to a sexual activity to which you did not consent, after having consented to another form of intimate contact?

e.g., agreeing to have protected sex then learning it was unprotected sex or agreeing to kissing which then led to another form of sexual activity without your consent

Exclude incidents that occurred[during BMOQ or/] outside of [an RMC-related/a school-related] setting.

Note: Press the help button (?) for a list of support resources you may wish to contact if any of the questions make you feel uncomfortable.

  • 1: Yes
  • 2: No

Sexual victimization (SLT) - Question identifier:SLT_Q80

How many times did this happen in the past 12 months?

  • 1: Once
  • 2: Twice
  • 3: Three or more times
  • 9: DK

Characteristics, consequences and reporting of sexual victimization (ID1)

Characteristics, consequences and reporting of sexual victimization (ID1) - Question identifier:ID1_R15

You mentioned that, in the past 12 months, someone forced you or attempted to force you into unwanted sexual activity in [an RMC-related/a school-related] setting.

The following questions ask about [this incident/these incidents].

Characteristics, consequences and reporting of sexual victimization (ID1) - Question identifier:ID1_Q15

In which of the following locations did [this incident/these incidents] take place?

Was it:

Select all that apply.

  • 1: On your school's campus
  • 2: Off your school's campus

Characteristics, consequences and reporting of sexual victimization (ID1) - Question identifier:ID1_Q16


  • 1: In a learning environment such as a lecture or discussion group
  • 2: In a non-residential building on campus such as a library, cafeteria or gymnasium
  • 3: In a residence or other campus housing [/(exclude fraternity and sorority houses.)]
  • 4: In a fraternity or sorority house on campus, including school-owned housing
  • 5: Other on-campus location

Characteristics, consequences and reporting of sexual victimization (ID1) - Question identifier:ID1_Q17


  • 1: At another postsecondary school in Canada
  • 2: At an internship, [on the job training/co-op], work placement, practicum or volunteer assignment
  • 3: At a house or apartment (Exclude fraternity or sorority house.)
  • 4: In a fraternity or sorority house off campus, including school-owned housing
  • 5: At a restaurant or bar
  • 6: Travelling to or from school
  • 7: Other off-campus location

Characteristics, consequences and reporting of sexual victimization (ID1) - Question identifier:ID1_Q20

You mentioned that [this incident/these incidents] occurred on campus, in a residence or other campus housing. Where specifically did [this incident/these incidents] occur?

Was it in:

Select all that apply.

  • 1: Your room
  • 2: The room of the person responsible
  • 3: Someone else's room
  • 4: A common space in the residence
  • 5: Somewhere else

Characteristics, consequences and reporting of sexual victimization (ID1) - Question identifier:ID1_Q25

Did you live in the same residence building as the person responsible when [this incident/these incidents] occurred?

Would you say:

  • 1: Yes, lived in the same building
  • 2: No, did not live in the same building
  • 3: For some incidents, yes, lived in the same building, for other incidents, no
  • 9: DK

Characteristics, consequences and reporting of sexual victimization (ID1) - Question identifier:ID1_Q30

Did [this incident/these incidents] take place during any of the following events?

Was it during:

Select all that apply.

  • 1: [First Year Orientation Program (FYOP)/Student orientation week, e.g., frosh week]
  • 2: An official sporting event organized or endorsed by your school
  • 3: [Reunion weekend/Homecoming week]
  • 4: A talk, play or concert organized or endorsed by your school
  • 5: Another event organized by students or people associated with your school
  • 6: Did not take place during an event

Characteristics, consequences and reporting of sexual victimization (ID1) - Question identifier:ID1_Q35A

At approximately what time of day did the [/most serious] incident occur?
Time of day

  • 01: 12:00 AM
  • 02: 1:00 AM
  • 03: 2:00 AM
  • 04: 3:00 AM
  • 05: 4:00 AM
  • 06: 5:00 AM
  • 07: 6:00 AM
  • 08: 7:00 AM
  • 09: 8:00 AM
  • 10: 9:00 AM
  • 11: 10:00 AM
  • 12: 11:00 AM
  • 13: 12:00 PM
  • 14: 1:00 PM
  • 15: 2:00 PM
  • 16: 3:00 PM
  • 17: 4:00 PM
  • 18: 5:00 PM
  • 19: 6:00 PM
  • 20: 7:00 PM
  • 21: 8:00 PM
  • 22: 9:00 PM
  • 23: 10:00 PM
  • 24: 11:00PM

Characteristics, consequences and reporting of sexual victimization (ID1) - Question identifier:ID1_Q35B

At approximately what time of day did the [/most serious] incident occur?

  • 9: DK

Characteristics, consequences and reporting of sexual victimization (ID1) - Question identifier:ID1_Q40

How many people carried out [this incident/these incidents]?

Was it:

  • 1: [One/For all incidents, one] person[ /(either the same person or a different individual each time)]
  • 2: [Two/For all incidents, two] or more people
  • 3: For some, one person, and for others, two or more people
  • 9: DK

Characteristics, consequences and reporting of sexual victimization (ID1) - Question identifier:ID1_Q45

Was this person male or female?

  • 1: Male
  • 2: Female
  • 9: DK

Characteristics, consequences and reporting of sexual victimization (ID1) - Question identifier:ID1_Q50

Were they male or female?

  • 1: All male
  • 2: All female
  • 3: Both male and female
  • 9: DK

Characteristics, consequences and reporting of sexual victimization (ID1) - Question identifier:ID1_Q52

Were they mostly male or mostly female?

  • 1: Mostly male
  • 2: Mostly female
  • 3: About evenly divided

Characteristics, consequences and reporting of sexual victimization (ID1) - Question identifier:ID1_Q55

Which of the following people carried out [this incident/these incidents]?

[Was it a/Were they a]:

Select all that apply.

  • 01: Student at your school
  • 02: Student from another school
  • 03: [Military professor or military instructor at your school/Professor or instructor at your school]
  • 04: Teaching assistant at your school
  • 05: [Military/Non-academic] school staff member
  • 06: Civilian school staff member
  • 07: Private tutor
  • 08: Member of a school club or sports team
  • 09: Coach or trainer from a sports team at your school
  • 10: Member of campus security
  • 11: [Someone in your chain of command, in your on the job training,/Supervisor or boss in a co-op,] work placement or internship
  • 12: Fellow worker or volunteer at your school
  • 13: Supervisor or boss in your paid employment at your school
  • 14: Current or former spouse or common-law partner
  • 15: Current or former dating partner (e.g., boyfriend or girlfriend type of relationship)
  • 16: Current or former casual dating partner (e.g., friend with benefits)
  • 17: Friend or acquaintance
  • 18: Stranger
  • 19: Someone else
  • 99: DK

Characteristics, consequences and reporting of sexual victimization (ID1) - Question identifier:ID1_Q60

In your opinion, [was/were] [this incident/these incidents] related to the [person's/persons'] alcohol or drug use?

  • 1: Yes
  • 2: No
  • 3: For some incidents yes, for others, no
  • 9: DK

Characteristics, consequences and reporting of sexual victimization (ID1) - Question identifier:ID1_Q65

Did [this incident/these incidents] involve any of the following?

Were you:

Select all that apply.

  • 01: Given alcohol or a drug without your knowledge or consent
  • 02: Threatened that rumours or lies would be spread about you or that your relationship would end
  • 03: Made promises you knew or discovered were untrue
  • 04: Continually verbally pressured after you said no
  • 05: Threatened that intimate pictures or private information regarding your sex life would be shared on the Internet
  • 06: Made afraid of what might happen if you refused
  • 07: Afraid that your studies or future career was at risk if you said no
  • 08: None of the above

Characteristics, consequences and reporting of sexual victimization (ID1) - Question identifier:ID1_Q70

Aside from those who committed [this incident/these incidents], were any other people present?

Would you say:

  • 1: Yes
  • 2: For some, yes, for others, no
  • 3: No
  • 9: DK

Characteristics, consequences and reporting of sexual victimization (ID1) - Question identifier:ID1_Q75

Aside from those who committed [this incident/these incidents], how many other people were present?

Was it:

  • 1: [One/For all incidents, one] person[ /(either the same person or a different individual each time)]
  • 2: [Two/For all incidents, two] or more people
  • 3: For some, one person, and for others, two or more people
  • 9: DK

Characteristics, consequences and reporting of sexual victimization (ID1) - Question identifier:ID1_Q80

Did the [person who was/people who were] present take any action?

Would you say:

Include any type of action, whether it was intervening to stop the incident or encouraging the behaviour.

  • 1: Yes
  • 2: No
  • 3: For some incidents yes, for others, no
  • 9: DK

Characteristics, consequences and reporting of sexual victimization (ID1) - Question identifier:ID1_Q85

Which of the following actions did the [person who was/people who were] present take?

Did they:

Select all that apply.

  • 01: Intervene and try to separate you
  • 02: Ask you if you needed help
  • 03: Confront the person carrying out the incident
  • 04: Try to create a distraction to stop the incident
  • 05: Ask others to step in and try to defuse the situation
  • 06: Tell someone in a position of authority about the situation
  • 07: Encourage the behaviour
  • 08: Do something else

Characteristics, consequences and reporting of sexual victimization (ID1) - Question identifier:ID1_Q90

As a result of [this incident/these incidents] where someone forced you or attempted to force you into unwanted sexual activity, were you physically injured in any way?

  • 1: Yes
  • 2: No

Characteristics, consequences and reporting of sexual victimization (ID1) - Question identifier:ID1_Q95

Did you see a medical professional because of [this incident/these incidents], for any physical injuries, possible pregnancy or a possible sexually transmitted infection?

Include medical attention received immediately after the incident as well as any follow-up medical attention received as a result.

  • 1: Yes
  • 2: No

Characteristics, consequences and reporting of sexual victimization (ID1) - Question identifier:ID1_Q115

In which of the following ways did [this incident/these incidents] impact you emotionally?

Were you:

Select all that apply.

  • 01: Angry
  • 02: Upset
  • 03: Frustrated
  • 04: Confused
  • 05: Fearful
  • 06: More cautious or aware
  • 07: Less trustful of others
  • 08: In shock or disbelief
  • 09: Hurt or disappointed
  • 10: Depressed
  • 11: Anxious
  • 12: Experiencing suicidal thoughts
  • 13: Ashamed
  • 14: Guilty
  • 15: Annoyed
  • 16: Experiencing lowered self-esteem
  • 17: Other emotional impact
  • 18: Not much of an emotional impact
  • 19: No emotional impact at all

Characteristics, consequences and reporting of sexual victimization (ID1) - Question identifier:ID1_Q120A

Now some questions about longer term effects of [this incident/these incidents] you experienced.

In the past month, have you experienced any of the following as a result of [this incident/these incidents]?
Had nightmares about it or thought about it when you did not want to

  • 1: Yes
  • 2: No

Characteristics, consequences and reporting of sexual victimization (ID1) - Question identifier:ID1_Q120B

Now some questions about longer term effects of [this incident/these incidents] you experienced.

In the past month, have you experienced any of the following as a result of [this incident/these incidents]?
Tried hard not to think about it or went out of your way to avoid situations that reminded you of it

  • 1: Yes
  • 2: No

Characteristics, consequences and reporting of sexual victimization (ID1) - Question identifier:ID1_Q120C

Now some questions about longer term effects of [this incident/these incidents] you experienced.

In the past month, have you experienced any of the following as a result of [this incident/these incidents]?
Felt constantly on guard, watchful or easily startled

  • 1: Yes
  • 2: No

Characteristics, consequences and reporting of sexual victimization (ID1) - Question identifier:ID1_Q120D

Now some questions about longer term effects of [this incident/these incidents] you experienced.

In the past month, have you experienced any of the following as a result of [this incident/these incidents]?
Felt numb or detached from others, activities or your surroundings

  • 1: Yes
  • 2: No

Characteristics, consequences and reporting of sexual victimization (ID1) - Question identifier:ID1_Q125A

Did [this incident/these incidents] you experienced lead you to have problems with any of the following?
Attending your classes

  • 1: Yes
  • 2: No
  • 9: DK

Characteristics, consequences and reporting of sexual victimization (ID1) - Question identifier:ID1_Q125B

Did [this incident/these incidents] you experienced lead you to have problems with any of the following?
Schoolwork or your grades

  • 1: Yes
  • 2: No
  • 9: DK

Characteristics, consequences and reporting of sexual victimization (ID1) - Question identifier:ID1_Q125C

Did [this incident/these incidents] you experienced lead you to have problems with any of the following?
Friends, roommates or peers

Exclude people responsible for the incident.

e.g., getting into more arguments or fights than before, not feeling you could trust them as much or not feeling as close to them as before

  • 1: Yes
  • 2: No
  • 9: DK

Characteristics, consequences and reporting of sexual victimization (ID1) - Question identifier:ID1_Q125D

Did [this incident/these incidents] you experienced lead you to have problems with any of the following?
Family members

e.g., getting into more arguments or fights than before, not feeling you could trust them as much or not feeling as close to them as before

  • 1: Yes
  • 2: No
  • 9: DK

Characteristics, consequences and reporting of sexual victimization (ID1) - Question identifier:ID1_Q128A

Did [this incident/these incidents] you experienced lead you to have problems with any of the following?
Friends, roommates or peers

Exclude people responsible for the incident.

e.g., getting into more arguments or fights than before, not feeling you could trust them as much or not feeling as close to them as before

  • 1: Yes
  • 2: No
  • 9: DK

Characteristics, consequences and reporting of sexual victimization (ID1) - Question identifier:ID1_Q128B

Did [this incident/these incidents] you experienced lead you to have problems with any of the following?
Family members

e.g., getting into more arguments or fights than before, not feeling you could trust them as much or not feeling as close to them as before

  • 1: Yes
  • 2: No
  • 9: DK

Characteristics, consequences and reporting of sexual victimization (ID1) - Question identifier:ID1_Q128C

Did [this incident/these incidents] you experienced lead you to have problems with any of the following?
The leadership pillar

  • 1: Yes
  • 2: No
  • 9: DK

Characteristics, consequences and reporting of sexual victimization (ID1) - Question identifier:ID1_Q128D

Did [this incident/these incidents] you experienced lead you to have problems with any of the following?
The physical fitness pillar

  • 1: Yes
  • 2: No
  • 9: DK

Characteristics, consequences and reporting of sexual victimization (ID1) - Question identifier:ID1_Q128E

Did [this incident/these incidents] you experienced lead you to have problems with any of the following?
The bilingual pillar

  • 1: Yes
  • 2: No
  • 9: DK

Characteristics, consequences and reporting of sexual victimization (ID1) - Question identifier:ID1_Q128F

Did [this incident/these incidents] you experienced lead you to have problems with any of the following?
The academic pillar

  • 1: Yes
  • 2: No
  • 9: DK

Characteristics, consequences and reporting of sexual victimization (ID1) - Question identifier:ID1_Q130

Did [this incident/these incidents] you experienced lead you to have problems with your [chain of command/job, boss or coworkers]?

Would you say:

  • 1: You were not working at the time
  • 2: Yes
  • 3: No

Characteristics, consequences and reporting of sexual victimization (ID1) - Question identifier:ID1_Q135A

As a result of [this incident/these incidents], did you do any of the following?
Stop going to any of your classes

  • 1: Yes
  • 2: No
  • 9: DK

Characteristics, consequences and reporting of sexual victimization (ID1) - Question identifier:ID1_Q135B

As a result of [this incident/these incidents], did you do any of the following?
Drop a class or classes

  • 1: Yes
  • 2: No
  • 9: DK

Characteristics, consequences and reporting of sexual victimization (ID1) - Question identifier:ID1_Q135C

As a result of [this incident/these incidents], did you do any of the following?
Change your program

  • 1: Yes
  • 2: No
  • 9: DK

Characteristics, consequences and reporting of sexual victimization (ID1) - Question identifier:ID1_Q135D

As a result of [this incident/these incidents], did you do any of the following?
Change your school

  • 1: Yes
  • 2: No
  • 9: DK

Characteristics, consequences and reporting of sexual victimization (ID1) - Question identifier:ID1_Q135E

As a result of [this incident/these incidents], did you do any of the following?
[Ask for voluntary release/Drop out of school]

  • 1: Yes
  • 2: No
  • 9: DK

Characteristics, consequences and reporting of sexual victimization (ID1) - Question identifier:ID1_Q135F

As a result of [this incident/these incidents], did you do any of the following?
Ask for extensions on assignments

  • 1: Yes
  • 2: No
  • 9: DK

Characteristics, consequences and reporting of sexual victimization (ID1) - Question identifier:ID1_Q135G

As a result of [this incident/these incidents], did you do any of the following?
Ask for exams to be rescheduled

  • 1: Yes
  • 2: No
  • 9: DK

Characteristics, consequences and reporting of sexual victimization (ID1) - Question identifier:ID1_Q135H

As a result of [this incident/these incidents], did you do any of the following?
Try to change your class schedule

  • 1: Yes
  • 2: No
  • 9: DK

Characteristics, consequences and reporting of sexual victimization (ID1) - Question identifier:ID1_Q135I

As a result of [this incident/these incidents], did you do any of the following?
Move or change where you lived

  • 1: Yes
  • 2: No
  • 9: DK

Characteristics, consequences and reporting of sexual victimization (ID1) - Question identifier:ID1_Q135J

As a result of [this incident/these incidents], did you do any of the following?
Change your route to school

  • 1: Yes
  • 2: No
  • 9: DK

Characteristics, consequences and reporting of sexual victimization (ID1) - Question identifier:ID1_Q135K

As a result of [this incident/these incidents], did you do any of the following?
Change the time of day you travelled to and from school

  • 1: Yes
  • 2: No
  • 9: DK

Characteristics, consequences and reporting of sexual victimization (ID1) - Question identifier:ID1_Q135L

As a result of [this incident/these incidents], did you do any of the following?
Avoid specific buildings at school

  • 1: Yes
  • 2: No
  • 9: DK

Characteristics, consequences and reporting of sexual victimization (ID1) - Question identifier:ID1_Q135M

As a result of [this incident/these incidents], did you do any of the following?
Use drugs or alcohol to cope with the experience

  • 1: Yes
  • 2: No
  • 9: DK

Characteristics, consequences and reporting of sexual victimization (ID1) - Question identifier:ID1_Q135N

As a result of [this incident/these incidents], did you do any of the following?
Get help from a counsellor or mental health professional

  • 1: Yes
  • 2: No
  • 9: DK

Characteristics, consequences and reporting of sexual victimization (ID1) - Question identifier:ID1_Q140

As a result of [this incident/these incidents] you experienced, did you find it difficult or impossible to carry out your everyday activities?

Reasons for finding it difficult to carry out your everyday activities could range from requiring medical treatment to emotional or psychological distress.

  • 1: Yes
  • 2: No

Characteristics, consequences and reporting of sexual victimization (ID1) - Question identifier:ID1_R145

The following questions ask about whether or not you spoke to someone about [this incident/these incidents] where someone forced you or attempted to force you into unwanted sexual activity in [an RMC-related/a school-related] setting in the past 12 months.

Characteristics, consequences and reporting of sexual victimization (ID1) - Question identifier:ID1_Q145

Did the [military or civilian/] police learn about [this incident/these incidents] in any way?

  • 1: Yes
  • 2: No
  • 9: DK

Characteristics, consequences and reporting of sexual victimization (ID1) - Question identifier:ID1_Q150

Which type of police service learned about it?

Select all that apply.

  • 1: Military police
  • 2: Civilian police

Characteristics, consequences and reporting of sexual victimization (ID1) - Question identifier:ID1_Q155

How did the[civilian/] police find out about [this incident/these incidents]?

Was it because:

Select all that apply.

  • 1: You reported [this incident/these incidents] to the [civilian/] police
  • 2: Someone else reported [this incident/these incidents] to the civilian/] police
  • 9: DK

Characteristics, consequences and reporting of sexual victimization (ID1) - Question identifier:ID1_Q156

How did the military police find out about [this incident/these incidents]?

Select all that apply.

  • 1: You reported [this incident/these incidents] to the military police
  • 2: Someone else reported [this incident/these incidents] to the military police

Characteristics, consequences and reporting of sexual victimization (ID1) - Question identifier:ID1_Q160

People decide not to report to the police for many different reasons. What were the reasons why you did not report [this incident/these incidents] to the [military or civilian/] police?

Was it because you:

Select all that apply.

  • 01: Thought it would be too emotionally difficult
  • 02: Did not think the incident would be kept confidential
  • 03: Did not think you needed help
  • 04: Were worried you might not be believed
  • 05: Did not want to hurt the people responsible or get them into trouble
  • 06: Thought it would be too hard to prove
  • 07: Were too scared or frightened
  • 08: Did not want anyone to know
  • 09: Did not want to get into trouble
  • 10: Did not want to involve the police
  • 11: Did not think the police would take it seriously
  • 12: Did not think it was serious enough
  • 13: Felt embarrassed or ashamed
  • 14: Haven't had a good experience with the police previously
  • 15: Other reasons

Characteristics, consequences and reporting of sexual victimization (ID1) - Question identifier:ID1_Q225

[Besides the police, did/Did] you speak to anyone associated with your school about [this incident/these incidents]?

Include employees and volunteers with your school administration or student run services.

Exclude friends and family.

  • 1: Yes
  • 2: No

Characteristics, consequences and reporting of sexual victimization (ID1) - Question identifier:ID1_Q230

Who did you speak to at your school about [this incident/these incidents]?

Did you speak to:

Exclude friends and family.

Select all that apply.

  • 01: [Peer Assistance Group (PAG)/Student support services]
  • 02: Campus security
  • 03: [A military/An] instructor, professor, lecturer or tutor
  • 04: Someone responsible for the welfare of students at your residential college, dorm or hall (e.g., [Chain of responsibility/Residence Assistant (RA)], Residence Fellow, Floor Senior)
  • 05: Some other school employee or person employed at your residential college, dorm or hall
  • 06: Someone else associated with the school
  • 07: Chaplain
  • 08: Mental health counsellor

Characteristics, consequences and reporting of sexual victimization (ID1) - Question identifier:ID1_Q235

What were your reasons for speaking to someone at your school about what happened?

Was it to:

Select all that apply.

  • 1: Receive accommodations (e.g., to move to a different residence, switch a class or program, receive extensions)
  • 2: Receive counselling or mental health support
  • 3: Receive medical attention
  • 4: Receive protection
  • 5: Pursue an informal resolution such as mediation
  • 6: Pursue formal action against the person responsible, such as removal from the school or criminal charges
  • 7: Other reason

Characteristics, consequences and reporting of sexual victimization (ID1) - Question identifier:ID1_Q240

On average, how long after you experienced [this incident/these incidents] did you speak to someone?

Was it:

If you experienced more than one incident, please estimate the average length of time.

  • 1: The same day or the next day
  • 2: Within a week
  • 3: Within a few weeks
  • 4: Within a month
  • 5: Within two to three months
  • 6: Longer than three months

Characteristics, consequences and reporting of sexual victimization (ID1) - Question identifier:ID1_Q245

Which of the following groups was the person or people you spoke to about [this incident/these incidents] associated with?

Were they associated with:

Select all that apply.

  • 1: The school administration ([e.g., Health Services Centre/])
  • 2: A student run group ([e.g., Chain of responsibility, Peer Assistance Group (PAG)/])
  • 9: DK

Characteristics, consequences and reporting of sexual victimization (ID1) - Question identifier:ID1_Q255

Did the person or people you spoke to explain the school's formal complaint policies and procedures to you?

Was it:

  • 1: Yes
  • 2: For some behaviours, yes, for others, no
  • 3: No

Characteristics, consequences and reporting of sexual victimization (ID1) - Question identifier:ID1_Q260

Overall, how satisfied were you with the actions taken by your school administration?

  • 1: Very satisfied
  • 2: Satisfied
  • 3: Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied
  • 4: Dissatisfied
  • 5: Very dissatisfied
  • 6: Unsure at this time

Characteristics, consequences and reporting of sexual victimization (ID1) - Question identifier:ID1_Q265

Overall, how satisfied were you with the actions taken by the student run group that you spoke to?

  • 1: Very satisfied
  • 2: Satisfied
  • 3: Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied
  • 4: Dissatisfied
  • 5: Very dissatisfied
  • 6: Unsure at this time

Characteristics, consequences and reporting of sexual victimization (ID1) - Question identifier:ID1_Q270

People decide not to speak about their experiences for many reasons. What were your reasons for not speaking to anyone associated with your school?

Was it because you:

Select all that apply.

  • 01: Didn't know who at the school could provide you with support or assistance
  • 02: Didn't know where to go to receive support or assistance from the school
  • 03: Didn't know if this type of incident could be reported
  • 04: Felt embarrassed or ashamed
  • 05: Thought it would be too emotionally difficult
  • 06: Didn't think the incident would be kept confidential
  • 07: Didn't think you needed help
  • 08: Didn't think it was serious enough
  • 09: Resolved the issue on your own
  • 10: Were worried you might not be believed
  • 11: Didn't think the school would take it seriously
  • 12: Didn't want to hurt the people responsible or get them into trouble
  • 13: Thought it would be too hard to prove
  • 14: Were too scared or frightened
  • 15: Didn't want anyone to know
  • 16: Didn't want to get into trouble
  • 17: Felt that your academic studies or future career would be at risk
  • 18: Other reasons

Characteristics, consequences and reporting of sexual victimization (ID1) - Question identifier:ID1_Q275

[Excluding someone associated with your school and the police, d/Excluding someone associated with the police, d/Excluding someone associated with your school, d/D]id you speak with anyone else about [this incident/these incidents]?

e.g., friend, family, mental health professional

  • 1: Yes
  • 2: No

Characteristics, consequences and reporting of sexual victimization (ID1) - Question identifier:ID1_Q280

Who did you speak with that was not associated with your school?

Did you speak with a:

Select all that apply.

  • 01: Friend
  • 02: Family
  • 03: Current or former spouse or dating partner
  • 04: Another student or peer
  • 05: Support provided in your workplace
  • 06: Telephone hotline or crisis line
  • 07: Mental health professional (Include psychiatrist.)
  • 08: Physician
  • 09: Nurse
  • 10: Religious leader
  • 11: Indigenous elder
  • 12: The Sexual Misconduct Response Centre (SMRC)
  • 13: Other person

Characteristics, consequences and reporting of sexual victimization (ID2)

Characteristics, consequences and reporting of sexual victimization (ID2) - Question identifier:ID2_R15

You mentioned that, in the past 12 months, someone touched you against your will in any sexual way in [an RMC-related/a school-related] setting.

The following questions ask about [this incident/these incidents].

Characteristics, consequences and reporting of sexual victimization (ID2) - Question identifier:ID2_Q15

In which of the following locations did [this incident/these incidents] take place?

Was it:

Select all that apply.

  • 1: On your school's campus
  • 2: Off your school's campus

Characteristics, consequences and reporting of sexual victimization (ID2) - Question identifier:ID2_Q16


  • 1: In a learning environment such as a lecture or discussion group
  • 2: In a non-residential building on campus such as a library, cafeteria or gymnasium
  • 3: In a residence or other campus housing [/(exclude fraternity and sorority houses.)]
  • 4: In a fraternity or sorority house on campus, including school-owned housing
  • 5: Other on-campus location

Characteristics, consequences and reporting of sexual victimization (ID2) - Question identifier:ID2_Q17


  • 1: At another postsecondary school in Canada
  • 2: At an internship, [on the job training/co-op], work placement, practicum or volunteer assignment
  • 3: At a house or apartment (Exclude fraternity or sorority house.)
  • 4: In a fraternity or sorority house off campus, including school-owned housing
  • 5: At a restaurant or bar
  • 6: Travelling to or from school
  • 7: Other off-campus location

Characteristics, consequences and reporting of sexual victimization (ID2) - Question identifier:ID2_Q20

You mentioned that [this incident/these incidents] occurred on campus, in a residence or other campus housing. Where specifically did [this incident/these incidents] occur?

Was it in:

Select all that apply.

  • 1: Your room
  • 2: The room of the person responsible
  • 3: Someone else's room
  • 4: A common space in the residence
  • 5: Somewhere else

Characteristics, consequences and reporting of sexual victimization (ID2) - Question identifier:ID2_Q25

Did you live in the same residence building as the person responsible when [this incident/these incidents] occurred?

Would you say:

  • 1: Yes, lived in the same building
  • 2: No, did not live in the same building
  • 3: For some incidents, yes, lived in the same building, for other incidents, no
  • 9: DK

Characteristics, consequences and reporting of sexual victimization (ID2) - Question identifier:ID2_Q30

Did [this incident/these incidents] take place during any of the following events?

Was it during:

Select all that apply.

  • 1: [First Year Orientation Program (FYOP)/Student orientation week, e.g., frosh week]
  • 2: An official sporting event organized or endorsed by your school
  • 3: [Reunion weekend/Homecoming week]
  • 4: A talk, play or concert organized or endorsed by your school
  • 5: Another event organized by students or people associated with your school
  • 6: Did not take place during an event

Characteristics, consequences and reporting of sexual victimization (ID2) - Question identifier:ID2_Q35A

At approximately what time of day did the [/most serious] incident occur?
Time of day

  • 01: 12:00 AM
  • 02: 1:00 AM
  • 03: 2:00 AM
  • 04: 3:00 AM
  • 05: 4:00 AM
  • 06: 5:00 AM
  • 07: 6:00 AM
  • 08: 7:00 AM
  • 09: 8:00 AM
  • 10: 9:00 AM
  • 11: 10:00 AM
  • 12: 11:00 AM
  • 13: 12:00 PM
  • 14: 1:00 PM
  • 15: 2:00 PM
  • 16: 3:00 PM
  • 17: 4:00 PM
  • 18: 5:00 PM
  • 19: 6:00 PM
  • 20: 7:00 PM
  • 21: 8:00 PM
  • 22: 9:00 PM
  • 23: 10:00 PM
  • 24: 11:00PM

Characteristics, consequences and reporting of sexual victimization (ID2) - Question identifier:ID2_Q35B

At approximately what time of day did the [/most serious] incident occur?

  • 9: DK

Characteristics, consequences and reporting of sexual victimization (ID2) - Question identifier:ID2_Q40

How many people carried out [this incident/these incidents]?

Was it:

  • 1: [One/For all incidents, one] person[ /(either the same person or a different individual each time)]
  • 2: [Two/For all incidents, two] or more people
  • 3: For some, one person, and for others, two or more people
  • 9: DK

Characteristics, consequences and reporting of sexual victimization (ID2) - Question identifier:ID2_Q45

Was this person male or female?

  • 1: Male
  • 2: Female
  • 9: DK

Characteristics, consequences and reporting of sexual victimization (ID2) - Question identifier:ID2_Q50

Were they male or female?

  • 1: All male
  • 2: All female
  • 3: Both male and female
  • 9: DK

Characteristics, consequences and reporting of sexual victimization (ID2) - Question identifier:ID2_Q52

Were they mostly male or mostly female?

  • 1: Mostly male
  • 2: Mostly female
  • 3: About evenly divided

Characteristics, consequences and reporting of sexual victimization (ID2) - Question identifier:ID2_Q55

Which of the following people carried out [this incident/these incidents]?

[Was it a/Were they a]:

Select all that apply.

  • 01: Student at your school
  • 02: Student from another school
  • 03: [Military professor or military instructor at your school/Professor or instructor at your school]
  • 04: Teaching assistant at your school
  • 05: [Military/Non-academic] school staff member
  • 06: Civilian school staff member
  • 07: Private tutor
  • 08: Member of a school club or sports team
  • 09: Coach or trainer from a sports team at your school
  • 10: Member of campus security
  • 11: [Someone in your chain of command, in your on the job training,/Supervisor or boss in a co-op,] work placement or internship
  • 12: Fellow worker or volunteer at your school
  • 13: Supervisor or boss in your paid employment at your school
  • 14: Current or former spouse or common-law partner
  • 15: Current or former dating partner (e.g., boyfriend or girlfriend type of relationship)
  • 16: Current or former casual dating partner (e.g., friend with benefits)
  • 17: Friend or acquaintance
  • 18: Stranger
  • 19: Someone else
  • 99: DK

Characteristics, consequences and reporting of sexual victimization (ID2) - Question identifier:ID2_Q60

In your opinion, [was/were] [this incident/these incidents] related to the [person's/persons'] alcohol or drug use?

  • 1: Yes
  • 2: No
  • 3: For some incidents yes, for others, no
  • 9: DK

Characteristics, consequences and reporting of sexual victimization (ID2) - Question identifier:ID2_Q65

Did [this incident/these incidents] involve any of the following?

Were you:

Select all that apply.

  • 01: Given alcohol or a drug without your knowledge or consent
  • 02: Threatened that rumours or lies would be spread about you or that your relationship would end
  • 03: Made promises you knew or discovered were untrue
  • 04: Continually verbally pressured after you said no
  • 05: Threatened that intimate pictures or private information regarding your sex life would be shared on the Internet
  • 06: Made afraid of what might happen if you refused
  • 07: Afraid that your studies or future career was at risk if you said no
  • 08: None of the above

Characteristics, consequences and reporting of sexual victimization (ID2) - Question identifier:ID2_Q70

Aside from those who committed [this incident/these incidents], were any other people present?

Would you say:

  • 1: Yes
  • 2: For some, yes, for others, no
  • 3: No
  • 9: DK

Characteristics, consequences and reporting of sexual victimization (ID2) - Question identifier:ID2_Q75

Aside from those who committed [this incident/these incidents], how many other people were present?

Was it:

  • 1: [One/For all incidents, one] person[ /(either the same person or a different individual each time)]
  • 2: [Two/For all incidents, two] or more people
  • 3: For some, one person, and for others, two or more people
  • 9: DK

Characteristics, consequences and reporting of sexual victimization (ID2) - Question identifier:ID2_Q80

Did the [person who was/people who were] present take any action?

Include any type of action, whether it was intervening to stop the incident or encouraging the behaviour.

  • 1: Yes
  • 2: No
  • 3: For some incidents yes, for others, no
  • 9: DK

Characteristics, consequences and reporting of sexual victimization (ID2) - Question identifier:ID2_Q85

Which of the following actions did the [person who was/people who were] present take?

Did they:

Select all that apply.

  • 01: Intervene and try to separate you
  • 02: Ask you if you needed help
  • 03: Confront the person carrying out the incident
  • 04: Try to create a distraction to stop the incident
  • 05: Ask others to step in and try to defuse the situation
  • 06: Tell someone in a position of authority about the situation
  • 07: Encourage the behaviour
  • 08: Do something else

Characteristics, consequences and reporting of sexual victimization (ID2) - Question identifier:ID2_Q90

As a result of [this incident/these incidents] where someone touched you against your will in any sexual way, were you physically injured in any way?

  • 1: Yes
  • 2: No

Characteristics, consequences and reporting of sexual victimization (ID2) - Question identifier:ID2_Q95

Did you see a medical professional because of [this incident/these incidents], for any physical injuries, possible pregnancy or a possible sexually transmitted infection?

Include medical attention received immediately after the incident as well as any follow-up medical attention received as a result.

  • 1: Yes
  • 2: No

Characteristics, consequences and reporting of sexual victimization (ID2) - Question identifier:ID2_Q115

In which of the following ways did [this incident/these incidents] impact you emotionally?

Were you:

Select all that apply.

  • 01: Angry
  • 02: Upset
  • 03: Frustrated
  • 04: Confused
  • 05: Fearful
  • 06: More cautious or aware
  • 07: Less trustful of others
  • 08: In shock or disbelief
  • 09: Hurt or disappointed
  • 10: Depressed
  • 11: Anxious
  • 12: Experiencing suicidal thoughts
  • 13: Ashamed
  • 14: Guilty
  • 15: Annoyed
  • 16: Experiencing lowered self-esteem
  • 17: Other emotional impact
  • 18: Not much of an emotional impact
  • 19: No emotional impact at all

Characteristics, consequences and reporting of sexual victimization (ID2) - Question identifier:ID2_Q120A

Now some questions about longer term effects of [this incident/these incidents] you experienced.

In the past month, have you experienced any of the following as a result of [this incident/these incidents]?
Had nightmares about it or thought about it when you did not want to

  • 1: Yes
  • 2: No

Characteristics, consequences and reporting of sexual victimization (ID2) - Question identifier:ID2_Q120B

Now some questions about longer term effects of [this incident/these incidents] you experienced.

In the past month, have you experienced any of the following as a result of [this incident/these incidents]?
Tried hard not to think about it or went out of your way to avoid situations that reminded you of it

  • 1: Yes
  • 2: No

Characteristics, consequences and reporting of sexual victimization (ID2) - Question identifier:ID2_Q120C

Now some questions about longer term effects of [this incident/these incidents] you experienced.

In the past month, have you experienced any of the following as a result of [this incident/these incidents]?
Felt constantly on guard, watchful or easily startled

  • 1: Yes
  • 2: No

Characteristics, consequences and reporting of sexual victimization (ID2) - Question identifier:ID2_Q120D

Now some questions about longer term effects of [this incident/these incidents] you experienced.

In the past month, have you experienced any of the following as a result of [this incident/these incidents]?
Felt numb or detached from others, activities or your surroundings

  • 1: Yes
  • 2: No

Characteristics, consequences and reporting of sexual victimization (ID2) - Question identifier:ID2_Q125A

Did [this incident/these incidents] you experienced lead you to have problems with any of the following?
Attending your classes

  • 1: Yes
  • 2: No
  • 9: DK

Characteristics, consequences and reporting of sexual victimization (ID2) - Question identifier:ID2_Q125B

Did [this incident/these incidents] you experienced lead you to have problems with any of the following?
Schoolwork or your grades

  • 1: Yes
  • 2: No
  • 9: DK

Characteristics, consequences and reporting of sexual victimization (ID2) - Question identifier:ID2_Q125C

Did [this incident/these incidents] you experienced lead you to have problems with any of the following?
Friends, roommates or peers

Exclude people responsible for the incident.

e.g., getting into more arguments or fights than before, not feeling you could trust them as much or not feeling as close to them as before

  • 1: Yes
  • 2: No
  • 9: DK

Characteristics, consequences and reporting of sexual victimization (ID2) - Question identifier:ID2_Q125D

Did [this incident/these incidents] you experienced lead you to have problems with any of the following?
Family members

e.g., getting into more arguments or fights than before, not feeling you could trust them as much or not feeling as close to them as before

  • 1: Yes
  • 2: No
  • 9: DK

Characteristics, consequences and reporting of sexual victimization (ID2) - Question identifier:ID2_Q128A

Did [this incident/these incidents] you experienced lead you to have problems with any of the following?
Friends, roommates or peers

Exclude people responsible for the incident.

e.g., getting into more arguments or fights than before, not feeling you could trust them as much or not feeling as close to them as before

  • 1: Yes
  • 2: No
  • 9: DK

Characteristics, consequences and reporting of sexual victimization (ID2) - Question identifier:ID2_Q128B

Did [this incident/these incidents] you experienced lead you to have problems with any of the following?
Family members

e.g., getting into more arguments or fights than before, not feeling you could trust them as much or not feeling as close to them as before

  • 1: Yes
  • 2: No
  • 9: DK

Characteristics, consequences and reporting of sexual victimization (ID2) - Question identifier:ID2_Q128C

Did [this incident/these incidents] you experienced lead you to have problems with any of the following?
The leadership pillar

  • 1: Yes
  • 2: No
  • 9: DK

Characteristics, consequences and reporting of sexual victimization (ID2) - Question identifier:ID2_Q128D

Did [this incident/these incidents] you experienced lead you to have problems with any of the following?
The physical fitness pillar

  • 1: Yes
  • 2: No
  • 9: DK

Characteristics, consequences and reporting of sexual victimization (ID2) - Question identifier:ID2_Q128E

Did [this incident/these incidents] you experienced lead you to have problems with any of the following?
The bilingual pillar

  • 1: Yes
  • 2: No
  • 9: DK

Characteristics, consequences and reporting of sexual victimization (ID2) - Question identifier:ID2_Q128F

Did [this incident/these incidents] you experienced lead you to have problems with any of the following?
The academic pillar

  • 1: Yes
  • 2: No
  • 9: DK

Characteristics, consequences and reporting of sexual victimization (ID2) - Question identifier:ID2_Q130

Did [this incident/these incidents] you experienced lead you to have problems with your [chain of command/job, boss or coworkers]?

Would you say:

  • 1: You were not working at the time
  • 2: Yes
  • 3: No

Characteristics, consequences and reporting of sexual victimization (ID2) - Question identifier:ID2_Q135A

As a result of [this incident/these incidents], did you do any of the following?
Stop going to any of your classes

  • 1: Yes
  • 2: No
  • 9: DK

Characteristics, consequences and reporting of sexual victimization (ID2) - Question identifier:ID2_Q135B

As a result of [this incident/these incidents], did you do any of the following?
Drop a class or classes

  • 1: Yes
  • 2: No
  • 9: DK

Characteristics, consequences and reporting of sexual victimization (ID2) - Question identifier:ID2_Q135C

As a result of [this incident/these incidents], did you do any of the following?
Change your program

  • 1: Yes
  • 2: No
  • 9: DK

Characteristics, consequences and reporting of sexual victimization (ID2) - Question identifier:ID2_Q135D

As a result of [this incident/these incidents], did you do any of the following?
Change your school

  • 1: Yes
  • 2: No
  • 9: DK

Characteristics, consequences and reporting of sexual victimization (ID2) - Question identifier:ID2_Q135E

As a result of [this incident/these incidents], did you do any of the following?
[Ask for voluntary release/Drop out of school]

  • 1: Yes
  • 2: No
  • 9: DK

Characteristics, consequences and reporting of sexual victimization (ID2) - Question identifier:ID2_Q135F

As a result of [this incident/these incidents], did you do any of the following?
Ask for extensions on assignments

  • 1: Yes
  • 2: No
  • 9: DK

Characteristics, consequences and reporting of sexual victimization (ID2) - Question identifier:ID2_Q135G

As a result of [this incident/these incidents], did you do any of the following?
Ask for exams to be rescheduled

  • 1: Yes
  • 2: No
  • 9: DK

Characteristics, consequences and reporting of sexual victimization (ID2) - Question identifier:ID2_Q135H

As a result of [this incident/these incidents], did you do any of the following?
Try to change your class schedule

  • 1: Yes
  • 2: No
  • 9: DK

Characteristics, consequences and reporting of sexual victimization (ID2) - Question identifier:ID2_Q135I

As a result of [this incident/these incidents], did you do any of the following?
Move or change where you lived

  • 1: Yes
  • 2: No
  • 9: DK

Characteristics, consequences and reporting of sexual victimization (ID2) - Question identifier:ID2_Q135J

As a result of [this incident/these incidents], did you do any of the following?
Change your route to school

  • 1: Yes
  • 2: No
  • 9: DK

Characteristics, consequences and reporting of sexual victimization (ID2) - Question identifier:ID2_Q135K

As a result of [this incident/these incidents], did you do any of the following?
Change the time of day you travelled to and from school

  • 1: Yes
  • 2: No
  • 9: DK

Characteristics, consequences and reporting of sexual victimization (ID2) - Question identifier:ID2_Q135L

As a result of [this incident/these incidents], did you do any of the following?
Avoid specific buildings at school

  • 1: Yes
  • 2: No
  • 9: DK

Characteristics, consequences and reporting of sexual victimization (ID2) - Question identifier:ID2_Q135M

As a result of [this incident/these incidents], did you do any of the following?
Use drugs or alcohol to cope with the experience

  • 1: Yes
  • 2: No
  • 9: DK

Characteristics, consequences and reporting of sexual victimization (ID2) - Question identifier:ID2_Q135N

As a result of [this incident/these incidents], did you do any of the following?
Get help from a counsellor or mental health professional

  • 1: Yes
  • 2: No
  • 9: DK

Characteristics, consequences and reporting of sexual victimization (ID2) - Question identifier:ID2_Q140

As a result of [this incident/these incidents] you experienced, did you find it difficult or impossible to carry out your everyday activities?

Reasons for finding it difficult to carry out your everyday activities could range from requiring medical treatment to emotional or psychological distress.

  • 1: Yes
  • 2: No

Characteristics, consequences and reporting of sexual victimization (ID2) - Question identifier:ID2_R145

The following questions ask about whether or not you spoke to someone about [this incident/these incidents] where someone touched you against your will in any sexual way in [an RMC-related/a school-related] setting in the past 12 months.

Characteristics, consequences and reporting of sexual victimization (ID2) - Question identifier:ID2_Q145

Did the [military or civilian/] police learn about [this incident/these incidents] in any way?

  • 1: Yes
  • 2: No
  • 9: DK

Characteristics, consequences and reporting of sexual victimization (ID2) - Question identifier:ID2_Q150

Which type of police service learned about it?

Select all that apply.

  • 1: Military police
  • 2: Civilian police

Characteristics, consequences and reporting of sexual victimization (ID2) - Question identifier:ID2_Q155

How did the[civilian/] police find out about [this incident/these incidents]?

Was it because:

Select all that apply.

  • 1: You reported [this incident/these incidents] to the [civilian/] police
  • 2: Someone else reported [this incident/these incidents] to the civilian/] police
  • 9: DK

Characteristics, consequences and reporting of sexual victimization (ID2) - Question identifier:ID2_Q156

How did the military police find out about [this incident/these incidents]?

Select all that apply.

  • 1: You reported [this incident/these incidents] to the military police
  • 2: Someone else reported [this incident/these incidents] to the military police

Characteristics, consequences and reporting of sexual victimization (ID2) - Question identifier:ID2_Q160

People decide not to report to the police for many different reasons. What were the reasons why you did not report [this incident/these incidents] to the [military or civilian/] police?

Was it because you:

Select all that apply.

  • 01: Thought it would be too emotionally difficult
  • 02: Did not think the incident would be kept confidential
  • 03: Did not think you needed help
  • 04: Were worried you might not be believed
  • 05: Did not want to hurt the people responsible or get them into trouble
  • 06: Thought it would be too hard to prove
  • 07: Were too scared or frightened
  • 08: Did not want anyone to know
  • 09: Did not want to get into trouble
  • 10: Did not want to involve the police
  • 11: Did not think the police would take it seriously
  • 12: Did not think it was serious enough
  • 13: Felt embarrassed or ashamed
  • 14: Haven't had a good experience with the police previously
  • 15: Other reasons

Characteristics, consequences and reporting of sexual victimization (ID2) - Question identifier:ID2_Q225

[Besides the police, did/Did] you speak to anyone associated with your school about [this incident/these incidents]?

Include employees and volunteers with your school administration or student run services.

Exclude friends and family.

  • 1: Yes
  • 2: No

Characteristics, consequences and reporting of sexual victimization (ID2) - Question identifier:ID2_Q230

Who did you speak to at your school about [this incident/these incidents]?

Did you speak to:

Exclude friends and family.

Select all that apply.

  • 01: [Peer Assistance Group (PAG)/Student support services]
  • 02: Campus security
  • 03: [A military/An] instructor, professor, lecturer or tutor
  • 04: Someone responsible for the welfare of students at your residential college, dorm or hall (e.g., [Chain of responsibility/Residence Assistant (RA)], Residence Fellow, Floor Senior)
  • 05: Some other school employee or person employed at your residential college, dorm or hall
  • 06: Someone else associated with the school
  • 07: Chaplain
  • 08: Mental health counsellor

Characteristics, consequences and reporting of sexual victimization (ID2) - Question identifier:ID2_Q235

What were your reasons for speaking to someone at your school about what happened?

Was it to:

Select all that apply.

  • 1: Receive accommodations (e.g., to move to a different residence, switch a class or program, receive extensions)
  • 2: Receive counselling or mental health support
  • 3: Receive medical attention
  • 4: Receive protection
  • 5: Pursue an informal resolution such as mediation
  • 6: Pursue formal action against the person responsible, such as removal from the school or criminal charges
  • 7: Other reason

Characteristics, consequences and reporting of sexual victimization (ID2) - Question identifier:ID2_Q240

On average, how long after you experienced [this incident/these incidents] did you speak to someone?

Was it:

If you experienced more than one incident, please estimate the average length of time.

  • 1: The same day or the next day
  • 2: Within a week
  • 3: Within a few weeks
  • 4: Within a month
  • 5: Within two to three months
  • 6: Longer than three months

Characteristics, consequences and reporting of sexual victimization (ID2) - Question identifier:ID2_Q245

Which of the following groups was the person or people you spoke to about [this incident/these incidents] associated with?

Were they associated with:

Select all that apply.

  • 1: The school administration ([e.g., Health Services Centre/])
  • 2: A student run group ([e.g., Chain of responsibility, Peer Assistance Group (PAG)/])
  • 9: DK

Characteristics, consequences and reporting of sexual victimization (ID2) - Question identifier:ID2_Q255

Did the person or people you spoke to explain the school's formal complaint policies and procedures to you?

Was it:

  • 1: Yes
  • 2: For some behaviours, yes, for others, no
  • 3: No

Characteristics, consequences and reporting of sexual victimization (ID2) - Question identifier:ID2_Q260

Overall, how satisfied were you with the actions taken by your school administration?

  • 1: Very satisfied
  • 2: Satisfied
  • 3: Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied
  • 4: Dissatisfied
  • 5: Very dissatisfied
  • 6: Unsure at this time

Characteristics, consequences and reporting of sexual victimization (ID2) - Question identifier:ID2_Q265

Overall, how satisfied were you with the actions taken by the student run group that you spoke to?

  • 1: Very satisfied
  • 2: Satisfied
  • 3: Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied
  • 4: Dissatisfied
  • 5: Very dissatisfied
  • 6: Unsure at this time

Characteristics, consequences and reporting of sexual victimization (ID2) - Question identifier:ID2_Q270

People decide not to speak about their experiences for many reasons. What were your reasons for not speaking to anyone associated with your school?

Was it because you:

Select all that apply.

  • 01: Didn't know who at the school could provide you with support or assistance
  • 02: Didn't know where to go to receive support or assistance from the school
  • 03: Didn't know if this type of incident could be reported
  • 04: Felt embarrassed or ashamed
  • 05: Thought it would be too emotionally difficult
  • 06: Didn't think the incident would be kept confidential
  • 07: Didn't think you needed help
  • 08: Didn't think it was serious enough
  • 09: Resolved the issue on your own
  • 10: Were worried you might not be believed
  • 11: Didn't think the school would take it seriously
  • 12: Didn't want to hurt the people responsible or get them into trouble
  • 13: Thought it would be too hard to prove
  • 14: Were too scared or frightened
  • 15: Didn't want anyone to know
  • 16: Didn't want to get into trouble
  • 17: Felt that your academic studies or future career would be at risk
  • 18: Other reasons

Characteristics, consequences and reporting of sexual victimization (ID2) - Question identifier:ID2_Q275

[Excluding someone associated with your school and the police, d/Excluding someone associated with the police, d/Excluding someone associated with your school, d/D]id you speak with anyone else about [this incident/these incidents]?

e.g., friend, family, mental health professional

  • 1: Yes
  • 2: No

Characteristics, consequences and reporting of sexual victimization (ID2) - Question identifier:ID2_Q280

Who did you speak with that was not associated with your school?

Did you speak with a:

Select all that apply.

  • 01: Friend
  • 02: Family
  • 03: Current or former spouse or dating partner
  • 04: Another student or peer
  • 05: Support provided in your workplace
  • 06: Telephone hotline or crisis line
  • 07: Mental health professional (Include psychiatrist.)
  • 08: Physician
  • 09: Nurse
  • 10: Religious leader
  • 11: Indigenous elder
  • 12: The Sexual Misconduct Response Centre (SMRC)
  • 13: Other person

Characteristics, consequences and reporting of sexual victimization (ID3)

Characteristics, consequences and reporting of sexual victimization (ID3) - Question identifier:ID3_R15

You mentioned that, in the past 12 months, someone subjected you to a sexual activity to which you were not able to consent in [an RMC-related/a school-related] setting.

The following questions ask about [this incident/these incidents].

Characteristics, consequences and reporting of sexual victimization (ID3) - Question identifier:ID3_Q15

In which of the following locations did [this incident/these incidents] take place?

Was it:

Select all that apply.

  • 1: On your school's campus
  • 2: Off your school's campus

Characteristics, consequences and reporting of sexual victimization (ID3) - Question identifier:ID3_Q16


  • 1: In a learning environment such as a lecture or discussion group
  • 2: In a non-residential building on campus such as a library, cafeteria or gymnasium
  • 3: In a residence or other campus housing [/(exclude fraternity and sorority houses.)]
  • 4: In a fraternity or sorority house on campus, including school-owned housing
  • 5: Other on-campus location

Characteristics, consequences and reporting of sexual victimization (ID3) - Question identifier:ID3_Q17


  • 1: At another postsecondary school in Canada
  • 2: At an internship, [on the job training/co-op], work placement, practicum or volunteer assignment
  • 3: At a house or apartment (Exclude fraternity or sorority house.)
  • 4: In a fraternity or sorority house off campus, including school-owned housing
  • 5: At a restaurant or bar
  • 6: Travelling to or from school
  • 7: Other off-campus location

Characteristics, consequences and reporting of sexual victimization (ID3) - Question identifier:ID3_Q20

You mentioned that [this incident/these incidents] occurred on campus, in a residence or other campus housing. Where specifically did [this incident/these incidents] occur?

Was it in:

Select all that apply.

  • 1: Your room
  • 2: The room of the person responsible
  • 3: Someone else's room
  • 4: A common space in the residence
  • 5: Somewhere else

Characteristics, consequences and reporting of sexual victimization (ID3) - Question identifier:ID3_Q25

Did you live in the same residence building as the person responsible when [this incident/these incidents] occurred?

Would you say:

  • 1: Yes, lived in the same building
  • 2: No, did not live in the same building
  • 3: For some incidents, yes, lived in the same building, for other incidents, no
  • 9: DK

Characteristics, consequences and reporting of sexual victimization (ID3) - Question identifier:ID3_Q30

Did [this incident/these incidents] take place during any of the following events?

Was it during:

Select all that apply.

  • 1: [First Year Orientation Program (FYOP)/Student orientation week, e.g., frosh week]
  • 2: An official sporting event organized or endorsed by your school
  • 3: [Reunion weekend/Homecoming week]
  • 4: A talk, play or concert organized or endorsed by your school
  • 5: Another event organized by students or people associated with your school
  • 6: Did not take place during an event

Characteristics, consequences and reporting of sexual victimization (ID3) - Question identifier:ID3_Q35A

At approximately what time of day did the [/most serious] incident occur?
Time of day

  • 01: 12:00 AM
  • 02: 1:00 AM
  • 03: 2:00 AM
  • 04: 3:00 AM
  • 05: 4:00 AM
  • 06: 5:00 AM
  • 07: 6:00 AM
  • 08: 7:00 AM
  • 09: 8:00 AM
  • 10: 9:00 AM
  • 11: 10:00 AM
  • 12: 11:00 AM
  • 13: 12:00 PM
  • 14: 1:00 PM
  • 15: 2:00 PM
  • 16: 3:00 PM
  • 17: 4:00 PM
  • 18: 5:00 PM
  • 19: 6:00 PM
  • 20: 7:00 PM
  • 21: 8:00 PM
  • 22: 9:00 PM
  • 23: 10:00 PM
  • 24: 11:00PM

Characteristics, consequences and reporting of sexual victimization (ID3) - Question identifier:ID3_Q35B

At approximately what time of day did the [/most serious] incident occur?

  • 9: DK

Characteristics, consequences and reporting of sexual victimization (ID3) - Question identifier:ID3_Q40

How many people carried out [this incident/these incidents]?

Was it:

  • 1: [One/For all incidents, one] person[ /(either the same person or a different individual each time)]
  • 2: [Two/For all incidents, two] or more people
  • 3: For some, one person, and for others, two or more people
  • 9: DK

Characteristics, consequences and reporting of sexual victimization (ID3) - Question identifier:ID3_Q45

Was this person male or female?

  • 1: Male
  • 2: Female
  • 9: DK

Characteristics, consequences and reporting of sexual victimization (ID3) - Question identifier:ID3_Q50

Were they male or female?

  • 1: All male
  • 2: All female
  • 3: Both male and female
  • 9: DK

Characteristics, consequences and reporting of sexual victimization (ID3) - Question identifier:ID3_Q52

Were they mostly male or mostly female?

  • 1: Mostly male
  • 2: Mostly female
  • 3: About evenly divided

Characteristics, consequences and reporting of sexual victimization (ID3) - Question identifier:ID3_Q55

Which of the following people carried out [this incident/these incidents]?

[Was it a/Were they a]:

Select all that apply.

  • 01: Student at your school
  • 02: Student from another school
  • 03: [Military professor or military instructor at your school/Professor or instructor at your school]
  • 04: Teaching assistant at your school
  • 05: [Military/Non-academic] school staff member
  • 06: Civilian school staff member
  • 07: Private tutor
  • 08: Member of a school club or sports team
  • 09: Coach or trainer from a sports team at your school
  • 10: Member of campus security
  • 11: [Someone in your chain of command, in your on the job training,/Supervisor or boss in a co-op,] work placement or internship
  • 12: Fellow worker or volunteer at your school
  • 13: Supervisor or boss in your paid employment at your school
  • 14: Current or former spouse or common-law partner
  • 15: Current or former dating partner (e.g., boyfriend or girlfriend type of relationship)
  • 16: Current or former casual dating partner (e.g., friend with benefits)
  • 17: Friend or acquaintance
  • 18: Stranger
  • 19: Someone else
  • 99: DK

Characteristics, consequences and reporting of sexual victimization (ID3) - Question identifier:ID3_Q60

In your opinion, [was/were] [this incident/these incidents] related to the [person's/persons'] alcohol or drug use?

  • 1: Yes
  • 2: No
  • 3: For some incidents yes, for others, no
  • 9: DK

Characteristics, consequences and reporting of sexual victimization (ID3) - Question identifier:ID3_Q65

Did [this incident/these incidents] involve any of the following?

Were you:

Select all that apply.

  • 01: Given alcohol or a drug without your knowledge or consent
  • 02: Threatened that rumours or lies would be spread about you or that your relationship would end
  • 03: Made promises you knew or discovered were untrue
  • 04: Continually verbally pressured after you said no
  • 05: Threatened that intimate pictures or private information regarding your sex life would be shared on the Internet
  • 06: Made afraid of what might happen if you refused
  • 07: Afraid that your studies or future career was at risk if you said no
  • 08: None of the above

Characteristics, consequences and reporting of sexual victimization (ID3) - Question identifier:ID3_Q70

Aside from those who committed [this incident/these incidents], were any other people present?

Would you say:

  • 1: Yes
  • 2: For some, yes, for others, no
  • 3: No
  • 9: DK

Characteristics, consequences and reporting of sexual victimization (ID3) - Question identifier:ID3_Q75

Aside from those who committed [this incident/these incidents], how many other people were present?

Was it:

  • 1: [One/For all incidents, one] person[ /(either the same person or a different individual each time)]
  • 2: [Two/For all incidents, two] or more people
  • 3: For some, one person, and for others, two or more people
  • 9: DK

Characteristics, consequences and reporting of sexual victimization (ID3) - Question identifier:ID3_Q80

Did the [person who was/people who were] present take any action?

Include any type of action, whether it was intervening to stop the incident or encouraging the behaviour.

  • 1: Yes
  • 2: No
  • 3: For some incidents yes, for others, no
  • 9: DK

Characteristics, consequences and reporting of sexual victimization (ID3) - Question identifier:ID3_Q85

Which of the following actions did the [person who was/people who were] present take?

Did they:

Select all that apply.

  • 01: Intervene and try to separate you
  • 02: Ask you if you needed help
  • 03: Confront the person carrying out the incident
  • 04: Try to create a distraction to stop the incident
  • 05: Ask others to step in and try to defuse the situation
  • 06: Tell someone in a position of authority about the situation
  • 07: Encourage the behaviour
  • 08: Do something else

Characteristics, consequences and reporting of sexual victimization (ID3) - Question identifier:ID3_Q90

As a result of [this incident/these incidents] where someone forced you or attempted to force you into unwanted sexual activity, were you physically injured in any way?

  • 1: Yes
  • 2: No

Characteristics, consequences and reporting of sexual victimization (ID3) - Question identifier:ID3_Q95

Did you see a medical professional because of [this incident/these incidents], for any physical injuries, possible pregnancy or a possible sexually transmitted infection?

Include medical attention received immediately after the incident as well as any follow-up medical attention received as a result.

  • 1: Yes
  • 2: No

Characteristics, consequences and reporting of sexual victimization (ID3) - Question identifier:ID3_Q115

In which of the following ways did [this incident/these incidents] impact you emotionally?

Were you:

Select all that apply.

  • 01: Angry
  • 02: Upset
  • 03: Frustrated
  • 04: Confused
  • 05: Fearful
  • 06: More cautious or aware
  • 07: Less trustful of others
  • 08: In shock or disbelief
  • 09: Hurt or disappointed
  • 10: Depressed
  • 11: Anxious
  • 12: Experiencing suicidal thoughts
  • 13: Ashamed
  • 14: Guilty
  • 15: Annoyed
  • 16: Experiencing lowered self-esteem
  • 17: Other emotional impact
  • 18: Not much of an emotional impact
  • 19: No emotional impact at all

Characteristics, consequences and reporting of sexual victimization (ID3) - Question identifier:ID3_Q120A

Now some questions about longer term effects of [this incident/these incidents] you experienced.

In the past month, have you experienced any of the following as a result of [this incident/these incidents]?
Had nightmares about it or thought about it when you did not want to

  • 1: Yes
  • 2: No

Characteristics, consequences and reporting of sexual victimization (ID3) - Question identifier:ID3_Q120B

Now some questions about longer term effects of [this incident/these incidents] you experienced.

In the past month, have you experienced any of the following as a result of [this incident/these incidents]?
Tried hard not to think about it or went out of your way to avoid situations that reminded you of it

  • 1: Yes
  • 2: No

Characteristics, consequences and reporting of sexual victimization (ID3) - Question identifier:ID3_Q120C

Now some questions about longer term effects of [this incident/these incidents] you experienced.

In the past month, have you experienced any of the following as a result of [this incident/these incidents]?
Felt constantly on guard, watchful or easily startled

  • 1: Yes
  • 2: No

Characteristics, consequences and reporting of sexual victimization (ID3) - Question identifier:ID3_Q120D

Now some questions about longer term effects of [this incident/these incidents] you experienced.

In the past month, have you experienced any of the following as a result of [this incident/these incidents]?
Felt numb or detached from others, activities or your surroundings

  • 1: Yes
  • 2: No

Characteristics, consequences and reporting of sexual victimization (ID3) - Question identifier:ID3_Q125A

Did [this incident/these incidents] you experienced lead you to have problems with any of the following?
Attending your classes

  • 1: Yes
  • 2: No
  • 9: DK

Characteristics, consequences and reporting of sexual victimization (ID3) - Question identifier:ID3_Q125B

Did [this incident/these incidents] you experienced lead you to have problems with any of the following?
Schoolwork or your grades

  • 1: Yes
  • 2: No
  • 9: DK

Characteristics, consequences and reporting of sexual victimization (ID3) - Question identifier:ID3_Q125C

Did [this incident/these incidents] you experienced lead you to have problems with any of the following?
Friends, roommates or peers

Exclude people responsible for the incident.

e.g., getting into more arguments or fights than before, not feeling you could trust them as much or not feeling as close to them as before

  • 1: Yes
  • 2: No
  • 9: DK

Characteristics, consequences and reporting of sexual victimization (ID3) - Question identifier:ID3_Q125D

Did [this incident/these incidents] you experienced lead you to have problems with any of the following?
Family members

e.g., getting into more arguments or fights than before, not feeling you could trust them as much or not feeling as close to them as before

  • 1: Yes
  • 2: No
  • 9: DK

Characteristics, consequences and reporting of sexual victimization (ID3) - Question identifier:ID3_Q128A

Did [this incident/these incidents] you experienced lead you to have problems with any of the following?
Friends, roommates or peers

Exclude people responsible for the incident.

e.g., getting into more arguments or fights than before, not feeling you could trust them as much or not feeling as close to them as before

  • 1: Yes
  • 2: No
  • 9: DK

Characteristics, consequences and reporting of sexual victimization (ID3) - Question identifier:ID3_Q128B

Did [this incident/these incidents] you experienced lead you to have problems with any of the following?
Family members

e.g., getting into more arguments or fights than before, not feeling you could trust them as much or not feeling as close to them as before

  • 1: Yes
  • 2: No
  • 9: DK

Characteristics, consequences and reporting of sexual victimization (ID3) - Question identifier:ID3_Q128C

Did [this incident/these incidents] you experienced lead you to have problems with any of the following?
The leadership pillar

  • 1: Yes
  • 2: No
  • 9: DK

Characteristics, consequences and reporting of sexual victimization (ID3) - Question identifier:ID3_Q128D

Did [this incident/these incidents] you experienced lead you to have problems with any of the following?
The physical fitness pillar

  • 1: Yes
  • 2: No
  • 9: DK

Characteristics, consequences and reporting of sexual victimization (ID3) - Question identifier:ID3_Q128E

Did [this incident/these incidents] you experienced lead you to have problems with any of the following?
The bilingual pillar

  • 1: Yes
  • 2: No
  • 9: DK

Characteristics, consequences and reporting of sexual victimization (ID3) - Question identifier:ID3_Q128F

Did [this incident/these incidents] you experienced lead you to have problems with any of the following?
The academic pillar

  • 1: Yes
  • 2: No
  • 9: DK

Characteristics, consequences and reporting of sexual victimization (ID3) - Question identifier:ID3_Q130

Did [this incident/these incidents] you experienced lead you to have problems with your [chain of command/job, boss or coworkers]?

Would you say:

  • 1: You were not working at the time
  • 2: Yes
  • 3: No

Characteristics, consequences and reporting of sexual victimization (ID3) - Question identifier:ID3_Q135A

As a result of [this incident/these incidents], did you do any of the following?
Stop going to any of your classes

  • 1: Yes
  • 2: No
  • 9: DK

Characteristics, consequences and reporting of sexual victimization (ID3) - Question identifier:ID3_Q135B

As a result of [this incident/these incidents], did you do any of the following?
Drop a class or classes

  • 1: Yes
  • 2: No
  • 9: DK

Characteristics, consequences and reporting of sexual victimization (ID3) - Question identifier:ID3_Q135C

As a result of [this incident/these incidents], did you do any of the following?
Change your program

  • 1: Yes
  • 2: No
  • 9: DK

Characteristics, consequences and reporting of sexual victimization (ID3) - Question identifier:ID3_Q135D

As a result of [this incident/these incidents], did you do any of the following?
Change your school

  • 1: Yes
  • 2: No
  • 9: DK

Characteristics, consequences and reporting of sexual victimization (ID3) - Question identifier:ID3_Q135E

As a result of [this incident/these incidents], did you do any of the following?
[Ask for voluntary release/Drop out of school]

  • 1: Yes
  • 2: No
  • 9: DK

Characteristics, consequences and reporting of sexual victimization (ID3) - Question identifier:ID3_Q135F

As a result of [this incident/these incidents], did you do any of the following?
Ask for extensions on assignments

  • 1: Yes
  • 2: No
  • 9: DK

Characteristics, consequences and reporting of sexual victimization (ID3) - Question identifier:ID3_Q135G

As a result of [this incident/these incidents], did you do any of the following?
Ask for exams to be rescheduled

  • 1: Yes
  • 2: No
  • 9: DK

Characteristics, consequences and reporting of sexual victimization (ID3) - Question identifier:ID3_Q135H

As a result of [this incident/these incidents], did you do any of the following?
Try to change your class schedule

  • 1: Yes
  • 2: No
  • 9: DK

Characteristics, consequences and reporting of sexual victimization (ID3) - Question identifier:ID3_Q135I

As a result of [this incident/these incidents], did you do any of the following?
Move or change where you lived

  • 1: Yes
  • 2: No
  • 9: DK

Characteristics, consequences and reporting of sexual victimization (ID3) - Question identifier:ID3_Q135J

As a result of [this incident/these incidents], did you do any of the following?
Change your route to school

  • 1: Yes
  • 2: No
  • 9: DK

Characteristics, consequences and reporting of sexual victimization (ID3) - Question identifier:ID3_Q135K

As a result of [this incident/these incidents], did you do any of the following?
Change the time of day you travelled to and from school

  • 1: Yes
  • 2: No
  • 9: DK

Characteristics, consequences and reporting of sexual victimization (ID3) - Question identifier:ID3_Q135L

As a result of [this incident/these incidents], did you do any of the following?
Avoid specific buildings at school

  • 1: Yes
  • 2: No
  • 9: DK

Characteristics, consequences and reporting of sexual victimization (ID3) - Question identifier:ID3_Q135M

As a result of [this incident/these incidents], did you do any of the following?
Use drugs or alcohol to cope with the experience

  • 1: Yes
  • 2: No
  • 9: DK

Characteristics, consequences and reporting of sexual victimization (ID3) - Question identifier:ID3_Q135N

As a result of [this incident/these incidents], did you do any of the following?
Get help from a counsellor or mental health professional

  • 1: Yes
  • 2: No
  • 9: DK

Characteristics, consequences and reporting of sexual victimization (ID3) - Question identifier:ID3_Q140

As a result of [this incident/these incidents] you experienced, did you find it difficult or impossible to carry out your everyday activities?

Reasons for finding it difficult to carry out your everyday activities could range from requiring medical treatment to emotional or psychological distress.

  • 1: Yes
  • 2: No

Characteristics, consequences and reporting of sexual victimization (ID3) - Question identifier:ID3_R145

The following questions ask about whether or not you spoke to someone about [this incident/these incidents] where someone forced you or attempted to force you into unwanted sexual activity in [an RMC-related/a school-related] setting in the past 12 months.

Characteristics, consequences and reporting of sexual victimization (ID3) - Question identifier:ID3_Q145

Did the [military or civilian/] police learn about [this incident/these incidents] in any way?

  • 1: Yes
  • 2: No
  • 9: DK

Characteristics, consequences and reporting of sexual victimization (ID3) - Question identifier:ID3_Q150

Which type of police service learned about it?

Select all that apply.

  • 1: Military police
  • 2: Civilian police

Characteristics, consequences and reporting of sexual victimization (ID3) - Question identifier:ID3_Q155

How did the[civilian/] police find out about [this incident/these incidents]?

Was it because:

Select all that apply.

  • 1: You reported [this incident/these incidents] to the [civilian/] police
  • 2: Someone else reported [this incident/these incidents] to the civilian/] police
  • 9: DK

Characteristics, consequences and reporting of sexual victimization (ID3) - Question identifier:ID3_Q156

How did the military police find out about [this incident/these incidents]?

Select all that apply.

  • 1: You reported [this incident/these incidents] to the military police
  • 2: Someone else reported [this incident/these incidents] to the military police

Characteristics, consequences and reporting of sexual victimization (ID3) - Question identifier:ID3_Q160

People decide not to report to the police for many different reasons. What were the reasons why you did not report [this incident/these incidents] to the [military or civilian/] police?

Was it because you:

Select all that apply.

  • 01: Thought it would be too emotionally difficult
  • 02: Did not think the incident would be kept confidential
  • 03: Did not think you needed help
  • 04: Were worried you might not be believed
  • 05: Did not want to hurt the people responsible or get them into trouble
  • 06: Thought it would be too hard to prove
  • 07: Were too scared or frightened
  • 08: Did not want anyone to know
  • 09: Did not want to get into trouble
  • 10: Did not want to involve the police
  • 11: Did not think the police would take it seriously
  • 12: Did not think it was serious enough
  • 13: Felt embarrassed or ashamed
  • 14: Haven't had a good experience with the police previously
  • 15: Other reasons

Characteristics, consequences and reporting of sexual victimization (ID3) - Question identifier:ID3_Q225

[Besides the police, did/Did] you speak to anyone associated with your school about [this incident/these incidents]?

Include employees and volunteers with your school administration or student run services.

Exclude friends and family.

  • 1: Yes
  • 2: No

Characteristics, consequences and reporting of sexual victimization (ID3) - Question identifier:ID3_Q230

Who did you speak to at your school about [this incident/these incidents]?

Did you speak to:

Exclude friends and family.

Select all that apply.

  • 01: [Peer Assistance Group (PAG)/Student support services]
  • 02: Campus security
  • 03: [A military/An] instructor, professor, lecturer or tutor
  • 04: Someone responsible for the welfare of students at your residential college, dorm or hall (e.g., [Chain of responsibility/Residence Assistant (RA)], Residence Fellow, Floor Senior)
  • 05: Some other school employee or person employed at your residential college, dorm or hall
  • 06: Someone else associated with the school
  • 07: Chaplain
  • 08: Mental health counsellor

Characteristics, consequences and reporting of sexual victimization (ID3) - Question identifier:ID3_Q235

What were your reasons for speaking to someone at your school about what happened?

Was it to:

Select all that apply.

  • 1: Receive accommodations (e.g., to move to a different residence, switch a class or program, receive extensions)
  • 2: Receive counselling or mental health support
  • 3: Receive medical attention
  • 4: Receive protection
  • 5: Pursue an informal resolution such as mediation
  • 6: Pursue formal action against the person responsible, such as removal from the school or criminal charges
  • 7: Other reason

Characteristics, consequences and reporting of sexual victimization (ID3) - Question identifier:ID3_Q240

On average, how long after you experienced [this incident/these incidents] did you speak to someone?

Was it:

If you experienced more than one incident, please estimate the average length of time.

  • 1: The same day or the next day
  • 2: Within a week
  • 3: Within a few weeks
  • 4: Within a month
  • 5: Within two to three months
  • 6: Longer than three months

Characteristics, consequences and reporting of sexual victimization (ID3) - Question identifier:ID3_Q245

Which of the following groups was the person or people you spoke to about [this incident/these incidents] associated with?

Were they associated with:

Select all that apply.

  • 1: The school administration ([e.g., Health Services Centre/])
  • 2: A student run group ([e.g., Chain of responsibility, Peer Assistance Group (PAG)/])
  • 9: DK

Characteristics, consequences and reporting of sexual victimization (ID3) - Question identifier:ID3_Q255

Did the person or people you spoke to explain the school's formal complaint policies and procedures to you?

Was it:

  • 1: Yes
  • 2: For some behaviours, yes, for others, no
  • 3: No

Characteristics, consequences and reporting of sexual victimization (ID3) - Question identifier:ID3_Q260

Overall, how satisfied were you with the actions taken by your school administration?

  • 1: Very satisfied
  • 2: Satisfied
  • 3: Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied
  • 4: Dissatisfied
  • 5: Very dissatisfied
  • 6: Unsure at this time

Characteristics, consequences and reporting of sexual victimization (ID3) - Question identifier:ID3_Q265

Overall, how satisfied were you with the actions taken by the student run group that you spoke to?

  • 1: Very satisfied
  • 2: Satisfied
  • 3: Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied
  • 4: Dissatisfied
  • 5: Very dissatisfied
  • 6: Unsure at this time

Characteristics, consequences and reporting of sexual victimization (ID3) - Question identifier:ID3_Q270

People decide not to speak about their experiences for many reasons. What were your reasons for not speaking to anyone associated with your school?

Was it because you:

Select all that apply.

  • 01: Didn't know who at the school could provide you with support or assistance
  • 02: Didn't know where to go to receive support or assistance from the school
  • 03: Didn't know if this type of incident could be reported
  • 04: Felt embarrassed or ashamed
  • 05: Thought it would be too emotionally difficult
  • 06: Didn't think the incident would be kept confidential
  • 07: Didn't think you needed help
  • 08: Didn't think it was serious enough
  • 09: Resolved the issue on your own
  • 10: Were worried you might not be believed
  • 11: Didn't think the school would take it seriously
  • 12: Didn't want to hurt the people responsible or get them into trouble
  • 13: Thought it would be too hard to prove
  • 14: Were too scared or frightened
  • 15: Didn't want anyone to know
  • 16: Didn't want to get into trouble
  • 17: Felt that your academic studies or future career would be at risk
  • 18: Other reasons

Characteristics, consequences and reporting of sexual victimization (ID3) - Question identifier:ID3_Q275

[Excluding someone associated with your school and the police, d/Excluding someone associated with the police, d/Excluding someone associated with your school, d/D]id you speak with anyone else about [this incident/these incidents]?

e.g., friend, family, mental health professional

  • 1: Yes
  • 2: No

Characteristics, consequences and reporting of sexual victimization (ID3) - Question identifier:ID3_Q280

Who did you speak with that was not associated with your school?

Did you speak with a:

Select all that apply.

  • 01: Friend
  • 02: Family
  • 03: Current or former spouse or dating partner
  • 04: Another student or peer
  • 05: Support provided in your workplace
  • 06: Telephone hotline or crisis line
  • 07: Mental health professional (Include psychiatrist.)
  • 08: Physician
  • 09: Nurse
  • 10: Religious leader
  • 11: Indigenous elder
  • 12: The Sexual Misconduct Response Centre (SMRC)
  • 13: Other person

Characteristics, consequences and reporting of sexual victimization (ID4)

Characteristics, consequences and reporting of sexual victimization (ID4) - Question identifier:ID4_R15

You mentioned that, in the past 12 months, someone subjected you to a sexual activity to which you did not consent after you had consented to a different sexual activity in [an RMC-related/a school-related] setting.

The following questions ask about [this incident/these incidents].

Characteristics, consequences and reporting of sexual victimization (ID4) - Question identifier:ID4_Q15

In which of the following locations did [this incident/these incidents] take place?

Was it:

Select all that apply.

  • 1: On your school's campus
  • 2: Off your school's campus

Characteristics, consequences and reporting of sexual victimization (ID4) - Question identifier:ID4_Q16


  • 1: In a learning environment such as a lecture or discussion group
  • 2: In a non-residential building on campus such as a library, cafeteria or gymnasium
  • 3: In a residence or other campus housing [/(exclude fraternity and sorority houses.)]
  • 4: In a fraternity or sorority house on campus, including school-owned housing
  • 5: Other on-campus location

Characteristics, consequences and reporting of sexual victimization (ID4) - Question identifier:ID4_Q17


  • 1: At another postsecondary school in Canada
  • 2: At an internship, [on the job training/co-op], work placement, practicum or volunteer assignment
  • 3: At a house or apartment (Exclude fraternity or sorority house.)
  • 4: In a fraternity or sorority house off campus, including school-owned housing
  • 5: At a restaurant or bar
  • 6: Travelling to or from school
  • 7: Other off-campus location

Characteristics, consequences and reporting of sexual victimization (ID4) - Question identifier:ID4_Q20

You mentioned that [this incident/these incidents] occurred on campus, in a residence or other campus housing. Where specifically did [this incident/these incidents] occur?

Was it in:

Select all that apply.

  • 1: Your room
  • 2: The room of the person responsible
  • 3: Someone else's room
  • 4: A common space in the residence
  • 5: Somewhere else

Characteristics, consequences and reporting of sexual victimization (ID4) - Question identifier:ID4_Q25

Did you live in the same residence building as the person responsible when [this incident/these incidents] occurred?

Would you say:

  • 1: Yes, lived in the same building
  • 2: No, did not live in the same building
  • 3: For some incidents, yes, lived in the same building, for other incidents, no
  • 9: DK

Characteristics, consequences and reporting of sexual victimization (ID4) - Question identifier:ID4_Q30

Did [this incident/these incidents] take place during any of the following events?

Was it during:

Select all that apply.

  • 1: [First Year Orientation Program (FYOP)/Student orientation week, e.g., frosh week]
  • 2: An official sporting event organized or endorsed by your school
  • 3: [Reunion weekend/Homecoming week]
  • 4: A talk, play or concert organized or endorsed by your school
  • 5: Another event organized by students or people associated with your school
  • 6: Did not take place during an event

Characteristics, consequences and reporting of sexual victimization (ID4) - Question identifier:ID4_Q35A

At approximately what time of day did the [/most serious] incident occur?
Time of day

  • 01: 12:00 AM
  • 02: 1:00 AM
  • 03: 2:00 AM
  • 04: 3:00 AM
  • 05: 4:00 AM
  • 06: 5:00 AM
  • 07: 6:00 AM
  • 08: 7:00 AM
  • 09: 8:00 AM
  • 10: 9:00 AM
  • 11: 10:00 AM
  • 12: 11:00 AM
  • 13: 12:00 PM
  • 14: 1:00 PM
  • 15: 2:00 PM
  • 16: 3:00 PM
  • 17: 4:00 PM
  • 18: 5:00 PM
  • 19: 6:00 PM
  • 20: 7:00 PM
  • 21: 8:00 PM
  • 22: 9:00 PM
  • 23: 10:00 PM
  • 24: 11:00PM

Characteristics, consequences and reporting of sexual victimization (ID4) - Question identifier:ID4_Q35B

At approximately what time of day did the [/most serious] incident occur?

  • 9: DK

Characteristics, consequences and reporting of sexual victimization (ID4) - Question identifier:ID4_Q40

How many people carried out [this incident/these incidents]?

Was it:

  • 1: [One/For all incidents, one] person[ /(either the same person or a different individual each time)]
  • 2: [Two/For all incidents, two] or more people
  • 3: For some, one person, and for others, two or more people
  • 9: DK

Characteristics, consequences and reporting of sexual victimization (ID4) - Question identifier:ID4_Q45

Was this person male or female?

  • 1: Male
  • 2: Female
  • 9: DK

Characteristics, consequences and reporting of sexual victimization (ID4) - Question identifier:ID4_Q50

Were they male or female?

  • 1: All male
  • 2: All female
  • 3: Both male and female
  • 9: DK

Characteristics, consequences and reporting of sexual victimization (ID4) - Question identifier:ID4_Q52

Were they mostly male or mostly female?

  • 1: Mostly male
  • 2: Mostly female
  • 3: About evenly divided

Characteristics, consequences and reporting of sexual victimization (ID4) - Question identifier:ID4_Q55

Which of the following people carried out [this incident/these incidents]?

[Was it a/Were they a]:

Select all that apply.

  • 01: Student at your school
  • 02: Student from another school
  • 03: [Military professor or military instructor at your school/Professor or instructor at your school]
  • 04: Teaching assistant at your school
  • 05: [Military/Non-academic] school staff member
  • 06: Civilian school staff member
  • 07: Private tutor
  • 08: Member of a school club or sports team
  • 09: Coach or trainer from a sports team at your school
  • 10: Member of campus security
  • 11: [Someone in your chain of command, in your on the job training,/Supervisor or boss in a co-op,] work placement or internship
  • 12: Fellow worker or volunteer at your school
  • 13: Supervisor or boss in your paid employment at your school
  • 14: Current or former spouse or common-law partner
  • 15: Current or former dating partner (e.g., boyfriend or girlfriend type of relationship)
  • 16: Current or former casual dating partner (e.g., friend with benefits)
  • 17: Friend or acquaintance
  • 18: Stranger
  • 19: Someone else
  • 99: DK

Characteristics, consequences and reporting of sexual victimization (ID4) - Question identifier:ID4_Q60

In your opinion, [was/were] [this incident/these incidents] related to the [person's/persons'] alcohol or drug use?

  • 1: Yes
  • 2: No
  • 3: For some incidents yes, for others, no
  • 9: DK

Characteristics, consequences and reporting of sexual victimization (ID4) - Question identifier:ID4_Q65

Did [this incident/these incidents] involve any of the following?

Were you:

Select all that apply.

  • 01: Given alcohol or a drug without your knowledge or consent
  • 02: Threatened that rumours or lies would be spread about you or that your relationship would end
  • 03: Made promises you knew or discovered were untrue
  • 04: Continually verbally pressured after you said no
  • 05: Threatened that intimate pictures or private information regarding your sex life would be shared on the Internet
  • 06: Made afraid of what might happen if you refused
  • 07: Afraid that your studies or future career was at risk if you said no
  • 08: None of the above

Characteristics, consequences and reporting of sexual victimization (ID4) - Question identifier:ID4_Q70

Aside from those who committed [this incident/these incidents], were any other people present?

Would you say:

  • 1: Yes
  • 2: For some, yes, for others, no
  • 3: No
  • 9: DK

Characteristics, consequences and reporting of sexual victimization (ID4) - Question identifier:ID4_Q75

Aside from those who committed [this incident/these incidents], how many other people were present?

Was it:

  • 1: [One/For all incidents, one] person[ /(either the same person or a different individual each time)]
  • 2: [Two/For all incidents, two] or more people
  • 3: For some, one person, and for others, two or more people
  • 9: DK

Characteristics, consequences and reporting of sexual victimization (ID4) - Question identifier:ID4_Q80

Did the [person who was/people who were] present take any action?

Include any type of action, whether it was intervening to stop the incident or encouraging the behaviour.

  • 1: Yes
  • 2: No
  • 3: For some incidents yes, for others, no
  • 9: DK

Characteristics, consequences and reporting of sexual victimization (ID4) - Question identifier:ID4_Q85

Which of the following actions did the [person who was/people who were] present take?

Did they:

Select all that apply.

  • 01: Intervene and try to separate you
  • 02: Ask you if you needed help
  • 03: Confront the person carrying out the incident
  • 04: Try to create a distraction to stop the incident
  • 05: Ask others to step in and try to defuse the situation
  • 06: Tell someone in a position of authority about the situation
  • 07: Encourage the behaviour
  • 08: Do something else

Characteristics, consequences and reporting of sexual victimization (ID4) - Question identifier:ID4_Q90

As a result of [this incident/these incidents] where someone subjected you to a sexual activity to which you did not consent after you had consented to a different sexual activity, were you physically injured in any way?

  • 1: Yes
  • 2: No

Characteristics, consequences and reporting of sexual victimization (ID4) - Question identifier:ID4_Q95

Did you see a medical professional because of [this incident/these incidents], for any physical injuries, possible pregnancy or a possible sexually transmitted infection?

Include medical attention received immediately after the incident as well as any follow-up medical attention received as a result.

  • 1: Yes
  • 2: No

Characteristics, consequences and reporting of sexual victimization (ID4) - Question identifier:ID4_Q115

In which of the following ways did [this incident/these incidents] impact you emotionally?

Were you:

Select all that apply.

  • 01: Angry
  • 02: Upset
  • 03: Frustrated
  • 04: Confused
  • 05: Fearful
  • 06: More cautious or aware
  • 07: Less trustful of others
  • 08: In shock or disbelief
  • 09: Hurt or disappointed
  • 10: Depressed
  • 11: Anxious
  • 12: Experiencing suicidal thoughts
  • 13: Ashamed
  • 14: Guilty
  • 15: Annoyed
  • 16: Experiencing lowered self-esteem
  • 17: Other emotional impact
  • 18: Not much of an emotional impact
  • 19: No emotional impact at all

Characteristics, consequences and reporting of sexual victimization (ID4) - Question identifier:ID4_Q120A

Now some questions about longer term effects of [this incident/these incidents] you experienced.

In the past month, have you experienced any of the following as a result of [this incident/these incidents]?
Had nightmares about it or thought about it when you did not want to

  • 1: Yes
  • 2: No

Characteristics, consequences and reporting of sexual victimization (ID4) - Question identifier:ID4_Q120B

Now some questions about longer term effects of [this incident/these incidents] you experienced.

In the past month, have you experienced any of the following as a result of [this incident/these incidents]?
Tried hard not to think about it or went out of your way to avoid situations that reminded you of it

  • 1: Yes
  • 2: No

Characteristics, consequences and reporting of sexual victimization (ID4) - Question identifier:ID4_Q120C

Now some questions about longer term effects of [this incident/these incidents] you experienced.

In the past month, have you experienced any of the following as a result of [this incident/these incidents]?
Felt constantly on guard, watchful or easily startled

  • 1: Yes
  • 2: No

Characteristics, consequences and reporting of sexual victimization (ID4) - Question identifier:ID4_Q120D

Now some questions about longer term effects of [this incident/these incidents] you experienced.

In the past month, have you experienced any of the following as a result of [this incident/these incidents]?
Felt numb or detached from others, activities or your surroundings

  • 1: Yes
  • 2: No

Characteristics, consequences and reporting of sexual victimization (ID4) - Question identifier:ID4_Q125A

Did [this incident/these incidents] you experienced lead you to have problems with any of the following?
Attending your classes

  • 1: Yes
  • 2: No
  • 9: DK

Characteristics, consequences and reporting of sexual victimization (ID4) - Question identifier:ID4_Q125B

Did [this incident/these incidents] you experienced lead you to have problems with any of the following?
Schoolwork or your grades

  • 1: Yes
  • 2: No
  • 9: DK

Characteristics, consequences and reporting of sexual victimization (ID4) - Question identifier:ID4_Q125C

Did [this incident/these incidents] you experienced lead you to have problems with any of the following?
Friends, roommates or peers

Exclude people responsible for the incident.

e.g., getting into more arguments or fights than before, not feeling you could trust them as much or not feeling as close to them as before

  • 1: Yes
  • 2: No
  • 9: DK

Characteristics, consequences and reporting of sexual victimization (ID4) - Question identifier:ID4_Q125D

Did [this incident/these incidents] you experienced lead you to have problems with any of the following?
Family members

e.g., getting into more arguments or fights than before, not feeling you could trust them as much or not feeling as close to them as before

  • 1: Yes
  • 2: No
  • 9: DK

Characteristics, consequences and reporting of sexual victimization (ID4) - Question identifier:ID4_Q128A

Did [this incident/these incidents] you experienced lead you to have problems with any of the following?
Friends, roommates or peers

Exclude people responsible for the incident.

e.g., getting into more arguments or fights than before, not feeling you could trust them as much or not feeling as close to them as before

  • 1: Yes
  • 2: No
  • 9: DK

Characteristics, consequences and reporting of sexual victimization (ID4) - Question identifier:ID4_Q128B

Did [this incident/these incidents] you experienced lead you to have problems with any of the following?
Family members

e.g., getting into more arguments or fights than before, not feeling you could trust them as much or not feeling as close to them as before

  • 1: Yes
  • 2: No
  • 9: DK

Characteristics, consequences and reporting of sexual victimization (ID4) - Question identifier:ID4_Q128C

Did [this incident/these incidents] you experienced lead you to have problems with any of the following?
The leadership pillar

  • 1: Yes
  • 2: No
  • 9: DK

Characteristics, consequences and reporting of sexual victimization (ID4) - Question identifier:ID4_Q128D

Did [this incident/these incidents] you experienced lead you to have problems with any of the following?
The physical fitness pillar

  • 1: Yes
  • 2: No
  • 9: DK

Characteristics, consequences and reporting of sexual victimization (ID4) - Question identifier:ID4_Q128E

Did [this incident/these incidents] you experienced lead you to have problems with any of the following?
The bilingual pillar

  • 1: Yes
  • 2: No
  • 9: DK

Characteristics, consequences and reporting of sexual victimization (ID4) - Question identifier:ID4_Q128F

Did [this incident/these incidents] you experienced lead you to have problems with any of the following?
The academic pillar

  • 1: Yes
  • 2: No
  • 9: DK

Characteristics, consequences and reporting of sexual victimization (ID4) - Question identifier:ID4_Q130

Did [this incident/these incidents] you experienced lead you to have problems with your [chain of command/job, boss or coworkers]?

Would you say:

  • 1: You were not working at the time
  • 2: Yes
  • 3: No

Characteristics, consequences and reporting of sexual victimization (ID4) - Question identifier:ID4_Q135A

As a result of [this incident/these incidents], did you do any of the following?
Stop going to any of your classes

  • 1: Yes
  • 2: No
  • 9: DK

Characteristics, consequences and reporting of sexual victimization (ID4) - Question identifier:ID4_Q135B

As a result of [this incident/these incidents], did you do any of the following?
Drop a class or classes

  • 1: Yes
  • 2: No
  • 9: DK

Characteristics, consequences and reporting of sexual victimization (ID4) - Question identifier:ID4_Q135C

As a result of [this incident/these incidents], did you do any of the following?
Change your program

  • 1: Yes
  • 2: No
  • 9: DK

Characteristics, consequences and reporting of sexual victimization (ID4) - Question identifier:ID4_Q135D

As a result of [this incident/these incidents], did you do any of the following?
Change your school

  • 1: Yes
  • 2: No
  • 9: DK

Characteristics, consequences and reporting of sexual victimization (ID4) - Question identifier:ID4_Q135E

As a result of [this incident/these incidents], did you do any of the following?
[Ask for voluntary release/Drop out of school]

  • 1: Yes
  • 2: No
  • 9: DK

Characteristics, consequences and reporting of sexual victimization (ID4) - Question identifier:ID4_Q135F

As a result of [this incident/these incidents], did you do any of the following?
Ask for extensions on assignments

  • 1: Yes
  • 2: No
  • 9: DK

Characteristics, consequences and reporting of sexual victimization (ID4) - Question identifier:ID4_Q135G

As a result of [this incident/these incidents], did you do any of the following?
Ask for exams to be rescheduled

  • 1: Yes
  • 2: No
  • 9: DK

Characteristics, consequences and reporting of sexual victimization (ID4) - Question identifier:ID4_Q135H

As a result of [this incident/these incidents], did you do any of the following?
Try to change your class schedule

  • 1: Yes
  • 2: No
  • 9: DK

Characteristics, consequences and reporting of sexual victimization (ID4) - Question identifier:ID4_Q135I

As a result of [this incident/these incidents], did you do any of the following?
Move or change where you lived

  • 1: Yes
  • 2: No
  • 9: DK

Characteristics, consequences and reporting of sexual victimization (ID4) - Question identifier:ID4_Q135J

As a result of [this incident/these incidents], did you do any of the following?
Change your route to school

  • 1: Yes
  • 2: No
  • 9: DK

Characteristics, consequences and reporting of sexual victimization (ID4) - Question identifier:ID4_Q135K

As a result of [this incident/these incidents], did you do any of the following?
Change the time of day you travelled to and from school

  • 1: Yes
  • 2: No
  • 9: DK

Characteristics, consequences and reporting of sexual victimization (ID4) - Question identifier:ID4_Q135L

As a result of [this incident/these incidents], did you do any of the following?
Avoid specific buildings at school

  • 1: Yes
  • 2: No
  • 9: DK

Characteristics, consequences and reporting of sexual victimization (ID4) - Question identifier:ID4_Q135M

As a result of [this incident/these incidents], did you do any of the following?
Use drugs or alcohol to cope with the experience

  • 1: Yes
  • 2: No
  • 9: DK

Characteristics, consequences and reporting of sexual victimization (ID4) - Question identifier:ID4_Q135N

As a result of [this incident/these incidents], did you do any of the following?
Get help from a counsellor or mental health professional

  • 1: Yes
  • 2: No
  • 9: DK

Characteristics, consequences and reporting of sexual victimization (ID4) - Question identifier:ID4_Q140

As a result of [this incident/these incidents] you experienced, did you find it difficult or impossible to carry out your everyday activities?

Reasons for finding it difficult to carry out your everyday activities could range from requiring medical treatment to emotional or psychological distress.

  • 1: Yes
  • 2: No

Characteristics, consequences and reporting of sexual victimization (ID4) - Question identifier:ID4_R145

The following questions ask about whether or not you spoke to someone about [this incident/these incidents] where someone subjected you to a sexual activity to which you did not consent after you had consented to a different sexual activity in [an RMC-related/a school-related] setting in the past 12 months.

Characteristics, consequences and reporting of sexual victimization (ID4) - Question identifier:ID4_Q145

Did the [military or civilian/] police learn about [this incident/these incidents] in any way?

  • 1: Yes
  • 2: No
  • 9: DK

Characteristics, consequences and reporting of sexual victimization (ID4) - Question identifier:ID4_Q150

Which type of police service learned about it?

Select all that apply.

  • 1: Military police
  • 2: Civilian police

Characteristics, consequences and reporting of sexual victimization (ID4) - Question identifier:ID4_Q155

How did the[civilian/] police find out about [this incident/these incidents]?

Was it because:

Select all that apply.

  • 1: You reported [this incident/these incidents] to the [civilian/] police
  • 2: Someone else reported [this incident/these incidents] to the civilian/] police
  • 9: DK

Characteristics, consequences and reporting of sexual victimization (ID4) - Question identifier:ID4_Q156

How did the military police find out about [this incident/these incidents]?

Select all that apply.

  • 1: You reported [this incident/these incidents] to the military police
  • 2: Someone else reported [this incident/these incidents] to the military police

Characteristics, consequences and reporting of sexual victimization (ID4) - Question identifier:ID4_Q160

People decide not to report to the police for many different reasons. What were the reasons why you did not report [this incident/these incidents] to the [military or civilian/] police?

Was it because you:

Select all that apply.

  • 01: Thought it would be too emotionally difficult
  • 02: Did not think the incident would be kept confidential
  • 03: Did not think you needed help
  • 04: Were worried you might not be believed
  • 05: Did not want to hurt the people responsible or get them into trouble
  • 06: Thought it would be too hard to prove
  • 07: Were too scared or frightened
  • 08: Did not want anyone to know
  • 09: Did not want to get into trouble
  • 10: Did not want to involve the police
  • 11: Did not think the police would take it seriously
  • 12: Did not think it was serious enough
  • 13: Felt embarrassed or ashamed
  • 14: Haven't had a good experience with the police previously
  • 15: Other reasons

Characteristics, consequences and reporting of sexual victimization (ID4) - Question identifier:ID4_Q225

[Besides the police, did/Did] you speak to anyone associated with your school about [this incident/these incidents]?

Include employees and volunteers with your school administration or student run services.

Exclude friends and family.

  • 1: Yes
  • 2: No

Characteristics, consequences and reporting of sexual victimization (ID4) - Question identifier:ID4_Q230

Who did you speak to at your school about [this incident/these incidents]?

Did you speak to:

Exclude friends and family.

Select all that apply.

  • 01: [Peer Assistance Group (PAG)/Student support services]
  • 02: Campus security
  • 03: [A military/An] instructor, professor, lecturer or tutor
  • 04: Someone responsible for the welfare of students at your residential college, dorm or hall (e.g., [Chain of responsibility/Residence Assistant (RA)], Residence Fellow, Floor Senior)
  • 05: Some other school employee or person employed at your residential college, dorm or hall
  • 06: Someone else associated with the school
  • 07: Chaplain
  • 08: Mental health counsellor

Characteristics, consequences and reporting of sexual victimization (ID4) - Question identifier:ID4_Q235

What were your reasons for speaking to someone at your school about what happened?

Was it to:

Select all that apply.

  • 1: Receive accommodations (e.g., to move to a different residence, switch a class or program, receive extensions)
  • 2: Receive counselling or mental health support
  • 3: Receive medical attention
  • 4: Receive protection
  • 5: Pursue an informal resolution such as mediation
  • 6: Pursue formal action against the person responsible, such as removal from the school or criminal charges
  • 7: Other reason

Characteristics, consequences and reporting of sexual victimization (ID4) - Question identifier:ID4_Q240

On average, how long after you experienced [this incident/these incidents] did you speak to someone?

Was it:

If you experienced more than one incident, please estimate the average length of time.

  • 1: The same day or the next day
  • 2: Within a week
  • 3: Within a few weeks
  • 4: Within a month
  • 5: Within two to three months
  • 6: Longer than three months

Characteristics, consequences and reporting of sexual victimization (ID4) - Question identifier:ID4_Q245

Which of the following groups was the person or people you spoke to about [this incident/these incidents] associated with?

Were they associated with:

Select all that apply.

  • 1: The school administration ([e.g., Health Services Centre/])
  • 2: A student run group ([e.g., Chain of responsibility, Peer Assistance Group (PAG)/])
  • 9: DK

Characteristics, consequences and reporting of sexual victimization (ID4) - Question identifier:ID4_Q255

Did the person or people you spoke to explain the school's formal complaint policies and procedures to you?

Was it:

  • 1: Yes
  • 2: For some behaviours, yes, for others, no
  • 3: No

Characteristics, consequences and reporting of sexual victimization (ID4) - Question identifier:ID4_Q260

Overall, how satisfied were you with the actions taken by your school administration?

  • 1: Very satisfied
  • 2: Satisfied
  • 3: Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied
  • 4: Dissatisfied
  • 5: Very dissatisfied
  • 6: Unsure at this time

Characteristics, consequences and reporting of sexual victimization (ID4) - Question identifier:ID4_Q265

Overall, how satisfied were you with the actions taken by the student run group that you spoke to?

  • 1: Very satisfied
  • 2: Satisfied
  • 3: Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied
  • 4: Dissatisfied
  • 5: Very dissatisfied
  • 6: Unsure at this time

Characteristics, consequences and reporting of sexual victimization (ID4) - Question identifier:ID4_Q270

People decide not to speak about their experiences for many reasons. What were your reasons for not speaking to anyone associated with your school?

Was it because you:

Select all that apply.

  • 01: Didn't know who at the school could provide you with support or assistance
  • 02: Didn't know where to go to receive support or assistance from the school
  • 03: Didn't know if this type of incident could be reported
  • 04: Felt embarrassed or ashamed
  • 05: Thought it would be too emotionally difficult
  • 06: Didn't think the incident would be kept confidential
  • 07: Didn't think you needed help
  • 08: Didn't think it was serious enough
  • 09: Resolved the issue on your own
  • 10: Were worried you might not be believed
  • 11: Didn't think the school would take it seriously
  • 12: Didn't want to hurt the people responsible or get them into trouble
  • 13: Thought it would be too hard to prove
  • 14: Were too scared or frightened
  • 15: Didn't want anyone to know
  • 16: Didn't want to get into trouble
  • 17: Felt that your academic studies or future career would be at risk
  • 18: Other reasons

Characteristics, consequences and reporting of sexual victimization (ID4) - Question identifier:ID4_Q275

[Excluding someone associated with your school and the police, d/Excluding someone associated with the police, d/Excluding someone associated with your school, d/D]id you speak with anyone else about [this incident/these incidents]?

e.g., friend, family, mental health professional

  • 1: Yes
  • 2: No

Characteristics, consequences and reporting of sexual victimization (ID4) - Question identifier:ID4_Q280

Who did you speak with that was not associated with your school?

Did you speak with a:

Select all that apply.

  • 01: Friend
  • 02: Family
  • 03: Current or former spouse or dating partner
  • 04: Another student or peer
  • 05: Support provided in your workplace
  • 06: Telephone hotline or crisis line
  • 07: Mental health professional (Include psychiatrist.)
  • 08: Physician
  • 09: Nurse
  • 10: Religious leader
  • 11: Indigenous elder
  • 12: The Sexual Misconduct Response Centre (SMRC)
  • 13: Other person

Past sexual victimization (PSA)

Past sexual victimization (PSA) - Question identifier:PSA_R05

The next set of questions will ask about incidents that took place in a school-related setting, after you started your postsecondary studies and over 12 months ago.

Remember that all information provided is strictly confidential. Your responses are important whether or not you have had any of these experiences.

[/These questions may be emotionally difficult, and it's important that they are asked of everyone to give us a better understanding of what students have experienced in a school-related setting.]

[For the purpose of this survey, school-related setting is defined as:

• on campus
• while travelling to or from school
• during an off-campus event organized or endorsed by your postsecondary school, including official sporting events
• during unofficial activities or social events organized by students, instructors, professors, either on or off-campus
• at employment at your school
• at a co-op or work term placement organized by your school.

Campus refers to the physical building or buildings in which classes, studies, activities take place, including adjacent outdoor spaces./]

Past sexual victimization (PSA) - Question identifier:PSA_R08

The next set of questions will ask about incidents that took place in an RMC-related setting, after you started your postsecondary studies and over 12 months ago.

Remember that all information provided is strictly confidential. Your responses are important whether or not you have had any of these experiences.

[/These questions may be emotionally difficult, and it's important that they are asked of everyone to give us a better understanding of what students have experienced in a RMC-related setting.]

[For the purpose of this survey, RMC-related setting is defined as:

• on campus
• while travelling to or from school
• during an off-campus event organized or endorsed by your postsecondary school, including official sporting events
• during unofficial activities or social events organized by students, instructors, professors, either on or off-campus
• at employment at your school
• on the job training.

Exclude any behaviours that occurred during BMOQ.

Campus refers to the physical building or buildings in which classes, studies, activities take place, including adjacent outdoor spaces. / Exclude any behaviours that occurred during BMOQ.]

Past sexual victimization (PSA) - Question identifier:PSA_Q10

[Excluding incidents already mentioned, did/Did] anyone force you or attempt to force you into any unwanted sexual activity, by threatening you, holding you down or hurting you in some way after you started your postsecondary studies and over 12 months ago?

Exclude incidents that occurred [during BMOQ or/] outside of [an RMC-related/a school-related] setting.

Note: Press the help button (?) for additional information about what is included in [an RMC-related/a school-related] setting, as well as a list of support resources you may wish to contact if any of the following questions make you feel uncomfortable.

  • 1: Yes
  • 2: No

Past sexual victimization (PSA) - Question identifier:PSA_Q30

[Excluding incidents already mentioned, did/Did] anyone touch you against your will in any sexual way after you started your postsecondary studies and over 12 months ago? This could be anything from unwanted touching or grabbing, to kissing or fondling.

Exclude incidents that occurred [during BMOQ or/] outside of [an RMC-related/a school-related] setting.

Note: Press the help button (?) for additional information about what is included in [an RMC-related/a school-related] setting, as well as a list of support resources you may wish to contact if any of the following questions make you feel uncomfortable.

  • 1: Yes
  • 2: No

Past sexual victimization (PSA) - Question identifier:PSA_Q50

[Excluding incidents already mentioned, did/Did] anyone subject you to a sexual activity to which you were not able to consent, after you started your postsecondary studies and over 12 months ago? This includes being drugged, intoxicated, manipulated or forced in other ways than physically.

Exclude incidents that occurred[during BMOQ or/] outside of [an RMC-related/a school-related] setting.

Note: Press the help button (?) for additional information about what is included in [an RMC-related/a school-related] setting, as well as a list of support resources you may wish to contact if any of the following questions make you feel uncomfortable.

  • 1: Yes
  • 2: No

Past sexual victimization (PSA) - Question identifier:PSA_Q55

What factors prevented you from giving consent to the sexual activity?

Were you:

Select all that apply.

  • 1: Drugged
  • 2: Intoxicated
  • 3: Manipulated
  • 4: Unable to consent because the person responsible was in a position of authority
  • 5: Forced in another way

Past sexual victimization (PSA) - Question identifier:PSA_Q70

[Excluding incidents already mentioned, did/Did] anyone subject you to a sexual activity to which you did not consent, after having consented to another form of intimate contact, after you started your postsecondary studies and over 12 months ago?

e.g., agreeing to have protected sex then learning it was unprotected sex or agreeing to kissing which then led to another form of sexual activity without your consent.

Exclude incidents that occurred [during BMOQ or/] outside of [an RMC-related/a school-related] setting.

Note: Press the help button (?) for additional information about what is included in [an RMC-related/a school-related] setting, as well as a list of support resources you may wish to contact if any of the following questions make you feel uncomfortable.

  • 1: Yes
  • 2: No

Past sexual victimization (PSA) - Question identifier:PSA_Q80

In what year did the most recent incident occur?


Min = 0; Max = 9999

Past sexual victimization (PSA) - Question identifier:PSA_Q85

Did the most recent incident occur while you were attending [your current school/your most recent school]?

  • 1: Yes
  • 2: No

Characteristics of past sexual victimization (PS1)

Characteristics of past sexual victimization (PS1) - Question identifier:PS1_R15

You mentioned that, more than 12 months ago, someone [forced you or attempted to force you into unwanted sexual activity/] in [an RMC-related/a school-related] setting.

The following questions ask about this incident or these incidents.

Characteristics of past sexual victimization (PS1) - Question identifier:PS1_Q15

In which of the following locations did the incident or incidents take place?

Was it:

Select all that apply.

  • 1: On your school's campus
  • 2: Off your school's campus

Characteristics of past sexual victimization (PS1) - Question identifier:PS1_Q16


Select all that apply.

  • 1: In a learning environment such as a lecture or discussion group
  • 2: In a non-residential building on campus, such as a library, cafeteria or gymnasium
  • 3: In a residence or other campus housing [(exclude fraternity and sorority houses)/]
  • 4: In a fraternity or sorority house on campus, including school-owned housing
  • 5: Other on-campus location

Characteristics of past sexual victimization (PS1) - Question identifier:PS1_Q17


Select all that apply.

  • 1: At another postsecondary school in Canada
  • 2: At an internship, [on the job training/co-op], work placement, practicum or volunteer assignment
  • 3: At a house or apartment (Exclude fraternity or sorority houses.)
  • 4: In a fraternity or sorority house off campus, including school-owned housing
  • 5: At a restaurant or bar
  • 6: Travelling to or from school
  • 7: Other off-campus location

Characteristics of past sexual victimization (PS1) - Question identifier:PS1_Q35

Which of the following people carried out the incident or incidents?

Were they a:

Select all that apply.

  • 01: Student at your school
  • 02: Student from another school
  • 03: [Military professor or military instructor at your school/Professor or instructor at your school]
  • 04: Teaching assistant at your school
  • 05: [Military/Non-academic] school staff member
  • 06: Civilian school staff member
  • 07: Private tutor
  • 08: Member of a school club or sports team
  • 09: Coach or trainer from a sports team at your school
  • 10: Member of campus security
  • 11: [Someone in your chain of command, in your on the job training,/Supervisor or boss in a co-op,] work placement or internship
  • 12: Fellow worker or volunteer at your school
  • 13: Supervisor or boss in your paid employment at your school
  • 14: Current or former spouse or common-law partner
  • 15: Current or former dating partner (e.g., boyfriend or girlfriend type of relationship)
  • 16: Current or former casual dating partner (e.g., friend with benefits)
  • 17: Friend or acquaintance
  • 18: Stranger
  • 19: Someone else
  • 99: DK

Characteristics of past sexual victimization (PS1) - Question identifier:PS1_Q40A

Did you do any of the following in relation to the incident or incidents?
Speak to someone associated with your school administration about the incident

[e.g., Health Services Centre/]

  • 1: Yes
  • 2: No
  • 3: Was not aware that you could

Characteristics of past sexual victimization (PS1) - Question identifier:PS1_Q40B

Did you do any of the following in relation to the incident or incidents?
Speak to someone associated with a student run organization about the incident

[e.g., Chain of responsibility, Peer Assistance Group (PAG)/]

  • 1: Yes
  • 2: No
  • 3: Was not aware that you could

Characteristics of past sexual victimization (PS1) - Question identifier:PS1_Q40C

Did you do any of the following in relation to the incident or incidents?
Speak with anyone else aside from the[military or civilian/] police or someone associated with your school

  • 1: Yes
  • 2: No
  • 3: Was not aware that you could

Characteristics of past sexual victimization (PS1) - Question identifier:PS1_Q40D

Did you do any of the following in relation to the incident or incidents?
Report the incident to the [civilian police/police]

  • 1: Yes
  • 2: No
  • 3: Was not aware that you could

Characteristics of past sexual victimization (PS1) - Question identifier:PS1_Q40E

Did you do any of the following in relation to the incident or incidents?
Report the incident to the military police

  • 1: Yes
  • 2: No
  • 3: Was not aware that you could

Characteristics of past sexual victimization (PS2)

Characteristics of past sexual victimization (PS2) - Question identifier:PS2_R15

You mentioned that, more than 12 months ago, someone [touched you against your will in any sexual way/] in [an RMC-related/a school-related] setting.

The following questions ask about this incident or these incidents.

Characteristics of past sexual victimization (PS2) - Question identifier:PS2_Q15

In which of the following locations did the incident or incidents take place?

Was it:

Select all that apply.

  • 1: On your school's campus
  • 2: Off your school's campus

Characteristics of past sexual victimization (PS2) - Question identifier:PS2_Q16


Select all that apply.

  • 1: In a learning environment such as a lecture or discussion group
  • 2: In a non-residential building on campus, such as a library, cafeteria or gymnasium
  • 3: In a residence or other campus housing [(exclude fraternity and sorority houses)/]
  • 4: In a fraternity or sorority house on campus, including school-owned housing
  • 5: Other on-campus location

Characteristics of past sexual victimization (PS2) - Question identifier:PS2_Q17


Select all that apply.

  • 1: At another postsecondary school in Canada
  • 2: At an internship, [on the job training/co-op], work placement, practicum or volunteer assignment
  • 3: At a house or apartment (Exclude fraternity or sorority houses.)
  • 4: In a fraternity or sorority house off campus, including school-owned housing
  • 5: At a restaurant or bar
  • 6: Travelling to or from school
  • 7: Other off-campus location

Characteristics of past sexual victimization (PS2) - Question identifier:PS2_Q35

Which of the following people carried out the incident or incidents?

Were they a:

Select all that apply.

  • 01: Student at your school
  • 02: Student from another school
  • 03: [Military professor or military instructor at your school/Professor or instructor at your school]
  • 04: Teaching assistant at your school
  • 05: [Military/Non-academic] school staff member
  • 06: Civilian school staff member
  • 07: Private tutor
  • 08: Member of a school club or sports team
  • 09: Coach or trainer from a sports team at your school
  • 10: Member of campus security
  • 11: [Someone in your chain of command, in your on the job training,/Supervisor or boss in a co-op,] work placement or internship
  • 12: Fellow worker or volunteer at your school
  • 13: Supervisor or boss in your paid employment at your school
  • 14: Current or former spouse or common-law partner
  • 15: Current or former dating partner (e.g., boyfriend or girlfriend type of relationship)
  • 16: Current or former casual dating partner (e.g., friend with benefits)
  • 17: Friend or acquaintance
  • 18: Stranger
  • 19: Someone else

Characteristics of past sexual victimization (PS2) - Question identifier:PS2_Q40A

Did you do any of the following in relation to the incident or incidents?
Speak to someone associated with your school administration about the incident

[e.g., Health Services Centre/]

  • 1: Yes
  • 2: No
  • 3: Was not aware that you could

Characteristics of past sexual victimization (PS2) - Question identifier:PS2_Q40B

Did you do any of the following in relation to the incident or incidents?
Speak to someone associated with a student run group about the incident

[e.g., Chain of responsibility, Peer Assistance Group (PAG)/]

  • 1: Yes
  • 2: No
  • 3: Was not aware that you could

Characteristics of past sexual victimization (PS2) - Question identifier:PS2_Q40C

Did you do any of the following in relation to the incident or incidents?
Speak with anyone else aside from the[military or civilian/] police or someone associated with your school

  • 1: Yes
  • 2: No
  • 3: Was not aware that you could

Characteristics of past sexual victimization (PS2) - Question identifier:PS2_Q40D

Did you do any of the following in relation to the incident or incidents?
Report the incident to the [civilian police/police]

  • 1: Yes
  • 2: No
  • 3: Was not aware that you could

Characteristics of past sexual victimization (PS2) - Question identifier:PS2_Q40E

Did you do any of the following in relation to the incident or incidents?
Report the incident to the military police

  • 1: Yes
  • 2: No
  • 3: Was not aware that you could

Characteristics of past sexual victimization (PS3)

Characteristics of past sexual victimization (PS3) - Question identifier:PS3_R15

You mentioned that, more than 12 months ago, someone [subjected you to a sexual activity to which you were not able to consent/] in [an RMC-related/a school-related] setting.

The following questions ask about this incident or these incidents.

Characteristics of past sexual victimization (PS3) - Question identifier:PS3_Q15

In which of the following locations did the incident or incidents take place?

Was it:

Select all that apply.

  • 1: On your school's campus
  • 2: Off your school's campus

Characteristics of past sexual victimization (PS3) - Question identifier:PS3_Q16


Select all that apply.

  • 1: In a learning environment such as a lecture or discussion group
  • 2: In a non-residential building on campus, such as a library, cafeteria or gymnasium
  • 3: In a residence or other campus housing [(exclude fraternity and sorority houses)/]
  • 4: In a fraternity or sorority house on campus, including school-owned housing
  • 5: Other on-campus location

Characteristics of past sexual victimization (PS3) - Question identifier:PS3_Q17


Select all that apply.

  • 1: At another postsecondary school in Canada
  • 2: At an internship, [on the job training/co-op], work placement, practicum or volunteer assignment
  • 3: At a house or apartment (Exclude fraternity or sorority houses.)
  • 4: In a fraternity or sorority house off campus, including school-owned housing
  • 5: At a restaurant or bar
  • 6: Travelling to or from school
  • 7: Other off-campus location

Characteristics of past sexual victimization (PS3) - Question identifier:PS3_Q35

Which of the following people carried out the incident or incidents?

Were they a:

Select all that apply.

  • 01: Student at your school
  • 02: Student from another school
  • 03: [Military professor or military instructor at your school/Professor or instructor at your school]
  • 04: Teaching assistant at your school
  • 05: [Military/Non-academic] school staff member
  • 06: Civilian school staff member
  • 07: Private tutor
  • 08: Member of a school club or sports team
  • 09: Coach or trainer from a sports team at your school
  • 10: Member of campus security
  • 11: [Someone in your chain of command, in your on the job training,/Supervisor or boss in a co-op,] work placement or internship
  • 12: Fellow worker or volunteer at your school
  • 13: Supervisor or boss in your paid employment at your school
  • 14: Current or former spouse or common-law partner
  • 15: Current or former dating partner (e.g., boyfriend or girlfriend type of relationship)
  • 16: Current or former casual dating partner (e.g., friend with benefits)
  • 17: Friend or acquaintance
  • 18: Stranger
  • 19: Someone else

Characteristics of past sexual victimization (PS3) - Question identifier:PS3_Q40A

Did you do any of the following in relation to the incident or incidents?
Speak to someone associated with your school administration about the incident

[e.g., Health Services Centre/]

  • 1: Yes
  • 2: No
  • 3: Was not aware that you could

Characteristics of past sexual victimization (PS3) - Question identifier:PS3_Q40B

Did you do any of the following in relation to the incident or incidents?
Speak to someone associated with a student run organization about the incident

[e.g., Chain of responsibility, Peer Assistance Group (PAG)/]

  • 1: Yes
  • 2: No
  • 3: Was not aware that you could

Characteristics of past sexual victimization (PS3) - Question identifier:PS3_Q40C

Did you do any of the following in relation to the incident or incidents?
Speak with anyone else aside from the[military or civilian/] police or someone associated with your school

  • 1: Yes
  • 2: No
  • 3: Was not aware that you could

Characteristics of past sexual victimization (PS3) - Question identifier:PS3_Q40D

Did you do any of the following in relation to the incident or incidents?
Report the incident to the [civilian police/police]

  • 1: Yes
  • 2: No
  • 3: Was not aware that you could

Characteristics of past sexual victimization (PS3) - Question identifier:PS3_Q40E

Did you do any of the following in relation to the incident or incidents?
Report the incident to the military police

  • 1: Yes
  • 2: No
  • 3: Was not aware that you could

Characteristics of past sexual victimization (PS4)

Characteristics of past sexual victimization (PS4) - Question identifier:PS4_R15

You mentioned that, more than 12 months ago, someone [subjected you to a sexual activity to which you did not consent after having consented to another form of intimate contact/] in [an RMC-related/a school-related] setting.

The following questions ask about this incident or these incidents.

Characteristics of past sexual victimization (PS4) - Question identifier:PS4_Q15

In which of the following locations did the incident or incidents take place?

Was it:

Select all that apply.

  • 1: On your school's campus
  • 2: Off your school's campus

Characteristics of past sexual victimization (PS4) - Question identifier:PS4_Q16


Select all that apply.

  • 1: In a learning environment such as a lecture or discussion group
  • 2: In a non-residential building on campus, such as a library, cafeteria or gymnasium
  • 3: In a residence or other campus housing [(exclude fraternity and sorority houses)/]
  • 4: In a fraternity or sorority house on campus, including school-owned housing
  • 5: Other on-campus location

Characteristics of past sexual victimization (PS4) - Question identifier:PS4_Q17


Select all that apply.

