Annual Survey on Rail Transportation (AR)
Variables for 2021
- Asset of enterprise, category
- Asset of enterprise, value
- Average hourly employee compensation of enterprise, value
- Compensation of employee of enterprise, value
- Employee of enterprise, number
- Employee service hours paid of enterprise, count
- Freight car operation of enterprise, category
- Freight car operation of enterprise, distance
- Freight car operation of enterprise, weight
- Freight of enterprise, category
- Freight of enterprise, distance
- Freight of enterprise, weight
- Fuel consumption of enterprise, category
- Fuel consumption of enterprise, value
- Fuel consumption of enterprise, volume
- Geographic location of diesel fuel consumption of enterprise, name
- Geographic location of enterprise, name
- Geographic location of railway track operated by enterprise, name
- Industry of enterprise, type
- Inventory of equipment in service of enterprise, category
- Inventory of equipment in service of enterprise, count
- Liabilities and shareholders' equity of enterprise, category
- Liabilities and shareholders' equity of enterprise, value
- Locomotive operations of enterprise, distance
- Locomotive operations of enterprise, type
- Number of employees of enterprise, count
- Number of passenger, count
- Occupation of employed person, category
- Operating expense of enterprise, category
- Operating expense of enterprise, value
- Operating revenue of enterprise, category
- Operating revenue of enterprise, value
- Passenger car operation of enterprise, category
- Passenger car operation of enterprise, distance
- Passenger car operation of enterprise, weight
- Property accounts of enterprise, category
- Property accounts of enterprise, value
- Railway company name of enterprise, name
- Railway track operated by enterprise, category
- Railway track operated by enterprise, distance
- Train operations of enterprise, distance
- Train operations of enterprise, duration
- Train operations of enterprise, type
- Train size of enterprise, count
- Train speed of enterprise, rate
- Date modified: