Monthly Mineral Production Survey

Detailed information for February 2022





Record number:


The Monthly Mineral Production Survey provides information on the performance of the mining sector in Canada. This survey presents estimates on monthly production, shipments and inventories for metallic and non-metallic minerals.

Data release - April 21, 2022


The purpose of this survey is to collect information on non-fuel mineral production.

Statistics on non-fuel mineral production are essential to support informed decision-making by federal, provincial and territorial governments. A variety of organizations, industry associations and levels of government make use of this information for market analysis, industrial and regional development, and managing natural resources.

In addition, the results of this survey are used by Natural Resources Canada to conduct analysis to provide informed policy advice on investment, industrial and regional development, trade and tariff policies, as well as the development and management of natural resources.

Collection period: During the month following the reference month.


  • Environment
  • Manufacturing
  • Natural resources
  • Non-metallic mineral and metal

Data sources and methodology

Target population

The target population is represented by all establishments producing some of Canada's leading minerals, including but not limited to iron ore, diamonds, gold, aluminum, salt, potash, gypsum and lime.

Instrument design

The Monthly Mineral Production Survey is administered as part of the Integrated Business Statistics Program (IBSP) and conducted online using a secure electronic questionnaire portal, beginning with the January 2020 data collection.

The survey measures, among other things, production and shipments of metallic and non-metallic minerals, as well as production capacity utilization. During the survey redesign process in 2018, provincial and territorial partners were invited to provide input and feedback on the new content. The questionnaire was also tested in the field with survey participants in both official languages.


This survey is a census with a cross-sectional design.

Data are collected for all units of the target population; therefore, no sampling is done.

Data sources

Responding to this survey is mandatory.

Data are collected directly from survey respondents and derived from other Statistics Canada surveys.

Data are collected using an electronic questionnaire, while providing respondents with the option of responding by telephone interview. Follow-up for non-response and for data validation may be conducted by telephone and by e-mail.

View the Questionnaire(s) and reporting guide(s) .

Error detection

Error detection is an integral part of both collection and data processing activities. Data received on survey questionnaires are subject to extensive editing processes by both, automated edits within the production system and subject-matter analysts. When errors are found, they are corrected using the failed edit follow-up process during collection. Extreme values are also flagged as potential outliers. Following their detection, these values are reviewed to assess their reliability. When required, the respondent may be contacted to confirm the data.


When non-response occurs or partially completed questionnaires are received, imputation is used to complete the missing information. Imputation generates a complete and coherent micro data file that covers all survey variables. Following imputation, the mining production program staff performs a thorough analysis of the responses that have been imputed.

During subsequent reporting periods, imputed values for the two previous months are replaced with data received from late-reporting respondents and final estimates are produced.

Imputation for missing values is mainly based on historical data. Different types of imputation methods are used for this survey including values reported for the previous reference period, historical values using a trend, and imputation using similar records. Depending on the variable being imputed, there is an order of operations to ensure that the best available method is applied.


All units in the observed population as classified by the Business Register are surveyed. Estimation of the totals is done by a simple aggregation of the values of all units that are found in the domain of estimation.

Quality evaluation

The final survey data sets are subject to rigorous analysis to ensure comparability with patterns observed in the historical data series. Information available from other sources, such as mineral production statistics from various provincial and territorial departments, and other statistical agencies are also used to assess quality and consistency of the data series. Supplementary information from industry news, company reports and press releases support trend analysis and data coherence to put the data in context.

Disclosure control

Statistics Canada is prohibited by law from releasing any information it collects which could identify any person, business, or organization, unless consent has been given by the respondent or as permitted by the Statistics Act. Various confidentiality rules are applied to all data that are released or published to prevent the publication or disclosure of any information deemed confidential. When necessary, data are suppressed to prevent direct or residual disclosure of identifiable data.

Revisions and seasonal adjustment

The current reference month data present preliminary estimates that are subject to revision. With the release of the current reference month, revised estimates based on late responses are provided for the two previous months.

Estimates for every month of the previous year are revised during the second quarter of the following year to take into account late responses.

The data are not seasonally adjusted; therefore, comparisons should only be done on a year-over-year basis.

Data accuracy

This questionnaire is a census survey with a response rate, averaging 84% in 2021. As a result, under-coverage is minimal and the bias introduced from non-response cases is negligible. The use of historical data as well as other data sources for imputation purposes helps keep the data aligned with trends to reduce overestimation and maintain accuracy.

The questionnaire is strategically designed to control non-sampling errors with the standardization of terms and the use of edit checks.

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