  • 1: At another postsecondary school in Canada
  • 2: At an internship, [on the job training/co-op], work placement, practicum or volunteer assignment
  • 3: At a house or apartment (Exclude fraternity or sorority houses.)
  • 4: In a fraternity or sorority house off campus, including school-owned housing
  • 5: At a restaurant or bar
  • 6: Travelling to or from school
  • 7: Other off-campus location

Characteristics of past sexual victimization (PS4) - Question identifier:PS4_Q35

Which of the following people carried out the incident or incidents?

Were they a:

Select all that apply.

  • 01: Student at your school
  • 02: Student from another school
  • 03: [Military professor or military instructor at your school/Professor or instructor at your school]
  • 04: Teaching assistant at your school
  • 05: [Military/Non-academic] school staff member
  • 06: Civilian school staff member
  • 07: Private tutor
  • 08: Member of a school club or sports team
  • 09: Coach or trainer from a sports team at your school
  • 10: Member of campus security
  • 11: [Someone in your chain of command, in your on the job training,/Supervisor or boss in a co-op,] work placement or internship
  • 12: Fellow worker or volunteer at your school
  • 13: Supervisor or boss in your paid employment at your school
  • 14: Current or former spouse or common-law partner
  • 15: Current or former dating partner (e.g., boyfriend or girlfriend type of relationship)
  • 16: Current or former casual dating partner (e.g., friend with benefits)
  • 17: Friend or acquaintance
  • 18: Stranger
  • 19: Someone else

Characteristics of past sexual victimization (PS4) - Question identifier:PS4_Q40A

Did you do any of the following in relation to the incident or incidents?
Speak to someone associated with your school administration about the incident

[e.g., Health Services Centre/]

  • 1: Yes
  • 2: No
  • 3: Was not aware that you could

Characteristics of past sexual victimization (PS4) - Question identifier:PS4_Q40B

Did you do any of the following in relation to the incident or incidents?
Speak to someone associated with a student run group about the incident

[e.g., Chain of responsibility, Peer Assistance Group (PAG)/]

  • 1: Yes
  • 2: No
  • 3: Was not aware that you could

Characteristics of past sexual victimization (PS4) - Question identifier:PS4_Q40C

Did you do any of the following in relation to the incident or incidents?
Speak with anyone else aside from the[military or civilian/] police or someone associated with your school

  • 1: Yes
  • 2: No
  • 3: Was not aware that you could

Characteristics of past sexual victimization (PS4) - Question identifier:PS4_Q40D

Did you do any of the following in relation to the incident or incidents?
Report the incident to the [civilian police/police]

  • 1: Yes
  • 2: No
  • 3: Was not aware that you could

Characteristics of past sexual victimization (PS4) - Question identifier:PS4_Q40E

Did you do any of the following in relation to the incident or incidents?
Report the incident to the military police

  • 1: Yes
  • 2: No
  • 3: Was not aware that you could

Attitudes about institutions (AAI)

Attitudes about institutions (AAI) - Question identifier:AAI_Q10A

Your school's policy on harassment and sexual assault

  • 1: Yes
  • 2: No
  • 9: DK

Attitudes about institutions (AAI) - Question identifier:AAI_Q10B

What sexual assault is and how to recognize it

  • 1: Yes
  • 2: No
  • 9: DK

Attitudes about institutions (AAI) - Question identifier:AAI_Q10C

What harassment is and how to recognize it

  • 1: Yes
  • 2: No
  • 9: DK

Attitudes about institutions (AAI) - Question identifier:AAI_Q10D

Your school's confidential resources for harassment and sexual assault and how to locate them on campus

  • 1: Yes
  • 2: No
  • 9: DK

Attitudes about institutions (AAI) - Question identifier:AAI_Q10E

Options to help prevent harassment and sexual assault, such as bystander intervention or some other action

  • 1: Yes
  • 2: No
  • 9: DK

Attitudes about institutions (AAI) - Question identifier:AAI_Q25A

[Are/Were] you aware of the following procedures and services at your [current/most recent] school?
Your school's procedures for dealing with reported incidents of harassment and sexual assault

  • 1: Yes
  • 2: No
  • 9: DK

Attitudes about institutions (AAI) - Question identifier:AAI_Q25B

[Are/Were] you aware of the following procedures and services at your [current/most recent] school?
Services available at your school for victims of harassment or sexual assault

[e.g., SMRC, Kingston Sexual Assault Centre/]

  • 1: Yes
  • 2: No
  • 9: DK

Attitudes about institutions (AAI) - Question identifier:AAI_Q25C

[Are/Were] you aware of the following procedures and services at your [current/most recent] school?
Resources available off-campus for victims of harassment or sexual assault

  • 1: Yes
  • 2: No
  • 9: DK

Attitudes about institutions (AAI) - Question identifier:AAI_Q25D

[Are/Were] you aware of the following procedures and services at your [current/most recent] school?
Where to take a friend to get help at your school if they were harassed or sexually assaulted

  • 1: Yes
  • 2: No
  • 9: DK

Attitudes about institutions (AAI) - Question identifier:AAI_Q27A

Please indicate how much you agree or disagree with each of the following statements about your [current/most recent] school.
Sexual harassment [is/was] not tolerated at my school

  • 1: Strongly agree
  • 2: Agree
  • 3: Disagree
  • 4: Strongly disagree
  • 9: DK

Attitudes about institutions (AAI) - Question identifier:AAI_Q27B

Please indicate how much you agree or disagree with each of the following statements about your [current/most recent] school.
My school [is/was] doing a good job of trying to prevent harassment and sexual assault

  • 1: Strongly agree
  • 2: Agree
  • 3: Disagree
  • 4: Strongly disagree
  • 9: DK

Attitudes about institutions (AAI) - Question identifier:AAI_Q27C

Please indicate how much you agree or disagree with each of the following statements about your [current/most recent] school.
My school [is/was] doing a good job of providing needed services to victims of harassment and sexual assault

  • 1: Strongly agree
  • 2: Agree
  • 3: Disagree
  • 4: Strongly disagree
  • 9: DK

Attitudes about institutions (AAI) - Question identifier:AAI_Q27D

Please indicate how much you agree or disagree with each of the following statements about your [current/most recent] school.
My school [would handle/would have handled] a sexual violence complaint fairly

  • 1: Strongly agree
  • 2: Agree
  • 3: Disagree
  • 4: Strongly disagree
  • 9: DK

Attitudes about institutions (AAI) - Question identifier:AAI_Q27E

Please indicate how much you agree or disagree with each of the following statements about your [current/most recent] school.
My school [would handle/would have handled] a sexual violence complaint confidentially

  • 1: Strongly agree
  • 2: Agree
  • 3: Disagree
  • 4: Strongly disagree
  • 9: DK

Knowledge and attitudes (KAT)

Knowledge and attitudes (KAT) - Question identifier:KAT_R10

The next statements are opinions that may be held by members of Canadian society when it comes to sexual behaviours and relationships.

Knowledge and attitudes (KAT) - Question identifier:KAT_Q10A

Indicate how much you agree or disagree with each of the following statements. Remember that these are personal opinions and there are no right or wrong answers.
People get too offended by sexual comments, jokes or gestures

  • 1: Strongly agree
  • 2: Agree
  • 3: Neither agree nor disagree
  • 4: Disagree
  • 5: Strongly disagree

Knowledge and attitudes (KAT) - Question identifier:KAT_Q10B

Indicate how much you agree or disagree with each of the following statements. Remember that these are personal opinions and there are no right or wrong answers.
It doesn't really hurt anyone to post sexual comments or photos of people without their consent

  • 1: Strongly agree
  • 2: Agree
  • 3: Neither agree nor disagree
  • 4: Disagree
  • 5: Strongly disagree

Knowledge and attitudes (KAT) - Question identifier:KAT_Q10C

Indicate how much you agree or disagree with each of the following statements. Remember that these are personal opinions and there are no right or wrong answers.
A person who is sexually assaulted while drunk is at least somewhat responsible for putting themselves in that position

  • 1: Strongly agree
  • 2: Agree
  • 3: Neither agree nor disagree
  • 4: Disagree
  • 5: Strongly disagree

Knowledge and attitudes (KAT) - Question identifier:KAT_Q10D

Indicate how much you agree or disagree with each of the following statements. Remember that these are personal opinions and there are no right or wrong answers.
If one of your friends told you that they had experienced unwanted sexual contact, you would encourage them to report the incident to the [military or civilian/campus security or] police

  • 1: Strongly agree
  • 2: Agree
  • 3: Neither agree nor disagree
  • 4: Disagree
  • 5: Strongly disagree

Knowledge and attitudes (KAT) - Question identifier:KAT_Q10E

Indicate how much you agree or disagree with each of the following statements. Remember that these are personal opinions and there are no right or wrong answers.
It is always necessary to get consent before sexual activity regardless of whether you are in a relationship with that person or if you have just met

  • 1: Strongly agree
  • 2: Agree
  • 3: Neither agree nor disagree
  • 4: Disagree
  • 5: Strongly disagree

Knowledge and attitudes (KAT) - Question identifier:KAT_Q10F

Indicate how much you agree or disagree with each of the following statements. Remember that these are personal opinions and there are no right or wrong answers.
Accusations of sexual assault are often used by one person as a way to get back at the other person

  • 1: Strongly agree
  • 2: Agree
  • 3: Neither agree nor disagree
  • 4: Disagree
  • 5: Strongly disagree

Knowledge and attitudes (KAT) - Question identifier:KAT_Q10G

Indicate how much you agree or disagree with each of the following statements. Remember that these are personal opinions and there are no right or wrong answers.
Often, what people say is sexual assault is actually consensual sex that they regretted afterwards

  • 1: Strongly agree
  • 2: Agree
  • 3: Neither agree nor disagree
  • 4: Disagree
  • 5: Strongly disagree

Knowledge and attitudes (KAT) - Question identifier:KAT_Q10H

Indicate how much you agree or disagree with each of the following statements. Remember that these are personal opinions and there are no right or wrong answers.
Certain harmless behaviours are wrongly interpreted as sexual harassment

  • 1: Strongly agree
  • 2: Agree
  • 3: Neither agree nor disagree
  • 4: Disagree
  • 5: Strongly disagree

Knowledge and attitudes (KAT) - Question identifier:KAT_Q10I

Indicate how much you agree or disagree with each of the following statements. Remember that these are personal opinions and there are no right or wrong answers.
People who put themselves in risky situations are partially responsible for being sexually harassed or assaulted

  • 1: Strongly agree
  • 2: Agree
  • 3: Neither agree nor disagree
  • 4: Disagree
  • 5: Strongly disagree

Knowledge and attitudes (KAT) - Question identifier:KAT_Q10J

Indicate how much you agree or disagree with each of the following statements. Remember that these are personal opinions and there are no right or wrong answers.
People who report sexual assault are almost always telling the truth

  • 1: Strongly agree
  • 2: Agree
  • 3: Neither agree nor disagree
  • 4: Disagree
  • 5: Strongly disagree

Personal safety (PSS)

Personal safety (PSS) - Question identifier:PSS_Q10A

Indicate how much you agree or disagree with each of the following statements. Provide an answer that best reflects how you [feel/felt during the time when you were a student at your most recent school].
[I believe/When I was a student, I believed] my school [is/was] trying hard to make sure that all students [are/were] safe

  • 1: Strongly agree
  • 2: Agree
  • 3: Neither agree nor disagree
  • 4: Disagree
  • 5: Strongly disagree
  • 6: Not applicable

Personal safety (PSS) - Question identifier:PSS_Q10B

Indicate how much you agree or disagree with each of the following statements. Provide an answer that best reflects how you [feel/felt during the time when you were a student at your most recent school].
[I feel/When I was a student, I felt] safe when I [am/was] on my school's campus

  • 1: Strongly agree
  • 2: Agree
  • 3: Neither agree nor disagree
  • 4: Disagree
  • 5: Strongly disagree
  • 6: Not applicable

Personal safety (PSS) - Question identifier:PSS_Q10C

Indicate how much you agree or disagree with each of the following statements. Provide an answer that best reflects how you [feel/felt during the time when you were a student at your most recent school].
[I feel/When I was a student, I felt] safe walking alone on my school's campus after dark

  • 1: Strongly agree
  • 2: Agree
  • 3: Neither agree nor disagree
  • 4: Disagree
  • 5: Strongly disagree
  • 6: Not applicable

Personal safety (PSS) - Question identifier:PSS_Q10D

Indicate how much you agree or disagree with each of the following statements. Provide an answer that best reflects how you [feel/felt during the time when you were a student at your most recent school].
[I feel/When I was a student, I felt] safe when using public transportation alone after dark

  • 1: Strongly agree
  • 2: Agree
  • 3: Neither agree nor disagree
  • 4: Disagree
  • 5: Strongly disagree
  • 6: Not applicable

Personal safety (PSS) - Question identifier:PSS_Q10E

Indicate how much you agree or disagree with each of the following statements. Provide an answer that best reflects how you [feel/felt during the time when you were a student at your most recent school].
[I feel/When I was a student, I felt] safe in my home when alone in the evening or at night

  • 1: Strongly agree
  • 2: Agree
  • 3: Neither agree nor disagree
  • 4: Disagree
  • 5: Strongly disagree
  • 6: Not applicable

Personal safety (PSS) - Question identifier:PSS_Q10F

Indicate how much you agree or disagree with each of the following statements. Provide an answer that best reflects how you [feel/felt during the time when you were a student at your most recent school].
[I feel/When I was a student, I felt] safe and [do/did] not fear being harassed for who I [am/was] or who I [am/was] perceived to be

  • 1: Strongly agree
  • 2: Agree
  • 3: Neither agree nor disagree
  • 4: Disagree
  • 5: Strongly disagree
  • 6: Not applicable

Personal safety (PSS) - Question identifier:PSS_Q15

[On/When you were a student, on] average, how many times a month [do you/did you] go out during the evening to attend classes or study on your school's campus?

Number of times a month

Min = 0; Max = 99

Personal safety (PSS) - Question identifier:PSS_Q20

[On/When you were a student, on] average, how many times a month [do you/did you] go out during the evening to go to paid or volunteer work, attend meetings, attend sporting or social events, or do recreational activities on your school's campus?

Number of times a month

Min = 0; Max = 99

Exclude going out to on-campus bars, clubs or pubs, unless you were going there to work.

Personal safety (PSS) - Question identifier:PSS_Q22

[On/When you were a student, on] average, how many times a month [do you/did you] go out during the evening to go to bars, clubs or pubs on your school's campus?

Number of times a month

Min = 0; Max = 99

Exclude times when you were going to work at a bar, club or pub.

Personal safety (PSS) - Question identifier:PSS_Q25

[On/When you were a student, on] average, how many times a month [do you/did you] go out during the evening to go to paid or volunteer work, attend meetings, attend sporting or social events, or do recreational activities off your school's campus?

Number of times a month

Min = 0; Max = 99

Exclude going out to off-campus bars, clubs or pubs, unless you were going there to work.

Personal safety (PSS) - Question identifier:PSS_Q30

[On/When you were a student, on] average, how many times a month [do you/did you] go out during the evening to bars, clubs or pubs off your school's campus?

Number of times a month

Min = 0; Max = 99

Exclude times when you were going to work at a bar, club or pub.

Personal safety (PSS) - Question identifier:PSS_Q35

Have you ever used campus security services, such as safe walk, during your time as a student?

Number of times a month

Exclude using campus security services for lost and found.

  • 1: Yes
  • 2: No

Personal safety (PSS) - Question identifier:PSS_Q40

In the past 12 months, how many times have you used campus security services?

Number of times

Min = 0; Max = 999

Exclude using campus security services for lost and found.

Demographics (DM2)

Demographics (DM2) - Question identifier:DM2_R05

The following questions ask about some more specific demographic information.

This information will be useful in understanding the survey results for specific groups of students. To ensure confidentiality, Statistics Canada will group your responses with those of other respondents. Individual responses and results for very small groups will not be published or shared.

Demographics (DM2) - Question identifier:DM2_Q05

Can you speak English or French well enough to conduct a conversation?

  • 1: English only
  • 2: French only
  • 3: Both English and French
  • 4: Neither English nor French

Demographics (DM2) - Question identifier:DM2_Q06

What language do you speak most often at home?

  • 1: English
  • 2: French
  • 3: Other

Demographics (DM2) - Question identifier:DM2_Q07

What is the language that you first learned at home in childhood and still understand?

If you no longer understand the first language learned, indicate the second language learned.

  • 1: English
  • 2: French
  • 3: Other

Demographics (DM2) - Question identifier:DM2_Q15

What is your marital status?

Is it:

  • 1: Single, never married
  • 2: Married
  • 3: Living common-law (Two people who live together as a couple but who are not legally married to each other.)
  • 4: Widowed
  • 5: Separated
  • 6: Divorced

Demographics (DM2) - Question identifier:DM2_Q16

Which of the following best describes your current dating status?

Is it:

  • 1: Not currently dating
  • 2: In a dating relationship
  • 3: Dating casually

Demographics (DM2) - Question identifier:DM2_Q20

Are you an Aboriginal person, that is, First Nations (North American Indian), Métis or Inuk (Inuit)?

Would you say:

Note: First Nations (North American Indian) includes Status and Non-Status Indians.

  • 1: No, not an Aboriginal person
  • 2: Yes, First Nations (North American Indian)
  • 3: Yes, Métis
  • 4: Yes, Inuk (Inuit)

Demographics (DM2) - Question identifier:DM2_Q30

The following question collects information in accordance with the Employment Equity Act and its Regulations and Guidelines to support programs that promote equal opportunity for everyone to share in the social, cultural, and economic life of Canada.

Are you:

Select all that apply.

  • 01: White
  • 02: South Asian (e.g., East Indian, Pakistani, Sri Lankan)
  • 03: Chinese
  • 04: Black
  • 05: Filipino
  • 06: Arab
  • 07: Latin American
  • 08: Southeast Asian (e.g., Vietnamese, Cambodian, Laotian, Thai)
  • 09: West Asian (e.g., Iranian, Afghan)
  • 10: Korean
  • 11: Japanese
  • 12: Other

Demographics (DM2) - Question identifier:DM2_Q35A

What is your religion?

Specify your denomination or religion, even if your are not currently a practicing member of that group.

e.g., Roman Catholic, United Church, Anglican, Baptist, Lutheran, Muslim, Presbyterian, Pentecostal, Jewish, Buddhist, Hindu, Sikh, Greek Orthodox

To search for a religion, type the first few letters to narrow down the choices.
Note: If the religion is not listed, select "Other".

  • 1: list of religions

Demographics (DM2) - Question identifier:DM2_Q35B

What is your religion?

  • 1: No religion

Demographics (DM2) - Question identifier:DM2_Q40

Not counting events such as weddings or funerals, during the past 12 months, how often did you participate in religious activities or attend religious services or meetings?

Was it:

Exclude rites of passage such as weddings, funerals, baptisms, bar mitzvahs.

  • 1: At least once a week
  • 2: At least once a month
  • 3: At least 3 times a year
  • 4: Once or twice a year
  • 5: Not at all

Demographics (DM2) - Question identifier:DM2_Q45

Do you wear clothing or accessories that are visibly associated with your faith or spirituality?

Would you say:

e.g., head covering, jewellery with religious symbols, head scarf, face veil, turban, regalia

  • 1: Yes, most of the time
  • 2: Yes, sometimes
  • 3: Yes, only for prayers, holidays or special events
  • 4: No

Demographics (DM2) - Question identifier:DM2_Q100

Is your permanent residence in Canada?

  • 1: Yes
  • 2: No

Demographics (DM2) - Question identifier:DM2_Q105

In what province or territory [do you/did you] live while attending your [current/most recent] school?

Province or territory

  • 10: Newfoundland and Labrador
  • 11: Prince Edward Island
  • 12: Nova Scotia
  • 13: New Brunswick
  • 24: Quebec
  • 35: Ontario
  • 46: Manitoba
  • 47: Saskatchewan
  • 48: Alberta
  • 59: British Columbia
  • 60: Yukon
  • 61: Northwest Territories
  • 62: Nunavut

Demographics (DM2) - Question identifier:DM2_Q110

Which of the following best describes where you [live/most recently lived] while attending your [current/most recent] school?

[Is/Was] it:

  • 1: School owned or affiliated residential accommodation such as a college, hall, dorm or house on-campus
  • 2: With your spouse or partner off-campus
  • 3: With roommates off-campus
  • 4: Alone off-campus
  • 5: With your parents or other guardian
  • 6: With other family members
  • 7: Somewhere else

Demographics (DM2) - Question identifier:DM2_Q115

Did you move in order to attend your [current/most recent] program of study?

  • 1: Yes
  • 2: No

Demographics (DM2) - Question identifier:DM2_Q117

Where did you move?

  • 1: Moved within the city
  • 2: Moved from another city within the same province
  • 3: Moved from another province in Canada
  • 4: Moved from another country

Demographics (DM2) - Question identifier:DM2_Q120

How [do/did] you typically travel to and from school?

[Is/Was] it by:

  • 01: Car, truck or van as a driver
  • 02: Car, truck or van as a passenger
  • 03: Public transit
  • 04: Passenger ferry
  • 05: Walking
  • 06: Bicycle
  • 07: Motorcycle, scooter or moped
  • 08: Other method

Demographics (DM2) - Question identifier:DM2_Q125

[Do you/Did you] belong to any of the following at your [current/most recent] school?

[Do you/Did you] belong to:

Select all that apply.

  • 01: Intramural sports
  • 02: Varsity sports
  • 03: A sorority or fraternity
  • 04: Academic clubs
  • 05: Student Union
  • 06: Cadet chain of responsibility
  • 07: Other club, team or organization
  • 08: [Do/Did] not belong to any club, team or organization

Demographics (DM2) - Question identifier:DM2_R130

Many of the following questions concern your activities last week, meaning the week beginning on Sunday and ending on Saturday.

Demographics (DM2) - Question identifier:DM2_Q130

Last week, did you work at a job or business?

Select 'Yes' if you worked at least one hour:
• for pay (wages, salary, etc.)
• in self-employment.

Select 'No' if you:
• were away from work for the entire week for a reason such as vacation, illness, work schedule or layoff
• did not have a job or business.

  • 1: Yes
  • 2: No

Demographics (DM2) - Question identifier:DM2_Q131

Last week, did you have a job or business from which you were absent?

Select 'Yes' if you:
• were away from work for the entire week for a reason such as vacation, illness, parental leave or work schedule
• were self-employed with a business, but no work was available.

Select 'No' if you:
• did not have a job or business
• had a casual job, but no work was available.

  • 1: Yes
  • 2: No

Demographics (DM2) - Question identifier:DM2_Q133

What was the main reason you were absent from work last week?

  • 01: Vacation
  • 02: Own illness or disability
  • 03: Caring for own children
  • 04: Caring for elder relative (60 years of age or older)
  • 05: Maternity or parental leave
  • 06: Other personal or family responsibilities
  • 07: Labour dispute (strike or lockout) (Employees only)
  • 08: Temporary layoff due to business conditions (Employees only)
  • 09: Seasonal layoff (Employees only)
  • 10: Casual job, no work available (Employees only)
  • 11: Work schedule (e.g., 10 days on, 10 days off, employees only)
  • 12: Self-employed, no work available (Self-employed only)
  • 13: Seasonal business (Excluding employees)
  • 14: Other

Demographics (DM2) - Question identifier:DM2_Q140

On average, how many hours do you usually work per week?


Min = 0; Max = 999.9

If necessary, enter a decimal value e.g., 32.5.

Demographics (DM2) - Question identifier:DM2_Q142

In the past 12 months, did you work at a job or business?

Select 'Yes' if you worked at least one hour:
• for pay (wages, salary, etc.)
• in self-employment.

Select 'No' if you:
• were away from work for the entire 12 months for a reason such as vacation, illness, work schedule or layoff
• did not have a job or business.

  • 1: Yes
  • 2: No

Demographics (DM2) - Question identifier:DM2_R145

The next questions are about gender identity and gender expression.

Demographics (DM2) - Question identifier:DM2_Q145

Are you outside of the gender binary?

By gender binary, we mean the classification of gender into two distinct, opposite, and disconnected forms of masculine and feminine. For instance, outside of gender binary can refer to gender-queer, gender-fluid or a-gender.

  • 1: Yes
  • 2: No

Demographics (DM2) - Question identifier:DM2_R150

The next questions are about gender expression.

Demographics (DM2) - Question identifier:DM2_Q150

On average, what do you consider your gender expression to be?

Gender expression is how a person publicly presents their gender. This can include behaviour and outward appearance such as dress, hair, make-up, body language and voice. A person's name and pronoun can also be common ways of expressing gender.

Please select one answer only.

  • 01: Very feminine
  • 02: Mostly feminine
  • 03: Somewhat feminine
  • 04: Equally feminine and masculine
  • 05: Somewhat masculine
  • 06: Mostly masculine
  • 07: Very masculine
  • 08: Sometimes feminine and sometimes masculine
  • 09: Gender neutral
  • 10: Or please specify

Demographics (DM2) - Question identifier:DM2_Q155

On average, how do you think others would describe your gender expression?

Please select one answer only.

Gender expression is how a person publicly presents their gender. This can include behaviour and outward appearance such as dress, hair, make-up, body language and voice. A person's name and pronoun can also be common ways of expressing gender.

  • 01: Very feminine
  • 02: Mostly feminine
  • 03: Somewhat feminine
  • 04: Equally feminine and masculine
  • 05: Somewhat masculine
  • 06: Mostly masculine
  • 07: Very masculine
  • 08: Sometimes feminine and sometimes masculine
  • 09: Gender neutral
  • 10: Or please specify
  • 99: DK

Demographics (DM2) - Question identifier:DM2_Q170

What is your sexual orientation?

The need to collect data on sexual orientation stems from issues related to human rights, including experiences of discrimination and victimization.

The Canadian Human Rights Act stipulates that the prohibited grounds of discrimination are race, national or ethnic origin, colour, religion, age, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, marital status, family status, genetic characteristics, disability and conviction for an offence for which a pardon has been granted or in respect of which a record suspension has been ordered.

  • 1: Heterosexual
  • 2: Homosexual (e.g., lesbian or gay)
  • 3: Bisexual
  • 4: Please specify

Demographics (DM2) - Question identifier:DM2_Q175

Using a scale of 0 to 10, where 0 means "very dissatisfied" and 10 means "very satisfied", how do you feel about your life as a whole right now?

  • 00: 0 — very dissatisfied
  • 01: 1
  • 02: 2
  • 03: 3
  • 04: 4
  • 05: 5
  • 06: 6
  • 07: 7
  • 08: 8
  • 09: 9
  • 10: 10 — very satisfied

Disability screening questions (DSQ)

Disability screening questions (DSQ) - Question identifier:DSQ_R01

The following questions are about difficulties you may have doing certain activities. Only difficulties or long-term conditions that have lasted or are expected to last for six months or more should be considered.

Disability screening questions (DSQ) - Question identifier:DSQ_Q01

Do you have any difficulty seeing?

Would you say:

  • 1: No
  • 2: Sometimes
  • 3: Often
  • 4: Always
  • 9: DK

Disability screening questions (DSQ) - Question identifier:DSQ_Q02

Do you wear glasses or contact lenses to improve your vision?

Would you say:

  • 1: Yes
  • 2: No
  • 9: DK

Disability screening questions (DSQ) - Question identifier:DSQ_Q03

[With your glasses or contact lenses, which/Which] of the following best describes your ability to see?

Would you say:

  • 1: No difficulty seeing
  • 2: Some difficulty seeing
  • 3: A lot of difficulty seeing
  • 4: You are legally blind
  • 5: You are blind
  • 9: DK

Disability screening questions (DSQ) - Question identifier:DSQ_Q04

How often does this [difficulty seeing/seeing condition] limit your daily activities?

Would you say:

  • 1: Never
  • 2: Rarely
  • 3: Sometimes
  • 4: Often
  • 5: Always
  • 9: DK

Disability screening questions (DSQ) - Question identifier:DSQ_Q05

Do you have any difficulty hearing?

Would you say:

  • 1: No
  • 2: Sometimes
  • 3: Often
  • 4: Always
  • 9: DK

Disability screening questions (DSQ) - Question identifier:DSQ_Q06

Do you use a hearing aid or cochlear implant?

Would you say:

  • 1: Yes
  • 2: No
  • 9: DK

Disability screening questions (DSQ) - Question identifier:DSQ_Q07

[With your hearing aid or cochlear implant, which/Which] of the following best describes your ability to hear?

Would you say:

  • 1: No difficulty hearing
  • 2: Some difficulty hearing
  • 3: A lot of difficulty hearing
  • 4: You cannot hear at all
  • 5: You are Deaf
  • 9: DK

Disability screening questions (DSQ) - Question identifier:DSQ_Q08

How often does this [difficulty hearing/hearing condition] limit your daily activities?

Would you say:

  • 1: Never
  • 2: Rarely
  • 3: Sometimes
  • 4: Often
  • 5: Always
  • 9: DK

Disability screening questions (DSQ) - Question identifier:DSQ_Q09

Do you have any difficulty walking, using stairs, using your hands or fingers or doing other physical activities?

Would you say:

  • 1: No
  • 2: Sometimes
  • 3: Often
  • 4: Always
  • 9: DK

Disability screening questions (DSQ) - Question identifier:DSQ_R10

The following questions are about your ability to move around, even when using an aid such as a cane.

Disability screening questions (DSQ) - Question identifier:DSQ_Q10

How much difficulty do you have walking on a flat surface for 15 minutes without resting?

Would you say:

This refers to your regular walking pace.
If you use an aid for minimal support such as a cane, walking stick or crutches, please answer this question based on your ability to walk when using these aids.

  • 1: No difficulty
  • 2: Some difficulty
  • 3: A lot of difficulty
  • 4: You cannot do at all
  • 9: DK

Disability screening questions (DSQ) - Question identifier:DSQ_Q11

How much difficulty do you have walking up or down a flight of stairs, about 12 steps without resting?

Would you say:

This refers to your regular walking pace.
If you use an aid for minimal support such as a cane, walking stick or crutches, please answer this question based on your ability to walk when using these aids.

  • 1: No difficulty
  • 2: Some difficulty
  • 3: A lot of difficulty
  • 4: You cannot do at all
  • 9: DK

Disability screening questions (DSQ) - Question identifier:DSQ_Q12

How often [does this difficulty walking/does this difficulty using stairs/do these difficulties] limit your daily activities?

Would you say:

  • 1: Never
  • 2: Rarely
  • 3: Sometimes
  • 4: Often
  • 5: Always
  • 9: DK

Disability screening questions (DSQ) - Question identifier:DSQ_Q13

How much difficulty do you have bending down and picking up an object from the floor?

Would you say:

  • 1: No difficulty
  • 2: Some difficulty
  • 3: A lot of difficulty
  • 4: You cannot do at all
  • 9: DK

Disability screening questions (DSQ) - Question identifier:DSQ_Q14

How much difficulty do you have reaching in any direction?

Would you say:

e.g., above your head

  • 1: No difficulty
  • 2: Some difficulty
  • 3: A lot of difficulty
  • 4: You cannot do at all
  • 9: DK

Disability screening questions (DSQ) - Question identifier:DSQ_Q15

How often [does this difficulty bending down and picking up an object/does this difficulty reaching/do these difficulties] limit your daily activities?

Would you say:

  • 1: Never
  • 2: Rarely
  • 3: Sometimes
  • 4: Often
  • 5: Always
  • 9: DK

Disability screening questions (DSQ) - Question identifier:DSQ_Q16

How much difficulty do you have using your fingers to grasp small objects like a pencil or scissors?

Would you say:

  • 1: No difficulty
  • 2: Some difficulty
  • 3: A lot of difficulty
  • 4: You cannot do at all
  • 9: DK

Disability screening questions (DSQ) - Question identifier:DSQ_Q17

How often does this difficulty using your fingers limit your daily activities?

Would you say:

  • 1: Never
  • 2: Rarely
  • 3: Sometimes
  • 4: Often
  • 5: Always
  • 9: DK

Disability screening questions (DSQ) - Question identifier:DSQ_R18

The following questions are about pain due to a long-term condition that has lasted or is expected to last for six months or more.

Disability screening questions (DSQ) - Question identifier:DSQ_Q18

Do you have pain that is always present?

Would you say:

  • 1: Yes
  • 2: No
  • 9: DK

Disability screening questions (DSQ) - Question identifier:DSQ_Q19

Do you [also/] have periods of pain that reoccur from time to time?

Would you say:

  • 1: Yes
  • 2: No
  • 9: DK

Disability screening questions (DSQ) - Question identifier:DSQ_Q20

How often does this pain limit your daily activities?

Would you say:

If you have both pain that is always present and pain that reoccurs from time to time, consider the pain that bothers you the most. If your pain is controlled by medication or therapy, please answer this question based on when you are using your medication or therapy.

  • 1: Never
  • 2: Rarely
  • 3: Sometimes
  • 4: Often
  • 5: Always
  • 9: DK

Disability screening questions (DSQ) - Question identifier:DSQ_Q21

When you are experiencing this pain, how much difficulty do you have with your daily activities?

Would you say:

If you have both pain that is always present and pain that reoccurs from time to time, consider the pain that bothers you the most. If Your pain is controlled by medication or therapy, please answer this question based on when you are using your medication or therapy.

  • 1: No difficulty
  • 2: Some difficulty
  • 3: A lot of difficulty
  • 4: You cannot do at all
  • 9: DK

Disability screening questions (DSQ) - Question identifier:DSQ_R22

Please answer only for difficulties or long-term conditions that have lasted or are expected to last for six months or more.

Disability screening questions (DSQ) - Question identifier:DSQ_Q22

Do you have any difficulty learning, remembering or concentrating?

Would you say:

  • 1: No
  • 2: Sometimes
  • 3: Often
  • 4: Always
  • 9: DK

Disability screening questions (DSQ) - Question identifier:DSQ_Q23

Do you think you have a condition that makes it difficult in general for you to learn?

Would you say:

This may include learning disabilities such as dyslexia, hyperactivity, attention problems, etc.

  • 1: Yes
  • 2: No
  • 9: DK

Disability screening questions (DSQ) - Question identifier:DSQ_Q24

Has a teacher, doctor or other health care professional ever said that you had a learning disability?

Would you say:

  • 1: Yes
  • 2: No
  • 9: DK

Disability screening questions (DSQ) - Question identifier:DSQ_Q25

How often are your daily activities limited by this condition?

Would you say:

  • 1: Never
  • 2: Rarely
  • 3: Sometimes
  • 4: Often
  • 5: Always
  • 9: DK

Disability screening questions (DSQ) - Question identifier:DSQ_Q26

How much difficulty do you have with your daily activities because of this condition?

Would you say:

  • 1: No difficulty
  • 2: Some difficulty
  • 3: A lot of difficulty
  • 4: You cannot do most activities
  • 9: DK

Disability screening questions (DSQ) - Question identifier:DSQ_Q27

Has a doctor, psychologist or other health care professional ever said that you had a developmental disability or disorder?

Would you say:

This may include Down syndrome, autism, Asperger syndrome, mental impairment due to lack of oxygen at birth, etc.

  • 1: Yes
  • 2: No
  • 9: DK

Disability screening questions (DSQ) - Question identifier:DSQ_Q28

How often are your daily activities limited by this condition?

Would you say:

  • 1: Never
  • 2: Rarely
  • 3: Sometimes
  • 4: Often
  • 5: Always
  • 9: DK

Disability screening questions (DSQ) - Question identifier:DSQ_Q29

How much difficulty do you have with your daily activities because of this condition?

Would you say:

  • 1: No difficulty
  • 2: Some difficulty
  • 3: A lot of difficulty
  • 4: You cannot do most activities
  • 9: DK

Disability screening questions (DSQ) - Question identifier:DSQ_Q30

Do you have any ongoing memory problems or periods of confusion?

Would you say:

Exclude occasional forgetfulness such as not remembering where you put your keys.

  • 1: Yes
  • 2: No
  • 9: DK

Disability screening questions (DSQ) - Question identifier:DSQ_Q31

How often are your daily activities limited by this problem?

Would you say:

If the problem is controlled by medication or therapy, please answer this question based on when you are using your medication or therapy.

  • 1: Never
  • 2: Rarely
  • 3: Sometimes
  • 4: Often
  • 5: Always
  • 9: DK

Disability screening questions (DSQ) - Question identifier:DSQ_Q32

How much difficulty do you have with your daily activities because of this problem?

Would you say:

If the problem is controlled by medication or therapy, please answer this question based on when you are using your medication or therapy.

  • 1: No difficulty
  • 2: Some difficulty
  • 3: A lot of difficulty
  • 4: You cannot do most activities
  • 9: DK

Disability screening questions (DSQ) - Question identifier:DSQ_R33

Please remember that your answers will be kept strictly confidential.

Disability screening questions (DSQ) - Question identifier:DSQ_Q33

Do you have any emotional, psychological or mental health conditions?

Would you say:

e.g., anxiety, depression, bipolar disorder, substance abuse, anorexia, etc.

  • 1: No
  • 2: Sometimes
  • 3: Often
  • 4: Always
  • 9: DK

Disability screening questions (DSQ) - Question identifier:DSQ_Q34

How often are your daily activities limited by this condition?

Would you say:

If the condition is controlled by medication or therapy, please answer this question based on when you are using your medication or therapy.

  • 1: Never
  • 2: Rarely
  • 3: Sometimes
  • 4: Often
  • 5: Always
  • 9: DK

Disability screening questions (DSQ) - Question identifier:DSQ_Q35

When you are experiencing this condition, how much difficulty do you have with your daily activities?

Would you say:

If the condition is controlled by medication or therapy, please answer this question based on when you are using your medication or therapy.

  • 1: No difficulty
  • 2: Some difficulty
  • 3: A lot of difficulty
  • 4: You cannot do most activities
  • 9: DK

Disability screening questions (DSQ) - Question identifier:DSQ_Q36

Do you have any other health problem or long-term condition that has lasted or is expected to last for six months or more?

Would you say:

Exclude any health problems previously reported.

  • 1: Yes
  • 2: No
  • 9: DK

Disability screening questions (DSQ) - Question identifier:DSQ_Q37

How often does this health problem or long-term condition limit your daily activities?

Would you say:

If you have more than one other health problem or condition, please answer based on the health problem or condition that limits your daily activities the most.

  • 1: Never
  • 2: Rarely
  • 3: Sometimes
  • 4: Often
  • 5: Always
  • 9: DK

Disability screening questions (DSQ) - Question identifier:DSQ_R38

The following questions are about pain due to a long-term condition that has lasted or is expected to last for six months or more.

Disability screening questions (DSQ) - Question identifier:DSQ_Q38

Do you have pain that is always present?

Would you say:

  • 1: No difficulty
  • 2: Some difficulty
  • 3: A lot of difficulty
  • 4: ^DT_DSQ_YOU_C cannot do most activities

Disability screening questions (DSQ) - Question identifier:DSQ_Q39

Do you [also/] have periods of pain that reoccur from time to time?

Would you say:

  • 1: Yes
  • 2: No
  • 9: DK

Disability screening questions (DSQ) - Question identifier:DSQ_Q40

How often does this pain limit your daily activities?

Would you say:

If you have both pain that is always present and pain that reoccurs from time to time, consider the pain that bothers you the most. If your pain is controlled by medication or therapy, please answer this question based on when you are using your medication or therapy.

  • 1: Never
  • 2: Rarely
  • 3: Sometimes
  • 4: Often
  • 5: Always
  • 9: DK

Disability screening questions (DSQ) - Question identifier:DSQ_Q41

When you are experiencing this pain, how much difficulty do you have with your daily activities?

If you have both pain that is always present and pain that reoccurs from time to time, consider the pain that bothers you the most. If Your pain is controlled by medication or therapy, please answer this question based on when you are using your medication or therapy.

  • 1: No difficulty
  • 2: Some difficulty
  • 3: A lot of difficulty
  • 4: You cannot do most activities
  • 9: DK
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