Transactions between Canadian branches of foreign insurance companies in Canada and head or other offices, companies or persons outside Canada, 2010 - (BP-28)

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For Information onlyThis is an electronic survey example for information purposes only. This is not a working questionnaire.



This statistical program records Canada's annual exports and imports of services by type of service rendered and by partner country. Quarterly estimates of Canada's international trade in services are available through Canada's Balance of International Payments (record no. 1534). The quarterly estimates, however, contain far less details in terms of type of services rendered and partner countries.

Additional information

The data are required to prepare statements on Canada's Balance of International Payments and Investment Position. This information is used as a major input in the conduct of monetary and exchange rate policies by the Government of Canada.


This survey is conducted under the authority of the Statistics Act, Revised Statutes of Canada, 1985, Chapter S-19. COMPLETION OF THIS QUESTIONNAIRE IS A LEGAL REQUIREMENT UNDER THE STATISTICS ACT.


Statistics Canada is prohibited by law from releasing any information it collects which could identify any person, business, or organization, unless consent has been given by the respondent or as permitted by the Statistics Act. Statistics Canada will use the information from this survey for statistical purposes.

Record linkage

To enhance the data from this survey, Statistics Canada may combine it with information from other surveys or from administrative sources.

Security of emails and faxes

If you choose to transmit the questionnaire to Statistics Canada by facsimile or other electronic transmission, please be advised that there could be a risk of disclosure during the communication. However, upon receipt of your information, Statistics Canada will provide the guaranteed level of protection afforded all information collected under the authority of the Statistics Act.

Return procedures

A completed copy of this questionnaire should be returned within four weeks of receipt to:

Statistics Canada
150 Tunney's Pasture Driveway
Distribution Centre SC-0505
Ottawa, Ontario K1A 0T6.

If you need any clarification about reporting, please call toll free at 1-800-565-1685. Fax 1-888-883-7999.

Reporting instructions

Please report as at December 31, 20XX. If unable to comply, please report at period end of closest fiscal year: YY MM JJ.

Use the enclosed coding list to identify countries. If a country is not on the list, please write the name in full.

Corporate Information

Please provide a copy of your corporate organization chart as required by the Office of the Superintendent of Financial Institutions Canada. (For P&C registered companies, please include pages 10.30 and 10.40 of the P&C 2 Annual Return, for Life registered companies, please include page 10.070 from the OSFI-55 Annual Return.)

Corporate Information - Question identifier:1.

(i) Country of Incorporation (see enclosed coding sheet):
(ii) Country of control of the ultimate parent:
(iii) Are you providing the corporation organization chart?
(iv) List any Canadian insurance companies or the branches of foreign insurers registered in Canada that are part of the same corporate group, if any

Corporate Information - Question identifier:2.

Does the company cede business to unregistered, non-resident insurers? (For P&C companies, refer to pages 70.35 and 70.39 of the P&C-2 Annual Return. For Life companies, refer to pages 85.055 to 85.059 of the OSFI 55 Annual Return)

  • (i): Affiliated: Yes
  • (ii): Affiliated: No
  • (iii): Non-Affiliated: Yes (please complete Part 1A)
  • (iv): Non-Affiliated: No

Corporate Information - Question identifier:3.

Does the company transact any out of Canada business from a Canadian office or branch?

Balance Sheet of Canadian Branch or Division

Please report in thousands of Canadian dollars (CAN $'000) the value of the following assets, liabilities and head office account and reserves at December 20XX (previous year) and at December 20XX of the following year (current year):


Assets - Question identifier:1.

Total Assets of Branch

  • a): in Canada
  • b): abroad (treat foreign securities as abroad) as well as the country code


Liabilities - Question identifier:2.

Total Liabilities of Branch

  • a): owed to Canadian residents
  • b): owed to non-residents as well as the country code

Head Office Account and Reserves

Head Office Account and Reserves - Question identifier:3.

Reserves Required by O.S.F.I. (P&C branches only)

Head Office Account and Reserves - Question identifier:4.

General and Contingency Reserves (P&C branches only)

Head Office Account and Reserves - Question identifier:5.

