Provincial and Territorial Culture Indicators

Detailed information for 2022





Record number:


The Provincial and Territorial Culture Indicators provide timely information which facilitates ongoing monitoring and analysis of culture and sport activities in Canada, by province and territory.

Data release - June 3, 2024


The Provincial and Territorial Culture Indicators (PTCI) provides measures of the economic importance of culture (inclusive of the arts and heritage) and sport by province and territory in terms of output, nominal gross domestic at basic prices, and employment for a given reference year.

The PTCI is a product of both the Canadian Framework for Culture Statistics (CFCS) and the Canadian System of Macroeconomic Accounts (CSMA). The CFCS provides the guiding principles to define and identify cultural economic activity, whereas the CSMA provides the mechanism and data to derive the estimates. The PTCI is an extension of the Provincial Territorial Culture Satellite Account.

PTCI data is available in both the industry and product perspectives and are presented in terms of domains and subdomains. The industry perspective presents culture and sport activity by industry. In the PTCI, these industries are grouped under their respective domains and sub-domains.

The product perspective groups culture and sport by similar products (regardless of industry of origin) by domain and sub-domains. For example, books may be produced in more than one industry. In the product perspective, all of the activity related to the production of books would be grouped together.

Provincial Territorial Culture Satellite Account

The Provincial Territorial Culture Satellite Account (PTCSA) provides the benchmark required to produce the Provincial Territorial Culture Indicators (PTCI).The PTCSA constructs a framework of culture and sport ratios, methodologies, definitions, and relationships for a given benchmark year. Considering the breadth and quality of data required to build a PTCSA, they are produced infrequently, and with at least a 3-year lag relative to the current calendar year. The PTCI leverages the framework developed in the PTCSA to provide more current economic information on culture and sport.

Both the PTCSA and PTCI provide estimates (levels, growth rates and shares) of GDP, output and jobs. The PTCI, however, are a timelier and cost effective alternative to a full update of the PTCSA.

Statistical activity

The Canadian System of Macroeconomic Accounts provides a conceptually integrated framework of statistics for studying the state and behaviour of the Canadian economy. The accounts are centered on the measurement of activities associated with production of goods and services, the sales of goods and services in final markets, the supporting financial transactions, and the resulting wealth positions.

Collection period: Two years after the reference year


  • Business, consumer and property services
  • Culture and leisure
  • Economic accounts
  • Trade in culture goods and services

Data sources and methodology

Instrument design

This methodology type does not apply to this statistical program.


This methodology does not apply.

Data sources

Data are extracted from administrative files.

There are several main data sources for the Provincial and Territorial Culture Indicator (PTCI) and, all originating from Statistics Canada.

The Supply and Use Tables (SUT) contain the most comprehensive and detailed statistics relating to production, intermediate use and final consumption of goods and services in the Canadian economy. They measure economic activity by industry as well as by product. They are the primary building block of the PTCI.

As their name suggests, SUT contain two important dimensions: the supply table and the use table. The supply table shows the goods and services produced by each industry in the Canadian economy. The use table shows the goods and services used by each industry in the production of their goods and services.

From these tables it is possible to derive a measure of value added or gross domestic product by taking the output of an industry and subtracting the intermediate inputs used in the production of that output. The estimates of Culture GDP and GDP by culture industries (as well as Sport GDP and GDP by sport industries) are based on the data reported in these tables.

In addition to the Supply and Use Tables (SUT), the following information is used to construct the PTCI. This includes several biennial surveys covering: amusement and recreation; book publishers, film and video distribution; film, television and video post-production; film, television and video production; motion picture theatres; newspaper publishers; performing arts; heritage institutions; and periodical publishing. These surveys produce estimates for selected financial variables and industry characteristics. Other annual surveys such as retail trade, wholesale trade and manufacturing, as well as available tax data were also used to build the PTCI.

The Provincial and Territorial Economic Accounts (PTEA) provide detailed information on GDP and output by industry for every province and territory. The PTEA provide annual provincial and territorial data in nominal and real terms, however, only those in nominal terms are used in building the PTCI. The PTEA are used to produce PTCI estimates of GDP and output in years where published SUTs are not available.

Employment data (i.e., number of jobs) used in the CSA comes from the Canadian Productivity Accounts of the Canadian System of Macroeconomic Accounts (CSMA). These accounts provide information on employment following CSMA principles and using SUT industries. At the aggregate level, the number of jobs in this database is benchmarked to the Labour Force Survey (LFS). The industry distribution of these jobs, however, is primarily based on information from the Survey of Employment, Payrolls and Hours, although other industry surveys and administrative sources are used as well.

For education, annual enrollment (headcount) data from the Postsecondary Student Information System is used in order to distinguish culture education programs or education programs related to sport from the other programs. As this source of information is available annually, it is more up to date than the Census of Population and National Household Survey. These data were classified according to a detailed classification system: the Classification of Instructional Programs (CIP). CIP allowed for the selection of enrollments for specific culture programs (or fields of study) and specific sport programs according to pre-established codes.

For government support, government expenditures from the Government Financial Statistics were used. This information was used to estimate the culture and sport portion of the CSMA government industries.

