Electricity Supply and Disposition Quarterly
Detailed information for second quarter 2000
Record number:
The Electricity Supply and Disposition Quarterly survey collects data about the supply and disposition of electricity in Canada from utilities and industrial establishments that generate and/or distribute electrical energy in Canada.
Data release - May 30, 2001
The Electricity Supply and Disposition Quarterly survey collects data about the supply and disposition of electricity in Canada from utilities and industrial establishments that generate and/or distribute electrical energy in Canada.
Data are required for integration into the Canadian System of National Accounts. The data are also used in the calculation of equalization payments under the Federal-Provincial Fiscal Arrangements Act). Federal (Natural Resources Canada, Environment Canada) and provincial agencies are also regular users.
Reference period: Quarter
Collection period: Data are collected within 6 months after the reference quarter.
- Energy
- Energy consumption and disposition
- Nuclear and electric power
Data sources and methodology
Target population
The universe consists of electric utilities and industrial establishments that generate and/or distribute electricity. Utilities and companies which have at least one plant with a total generating capacity of 500 KW, or one solar plant with a total generating capacity of over 100 KW are included. No threshold applies to distributors of electricity.
The frame is derived from the Electric Power Generating Stations Annual Survey (record number 2193) and from information on inter-provincial transactions in the Electricity Monthly Survey (record number 2151).
This survey is a census with a cross-sectional design.
The universe includes the industry of Electric Power of the Standard Industrial Classification Manual as well as commodity statistics for industrial establishments with generating facilities.
Quality evaluation
Census, 100% response rate. Limitation: sales data (distribution) are based on billing records during the period in question and may not correspond to the actual amounts used during the quarter.
Disclosure control
Statistics Canada is prohibited by law from releasing any information it collects which could identify any person, business, or organization, unless consent has been given by the respondent or as permitted by the Statistics Act. Various confidentiality rules are applied to all data that are released or published to prevent the publication or disclosure of any information deemed confidential. If necessary, data are suppressed to prevent direct or residual disclosure of identifiable data.
Confidentiality analysis includes the detection of possible direct disclosure, which occurs when the value in a tabulation cell is composed of a few respondents or when the cell is dominated by a few companies.
- Electricity Supply and Disposition - Quarterly - Data Quality Statements
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