Head Office Account, Balance at beginning of year

Head Office Account and Reserves - Question identifier:6.

Prior Period Adjustments

Head Office Account and Reserves - Question identifier:7.

Adjusted H.O. Balance at beginning of year

Head Office Account and Reserves - Question identifier:8.

Net Income (Loss)

Head Office Account and Reserves - Question identifier:9.

Transfers from Head Office, and check the box if transfer include securities

Head Office Account and Reserves - Question identifier:10.

Transfers to Head Office, and check the box if transfers include securities

Head Office Account and Reserves - Question identifier:11.

Decrease (increase) in Reserves Required

Head Office Account and Reserves - Question identifier:12.

Decrease (increase) in General & Contingency Reserves

Head Office Account and Reserves - Question identifier:13.

Net increase (decrease) in Head Office Account

Head Office Account and Reserves - Question identifier:14.

Head Office Account, Balance at end of year

Canadian Branches of Foreign Insurance Companies

Purpose: To obtain an estimate by foreign country of insurance premiums, claims and commissions that are transacted between Canadian branches of foreign insurance companies and unregistered foreign insurers.

Part 1A - Reinsurance ceded to unregistered non-resident insurers*


Please report in thousands of Canadian dollars (CAN$ '000) and by country , the value of the following insurance transactions with foreign related parties (Affiliated):

Affiliated - Question identifier:A.

Income statement transactions with non-residents:

  • (01): Premiums ceded (Expense)**
  • (02): Commissions earned (Revenue)
  • (03): Claims and adjustments incurred (Revenue)

Total Affiliated (sum of dollar value reported in each column above)

Affiliated - Question identifier:B.

Balance Sheet items with non-residents: Receivables

  • (04): Unearned premiums of assuming insurers (Start of Year)
  • (05): Unearned premiums of assuming insurers (End of Year)
  • (06): Life & health insurers only: Actuarial liabilities of assuming insurers (Start of Year)
  • (07): Life & health insurers only: Actuarial liabilities of assuming insurers (End of Year)
  • (08): Outstanding claims & other policy liabilities recoverable from assuming insurers (Start of Year)
  • (09): Outstanding claims & other policy liabilities recoverable from assuming insurers (End of Year)
  • (10): Other amounts due from assuming insurers (Start of Year)
  • (11): Other amounts due from assuming insurers (End of Year)

Total Affiliated (sum of dollar value reported in each column above)

Affiliated - Question identifier:C.

Balance Sheet items with non-residents: Payables

  • (12): Amounts due to assuming insurers (Start of Year)
  • (13): Amounts due to assuming insurers (End of Year)
  • (14): Cash or securities held as security from assuming insurers (Start of Year)
  • (15): Cash or securities held as security from assuming insurers (End of Year)

Total Affiliated (sum of dollar value reported in each column above)


Please report in thousands of Canadian dollars (CAN$ '000) and by country , the value of the following insurance transactions with other foreign parties (Non-Affiliated):

Non-Affiliated - Question identifier:A)

Income statement transactions with non-residents:

  • (01): Premiums ceded (Expense)**
  • (02): Commissions earned (Revenue)
  • (03): Claims and adjustments incurred (Revenue)

Total Non-Affiliated (sum of dollar value reported in each column above)

Non-Affiliated - Question identifier:B.

Balance Sheet items with non-residents: Receivables

  • (04): Unearned premiums of assuming insurers (Start of Year)
  • (05): Unearned premiums of assuming insurers (End of Year)
  • (06): Life & health insurers only: Actuarial liabilities of assuming insurers (Start of Year)
  • (07): Life & health insurers only: Actuarial liabilities of assuming insurers (End of Year)
  • (08): Outstanding claims & other policy liabilities recoverable from assuming insurers (Start of Year)
  • (09): Outstanding claims & other policy liabilities recoverable from assuming insurers (End of Year)
  • (10): Other amounts due from assuming insurers (Start of Year)
  • (11): Other amounts due from assuming insurers (End of Year)

Total Non-Affiliated (sum of dollar value reported in each column above)

Non-Affiliated - Question identifier:C.

Balance Sheet items with non-residents: Payables

  • (12): Amounts due to assuming insurers (Start of Year)
  • (13): Amounts due to assuming insurers (End of Year)
  • (14): Cash or securities held as security from assuming insurers (Start of Year)
  • (15): Cash or securities held as security from assuming insurers (End of Year)

Total Non-Affiliated (sum of dollar value reported in each column above)


* For life insurance companies, all reinsurance transactions with non residents are to be reported, including those where the assuming reinsurer has not been approved by the Superintendent of Financial Insitutions. Life and Property and Casualty insurance companies should include their accident and sickness business. Property and Casualty companies should also include their marine business.

**For P & C companies, report premiums on an earned basis; for Life companies, report premiums on a written basis.

Part 1B - Reinsurance assumed from unregistered non-resident insurers - Out of Canada Business
(Gross Business Transacted from a Canadian Head Office/Branch*)


Please report in thousands of Canadian dollars (CAN$ '000) and by country , the value of the following insurance transactions with foreign related parties (Affiliated):

Affiliated - Question identifier:A.

Income statement transactions with non-residents:

  • (01): Premiums** assumed (earned)(Revenue)
  • (02): Commissions incurred (Expense)
  • (03): Claims and adjustments incurred (Expense)

Total Affiliated (sum of dollar value reported in each column above)

Affiliated - Question identifier:B.

Balance Sheet items with non-residents: Payables

  • (04): Unearned premiums (Start of Year)
  • (05): Unearned premiums (End of Year)
  • (06): Life & health insurers only: Actuarial liabilities (Start of Year)
  • (07): Life & health insurers only: Actuarial liabilities (End of
  • (08): Outstanding claims & other policy liabilities (Start of Year)
  • (09): Outstanding claims & other policy liabilities (End of Year)
  • (10): Other amounts due to policyholders and ceding insurers(Start of Year)
  • (11): Other amounts due to policyholders and ceding insurers (End of Year)

Total Affiliated (sum of dollar value reported in each column above)

Affiliated - Question identifier:C.

Balance Sheet items with non-residents: Receivables

  • (12): Amounts due from policyholders and ceding insurers (Start of Year)
  • (13): Amounts due from policyholders and ceding insurers (End of Year)
  • (14): Cash or securities held by ceding insurers (Start of Year)
  • (15): Cash or securities held by ceding insurers (End of Year)

Total Affiliated (sum of dollar value reported in each column above)


Please report in thousands of Canadian dollars (CAN$ '000) and by country , the value of the following insurance transactions with other foreign parties (Non-Affiliated):

Non-Affiliated - Question identifier:A.

Income statement transactions with non-residents:

  • (01): Premiums** assumed (earned)(Revenue)
  • (02): Commissions incurred (Expense)
  • (03): Claims and adjustments incurred (Expense)

Total Non-Affiliated (sum of dollar value reported in each column above)

Non-Affiliated - Question identifier:B.

Balance Sheet items with non-residents: Payables

  • (04): Unearned premiums (Start of Year)
  • (05): Unearned premiums (End of Year)
  • (06): Life & health insurers only: Actuarial liabilities (Start of Year)
  • (07): Life & health insurers only: Actuarial liabilities (End of
  • (08): Outstanding claims & other policy liabilities (Start of Year)
  • (09): Outstanding claims & other policy liabilities (End of Year)
  • (10): Other amounts due to policyholders and ceding insurers(Start of Year)
  • (11): Other amounts due to policyholders and ceding insurers (End of Year)

Total Non-Affiliated (sum of dollar value reported in each column above)

Non-Affiliated - Question identifier:C.

Balance Sheet items with non-residents: Receivables

  • (12): Amounts due from policyholders and ceding insurers (Start of Year)
  • (13): Amounts due from policyholders and ceding insurers (End of Year)
  • (14): Cash or securities held by ceding insurers (Start of Year)
  • (15): Cash or securities held by ceding insurers (End of Year)

Total Non-Affiliated (sum of dollar value reported in each column above)


* Life and Property and Casualty insurance companies should include their accident and sickness business. Property and Casualty companies should also include their marine business.