Error detection

This methodology does not apply.


This methodology type does not apply to this statistical program.


In order to produce the Provincial Territorial Culture Indicators (PTCI), the Provincial Territorial Culture Satellite Account (PTCSA) must first be developed.

The first step in developing the PTCSA is the conceptual exercise of defining culture and sport. The next step involves applying this definition to standard classification systems used by Statistics Canada to compile and present economic data. These classification systems include the North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) and the North American Product Classification System (NAPCS). The mapping of the culture domains and subdomains to the NAICS and NAPCS is taken directly from the Canadian Framework for Culture Statistics (CFCS) and is the foundation of the PTCSA. The end result of this exercise is a list of NAICS based industries and NAPCS based products that represent culture and sport.

The Supply and Use Tables (SUT) are the building blocks of the PTCSA. Two of the most important dimensions contained in these tables are an industry dimension and a commodity dimension. However, the commodity (SUPC) and industry (IOIC) classifications used in the SUT are too aggregated to be directly incorporated in the PTCSA. In many instances, multiple NAICS or NAPCS are components to a particular IOIC or SUPC. The process of determining which parts of each IOIC and SUPC are culture or sport is the overarching goal of the PTCSA benchmarking process.

In order to calculate these culture and sport portions of the SUT for a given year, the PTCSA leverages industry surveys, administrative and tax data, post-secondary enrollment, government financial statistics, and employment data in order to calculate culture and sport ratios. Once culture and sport values of output, GDP and jobs have been calculated for each industry and product, it is possible to present the data by domains and sub-domains as outlined in the CFCS.

With the benchmark complete, the PTCI can then be produced, utilizing the methodology, definitions, relationships and culture and sport ratios calculated in the PTCSA.

For the reference years where there are published Supply and Use Tables (SUTs), these are used directly to compile the GDP and output components of the PTCI. For the reference years where published SUTs are not available, other preliminary Canadian System of Macroeconomic Accounts (CSMA) data from various sources are used to derive PTCI industry and product estimates. This is done by applying growth rates of a specific CSMA indicator to the to the corresponding industry's GDP or output from the previous year's SUT. All products within an industry will have equivalent growth rates applied - a limitation of the PTCI methodology. This is necessary considering there is no information available about the products produced within an industry beyond the reference year of a published SUT.

For all reference years, Canadian Productivity Accounts (CPA) data are used to compile PTCI estimates for jobs.
The published SUTs, preliminary PTCI industry and product estimates as well as the CPA data are then run through the PTCSA production system, to compile the data according to the methodology of the most current benchmark. This ensures comparable PTCI and PTCSA estimates. The result is a series of annual estimates that form the PTCI, for which we are able to obtain levels, growth and shares of GDP, output and jobs.

Quality evaluation

The Provincial and Territorial Culture Satellite Account (PTCI) are based on a wide array of related and comparable data. Supply estimates generally follow the trends of the output measures for industries in the supply and use system and the GDP by industry accounts.

Disclosure control

Statistics Canada is prohibited by law from releasing any information it collects which could identify any person, business, or organization, unless consent has been given by the respondent or as permitted by the Statistics Act. Various confidentiality rules are applied to all data that are released or published to prevent the publication or disclosure of any information deemed confidential. If necessary, data are suppressed to prevent direct or residual disclosure of identifiable data.

Revisions and seasonal adjustment

The Provincial and Territorial Culture Satellite Account (PTCSA) provides a snap shot of the structure and composition of culture and sport, in terms of output, GDP and jobs, for a particular reference year. Updating the PTCSA periodically is necessary to construct a new benchmark for culture and sport based on newly available data. Compiling a new PTCSA can also provide an opportunity to refine and improve methodologies and concepts. All of these changes can result in fluctuations between PTCSA benchmark years. Refinements to the PTCSA methodology also have a subsequent impact on the Provincial Territorial Culture Indicators (PTCI).

Statistics Canada makes every effort to address challenges and make refinements to the PTCSA and to communicate such changes to users of the data.

One of the main sources of changes to the PTCSA and PTCI are statistical revisions to the underlying source data, namely the Canadian System of Macroeconomic Accounts (CSMA) and survey data. Statistical revisions are carried out regularly in the CSMA, in order to incorporate the most current information from censuses, annual surveys, administrative statistics, public accounts and other sources. Periodically, more comprehensive revisions are conducted. These provide an opportunity to improve estimation methods, incorporate improved data sources, introduce conceptual changes and adopt new international standards into the CSMA. Most Statistics Canada surveys also undergo regular revisions in order to capture new or missing information or to incorporate improved methods.

Since there are so many factors that can cause changes in a PTCSA benchmark it should not serve the purpose of analyzing culture and sport from one year to another. Rather annual indicators, such as the PTCI provide data on the changes and trends in culture and sport from over time. The PTCI incorporate PTCSA benchmarks but exploit other available data to estimate indicators of culture and sport (e.g. output, GDP and jobs) beyond the benchmark year.

Data accuracy

No direct measures of the margin of error in the estimates can be calculated. The quality of the estimates can be inferred from analysis of revisions and from a subjective assessment of the data sources and methodology used in the preparation of the estimates.

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