Survey of Household Spending
Detailed information for 2009
Record number:
The main purpose of the survey is to obtain detailed information about household spending during the reference year. Information is also collected about dwelling characteristics as well as household equipment.
Data release - December 17, 2010
The Survey of Household Spending is carried out annually across Canada in the ten provinces. Data for the territories are available for 1998, 1999 and every second year thereafter.
The main purpose of the survey is to obtain detailed information about household spending during the reference year (previous calendar year). Information is also collected about dwelling characteristics as well as household equipment.
The survey data are used by the following groups:
- Government departments use the data to help formulate policy;
- Community groups, social agencies and consumer groups use the data to support their positions and to lobby governments for social changes;
- Lawyers and their clients use the data to determine what is fair for child support and other compensation;
- Labour and contract negotiators rely on the data when discussing wage and cost-of-living clauses;
- Individuals and families can use the data to compare their spending habits with those of similar types of households.
Conducted since 1997, the Survey of Household Spending integrates most of the content found in the Family Expenditure Survey (FAMEX, record number 3504) and the Household Facilities and Equipment Survey (HFE, record number 3505). As of the 2004 reference year, the Homeowner Repair and Renovation Survey (HRRS, record number 3886) was integrated into the Survey of Household Spending.
Reference period: Calendar year (expenditure and other financial data) and at the time of interview (data on dwelling characteristics and household equipment)
Collection period: January to March after the reference year
- Families, households and housing
- Household characteristics
- Household spending and savings
- Housing and dwelling characteristics
- Income, pensions, spending and wealth
Data sources and methodology
Target population
The Survey of Household Spending is carried out in private households in Canada.
The following groups are excluded from the survey:
- those living on Indian reserves and crown lands;
- official representatives of foreign countries living in Canada and their families;
- members of religious and other communal colonies;
- members of the Canadian Forces living in military camps;
- people living in residences for senior citizens; and
- people living full time in institutions: for example, inmates of penal institutions and chronic care patients living in hospitals and nursing homes.
The survey covers about 98% of the population in the 10 provinces and 92% of the population of the three territories.
Beginning with 2006, the distinction between full year and part year members and households has been removed. Spending data are collected for the reference year for all members of the household at the time of interview.
Persons temporarily living away from their families (for example, students at university) were included in the household to avoid double counting.
Instrument design
The Survey of Household Spending questionnaire was first designed for the 1997 reference year. This questionnaire was a merging of two questionnaires (Family Expenditure Survey and the Household Facilities and Equipment Survey). The final questionnaire content was determined in consultation with the System of National Accounts which is the primary user of the data. The questionnaire contains the minimum number of questions which satisfy the data needs of the System of National Accounts while minimizing response burden. In 2004, the content of the Homeowner Repair and Renovation Survey was merged to the Survey of Household Spending.
This is a sample survey with a cross-sectional design.
Sample size = 16,758 households
This sample is a stratified, multi-stage sample selected from the Labour Force Survey (LFS, record number 3701) sampling frame. Sample selection comprises two main steps: the selection of clusters (small geographic areas) from the LFS frame and the selection of dwellings within these selected clusters. For more information, see 'Methodology of the Canadian Labour Force Survey', Statistics Canada, Catalogue No. 71-526-X.
Data sources
Data collection for this reference period: 2010-01-01 to 2010-03-31
Responding to this survey is voluntary.
Data are collected directly from survey respondents.
Beginning with the 2006 reference year data are collected during a personal interview using a computer assisted personal interview (CAPI) questionnaire on the laptop.
In 1997, 1998, 1999 and every second year thereafter (starting with 2001), data are collected for the territories; for the other years, data are collected for the 10 provinces only.
In reference year 2009, a computer assisted telephone interview (CATI) questionnaire entitled the "Renovation and Home Repair Survey" collected information on spending for home repairs and renovations using a subset of questions that are asked during the CAPI interview. The results of this collection were combined with the same data from the CAPI interview to provide better estimates to the Canadian System of National Accounts.
View the Questionnaire(s) and reporting guide(s) .
Error detection
The interviewers recorded the information provided by the respondents using a laptop and performed the initial editing at the same time. For example, the range edit provided a minimum and maximum amount for certain purchases and was triggered if the amount entered by the interviewer was unusual. Other edits indicated inconsistencies in responses, e.g. if the household tenure was "renter" but no rent was paid. In addition to automatic edits built into the electronic questionnaire, a balance edit comparing total revenues, expenses and changes in assets and liabilities performed by the interviewer acted as a check on data quality.
The next stage of editing was done in the head office to verify unusual or high values and inconsistencies, and to correct invalid responses.
Missing responses are imputed using the nearest neighbour method. Statistics Canada's Canadian Census Edit and Imputation System (CANCEIS) is used to insert values from donor records having similar characteristics, chosen specifically to fit the variable.
The estimation of population characteristics from a sample survey is based on the idea that each sampled household represents a certain number of other households in addition to itself. These numbers are called the survey weights of the sample. To improve the representativity of the sample, the weights are adjusted so that the estimates from the sample are in line with population totals, or benchmarks, from other independent sources of information that are considered reliable. This is called weight calibration. SHS uses two sources for calibration. The first source is the Census of Population which provides demographic benchmarks. From 1997 to 2003, SHS used benchmarks derived from the 1996 Census. Since the Census is conducted once every five years, Statistics Canada projects the Census results for later years (up to the present), and then revises those estimates when the next Census data become available. The projections use a variety of secondary information, including administrative data on births, deaths and migration.
The second source used for adjusting the survey weights for SHS are T4 data from Canada Revenue Agency, which ensures that the estimated distribution of earners in the survey matches the one in the Canadian population.
As of the 2004 reference year, the SHS uses survey weights which take into account new population projections from the 2001 Census. In order to make these estimates comparable over time, the weights for all previous SHS had to be revised using the new projections. It was decided to take advantage of this historical revision to also introduce an improved calibration strategy for the SHS weights. Improvements to the calibration strategy were deemed necessary to put emphasis on SHS needs (such as the age groups used for calibration) and to take into account the quality of the benchmarks. It was also felt that there were too many benchmarks leading to too many constraints on the weights, and that this produced undesirable results, such as negative weights, which were not acceptable.
The variance is estimated using the bootstrap method.
Quality evaluation
When all processing and estimation steps are complete, the data are compared with the previous year's estimates and when possible, with other data sources such as the Census, administrative sources and other Statistics Canada surveys.
Disclosure control
Statistics Canada is prohibited by law from releasing any data which would divulge information obtained under the Statistics Act that relates to any identifiable person, business or organization without the prior knowledge or the consent in writing of that person, business or organization. Various confidentiality rules are applied to all data that are released or published to prevent the publication or disclosure of any information deemed confidential. If necessary, data are suppressed to prevent direct or residual disclosure of identifiable data.
Approval by Statistics Canada's Microdata Release Committee is required before a microdata file may be released to the public. This committee ensures that confidentiality requirements are met as per Statistics Canada policy.
Revisions and seasonal adjustment
Adjustments are made to data after new population estimates become available following the most recent census. At that time, all data back to the previous census is re-weighted using the new population estimates.
Data accuracy
Response rate for 2009 = 64.5%.
Coefficients of variation for survey variables for Canada and the provinces are supplied on request. Users could also access the User Guide for the Survey of Household Spending for more detailed information, which is available through the online catalogue number 62F0026M2010006 (free) or through the link "Publications" included in the side bar menu above.
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