** For P & C companies, report premiums on an earned basis; for Life companies, report premiums on a written basis.

Part 2 - Primary insurance* transacted with non-residents

Purpose: To obtain an estimate by foreign country of insurance premiums, claims and commissions that are transacted between Canadian branches of foreign insurance companies and non-residents. Report out of Canada insurance business with unregistered foreign insurers in Part 1B.

Please report in thousands of Canadian dollars (CAN$ '000) and by country , the value of the following primary insurance transactions with non-residents:

Part 2 - Primary insurance* transacted with non-residents - Question identifier:A.

Income statement transactions with non-residents

  • (01): Direct premiums** earned (Revenue)
  • (02): Commissions incurred (Expense)
  • (03): Claims and adjustments incurred (Expense)- Total
  • (04): Claims and adjustments incurred (Expense) - Of which incurred on behalf of Canadian policy holders ***

Total (sum of dollar value reported in each column above)

Part 2 - Primary insurance* transacted with non-residents - Question identifier:B.

Balance Sheet items with non-residents: Payables

  • (05): Unearned Premiums (Start of Year)
  • (06): Unearned Premiums (End of Year)
  • (07): Life & health insurers only: Actuarial liabilities (Start of Year)
  • (08): Life & health insurers only: Actuarial liabilities (End of Year)
  • (09): Outstanding claims & other policy liabilities (Start of Year)
  • (10): Outstanding claims & other policy liabilities (End of Year)
  • (11): Other amounts due to policyholders (Start of Year)
  • (12): Other amounts due to policyholders (End of Year)

Total (sum of dollar value reported in each column above)

Part 2 - Primary insurance* transacted with non-residents - Question identifier:C.

Balance Sheet items with non-residents: Receivables

  • (13): Amounts due from policyholders (Start of Year)
  • (14): Amounts due from policyholders (End of Year)

Total Affiliated (sum of dollar value reported in each column above)


* Primary insurance excludes reinsurance assumed from non-resident insurers which should be reported in Part 1B. Life and Property and Casualty insurance branches should include their accident and sickness business. Property and Casualty branches should also include their marine business.

** For P&C companies, report premiums on an earned basis; for life companies, report premiums on a written basis.

*** Includes claims paid on behalf of Canadian residents having accidents (auto or medical) while travelling in foreign countries.

Part 3 - Other International Transactions (see footnote 1.)

Please report in thousands of Canadian dollars (CAN $'000) and by country , the value of the following other international transactions:

Part 3 - Other International Transactions (see footnote 1.) - Question identifier:A.

Transactions in securities by Canadian branches (or on their behalf by foreign head offices) carried out through foreign based investment dealers

  • (01): Increase in investment
  • (02): Decrease in investment

Part 3 - Other International Transactions (see footnote 1.) - Question identifier:B.

Revenue from non-residents: Other revenue associated with income, business and miscellaneous services. Do not include any amounts relating to insurance transactions as reported in Parts 1 & 2.

  • (03): Affiliated companies
  • (04): Non-affiliated companies

Part 3 - Other International Transactions (see footnote 1.) - Question identifier:C.

Expenses to non-residents: Other expenses associated with income, business and miscellaneous services. Do not include any amounts relating to insurance transactions as reported in Parts 1 & 2.

  • (05): Affiliated companies
  • (06): Non-affiliated companies

Part 3 - Other International Transactions (see footnote 1.) - Question identifier:D.

Type (see footnote 2.)

  • (07): Type (use codes as specified below)


1. Life and property & casualty insurance branches should include their accident and sickness business. Property and casualty branches should include their marine business.

2. Type:
(01) Net income of foreign subsidiaries, affiliates, and branches (equity method)
(02) Computer and information services
(03) Management and administrative services (include consulting, evaluation and adjustment services, actuarial services, salvage administration services, and regulatory and monitoring services on indemnities and recovery services)
(04) Legal services
(05) Advertising services
(06) Accounting services
(07) Other Services
(08) Interest on portfolio investments
(09) Dividends on portfolio investments
(10) Interest earned from foreign subsidiaries or
affiliates or expensed to foreign parent or affiliates
(11) Settlement annuities
(12) Other
Use a separate line for each type of revenue or expense.

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