Labour Force Survey (LFS)
Variables for January 2024
- Absences from work of employed person, category
- Absences from work of employed person, length
- Absences from work of employed person, ratio
- Absences from work of employed person, type
- Activity index of economy, category
- Activity index of economy, index
- Activity prior to unemployment of person, category
- Actual hours worked of employed person, category
- Actual hours worked of employed persons, number
- Age at retirement of person, measure
- Age composition of economic family, category
- Age of person, category
- Average hourly wage rate of employed persons, value
- Average weekly wage rate of employed persons, value
- Class of worker of employed person, category
- Duration of unemployment of person, category
- Duration of unemployment of person, duration
- Economic family status of person, category
- Educational attainment of person, category
- Educational attainment of person, proportion
- Establishment size of employed person, category
- Gender of person, category
- Geographic location of economy, name
- Geographic location of person, category
- Geographic location of person, name
- Hourly wage of employed person, category
- Immigrant status of person, category
- Indigenous group of person, category
- Indigenous identity of person, category
- Industry of employed person, type
- Job of employed person, type
- Job permanence of employed person, category
- Job search method of person, category
- Job tenure of employed person, duration
- Labour force status of employed person, category
- Labour force status of person, category
- Median hourly wage rate of employed persons, value
- Median weekly wage rate of employed persons, value
- Number of person, count
- Occupation of employed person, type
- Overtime hours of employed person, time
- Place of birth of person, name
- Presence and number of children under 18 years of economic family, category
- Presence of children in the household of person, category
- Reason for absence from work of person, category
- Reason for leaving job by person, category
- Reason for not looking for work by person, category
- Reason for part-time work of employed person, category
- Residence on or off reserve of person, name
- School attendance of person, category
- School attendance of person, status
- Sex at birth of person, category
- Supplementary unemployment rate of active population, category
- Supplementary unemployment rate of active population, rate
- Time lost for absence from work of employed person, category
- Time lost for absence from work of employed person, time
- Type of student of person, category
- Type of work of employed person, category
- Type of work sought of person, category
- Union coverage of employed person, category
- Usual work hours of employed person, category
- Usual work hours of employed person, duration
- Visible minority of person, category
- Weekly wage of employed person, category
- Date modified: