Census of Agriculture

Detailed information for 2024 Test




Every 5 years

Record number:


The Census of Agriculture provides a comprehensive and integrated profile of the physical, economic, social and environmental aspects of Canada's agriculture industry. It provides a snapshot in time and, when compared against previous censuses, provides a powerful tool to highlight changes in the industry. It serves as a basis for public and private decision making, as well as research and analysis in areas of interest to the people of Canada.

Every five years, the Census of Agriculture publishes a wide range of data at the national, provincial and subprovincial levels, such as the number of farms and farm operators, farm areas, business operating arrangements, land management practices, livestock inventories and crop areas, total operating revenues and expenses and farm machinery.

Statistics Canada conducts a census test to evaluate new and modified questions in the questionnaire and the collection procedures and tools in preparation for the 2026 Census of Population and the 2026 Census of Agriculture. Testing ensures that quality data are available in 2026 to support a wide variety of programs. From questionnaire design to data collection, most of the activities that will be carried out in the 2026 Census are being tested.

The 2024 Census of Agriculture Test will be conducted in May and June 2024.


The Census of Agriculture measures the state of Canadian agriculture. The information is used to support market development, programs and services for this sector.

The 2024 Census of Agriculture Test is conducted on a voluntary basis. A sample of 10,000 farms or agricultural operations across Canada has been selected to participate in the test, which relies on the responses of farmers to assess respondents' understanding of the questionnaire content. The information provided will be carefully reviewed and will help Statistics Canada ensure that the 2026 Census of Agriculture questionnaire is easily understood by respondents and results will be beneficial to data users. Though the census information collected as part of the 2024 Census of Agriculture Test will be used to prepare for the 2026 Census, the results and analyses will not be prepared for publication. Once they are analyzed, the records will not be stored for future access.

Answers are collected under the authority of the Statistics Act and are kept strictly confidential.


  • Agriculture and food (formerly Agriculture)

Data sources and methodology

Target population

The target population for the Census of Agriculture is all 'census' farms in Canada. A census farm refers to an agricultural operation that produces agricultural products and reports revenues or expenses for tax purposes to the Canada Revenue Agency. Agricultural products include field crops, vegetables, fruit, livestock, horses, poultry, meat, milk, eggs, maple products, honey, wool, ornamental plants, sod, etc.

The 2024 Census of Agriculture Test has the same target population as the Census of Agriculture, with the following exceptions which are excluded from the test:

- Hutterite colony operations,
- Farms that are part of Statistics Canada's Large Agricultural Operations Statistics program,
- Mushroom operations,
- Institutional operations, and
- Community pastures.

Instrument design

Before each Census of Agriculture, Statistics Canada conducts an extensive consultation and qualitative testing process to ensure that the Census of Agriculture is reflective of changes within Canada's agricultural industry.

Through the consultation process, data users, including other federal government departments, provincial focal points, agricultural associations and educational institutions, were tasked with providing input and justifications for existing and new content. Data users were asked to align their submissions with a series of key considerations, including program and policy needs, respondent burden, data quality, costs, research, historical comparability, privacy, operational considerations and alternative data sources. All of the resulting submissions were examined through a rigorous analysis and testing process.

Subsequently, two phases of qualitative testing with farmers were undertaken with the assistance of Statistics Canada's Questionnaire Design Resource Centre and regional offices. The interviews with farmers were conducted in the winter and summer of 2023.


This survey is a census with a cross-sectional design.

A non-random sample of 10,000 farms were selected from across Canada to voluntarily participate in the 2024 Census of Agriculture Test. The sample was targeted to include specific language profiles and farm characteristics.

The sample of farms was also targeted in order to test questionnaire content and new functionalities in the electronic questionnaire application in preparation for the 2026 Census of Agriculture.

Data sources

Data collection for this reference period: 2024-05-06 to 2024-06-28

Responding to this survey is voluntary.

Data are collected directly from survey respondents.

To enhance the data from this survey and to reduce the response burden, Statistics Canada may combine the information provided by respondents with data from other surveys or administrative sources.

Collection includes response by Internet and the Census Help Line.

View the Questionnaire(s) and reporting guide(s) .

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