Canadian Survey on Business Conditions (CSBC)

Detailed information for the third quarter of 2024





Record number:


The purpose of this survey is to collect information on businesses in Canada related to emerging issues. This iteration of the survey focuses on business expectations and business conditions in Canada.


Information collected is intended to help governments, chambers of commerce, and business associations across Canada devise strategies and mechanisms to foster the survival and continuity of businesses in Canada.


  • Business adaptation and adjustment
  • Business performance and ownership
  • Government
  • Labour
  • Revenue and expenditures
  • Wages, salaries and other earnings

Data sources and methodology

Target population

The target population for this survey is all alive establishments on the Business Register (BR), which have an address in Canada and that have employees. The following subsectors and sectors according to the North American Industry Classification System are excluded from the target population.

- 22: Utilities
- 523990: All other financial investment activities
- 55: Management of companies and enterprises
- 611: Educational services
- 6214: Out-patient care centres
- 6215: Medical and diagnostic laboratories
- 6219: Other ambulatory health care services
- 622: Hospitals
- 6242: Community Food and Housing, and Emergency and other Relief Services
- 814: Private households
- 91: Public administration

Statistics Canada's BR is a central repository of information on businesses operating in Canada. It is used as the principal frame for many Statistics Canada's economic statistical programs. The BR provides consistent and standardized data at different statistical levels throughout the year.

The standardized business classification model developed at Statistics Canada comprises a four-level hierarchy of statistical entities:

- enterprise: the top of the hierarchy, which is associated with a complete (consolidated) set of financial statements;
- company: the level at which operating profit can be measured;
- establishment: the level at which the accounting data required to measure production are available (principal inputs, revenues, wages, etc.);
- location: the bottom of the hierarchy, which requires only the number of employees for delineation.

Instrument design

The collection instrument for this survey is an electronic questionnaire. The questionnaire is the result of collective input from stakeholders both internal and external to Statistics Canada.


This is a sample survey with a cross-sectional design.

The survey uses a stratified random sample of business establishments classified by geography, industry sector, size, Census Metropolitan Area (CMA), and non-profit status.

Data sources

Data collection for this reference period: 2024-07-02 to 2024-08-06

Responding to this survey is voluntary.

Data are collected directly from survey respondents.

The respondents are mailed or e-mailed a secure access code to respond to the electronic questionnaire.

View the Questionnaire(s) and reporting guide(s) .

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