Canadian System of Environmental-Economic Accounts - Ecosystem Accounts
Variables for 2022
- After-tax income of private household, value
- Age of person, category
- Agroecosystem of geographic area, area
- Agroecosystem of geographic area, category
- Agroecosystem of geographic area, duration
- Agroecosystem of geographic area, measure
- Agroecosystem of geographic area, ratio
- Average greenness of geographic area, proportion
- Carbon sequestration of geographic area, weight
- Census subdivision of geographic area, count
- Coastal and ocean floor ecosystems of coastal and oceanic geographic area, category
- Coastal protection of geographic area, count
- Coastal protection of geographic area, distance
- Coastal protection of geographic area, type
- Conservation status of geographic area, type
- Dwelling elevation of geographic area, category
- Dwelling location of geographic area, category
- Educational attainment of person, category
- Extent of contiguously settled areas, area
- First official language spoken of person, category
- Gender of person, category
- Geographic location of contiguously settled areas, name
- Geographic location of geographic area, category
- Geographic location of geographic area, name
- Geographic location of oceanic geographic area, name
- Growth of contiguously settled areas, area
- Growth of contiguously settled areas, type
- Immigrant status of person, category
- Indigenous identity of person, category
- Labour force status of person, category
- Land area of geographic area, area
- Land cover and land use of geographic area, category
- Land cover of geographic area, area
- Land cover of geographic area, category
- Low-income status of person, level
- Month of water yield of geographic area, category
- Non-natural land use of geographic area, proportion
- Normalized difference vegetation index of geographic area, index
- Number of person, count
- Ocean water layers of oceanic geographic area, category
- Population centre of geographic area, category
- Population of geographic area, count
- Private dwelling of geographic area, category
- Private dwelling of geographic area, number
- Product of geographic area, type
- Product of geographic area, weight
- Protection management of conserved area, category
- Resource-based community income of geographic area, proportion
- Resource industry employment of geographic area, proportion
- Resource industry income of geographic area, proportion
- Resource industry of geographic area, status
- Resource industry of geographic area, type
- Road density of geographic area, measure
- Salt marsh of geographic area, area
- Soil landscape boundary of geographic area, area
- Soil landscape boundary of geographic area, category
- Stock of ecosystem extent accounts of geographic area, component
- Total ecosystem area of geographic area, area
- Users of cultural service of geographic area, count
- Visible minority of person, category
- Water yield of geographic area, volume
- Date modified: