National Gross Domestic Product (GDP) by Income and by Expenditure Accounts
Variables for third quarter 2024
- Activity domain of economy, category
- Actual final consumption of economy, category
- Actual final consumption of economy, proportion
- Age of infrastructure asset of economy, category
- Age of infrastructure asset of economy, duration
- Age of infrastructure asset of economy, ratio
- Age of person, category
- Asset of economy, category
- Asset of institutional unit, category
- Book value of non-farm inventories of economy, value
- Capital account of economy, component
- Capital account of economy, value
- Certificate, diploma or degree of person, category
- Class of worker of employed person, category
- Comparative price levels of economy, ratio
- Comparative real consumption of economy, ratio
- Compensation of employee of economy, category
- Compensation of employee of economy, value
- Consumption unit of economy, count
- Contributions to percent change of estimate, component
- Contributions to percent change of estimate, proportion
- Corporate net saving of economy, category
- Corporate net saving of economy, value
- Corporation profit before taxes of economy, category
- Corporation profit before taxes of economy, value
- Currencies of OECD countries, category
- Current account of economy, component
- Current account of economy, value
- Domain of activity output of economy, value
- Dwelling characteristics of household, type
- Dwelling occupation of residential property, category
- Dwelling type of household, category
- Economic accounts of institutional unit, measure
- Economic accounts of institutional unit, status
- Economic accounts of institutional unit, value
- Environmental and clean technology goods and services of economy, category
- Expenditure account of natural resources sector (satellite account), component
- Expenditure account of natural resources sector (satellite account), value
- Final consumption expenditure of economy, category
- Final consumption expenditure of economy, proportion
- Final consumption expenditure of general government, value
- Final consumption expenditure of household sector, component
- Final consumption expenditure of household sector, value
- Final demand category of physical flow, category
- Final demand category of physical flow, measure
- Final domestic demand of economy, index
- Final domestic demand of economy, value
- Gender of person, category
- Generation of income account of natural resources sector (satellite account), category
- Generation of income account of natural resources sector (satellite account), value
- Generation of person, category
- Geographic location of economy, name
- Geographic location of institutional unit, category
- Geographic location of institutional unit, name
- Gross domestic income at market price of economy, component
- Gross domestic income at market price of economy, value
- Gross domestic product at basic prices of institutional unit, category
- Gross domestic product at basic prices of institutional unit, value
- Gross domestic product at market prices of economy, index
- Gross domestic product at market prices of economy, value
- Gross domestic product (expenditure-based) of economy, component
- Gross domestic product (expenditure-based) of economy, index
- Gross domestic product (expenditure-based) of economy, value
- Gross domestic product (income-based) of economy, component
- Gross domestic product (income-based) of economy, value
- Gross domestic product of economy, category
- Gross domestic product of economy, index
- Gross final domestic expenditure of economy, index
- Gross fixed capital formation of economy, component
- Gross fixed capital formation of economy, value
- Gross national income at market prices of economy, component
- Gross national income at market prices of economy, value
- Gross output of institutional unit, category
- Gross output of institutional unit, value
- Hours worked of economy, number
- Household disposable income of economy, category
- Household disposable income of economy, value
- Household type of private household, category
- Immigrant status of person, category
- Income and expenditure account of institutional sector, category
- Income and expenditure account of institutional sector, value
- Income and expenditure account of institutional unit, category
- Income and expenditure account of institutional unit, value
- Income group of household, quintile
- Income sources of household, category
- Indigenous identity of person, category
- Industrial composition of economy, category
- Industry of economy, component
- Industry of economy, type
- Institutional sector of institutional unit, category
- Institutional subsector of institutional unit, category
- Institutional subsector of institutional unit, type
- International trade of economy, category
- International trade of economy, type
- International trade of economy, value
- International trading partner of economy, name
- Investment in inventories of economy, category
- Investment in inventories of economy, value
- Job of economy, count
- Level of employment of economy, number
- Maintenance and repair expenditures in housing of economy, category
- Maintenance and repair expenditures in housing of economy, value
- Major income earner status of person, status
- Natural resources commodities of economy, category
- Net export share of gross domestic product of economy, proportion
- Net income of institutional unit, value
- Net national income at basic prices of economy, component
- Net national income at basic prices of economy, value
- Number of dwelling, count
- Number of households, number
- Price index of economy, category
- Price index of economy, index
- Production account of natural resources sector (satellite account), component
- Production account of natural resources sector (satellite account), value
- Property income of household sector, category
- Property income of household sector, value
- Purchasing power parity of economy, ratio
- Real exchange rate of economy, index
- Real gross domestic income per capita of economy, index
- Real gross domestic product per capita of economy, index
- Real gross national income per capita of economy, index
- Real net income from abroad as contribution to income per capita of economy, index
- Research and development expenditure of economy, proportion
- Retained earnings of economy, category
- Retained earnings of economy, value
- Sales of economy, value
- Satellite account structure of economy, component
- Size of population, number
- Social transfers in kind of household, category
- Social transfers in kind of household, value
- Stock to sales ratio of economy, category
- Stock to sales ratio of economy, ratio
- Supply and use table of economy, category
- Supply and use table of economy, value
- Supply and use table of natural resources sector (satellite account), component
- Supply and use table of natural resources sector (satellite account), value
- Tenure of private household, category
- Terms of trade of economy, index
- Total current and capital expenditure in the income and expenditure accounts of government, category
- Total current and capital expenditure in the income and expenditure accounts of government, value
- Trade share of gross domestic product of economy, proportion
- Trading gain of economy, component
- Trading gains of economy, index
- Type of work of economy, category
- Underground activity of economy, component
- Underground activity of economy, index
- Underground activity of economy, value
- Value added of economy, value
- Visible minority of person, category
- Volume index of real gross domestic income, index
- Volume index of real gross domestic product, index
- Volume index of real gross national income, index
- Volume index of real household disposable income, index
- Volume index of real personal disposable income, index
- Volunteering activity of person, value
- Wages, salaries and supplementary labour income of economy, category
- Wages, salaries and supplementary labour income of economy, value
- Date modified: