Canadian Health Measures Survey (CHMS)
Variables for November 2022 to September 2024 (Cycle 7)
- Age of person, category
- Allergy of person, status
- Anthropometry measures of person, category
- Anthropometry measures of person, measure
- Anthropometry measures of person, number
- Blood pressure of person, category
- Body mass index (BMI) of person, category
- Cardiovascular health measures of person, category
- Cardiovascular health measures of person, measure
- Cardiovascular health measures of person, number
- Cardiovascular health measures of person, proportion
- Chemistry panel of person, category
- Chemistry panel of person, measure
- Chronic disease of person, category
- Chronic disease of person, status
- Complete blood count of person, category
- Complete blood count of person, measure
- Dental status of person, category
- Fluoride level of tap water of household, measure
- Gender of person, category
- Geographic location of household, name
- Geographic location of person, name
- Health indicators of person, category
- Health indicators of person, measure
- Hearing loss of person, category
- Hearing loss of person, status
- Hepatitis B surface antibody of person, status
- Hormone measure of person, category
- Hormone measure of person, measure
- Lung capacity measures of person, category
- Lung capacity measures of person, measure
- Lung capacity measures of person, volume
- Meeting canadian physical activity guidelines of person, status
- Number of person, count
- Nutritional status of person, category
- Nutritional status of person, measure
- Physical fitness measure of person, category
- Physical fitness measure of person, measure
- Time spent in physical activity of person, category
- Time spent in physical activity of person, duration
- Time spent in physical activity of person, measure
- Time spent in sedentary activity of person, duration
- Time spent in sedentary activity of person, measure
- Urine fluoride measures of person, category
- Urine fluoride measures of person, measure
- Vision status of person, category
- Volatile organic compound measure of household, category
- Volatile organic compound measure of household, measure
- Volatile organic compound measure of person, category
- Volatile organic compound measure of person, measure
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